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ICIP 2004: Singapore
- Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2004, Singapore, October 24-27, 2004. IEEE 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8554-3
Volume 5
- Fabio Verdicchio, Yiannis Andreopoulos, Tom Clerckx, Joeri Barbarien, Adrian Munteanu, Jan Cornelis, Peter Schelkens:
Scalable video coding based on motion-compensated temporal filtering: complexity and functionality analysis. 2845-2848 - Richard P. Kleihorst, Martijn Reuvers, Ben J. A. Kröse, Harry Broers:
A smart camera for face recognition. 2849-2852 - Vijay Venkataraman, Sabeshan Srinivasan, Anthony Stefanidis:
Object color propagation in an unregistered distributed video sensor network. 2853-2856 - Muhammad Atif Tahir, Ahmed Bouridane, Fatih Kurugollu, Abbes Amira:
Accelerating the computation of glcm and haralick texture features on reconfigurable hardware. 2857-2860 - Ligang Lu, Vadim Sheinin:
Rate and decoding power constrained video coding scheme for mobile multimedia players. 2861-2864 - Rosco Hill, James Fung, Steve Mann:
A parallel mediated reality platform. 2865-2868 - Amir Said:
Efficient and reliable dynamic quality control for compression of compound document images. 2869-2872 - Xiaodong Fan:
Contextual disambiguation for multi-class object detection. 2873-2876 - Shijian Lu, Ben M. Chen, Chi Chung Ko:
Document image rectification using fuzzy sets and morphological operators. 2877-2880 - Yuan-Bi Lai, Leu-Shing Lan, Ming-Yen Tsai, Chien-Chung Chiu:
On-line handwritten chinese character recognition using a radical-based affine transformation. 2881-2884 - Hanning Zhou, Zhengyou Zhang, Thomas S. Huang:
Visual echo cancellation in a projector-camera-whiteboard system. 2885-2888 - Weihua Huang, Chew Lim Tan, Wee Kheng Leow:
Elliptic arc vectorization for 3d pie chart recognition. 2889-2892 - Rastislav Lukac, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis:
Document image secret sharing using bit-level processing. 2893-2896 - Clayton Brian Atkins:
Adaptive photo collection page layout. 2897-2900 - Xiaokun Li, Fatih Murat Porikli:
A hidden markov model framework for traffic event detection using video features. 2901-2904 - Qixiang Ye, Wen Gao, Qingming Huang:
Automatic text segmentation from complex background. 2905-2908 - Ming Xu, James Orwell, Graeme A. Jones:
Tracking football players with multiple cameras. 2909-2912 - Aly A. Farag, Alaa E. Abdel-Hakim
Image content-based active sensor planning for a mobile trinocular active vision system. 2913-2916 - Zehra Cataltepe, A. Enis Çetin, Tom C. Pearson:
Identification of insect damaged wheat kernels using transmittance images. 2917-2920 - Aly A. Farag, Ayman El-Baz
, Georgy L. Gimel'farb, Robert Falk:
Detection and recognition of lung nodules in spiral ct images using deformable templates and bayesian post-classification. 2921-2924 - Hua Li, Abderrahim Elmoataz, Jalal Fadili, Su Ruan, Barbara Romaniuk:
3d medical image segmentation approach based on multi-label front propagation. 2925-2928 - Victor Gajendran, Jeffrey J. Rodriguez:
Chromosome counting via digital image analysis. 2929-2932 - Peter M. Kasson, Johannes B. Huppa, Mark M. Davis, Axel T. Brünger:
Quantitative analysis of lymphocyte membrane protein redistribution from fluorescence microscopy. 2933-2936 - Grigory Begelman, Eran Gur, Ehud Rivlin, Michael Rudzsky, Zeev Zalevsky:
Cell nuclei segmentation using fuzzy logic engine. 2937-2940 - Xiaoou Tang, Dacheng Tao, George E. Antoniou:
Texture classification of sars infected region in radiographic image. 2941-2944 - Ali K. Hamou, Mahmoud R. El-Sakka:
Blood flow generation in b-mode ultrasound images of the carotidartery. 2945-2948 - Said Benameur, Max Mignotte, François Destrempes, Jacques A. de Guise:
Estimation of mixtures of probabilistic pca with stochastic em for the 3d biplanar reconstruction of scoliotic rib cage. 2949-2952 - Xin Yuan, Pengcheng Shi:
Microcalcification detection based on localized texture comparison. 2953-2956 - Yu-Len Huang, Dar-Ren Chen
, Ya-Kuang Liu:
Breast cancer diagnosis using image retrieval for different ultrasonic systems. 2957-2960 - Satoshi Nishino, Igarashi Sachiyo, Atsushi Matsuda:
Gender determining method using thermography. 2961-2964 - Corey Manders, Chris Aimone, Steve Mann:
Camera response function recovery from different illuminations of identical subject matter. 2965-2968 - Jian Yao, Wai-kuen Cham:
Clustering-based match propagation for image-based rendering from multiple images. 2969-2972 - Huitao Luo:
A training-based no-reference image quality assessment algorithm. 2973-2976 - Dan I. Moldovan, Toshikazu Wada:
A calibrated-pinhole camera model for single viewpoint omnidirectional imaging systems. 2977-2980 - Jérôme Buzzi, Frédéric Guichard:
Automatic detection of digital zooms. 2981-2984 - Jérôme Buzzi, Frédéric Guichard:
Uniqueness of blur measure. 2985-2988 - Masaaki Endo, Takahiro Matsushita, Koichi Fukuda, Akira Kawanaka:
Arbitrary viewpoints image representaiton based on 3-d geometric model and specular reflection tracing. 2989-2992 - Liang Zhang, Wa James Tam, Demin Wang:
Stereoscopic image generation based on depth images. 2993-2996 - Michael Bleyer, Margrit Gelautz:
A layered stereo algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints. 2997-3000 - Pierre-Marc Jodoin, Max Mignotte:
An energy-basfd framework using global spatial constraints for the stereo correspondence problem. 3001-3004 - Albert Dipanda, Sanghyuk Woo:
Structured light system configuration determination for efficient 3d surface reconstruction. 3005-3008 - Akira Kubota, Kiyoharu Aizawa, Tsuhan Chen:
Virtual view synthesis through linear processing without geometry. 3009-3012 - Konstantinos Moustakas, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Michael G. Strintzis:
Optimal hierarchical representation and simulation of cloth and deformable objects. 3013-3016 - Rui Rodrigues, António Ramires Fernandes:
Robust reconstruction of 3d points from images. 3017-3020 - Peter Eisert:
3-d geometry enhancement by contour optimization in turntable sequences. 3021-3024 - Udo Ahlvers, Udo Zölzer:
Improvement of phase-based algorithms for disparity estimation by means of magnitude information. 3025-3028 - Theo Gevers, Frank Aldershoff:
Color invariant density estimation for image segmentation and object tracking. 3029-3032 - Paul Southam, Richard W. Harvey
Compact rotation-invariant texture classification. 3033-3036 - Alexander Kolesnikov, Pasi Fränti:
Optimal multiresolution polygonal approximation. 3037-3040 - Marco Zuliani, Sitaram Bhagavathy, B. S. Manjunath, Charles S. Kenney:
Affine-invariant curve matching. 3041-3044 - Henri Nicolas:
Moving shadow representation based on a level curves decomposition. 3045-3048 - Masatoshi Hiramoto, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama:
A novel image recognition method based on feature-extraction vector scheme. 3049-3052 - Yousri Abdeljaoued, Touradj Ebrahimi:
Feature point extraction using scale-space representation. 3053-3056 - Wai Lam Chan, Hyeokho Choi, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Quaternion wavelets for image analysis and processing. 3057-3060 - Kyungnam Kim, Thanarat H. Chalidabhongse, David Harwood, Larry S. Davis:
Background modeling and subtraction by codebook construction. 3061-3064 - Mei Han, Amit Sethi, Wei Hua, Yihong Gong:
A detection-based multiple object tracking method. 3065-3068 - Senem Velipasalar, Wayne H. Wolf:
Recovering field of view lines by using projective invariants. 3069-3072 - Peshala V. Pahalawatta, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Optimal sensor selection for video-based target tracking in a wireless sensor network. 3073-3076 - Fernand Meyer:
Morphological segmentation produces a Voronoi tesselation of the markers. 3077-3080 - Duck Hoon Kim, Il Dong Yun, Sang Uk Lee:
Graph-based representation for 2-d shape using decomposition scheme. 3081-3084 - Henk J. A. M. Heijmans, Michael Buckley, Hugues Talbot:
Path-based morphological openings. 3085-3088 - Adrian N. Evans
Morphological gradient operators for colour images. 3089-3092 - Abhik Majumdar, Kannan Ramchandran:
Video multicast over lossy channels based on distributed source coding. 3093-3096 - Anne Aaron, Shantanu Rane, Bernd Girod:
Wyner-ziv video coding with hash-based motion compensation at the receiver. 3097-3100 - Shantanu Rane, Anne Aaron, Bernd Girod:
Systematic lossy forward error protection for error-resilient digital video broadcasting -a wyner-ziv coding approach. 3101-3104 - Xin Li:
Distributed coding of multispectral images: a set theoretic approach. 3105-3108 - Josep Prades-Nebot
, Gregory W. Cook, Edward J. Delp:
Analysis of the efficiency of snr-scalable strategies for motion compensated video coders. 3109-3112 - Heiko Schwarz, Detlev Marpe, Thomas Wiegand:
SNR-scalable extension of H.264/AVC. 3113-3116 - Grégoire Pau, Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu:
Uniform motion-compensated 5/3 filterhank for subband video coding. 3117-3120 - Gregory W. Cook, Josep Prades-Nebot
, Edward J. Delp:
Rate-distortion bounds for motion compensated rate scalable video coders. 3121-3124 - Min Dai, Dmitri Loguinov, Hayder Radha:
A hybrid wavelet framework for modeling vbr video traffic. 3125-3128 - Tammam Tillo, Marco Grangetto, Gabriella Olmo
Multiple description coding with error correction capabilities: an application to motion jpeg 2000. 3129-3132 - Yufeng Shan, Ivan V. Bajic, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, John W. Woods:
Overlay multi-hop fec scheme for video streaming over peer-to-peer networks. 3133-3136 - Omesh Tickoo, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, John W. Woods:
Efficient path aggregation and error control for video streaming. 3137-3140 - Chuo-Ling Chang, Sangeun Han, Bernd Girod:
Rate-distortion optimized streaming for 3-D wavelet video. 3141-3144 - Mark Kalman, Bernd Girod:
Rate-distortion optimized streaming of video with multiple independent encodings. 3145-3148 - Danjue Li, Gene Cheung, Chen-Nee Chuah, S. J. Ben Yoo:
Joint server/peer receiver-driven rate-distortion optimized video streaming using asynchronous clocks. 3149-3152 - Siva Somasundaram, Koduvayur P. Subbalakshmi, R. N. Uma:
MDC and path diversity in video streaming. 3153-3156 - Vivien Chappelier, Christine Guillemot, Slavica Marinkovic:
Image coding with iterated contourlet and wavelet transforms. 3157-3160 - Kousuke Imamura, Ahmed Swilem, Hideo Hashimoto:
Fast VQ encoding algorithms using angular constraint. 3161-3164 - Zheng Wu, Mingyi He
Wavelet image coding by dilation-run algorithm. 3165-3168 - Sergio R. M. Penedo, Rui Seara:
An improved ezw algorithm based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees using wavelet regularity. 3169-3172 - Jing-Xin Wang, Fang-Hsuan Cheng, Alvin Wen-Yu Su:
Concurrent encoding in hierachical trees for wavelet based image compression. 3173-3176 - Zhibin Pan, Koji Kotani, Tadahiro Ohmi:
Improved fast search method for vector quantization using discrete walsh transform. 3177-3180 - Anna N. Kim, Tor A. Ramstad:
Practical low bit rate predictive image coder using multi-rate processing and adaptive entropy coding. 3181-3184 - Masayuki Hashimoto, Kenji Matsuo, Atsushi Koike, Hiroki Hayashi, Tetsuo Shimono:
CT image compression with level of interest. 3185-3188 - Ramin Eslami, Hayder Radha:
Wavelet-based contourlet transform and its application to image coding. 3189-3192 - Marco Dalai, Riccardo Leonardi:
l∞ norm based second generation image coding. 3193-3196 - Furao Shen, Osamu Hasegawa:
An effective fractal image coding method without search. 3197-3200 - Eddie B. L. Filho, Murilo B. de Carvalho, Eduardo A. B. da Silva:
Multidimensional signal compression using multi-scale recurrent patterns with smooth side-match criterion. 3201-3204 - Franck Luthon, Brice Beaumesnil:
Color and r.o.i. with jpeg2000 for wireless videosurveillance. 3205-3208 - Oztan Harmanci, A. Murat Tekalp:
Optimization of h264 for low delay video communications over lossy channels. 3209-3212 - Riccardo Bernardini, Marco Durigon, Roberto Rinaldo, Luca Celetto, Andrea Vitali:
Polyphase spatial subsampling multiple description coding of video streams with h264. 3213-3216 - Tuyet-Trang Lam, Lina J. Karam
, Rida A. Bazzi, Glen P. Abousleman:
Selective fec for error-resilient image coding and transmission using similarity check functions. 3217-3220 - Hang Nguyen, Pierre Duhamel:
Iterative joint source-channel decoding of variable length encoded video sequences exploiting source semantics. 3221-3224 - Chih-Wei Tang, Ching-Ho Chen, Ya-Hui Yu, Chun-Jen Tsai:
A novel visual distortion sensitivity analysis for video encoder bit allocation. 3225-3228 - Song Xiao, Chengke Wu, Fang Zhang:
A new multiple description layered coding method over ad-hoc network. 3229-3232 - Tsu-Ming Liu, Chen-Yi Lee:
A low-complexity soft vlc decoder using performance modeling. 3233-3236 - Dong Wang, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah, David R. Bull:
Slice group based multiple description video coding using motion vector estimation. 3237-3240 - Ravi Motwani, Christine Guillemot:
A para-pseudo inverse based method for reconstruction of filter bank frame-expanded signals from erasures. 3241-3244 - Alyson K. Fletcher, Sundeep Rangan, Vivek K. Goyal
, Kannan Ramchandran:
Optimized filtering and reconstruction in predictive quantization with losses. 3245-3248 - Muhammad F. Sabir, Hamid R. Sheikh, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Alan C. Bovik:
A joint source-channel distortion model for jpeg compressed images. 3249-3252 - Eren Soyak, Yiftach Eisenberg, Fan Zhai, Randall Berry, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Channel modeling and its effect on the end-to-end distortion in wireless video communications. 3253-3256 - Haohong Wang, Fan Zhai, Yiftach Eisenberg, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Optimal object-based video communications over differentiated services networks. 3257-3260 - Edouard Lamboray, Stephan Würmlin, Michael Waschbüsch, Markus H. Gross
, Hanspeter Pfister:
Unconstrained free-viewpoint video coding. 3261-3264 - Hiroaki Amada, Kenji Kasai, Yutaka Saito, Koichi Fukuda, Akira Kawanaka:
An efficient coding for 3-d geometry data based on surface simplification and wavelet transform. 3265-3270 - Stefan Grewatsch, Erika Müller:
Sharing of motion vectors in 3D video coding. 3271-3274 - Sang Yoon Park, Sang Hwa Lee, Nam Ik Cho:
Segmentation based disparity estimation using color and depth information. 3275-3278 - Jason Baker, Vinod Chandran, Sridha Sridharan:
Techniques for improving stereo depth maps of faces. 3279-3282 - Xiaoli Tang, William A. Pearlman:
Lossy-to-lossless block-based compression of hyperspectral volumetric data. 3283-3286 - Aljoscha Smolic
, Karsten Müller, Philipp Merkle, Tobias Rein, Matthias Kautzner, Peter Eisert, Thomas Wiegand:
Free viewpoint video extraction, representation, coding, and rendering. 3287-3290 - Ikuko Tsubaki, Kiyoharu Aizawa:
Restoration and demosaicing for pixel mixture images in dsc video clips. 3291-3294 - Gerald Dalley, William T. Freeman, Joe Marks:
Single-frame text super-resolution: a bayesian approach. 3295-3298 - Laurent Garcin, Anand Rangarajan, Laurent Younes:
Non rigid registration of shapes via diffeomorphic point matching and clustering. 3299-3302 - Dae Woong Kim, Ki-Sang Hong:
Enhanced mosaic blending using intrinsic camera parameters from a rotating and zooming camera. 3303-3306 - Yuchi Huang, Stephen Lin, Hanqing Lu, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Face alignment using intrinsic information. 3307-3310 - Jef Driesen, Paul Scheunders
Wavelet-based color filter array demosaicking. 3311-3314 - Il-Young Son, Murat Guven, Xavier Intes, Birsen Yazici:
A 2-level domain decomposition algorithm for inverse diffuse optical tomography. 3315-3318 - Tao Chen, Ruosan Guo, Silong Peng:
Image fusion using weighted multiscale fundamental form. 3319-3322 - Allan Tan, Wanzhen Liu, Yan Seng Elijah Yew, Sim Heng Ong, Joseph Suresh Paul:
Speckle image analysis of cortical blood flow and perfusion using temporally derived contrasts. 3323-3326 - Heesung Kwon, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Hyperspectral target detection using kernel matched subspace detector. 3327-3330 - Heesung Kwon, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Hyperspectral anomaly detection using kernel rx-algorithm. 3331-3334 - Yuan Chen, Chein-I Chang:
A new application of texture unit coding to mass classification for mammograms. 3335-3338 - Chein-I Chang, Weimin Liu, Chein-Chi Chang:
Discrimination and identification for subpixel targets in hyperspectral imagery. 3339-3342 - Lidan Miao, Hairong Qi, Wesley E. Snyder:
A generic method for generating multispectral filter arrays. 3343-3346 - Safaa Mahmoud, Moumen T. El-Melegy, Aly A. Farag:
A comparative study of statistical and neural methods for remote sensing image classification and decision fusion. 3347-3350 - Ewout Vansteenkiste, Abram Schoutteet, Sidharta Gautama, Wilfried Philips:
Comparing color and textural information in very high resolution satellite image classification. 3351-3354 - Sang-Chul Lee, Peter Bajcsy
Multisensor raster and vector data fusion based on uncertainty modeling. 3355-3358 - Gokce Dane, Truong Q. Nguyen:
The effect of global motion parameter accuracies on the efficiency of video coding. 3359-3362 - Jaewon Sung, Daijin Kim:
Extension of aam with 3d shape model for facial shape tracking. 3363-3366 - Eun-Young Kang, Isaac Cohen, Gérard G. Medioni:
A robust and non-iterative estimation method of multiple 2d motions. 3367-3370 - Andrew Crawford, Hugh Denman, Francis Kelly, François Pitié, Anil C. Kokaram:
Gradient based dominant motion estimation with integral projections for real time video stabilisation. 3371-3374 - Michael E. Farmer, Xiaoguang Lu, Hong Chen, Anil K. Jain:
Robust motion-based image segmentation using fusion. 3375-3378 - Motilal Agrawal:
On automatic determination of varying focal lengths using semidefinite programming. 3379-3382 - Rosebet Miranda-Luna, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul, Yahir Hernández-Mier, Ruben Posada, Didier Wolf:
A simplified method of endoscopic image distortion correction based on grey level registration. 3383-3386 - Sio-Hoi Ieng, Ryad Benosman:
Geometric construction of the caustic curves for catadioptric sensors. 3387-3390 - Weilun Lao, Zhaolin Cheng, Alvin Harvey Kam, Tele Tan, Ashraf A. Kassim:
Focal length self-calibration based on degenerated kruppa's equations method and evaluation. 3391-3394 - Antonio Valdés, José Ignacio Ronda, Guillermo Gallego:
Linear camera autocalibration with varying parameters. 3395-3398 - Massimo Piccardi
, Tony Jan:
Mean-shift background image modelling. 3399-3402 - Qilong Zhang, Robert Pless:
Fusing video and sparse depth data in structure from motion. 3403-3406 - Huei-Yung Lin, Kun-Jhih Li:
Motion blur removal and its application to vehicle speed detection. 3407-3410 - Renan Coudray, Bernard Besserer:
Global motion estimation for mpeg-encoded streams. 3411-3414 - Min-Jen Tsai:
Filter bank selection for the ownership verification of wavelet based digital image watermarking. 3415-3418 - Jun Tian, Raymond O. Wells Jr.:
Reversible data-embedding with a hierarchical structure. 3419-3422 - Koichi Magai, Hiroshi Ito, Hidetoshi Mishima, Mitsuyoshi Suzuki, Kohtaro Asai:
Watermarking robust against analog vcr recording. 3423-3426 - Dan Yu, Farook Sattar
, Braham Barkat:
Multiresolution fragile watermarking using complex chirp signal for content integrity verification. 3427-3430 - Roland Norcen, Andreas Uhl:
Encryption of wavelet-coded imagery using random permutations. 3431-3434 - Osamu Watanabe, Akiko Nakazaki, Hitoshi Kiya:
A fast image-scramble method using public-key encryption allowing backward compatibility with jpeg2000. 3435-3438 - Yongdong Wu, Robert H. Deng
Compliant encryption of jpeg2000 codestreanis. 3439-3442 - Suleyman Serdar Kozat, Ramarathnam Venkatesan, Mehmet Kivanç Mihçak:
Robust perceptual image hashing via matrix invariants. 3443-3446 - Yongdong Wu, Di Ma, Robert H. Deng
Progressive protection of jpeg2000 codestreams. 3447-3450 - Wende Zhang, Yao-Jen Chang, Tsuhan Chen:
Optimal thresholding for key generation based on biometrics. 3451-3454 - Wende Zhang, Cha Zhang, Tsuhan Chen:
Security analysis for key generation systems using face images. 3455-3458 - Hae Yong Kim, Ricardo L. de Queiroz:
A public-key authentication watermarking for binary images. 3459-3462 - Soo-Chang Pei, Jing-Ming Guo:
High-capacity data hiding in halftone images using minimal error bit searching. 3463-3466 - Carlos Vázquez, Amar Mitiche, Ismail Ben Ayed:
Image segmentation as regularized clustering: a fully global curve evolution method. 3467-3470 - Xin Zheng, Xueyin Lin:
Automatic determination of intrinsic cluster number family in spectral clustering using random walk on graph. 3471-3474 - Mohammad H. Mahoor, Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb
Automatic classification of teeth in bitewing dental images. 3475-3478 - Xiao Wang, Han Wang
Evolutionary gibbs sampler for image segmentation. 3479-3482 - Pramod K. Singh:
Segmentation of regions in jpeg compressed medical images. 3483-3486 - Toshiyuki Yoshida:
Background differencing technique for image segmentation based on the status of reference pixels. 3487-3490 - Zhen Ye, Cheng-Chang Lu:
A wavelet domain hierarchical hidden markov model. 3491-3494 - Anthony N. Nguyen, Vinod Chandran, Sridha Sridharan:
Visual attention based roi maps from gaze tracking data. 3495-3498 - Ismo Kärkkäinen, Pasi Fränti:
Variable metric for binary vector ouantization. 3499-3502 - Mantao Xu, Pasi Fränti:
A heuristic k-means clustering algorithm by kernel pca. 3503-3506 - Benedicte Fontaine, Hakim Saadane, Adrien Thomas:
Perceptual quality metrics: evaluation of individual components. 3507-3510 - Xiaolin Wu, Lei Zhang
Temporal color video demosaicking via motion estimation and optimal data fusing. 3511-3514 - Dong Xu, Qionghai Dai, Wenli Xu:
Light field compression based on prediction propagating and wavelet packet. 3515-3518 - Tao Fu
, Hassan Foroosh:
Expression morphing from distant viewpoints. 3519-3522 - Yun Fu:
Merging ratio images based realistic object class re-rendering. 3523-3526 - Aditi Majumder:
Camera based evaluation of photometric compensation methods on multi-projector displays. 3527-3530 - Ee Ping Ong, Xiaokang Yang, Weisi Lin, Zhongkang Lu
, Susu Yao:
Video quality metric for low bitrate compressed videos. 3531-3534 - Kyungnam Kim, Larry S. Davis:
A fine-structure image/video quality measure using local statistics. 3535-3538 - Hanghang Tong, Mingjing Li, HongJiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang:
No-reference quality assessment for JPEG2000 compressed images. 3539-3542 - Andrea Cavallaro, Stefan Winkler
Segmentation-driven perceptual quality metrics. 3543-3546 - Win-Bin Huang, Wei-Chen Chang, Yen-Wei Lu, Alvin Wen-Yu Su, Yau-Hwang Kuo:
Halftone/contone conversion using neural networks. 3547-3550
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