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ISDA 2011: Córdoba, Spain
- Sebastián Ventura, Ajith Abraham, Krzysztof J. Cios, Cristóbal Romero, Francesco Marcelloni, José Manuel Benítez, Eva Lucrecia Gibaja Galindo:
11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2011, Córdoba, Spain, November 22-24, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1676-8 - Ghader Simzan, Adel Akbarimajd, Mahrokh Khosravani:
A market based distributed cooperation mechanism in a multi-robot transportation problem. 1-5 - Alain-Jérôme Fougères
, Egon Ostrosi:
Fuzzy agents communities for product integrated configuration. 6-11 - José Ignacio Estévez Damas, Pedro A. Toledo
, Silvia Alayón
Guiding a relational learning agent with a learning classifier system. 12-17 - Hassan A. Sleiman, Rafael Corchuelo
An architecture for web information agents. 18-23 - Hasini De Silva, François Carrez, Klaus Moessner
Automated group formation in decentralised environments. 24-29 - Iván García-Magariño
A set of method fragments for developing multi-agent systems assisted with model transformations. 30-35 - Sara Rodríguez-González
, Fernando de la Prieta Pintado
, Elena García Pena, Carolina Zato Dominguez, Juan M. Corchado Rodríguez, Javier Bajo Pérez:
Multiagent systems and self-organizative virtual organizations, a step ahead in adaptive MAS. 36-41 - Faeze Ramezani, Nasser Ghasem-Aghaee, Mohammad Kazemifard
Modeling of emotional-social negotiator agents. 42-46 - Alma Gómez-Rodríguez
, Juan Carlos González Moreno
, David Ramos-Varcárcel, Luis Vázquez López:
Using a controlled language in Spanish to specify the architectural design of a multiagent system. 47-52 - Alma Gómez-Rodríguez
, Juan Carlos González Moreno
, David Ramos-Valcarcel, Luis Vázquez López:
Modeling serious games using AOSE methodologies. 53-58 - Ayda Kaddoussi, Nesrine Zoghlami
, Slim Hammadi
, Hayfa Zgaya
An agent-based distributed scheduling for military logistics. 59-64 - Zubair A. Baig
, Saad Khan, Saif Ahmed, Mohammed H. Sqalli:
A selective parameter-based evolutionary technique for network intrusion detection. 65-71 - Alberto Bartoli
, Eric Medvet
, Giorgio Davanzo:
Rainbow crypt: Securing communication through a protected visual channel. 72-75 - Danilo R. B. Araujo, Carmelo J. A. Bastos Filho
, Erick A. Barboza
, Daniel A. R. Chaves
, Joaquim F. Martins-Filho
An efficient multi-objective evolutionary optimizer to design all-optical networks considering physical impairments and CAPEX. 76-81 - Václav Snásel, Pavel Krömer
, Jan Platos
Towards the analysis of co-authorship networks by iterative spectral partitioning. 82-87 - Pasquale De Meo, Emilio Ferrara
, Giacomo Fiumara
, Alessandro Provetti:
Generalized Louvain method for community detection in large networks. 88-93 - Sebastián Basterrech
, Colin Fyfe, Gerardo Rubino:
Self-Organizing Maps and Scale-Invariant Maps in Echo State Networks. 94-99 - Cosimo Birtolo
, Davide Ronca, Roberto Armenise:
Improving accuracy of recommendation system by means of Item-based Fuzzy Clustering Collaborative Filtering. 100-106 - Sergio Misó, Miguel J. Hornos
, María Luisa Rodríguez:
Adaptive geolocated cultural information system for mobile devices. 107-111 - Hamid Rastegari
, Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin:
An immune system approach to personalize search results. 112-117 - António Coelho
, Andre Rodrigues:
Personalized travel suggestions for tourism websites. 118-123 - Manel Sghaier, Slim Hammadi
, Hayfa Zgaya
, Christian Tahon:
An optimized dynamic carpooling system based on communicating agents operating over a distributed architecture. 124-129 - Mario G. C. A. Cimino
, Beatrice Lazzerini
, Francesco Marcelloni
, Giovanna Castellano
, Anna Maria Fanelli
, Maria Alessandra Torsello:
A collaborative situation-aware scheme for mobile service recommendation. 130-135 - Jan Zizka, Frantisek Darena
Mining textual significant expressions reflecting opinions in natural languages. 136-141 - Daan Van Britsom, Antoon Bronselaer
, Guy De Tré:
Automatically generating multi-document summarizations. 142-147 - Luka Eciolaza
, Gracián Triviño:
Linguistic reporting of driver behavior: Summary and event description. 148-153 - Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Daniel Sanchez-Valdes
, Gracián Triviño:
Automatic linguistic description about relevant features of the Mars' surface. 154-159 - Carlos Alberto Donis Diaz, Rafael Bello Pérez, Eduardo Valencia Morales:
Using Linguistic Data Summarization in the study of creep data for the design of new steels. 160-165 - Félix Díaz-Hermida, Alejandro Ramos-Soto
, Alberto Bugarín
On the role of fuzzy quantified statements in linguistic summarization of data. 166-171 - Ouahib Guenounou, Ali Belmehdi, Boutaib Dahhou, Nassim Belkherchi:
Intelligent design of fuzzy logic controller using NSGA-II. 172-177 - Uzair Ansari, Saqib Alam:
Hybrid Genetic Algorithm fuzzy rule based guidance and control for launch vehicle. 178-185 - Adel Akbarimajd, Behrooz Sobhani, Hossein Shayeghi:
Neural network based NARMA controller for a DG in islanding mode. 186-189 - Haifa Mehdi, Olfa Boubaker:
Position/force control optimized by particle swarm intelligence for constrained robotic manipulators. 190-195 - Vishnu Kumar Kaliappan
, Hanmaro Yong, Dugki Min, Agus Budiyono
Behavior-based decentralized approach for cooperative control of a multiple small scale unmanned helicopter. 196-201 - Hossein Barghijand
, Adel Akbarimajd, Jafar Keighobadi:
Quasi-static object manipulation by mobile robot: Optimal motion planning using GA. 202-207 - Ahmed Elgohary, Mohamed A. Ismail:
Efficient data clustering over peer-to-peer networks. 208-212 - Hai Thanh Nguyen, Katrin Franke, Slobodan Petrovic:
A new ensemble-feature-selection framework for intrusion detection. 213-218 - Prakash Shelokar
, Arnaud Quirin, Oscar Cordón
MOEP-SO: A multiobjective evolutionary programming algorithm for graph mining. 219-224 - Dat T. Nguyen, Witold Dzwinel
, Krzysztof J. Cios:
Visualization of highly-dimensional data in 3D space. 225-230 - Maria Belén Vaquerizo García, Álvaro Herrero
, Emilio Corchado:
Visual analysis of nurse rostering solutions through a bio-inspired intelligent model. 231-236 - Paolo Piaggi
, Danilo Menicucci
, Claudio Gentili
, Giacomo Handjaras
, Marco Laurino
, Andrea Piarulli
, Mario Guazzelli, Angelo Gemignani
, Alberto Landi
Adaptive filtering for removing nonstationary physiological noise from resting state fMRI BOLD signals. 237-241 - Marco Laurino
, Andrea Piarulli
, Remo Bedini, Angelo Gemignani
, Alessandro Pingitore, Antonio L'Abbate, Alberto Landi
, Paolo Piaggi
, Danilo Menicucci
Comparative study of morphological ECG features classificators: An application on athletes undergone to acute physical stress. 242-246 - Razvan Ghinea
, Juan de la Cruz Cardona
, Ana Maria Ionescu, Maria del Mar Pérez
, Luis Javier Herrera:
Using Takagi-Sugeno-Kang approximation fuzzy logic for evaluating the performance of color difference formulas in dentistry. 247-252 - Luis Javier Herrera, Antonio Miguel Mora, Carlos M. Fernandes
, Daria Migotina, Alberto Guillén
, Agostinho C. Rosa
Symbolic representation of the EEG for sleep stage classification. 253-258 - Karel Osorio, Gabriel Luque
, Enrique Alba
Distributed evolutionary algorithms with adaptive migration period. 259-264 - Keiichiro Yasuda, Kazuyuki Yazawa:
Parameter self-adjusting strategy for Particle Swarm Optimization. 265-270 - Sergio Nesmachnow
, Francisco Luna
, Enrique Alba
Time analysis of standard evolutionary algorithms as software programs. 271-276 - A. H. Al-Mohammed, Mohammad A. Abido
, M. M. Mansour:
Optimal PMU placement for power system observability using differential evolution. 277-282 - Yoshihiro Kasahara, Mitsunori Miki, Masato Yoshimi:
Preliminary evaluation of the Intelligent Lighting System with distributed control modules. 283-288 - Joaquín Bautista
, Alberto Cano, Rocío Alfaro:
A bounded dynamic programming algorithm for the MMSP-W considering workstation dependencies and unrestricted interruption of the operations. 289-294 - Ali Akbar Jamshidifar:
Optimization of natural gas transmission network using genetic algorithm. 295-300 - Francisco G. Bulnes
, Rubén Usamentiaga
, Daniel F. García
, Julio Molleda
Detection of periodical patterns in the defects identified by computer vision systems. 301-306 - Vicente Rodríguez Montequín
, Luis Fernandez Alvarez, Gemma Martinez Huerta
, Ivan Peteira Otero:
Intelligent rolls change scheduling systems for rod wire rolling. 307-312 - Abdul Syukor Mohamad Jaya, M. R. Muhamad, Md. Nizam Abd Rahman, Zul Atfyi Fauzan Mohammed Napiah, Siti Zaiton Mohd Hashim, Habibollah Haron:
Hybrid RSM-fuzzy modeling for hardness prediction of TiAlN coatings. 313-318 - Vito Calderaro
, Vincenzo Galdi
, Marcelo Cortes-Carmona
, Rodrigo Palma-Behnke
Fuzzy load-shedding strategy in distribution systems. 319-324 - Alberto Cano
, Amelia Zafra
, Sebastián Ventura:
An EP algorithm for learning highly interpretable classifiers. 325-330 - Verónica Bolón-Canedo, Noelia Sánchez-Maroño
, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
Toward an ensemble of filters for classification. 331-336 - Ricardo Cerri
, Rodrigo C. Barros
, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho
Hierarchical multi-label classification for protein function prediction: A local approach based on neural networks. 337-343 - Carlos García-Martínez
, Francisco J. Rodríguez, Manuel Lozano
Analysing the significance of no free lunch theorems on the set of real-world binary problems. 344-349 - Davide Martinetti
, Bernard De Baets
, Susana Díaz
, Susana Montes:
On the role of acyclicity in the study of rationality of fuzzy choice functions. 350-355 - Abir Smiti, Zied Elouedi:
WCOID: Maintaining case-based reasoning systems using Weighting, Clustering, Outliers and Internal cases Detection. 356-361 - Edimilson Batista dos Santos, Nelson F. F. Ebecken
, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr.:
Learning Bayesian Network structures using Multiple Offspring Sampling. 362-367 - José García-Nieto
, Enrique Alba
, Ana Carolina Olivera
Enhancing the urban road traffic with Swarm Intelligence: A case study of Córdoba city downtown. 368-373 - Antonia Azzini, Andrea Tettamanzi
, Mauro Dragoni
SimBa-2: Improving a novel similarity-based crossover for the evolution of artificial neural networks. 374-379 - Mortaza Aliasghary, Ibrahim Eksin
, Müjde Güzelkaya
Fuzzy-sliding model reference learning control of inverted pendulum with big bang - Big crunch optimization method. 380-384 - María Brox, Santiago Sánchez-Solano
, L. Delgado:
XFVHDL4: A hardware synthesis tool for fuzzy systems. 385-390 - Umair Farooq Siddiqi
, Yoichi Shiraishi, Sadiq M. Sait:
Multi-constrained route optimization for Electric Vehicles (EVs) using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). 391-396 - Hilton Oliveira de Lima, Sérgio Campello Oliveira
, Eduardo Fontana
Flashover risk prediction on polluted insulators strings of high voltage transmission lines. 397-401 - Silvia Cateni, Valentina Colla
, Marco Vannucci
Novel resampling method for the classification of imbalanced datasets for industrial and other real-world problems. 402-407 - Luis Fernandez, Joaquín Villanueva Balsera, Fernando Rodriguez, José Manuel Mesa Fernández
Reduction of rejections in cold rolled strip welding by intelligent analysis of image and process data. 408-413 - Lorenzo Salas-Morera
, Laura García-Hernández
, Antonio Arauzo-Azofra
An evolutionary algorithm for the unequal area facility layout problem. 414-419 - Si Larabi Khelifati, Fatima Benbouzid-Sitayeb:
A sequantial distributed approach for the joint scheduling of jobs and maintenance operations in the flowshop sequencing problem. 420-425 - Luis G. Pérez, Beatriz Montes-Berges
, Maria del Rosario Castillo-Mayen:
Boosting social networks in Social Network-Based Recommender System. 426-431 - Alejandro Sobrino, José Angel Olivas, Cristina Puente
Mining answers for causal questions in a medical example. 432-437 - Luis G. Pérez, Francisco Chiclana
, Samad Ahmadi:
A social network representation for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems. 438-443 - Álvaro Tejeda-Lorente
, Carlos Porcel, María Ángeles Martínez, Antonio Gabriel López-Herrera, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
Using memory to reduce the information overload in a university digital library. 444-449 - Rodrigo C. Barros
, Ricardo Cerri
, Pablo A. Jaskowiak
, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho
A bottom-up oblique decision tree induction algorithm. 450-456 - Rozniza Ali, Amir Hussain
, James E. Bron
, Andrew P. Shinn
Multi-stage classification of Gyrodactylus species using machine learning and feature selection techniques. 457-462 - Christopher Expósito Izquierdo
, Belén Melián-Batista, J. Marcos Moreno-Vega
Variable Neighbourhood Search for the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem. 463-468 - Joana Cósta
, Catarina Silva
, Mário Antunes
, Bernardete Ribeiro
On using crowdsourcing and active learning to improve classification performance. 469-474 - Javier Cózar, Luis delaOssa
, José A. Gámez
Learning heterogeneus cooperative linguistic fuzzy rules using local search: Enhancing the COR search space. 475-480 - Divya Suryakumar, Andrew H. Sung, Qingzhong Liu
Determine the Critical dimension in data mining (experiments with bioinformatics datasets). 481-486 - Farham Mohamed, Mohd Nordin Abdul Rahman, M. Lazim Abdullah:
The development of temporal-based multimedia data management application using web services. 487-492 - Andrea Zanda, Ernestina Menasalvas Ruiz
, Santiago Eibe
A social network activity recommender system for ubiquitous devices. 493-497 - Jan Platos
, Pavel Krömer
Optimizing alphabet using genetic algorithms. 498-503 - Víctor Berrocal-Plaza, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
, Juan Antonio Gómez Pulido
, Juan Manuel Sánchez-Pérez:
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm applied to WiMAX network planning problem. 504-509 - Marek Behalek
, Stanislav Böhm, Pavel Krömer
, Martin Surkovský
, Ondrej Meca:
Parallelization of ant colony optimization algorithm using Kaira. 510-515 - Thatiana C. N. de Souza, Elizabeth Ferreira Gouvea Goldbarg, Marco César Goldbarg:
Transgenetic algorithm for the biobjective oil derivatives distribution problem. 516-521 - Danilo Horta, Ricardo J. G. B. Campello
Automatic aspect discrimination in relational data clustering. 522-529 - Charu Pun, Naveen Kumar
Projected Rough Fuzzy c-means clustering. 530-536 - Beatriz Pontes
, Raúl Giráldez
, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
Evolutionary biclustering based on expression patterns. 537-542 - Rodrigo C. Barros
, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho
, Márcio P. Basgalupp
, Marcos G. Quiles
A clustering-based decision tree induction algorithm. 543-550 - Yee Ling Boo
, Damminda Alahakoon:
Clusters driven implementation of a brain inspired model for multi-view pattern identifications. 551-556 - Yasunori Endo, Yukihiro Hamasuna:
Hard and fuzzy c-means clustering with mutual relation constraints. 557-562 - Alvaro Ortigosa, José Ignacio Quiroga, Rosa M. Carro
Inferring user personality in social networks: A case study in Facebook. 563-568 - Georges Dubus, Fabrice Popineau, Yolaine Bourda
Situation calculus and personalized web systems. 569-574 - Ariel Vargas, Harold Weffers, Heloisa Vieira da Rocha:
Discovering and analyzing patterns of usage to detect usability problems in web applications. 575-580 - Fabio Clarizia, Francesco Colace
, Massimo De Santo, Luca Greco
, Paolo Napoletano
Mixed graph of terms for query expansion. 581-586 - Pasquale De Meo, Emilio Ferrara
, Giacomo Fiumara
, Alessandro Provetti:
Improving recommendation quality by merging collaborative filtering and social relationships. 587-592 - M. Julia Flores
, José A. Gámez
, Ana M. Martínez
, Antonio Salmerón
Mixture of truncated exponentials in supervised classification: Case study for the naive bayes and averaged one-dependence estimators classifiers. 593-598 - Alfonso Ibáñez, Pedro Larrañaga
, Concha Bielza
Predicting the h-index with cost-sensitive naive Bayes. 599-604 - Prakash P. Shenoy
, Rafael Rumí
, Antonio Salmerón
Some practical issues in inference in hybrid Bayesian networks with deterministic conditionals. 605-610 - Juan Ignacio Alonso-Barba, Luis delaOssa
, José M. Puerta
Efficient and sound evaluation when learning Bayesian networks in the space of orderings based on local methods. 611-618 - Silvia Acid, Luis M. de Campos
, Moisés Fernández:
Minimum redundancy maximum relevancy versus score-based methods for learning Markov boundaries. 619-623 - Andrés Cano
, Manuel Gómez-Olmedo
, Andrés R. Masegosa, Serafín Moral:
Learning with Bayesian networks and probability trees to approximate a joint distribution. 624-629 - Julián Ramos Cózar, Pablo Nieto, José María González-Linares
, Nicolás Guil
, Yanio Hernández Heredia:
Detection of logos in low quality videos. 630-635 - Emerson Carlos Pedrino, José Hiroki Saito, Edilson R. R. Kato, Orides Morandin Jr., Luís Mariano del Val Cura, Valentin Obac Roda, Mário Luiz Tronco
, Roberto H. Tsunaki
Automatic construction of image operators using a genetic programming approach. 636-641 - Seyed Mohammad Seyedzadeh, Yasaman Hashemi:
Image encryption algorithm based on Choquet Fuzzy Integral with self-adaptive pseudo-random number generator. 642-647 - Abdallah Meraoumia
, Salim Chitroub, Ahmed Bouridane:
2D and 3D palmprint information and Hidden Markov Model for improved identification performance. 648-653 - Tanushyam Chattopadhyay:
Video shot boundary detection using compressed domain features of H.264. 654-659 - Tanushyam Chattopadhyay:
Video shot boundary detection using compressed domain features of H.264. 660-665 - Carlos Lopez-Molina
, Humberto Bustince Sola, Edurne Barrenechea Tartas
, Aranzazu Jurio
, Bernard De Baets
Multiscale edge detection based on the Sobel method. 666-671 - Martina Danková, Petra Hodáková, Irina Perfilieva, Marek Vajgl
Edge detection using F-transform. 672-677 - Abdellah Lamallem, Lionel Valet, Didier Coquin:
Towards the supervision of a fusion system for 3D image interpretation. 678-683 - Atsushi Nomura
, Makoto Ichikawa
, Koichi Okada, Hidetoshi Miike, Tatsunari Sakurai, Yoshiki Mizukami:
Anisotropic reaction-diffusion stereo algorithm. 684-689 - Néstor Morales
, Jonay Toledo, Leopoldo Acosta
Object detection in non-stationary video surveillance for an autonomous vehicle. 690-695 - Sarunas Raudys, Aistis Raudys:
High frequency trading portfolio optimisation: Integration of financial and human factors. 696-701 - Giuseppe Anastasi, Francesco Corucci, Francesco Marcelloni
An intelligent system for electrical energy management in buildings. 702-707 - Ichiro Satoh:
Intelligent management for cooperative logistics. 708-713 - Hyun Joon Jung, J. K. Aggarwal:
A Binary Stock Event Model for stock trends forecasting: Forecasting stock trends via a simple and accurate approach with machine learning. 714-719 - Hassane Tahir, Patrick Brézillon:
A shared context approach for supporting experts in data ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) processes. 720-725 - Ismahène Hadj Khalifa, Nozha Zribi, Abdelkader El Kamel:
Itinerary optimisation approach inside hypermarkets. 726-731 - Ahmad Poursaberi, Claudia Bahr, Arno Pluk, Daniel Berckmans, Imbi Veermae, Eugen Kokin, Vaino Pokalainen:
Online lameness detection in dairy cattle using Body Movement Pattern (BMP). 732-736 - Rizwan Ahmed Khan
, Alexandre Meyer
, Hubert Konik, Saïda Bouakaz:
Facial expression recognition using entropy and brightness features. 737-742 - Fakhreddine Ababsa, Imane M. Zendjebil, Jean-Yves Didier
, Malik Mallem
Efficient initialization schemes for real-time 3D camera tracking using image sequences. 743-747 - Aracelys Garcia, Gabriel Luque
, Enrique Alba
Influence of parallel metrics in the analysis of parallel metaheuristic algorithms. 748-753 - Yasmina Bashon, Daniel Neagu
, Mick J. Ridley:
Fuzzy set-theoretical approach for comparing objects with fuzzy attributes. 754-759 - Tufan Kumbasar
, Ibrahim Eksin
, Müjde Güzelkaya
, Engin Yesil
An inversion method for interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems. 760-765 - Guido Perboli
, Marco Ghirardi
, Luca Gobbato, Gabriele Benedetti:
A DSS for business decisions in air transportation: A case study. 766-771 - Sebastian Langton, Martin Josef Geiger
Knowledge-based estimation of stockout costs in logistic systems. 772-777 - Elio Cables
, Maria Socorro García-Cascales, M. Dolores Gómez-López, M. Teresa Lamata:
A framework for evaluating rabbit-breeding farm in the mediterranean: A TOPSIS approach. 778-783 - Marisa B. Figueiredo
, Ana de Almeida
, Bernardete Ribeiro
Smart home: A novel model for denoising an electrical signal. 784-789 - Raúl Domínguez
, Enrique Onieva
, Javier Alonso
, Jorge Villagra
, Carlos González
LIDAR based perception solution for autonomous vehicles. 790-795 - Edwin de Jesus Zarrazola, Daniel Gómez
, Javier Montero
, Javier Yáñez
, Ana Ines Gomez de Castro:
Network clustering by graph coloring: An application to astronomical images. 796-801 - Dermot Kerr
, Sonya A. Coleman
, T. Martin McGinnity
, Qingxiang Wu, Marine Clogenson:
Biologically inspired edge detection. 802-807 - Daniel Paternain
, Miguel Pagola
, Javier Fernández
, Radko Mesiar, Gleb Beliakov
, Humberto Bustince Sola:
Brain MRI thresholding using incomparability and overlap functions. 808-812 - Payam Amani, Maria Kihl, Anders Robertsson:
NARX-based multi-step ahead response time prediction for database servers. 813-818 - Camelia Chira
, Javier Sedano, José Ramón Villar
, Monica Camara, Emilio Corchado:
Evolutionary model support for Urban Bicycles Renting Systems. 819-824 - Giounona Tzanidou, Eran A. Edirisinghe:
Automatic baggage detection and classification. 825-830 - Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen, Mikko Järvinen, Paula Martiskainen, Jaakko Mononen:
Jerk-based feature extraction for robust activity recognition from acceleration data. 831-836 - Yuan Xu, Lihong Xu, Dawei Li, Yang Wu:
Pedestrian detection using background subtraction assisted Support Vector Machine. 837-842 - Gul Muhammad Khan, Shahid Khan, Fahad Ullah:
Short-term daily peak load forecasting using fast learning neural network. 843-848 - Christoph Bergmeir
, José Manuel Benítez
Forecaster performance evaluation with cross-validation and variants. 849-854 - Nassim Abbas, Youcef Chibani
Combination of off-line and on-line signature verification systems based on SVM and DST. 855-860 - Clara Calvo, Carlos Ivorra, Vicente Liern
Fuzzy portfolio selection based on the analysis of efficient frontiers. 861-866 - Pablo J. Villacorta, Antonio D. Masegosa
, Dagoberto Castellanos
, Pavel Novoa-Hernández
, David A. Pelta
Sensitivity analysis in the scenario method: A multi-objective approach. 867-872 - Agnes Hotz-Wagenblatt, Ilia Kats
, Karl-Heinz Glatting, Maren Scharfenberger-Schmeer, Berit Haldemann:
OnTarget: A tool for analysing enrichment data derived from next generation sequencing. 873-876 - David Gutiérrez-Avilés
, Cristina Rubio-Escudero, José C. Riquelme:
Triclustering on temporary microarray data using the TriGen algorithm. 877-881 - Edgardo Mejía-Roa
, Carlos García
, José Ignacio Gómez
, Manuel Prieto
, Francisco Tirado
, Rubén Nogales, Alberto D. Pascual-Montano:
Biclustering and classification analysis in gene expression using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization on multi-GPU systems. 882-887 - John See
Probabilistic Bayesian network classifier for face recognition in video sequences. 888-893 - Lamia Mezai, Fella Hachouf, Messaoud Bengherabi
Score fusion of face and voice using Dempster-Shafer theory for person authentication. 894-899 - Manuel Baena-García, Rafael Morales Bueno:
New data structures for analyzing frequent factors in strings. 900-905 - Tore Bruland, Agnar Aamodt, Helge Langseth:
A hybrid CBR and BN architecture refined through data analysis. 906-913 - Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Adas Gelzinis, Virgilijus Uloza:
Monitoring human larynx by random forests using questionnaire data. 914-919 - Daniel Álvarez
, Roberto Hornero
, J. Víctor Marcos
, Thomas Penzel
, Félix del Campo, Niels Wessel
Prospective evaluation of logistic regression models from overnight oximetry to assist in sleep apnea diagnosis. 920-924 - Mauro Tucci
, Marco Raugi
Analysis of spectral clustering algorithms for linear and nonlinear time series. 925-930 - Qinpei Zhao, Mantao Xu, Pasi Fränti:
Extending external validity measures for determining the number of clusters. 931-936 - Naim Ramou, Mustapha Djeddou, Mhania Guerti:
Two classifiers score fusion for text independent speaker verification. 937-940 - Smita Vemulapalli, Monson Hayes:
Synchronization and combination techniques for audio-video based handwritten mathematical content recognition in classroom videos. 941-946 - Katsutoshi Saeki, Toshiharu Morita, Yoshifumi Sekine:
Associative memory using pulse-type hardware neural network with STDP synapses. 947-951 - J. Manuel Colmenar, Miguel A. Abánades, Fernando Poza, Diego Martín, Alfredo Cuesta-Infante, Alberto Herran
, José Ignacio Hidalgo
On a generalized name entity recognizer based on Hidden Markov Models. 952-958 - Imen Boukhris, Zied Elouedi, Salem Benferhat:
Analyzing belief function networks with conditional beliefs. 959-964 - Anis Suhailis Abdul Kadir, Azuraliza Abu Bakar, Abdul Razak Hamdan:
Frequent absence and presence itemset for negative association rule mining. 965-970 - Juan Luis Olmo
, José María Luna
, José Raúl Romero
, Sebastián Ventura:
Association rule mining using a multi-objective grammar-based ant programming algorithm. 971-977 - Vitor Bremgartner
, J. F. de Magalhães Netto:
An adaptive strategy to help students in e-Learning systems using competency-based ontology and agents. 978-983 - Francisco P. Romero, Mateus Ferreira Satler, José Angel Olivas, Manuel Emilio Prieto Méndez
, Víctor Hugo Menéndez-Domínguez
A fuzzy-based recommender approach for learning objects management systems. 984-989 - Mateus Ferreira Satler, Christian Vidal-Castro
, Francisco P. Romero, José Angel Olivas, José Luís Braga:
Enhancing portfolio assessment: An application of fuzzy ontologies. 990-995 - Víctor Hugo Menéndez-Domínguez
, Alfredo Zapata
, Manuel E. Prieto
, Cristóbal Romero
, Jesús Serrano-Guerrero
A similarity-based approach to enhance learning objects management systems. 996-1001 - Juan Carlos Vidal
, Manuel Lama
, Estefanía Otero-García, Alberto Bugarín
An evolutionary approach for learning the weight of relations in linked data. 1002-1007 - Massimo Vecchio
, Roberto López-Valcarce
, Francesco Marcelloni
A study on the application of different two-objective evolutionary algorithms to the node localization problem in wireless sensor networks. 1008-1013 - Diana Manjarres
, Javier Del Ser
, Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Massimo Vecchio
, Itziar Landa-Torres, Roberto López-Valcarce
On the application of a hybrid Harmony Search algorithm to node localization in anchor-based Wireless Sensor Networks. 1014-1019 - Pablo Menendez, Carmen Campomanes
, Krzysztof Trawinski, José Maria Alonso
Topology-based indoor localization by means of WiFi fingerprinting with a computational intelligent classifier. 1020-1025 - Itziar Landa-Torres, Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Javier Del Ser
, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Diana Manjarres
, José Antonio Portilla-Figueras
A Grouping Harmony Search approach for the Citywide WiFi deployment problem. 1026-1031 - J. A. Mariscal-Ramirez, Jose-Ángel Fernández-Prieto, Manuel A. Gadeo Martos
, Joaquín Cañada Bago
Knowledge-based wireless sensors using sound pressure level for noise pollution monitoring. 1032-1037 - Fabio Clarizia, Francesco Colace
, Massimo De Santo, Luca Greco
, Paolo Napoletano
A new text classification technique using small training sets. 1038-1043 - Manuel Baena-García, José M. Carmona-Cejudo, Gladys Castillo, Rafael Morales Bueno:
TF-SIDF: Term frequency, sketched inverse document frequency. 1044-1049 - Hassiba Nemmour
, Youcef Chibani
Training tangent similarities for improving Ridgelet characterization of handwritten Arabic words. 1050-1055 - José M. Carmona-Cejudo, Manuel Baena-García, Gladys Castillo, Rafael Morales Bueno:
Online calculation of word-clouds for efficient label summarization. 1056-1061 - Diana Trandabat
Mining Romanian texts for semantic knowledge. 1062-1066 - Norberto Díaz-Díaz
, Francisco Gómez-Vela
, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
, Jorge García-Gutiérrez
Gene-gene interaction based clustering method for microarray data. 1067-1073 - Cristina Rubio-Escudero, Francisco Martínez-Álvarez
, María Martínez-Ballesteros
, José C. Riquelme:
On the use of algorithms to discover motifs in DNA sequences. 1074-1079 - Marco Masseroli, Marco Tagliasacchi, Davide Chicco
Semantically improved genome-wide prediction of Gene Ontology annotations. 1080-1085 - Alfonso E. Márquez Chamorro, Federico Divina
, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
, Gualberto Asencio-Cortés
A multi-objective genetic algorithm for the Protein Structure Prediction. 1086-1090 - Juan A. Nepomuceno
, Alicia Troncoso Lora
, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
Inferring gene coexpression networks with Biclustering based on Scatter Search. 1091-1096 - Muhammad Tami Al-Hajri, Mohammad A. Abido
Multiobjective optimal power flow using Improved Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2). 1097-1103 - María Arsuaga-Ríos, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
, Francisco Prieto Castrillo
Evaluation of multiobjective swarm algorithms for grid scheduling. 1104-1109 - Francisco Luna
, David L. González-Álvarez, Francisco Chicano
, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez
On the scalability of multi-objective metaheuristics for the software scheduling problem. 1110-1115 - José Elias Claudio Arroyo, Rafael dos Santos Ottoni, André Gustavo dos Santos:
Multi-objective Variable Neighborhood Search algorithms for a just-in-time single machine scheduling problem. 1116-1121 - F. R. Zaro, Mohammad A. Abido
Multi-objective particle swarm optimization for optimal power flow in a deregulated environment of power systems. 1122-1127 - Carmelo J. A. Bastos Filho
, Elliackin M. N. Figueiredo, Erick A. Barboza
, Joaquim F. Martins-Filho
, Marcelo Eduardo Vieira Segatto, S. Cani, Maria José Pontes
Simple design of Raman fiber amplifiers using a multi-objective optimizer. 1128-1133 - Joaquín López, Diego Pérez Losada
, Eduardo Zalama Casanova
, Jaime Gómez García-Bermejo
Low cost indoor mobile robot localization system. 1134-1139 - Keyvan Kashkouli Nejad, Xiaohong Jiang, Michitaka Kameyama:
Non-blocking tag scanning for passive RFID localization. 1140-1145 - Cristina Gamallo, Pablo Quintía, Roberto Iglesias
, Jacobo V. Lorenzo, Carlos Vázquez Regueiro
Combination of a low cost GPS with visual localization based on a previous map for outdoor navigation. 1146-1151 - Victor Rodriguez, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Lera
, Vicente Matellán
Localization issues in the design of a humanoid goalkeeper for the RoboCup SPL using BICA. 1152-1157 - Helga Ingimundardottir
, Thomas Philip Runarsson
Sampling strategies in ordinal regression for surrogate assisted evolutionary optimization. 1158-1163 - Ricardo Gamelas Sousa, Jaime S. Cardoso
Ensemble of decision trees with global constraints for ordinal classification. 1164-1169 - M. Pérez-Ortiz
, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez
, Carlos R. García-Alonso
, Luis Salvador-Carulla
, Jose Alberto Salinas-Perez
, César Hervás-Martínez:
Ordinal classification of depression spatial hot-spots of prevalence. 1170-1175 - Manuel Cruz-Ramírez
, César Hervás-Martínez, Javier Sánchez-Monedero
, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez
A preliminary study of ordinal metrics to guide a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. 1176-1181 - Javier Sánchez-Monedero
, Mariano Carbonero-Ruz, David Becerra-Alonso, Francisco J. Martínez-Estudillo, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez
, César Hervás-Martínez:
Numerical variable reconstruction from ordinal categories based on probability distributions. 1182-1187 - Willem Waegeman, Bernard De Baets
ERA ranking representability: The missing link between ordinal regression and multi-class classification. 1188-1193 - Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera, J. M. Martin, Carlos Cano
, Marta Cuadros Celorrio
, Armando Blanco:
SNP annotation from next generation sequencing data. 1194-1199 - Luis M. de Campos
, Andrés Cano
, Javier G. Castellano
, Serafín Moral
Bayesian networks classifiers for gene-expression data. 1200-1206 - Antonio D. Masegosa
, Federico Rutolo, David A. Pelta
A cooperative strategy for parameter estimation problems in Systems Biology: Preliminary results. 1207-1212 - Carlos Cano
, Alberto Labarga
, Armando Blanco, Leonid Peshkin
Collaborative semi-automatic annotation of the biomedical literature. 1213-1217 - M. F. Lucca, E. Hopp, Rocío Romero-Záliz
Comparative transcription profiles of Solanum wild species under drought conditions: Preliminary results. 1218-1223 - Rocío Romero-Záliz
, J. Arnedo-Fdez, Igor Zwir, Coral del Val
Finding promoter profiles with multiobjective identification of cis-regulatory modules based on constraints. 1224-1228 - José A. Sáez
, Julián Luengo
, Francisco Herrera:
Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Systems versus crisp robust learners trained in presence of class noise's effects: A case of study. 1229-1234 - David García, Antonio González Muñoz
, Raúl Pérez
An iterative strategy for feature construction on a fuzzy rule-based learning algorithm. 1235-1240 - María Martínez-Ballesteros
, Isabel A. Nepomuceno-Chamorro
, José C. Riquelme:
Inferring gene-gene associations from Quantitative Association Rules. 1241-1246 - Daniel Gómez
, Javier Montero
, Javier Yáñez
A divide-link algorithm based on fuzzy similarity for clustering networks. 1247-1252 - J. Gascón-Moreno, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Emilio G. Ortíz-García, Leopoldo Carro-Calvo
, Beatriz Saavedra-Moreno, José Antonio Portilla-Figueras
A binary-encoded tabu-list genetic algorithm for fast support vector regression hyper-parameters tuning. 1253-1257 - Sadaaki Miyamoto, Akihisa Terami:
Inductive vs. transductive clustering using kernel functions and pairwise constraints. 1258-1264 - Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez
, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, César Hervás-Martínez, Leopoldo Carro-Calvo
, Javier Sánchez-Monedero
, Luis Prieto:
Evaluating nominal and ordinal classifiers for wind speed prediction from synoptic pressure patterns. 1265-1270 - Silvia Jiménez-Fernández
, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, G. Gomez-Prada, Leopoldo Carro-Calvo
, José Antonio Portilla-Figueras
, J. Maellas-Benito:
Sizing a hybrid photovoltaic-hydrogen system for remote telecommunication stand-alone facilities using evolutionary algorithms. 1271-1275 - Marco Cococcioni
, Eleonora D'Andrea
, Beatrice Lazzerini
24-hour-ahead forecasting of energy production in solar PV systems. 1276-1281 - Vito Calderaro
, Vincenzo Galdi
, Antonio Piccolo, Giovanni Massa
Optimal fuzzy controller for voltage control in distribution systems. 1282-1287 - Jie Wu, Eliska Ochodkova, Jan Martinovic
, Václav Snásel, Ajith Abraham:
Analysis of loop strategies in robot soccer game. 1288-1293 - José M. Carmona-Cejudo, Gladys Castillo, Manuel Baena-García, Rafael Morales Bueno:
A comparative study on feature selection and adaptive strategies for email foldering. 1294-1299 - Pablo Bermejo
, Luis de la Ossa
, José A. Gámez
, José M. Puerta
A study on different backward feature selection criteria over high-dimensional databases. 1300-1305 - Et-Tahir Zemouri
, Youcef Chibani
Machine printed handwritten text discrimination using Radon transform and SVM classifier. 1306-1310 - Fernando Bobillo, Umberto Straccia
Fuzzy ontologies and fuzzy integrals. 1311-1316 - Carmen Martínez-Cruz
, Ignacio J. Blanco
, Maria-Amparo Vila
An ontology to represent queries in fuzzy relational databases. 1317-1322 - Josué Iglesias
, Jens Lehmann
Towards integrating fuzzy logic capabilities into an ontology-based Inductive Logic Programming framework. 1323-1328 - Miguel A. Serrano
, Juan Gómez-Romero
, Miguel A. Patricio
, Jesús García
, José M. Molina
Topological properties in ontology-based applications. 1329-1334 - Ana Belén Ramos-Guajardo
, Gil González-Rodríguez
Hypothesis testing with fuzzy data: An application to quality control of cheese. 1335-1340 - Pietro Ducange
, Michela Fazzolari, Beatrice Lazzerini
, Francesco Marcelloni
An intelligent system for detecting faults in photovoltaic fields. 1341-1346 - Marcos Evandro Cintra
, Carlos Alberto Alves Meira, Maria Carolina Monard, Heloisa A. Camargo
, Luiz Henrique A. Rodrigues
The use of fuzzy decision trees for coffee rust warning in Brazilian crops. 1347-1352 - Raffaele Cannone, Ciro Castiello, Anna Maria Fanelli
, Corrado Mencar
Assessment of semantic cointension of fuzzy rule-based classifiers in a medical context. 1353-1358 - Javier Pérez-Rodríguez
, Nicolás García-Pedrajas:
Evolutionary computation, combined with support vector machines, for gene structure prediction. 1359-1364 - Vijender Chaitankar, Preetam Ghosh
, Mohamed O. Elasri, Edward J. Perkins:
sREVEAL: Scalable extensions of REVEAL towards regulatory network inference. 1365-1370 - Oscar Harari, Coral del Val
, Igor Zwir:
Integrating network motifs into a genetic network: A case of study based on the Phop/PhoQ two-component system. 1371-1376 - José Manuel Cadenas
, M. Carmen Garrido
, Alejandro Martínez, Raquel Martínez:
Consensus operators for decision making in Fuzzy Random Forest ensemble. 1377-1382 - Aida de Haro-García
, Nicolás García-Pedrajas:
A scalable method for instance selection for class-imbalance datasets. 1383-1390 - José Otero
, Luciano Sánchez
, Ana M. Palacios, Inés Couso
Managing stochastic algorithms cross-validation variability using an interval valued multiple comparison procedure. 1391-1396 - Diana Martín Rodríguez, Alejandro Rosete
, Jesús Alcalá-Fdez, Francisco Herrera:
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for mining quantitative association rules. 1397-1402

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