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9th PP 1999: San Antonio, Texas, USA
- Proceedings of the Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, PP 1999, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 22-24, 1999. SIAM 1999
MS2 Performance and Scalability of Emerging Shared Memory Parallel Architectures
- Josep Torrellas:
Upcoming Architectural Advances in DSM Machines and Their Impact on Programmability. PP 1999 - Dongming Jiang, Jaswinder Pal Singh:
A Scaling Study of the SGI Origin 2000: A Hardware Cache-Coherent Multiprocessing. PP 1999 - Adolfy Hoisie, Olaf M. Lubeck, Harvey J. Wasserman:
Performance and Scalability Analysis of Multidimensional Wavefront Algorithms on Teraflop-Scale Architectures. PP 1999 - Arthur A. Mirin:
Performance of Large-Scale Scientific Applications on the IBM ASCI Blue-Pacific System. PP 1999 - Larry Carter, John Feo, Allan Snavely:
Performance and Programming Experience on the Tera MTA. PP 1999 - Patrick H. Worley, Arthur S. Bland, Thomas H. Dunigan, Philip F. LoCascio, G. (Kumar) Mahinthakumar, Jack C. Wells:
Early Evaluation of the SRC-6. PP 1999
MS3 Parallel Adaptive FE Methods - Infrastructure Issues and Solvers
- Abani K. Patra, Andras Laszloffy, Jingping Long:
A FEAPI: Adaptive Finite Elements Application Programmers Interface. PP 1999 - Gerhard W. Zumbusch:
Dynamic Load Balancing in a Lightweight Adaptive Parallel Multigrid PDE Solver. PP 1999 - Mark W. Beall, Joseph E. Flaherty, Mark S. Shephard, James D. Teresco:
Adaptive and Parallel Finite Element Computations on Heterogeneous Systems. PP 1999 - Rupak Biswas, Leonid Oliker:
Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Adaptive Unstructured Grid Computations. PP 1999 - Kirk Schloegel, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar:
Dynamic Repartitioning of Adaptively Refined Meshes. PP 1999 - Martin Berzins, Paul M. Selwood, Jonathan M. Nash:
Parallel Solution of Reacting Flow Problems Using Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes. PP 1999
MS4 Parallel Sparse Direct Solvers
- Patrick Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, Jean-Yves L'Excellent:
The PARASOL Project and the Multifrontal Parallel Solver for Sparse Systems. PP 1999 - Cleve Ashcraft, Roger G. Grimes:
SPOOLES: An Object-Oriented Sparse Matrix Library. PP 1999 - Xiaoye S. Li, James Demmel:
A Scalable Sparse Direct Solver Using Static Pivoting. PP 1999 - Mahesh V. Joshi, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar, Anshul Gupta, Fred G. Gustavson:
PSPASES: An Efficient and Scalable Parallel Sparse Direct Solver. PP 1999 - Claudson F. Bornstein, Bruce M. Maggs, Gary L. Miller, R. Ravi:
Redeeming Nested Dissection: Parallelism Implies Fill. PP 1999 - Florin Dobrian, Alex Pothen:
Object-Oriented Parallel Factorization for Sparse Symmetric Systems. PP 1999
MS6 Twenty Five Years of the BLAS - A Celebration
- Charles L. Lawson:
Background, Motivation and a Retrospective View of the BLAS. PP 1999 - Sven Hammarling:
The Level 2 and Level 3 BLAS, and LAPACK. PP 1999 - Iain S. Duff:
Higher Level BLAS for Sparse Matrices. PP 1999 - Jack J. Dongarra:
The Future of the BLAS. PP 1999
MS7 Optimizing Java Programs for Technical Computing
- Peng Wu, José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, David A. Padua:
Semantic Inlining - the Compiler Support for Java in Technical Computing. PP 1999 - Arvind Krishnamurthy, Alexander Aiken, Phillip Colella, David Gay, Susan L. Graham, Paul N. Hilfinger, Ben Liblit, Carleton Miyamoto, Geoff Pike, Luigi Semenzato, Katherine A. Yelick:
Titanium: A High Performance Java Dialect. PP 1999 - Zoran Budimlic, Ken Kennedy:
Prospects for Scientific Computing in Polymorphic, Object-Oriented Style. PP 1999 - José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta:
A Standard Java Array Package for Technical Computing. PP 1999
MS8 State-of-the-Art FFT-Algorithms, Implementations, and Software
- Ramesh C. Agarwal:
A High Performance Parallel Implementation of the 3-D FFT Algorithm. PP 1999 - John R. Johnson, Rodney W. Johnson:
Automatic Generation and Implementation of FFT Algorithms. PP 1999 - C. Sidney Burrus, Ivan W. Selesnick:
Parallel Structured Prime Length FFTs. PP 1999 - Ping Tak Peter Tang:
A Proposal for a Comprehensive Package for Discrete Fourier Transform. PP 1999
MS9 Innovative Applications of Wide Area Computing
- Randall Bramley, Dennis Gannon, Juan E. Villacis:
Using the Grid to Support Software Component Systems. PP 1999 - Michelle Miller, Charles D. Hansen, Christopher R. Johnson:
The SCIRun Problem Solving Environment: Implementation Within a Distributed Environment. PP 1999 - Gregor von Laszewski, Joseph A. Insley, Ian T. Foster, John Bresnahan, Carl Kesselman, Mei-Hui Su, Marcus Thiébaux, Mark L. Rivers, Steve Wang, Brian Tieman, Ian McNulty:
Real-time Analysis, Visualization, and Steering of Microtomography Experiments at Photon Source. PP 1999 - Werner Benger, Ian T. Foster, Jason Novotny, Edward Seidel, John Shalf, Warren Smith, Paul Walker:
Numerical Relativity in a Distributed Environment. PP 1999
MS10: Radiation Transport via Discrete Ordinates
- Marvin L. Adams, Nancy M. Amato, Paul Nelson, Lawrence Rauchwerger:
Parallel Transport Computations by Spatial Decomposition. PP 1999 - Randal S. Baker, Raymond E. Alcouffe:
Parallel Sn Methods for Orthogonal Grids. PP 1999 - Shawn P. Burns, Kent G. Budge, Mark A. Christon:
Parallel Iterative and Direct Methods for Transport Calculations on Unstructured Grids. PP 1999 - Paul Nowak, Michael Nemanic:
Parallel Solution Strategies for Deterministic Radiation Transport Calculations on Unstructured Spatial Grids. PP 1999
MS11: Algorithms and Software for Parallel and Distributed Monte Carlo Computations
- Michael Mascagni:
SPRNG: A Scalable Library for Pseudorandom Number Generation. PP 1999 - Jim Basney, Rajesh Raman, Miron Livny:
High Throughput Monte Carlo. PP 1999 - Makoto Matsumoto, Takuji Nishimura:
The Dynamic Creation of Distributed Random Number Generators. PP 1999 - Muhammad Z. Hydari, David Ceperley, Ashok Srinivasan, Michael Mascagni:
Classical Monte Carlo with a Fast High-Quality Pseudo Random Number Library in Java. PP 1999
MS12 Multiphase Flow
- John W. Grove, Kimberly S. Budil:
Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in Cylindrical Explosions. PP 1999 - Xiaolin Li, James Glimm:
Simulation of 3-D Interface Instabilities through the Parallelized FronTier Code with Robust Interface Handling. PP 1999 - E. G. Puckett:
High-Resolution Numerical Modelling of Fluid Jetting on a Micro-Scale with Industrial Applications. PP 1999 - Bernard Bunner, Grétar Tryggvason:
A Parallel Front-Tracking Method for the Simulation of Dispersed Multiphase Flows. PP 1999
MS14 Infrastructures for Integration of Computation, Experimentation and Visualization
- Christopher R. Johnson, Steven G. Parker:
The SCIRun Parallel Scientific Computing Problem Solving Environment. PP 1999 - James P. Ahrens, Patrick S. McCormick, Allen McPherson, Jamie Painter:
An Evolving Infrastructure to Support Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) Multi-Source Visualization and Data Analysis Needs. PP 1999 - Jeffrey S. Vetter:
Experiences with Computational Steering on Existing Scientific Applications. PP 1999
CP1 Approximate Inverse Preconditioning
- Edmond Chow:
A Scalable Parallel Computation of Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioners. PP 1999 - Stephen T. Barnard, Marcus J. Grote:
A Block Version of the SPAI Preconditioner. PP 1999 - Michele Benzi, José Marín, Miroslav Tuma:
Parallel Preconditioning with Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverses. PP 1999 - Wei-Pai Tang, Wing Lok Wan:
Parallel Smoothers Using Sparse Approximate Inverse. PP 1999
CP2 Linear Algebra Algorithms
- Denis Vanderstraeten:
A Parallel Block Gram-Schmidt Algorithm With Controlled Loss of Orthogonality. PP 1999 - Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Robert A. van de Geijn:
Fast Parallel Kernels for Selected Problems in Control Theory. PP 1999 - Chao Yang:
A Parallel Library for Large-Scale Sparse Eigenvalue Calculation on NEC SX-4. PP 1999 - Erkki Heikkola, Tuomo Rossi, Jari Toivanen:
A Parallel Fictitious Domain Method for the Three-Dimensional Helmholtz Equation. PP 1999
CP3 Adaptive Grids
- Yannis Kallinderis:
Parallel Adaptive Computation for Large-Scale/Complex-Geometry Flows. PP 1999 - Nathan C. Prewitt, Davy M. Belk, Wei Shyy:
Parallel Implementations of Time-Accurate CFD Applications With Moving Chimera Grids. PP 1999 - Alexei M. Khokhlov, Almadena Yu. Chtchelkanova:
Fully Threaded Tree Algorithms for Massively Parallel Computations. PP 1999 - Peter Bastian, Klaus Johannsen, Bernhard Huurdeman:
Parallel, Adaptive Solution Technique for Groundwater Flow Problems. PP 1999
CP4 Performance Modeling and Optimization
- Douglas L. Sondak, Jack Perry:
A Study of Memory Placement on an SGI Origin 2000. PP 1999 - Xian-He Sun, Kirk W. Cameron, Yong Luo, Dongmei He:
A Memory-Centric Characterization of ASCI Applications Via a Combined Approach of Statistical and Empirical Analysis. PP 1999 - Jonathan Geisler, Valerie E. Taylor:
Performance Coupling: A Methodology for Predicting Application Performance Using Kernel Performance. PP 1999 - Chi-Chung Lam, P. Sadayappan, Daniel Cociorva, Mebarek Alouani, John Wilkins:
Performance Optimization of a Class of Loops Involving Sums of Products of Sparse Arrays. PP 1999
CP5 Eigenvectors
- Kesheng Wu, Horst D. Simon:
Parallel Efficiency of the Lanczos Method for Eigenvalue Problems. PP 1999 - Yousef Saad, James R. Chelikowsky, Thierry Braconnier, Serdar Öugöt:
Parallel Solution of Equations for the Electronic Structure of Matter. PP 1999 - Ahmed H. Sameh, Zhanye Tong:
A New Trace Minimization Algorithm for the Generalized Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem. PP 1999 - Achim Basermann:
Parallel Jacobi-Davidson Methods with Iterative Preconditioning for the Solution of Large Sparse Hermitian Eigenproblems. PP 1999 - Wilfried N. Gansterer, Dieter F. Kvasnicka, Karlheinz Schwarz, Christoph W. Ueberhuber:
Blocking Techniques in Symmetric Eigensolvers. PP 1999
CP6 Sparse Direct Methods
- John R. Gilbert, Sivan Toledo:
High-Performance Out-of-Core Sparse LU Factorization. PP 1999 - Bin Jiang, Steven Richman, Kai Shen, Tao Yang:
Efficient Sparse LU Factorization with Lazy Space Allocation. PP 1999 - Leonid Y. Zaslavsky, Simon Kahan, Bracy H. Elton, Kristyn J. Maschhoff, Louis G. Stern:
A Scalable Approach for Solving Irregular Sparse Linear Systems on the Tera MTA Multithreaded Parallel Shared-Memory Computer. PP 1999 - Tzu-Yi Chen, John R. Gilbert, Sivan Toledo:
Toward an Efficient Column Minimum Degree Code for Symmetric Multiprocessors. PP 1999
CP7 Partitioning and Load Balancing
- Jian Chen, Valerie E. Taylor:
Mesh Partitioning for Distributed Systems: Exploring Optimal Number of Partitions with Local and Remote Communication. PP 1999 - Andrew A. Poe, Quentin F. Stout:
Load Balancing 2-Phased Geometrically Based Problems. PP 1999 - Gerd Heber, Rupak Biswas, Guang R. Gao:
Self-Avoiding Walks Over Adaptive Triangular Grids. PP 1999 - William F. Mitchell:
A Comparison of Three Fast Repartition Methods for Adaptive Grids. PP 1999 - Bart Maerten, Dirk Roose, Achim Basermann, Jochen Fingberg, Guy Lonsdale:
DRAMA: A Library for Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing of Finite Element Applications. PP 1999 - Cheng Che Chen, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Russ B. Altman:
Biomolecular Structure Estimation: A Case Study of Irregular Hierarchical Parallelism. PP 1999
CP8 Tools
- Chandrajit L. Bajaj:
Parallel Accelerated Isocontouring for Out-of-Core Data Visualization. PP 1999 - Tushar Udeshi, Steven G. Parker, Charles D. Hansen, Peter Shirley:
Parallel Methods for Isosurface Visualization. PP 1999 - William K. Allard:
Introduction to the Deferred Execution Tool. PP 1999 - Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger:
Scheduling of Data Parallel Modules for Scientific Computing. PP 1999 - Daisuke Takahashi, Yasumasa Kanada:
Fast High-Precision Arithmetic on Distributed Memory Parallel Machines. PP 1999 - Yudith Cardinale, Angela Di Serio, Eduardo Blanco, Ricardo Chacíon:
Octopus File System: A Comparison with PIOUS. PP 1999
CP9 Iterative Methods
- Eun-Jin Im, Katherine A. Yelick:
Optimizing Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on SMP. PP 1999 - Irene Moulitsas, Yousef Saad:
Parallel Finite Element Calculations Using PSPARSLIB. PP 1999 - Azeddine Essai, Guy Bergére, Serge G. Petiton:
Heterogeneous Parallel Hybrid GMRES/LS-Arnoldi Method. PP 1999
CP10 Multilevel Methods
- Mark A. Stalzer:
A Scalable Multilevel Helmholtz FMM for the Origin 2000. PP 1999 - Joseph W. Manke, Benjamin Dembart, Michael A. Epton, Elizabeth L. Yip:
A Parallel Fast Multipole Solver for the Method of Moments in Computational Electromagnetics. PP 1999 - Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu, Ugo Becciani:
Parallelizing N-Body Treecodes on Shared-Memory Systems. PP 1999 - Atsushi Kawai, Junichiro Makino:
A Simple Formulation of the Fast Multipole Method: Pseudo-Particle Multipole Method. PP 1999
CP11 Heterogeneity and Resource Management
- Chung-Shang Shao, Bobby Schnabel:
A Task Migration System for Parallel Scientific Computations in Heterogeneous NOW Environments. PP 1999 - Xian-He Sun, Vijay K. Naik, Kasidit Chanchio:
A Coordinated Approach for Process Migration in Heterogeneous Environments. PP 1999 - Mauro Migliardi, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
The Harness Metacomputing Framework. PP 1999 - Miron Livny:
Managing Opportunistic Resources. PP 1999
CP12 Applications
- Denitza T. Krasteva, Layne T. Watson, Chuck Baker, Bernard Grossman, William H. Mason, Raphael T. Haftka:
Distributed Control Parallelism for High Speed Civil Transport MDO. PP 1999 - Xiao-Chuan Cai, Maria Murillo:
Parallel Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Method for Solving Nonlinear PDEs on Moving Grids. PP 1999 - Dale M. Slone, Maurice B. Aufderheide, Alexis Schach von Wittenau:
Radiographic Simulations and Analysis for ASCI. PP 1999 - Yudith Cardinale, Robinson Rivas, María-Blanca Ibáñez-Espiga:
A Parallel Algorithm to Determine 3D Reconstructions of Angiographic Images. PP 1999
CP13 Preconditioning
- Esmond G. Ng, Padma Raghavan:
Incomplete Cholesky Parallel Preconditioners with Selective Inversion. PP 1999 - David Hysom, Alex Pothen:
Parallel Computation of ILU(k) Preconditioners Without Serial Bottlenecks. PP 1999 - Yousef Saad, Masha Sosonkina:
Enhanced Parallel Multicolor Preconditioning Techniques for Linear Systems. PP 1999 - Vivek Sarin:
Optimal Parallel Preconditioners for Three-Dimensional Particulate Flows. PP 1999 - Ivan Lirkov, Svetozar Margenov, Marcin Paprzycki, J. McLaughlin:
Parallel Conjugate Gradient Method with Circulant Block-Factorization Preconditioners for 3D Elliptic Problems. PP 1999
CP14 Languages for Parallel Computing
- Parry Husbands, Charles Lee Isbell Jr., Alan Edelman:
MITMatlab: A Tool for Interactive Supercomputing. PP 1999 - Min-Bin Chen, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Jan-Jan Wu:
Experience in Parallelizing Mesh Generation Code with High Performance Fortran. PP 1999 - Geoff Pike, Luigi Semenzato, Phillip Colella, Paul N. Hilfinger:
Parallel 3D Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Titanium. PP 1999
CP15 Parallel Geoscience Applications
- Thomas C. Clune, Daniel S. Katz, Gary A. Glatzmaier:
Advances in Modeling the Generation of the Geomagnetic Field by the Use of Massively Parallel Computers and Profound Optimization. PP 1999 - G. (Kumar) Mahinthakumar, F. Saied:
Implementation and Performance Analysis of a Parallel Multicomponent Groundwater Transport Code. PP 1999 - Carlie J. Coats Jr., J. N. McHenry, A. Trayanov, E. Haues, A. Gibbs-Lario:
OpenMP Performance Scalability Evaluation for Vector-Oriented and Microprocessor-Oriented Coding Styles in an Air Quality Model. PP 1999 - John H. George, Henry P. Heasler:
Use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to Spatially Evaluate Snow Avalanche Risk. PP 1999
CP16 Parallel Solution of Differential Equations
- Guillaume Dumont, Michel Kern:
Parallelization of a 3D Seismic Migration Code with PETSc. PP 1999 - Paul D. Hovland, Lois C. McInnes, Barry F. Smith:
Solving Nonlinear PDEs Using PETSc and Automatic Differentiation. PP 1999 - Richard D. Hornung, Carol S. Woodward:
An Object-Oriented Design for the Parallel Solution of Systems of Nonlinear, Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations. PP 1999 - Douglas S. Miller, Patrick J. Miller, Nicholas Gentile, Niel Madsen, John Michael Owen, Katherine Price, Mike Zika, Paul Dubois:
An Object-Oriented, Steerable Physics Simulation Code and Its Application to 3D, Parallel Calculations of Inertial Confinement Fusion Target Implosions. PP 1999 - Abdelkader Baggag, Harold Atkins, Can C. Özturan, David E. Keyes:
Parallelization of an Object-Oriented Unstructured Aeroacoustics Solver. PP 1999 - Jörg Stiller, Krzysztof Boryczko, Wolfgang E. Nagel:
A New Approach for Parallel Multigrid Adaption. PP 1999
CP17 Parallel Linear Algebra Libraries
- R. Clinton Whaley, Jack J. Dongarra:
Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software. PP 1999 - Bjarne Stig Andersen, Fred G. Gustavson, Jerzy Wasniewski, Plamen Y. Yalamov:
Recursive Formulation of Some Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms. PP 1999 - Guy Horvitz, Rob H. Bisseling:
Designing a BSP Version of ScaLAPACK. PP 1999 - Colin J. Aro, Evi I. Dube, W. Scott Futral:
Coupled Mechanical/Heat Transfer Simulation on MPP Platforms Using a Finite Element/Linear Solver Interface. PP 1999 - Lubomir Birov, Yuri Bartenev, Anatoly Vargin, Avijit Purkayastha, Anthony Skjellum, Yoginder S. Dandass, Purushotham V. Bangalore:
The Parallel Mathematical Libraries Project (PMLP) - A Next Generation Scalable, Sparse, Object-Oriented, Mathematical Library Suite. PP 1999 - Stefano A. Salvini, Lawrence S. Mulholland:
The NAG Fortran SMP Library. PP 1999
Poster Session
- Kevin P. Roe, Piyush Mehrotra:
Parallelization of a Multigrid Incompressible Viscous Cavity Flow Solver Using OpenMP. PP 1999 - Toshiro Kubota, Fausto Espinal, Terrance L. Huntsberger:
Efficient Parallelization of Relaxation Algorithms for Computer Vision. PP 1999 - Yusaku Yamamoto, Ken Naono, Sigeo Ihara:
A New M-Sequence Based Parallel Random Number Generator with Reduced Correlation. PP 1999 - Carmen L. T. Borges, Djalma M. Falcão:
Parallel and Distributed Processing Applied to Electric Power Systems Composite Reliability Evaluation. PP 1999 - Boniface Nkonga, P. Charrier:
Parallel Computation for a Lagrangian/Eulerian Formulation of a Multi-Phase Flow on Unstructured Meshes. PP 1999 - David A. van Veldhuizen, Gary B. Lamont:
Parallelizing the Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. PP 1999 - Aleksei I. Shestakov, Jose L. Milovich, M. K. Prasad, T. B. Kaiser:
Simulations of Explotions and Implosions with a Parallel, 3D, Unstructured-Grid, Radiation-Hydrodynamics Code. PP 1999 - Igor E. Golovkin, Roberto C. Mancini, Frederick C. Harris Jr.:
Parallelization of Non-Equilibrium Radiation Transport Code. PP 1999 - Gary S. Ditlow, Anshul Gupta, Richard L. Moore, David Moran, Ralph Williams, Tom Wilkins:
Parallel Analysis of IC Power Distribution Networks. PP 1999 - John R. Johnson, Rodney W. Johnson, C. P. Marshall, J. E. Mertz, D. Pryor, J. H. Weckel:
Data Flow, the FFT, and the CRAY T3E. PP 1999 - Steven R. Lantz:
A Scalable Parallel Direct-Solve Method for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. PP 1999 - Chris H. Q. Ding:
Parallel Algorithms for 1D FFTs on Real Numbers. PP 1999 - Alex Yu. Yeremin, Lily Yu. Kolotilina, Andy A. Nikishin:
Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditionings: A Simple Approach to Raising the Serial Efficiency of Parallel Iterative Method. PP 1999 - Stephen H. Brill:
Polynomial Preconditioners for Collocation Matrices. PP 1999 - Luca Bergamaschi, Mario Putti:
Efficient Parallelization of Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Scheme for Matrices Arising from Discretizations of Diffusion Equations. PP 1999 - Azzeddine Soulaïmani, Yousef Saad:
Use of PSPARSLIB for Solving Three-Dimensional Free Surface Flows. PP 1999 - Luca Bergamaschi, Giorgio Pini, Flavio Sartoretto:
Parallel Preconditioning of Sparse Symmetric Eigenproblems. PP 1999 - Wayne Joubert:
Results on Parallelization Strategies for ILU Preconditioners. PP 1999 - Victor Eijkhout:
Multilevel Preconditioners Based on Domain Partitioning. PP 1999 - Bjarne Stig Andersen, Fred G. Gustavson, Jerzy Wasniewski:
A Recursive Formulation of the Cholesky Factorization Operating on a Matrix in Packed Storage Form. PP 1999 - Takahiro Katagiri, Yasumasa Kanada:
A Parallel Implementation of Eigensolver and Its Performance. PP 1999 - Alex Povitsky:
Pipelined Algorithms for Numerical Solution of Banded Systems. PP 1999 - Ian N. Dunn, Gerard G. L. Meyer, Mike Pascale:
Parallel Triangular Substitution for Linear Arrays. PP 1999 - Celso Pascoli Bottura, Gilmar Barreto, Maurício José Bordon, Annabell Del Real Tamariz:
A High Computational Performance Approach for a Subspace Identification Method. PP 1999 - Andreas Stathopoulos, James R. McCombs:
A Parallel, Block, Jacobi-Davidson Method for Solving Large Eigenproblems in Material Sciences. PP 1999 - Krister Dackland, Bo Kågström:
Blocked Algorithms for Reduction of a Regular Matrix Pair to Generalized Schur Form. PP 1999 - Fred G. Gustavson, Isak Jonsson, Bo Kågström, Per Ling:
Towards Peak Performance on Hierarchical SMP Memory Architectures - New Recursive Blocked Data Formats and BLAS. PP 1999 - Petr Vanek, Marian Brezina, Jan Mandel:
Parallel Algebraic Multilevel Solver Based on Smoothed Aggregation Coarsening. PP 1999 - Lutz Grosz:
Algebraic Multi-Level Iteration for Vector and Parallel/Vector Computers. PP 1999 - Jianjun Xu:
On the Convergence of Partially Asynchronous Block Broyden Method for Nonlinear Systems of Equations. PP 1999 - Christian E. Schaerer, Norberto Mangiavacchi, Eugenius Kaszkurewicz:
The Numerical Solution of the Laplace Equation Using a Parallel Shooting Method. PP 1999 - Uwe Kleis:
Parallel Stabilization of Unstable Fixed Point Solvers. PP 1999 - James Overfelt, Yuhong Fu, Gregory J. Rodin, Robert A. van de Geijn:
Application Driven Fast Summation Methods. PP 1999 - Yu Zhuang, Xian-He Sun:
A Domain Decomposition Based Parallel Solver for Time Dependent Differential Equations. PP 1999 - Enzo A. Dari, Gustavo C. Buscaglia, Adrian Lew:
A Parallel General Purpose Finite Element System. PP 1999 - Annabell Del Real Tamariz, Celso Pascoli Bottura, João Viana da Fonseca Neto, Gilmar Barreto:
A Parallel and Distributed Solution Method for the Riccati Equation via Stabilized Elementary Similarity Transformation. PP 1999 - Bobby Philip, Daniel J. Quinlan:
Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Elliptic Equations. PP 1999 - Gerhard W. Zumbusch, Michael Griebel:
Parallelization of an Adaptive Multilevel Code Using Keys and a Space-Filling Curve. PP 1999 - Peter Bastian, Klaus Birken, Stefan Lang:
High Level Software Tools for Unstructured Adaptive Grids on Massively Parallel Systems. PP 1999 - Paul Johnson:
Using the Marr Wavelet for the Modeling of Basin Morphometry and Stream Flooding. PP 1999 - Jaime Seguel, S. Castro, R. Piñeiro:
A Highly Accurate Multithreaded Integration Method. PP 1999 - Matthew T. McMahon, Layne T. Watson:
A Distributed Genetic Algorithm with Migration for the Design of Composite Laminate Structures. PP 1999 - Tung Nguyen, Michelle Mills Strout, Larry Carter, Jeanne Ferrante:
Asynchronous Dynamic Load Balancing of Tiles. PP 1999 - Yeh-Ching Chung, Ching-Jung Liao, Chih-Chang Chen, Don-Lin Yang:
Performance Comparisons of Partitioning and Load-Balancing Methods for Unstructured Adaptive Meshes on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. PP 1999 - Mark Bilderback:
Improving Unstructured Grid Application Execution Times by Balancing the Edge-Cuts Among Partitions. PP 1999 - Hong Zhang:
Parallel Symbolic and Numeric Algorithm for Polynomial Zeros. PP 1999 - William T. Rankin, John A. Board Jr., Valerie L. Henderson:
The Impact of Data Ordering Strategies on a Distributed Hierarchical Multipole Algorithm. PP 1999 - Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, J. Ramanujam, Prithviraj Banerjee:
Improving Locality Using a Graph-Based Technique for Detecting Memory Layouts of Arrays. PP 1999 - Eunice E. Santos:
On Lower Bounds on Running Time for General Numerical Computation Problems. PP 1999 - Shyong Jian Shyu:
A Multi-Thread Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Traveling Salesperson Problem. PP 1999 - Ami Marowka, Michel Bercovier:
A Scalable Portability Model for Parallel Scientific Computing. PP 1999 - J. Mark Bull, Rupert W. Ford, Len Freeman, David J. Hancock:
A Theoretical Investigation of Feedback Guided Dynamic Loop Scheduling. PP 1999 - Soeren Olesen, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Performance of Computation and I/O Benchmarks on Networks of Workstations. PP 1999 - Scott B. Baden:
Application-Level Support for Collective Regular Section Data Motion. PP 1999 - Michael T. Heath, Patrick H. Worley:
Performance Monitoring and Visualization Tools for MPI. PP 1999 - Tahsin M. Kurç, Alan Sussman, Joel H. Saltz:
Coupling Multiple Simulations via a High Performance Customizable Database System. PP 1999 - Randy W. Heiland, M. Pauline Baker:
A Survey of Visualization Tools for High Performance Computing. PP 1999 - Yong Luo:
OpenMP Experiments on the Origin 2000 Distributed Shared Memory Machine. PP 1999 - Mark A. Heinrich:
The Performance and Scalability of DSM Cache Coherence Protocols. PP 1999

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