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KES 2005: Melbourne, Australia
- Rajiv Khosla, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain:
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3684, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-28897-X
Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Their Applications
- Patricia S. Crowther, Robert J. Cox:
A Method for Optimal Division of Data Sets for Use in Neural Networks. 1-7 - Matej Sprogar:
Excluding Fitness Helps Improve Robustness of Evolutionary Algorithms. 8-14 - Yee W. Lau, Dat Tran
, Michael Wagner:
Testing Voice Mimicry with the YOHO Speaker Verification Corpus. 15-21 - Xu Huang, Allan C. Madoc:
Image Multi-noise Removal via Lévy Process Analysis. 22-28 - Alexander Ridgewell, Xu Huang, Dharmendra Sharma
Evaluating the Size of the SOAP for Integration in B2B. 29-34 - G. L. Ligon, Bala M. Balachandran, Dharmendra Sharma:
Personalised Search on Electronic Information. 35-41 - Ickjai Lee:
Data Mining Coupled Conceptual Spaces for Intelligent Agents in Data-Rich Environments. 42-48
Data Mining and Soft Computing Applications II
- Tapabrata Ray, Kok Sung Won:
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Bi-objective Optimization Using Radial Slots. 49-56 - Manuel Mejía-Lavalle, Guillermo Rodríguez-Ortiz, Gustavo Arroyo-Figueroa:
An Optimization Approach for Feature Selection in an Electric Billing Database. 57-63 - Tanveer J. Siddiqui, Uma Shanker Tiwary
Integrating Relation and Keyword Matching in Information Retrieval. 64-73 - Simon D. Walters, Peter A. Howson, Robert J. Howlett:
Production Testing of Spark Plugs Using a Neural Network. 74-80 - Chong Zhang, Zhangang Lin, Zuoquan Lin:
Variable Neighborhood Search with Permutation Distance for QAP. 81-88 - Honghai Feng, Yin Cheng, Mingyi Liao, Bingru Yang, Yumei Chen:
Using Rough Set to Induce Comparative Knowledge and Its Use in SARS Data. 89-93 - Tien Dung Do, Siu Cheung Hui, Alvis Cheuk M. Fong:
Mining Class Association Rules with Artificial Immune System. 94-100 - K. Sai Krishna, P. Radha Krishna, Supriya Kumar De
Discovering Fuzzy Association Rules with Interest and Conviction Measures. 101-107
Skill Acquisition and Ubiquitous Human Computer Interaction
- Satoshi Hori, Kota Hirose, Hirokazu Taki:
Automatic Generation of Operation Manuals Through Work Motion Observation. 108-114 - Il-Joo Shim, Kyung-Bae Chang, Gwi-Tae Park:
A Method of Controlling Household Electrical Appliance by Hand Motion in LonWorks. 115-123 - Atsuko K. Yamazaki, J. Rudi Strickler:
Contribution of Biological Studies to the Understanding and Modeling of Skilled Performance: Some Examples. 124-128 - Kazuhiko Sumi, Koichi Tanaka, Takashi Matsuyama:
Measurement of Human Concentration with Multiple Cameras. 129-135 - Takeshi Yamamoto, Hirokazu Taki, Noriyuki Matsuda, Hirokazu Miura, Satoshi Hori, Noriyuki Abe:
Constructive Induction-Based Clustering Method for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 136-142 - Junichi Sakamoto, Hirokazu Miura, Noriyuki Matsuda, Hirokazu Taki, Noriyuki Abe, Satoshi Hori:
Indoor Location Determination Using a Topological Model. 143-149 - Lee Middleton, Sylvia C. Wong, Michael O. Jewell, John N. Carter, Mark S. Nixon:
Lightweight Agent Framework for Camera Array Applications. 150-156
Soft Computing and Their Applications - IV
- Li Yan, Bin Qiu:
The Location of Optimum Set-Point Using a Fuzzy Controller. 157-163 - Preeti R. Bajaj, Avinash G. Keskar
, Amol Y. Deshmukh, Sanjay S. Dorle
, Dinesh Padole:
Genetic Modeling: Solution to Channel Assignment Problem. 164-169 - Mikhail Prokopenko
, Peter Wang, Andrew Scott, Vadim Gerasimov, Nigel Hoschke, Don Price:
On Self-organising Diagnostics in Impact Sensing Networks. 170-178 - Myung-Won Kim, Joung Woo Ryu, Eun Ju Kim:
A Coevolutionary Algorithm with Spieces as Varying Contexts. 179-185 - Mi Young Nam, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
Hybrid Filter Fusion for Robust Visual Information Processing. 186-194 - Young-Hyun Baek, Oh-Sung Byun, Sung-Ryong Moon, Deok-Soo Baek:
Edge Detection in Digital Image Using Variable Template Operator. 195-200 - Billy Yapriady, Alexandra L. Uitdenbogerd:
Combining Demographic Data with Collaborative Filtering for Automatic Music Recommendation. 201-207
Agent-Based Workflows, Knowledge Sharing and Reuse
- Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Maryam Purvis, Martin K. Purvis:
Different Perspectives on Modeling Workflows in an Agent Based Workflow Management System. 208-214 - Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Maryam Purvis, Martin K. Purvis, Stephen Cranefield:
An Agent-Enhanced Workflow Management System. 215-220 - Sean D. Cochrane, Keith Case, Robert I. M. Young, Jenny A. Harding, Samir Dani:
Knowledge Sharing Between Design and Manufacture. 221-227 - Michalis Miatidis, Matthias Jarke:
Toward Improvement-Oriented Reuse of Experience in Engineering Design Processes. 228-234 - Yang-Cheng Lin, Hsin-Hsi Lai, Chung-Hsing Yeh, Chen-Hui Hung:
A Hybrid Approach to Determining the Best Combination on Product Form Design. 235-241 - Jenny Eriksson Lundström:
Utilizing Active Software to Capture Tacit Knowledge for Strategic Use. 242-248
Multi-media Authentication andWatermarking Applications
- Chin-Chen Chang, Tzu-Chuen Lu, Jun-Bin Yeh:
A Bandwidth Efficiency of Lempel-Ziv Scheme for Data Authentication. 249-256 - Xin Liu, Zhen Han, Ke-jun Sheng, Chang-xiang Shen:
Research on Confidential Level Extended BLP Model. 257-262 - Niladri B. Puhan, Anthony T. S. Ho:
Secure Tamper Localization in Binary Document Image Authentication. 263-271 - Takenobu Matsuura, Kenta Yamazaki:
A Seal Imprint Verification with Rotation Invariance. 272-280 - Eun-Jun Yoon, Kee-Young Yoo:
Robust Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Message Linkages. 281-288 - Eiji Kawaguchi:
BPCS-Steganography - Principle and Applications. 289-299 - Isao Echizen, Yasuhiro Fujii, Takaaki Yamada, Satoru Tezuka, Hiroshi Yoshiura:
Improved Video Watermark Detection Using Statistically-Adaptive Accumulation. 300-308 - Hae-Yeoun Lee, Heung-Kyu Lee, Junseok Lee:
Comparison of Feature Extraction Techniques for Watermark Synchronization. 309-316 - ShaoWei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan:
Reversible Watermarking Based on Improved Patchwork Algorithm and Symmetric Modulo Operation. 317-323
Knowledge and Engineering Techniques for Spatio-temporal Applications
- Elisa Bertino, Maria Luisa Damiani:
Spatial Knowledge-Based Applications and Technologies: Research Issues. 324-328 - Joe Weakliam, Daniel Lynch, Julie Doyle, Helen Min Zhou, Eoin Mac Aoidh, Michela Bertolotto, David C. Wilson:
Managing Spatial Knowledge for Mobile Personalized Applications. 329-335 - Ickjai Lee:
Geospatial Clustering in Data-Rich Environments: Features and Issues. 336-342 - Choon-Bo Shim, Yong Won Shin:
Spatio-temporal Modeling of Moving Objects for Content- and Semantic-Based Retrieval in Video Data. 343-351 - François Bry, Bernhard Lorenz, Stephanie Spranger:
Calendars and Topologies as Types. 352-358 - M. Julius Hossain, Kiok Ahn, June Hyung Lee, Oksam Chae:
Moving Object Detection in Dynamic Environment. 359-365 - Mehul Bhatt
, J. Wenny Rahayu, Gerald Sterling:
A General Framework Based on Dynamic Constraints for the Enrichment of a Topological Theory of Spatial Simulation. 366-373 - Marco Moreno, Serguei Levachkine, Miguel Torres Ruiz
, Rolando Quintero, Giovanni Guzmán
Automatic Geomorphometric Analysis for Digital Elevation Models. 374-381
Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications II
- Peitsang Wu, Kung-Jiuan Yang, Yung-Yao Hung:
The Study of Electromagnetism-Like Mechanism Based Fuzzy Neural Network for Learning Fuzzy If-Then Rules. 382-388 - Ming-Chang Lee:
Statistical Data Analysis for Software Metrics Validation. 389-395 - Tony Cheng-Kui Huang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Judy C. R. Tseng:
A Multi-stage Fuzzy-Grey Approach to Analyzing Software Development Cost. 396-402 - Tzung-Pei Hong, Wen-Chang Chang, Jiann-Horng Lin:
A Two-Phased Ontology Selection Approach for Semantic Web. 403-409 - Woong-Sik Kim, Weon-Hee Yoo:
A Method for Acquiring Fingerprint by Linear Sensor. 410-416 - Didier Nakache, Elisabeth Métais:
Evaluation and NLP. 417-422
Creativitiy Support Environment and Its Social Applications
- Kazuo Misue, Jiro Tanaka:
A Handwriting Tool to Support Creative Activities. 423-429 - Shigaku Iwabuchi, Buntarou Shizuki, Kazuo Misue, Jiro Tanaka:
Natural Storage in Human Body. 430-436 - Xijin Tang, Yijun Liu, Wen Zhang:
Computerized Support for Idea Generation During Knowledge Creating Process. 437-443 - Hitoshi Koshiba, Naotaka Kato, Susumu Kunifuji:
Awareness in Group Decision: Communication Channel and GDSS. 444-450 - Ryozo Takatsuka, Tsutomu Fujinami:
Aware Group Home: Person-Centered Care as Creative Problem Solving. 451-457 - Nilufar Baghaei
, Antonija Mitrovic:
COLLECT-UML: Supporting Individual and Collaborative Learning of UML Class Diagrams in a Constraint-Based Intelligent Tutoring System. 458-464 - Amali Weerasinghe, Antonija Mitrovic:
Using Affective Leaner States to Enhance Learning. 465-471
Collective Intelligence
- Mari Nakamura:
Three Foraging Models Comprised of Ants with Different Pheromone Sensitivities. 472-479 - Sumiaki Ichikawa, Koji Hatayama, Fumio Hara:
Emerging of an Object Shape Information Caused by Signal-Transmission Relay of Multi-robots. 480-486 - Kosuke Sekiyama, Katsuhiro Suzuki, Shigeru Fukunaga, Masaaki Date:
Autonomous Synchronization Scheme Access Control for Sensor Network. 487-495 - T. J. Jones, Carl Allen Reidsema, A. Smith:
Supporting Design for Manufacture Through Neutral Files and Feature Recognition. 496-502 - Mitsuaki Nakasumi:
A Programmable Pipelined Queue for Approximate String Matching. 503-508 - Jun Luo, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran:
A Framework for Mining Association Rules. 509-517
Computational Methods for Intelligent Neuro-fuzzy Applications
- Young-Joong Kim, Myo-Taeg Lim:
Near-Optimal Fuzzy Systems Using Polar Clustering: Application to Control of Vision-Based Arm-Robot. 518-524 - Min-Wook Seo, Young-Joong Kim, Myo-Taeg Lim:
Door Traversing for a Vision-Based Mobile Robot Using PCA. 525-531 - Yongjin Lee, Kyunghee Lee, Dosung Ahn, Sung Bum Pan, Jin Lee, Kiyoung Moon:
Local Feature Analysis with Class Information. 532-541 - Sang Wan Lee, Dae-Jin Kim, Yong-Soo Kim, Zeungnam Bien:
Training of Feature Extractor via New Cluster Validity - Application to Adaptive Facial Expression Recognition. 542-548 - Jang-Hyun Park
, Sam-Jun Seo, Dongwon Kim
, Gwi-Tae Park:
Adaptive Fuzzy Output-Feedback Controller for SISO Affine Nonlinear Systems Without State Observer. 549-558 - Moon-sung Park, Il-sook Kim, Eun-kyung Cho, Young-hee Kwon, Jong-Heung Park:
High-Speed Extraction Model of Interest Region in the Parcel Image of Large Size. 559-565 - Dongwon Kim
, Gwi-Tae Park:
Using Interval Singleton Type 2 Fuzzy Logic System in Corrupted Time Series Modelling. 566-572
Evolutionary and Self-organizing Sensors, Actuators and Processing Hardware
- Fabio Boschetti, Mikhail Prokopenko
, Ian Macreadie, Anne-Marie Grisogono
Defining and Detecting Emergence in Complex Networks. 573-580 - Andrew Jennings, Daud Channa:
Annealing Sensor Networks. 581-586 - George M. Mathews, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, Mikhail Prokopenko
Measuring Global Behaviour of Multi-agent Systems from Pair-Wise Mutual Information. 587-594 - Ashutosh Saxena, Gaurav Gupta, Vadim Gerasimov, Sébastien Ourselin
In Use Parameter Estimation of Inertial Sensors by Detecting Multilevel Quasi-static States. 595-601
Knowledge Based Systems for e-Business and e-Learning I
- Masanori Ohshiro, Kenneth J. Mackin, Eiji Nunohiro, Kazuko Yamasaki:
Self-restructuring Peer-to-Peer Network for e-Learning. 602-605 - El-Sayed Atlam, Elmarhomy Ghada, Masao Fuketa, Kazuhiro Morita, Jun-ichi Aoe:
An Improvement Approach for Word Tendency Using Decision Tree. 606-611 - Masao Fuketa, El-Sayed Atlam, Hiro Hanafusa, Kazuhiro Morita, Shinkaku Kashiji, Mahmoud Rokaya, Jun-ichi Aoe:
A New Technique of Determining Speaker's Intention for Sentences in Conversation. 612-618 - Kazuhiro Morita, El-Sayed Atlam, Masao Fuketa, Elmarhomy Ghada, Masaki Oono, Toru Sumitomo, Jun-ichi Aoe:
New Approach for Speeding-up Technique of the Retrieval Using Dynamic Full-Text Search Algorithm. 619-625
Multi-agent Systems and Evolutionary Computing
- Grégoire Danoy, Pascal Bouvry, Olivier Boissier
Dafo, a Multi-agent Framework for Decomposable Functions Optimization. 626-632 - Benoît Calvez, Guillaume Hutzler:
Parameter Space Exploration of Agent-Based Models. 633-639 - Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle
Efficient Pre-processing for Large Window-Based Modular Exponentiation Using Ant Colony. 640-646 - Moez Hammami, Khaled Ghédira:
COSATS, X-COSATS: Two Multi-agent Systems Cooperating Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and X-Over Operator for the K-Graph Partitioning Problem. 647-653 - Alberto Cuesta-Cañada, Leonardo Garrido, Hugo Terashima-Marín
Building Hyper-heuristics Through Ant Colony Optimization for the 2D Bin Packing Problem. 654-660 - Jens J. Balvig, Taizo Miyachi:
Real-Time Co-composing System Using Multi-aspects. 661-667
Ubiquitous Pattern Recognition
- Hiroyuki Hasegawa, Mineichi Kudo
, Atsuyoshi Nakamura:
Empirical Study on Usefulness of Algorithm SACwRApper for Reputation Extraction from the WWW. 668-674 - Tetsuya Murai, Yasuo Kudo:
New Logical Classes of Plausibility Functions in Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence. 675-681 - Taisuke Hosokawa, Mineichi Kudo
Person Tracking with Infrared Sensors. 682-688 - Naoto Abe, Mineichi Kudo
Entropy Criterion for Classifier-Independent Feature Selection. 689-695 - Hiroshi Tenmoto, Mineichi Kudo
Finding and Auto-labeling of Task Groups on E-Mails and Documents. 696-702 - Masafumi Yamada, Jun Toyama, Mineichi Kudo
Person Recognition by Pressure Sensors. 703-708 - Hirokazu Watabe, Tsukasa Kawaoka:
Extraction and Revision of Signboard Images for Recognition of Character Strings. 709-715
Neural Networks for Data Mining
- Yusuke Tanahashi, Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano:
Model Selection and Weight Sharing of Multi-layer Perceptrons. 716-722 - Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito, Kazuhiro Kazama, Shin-ya Sato:
Detecting Search Engine Spam from a Trackback Network in Blogspace. 723-729 - Daisuke Kitakoshi, Hiroyuki Shioya, Ryohei Nakano:
Analysis for Adaptability of Policy-Improving System with a Mixture Model of Bayesian Networks to Dynamic Environments. 730-737 - Yoshihiko Itoh, Kenta Taki, Susumu Iwata, Shohei Kato, Hidenori Itoh:
Parallel Stochastic Optimization for Humanoid Locomotion Based on Neural Rhythm Generator. 738-744 - Ken-ichi Fukui, Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura, Masayuki Numao:
Visualizing Dynamics of the Hot Topics Using Sequence-Based Self-organizing Maps. 745-751 - Rajiv Khosla, Clare D'Souza, Mehdi Taghian:
Intelligent Consumer Purchase Intention Prediction System for Green Products. 752-757
Intelligent Systems for e-Business and e-Learning II
- Yoshikatsu Fujita, Jun Yoshida, Kazuhiko Tsuda:
Reverse-Query Mechanism for Contents Delivery Management in Distributed Agent Network. 758-764 - Masayuki Kessoku, Masakazu Takahashi, Kazuhiko Tsuda:
A My Page Service Realizing Method by Using Market Expectation Engine. 765-771 - Shinako Matsuyama, Masaaki Kunigami, Takao Terano:
Multi-agent Modeling of Peer to Peer Communication with Scale-Free and Small-World Properties. 772-778 - Kenji Nakano, Takao Terano:
A Case-Oriented Game for Business Learning. 779-784 - Satoru Takahashi, Masakazu Takahashi, Hiroshi Takahashi
, Kazuhiko Tsuda:
Learning Value-Added Information of Asset Management from Analyst Reports Through Text Mining. 785-791 - Toshikazu Shimodaira, Hua Xu
, Takao Terano:
HHM-Based Risk Management for Business Gaming. 792-798 - Masakazu Takahashi, Kazutoshi Hanzawa, Takashi Kawasaki:
An Efficient Method for Creating Requirement Specification of Plant Control Software Using Domain Model. 799-805
Knowledge-Based Technology in Crime Matching, Modelling and Prediction
- Wenjun Wang, Wei Guo, Yingwei Luo, Xiaolin Wang, Zhuoqun Xu:
The Study and Application of Crime Emergency Ontology Event Model. 806-812 - Giles Oatley, John Zeleznikow
, Richard Leary, Brian Ewart:
From Links to Meaning: A Burglary Data Case Study. 813-822 - John Zeleznikow
, Giles Oatley, Richard Leary:
A Methodology for Constructing Decision Support Systems for Crime Detection. 823-829 - Kumiko Matsunaga, Hajime Sawamura:
AASLMA: An Automated Argument System Based on Logic of Multiple-Valued Argumentation. 830-838 - Yumiko Nara:
Trust and Information-Taking Behavior in the Web Community. 839-847
Soft Computing Applications
- Dong Hwa Kim:
Robust Intelligent Tuning of PID Controller for Multivarlable System Using Clonal Selection and Fuzzy Logic. 848-853 - Dong Hwa Kim, Jae Hoon Cho:
Intelligent Control of AVR System Using GA-BF. 854-859 - Dae Jong Lee, Jang-Hwan Park, Dong Hwa Kim, Myung-Geun Chun:
Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Using Linear Discriminant Analysis. 860-865 - Mansoor Raza, Iqbal Gondal
, David G. Green, Ross L. Coppel
Classifier Fusion to Predict Breast Cancer Tumors Based on Microarray Gene Expression Data. 866-874 - Hongtao Yin, Ping Fu, Shengwei Meng:
An Efficient Face Detection Method in Color Images. 875-880 - Wang Liu, Sheng-He Sun:
A Robust and Invisible Watermarking of 3D Triangle Meshes. 881-888 - Wen-Hsiao Peng
, Chia-Yang Tsai, Tihao Chiang, Hsueh-Ming Hang:
Advances of MPEG Scalable Video Coding Standard. 889-895 - Yanhui Li, Baowen Xu, Jianjiang Lu, Dazhou Kang, Peng Wang:
Extended Fuzzy Description Logic ALCN. 896-902 - Fredrik G. Hilding, Koren Ward:
Automated Operator Selection on Genetic Algorithms. 903-909 - Pascal Bouvry, Gilbert Klein, Franciszek Seredynski:
Weak Key Analysis and Micro-controller Implementation of CA Stream Ciphers. 910-915

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