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9. IEA/AIE 1996: Fukuoka, Japan
- Takushi Tanaka, Setsuo Ohsuga, Moonis Ali:
Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 4-7, 1996. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 1996, ISBN 90-5699-524-3
Invited Papers
- Naomasa Nakajima:
Micromachines as Unconventional Artifacts. IEA/AIE 1996: 3-8 - Setsuo Ohsuga:
Multi-Strata Modeling to Automate Problem Solving Including Human Activity. IEA/AIE 1996: 9-24 - Drew V. McDermott:
The Current State of AI Planning Research. IEA/AIE 1996: 25-34 - Takushi Tanaka:
DCSG: A Logic Grammar for Knowledge Representation of Hierarchically Organized Objects. IEA/AIE 1996: 35-42 - Takeshi Yamakawa, Tsutomu Miki, Masayoshi Shimono:
Pattern Separation by Chaotic Networks Employing Chaotic Itinerancy. IEA/AIE 1996: 43-46
Automated Reasoning
- Hiroshi G. Okuno, Osamu Shimokuni, Hidehiko Tanaka:
Design and Implementation of Multiple-Context Truth Maintenance System with Binary Decision Diagram. IEA/AIE 1996: 47-56 - Shohei Kato, Chiemi Kamakura, Hirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh:
PARCAR: Parallel Cost-Based Abductive Reasoning System. IEA/AIE 1996: 57-64
- Makoto Hirahara, Natsuki Oka, Kunio Yoshida:
Automatic Placement Using Static and Dynamic Groupings. IEA/AIE 1996: 65-70 - Masaaki Hashimoto, Toyohiko Hirota, Isao Nagasawa, Keiichi Katamine, Yoshiaki Tegoshi:
A Domain-Specific Conceptual Model in Building Design. IEA/AIE 1996: 71-76 - Masanobu Umeda, Isao Nagasawa, Tatsuji Higuchi:
The Elements of Programming Style in Design Calculations. IEA/AIE 1996: 77-88
Case-Based Reasoning
- Shigenori Tanaka, Ichizou Mikami, Hidenori Maeda, Atsushi Kobayashi:
Knowledge-Based Expert System Combining Case-Based Reasoning and Rule-Based Reasoning to Select Repair and Retrofitting Methods for Fatigue Damage on Steel Bridge. IEA/AIE 1996: 89-94 - S. S. Lim, B. H. Lee, E. N. Lim, K. A. Ngoi:
Multiple Domain Feature Mapping Utilizing Case-based Reasoning and Blackboard Technology. IEA/AIE 1996: 95-102 - Yoshio Nakatani, Makoto Tsukiyama, Tomo-omi Wake:
Plant Fault Diagnosis by Integrating Fault Cases and Rules. IEA/AIE 1996: 103-110
- Shyue-Liang Wang:
Characteristics of Query Responses on Fuzzy Object-Oriented Databases. IEA/AIE 1996: 111-116 - Harumi Maeda, Kazuto Koujitani, Toyoaki Nishida:
A Knowledge Media Approach Using Associative Representation for Constructing Information Bases. IEA/AIE 1996: 117-126 - Kouzou Ohara, Noboru Babaguchi, Tadahiro Kitahashi:
A Query Procedure for Allowing Exceptions in Advanced Logical Database. IEA/AIE 1996: 127-134
Decision Support
- Zongxue Xu, Akira Kawamura, Kenji Jinno, Kazumasa Ito:
Decision Support System for Water-Supply Risk Management. IEA/AIE 1996: 135-140 - Ronggui Ding, Wenxiu Han:
Suggestions on Developing "Creative Decision Stimulation Systems (CDSS)". IEA/AIE 1996: 141-148
- Koichi Yamada, Mitsuhiro Honda:
A Method of Diagnosis Using Possibility Theory. IEA/AIE 1996: 149-154 - Markus Stumptner, Franz Wotawa:
Model-Based Program Debugging and Repair. IEA/AIE 1996: 155-160 - Philip A. Collier, M. G. Casey:
An Object-Oriented Method for Control Loop Diagnosis and Monitoring. IEA/AIE 1996: 161-166 - Yi Lu:
A Self-Learning Fuzzy System for Automotive Fault Diagnosis. IEA/AIE 1996: 167-174
Distributed AI
- Lifeng He, Hirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh:
An Automated Reasoning System for Multi-Agent Cooperation. IEA/AIE 1996: 175-180 - Motoyuki Takaai, Hideaki Takeda, Toyoaki Nishida:
GUARDNET: A Distributed and Concurrent Programming Environment for Multi-Agent Systems. IEA/AIE 1996: 181-188
Fuzzy Logic and Control
- Mehdi R. Zargham, Leishi Hu:
Assigning Weights to Rules of an Expert System Based on Fuzzy Logic. IEA/AIE 1996: 189-194 - David W. Russell, James J. Alpigini:
Detection of Chaos in Process Control Systems Using A Julia Set Methodology. IEA/AIE 1996: 195-200 - Tzung-Pei Hong, Tzung-Nan Chuang:
Fuzzy Johnson's Algorithm for Two-machine Flow Shop. IEA/AIE 1996: 201-206 - Hiroyuki Tanaka, Yuji Naka:
Prediction of Properties of Mixture by Integration of Pattern Recognition and Logic Procedure by Using Fuzzy Clustering. IEA/AIE 1996: 207-212 - Sameh H. Ghwanmeh, K. O. Jones, D. Williams:
Self-Learning Fuzzy Logic Control of Non-Linear Processes. IEA/AIE 1996: 213-222 - Ralph W. L. Ip, Felix T. S. Chan:
Using Fuzzy Logic in Feedrate Control for Free-Form Surface Machining. IEA/AIE 1996: 223-234
Genetic Algorithm
- Zensho Nakao, Yen-Wei Chen, Fath El Alem F. Ali:
GA-Based Reconstruction of Plane Images from Projections. IEA/AIE 1996: 235-240 - Mehrdad Salami, Greg Cain:
Genetic Algorithm Processor for the Frequency Assignment Problem. IEA/AIE 1996: 241-246 - Yoshihiko Hamamoto, Y. Tsuneta, C. Kaneyama, Shingo Tomita:
Selection of Representatives Using Genetic Algorithms. IEA/AIE 1996: 247-252 - John R. Podlena, Tim Hendtlass:
Using The Baldwin Effect to Accelerate A Genetic Algorithm. IEA/AIE 1996: 253-260
Intelligent Tutoring
- Roger Nkambou, Marie-Claude Frasson, Claude Frasson:
Generating Courses in an Intelligent Tutoring System. IEA/AIE 1996: 261-266 - Ljubomir Jerinic, Vladan Devedzic:
Object-Oriented Model of Knowledge for The Intelligent Tutoring Shell. IEA/AIE 1996: 267-274
Knowledge Acquisition
- Yoshinori Satoh, Akira Maeda:
A Data Mining Technique for Time Series Data. IEA/AIE 1996: 275-282 - Glenn D. Aguilar, Hiroyuki Yamato, Takeo Koyama:
Development of A Knowledge Based System using a Combined Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Modeling Approach. IEA/AIE 1996: 283-288 - Jinchang Wang:
A Human-Intelligence-Imitating Question-Asking Strategy for Propositional Knowledge-Based Systems. IEA/AIE 1996: 289-294 - Mondher Maddouri, Ali Jaoua:
Incremental Rule Production: Towards a Uniform Approach for Knowledge Organization. IEA/AIE 1996: 295-304 - Michiaki Iwazume, Hideaki Takeda, Toyoaki Nishida:
Ontology-Based Information Gathering and Categorization from the Internet. IEA/AIE 1996: 305-316
Knowledge-based Systems
- Osamu Takata, Koukichi Nakanishi, Nariaki Horinouchi, Hiroshi Yano, Tadao Akashi, Toyohide Watanabe:
A Knowledge-Based Mesh Generation System for Forging Simulation. IEA/AIE 1996: 317-326 - Rym Nouira, Jean-Marc Fouet:
A Knowledge Based Tool for Checking Large Knowledge Bases. IEA/AIE 1996: 327-332 - Kunhuang Huarng, Ming-Cheng Chen:
OKCFTR: Translators for Knowledge Reuse. IEA/AIE 1996: 333-338 - Yong H. Lee, Suk I. Yoo:
Integration of Forward and Backward Inferences Using Extended Rete Networks. IEA/AIE 1996: 339-344 - Heribert Schimpe, Martin Staudt:
VAREX: An Environment for Validating and Refining Rule Bases. IEA/AIE 1996: 345-356
Knowledge Representation
- Nadim Obeid:
A Formalism for Defeasible Inheritance. IEA/AIE 1996: 357-362 - Yasuo Namioka, Toshikazu Tanaka:
Knowledge Compilation for Interactive Design of Sequence Control Programs. IEA/AIE 1996: 363-368 - José C. Damski, John S. Gero:
Shape Reasoning in CAD Systems. IEA/AIE 1996: 369-376
Logic Programming
- Hiroshi Sakai, Akimichi Okuma:
Applications of Logic Programs with Functor Set to Automated Problem Solving Under Uncertainty. IEA/AIE 1996: 377-382 - Neng-Fa Zhou:
Channel Routing with Constraint Logic Programming and Delay. IEA/AIE 1996: 383-388 - Keiko Shimazu, Koichi Furukawa:
Design of Database Interface to ILP for Building Knowledge Base. IEA/AIE 1996: 389-394 - Duong Tuan Anh, Kanchana Kanchanasut:
An Incremental Solver for Constraint Hierarchies over Real Intervals. IEA/AIE 1996: 395-402
Machine Learning
- Paul Davidsson:
Coin Classification Using a Novel Technique for Learning Characteristic Decision Trees by Controlling the Degree of Generalization. IEA/AIE 1996: 403-412 - Tu Bao Ho, Trong Dung Nguyen:
Evaluation of Attribute Selection Measures in Decision Tree Induction. IEA/AIE 1996: 413-418 - Huan Liu, Rudy Setiono:
Feature Selection and Classification - A Probabilistic Wrapper Approach. IEA/AIE 1996: 419-424 - Chie Morita, Hiroshi Tsukimoto:
Knowledge Discovery from Numerical Data. IEA/AIE 1996: 425-430 - Megumi Ishii, Hussein Almuallim, Shigeo Kaneda:
A Knowledge Revision Learner Using Artificially Generated Examples. IEA/AIE 1996: 431-438 - Bozena Stewart:
Learning Probabilistic Networks from Data. IEA/AIE 1996: 439-448 - Gou Masuda, Norihiro Sakamoto, Kazuo Ushijima:
A Practical Object-Oriented Concept Learning System in Clinical Medicine. IEA/AIE 1996: 449-454 - Atsuhiro Takasu, Tatsuya Akutsu, Moonis Ali:
Sampling Effectiveness in Discovering Functional Relationships in Databases. IEA/AIE 1996: 455-460 - Bogdan Filipic, Iztok Zun, Matjaz Perpar:
Signal Interpretation in Two-Phase Fluid Dynamics Through Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computing. IEA/AIE 1996: 461-468
- László Monostori, Csaba Egresits, Botond Kádár:
Hybrid AI Solutions and Their Application in Manufacturing. IEA/AIE 1996: 469-478 - Salvatore Cavalieri:
Performance Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing Systems using Artificial Neural Networks. IEA/AIE 1996: 479-486 - Yu Sun, Zhigang Yu, Shiqi Zhang:
Real-time Intelligent Monitoring System in Manufacturing System. IEA/AIE 1996: 487-490 - Afshin Kazerooni, Felix T. S. Chan, K. Abhary, Ralph W. L. Ip:
Simulation of Scheduling Rules in A Flexible Manufacturing System Using Fuzzy Logic. IEA/AIE 1996: 491-502
- Kai H. Chang, Mark Rogers, Richard McElyea:
An Expert System for The Monitoring and Simulation of The AXAF-1. IEA/AIE 1996: 503-510 - Wolfram Burgard, Armin B. Cremers, Dieter Fox, Martin Heidelbach, Angelica Maria Kappel, Stefan Lüttringhaus-Kappel:
Knowledge-Enhanced CO-monitoring in Coal-Mines. IEA/AIE 1996: 511-520 - Kevin Kennedy, Michael Mckinney, Yi Lu:
Medi-View - An Intelligent ICU Monitoring System. IEA/AIE 1996: 521-530
Neural Network
- Daniel Nikovski, Mehdi Zargham:
Comparison of Two Learning Networks for Time Series Prediction. IEA/AIE 1996: 531-536 - Tim Hendtlass:
An Evolutionary Algorithm for The Generation of Unsupervised Self Organizing Neural Nets. IEA/AIE 1996: 537-542 - Chung-Yao Wen:
Exploiting Don't-care Information in Neural Network Learning. IEA/AIE 1996: 543-546 - Sook Lim, Sung Chun Kim:
Extended Tree based Regression Neural Networks for Multifeature Split. IEA/AIE 1996: 547-552 - Eric Fimbell:
Mixing Stochastic Exploration and Propagation for Pruning Neural Networks. IEA/AIE 1996: 553-558 - Yoshihiko Hamamoto, Toshinori Hase, Yoshihiro Mitani, Shingo Tomita:
A Note on the Generalization Error in Neural Networks. IEA/AIE 1996: 559-562 - Kaori Yoshida, Masahiro Nagamatsu, Torao Yanaru:
A Proposal of Emotional Processing Model. IEA/AIE 1996: 563-568 - B. T. Tien, Gerrit van Straten:
Recursive Prediction Error Algorithm for the NUFZY System to Identify Nonlinear Systems. IEA/AIE 1996: 569-574 - Yoshiaki Tsukamoto, Akira Namatame:
Reflective Learning of Neural Networks. IEA/AIE 1996: 575-584
Neural Network Applications
- Nicolas Durand, Jean-Marc Alliot:
Collision Avoidance Using Neural Networks Learned by Genetic Algorithms. IEA/AIE 1996: 585-592 - Phil D. Picton, Adrian A. Hopgood, Nicholas St. J. Braithwaite, Heather J. Phillips:
Identifying Chemical Species in a Plasma Using a Neural Network. IEA/AIE 1996: 593-598 - Hisashi Shimodaira:
A Method for Selecting Learning Data in the Prediction of Time Series with Explanatory Variables Using Neural Networks. IEA/AIE 1996: 599-604 - Jan Wilk, Eva Wilk, Bodo Morgenstern:
A New Second-Order Adaptation Rule and Its Application to Electrical Model Synthesis. IEA/AIE 1996: 605-610 - Alfred Taudes, Martin Natter, Michael Trcka:
Real Option Valuation with Neural Networks. IEA/AIE 1996: 611-620
Natural Language
- An Qin, Wing Shing Wong:
Automatic Segmentation and Tagging of Hanzi Text Using a Hybrid Algorithm. IEA/AIE 1996: 621-626 - Hisao Mase, Hiroshi Tsuji, Hiroshi Kinukawa:
Computer-aided News Article Summarization. IEA/AIE 1996: 627-632 - Jong-Hyeok Lee, Taeseung Lee, Geunbae Lee:
A Connectionist/Symbolic Dependency Parser for Free Word-Order Languages. IEA/AIE 1996: 633-638 - Toshiyuki Matsuo, Toyoaki Nishida:
Intelligent Support for Construction and Exploration of Advanced Technological Information Space. IEA/AIE 1996: 639-646
Planning and Scheduling
- Taketoshi Yoshida, Masahiro Hori:
Adaptation of a Production Scheduling Framework to Distributed Work Environment. IEA/AIE 1996: 647-652 - Masuhiro Ishitobi:
Application of Genetic Algorithm to Alloy Casting Process Scheduling. IEA/AIE 1996: 653-658 - Shu-Chu Liu:
Design and Development of An Integrated Intelligent Process Planning System Taking CAD Data Files as Input. IEA/AIE 1996: 659-664 - Marco Baioletti, Stefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani:
Encapsulation of Actions and Plans in Conditional Planning Systems. IEA/AIE 1996: 665-672 - Yacine Atif, Babak Hamidzadeh:
On-line Optimization Techniques for Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks. IEA/AIE 1996: 673-680
Practical Applications
- Andreas Böhm, Stefan Uellner:
Application-Specific Configuration of Telecommunication Systems. IEA/AIE 1996: 681-686 - Takenao Ohkawa, Kaname Kakihara, Norihisa Komoda:
Character Design Based on Concept Space Formation. IEA/AIE 1996: 687-692 - Martin Hitz, Thomas A. Mück:
Customizing A* Heuristics for Network Routing. IEA/AIE 1996: 693-698 - Robert Williams, Yi Lu:
Feature Selection in Automatic Transmission Shift Quality Classification. IEA/AIE 1996: 699-704 - Shigeo Kaneda, Katsuyuki Nakano, Daizi Nanba, Hisazumi Tsuchida, Megumi Ishii, Fumio Hattori:
KOA: General Affairs Expert System with Easy Customization. IEA/AIE 1996: 705-710 - Francisco Toledo, S. Moreno, Enrique Bonet, G. Martin:
Using Constraint Technology for Predictive Control of Urban Traffic Based on Qualitative and Temporal Reasoning. IEA/AIE 1996: 711-718
- Jiancheng Qiu, Michael Walters:
Fuzzy Behavior Organization and Fusion for Mobile Robot Reactive Navigation. IEA/AIE 1996: 719-724 - Enrique Cervera, Angel P. del Pobil:
Learning and Classification of Contact States in Robotic Assembly Tasks. IEA/AIE 1996: 725-730 - Javier Fernández de Cañete, Inmaculada García-Moral:
A Neural Approach for navigation Inspired by The Human Visual System. IEA/AIE 1996: 731-736 - J. Chen, Herbert Peremans, Jan M. Van Campenhout:
Ultrasonic Perception: A Tri-aural Sensor Array for Mobile Robots using A Competition Neural Network Approach. IEA/AIE 1996: 737-744
- A. Calle, Walter D. Potter, Suchendra M. Bhandarkar:
A Genetic Algorithm for Image Segmentation. IEA/AIE 1996: 745-750 - Begona Martinez, Angel P. del Pobil:
A Hierarchy of Detail for Representing Non-Convex Curved Objects. IEA/AIE 1996: 751-760 - Enrique Bonet, S. Moreno, Francisco Toledo, G. Martin:
A Qualitative Traffic Sensor Based on Three-Dimensional Qualitative Modeling of Visual Textures of Traffic Behavior. IEA/AIE 1996: 761-766 - Pedro J. Sanz, José Manuel Iñesta Quereda, Angel P. del Pobil:
Towards an Automatic Determination of Grasping Points Through a Machine Vision Approach. IEA/AIE 1996: 767-774
Poster Abstracts
Case-Based Reasoning
- K. Shelesh-Nezhad, E. Siores:
A Case-Based Reasoning Approach in Injection Modeling Process Design. IEA/AIE 1996: 775 - Pradeep Raman, Kai H. Chang, W. Homer Carlisle, James H. Cross:
SMARTUSA: A Case-Based Reasoning System for Customer Services. IEA/AIE 1996: 776
Decision Making
- Philip A. Collier, Stewart A. Leech:
Modeling and Implementing Aspects of Holistic Judgment in Industrial Decision Making. IEA/AIE 1996: 777
- Mansour Esmaili, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, Josef Pieprzyk:
Computer Intrusion Detection and Incomplete Information. IEA/AIE 1996: 778 - Carlos Alonso González, Belarmino Pulido Junquera, G. Acosta Lazo:
TURBOLID: Time Use in A Rule Based On Line Industrial Diagnoser. IEA/AIE 1996: 779
Distributed AI
- Takayuki Itoh, Toramatsu Shintani:
An Approach to a Multi-agent Based Scheduling System Using a Coalition Formation. IEA/AIE 1996: 780 - Agostino Poggi, Giovanni Adorni, Paola Turci:
Integrating Agent and Object-Oriented Programming Paradigms for Multi-Agent Systems Development. IEA/AIE 1996: 781 - Akira Namatame, Yoshiaki Tsukamoto:
Necessary Knowledge Sharing for Cooperative Learning among Agents. IEA/AIE 1996: 782
Genetic Algorithm
- Toshihiko Ono, Gen Watanabe:
Optimal Selection of Cutting Length of Bars by Genetic Algorithms. IEA/AIE 1996: 783
Intelligent Tutoring
- Tsuruko Egi, Kazuoki Osada:
A Descriptive Model of Student Program Generation Based on a Protocol Analysis. IEA/AIE 1996: 784 - Lidia L. Hardy, Jose M. Yanez Prieto:
An Intelligent Tutoring System for the Teaching of The Industry Equipment and Its Student Modeling. IEA/AIE 1996: 785
Interactive System
- Shuichi Fukuda, Yoshifusa Matsuura, Premruedee Wongchuphan:
Skill Training at a Distance. IEA/AIE 1996: 786
Knowledge Based System
- T. Rajkumar, H. Mohanty:
K-Tree: An Efficient Structure for Verification and Inference in Rule-Based Systems. IEA/AIE 1996: 787 - Yasushi Shinohara:
Software Fault Reduction Methodology for Reliable Knowledge Bases. IEA/AIE 1996: 788
Knowledge Representation
- John W. Gudenas, C. Robert Carlson:
Macro Scale Object Complexity Measurement and Its Relation to A Semantic Model. IEA/AIE 1996: 789
Logic Programming
- Neng-Fa Zhou, Isao Nagasawa, Masanobu Umeda, Keiichi Katamine, Toyohiko Hirota:
B-Prolog: A High Performance Prolog Compiler. IEA/AIE 1996: 790
Machine Learning
- David Philpot, Tim Hendtlass:
A Cascade of Neural Networks for Complex Classification. IEA/AIE 1996: 791 - Ken Satoh:
PAC-Learning of Weights in Multiobjective Function by Pairwise Comparison. IEA/AIE 1996: 792
Natural Language
- Sivasundaram Suharnan, Hiroshi Karasawa:
A Machine Translating Approach from Japanese to Tamil. IEA/AIE 1996: 793
Neural Network
- Jung H. Kim, Eui H. Park, Celestine A. Ntuen:
Annealed Hopfield Network Approach for Boundary-Based Object Recognition. IEA/AIE 1996: 794 - Howard Copeland, Tim Hendtlass:
Better Neurons for Biological Simulations. IEA/AIE 1996: 795 - N. Selvanathan, Mashkuri Hj. Yaacob:
Canonical Form of Recurrent Neural Network Architecture. IEA/AIE 1996: 796 - Jitendriya K. Satapathy, Canapati Panda, Laxmi N. Bhuyan:
Equalization of Digital Communication Channen Using Hartley-Neural Technique. IEA/AIE 1996: 797 - Guiqing He, Puying Tang:
A Nonlinear Optimization Neural Network for Optimum Multiuser Detectors. IEA/AIE 1996: 798 - Iren Valova, Yukio Kosugi:
Parallel Computer Implementation for Feature Extraction via Answer-in-Weights Neural Network. IEA/AIE 1996: 799 - Ryuji Hamabe, Ho Chun Kuo:
Serial and Parallel Neural Networks for Image Compression. IEA/AIE 1996: 800
Planning and Scheduling
- Felix T. S. Chan, Ralph W. L. Ip:
Explore the Operational Problems of FMSs through Analytical Hierarchy Process and Simulation Approach. IEA/AIE 1996: 801
Practical Application
- Ryuto Fujie, Hiroyuki Fujie, Kunie Takeuchi, Oskar Bartenstein, Kosaku Shirota:
Spectacle Designing and Advice Computer Graphics System Using Artificial Intelligence. IEA/AIE 1996: 802 - Hisaji Fukuda:
Study of a Consultation System for Railway Safety Countermeasure. IEA/AIE 1996: 803
- Masaru Ishii, Hironori Saita:
A Step Toward Human-Robot Cooperative System. IEA/AIE 1996: 804

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