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29th ICIS 2008: Paris, France
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2008, Paris, France, December 14-17, 2008. Association for Information Systems 2008
- Frank Land, Claudia Loebbecke, Albert A. Angehrn, Eric K. Clemons, Alan R. Hevner, Günter Müller:
Design Science in Information Systems: Hegemony, Bandwagon, or New Wave? 1 - Susanne Leist, Gregor Zellner:
Situational Architecture Engineering (SAE) - Improving Strategic Change Through Architecture Methods. 2 - Barney C. C. Tan, Shan Ling Pan:
Strategic Online Communities: How Online Communities Facilitate Business Strategies to Enhance Organizational Performance. 3 - François-Xavier de Vaujany:
Strategic Alignment: What Else? A Practice Based View of IS Value. 4 - Alvin Chung Man Leung, Indranil Bose:
Indirect Financial Loss of Phishing to Global Market. 5 - Heng Xu, Tamara Dinev, H. Jeff Smith, Paul J. Hart:
Examining the Formation of Individual's Privacy Concerns: Toward an Integrative View. 6 - Gaurav Bansal, Fatemeh "Mariam" Zahedi, David Gefen:
The Moderating Influence of Privacy Concern on the Efficacy of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms for Building Trust: A Multiple-Context Investigation. 7 - Seonyoung Shim, Byungtae Lee, Andrew B. Whinston:
Does Lower Transaction Price Attract More Customers?: An Empirical Study on the Short and Long Term Impacts of Online Brokerage Services. 8 - Philip O'Reilly, Patrick Finnegan:
Exploring Electronic Marketplace Performance: The 3 Pillars. 9 - François-Xavier de Vaujany, Nicolas Lesca, Vladislav V. Fomin, Claudia Loebbecke:
The Espoused Theories of IS: A Study of General Editorial Statements. 10 - Oliver Lin, Sunil Mithas:
Information Technology and Inventories: Substitutes or Complements? 11 - Prasanna Tambe, Lorin M. Hitt, Erik Brynjolfsson:
The Extroverted Firm: How External Information Practices Affect Productivity. 12 - Young Bong Chang:
An Empirical Analysis of the RFID Effect on Suppliers' Financial Performance. 13 - Olivier Caya, Geneviève Bassellier, Alain Pinsonneault:
Virtual Team Common Knowledge: Construct Specification and Effect on Knowledge Integration Effectiveness. 14 - Panos Constantinides, Angelina Kouroubali, Michael I. Barrett:
Transacting Expertise in Emergency Management and Response. 15 - Ji-Ye Mao, Xia Zhang:
End-to-End User Participation in Information Systems Development: A Case Study Based on a Control Perspective. 16 - Ann Majchrzak, Phil Birnbaum-More, Jeremiah Johnson, Kishore Sengupta, Christian Wagner:
Using Wikis to Generate Learning at ICIS 2007. 17 - Nannette P. Napier, Lars Mathiassen:
Appreciative Inquiry Into IT Projet Management: Understanding Win-Win Contracts. 18 - Hilary Berger, Paul Beynon-Davies:
Knowledge Based Diffusion - A Case Study Experience. 19 - Shirley Gregor, Varun Grover, Kalle Lyytinen, Carol S. Saunders, Fred Niederman:
IS Has Outgrown the Need for Reference Discipline Theories, Or Has It? 20 - Ping Wang:
Assimilating IT Innovation: The Longitudinal Effects of Institutionalization and Resource Dependence. 21 - Wai Fong Boh, Yun Xu, Christina Soh:
VIS Standards Deployment and Integration: A Study of Antecedents and Benefits. 22 - Arati Srinivasan, N. Venkatraman:
The Role of Indirect Network Effects in Explaining Platform Dominance in the Video Game Industry (2002-2006): A Network Perspective. 23 - Sam Ransbotham, Sabyasachi Mitra, Jon Ramsey:
Are Markets for Vulnerabilities Effective? 24 - Fariborz Farahmand, Mikhail J. Atallah, Benn R. Konsynski:
Incentives and Perceptions of Information Security Risks. 25 - Mikko T. Siponen, Robert Willison, Richard L. Baskerville:
Power and Practice in Information Systems Security Research. 26 - Nitin Walia, Fatemeh "Mariam" Zahedi:
Web Elements and Strategies for Success in Online Marketplaces: An Exploratory Analysis. 27 - Ping Yan, Daniel Dajun Zeng:
Clustering Customer Shopping Trips With Network Structure. 28 - Charles A. Wood:
Risk and Return in an Electronic Market: An Examination of Investments in Online Rare Coin Auctions Over a Short Horizon. 29 - Bin Gu, Ling Xue, Gautam Ray:
IT Governance and IT Investment Performance: An Empirical Analysis. 30 - Kartik Hosanagar, Ramayya Krishnan, Liye Ma:
Recomended for You: The Impact of Profit Incentives on the Relevance of Online Recommendations. 31 - Gediminas Adomavicius, Alok Gupta, Pallab Sanyal:
Design and Evaluation of Feedback Schemes for Multiattribute Procurement Auctions. 32 - Johann Habib:
The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation Within Innovation Process From Case Studies to Agent Based Modelling. 33 - Duane P. Truex, Michael J. Cuellar, Hirotoshi Takeda:
Assessing Scholarly Influence: Proposing New Metrics. 34 - Aditi Mukherjee, Jungpil Hahn:
Organizational Knowledge Sharing Culture and KMS Effectiveness. 35 - Man Kit Chang, Louisa Lui:
System Development Service Quality: A Comparison of the In-House Development and the Application Outsourcing Environment. 36 - Vishal Midha:
Does Complexity Matter? The Impact of Change in Structural Complexity on Software Maintenance and New Developers' Contributions in Open Source Software. 37 - Jan Recker, Michael Rosemann:
Measuring Perceived Representaional Deficiencies in Conceptual Modeling: Instrument Development and Test. 38 - Charlottesville, VA: Senior Scholars Forum. 39
- Ulrika H. Westergren, Jonny Holmström:
Outsourcing as Open Innovation: Exploring Preconditions for the Open Innovation Model inthe Process Industry. 40 - Weiling Ke, Xiaodong Wang, Kwok Kee Wei:
User Motivation to Explore Enterprise System Features: An Exploratory Study of Its Organizational Antecedents and Consequences. 41 - Zhe Qu:
Software Design Strategies in Markets with Open Source Competitors. 42 - Eugene A. Pierce, Sean W. Hansen:
Leadership, Trust, and Effectivemess in Virtual Teams. 43 - Roman Beck, Robert W. Gregory, Michael Prifling:
Cultural Intelligence and Project Management Interplay in IT Offshore Outsourcing Projects. 44 - Jaime Newell, Likoebe M. Maruping, Cynthia K. Riemenschneider, Lionel P. Robert Jr.:
Leveraging E-Identities: The Impact of Percieved Diversity on Team Social Integration and Performance. 46 - Xuanhui Yang, Rajiv Kishore, Zhenyu Liu:
The Institutional Facets of Innovation Diffusion Initiating: The Case of Wal-Mart's RFID Campaign. 47 - Angelika I. Kokkinaki, Socrates Mylonas, Alkis Thrassou, Lefteris Economon, Ioannis Kountouris, Panayiotis Panayiotou:
Local E-Government in Cyprus: A Comparison of Perceptions Between Citizens and Decision Makers. 48 - Adrian Yeow, Samer Faraj:
Marrying Work and the Technical Artifact Within the Healthcare Organization: A Narrative Network Perspective on IT Innovation-Mediated Organizational Change. 49 - Knut Staring, Ola Hodne Titlestad:
Development as a Free Software: Extending Commons Based Peer Production to the South. 50 - Sundeep Sahay, Satish K. Puri:
The Dynamics of Corruption and ICT Projects: Case Study from the Public Health System in India. 51 - Franck Tétard, Erkki Patokorpi:
A Theoretical Framework for Mobile Learning and E-Inclusion in Finland. 52 - Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. van Alstyne:
Managing Platform Ecosystems. 53 - Liye Ma, Pei-Yu Sharon Chen, Tridas Mukhopadhyay:
Voluntary Open-Source - The Effect Appropriability, Externality, and Uncertainty. 54 - Muhammad Adeel Zaffar, Ram L. Kumar, Kexin Zhao:
Diffusion Dynamics of Open-Source Software in the Presence of Upgrades: An Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) Approach. 55 - C. Ranganathan, Sanjeev Jha:
Do CIOs Matter? Assessing the Value of CIO Presence in Top Management Teams. 56 - Christoph Goebel, Hanna Krasnova, Thomas Hildebrand, Oliver Günther, Francis Bidault:
Enterprise Software Adoption and Perceived Business Performance - An Empirical Investigation in Germany and the US. 57 - Rik Maes, Erik J. DeVries:
Information Leadership: The CIO as Orchestrator and Equilibrist. 58 - Youngjin Yoo, Phillip Ein-Dor, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, John L. King, Ramayya Krishnan:
Un-Haunting From the Ghost We Killed: IS Research and Education in the Post-Industrial Economy. 59 - David Sammon, Frédéric Adam:
Justifying an ERP Investment: Critical Success Factors for Transformation Investments. 60 - Wolfgang A. Molnar, Joe Nandhakumar:
Dealing With Ambiguous and Fluctuating Requirements of Embedded System Development: A Case-Study. 61 - Vincent S. Lai, Connie K. W. Liu, Fujun Lai, Jian Wang:
Examining ERP Committee Beliefs: A Comparison of Alternative Models. 62 - Hua Dai, Al F. Salam, Ruth C. King:
Service Convenience and Relational Exchange in Electronic Mediated Environment: An Empirical Investigation. 63 - Jennie Carroll:
Theorizing the IT Artifact for Mobility: A Portfolio, Not a Singularity. 64 - Holly Jordan Lanham, Reuben R. McDaniel Jr.:
An Exploration of Heterogeneity in Electronic Medical Record Use: Information Technology Use as Emergent and Driven by Values and Expertise. 65 - Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Robert M. Davison, Paul A. Pavlou, Maggie Y. Li:
Leveraging Rich Communication Tools: Evidence of Online Trust and Guanxi in China. 66 - Valéry Merminod, Frantz Rowe, Stephanie Watts:
Product LIfecycle Management, Knowledge Integration and Reliability in New Product Co-Development: A Case Study Between Europe and China. 67 - Véronique Guilloux, Joanne Locke, Alan Lowe:
Local Skirmishes in the Construction of (Global) Digital Business Communication Technologies. 68 - Muhammad Adeel Zaffar, Susan J. Winter:
Minding the IS Soft Skills Gap: Evidence of Discourse Convergence and Organizational Field Structure. 69 - Tom Butler, John McAvoy:
Social Inclusion and IT Education: An Institutional Analysis. 70 - Zixiu Guo, Kenneth Cheung, Felix B. Tan:
Motivations for Using CMC and Non-CMC Media in Learning Contexts: A Uses and Gratifications Approach. 71 - Ali Tafti, Sunil Mithas, Mayuram S. Krishnan:
The Effects of Information Technology and Service-Oriented Architectures on Joint Venture Value. 72 - Brian L. Dos Santos, Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng, Vijay S. Mookerjee, Hongyu Chen:
Is IT Really Becoming a Commodity? 73 - Charles A. Wood, Hojung Shin, Sarv Devaraj:
Technology's Effect on Firm Size: Manufacturing vs. Service. 74 - Sebastian F. Martin, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Daniel Beimborn:
Process Documentation, Operational Alignment, and Flexibility in IT Outsourcing Relationships: A Knowledge-Based Perspective. 75 - Jen-Her Wu, Yi-Cheng Chen, Vallabh Sambamurthy:
The Impacts of BTM Capability and CIO Role Effectiveness on Firms' Information Technology Assimilation: An Empirical Study. 76 - Amir Hossein Ghapanchi, Mohammad Hamed Jafarzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Khakbaz:
An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for ERP System Selection: Case of a Petrochemical Company. 77 - Adel Hendaoui, Moez Limayem:
Understanding Consumer Virtual Shopping Behavior in 3D Virtual Worlds: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. 78 - Christopher M. Conway, Moez Limayem:
Time Management and Temporal Dissonance in Global Virtual Teams. 79 - James B. Pick, Rasool Azari:
A Global Model of Technological Utilization Based on Governmental, Business Investment, Social, and Economic Factors. 80 - Abhishek Kathuria, Astrid Fontaine, Michael J. Prietula, Sascha Vitzthum:
Inter-Organizational Learning in Technology Acquisitions: Procuring More Than Knowledge. 81 - Sascha Vitzthum:
Influence of Structure Parameters on the Information Diffusion Process in Virtual Networks. 82 - Julian M. Sims, Philip Powell, Richard T. Vidgen:
Inter-Personal Socialisation in Knowledge Transfer: Encouraging Personal ICT Use. 83 - Orla Kirwan, Willie Golden, Padraig Molloy:
An Exploratory Study of the Implementation of an Energy Management Information System using an Adapted Adaptive Structuration Theory Model. 84 - Haya Ajjan, Ram L. Kumar, Chandrasekar Subramaniam:
Investigating Determinants of Project Portfolio Management Adoption. 85 - Mingdi Xin, Natalia Levina:
Software-as-a Service Model: Elaborating Client-Side Adoption Factors. 86 - Ramiro Montealegre, Dirk S. Hovorka, Matt Germonprez:
Toward an Information Service View of an Enterprise. 87 - Klarissa Ting-Ting Chang, Allan Tai-Tong Koh, Bernard Ying-Yao Low, Dustin Jefferson Santos Onghanseng, Kharisma Tanoto, Tran Song Thuong Thuong:
Why I Love This Online Game: The MMORPG Stickiness Factor. 88 - Tao Hu, William J. Kettinger:
Why People Continue to Use Social Networking Services: Developing a Comprehensive Model. 89 - Seda F. Gürses, Ramzi Rizk, Oliver Günther:
Privacy Design in Online Social Networks: Learning from Privacy Breaches and Community Feedback. 90 - Oded Nov, Chen Ye:
Community Photo Sharing: Motivational and Structural Antecedents. 91 - Cagri I. Guvence-Rodoper, Izak Benbasat, Ronald T. Cenfetelli:
Adoption of B2B Exchanges: Effects of IT-Mediated Website Services, Website Functionality, Benefits, and Costs. 92 - Ronnie Jia, Heather H. Jia:
Computer Playfulness, Personal Innovativeness, and Problematic Technology Use: A New Measure and Some Initial Evidence. 93 - Brian Detlor, Maureen E. Hupfer, Umar Ruhi:
Adoption and Use of Community Municipal Portals. 94 - Pieter Devolder, Bram Pynoo, Philippe Duyck, Bart Sijnave:
Personality, Technology Belief Contexts and Acceptance: Framework and Empirical Testing. 95 - Ning Su:
Internationalization Strategies of IT Vendors from Emerging Economies: The Case of China. 96 - Sia Siew Kien, Christina Soh, Peter Weill:
IT Governance in Global Enterprises: Managing in Asia. 97 - Dragos Vieru, Suzanne Rivard:
The Dilemma of Integration Versus Autonomy: Knowledge Sharing in Post-Merger IS Development. 98 - Qing Li, Robert Heckman, Kevin Crowston, James Howison, Eileen Allen, U. Yeliz Eseryel:
Decision Making Paths in Self-Organizing Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams. 99 - Jiexun Li, Harry Jiannan Wang, Zhu Zhang, J. Leon Zhao:
Relation-Centric Task Identification for Policy-Based Process Mining. 100 - Yi Ding, Deimar Straub:
Quality of IS in Services: Theory and Validation of Constructs for Service, Information, and System. 101 - Sabine Matook, Susan A. Brown:
Conceptualizing the IT Artifact for MIS Research. 102 - Peadar O. Scolai:
Materialising Materiality. 103 - Barney C. C. Tan, Shan Ling Pan:
Strategic Online Communities: How Online Communities Facilitate Business Strategies to Enhance Organizational Performance. 104 - Tamilla Mavlanova, Raquel Benbunan-Fich, Nanda Kumar:
Deception Tactics and Counterfeit Deception in Online Environments. 105 - Heng Xu, Nazneen Irani, Sencun Zhu, Wei Xu:
Alleviating Parental Concerns for Children's Online Privacy: A Value Sensitive Design Investigation. 106 - Allen Higgins, Simeon Vidolov, Frank Frößler:
Hospitality Analysis of IS Innovation. 107 - Vikas Sahasrabudhe, Shivraj Kanungo:
Relating E-Learning Effectiveness to Choice of Media for its Contents: A Quasi-Experimental Approach. 108 - Felix Ter Chian Tan, Darshana Sedera:
Introducing a Business Process and Software Centric Approach for Enterprise System Teaching. 109 - Matthew Swinarski, Kathleen Noce, Diane H. Parente:
Developing Social Responsibility: Impact of IS Service Learning Projects. 111 - Robert D. Austin, Richard L. Nolan, Shannon O'Donnell:
Remaking the IT Management Curriculum: A "Novel" Approach. 112 - Xiaofeng Chen, Keng Siau, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah:
Adoption of 3-D Virtual Worlds for Education. 113 - Min-Seok Pang, Hila Etzion:
Pricing of Products and Complementary Services: A Study of the Online Game Industry. 114 - Qiang Ye, Bin Gu, Wei Chen, Rob Law:
Measuring the Value of Managerial Responses to Online Reviews - A Natural Experiment of Two Online Travel Agencies. 115 - Rajiv D. Banker, Sunil Wattal, Fang-Chun Liu, Chin-Shyh Ou:
Value Contributed by Education in IT Firms. 116 - Murali Venkatesh:
On Social Design. 117 - Xitong (Maxwell) Guo, Sherry X. Sun, Doug Vogel:
A Data Flow Perspective for Business Process Integration. 118 - Timo Käkölä, Andreas Taalas:
Validating the Information Systems Design Theory for Dual Information Systems. 119 - Manuel Arrigara, Natalia Levina:
Social Dynamics in Online Cultural Fields. 120 - Manlu Liu, Bradley C. Wheeler, J. Leon Zhao:
On Assessment of Project Success in Community Source Development. 121 - Sherae L. Daniel, E. Ilana Diamant:
Network Effects in OSS Development: The Impact of Users and Developers on Project Performance. 122 - Sandra Sieber:
Indo Gives Its Sales Force a New Mobility Technology. 123 - Katharina Reinecke, Abraham Bernstein, Stefanie Hauske:
To Make or to Buy? Sourcing Decisions at the Zurich Cantonal Bank. 124 - Shirish C. Srivastava, Sharat S. Mathur, Thompson S. H. Teo:
Tracking Freight Railcars in Indian Railways: Technology Options and Stakeholder Interests. 125 - Michel Avital, Bo-Christer Björk, Richard J. Boland, Kevin Crowston, Ann Majchrzak:
Open Access Publishing and the Future of Information Systems Research. 126 - Lynn Wu, Benjamin N. Waber, Sinan Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson, Alex Pentland:
Mining Face-to-Face Interaction Networks Using Sociometric Badges: Predicting Productivity in an IT Configuration Task. 127 - Suparna Goswami, Hock-Hai Teo, Hock Chuan Chan:
Real Options from RFID Adoption: The Role of Institutions and Managerial Mindfulness. 128 - Philipp Bensel, Oliver Günther, Christoph Tribowski, Stefan Vogeler:
Cost-Benefit Sharing in Cross-Company RFID Applications: A Case Study Approach. 129 - Andrea Pontiggia, Francesco Virili:
Network Effects in Technology Acceptance: Laboratory Evidence. 130 - Darshana Sedera, Sharmistha Dey:
Expert Performance in Information Systems. 131 - Xue Yang, Hock-Hai Teo:
The Conflict Between Absorption and Self-Control in Playing Computer Games: How Do Free Trial Restrictions Influence Playing Experience and Purchase Decision Making. 132 - Steffen Zimmermann, Arne Katzmarzik, Dennis Kundisch:
IT Sourcing Portfolio Management for IT Services Providers - A Risk/Cost Perspective. 133 - Haiyan Huang, Eileen M. Trauth:
Cultural Influences on Temporal Separation and Coordination in Globally Distributed Software Development. 134 - Sunil Mithas:
Are Emerging Markets Different from Developed Markets? Human Capital, Sorting and Segmentation in Compensation of Information Technology Professionals. 135 - Eran Rubin, Benny Mantin:
Online Decision-Aids and Pricing: An Empirical Analysis of the Airline Industry. 136 - Jeff Baker, Jaeki Song, Donald R. Jones:
Refining the IT Business Value Model: Evidence From a Longitudinal Investigation of Healthcare Firms. 137 - Yu Tong, Hock-Hai Teo, Chuan-Hoo Tan:
Direct and Indirect Use of Information Systems in Organizations: An Empirical Investigation of System Usage in a Public Hospital. 138 - Anindya Ghose, Bin Gu:
Market Frictions, Demand Structure and Price Competition in Online Markets. 139 - Allon Zucker, Tsipi Heart, Joseph S. Pliskin, Nava Pliskin:
Influencing Physician Drug Prescription Habits Towards Cost Containment. 140 - Bao-Jun Jiang, Bin Wang:
Impact of Consumer Reviews and Ratings on Sales, Prices, and Profits: Theory and Evidence. 141 - Harpreet Singh, Xinxin Li, Ram D. Gopal:
Value of Software Innovations: The Influence of Social Capital. 142 - Yide Shen, Mike Gallivan, Xinlin Tang:
The Influence of Subgroup Dynamics on Knowledge Coordination in Distributed Teams: A Transactive Memory System and Group Faultline Perspective. 143 - Eduardo Henrique Diniz, Marlei Pozzebon, Martin Jayo:
Banking Technology to Scale Microfinance: The Case of Correspondent Banking in Brazil. 144 - Izak Benbasat, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Ramayya Krishnan, Paul A. Pavlou:
Mitigating Product Uncertainty in Online Markets: IT and Business Solutions and Research Implications. 145 - Klarissa Ting-Ting Chang:
Psychological Contracts and Knowledge Exchange in Virtual Teams. 146 - Nishtha Langer, Sandra Slaughter, Tridas Mukhopadhyay:
Project Managers' Skills and Project Success in IT Outsourcing. 147 - Ronnie Jia, Blaize Horner Reich:
IT Service Climate: The Validation of an Antecedent Construct for IT Service Quality. 148 - Hyelim Oh, Shawn P. Curley, Mani R. Subramani:
The Death of Distance?: The Influence of Computer Mediated Communication on Perceptions of Distance. 149 - Jeria L. Quesenberry, Eileen M. Trauth:
Revisiting Career Path Assumptions: The Case of Woment in the IT Workforce. 150 - Janet K. Ply, Jo Ellen Moore, Jason Bennett Thatcher:
Impact of the Journey: IS Employee Attitudes and Perceptions as Organizations Climb the CMM Ladder. 151 - Nargiza Bekmamedova, Adi Prananto, Judy McKay, Artem Vorobiev:
Towards a Conceptualisation of Trust in IS Outsourcing. 152 - Shan Liu, Mark Keil, Arun Rai, Jinlong Zhang, Tao Chen:
How User and Requirement Risks Moderate the Effects of Formal and Informal Controls on IT Project Performance. 153 - Massimo Magni, Likoebe M. Maruping, Martin Hoegl:
Improvisation and Performance in Software Development Teams: The Role of Geographic Dispersion. 154 - Florian Mann, Sophie Ahrens, Alexander Benlian, Thomas Hess:
Timing is Money - Evaluating the Effects of Early Availability of Feature Films via Video on Demand. 155 - Matthew Jones, Kamal Munir, Wanda J. Orlikowski, Jochen Runde:
About Time Too: Online News and Changing Temporal Structures in the Newspaper Industry. 156 - Thomas Ehrmann, Hendrik Schmale:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Long Tail: The Influence of Online-Reviews and Product Recommendations on Book Sales - Evidence from German Online Retailing. 157 - Bin Gu, Yun Huang, Wenjing Duan, Andrew B. Whinston:
Indirect Reciprocity in Contributions to a Peer-to-Peer Music Sharing Network - An Empirical Analysis of Individual Level Data. 158 - Robert J. Kauffman, Ryan Sougstad:
Optimal Valuation and Timing of Price Benchmarks for IT Services Contracts. 159 - Samuel R. Garman, Robert C. Hampshire, Ramayya Krishnan:
Person-to-Person Lending: The Pursuit of (More) Competitive Credit Markets. 160 - Gregory E. Truman, Mike Gallivan:
Knowledge and Skills Associated with Information Technology: Levels and Influences. 161 - Emmanuelle Vaast, Elizabeth J. Davidson:
New Actors and New Media in Technology Discourse: An Investigation of Tech Blogging. 162 - Brian M. Harmer, David J. Pauleen, Andreas Schroeder:
Cause or Cure: Technologies and Work-Life Balance. 163 - Annemette Kjærgaard, Tina Blegind Jensen:
Appropriation of Information Systems: Using Cognitive Mapping for Eliciting Users' Sensemaking. 164 - Mohanad Halaweh, Christine Fidler, Steve McRobb:
Integrating the Grounded Theory Method and Case Study Research Methodology Within IS Research: A Possible 'Road Map'. 165 - Robert M. Davison, Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Maggie Y. Li, Maris G. Martinsons, Johan Björkstén:
The Multimethodological Investigation of Knowledge Sharing Practices in Eastwei. 166 - Johan Gorecki, Pierre R. Berthon, Philip DesAutels, Brian Donnellan, Robin Teigland:
The Multinational's Nemesis: The Rise of ICT-Enabled Distributed Collective Intelligence? 167 - Deliang Wang, Lingling Xu, Hock Chuan Chan:
Understanding Users' Continuance of Facebook: The Role of General and Specific Computer Self-Efficacy. 168 - Angelika Dimoka, Fred D. Davis:
Where Does TAM Reside in the Brain? The Neural Mechanisms Underlying Technology Adoption. 169 - Heshan Sun, Ping Zhang:
Adaptive System Use; An Investigation at the System Feature Level. 170 - Ting-Peng Liang, Chih-Chung Liu, Chia-Hsien Wu:
Can Social Exchange Theory Explain Individual Knowledge-Sharing Behavior? A Meta-Analysis. 171 - Amitava Dutta, Rahul Roy, Priya Seetharaman:
Wikipedia Usage Patterns: The Dynamics of Growth. 172 - Sally Pul-Man Law, Man Kit Chang:
Fostering Knowledge Exchange in Online Communities: A Social Capital Building Approach. 173 - Laurence D. Brooks, Christopher Atkinson:
Exploring the Potential of the Ethical Grid for Informing Decision-Taking Practices in the Soft Information Systems and Technologies, Methodology. 174 - Bernd Carsten Stahl:
Researching Ethics and Morality in Information Systems: Some Guiding Questions. 175 - John Mingers, Geoff Walsham:
Towards Ethical Information Systems: The Contribution of Discourse Ethics. 176 - Vladislav V. Fomin, François-Xavier de Vaujany:
Theories of ICT Design: Where Social Studies of Technology Meet the Distributed Cognitive Perspective. 177 - Nicholas Berente, Nikhil Srinivasan, Kalle Lyytinen, Youngjin Yoo:
Design Principles for IT in Doubly Distributed Design Networks. 178 - Raymond Y. K. Lau, Chapmann C. L. Lai:
Information Granulation for the Design of Granular Information Retrieval Systems. 179 - Nicholas Berente, Youngjin Yoo, Kalle Lyytinen:
Alignment or Drift? Loose Coupling over Time in NASA's ERP Implementation. 180 - Uri Gal, Tina Jensen:
Organisational Identity and the Appropriation of Information Systems. 181 - Wendy Currie:
Institutionalization of IT Compliance: A Longitudinal Study. 182 - Hala Annabi, Kevin Crowston, Robert Heckman:
Depicting What Really Matters: Using Episodes to Study Latent Phenomenon. 183 - Kai Reimers, Robert B. Johnston:
The Use of an Explicitly Theory-Driven Data Coding Method for High-Level Theory Testing in IOIS. 184 - Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, George M. Marakas:
The Use of PLS When Analyzing Formative Constructs: Theoretical Analysis and Results From Simulations. 185 - Nancy Pouloudi, Kim Viborg Andersen, Debra Howcroft, Bruce A. Reinig, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
Professorial Hegemony Unveiled: Opportunities and Challenges in Building a Career in IS. 186 - Gregory D. Moody, Dennis F. Galletta:
I'm Losing Patience with your Site: The Impact of Information Scent and Time Constraints on Effort, Performance, and Attitudes. 187 - Barney C. C. Tan, Cheng Yi, Hock Chuan Chan:
Beyond Annoyance: The Latent Benefits of Distracting Website Features. 188 - Torkil Clemmensen, Morten Hertzum, Kasper Hornbæk, Qingxin Shi, Pradeep Yammiyavar:
Cultural Cognition in the Thinking-Aloud Method for Usability Evaluation. 189 - Bendik Bygstad:
Information Infastructure as Organization: A Critical Realist View. 190 - Patrick J. Delaney, Greg Timbrell, Taizan Chan:
Developing a Model of Technology Appropriation: A Marxian Perspective. 191 - Isabelle Walsh, Hajer Kefi:
The Spinning Top Model, a New Path to Conceptualize Culture and Values: Applications to IS Research. 192 - Ben Light, Kathy McGrath, Marie Griffiths:
More Than Just Friends? Facebook, Disclosive Ethics and the Morality of Technology. 193 - Suzanne D. Pawlowski, Ed Watson, James B. Davis, Evgeny A. Kaganer:
Impacts of GSS on Moral Discourse: An Argumentation Analysis. 194 - Tayfour A. Mohammed:
The Art of Existence and the Regimes of IS-enabled Customer Service Rationalization: A Study of IT Service Management in the UK Higher Education. 195 - Daning Hu, J. Leon Zhao:
Expert Recommendation Via Semantic Social Networks. 196 - Heng Tang, Stephen Shaoyi Liao, Sherry Xiaoyun Sun:
Mining Sequential Relations from Multidimensional Data Sequence for Prediction. 197 - Min Chen, Young Ryu:
Improving Web Site Structure to Facilitate Effective User Navigation. 198 - Jeong-ha (Cath) Oh, Anjana Susarla, Yong Tan:
Diffusion of User-Generated Content in a Social Network Structure. 199 - Yunjie (Calvin) Xu, Cheng Zhang, Ling Xue, Lay Lan Yeo:
Product Adoption in Online Social Network. 200 - Donato Barbagallo, Chlara Francalenei, Francesco Merlo:
The Impact of Social Netowrking on Software Design Quality and Development Effort in Open Source Projects. 201 - Donald E. Wynn Jr., Clay K. Williams:
Critical Realm-Based Explanatory Case Study Research in Information Systems. 202 - Juan Rodon, Feliciano Sesé:
Tackling the Problem of Transferability in IS Qualitative Research. 203 - Sandy Behrens:
Fact or Fiction: The Philosophy of Fictions in IS Research. 204 - Ted Stohr, Akhtar Badshah, Israel Borovich, Abdul Khan:
The Role of ICT in Capacity Building in the Developing World. 205 - Vijay Khatri, Iris Vessey:
Information Search Process for a Well-Structured IS Problem: The Role of IS and Application Domain Knowledge. 206 - Jahna Otterbacher:
Searching for Product Experience Attributes in Online Information Sources. 207 - Aleck C. H. Lin, Shirley Gregor, Jessica C. C. Huang:
The Hedonic Experience of Enjoyment and Its Relationship to Informal Learning: A Study of Museum Websites. 208 - Sean T. McGann, Kalle Lyytinen:
The Improvisation Effect: A Case Study of User Improvisation and Its Effects on Information System Evolution. 209 - Jocelyn Cranefield, Pak Yoong, Sid L. Huff:
Polycontextuality: Driving Professional Change in Online Communities of Practice. 210 - Anol Bhattacherjee, Christopher J. Davis, Neset Hikmet, Varol O. Kayhan:
User Reactions to Information Technology: Evidence from the Healthcare Sector. 211 - Dimitris Boucas:
State, Economy, Society and Recent Information Society Policies in Greece. 212 - Emmanuelle Vaast, Maria Christina Binz-Scharf:
Bringing Change in Government Organizations: Evolution Towards Post-Bureaucracy with Web-Based IT Projects. 213 - Joseph Feller, Patrick Finnegan, Olof Nilsson:
"We Have Everything to Win": Collaboration and Open Innovation in Public Administration. 214 - Xiaojun Zhang, Viswanath Venkatesh, Bo-yan Huang:
Students Interactions and Course Performance: Impacts of Online and Offline Networks. 215 - Jeffrey V. Nickerson, James E. Corter, Barbara Tversky, Doris Zahner, Yun Jin Rho:
The Spatial Nature of Thought: Understanding Systems Design Through Diagrams. 216 - Rui Chen, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Data Model Development for Fire Related Extreme Events - An Activity Theory and Semiotics Approach. 217

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