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WCNC 2004: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- 2004 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference , WCNC 2004, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 21-25 March 2004. IEEE 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8344-3
- Stephen B. Weinstein:
Letter from the Technical Program Committee Chair.
Channel Modeling 1: Estimation
- Young-Chai Ko, Tao Luo:
SNR estimation in decibel domain over communication channels. 1-6 - Larry N. Singh, Galigekere R. Dattatreya:
Estimation of channel and data statistics in some digital wireless communication systems. 7-11 - Hongbo Yan:
New autocorrelation decomposition method for robust channel estimation with unknown channel order. 12-17 - Shu-Ming Tseng
, Hung-Chieh Yu:
Vector channel estimation and multiuser detection for multicarrier DS CDMA in time and frequency selective fading channels. 18-23 - Ping Gao, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu:
SNR estimation for non-constant modulus constellations. 24-29
Modulation and Detection 1: Multiuser Detection
- Husheng Li, H. Vincent Poor:
Impact of imperfect channel estimation on turbo multiuser detection in DS-CDMA systems. 30-35 - Simone Morosi, Paola Rufolo, Romano Fantacci:
Iterative PIC detection and channel estimation for DS-CDMA 3G communications. 36-41 - Yang Cao, Branimir R. Vojcic:
MMSE multiuser detection for cooperative diversity CDMA systems. 42-47 - Sheng-Fu Tsai, Yi-Lin Li, Yumin Lee:
Relative threshold tree pruning multi-user detection with user ordering and user partitioning for MC-CDMA. 48-53 - Emmanuel Oluremi Bejide, Fambirai Takawira:
An iterative multiuser detector for DS-CDMA systems in multipath fading channels. 54-59
Performance Analysis 1: Modulation
- Kaiming Liu, Wenbo Wang, Yuan'an Liu:
High data rate transmission with 64-DAPSK over fading channel. 60-64 - Mahmoud A. Smadi, Vasant K. Prabhu:
Error rate analysis of DCPSK over generalized fading channels. 65-70 - Krishnakamal Sayana, Saul B. Gelfand:
A general approach to performance evaluation of higher order coded modulation systems on fading channels. 71-76 - Mohammad Ali Khojastepour, Behnaam Aazhang:
The capacity of average and peak power constrained fading channels with channel side information. 77-82 - Jianjun Ni:
On the Chernoff bound for linear-quadratic receivers. 83-86
- Chan-Byoung Chae, Marcos Katz, Changho Suh, Hongsil Jeong:
Adaptive spatial modulation for MIMO-OFDM. 87-92 - Ya-Han Pan, Khaled Ben Letaief, Zhigang Cao:
Dynamic resource allocation with adaptive beamforming for MIMO/OFDM systems under perfect and imperfect CSI. 93-97 - Yao Chen, Ufuk Tureli, Emre Aktas:
High data rate MIMO-OFDM system with orthogonal delay diversity realization. 98-103 - R. Kanchanawat, Suwich Kunaruttanapruk, P. Khunabut, P. Tansongcharoen, Somchai Jitapunkul:
V-BLAST technique for uplink MC-CDMA systems in rich scattering environment. 104-107
Ad Hoc Networks 1
- Jin Tamura, Kazukuni Kobara
, Hideki Imai, Ramjee Prasad:
Application of trust-metrics for evaluating performance system in ad-hoc networks with privacy. 108-113 - Ahmet Duran
, Chien-Chung Shen:
Mobile ad hoc P2P file sharing. 114-119 - Mona Ghassemian, Philipp Hofmann, Christian Prehofer, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami:
Performance analysis of Internet gateway discovery protocols in ad hoc networks. 120-125 - Haiguang Wang, Winston Khoon Guan Seah:
An analytical model for the ROHC RTP profile. 126-131 - Suli Zhao, Ivan Seskar, Dipankar Raychaudhuri:
Performance and scalability of self-organizing hierarchical ad hoc wireless networks. 132-137
Mobile IPv6
- Radhey Shah, Mainak Chatterjee:
A hierarchical architecture to integrate GSM and mobile IPv6. 138-143 - Nicolas Montavont, Thomas Noël, Mohamed Kassi-Lahlou:
Description and evaluation of mobile IPv6 for interfaces. 144-148 - Hongbo Shi, Shigeki Goto:
Utilizing multiple home links in mobile IPv6. 149-154 - Limin Sun, Yong Liao, Jianping Zheng, Yichuan Wu, Jian Ma:
An efficient multicast protocol in mobile IPv6 networks. 155-159 - Ying Qiu, Jianying Zhou, Feng Bao:
Protecting all traffic channels in mobile IPv6 network. 160-165
Location Management
- Joy Ghosh, Sumesh J. Philip, Chunming Qiao:
Acquaintance based soft location management (ABSLM) in MANET. 166-171 - Tracy Tung, Abbas Jamalipour:
Adaptive location management strategy to the distance-based location update technique for cellular networks. 172-176 - Muzaffer Kanaan, Kaveh Pahlavan:
A comparison of wireless geolocation algorithms in the indoor environment. 177-182 - Sumesh J. Philip, Joy Ghosh, Swapnil Khedekar, Chunming Qiao:
Scalability analysis of location management protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. 183-188 - Dongjin Son, Ahmed Helmy, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
The effect of mobility-induced location errors on geographic routing in ad hoc networks: analysis and improvement using mobility prediction. 189-194
- Feng Zhang, Terence D. Todd, Dongmei Zhao, Vytas Kezys:
Power saving access points for IEEE 802.11 wireless network infrastructure. 195-200 - Ming He, Terence D. Todd, Dongmei Zhao, Vytas Kezys:
Ad hoc assisted handoff for real-time voice in IEEE 802.11 infrastructure WLANs. 201-206 - Csaba Kiss Kallo, Roberto Battiti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Marco Ajmone Marsan:
Reducing the number of hops between communication peers in a Bluetooth scatternet. 207-212 - Jamal N. Al-Karaki, J. Morris Chang:
A simple distributed access control scheme for supporting QoS in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. 213-218 - Marcelo M. Carvalho
, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves:
Modeling single-hop wireless networks under Rician fading channels. 219-224
Infrastructure-based Multihop Networks 1
- Hung-Yu Wei, Richard D. Gitlin:
WWAN/WLAN two-hop-relay architecture for capacity enhancement. 225-230 - Sorav Bansal, Rajeev Shorey, Arzad Alam Kherani:
Performance of TCP and UDP protocols in multi-hop multi-rate wireless networks. 231-236 - Arzad Alam Kherani, Rajeev Shorey
Throughput analysis of TCP in multi-hop wireless networks with IEEE 802.11 MAC. 237-242 - Nasreen Badruddin, Rohit Negi:
Capacity improvement in a CDMA system using relaying. 243-248 - Ruoheng Liu, Predrag Spasojevic, Emina Soljanin:
Incremental multi-hop based on "good" punctured codes and its reliable hop rate. 249-254
Mobility Management 1
- Yihua Zhu, Gengui Zhou, Ding-Hua Shi, Ji Gao:
A location management scheme with layered cells within location areas. 255-259 - Yan He, Hanying Hu, Shan Zhou:
A TOA based believable factor mobile location algorithm. 260-263 - Men Long, Chwan-Hwa John Wu, J. David Irwin:
Localized authentication for wireless LAN inter-networking roaming. 264-267 - Johan Kristiansson, Peter Parnes:
Application-layer mobility support for streaming real-time media. 268-273 - S. Venkatraman, James Caffery Jr.:
Hybrid TOA/AOA techniques for mobile location in non-line-of-sight environments. 274-278
Channel Modeling 2
- Kenya Yonezawa, Toshiyuki Maeyama, Hisato Iwai, Hiroshi Harada:
Path loss measurement in 5 GHz macro cellular systems and consideration of extending existing path loss prediction methods. 279-283 - Lodovico Fregni, Fabrizio Muratori, Paola Greco, Giorgio Matteo Vitetta, Fabrizio Pancaldi
GQR models for directional wireless channels. 284-289 - José Luis Cuevas-Ruíz, José Antonio Delgado-Penín
A statistical switched broadband channel model for HAPS links. 290-294 - Mehmet Kemal Özdemir, Hüseyin Arslan, Ercüment Arvas:
On the correlation analysis of antennas in adaptive MIMO systems with 3-D multipath scattering. 295-299
Modulation and Detection 2: Diversity Combining
- Hao Zhang, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Error probability for maximum ratio combining multichannel reception of M-ary coherent systems over flat Ricean fading channels. 306-310 - Ioannis Krikidis, Jean-Luc Danger, Lirida A. B. Naviner:
A finger configuration algorithm for a reconfigurable Rake receiver. 311-315 - Carmela Cozzo, Gregory E. Bottomley
, Ali S. Khayrallah:
Rake receiver finger placement for realistic channels. 316-321
Performance Analysis 2: Diversity Combining
- Fadel F. Digham, Mohamed-Slim Alouini:
Diversity combining with discrete power loading over fading channels. 328-332 - Pavel Loskot, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Maximum ratio combining with arbitrary correlated generalized Ricean branches. 333-338 - Dongdong Li, Vasant K. Prabhu:
Average level crossing rates and average fade durations for maximal-ratio combining in correlated Nakagami channels. 339-344
MIMO 2: Capacity Analysis
- Chengshan Xiao, Yahong R. Zheng:
Ergodic capacity of doubly selective Rayleigh fading MIMO channels. 345-350 - Yeliz Tokgoz, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Outage capacity of maximal ratio transmission based multi-cellular MIMO systems. 351-356 - Marthe Kassouf, Harry Leib:
Shannon capacity regions for orthogonally multiplexed MIMO broadcast channels with informed transmitters. 357-362 - Heewon Kang, Gordon L. Stüber, Thomas G. Pratt, Mary Ann Ingram:
Studies on the capacity of MIMO systems in mobile-to-mobile environment. 363-368
Ad Hoc Networks 2: Physical Layer
- Wael Bazzi, Fakhri Karray:
Interference and error probability evaluation in multiservice interference limited wireless ad hoc networks. 369-374 - Ram Ramanathan, Jason Redi, Cesar A. Santivanez
, David Wiggins, Stephen Polit:
Ad hoc networking with directional antennas: a complete system solution. 375-380 - Sumeeth Nagaraj, Christian Schlegel:
A channel accessing scheme with joint detection receivers in ad hoc networks. 381-386 - Nader S. Fahmy, Terence D. Todd:
A selective CSMA protocol with cooperative ing for ad hoc networks with smart antennas. 387-392
- Wei Wang, Soung C. Liew, Jack Y. B. Lee:
ABRC: an end-to-end rate adaptation scheme for multimedia streaming over wireless LAN. 393-398 - Hiroshi Fujisawa, Katsunori Aoki, Makoto Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Fujita:
Estimation of multicast packet loss characteristic due to collision and loss recovery using FEC on distributed infrastructure wireless LANs. 399-404 - Sébastien Hernandez, Patrick Lafarguette, Antonio Freitas, Michel Misson:
First evaluations of a simulation architecture of the use of a IEEE 802.11 WLAN in industrial context. 405-410 - Yun Wu, Terence D. Todd:
Link sharing in high capacity Bluetooth voice access networks. 411-416
- Zhi Quan, Jong-Moon Chung:
Analysis of packet loss for real-time traffic in wireless mobile networks with ARQ feedback. 417-422 - Özgür Gürbüz, Ender Ayanoglu:
A transparent ARQ scheme for broadband wireless access. 423-429 - Joshua Wall, Jamil Y. Khan:
An ARQ enhancement with QoS support for the 802.11 MAC protocol. 430-435 - Woo Cheol Shin, Jin Kyung Park, Jun Ha, Cheon Won Choi:
Supplement schemes to 3GGP ARQ for reducing occupancy and sojourn at re-ordering buffer. 436-441
Multiple Access 1
- Stephen B. Weinstein, Joseph W. Lechleider:
Multi-user wireless access to a digital cable system. 442-446 - Douglas S. Chan, Toby Berger, Raj Bridgelall
Energy efficiency of CSMA protocols for wireless packet switched networks. 447-452 - Jinyang Shi, Yuehui Jin, Wei Guo, Shiduan Cheng, Hui Huang, Dajiang Zhang:
Performance evaluation of SCTP as a transport layer solution for wireless multi-access networks. 453-458 - Xia Gao, Xiaohong Quan, Ravi Jain, Toshiro Kawahara, Ged Powell:
Wireless local loop at the bottom of the pyramid. 459-464
Mobility Management 2
- Sachin Gami, A. S. Krishnakumar, Parameshwaran Krishnan:
Infrastructure-based location estimation in WLAN. 465-470 - Chin-Der Wann, Ming-Hui Lin:
Data fusion methods for accuracy improvement in wireless location systems. 471-476 - Chi Zhou, Dayou Qian, Niki Pissinou, Kia Makki:
Resource allocation based on pricing for wireless multimedia networks. 477-482 - Terry Coatta, Norman C. Hutchinson, Andrew Warfield, Joseph H. T. Won:
A data synchronization service for ad hoc groups. 483-488
Channel Modeling 3: Estimation & Detection
- Xiaofei Dong, Zhi Ding, Soura Dasgupta:
Fractional spaced dual channel estimation based on decimated feedback. 489-494 - Nayef A. Alsindi, Xinrong Li, Kaveh Pahlavan:
Performance of TOA estimation algorithms in different indoor multipath conditions. 495-500 - Jeng-Shiann Jiang, Mary Ann Ingram:
Robust detection of number of sources using the transformed rotational matrix. 501-506 - Arnab Das, Ashwin Sampath:
Link error prediction for wireless system simulations. 507-512
Multiple Access 2
- Holger Boche, Eduard A. Jorswieck:
Multiple antenna multiple user channels: optimisation in low SNR. 513-518 - Joon Ho Cho:
Equivalence of CDMA, FDMA, and TDMA over Gaussian overloaded channels. 519-524 - Panayiotis D. Papadimitriou, Costas N. Georghiades:
On a unified view of synchronous multiple-access schemes: a bandwidth efficiency perspective. 525-530
Modulation and Detection 3: Differential Modulation & Detection
- Yun Zhu, Hamid Jafarkhani:
Differential modulation based on quasi-orthogonal codes. 531-536 - Paul Gorday, Frédérick Martin, Qicai Shi:
Performance of chip-level differential detection with phase noise. 537-542 - Hong Chang, Mostofa K. Howlader:
Fractional symbol differential detection for DS-CDMA over Rayleigh fading channels. 543-547 - Wayne G. Phoel:
Improved performance of multiple-symbol differential detection for offset QPSK. 548-553
Performance Analysis 3
- Wei Li:
An analytic model of a wireless mobile system with two different types of calls. 554-559 - Vincent K. N. Lau:
Performance analysis of multi-cell systems with multiuser detection and multiple antennas. 560-564 - Tung Chong Wong, Jon W. Mark, Kee Chaing Chua:
Performance analysis of video services in the uplink of a round-robin carrier-hopping multirate multi-carrier DS-CDMA system. 565-570 - J. Eric Salt, Ha H. Nguyen:
Performance analysis of a frame detection algorithm for burst mode communications. 571-576
- Feng Shi, Ming Chen, Shixin Cheng, Haifeng Wang:
A modified linear dispersion codes transmission scheme for MIMO systems. 577-581 - Zhengang Pan, Kai-Kit Wong, Tung-Sang Ng:
Investigating the diversity performance of multiuser spatially correlated MIMO broadcast fading channels. 582-586 - Larry T. Younkins, Weifeng Su, K. J. Ray Liu:
On the robustness of space-time coding for spatially and temporally correlated wireless channels. 587-592 - Yan Sun, K. J. Ray Liu:
Transmit diversity techniques for multicasting over wireless networks. 593-598
Ad Hoc Networks 3: Topology
- Prabhanjan C. Gurumohan, Thomas J. Taylor, Violet R. Syrotiuk:
Topology control for MANETs. 599-603 - Zhuochuan Huang, Chien-Chung Shen:
Topology control with directional power intensity for ad hoc networks. 604-609 - Chih-Cheng Tseng, Kwang-Cheng Chen:
Power efficient topology control in wireless ad hoc networks. 610-615 - Paal Engelstad, Geir Egeland, Do Van Thanh:
Investigating race conditions in multi-homed on demand ad hoc networks. 616-621
Security 1
- Damian Watkins, Craig Scott:
Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of intrusion detection in tactical mobile ad-hoc networks. 622-627 - Venkatesh Obanaik, Lillykutty Jacob, Akkihebbal L. Ananda:
SPEP: a secure and efficient scheme for bulk data transfer over wireless networks. 628-633 - Francesco Ferreri, Massimo Bernaschi, Leonardo Valcamonici:
Access points vulnerabilities to DoS attacks in 802.11 networks. 634-638 - Chien-Cheng Wang, Chwan-Hwa John Wu, J. David Irwin:
Using an identity-based dynamic access control filter (IDF) to defend against DoS attacks. 639-645
Handoff Management 1
- Haruki Izumikawa, Ichiro Yamaguchi, Jiro Katto
An efficient TCP with explicit handover notification for mobile networks. 647-652 - Wenhui Zhang:
Handover decision using fuzzy MADM in heterogeneous networks. 653-658 - Masahiro Kuroda, Masugi Inoue, Akira Okubo, Takashi Sakakura, Keiichi Shimizu, Fumiyuki Adachi:
Scalable Mobile Ethernet and fast vertical handover. 659-664 - Tajj-Eddine Rachidi, Amal Yasmine Elbatji, Mehdi Sebbane, Hicham Bouzekri:
QoS-aware power control and handoff prioritization in 3G WCDMA networks. 665-670
Mobility Management 3
- Saravut Yaipairoj, Fotios C. Harmantzis:
Dynamic pricing with "alternatives" for mobile networks. 671-676 - Ali Al-Qayedi, Wael Adi, Ahmed Zahro, Ali Mabrouk:
Combined Web/mobile authentication for secure Web access control. 677-681 - Danny Dhillon, Tejinder S. Randhawa, Maoyu Wang, Louise Lamont:
Implementing a fully distributed certificate authority in an OLSR MANET. 682-688 - Charles D. Knutson, Heidi R. Duffin, Jeffrey M. Brown, Shannon B. Barnes, Ryan Woodings:
Dynamic autonomous transport selection in heterogeneous wireless environments. 689-694
Channel Modeling 4
- Chin Choy Chai, Zhan Yu, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung:
Probability density functions for new fading model in wireless communications. 695-699 - Youzheng Wang, Zucheng Zhou, Jing Wang:
Analysis of spatial fading correlation for different antenna array. 700-704 - Kan Zheng
, Guoyan Zeng, Wenbo Wang:
Analysis and optimization of pilot-symbol-assisted MC-CDMA systems. 706-710 - Vineet Srivastava, Chin Keong Ho, Patrick Ho Wang Fung, Sumei Sun
Robust MMSE channel estimation in OFDM systems with practical timing synchronization. 711-716
Multiple Access 3
- Phone Lin, Chai-Hien Gan, Nei-Chiung Perng, Tei-Wei Kuo
, Ching-Chi Hsu:
Time division based shared channel allocation algorithm for UMTS. 717-721 - Haipeng Jin, Anthony S. Acampora:
Performance of a tree-based collision resolution algorithm for random access with smart antennas. 722-726 - Yingqun Yu, Xiaodong Cai, Georgios B. Giannakis:
On the instability of slotted Aloha with capture. 728-732 - Jeffrey Q. Bao, Whay Chiou Lee:
Collision-aware channel monitoring at the link layer of a wireless network. 733-737
Modulation and Detection 4: Modulation Classification
- Tevfik Yücek, Hüseyin Arslan:
A novel sub-optimum maximum-likelihood modulation classification algorithm for adaptive OFDM systems. 739-744 - Octavia A. Dobre, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Wei Su:
Robust QAM modulation classification algorithm using cyclic cumulants. 745-748 - Pascal G. Renucci, Karim Nassiri-Toussi, Debarag N. Banerjee:
Detection of downlink transmit diversity in third generation cellular networks. 749-754
- Xu Zhu, Asoke K. Nandi, Ross D. Murch, Yi Huang
A simple power allocation scheme for wireless MIMO systems with layered space-time equalization. 755-759 - June Chul Roh, Bhaskar D. Rao:
An efficient feedback method for MIMO systems with slowly time-varying channels. 760-764 - Guangze Zhao, Sergey Loyka:
Impact of multipath clustering on the performance of MIMO systems. 765-770 - Holger Boche, Marcin Wiczanowski:
Optimal transmit covariance matrices for MIMO high speed uplink packet access. 771-776
WLAN1: 802.11e
- Shou-Chih Lo, Wen-Tsuen Chen:
An efficient scheduling mechanism for IEEE 802.11e MAC enhancements. 777-782 - Pierre Ferré, Angela Doufexi, Andrew R. Nix, David R. Bull:
Throughput analysis of IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.11e MAC. 783-788 - Javier del Prado Pavon, Sai Shankar N.:
Impact of frame size, number of stations and mobility on the throughput performance of IEEE 802.11e. 789-795 - Srikant Kuppa, Ravi Prakash
Service differentiation mechanisms for IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks. 796-801
Ad Hoc Networks 4: Broadcast
- Fei Dai, Jie Wu:
Performance analysis of broadcast protocols in ad hoc networks based on self-pruning. 802-807 - Hao Zhang, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Analysis of two ad hoc broadcasting protocols. 808-812 - Intae Kang, Radha Poovendran:
COBRA: center-oriented broadcast routing algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks. 813-818 - Daniel Hollos, Holger Karl, Adam Wolisz:
Regionalizing global optimization algorithms to improve the operation of large ad hoc networks. 819-824
Security 2
- Qi He, Dapeng Wu
, Pradeep K. Khosla:
SORI: a secure and objective reputation-based incentive scheme for ad-hoc networks. 825-830 - Ketan Nadkarni, Amitabh Mishra:
A novel intrusion detection approach for wireless ad hoc networks. 831-836 - Hamdy S. Soliman, Mohammed Omari:
An efficient application of a dynamic crypto system in mobile wireless security. 837-842 - Swapnil Patil:
Performance measurement of ad-hoc sensor networks under threats. 843-848
Handoff Management 2
- Zhang Zhang:
WCDMA compressed mode triggering method for IRAT handover. 849-853 - Fang Feng, Douglas S. Reeves:
Explicit proactive handoff with motion prediction for mobile IP. 855-860 - Youngjune Gwon, Alper Yegin:
Enhanced forwarding from the previous care-of address (EFWD) for fast handovers in mobile IPv6. 861-866 - Fang Zhu, Janise McNair:
Optimizations for vertical handoff decision algorithms. 867-872
Security 3
- Alia Fourati, Hella Kaffel Ben Ayed, Farouk Kamoun, Abdelmalek Benzekri:
Security issues of m-commerce over hotspot networks. 837-838 - Wael Adi, Ali Al-Qayedi, Abdulkarim Al Zarooni, Ali Mabrouk:
Secured multi-identity mobile infrastructure and offline mobile-assisted micro-payment application. 879-882 - Timothy R. Schmoyer, Yu-Xi Lim, Henry L. Owen:
Wireless intrusion detection and response: a classic study using main-in-the-middle attack. 883-888 - Mohamad Badra, Pascal Urien:
Toward SSL integration in SIM SmartCards. 889-893
UWB 1: Physical Level Issues
- Hao Zhang, T. Aaron Gulliver:
Pulse position amplitude modulation for time-hopping multiple access UWB communications. 895-900 - Robert C. Qiu:
A generalized time domain multipath channel and its application in ultra-wide-band (UWB) wireless optimal receiver design: system performance analysis. 901-907 - Sinan Gezici, Hisashi Kobayashi, H. Vincent Poor, Andreas F. Molisch:
Performance evaluation of impulse radio UWB systems with pulse-based polarity randomization in asynchronous multiuser environments. 908-913 - Ismail Güvenç, Hüseyin Arslan:
Design and performance analysis of TH sequences for UWB-IR systems. 914-919 - Kazuto Usuda, Honggang Zhang, Masao Nakagawa:
Pre-Rake performance for pulse based UWB system in a standardized UWB short-range channel. 920-925
Modulation and Detection 5: Diversity Combining
- Yunxia Chen, Chintha Tellambura:
A new hybrid generalized selection combining scheme and its performance over fading channels. 926-931 - Xiaodi Zhang, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Quadrature sub-branch hybrid selection/maximal-ratio combining. 932-936 - Yu-Yi Cheng, Yumin Lee, Hsueh-Jyh Li:
Blind near-MAP selection diversity with multi-user detection for multi-user OFDM. 937-941 - Hong Zhou, Kazuya Okamoto:
Comparison of code combining and MRC diversity reception in mobile communications. 934-937
- Ritesh Sood, Uday B. Desai:
Minimum probability of error demodulation for multipath OFDM-SDMA systems. 948-953 - Chirag S. Patel, Gordon L. Stüber, Thomas G. Pratt:
Analysis of OFDM/MC-CDMA under channel estimation and jamming. 954-958 - Shang-Ho Tsai, Yuan-Pei Lin, C.-C. Jay Kuo:
A repetitively coded multicarrier CDMA (RCMC-CDMA) transceiver for multiuser communications. 959-964 - Michael L. McCloud:
Optimal binary spreading for block OFDM on multipath fading channels. 965-970 - Dirk Benyoucef:
A new cascade decoder for precoded OFDM with analog linear block codes. 971-975
MIMO 5: MIMO/OFDM Performance
- Majid Fozunbal, Steven W. McLaughlin, Ronald W. Schafer:
On performance limits of MIMO-OFDM systems over block-fading channels. 976-980 - Jingming Wang, Babak Daneshrad:
Performance of linear interpolation-based MIMO detection for MIMO-OFDM systems. 981-986 - Israfil Bahceci, Tolga M. Duman
, Yucel Altunbasak:
Performance of MIMO antenna selection for space-time coded OFDM systems. 987-992 - Peh Keong Teh, Seyed A. Zekavat:
Space-time block codes (STBC) versus beam pattern scanning (BPS): capacity, performance, complexity and spectrum efficiency evaluation. 993-998
- Shaomin S. Mo, Alexander D. Gelman:
On the power spectral density of UWB signals in IEEE 802.15.3a. 999-1002 - Younseog Chang, Sin-Chong Park, SeoungYoung Lee:
An enhanced throughput and QoS-aware scheduling policy for Bluetooth. 1004-1007 - Attila Török, Lóránt Vajda, Kyu-Jung Youn, Sun-Do June:
Superframe formation algorithms in 802.15.3 networks. 1008-1013 - Jung-Ho Yoon, Seung-Bum Lee, Sin-Chong Park:
Packet and modulation type selection scheme based on channel quality estimation for Bluetooth evolution systems. 1014-1017 - Seung Hyong Rhee, Kwangsue Chung, Yongsuk Kim, Wonyong Yoon, Ki So Chang:
An application-aware MAC scheme for IEEE 802.15.3 high-rate WPAN. 1018-1023
Ad Hoc Networks 5
- Jing Deng, Yunghsiang Sam Han, Po-Ning Chen
, Pramod K. Varshney:
Optimum transmission range for wireless ad hoc networks. 1024-1029 - Byung-Jae Kwak, Nah-Oak Song, Leonard E. Miller:
On the scalability of ad hoc networks: a traffic analysis at the center of a network. 1030-1033 - Ömer Ileri, Siun-Chuon Mau, Narayan B. Mandayam:
Pricing for enabling forwarding in self-configuring ad hoc networks. 1034-1039 - Fabrice Theoleyre
, Fabrice Valois:
A virtual structure for hybrid networks. 1040-1045
- Yichuan Wu, Limin Sun, Jian Ma:
Adaptive robust TCP/IP header compression algorithm for 3G wireless networks. 1046-1050 - Fanglei Sun, Victor O. K. Li, Soung C. Liew:
Design of SNACK mechanism for wireless TCP with new snoop. 1051-1056 - Takahiko Yamada, Shinji Kawata, Nguyen Thanh Hung, Liang Zhang:
High-bit-rate packet transfer to fast mobile terminals in an IP based micro-cellular network with parallel polling scenario. 1057-1062 - Abed Ellatif Samhat
, Tijani Chahed:
Modeling and analysis of transport of voice and data in the UMTS radio access network: IP versus AAL2/ATM. 1063-1068 - Satoshi Ohzahata, Shigetomo Kimura, Yoshihiko Ebihara, Konosuke Kawashima:
A queue management method for improving TCP performance in wireless environments. 1069-1074
Scheduling 1: Ad Hoc Networks
- Xuejun Tian, Yuguang Fang
, Tetsuo Ideguchi:
Multichannel time-spread scheduling: a new approach to handling heavy traffic loads in ad hoc networks. 1075-1080 - Hongqiang Zhai, Jianfeng Wang, Yuguang Fang
Distributed packet scheduling for multihop flows in ad hoc networks. 1081-1086 - Gomathy Chidambaram
, S. Shanmugavel:
An efficient fuzzy based priority scheduler for mobile ad hoc networks and performance analysis for various mobility models. 1087-1092
Infrastructure-based Multihop Networks 2
- David Tacconi, Cem U. Saraydar, Sirin Tekinay:
Ad hoc enhanced routing in UMTS for increased packet delivery rates. 1093-1098 - Chi-Tung Chen, Sirin Tekinay, Cem U. Saraydar:
Minimum-power & energy-balancing cellular ad hoc augmented networks. 1099-1103 - Syed Imran, Mohamed Hossam Ahmed, Halim Yanikomeroglu
, Samy A. Mahmoud:
Impact of multiple frequency channels usage on the performance of TDMA-based broadband fixed cellular multihop networks. 1105-1108 - Jaya Shankar Pathmasuntharam, Amitabha Das, Anil K. Gupta:
Primary channel assignment based MAC (PCAM) - a multi-channel MAC protocol for multi-hop wireless networks. 1110-1115 - N. Prabagarane, C. Ajoy Navin, B. Partibane, V. Nagarajan, R. Krishnakiran:
Hierarchical routing algorithm for cluster based multihop mobile ad hoc network. 1116-1120
Channel Modeling 5
- Feng-Xiang Ge, Dongxu Shen, Yingning Peng, Victor O. K. Li:
Super-resolution time delay estimation in multipath environments. 1121-1126 - Sang-Yick Leong, Yahong R. Zheng
, Chengshan Xiao:
Space-time fading correlation functions of a 3-D MIMO channel model. 1127-1132 - Hassan M. El-Sallabi, Lasse Vuokko, Pertti Vainikainen:
Characterization of dissimilarity between multipath components at mobile station in microcellular environment. 1133-1137 - Hassan M. El-Sallabi, Jari Salo, Pertti Vainikainen:
Investigations on impact of bandwidth on orthogonality factor for WCDMA systems. 1138-1142
- Jongok Oh, Suckchel Yang, Yoan Shin:
A rapid acquisition scheme for UWB signals in indoor wireless channels. 1143-1147 - Sandeep R. Aedudodla, Saravanan Vijayakumaran, Tan F. Wong:
Rapid ultra-wideband signal acquisition. 1148-1153 - Chihong Cho, Honggang Zhang, Masao Nakagawa:
A UWB repeater with a short relaying-delay for range extension. 1154-1158
Modulation and Detection 6: Higher Order Constellations
- Xiaodai Dong, Lei Xiao:
Two-dimensional signaling in Ricean fading with imperfect channel estimation. 1159-1164 - Erik Perrins, Michael Rice:
Optimal and reduced complexity receivers for M-ary multi-h CPM. 1165-1170 - Lingzhi Cao, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Optimization of PSAM for diversity 16-QAM. 1171-1174 - Chunyi Song, Shigeru Shimamoto:
Evaluations of elliptical modulation scheme. 1176-1181
OFDM 2: Resource Allocation Issues
- Makoto Yoshida, Atsuhiko Sugitani:
A comparison of OFCDM and segmented-OFDM in broadband MIMO downlink channel. 1182-1187 - Zhenping Hu, Guangxi Zhu, Yuan Xia, Gan Liu:
Multiuser subcarrier and bit allocation for MIMO-OFDM systems with perfect and partial channel information. 1188-1193 - Alexander M. Wyglinski
, Fabrice Labeau
, Peter Kabal:
An efficient bit allocation algorithm for multicarrier modulation. 1194-1199 - Ashay Dhamdhere, Ramesh R. Rao:
Using time-divisioning to improve the performance of bit-loading algorithms. 1200-1204
Space-Time Codes 1: Receiver Design
- Yik-Chung Wu, S. C. Chan, Erchin Serpedin:
Symbol-timing synchronization in space-time coding systems using orthogonal training sequences. 1205-1209 - Le Chung Tran, Tadeusz A. Wysocki:
On some antenna selection techniques for wireless channels utilizing differential space-time modulation. 1210-1215 - Mohammad H. Taghavi, Babak Hossein Khalaj:
Two dimensional MMSE-DFE for space-time coded wideband CDMA. 1216-1221 - Robert Schober, H. Chen, Wolfgang H. Gerstacker:
Decision-feedback sequence estimation for time-reversal space-time block coded transmission. 1222-1227
WLAN 2: MAC Layer
- Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, Thierry Turletti, Marwan Krunz:
A media-oriented transmission mode selection in 802.11 wireless LANs. 1228-1233 - Jianfeng Wang, Hongqiang Zhai, Yuguang Fang
Opportunistic packet Scheduling and Media Access control for wireless LANs and multi-hop ad hoc networks. 1234-1239 - Hui Dong, I. D. Chakares, Allen Gersho, Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer, Jerry D. Gibson:
Selective bit-error checking at the MAC layer for voice over mobile ad hoc networks with IEEE 802.11. 1240-1245 - Harkirat Singh, Suresh Singh:
Tone based MAC protocol for use with adaptive array antennas. 1246-1251
- Sungeun Kim, John A. Copeland, Canfeng Chen, Lei Wang, Liang Liu, Weiling Wu:
Interworking between WLANs and 3G networks: TCP challenges. 1252-1257 - Canfeng Chen, Lei Wang, Liang Liu, Weiling Wu:
Simulation study of TCP behavior over redundant source routing in ad hoc networks. 1258-1263 - Govind Krishnamurthi, Hemant Chaskar, Ritva Siren:
Providing end-to-end location privacy in IP-based mobile communication. 1264-1269 - Youn-Hee Han, Seung-Hee Hwang, Heejin Jang:
Design and evaluation of an address configuration and confirmation scheme for IPv6 mobility support. 1270-1275
Scheduling 2
- Hung-Yu Wei, Rauf Izmailov:
Channel-aware soft bandwidth guarantee scheduling for wireless packet access. 1276-1281 - Long Bao Le
, Ekram Hossain:
On the performance of spatial multiplexing MIMO cellular systems with adaptive modulation and scheduling. 1282-1286 - Dihong Tian, Xiaohuan Li, Ghassan Al-Regib, Yucel Altunbasak, Joel R. Jackson:
Optimal packet scheduling for wireless video streaming with error-prone feedback. 1287-1292 - YuLong Fan, ChingYao Huang:
Adaptive scheduler algorithm for multi-criterion designs in B3G wireless systems. 1293-1297
Routing 1
- Arindam Kumar Das, Robert Jackson Marks, Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi, Payman Arabshahi, Andrew Gray:
Optimization methods for minimum power multicasting in wireless networks with sectored antennas. 1299-1304 - Xiaobing Hou, David Tipper:
Gossip-based sleep protocol (GSP) for energy efficient routing in wireless ad hoc networks. 1305-1310 - Michael B. Pursley, Harlan B. Russell, Jeffrey S. Wysocarski:
Energy-efficient routing in multimedia ad hoc networks. 1311-1316 - Morteza Maleki, Massoud Pedram:
Lifetime-aware multicast routing in wireless ad hoc networks. 1317-1323
Radio Resource Management 1
- Gan Liu, Guangxi Zhu, Weimin Wu:
An adaptive call admission policy for broadband wireless multimedia networks using stochastic control. 1324-1329 - Anthony T. Chronopoulos, Paul Cotae, S. Ponipireddy:
Efficient power control for broadcast in wireless communication systems. 1330-1334 - Liang Xu, Xuemin Shen, Jon W. Mark:
Fair resource allocation with statistical QoS support for multimedia traffic in a wideband CDMA cellular network. 1335-1340 - Lynn Zheng, Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh, Hamid Jafarkhani:
Resource allocation in fading wireless ad-hoc networks with temporally correlated loss. 1341-1346
WLAN 3: Application
- Mingliu Zhang, Richard S. Wolff:
Using Wi-Fi for cost-effective broadband wireless access in rural and remote areas. 1347-1352 - Gurpreet Sohal, Larry Dowdy:
Experimental sensitivity analysis of wireless protocols in an office environment. 1353-1358 - Martin Kappes:
An application-layer approach for multihop communication in IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc networks. 1359-1364 - Yapeng Wang, Laurie G. Cuthbert, John Bigham:
Intelligent radio resource management for IEEE 802.11 WLAN. 1365-1370
CDMA 1: Power Control
- Husheng Li, H. Vincent Poor:
Power allocation and spectral efficiency in multirate DS-CDMA systems without channel state information at transmitters. 1371-1375 - Mizhou Tan, Yeheskel Bar-Ness:
Optimal power distribution control under different total power constraint strategies for multicode MC-CDMA with zero-forcing successive interference cancellation. 1376-1381 - Subhadeep Roy, Tolga M. Duman
Stochastic power control for CDMA over Rayleigh fading channels. 1382-1387 - Shirin Jalali, Babak Hossein Khalaj:
Power control for multirate CDMA systems with imperfect successive interference cancellation. 1388-1393
Rate Allocation 1
- Byung-Seo Kim, Yuguang Fang
, Tan F. Wong:
Rate-adaptive MAC protocol in high-rate personal area networks. 1394-1399 - Lian Zhao, Jon W. Mark:
Performance analysis of rate adaptation in WCDMA communication systems. 1400-1405 - Clive Tang, Victor Stolpman:
An adaptive learning approach to adaptive OFDM. 1406-1410
- Defeng Huang, Khaled Ben Letaief, Jianhua Lu:
Reduced complexity carrier frequency offset estimation for OFDM systems. 1411-1415 - Yang Cao, Yong Ren, Xiuming Shan:
Blind frequency offset correction algorithm for DWMT system. 1416-1420 - Yasamin Mostofi, Donald C. Cox:
Average error rate analysis for pilot-aided OFDM receivers with frequency-domain interpolation. 1421-1425 - Dan Zhang
, Pingyi Fan, Zhigang Cao:
A novel narrowband interference canceller for OFDM systems. 1426-1430
Space-Time Codes 2: Code Design
- Jiann-An Tsai, Wei-Ping Chuang, Po-Lin Chiu, Chang Lung Hsiao:
BER performance of a new space-time diversity scheme for encoded DS-CDMA. 1431-1435 - Weifeng Su, Zoltan Safar, K. J. Ray Liu:
Systematic design of space-frequency codes with full rate and full diversity. 1436-1441 - Weifeng Su, Xiang-Gen Xia, K. J. Ray Liu:
Systematic design of complex orthogonal space-time block codes with high rates. 1442-1445 - Thanongsak Himsoon, Weifeng Su, K. J. Ray Liu:
Matrix rotation based signal design for differential unitary space-time modulation. 1446-1450
WLAN 4: Performance Analysis
- M. K. Abdul Aziz, Paul N. Fletcher, Andrew R. Nix:
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11n solutions combining MIMO architectures with iterative decoding and sub-optimal ML detection via MMSE and zero forcing GIS solutions. 1451-1456 - Tetsuya Shigeyasu, Tadayuki Hirakawa, Hiroshi Matsuno, Norihiko Morinaga:
Two simple modifications for improving IEEE802.11 DCF throughput performance. 1457-1462 - Changle Li, Jiandong Li, Xuelian Cai:
Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11 WLAN - high speed packet wireless data network for supporting voice service. 1463-1468 - Hui Ma, Xing Li, Hewu Li, Peiyun Zhang, Shixin Luo, Cong Yuan:
Range estimation and performance optimization for IEEE 802.11 based on filter. 1469-1475
Ad Hoc Networks 6: Multihop
- Xiaowei Zhang, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
A generalized energy consumption analysis in multihop wireless networks. 1476-1481 - Siva Sivavakeesar, George Pavlou:
Quality of service aware MAC based on IEEE 802.11 for multihop ad-hoc networks. 1482-1487 - Siva Sivavakeesar, George Pavlou, Antonio Liotta:
Stable clustering through mobility prediction for large-scale multihop intelligent ad hoc networks. 1488-1493 - Gruia Calinescu
, Sanjiv Kapoor, Mohammad Sarwat:
Bounded-hops power assignment in ad-hoc wireless networks. 1494-1499
- Youssef Iraqi, Majid Ghaderi, Raouf Boutaba:
Enabling real-time All-IP wireless networks. 1500-1505 - Fang Liu, Wenbo Wang, Yuan'an Liu:
A new scheme to improve TCP over wireless networks. 1506-1509 - Prasanna Venkatesh, Harsha R. Sirisena:
Modeling for dimensioning and configuring general packet radio service networks. 1510-1515 - Pascal Kurtansky, Hasan, Burkhard Stiller, Antonio Cuevas, Davinder Singh, Sebastian Zander, Jürgen Jähnert, Jie Zhou:
Extensions of AAA for future IP networks. 1516-1521
Sensor Networks 1: QoS Aspects
- Jeff Frolik:
QoS control for random access wireless sensor networks. 1522-1527 - Vipul Bahety, Ravi Pendse:
Scalable QoS provisioning for mobile networks using wireless sensors. 1528-1533 - Peng Lin, Chunming Qiao, Xin Wang:
Medium access control with a dynamic duty cycle for sensor networks. 1534-1539 - Mark A. Perillo, Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman:
DAPR: a protocol for wireless sensor networks utilizing an application-based routing cost. 1540-1545
Routing 2
- Rui Fan, Guoqing Zhang:
AMRM: adaptive mobile reliable multicast protocol. 1546-1550 - Swades De, Chunming Qiao:
On throughput and load balancing of multipath routing in wireless networks. 1551-1556 - Hua-Wen Tsai, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
An on-demand routing protocol with backtracking for mobile ad hoc networks. 1557-1562 - Xiaofeng Zhong, Shunliang Mei, Youzheng Wang, Jing Wang:
Experimental evaluation of stable adaptive routing protocol. 1563-1567
CDMA 2: Receiver Structures
- Rethnakaran Pulikkoonattu, P. K. Venkataraghavan, Tapan Ray:
A modified noncoherent PN code acquisition scheme. 1568-1571 - Peyman Razaghi, Babak Hossein Khalaj:
A novel time-frequency receiver for unknown fast fading channels. 1572-1577 - Dong Woon Bai, Woo Yong Lee, Sang Wu Kim:
Space-time codes over PN sequences for DS/CDMA systems. 1578-1582
Rate Allocation 2: Power Allocation & Control
- Lian Zhao, Jon W. Mark, Jiu Ding, Wallace C. Pye:
Power control and call admission in multirate wideband CDMA systems. 1583-1588 - Ye-Hoon Lee, Yeheskel Bar-Ness:
Transmission power adaptations in MC-CDMA communications over Rayleigh fading channels. 1589-1594 - Yui Ming Tsang, Roger S. Cheng:
Optimal resource allocation in SDMA/multiinput-single-output/OFDM systems under QoS and power constraints. 1595-1600 - Danlu Zhang, Seong-Jun Oh, Nagabhushana T. Sindhushayana:
Optimal resource allocation for data service in CDMA reverse link. 1601-1606
Coding 1: Interleaver Design
- Xilin Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Ji Luo:
Code-matched interleaver for turbo codes. 1607-1610 - Aliazam Abbasfar, Kung Yao:
Interleaver design for high speed turbo decoders. 1611-1615 - Aliazam Abbasfar, Kung Yao:
Interleaver design for turbo codes by distance spectrum shaping. 1616-1619
Space-Time Codes 3: Receiver Design
- Renqiu Wang, Georgios B. Giannakis:
Approaching MIMO channel capacity with reduced-complexity soft sphere decoding. 1620-1625 - Richard Demo Souza
, Javier Garcia-Frías, Alexander M. Haimovich:
A semiblind receiver for iterative data detection and decoding of space-time coded data. 1626-1630 - Dongming Wang, Junhui Zhao, Xiqi Gao
, Xiaohu You
, Woogoo Park, Yun Hee Kim:
Turbo detection and decoding for space-time block-coded block transmission systems. 1631-1635 - Junghoon Suh, Mostofa K. Howlader:
Iteratively decoded space-time trellis codes. 1636-1641
- Yang Xiao:
Concatenation and piggyback mechanisms for the IEEE 802.11 MAC. 1642-1647 - Ye Chen, Nattavut Smavatkul, Steve Emeott:
Power management for VoIP over IEEE 802.11 WLAN. 1648-1653 - Jun Yin, Xiaodong Wang, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Optimal packet size in error-prone channel for IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function. 1654-1659 - Jeff McDougall, Yi Yu, Scott L. Miller:
A statistical approach to developing channel models for network simulations. 1660-1665
Ad Hoc Networks 7: Mobility
- Ruy de Oliveira, Torsten Braun:
A delay-based approach using fuzzy logic to improve TCP error detection in ad hoc networks. 1666-1671 - Torsten C. Avramopoulos, Hisashi Kobayashi:
Guaranteed delivery flooding protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. 1672-1678 - Yanchao Zhang, Wenjing Lou, Yuguang Fang
SIP: a secure incentive protocol against selfishness in mobile ad hoc networks. 1679-1684 - Ajay Kumar Singh, Kishore Kankipati:
TCP-ADA: TCP with adaptive delayed acknowledgement for mobile ad hoc networks. 1685-1690
TCP/IP 4: Performance
- Haipeng Jin, Raymond Hsu, Jun Wang:
Performance comparison of header compression schemes for RTP/UDP/IP packets. 1691-1696 - Mounir Benzaid, Pascale Minet, Khaldoun Al Agha:
Performance evaluation of the implementation integrating mobile-IP and OLSR in full-IP networks. 1697-1702 - Arzad Alam Kherani, Rajeev Shorey:
Performance improvement of TCP with delayed ACKs in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. 1703-1708 - Chang Yong Jung, Jo Woon Chong, Ho Young Hwang, Dan Keun Sung, Jin Soo Park:
Performance comparison of ATM and IP based transmission schemes in the UTRAN. 1709-1714
Sensor Networks 2: Energy Efficiency
- Hua Yang, Fengji Ye, Biplab Sikdar:
A dynamic query-tree energy balancing protocol for sensor networks. 1715-1720 - Ivan Howitt, Jing Wang:
Energy balanced chain in distributed sensor networks. 1721-1726 - Sokwoo Rhee, Deva Seetharam, Sheng Liu:
Techniques for minimizing power consumption in low data-rate wireless sensor networks. 1727-1731 - Sanjeevi Balasubramanian, I. Elangovan, Sudharman K. Jayaweera, Kameswara Rao Namuduri:
Distributed and collaborative tracking for energy-constrained ad-hoc wireless sensor networks. 1732-1737
Traffic Modelling and Characterisation
- Peng Wan, Zhimin Du, Weiling Wu:
A simple and efficient MPEG-4 video traffic model for wireless network performance evaluation. 1738-1742 - Aram Falsafi, Kevin Bruemmer, Jean-Hugues Deschennes:
Characterizing backhaul traffic in 3G networks using real-world speech. 1743-1747 - Dilek Karabudak, Chih-Cheng Hung, Benny Bing:
An intelligent admission control scheme for next generation wireless systems using distributed genetic algorithms. 1748-1753 - Yu Yuan, David D. Feng, Yuzhuo Zhong:
A mixed scheme to improve subjective quality in low bitrate video. 1754-1759
Coding 2
- A. A. Al-Shaikhi, M. A. Kousa:
Modified algorithm for hard decision decoding of product codes. 1760-1763 - Josephine P. K. Chu, Peter J. McLane:
Serial concatenation of STBC or dSTBC with convolutional codes or turbo codes for space-time correlated channels. 1764-1769 - Mehmet Umut Demircin, Yucel Altunbasak:
Finite-horizon FEC-rate adaptation for real-time wireless multimedia. 1770-1775 - Nima Sarshar, Xiaolin Wu:
Optimal unequal channel protection of multiple-description product codes for multimedia communications over fast fading channels. 1776-1781
- Enzo Baccarelli
, Mauro Biagi, Cristian Pelizzoni:
A simple multiantenna transceiver for ultra wide band based 4GWLANs. 1782-1787 - Yi-Ling Chao, Robert A. Scholtz:
Multiple access performance of ultra-wideband transmitted reference systems in multipath environments. 1788-1793 - Honggang Zhang, Ryuji Kohno:
SSA realization in UWB multiple access systems based on prolate spheroidal wave functions. 1794-1799 - W. Pam Siriwongpairat, Masoud Olfat, K. J. Ray Liu:
On the performance evaluation of TH and DS UWB MIMO systems. 1800-1805 - Michelle X. Gong, Scott F. Midkiff, R. Michael Buehrer:
A self-organized clustering algorithm for UWB ad hoc networks. 1806-1811
CDMA 3: Interference Cancellation
- Haifeng Wang, Zhenhong Li, Jorma Lilleberg:
Equalized parallel interference cancellation for MC-CDMA multicode downlink transmissions. 1812-1816 - Yuhong Wang, Chin Choy Chai, Tjeng Thiang Tjhung:
Multipath interference cancellation scheme for multicode CDMA systems in multipath fading channels. 1817-1822 - Kari Karwedsky, Diane Mills, Michael Kotrlik, Jay Weitzen:
Multicarrier CDMA with cross-system interference cancellation. 1823-1827 - Namsun Kim, Mostofa K. Howlader:
Analysis of a new hybrid interference cancellation (HIC) system. 1828-1832 - Brandon Hombs, James S. Lehnert:
Combining space-time codes and interference suppression in asynchronous DS-CDMA. 1833-1837
Space-Time Codes 4: Channel Estimation
- Nejib Ammar, Zhi Ding:
Frequency selective channel estimation in time-reversed space-time coding. 1838-1843 - Guixia Kang, Martin Weckerle, Elena Costa:
Space-time joint channel estimation in filtered multitone based multicarrier multibranch systems. 1844-1849 - Max Denis, V. Vasudevan, Kavitha Chandra, Charles Thompson:
Characterizing spatial correlation in indoor channels. 1850-1855 - Yi Yao, Mostofa K. Howlader:
Iterative decoding of space-time trellis coding under unknown fading channels. 1856-1860 - Shun K. Cheung, Robert Schober:
Differential spatial multiplexing. 1861-1866
Cross-Layer Optimization
- Alberto López Toledo, Xiaodong Wang:
Effect of MIMO wireless channels on TCP. 1867-1872 - Wei-Cheng Liu, Li-Chun Wang, Ya-Wen Lin:
Physical layer effects on the MAC goodput performance for the rate adaptive IEEE 802.11a/g WLAN. 1873-1878 - Li-Chun Wang, Shi-Yen Huang, Anderson Chen:
On the throughput performance of CSMA-based wireless local area network with directional antennas and capture effect: a cross-layer analytical approach. 1879-1884 - Jia Tang, Xi Zhang:
Subchannel-allocation algorithms and performance analysis for space-time OFDM-CDMA based systems in wireless networks. 1885-1890 - Anh Tuan Hoang, Mehul Motani:
Buffer and channel adaptive transmission over fading channels with imperfect channel state information. 1891-1896
Ad Hoc Networks 8
- Antonios Argyriou, Vijay K. Madisetti:
Realizing load-balancing in ad-hoc networks with a transport layer protocol. 1897-1902 - Kwan Shek Lau, Derek Chi-Wai Pao:
Multicast medium access control in wireless ad hoc network. 1903-1908 - David Raguin, Martin Kubisch, Holger Karl, Adam Wolisz:
Queue-driven cut-through medium access in wireless ad hoc networks. 1909-1914 - Maciej J. Zawodniok
, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
A distributed power control MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks. 1915-1920 - Kai Chen, Klara Nahrstedt, Nitin H. Vaidya:
The utility of explicit rate-based flow control in mobile ad hoc networks. 1921-1926
Scheduling 3
- Leonardo Badia, Michele Boaretto, Michele Zorzi:
Neural self-organization for the packet scheduling in wireless networks. 1927-1932 - Heng Wang:
Cooperative transmission in wireless networks with delay constraints. 1933-1938 - Guocong Song, Ye Li, Leonard J. Cimini Jr., Haitao Zheng:
Joint channel-aware and queue-aware data scheduling in multiple shared wireless channels. 1939-1944 - Ying Weng, Chaohuan Hou:
QoS-based packet scheduling in wireless multimedia networks. 1945-1950 - Qian Ma, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu:
Multiuser diversity with outdated channel feedback. 1951-1956
Mobility Management 4
- Vicente Casares Giner, Pablo García-Escalle:
On movement based mobility tracking strategy-a general framework. 1957-1962 - Narayanan Venkitaraman, Jay Almaula, Anwar Haneef, Jayanth Mysore:
Session aware network controlled interface selection for multihomed hosts. 1963-1968 - Alexe E. Leu, Brian L. Mark:
Analysis of handoff interference along arbitrary trajectories in cellular networks. 1969-1974 - Arnab Das, Krishna Balachandran, Farooq Khan, Ashwin Sampath, Hsuan-Jung Su:
Network controlled cell selection for the high speed downlink packet access in UMTS. 1975-1979 - Carlos Alberto Vieira Campos, Daniel C. Otero, Luís Felipe M. de Moraes:
Realistic individual mobility Markovian models for mobile ad hoc networks. 1980-1985
- Juanjuan Sun, Taiyuan Fang, Jianming Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
Erlang capacity analysis of a CDMA microcellular system in urban outdoor-to-indoor environments. 1986-1991 - Amir Ghasemi, Elvino S. Sousa:
Distributed intercell coordination through time reuse partitioning in downlink CDMA. 1992-1997 - Mohammed Z. Ali, Murat Torlak:
Joint processing of packet combining and adaptive retransmission control in DS-CDMA random access networks. 1998-2003 - Jianxin Yao, Tung Chong Wong, Yong Huat Chew:
Cross-layer design on the reverse and forward links capacities balancing in cellular CDMA systems. 2004-2009 - Andres Kwasinski, Nariman Farvardin:
Optimal resource allocation for CDMA networks based on arbitrary real-time source coders adaptation with application to MPEG4 FGS. 2010-2015
Satellite Communications
- Boon Sain Yeo, L. F. Turner:
An approach to the modeling of counter-rotating seam communication links for LEO satellite systems. 2016-2020 - Ruhai Wang, Sreelakshmi Bonasu, Shabbir Bagasrawala:
The impact of TCP-IP header compression on performance over satellite links. 2021-2026 - Ruhai Wang, Bhanu Gutha, Rama Chandrasekaran:
Behavior of Vegas congestion control over satellite channels. 2027-2032 - Chunmei Liu, Eytan H. Modiano:
An analysis of TCP over random access satellite links. 2033-2040 - Floriano De Rango, Mauro Tropea, Salvatore Marano:
Aggregated resource reservation protocol in integrated scalable-terrestrial and Int-Serv satellite network. 2041-2046
Selected Papers on Wireless Multimedia and Service Models
- Liang Cheng, Magda El Zarki:
Perceptual quality feedback based progressive frame-level refreshing for robust video communication. 2047-2052 - Yong Wei, Surendar Chandra, Suchendra M. Bhandarkar:
A statistical prediction-based scheme for energy-aware multimedia data streaming. 2053-2057 - Xiaodong Tian:
Efficient transmission power allocation for wireless video communications. 2058-2063 - Jazilah Jamaluddin, Matthew Doherty, Reuben Edwards, Paul Coulton:
Hotring advertising model for broadband hotspots. 2064-2068 - Samer L. Hijazi, Marco Michelini, Balasubramaniam Natarajan, Zhiqiang Wu, Carl R. Nassar:
Enabling FCC's proposed spectral policy via carrier interferometry. 2069-2074
- Volker Jungnickel, Yun-Shen Chang, Volker Pohl:
Performance of MIMO Rake receivers in WCDMA systems. 2075-2080 - Xiaoming Peng, A. S. Madhukumar, Volker P. S. Chin:
Performance studies of interleaving schemes for MC-CDMA systems. 2081-2086 - Sami A. Khorbotly, Okechukwu C. Ugweje:
Diversity performance of multicode spread spectrum CDMA system. 2087-2092 - Nattapon Phewpong, Somchai Jitapunkul:
Performance improvement of MC-CDMA receiver at base station in fading channel using blind adaptive beamforming. 2093-2098
Coding 3: Hybrid ARQ
- Jeremy Roberson, Zhi Ding:
Joint channel identification in punctured hybrid ARQ retransmissions. 2099-2104 - Abhinav Roongta, John M. Shea:
Reliability-based hybrid ARQ and rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes. 2105-2109 - Weimin Xiao, Rapeepat Ratasuk:
Throughput analysis of a link adaptive system with H-ARQ. 2110-2114 - Tao Shi, Lei Cao:
Combining techniques and segment selective repeat on turbo coded hybrid ARQ. 2115-2119
Implementation Issues
- Hanli Zou, Babak Daneshrad:
VLSI implementation for a low power mobile OFDM receiver ASIC. 2120-2124 - Takatoshi Sugiyama, Satoshi Kurosaki, Yusuke Asai, Daisei Uchida, Masahiro Umehira:
Development of SDM-COFDM prototype employing a hierarchical ICI canceller for MIMO-based broadband wireless access systems. 2125-2130 - Kevin L. Baum, Philippe J. Sartori, Vijay Nangia:
System-level study of OFDM and CDMA with adaptive modulation/coding for a 5 MHz channel. 2131-2136
Scheduling 4: Downlink
- Raymond Kwan, Cyril Leung:
Optimal downlink scheduling schemes for CDMA networks. 2137-2142 - Jun Cai, Xuemin Shen, Jon W. Mark:
Downlink resource management with adaptive modulation and dynamic scheduling for OFDM wireless communication systems. 2143-2147 - Jing Jiang, R. Michael Buehrer, William H. Tranter:
High-speed downlink packet transmission with spatial multiplexing and scheduling. 2148-2152 - Vincent K. N. Lau
Mobile-assisted scheduling for downlink multibeam phase-sweep transmit diversity (PSTD) with partial feedback. 2153-2158
Mobility Management 5
- Moshiur Rahman, Fotios C. Harmantzis:
IP mobility with high speed access and network intelligence. 2159-2164 - Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez, Lauro Ortigoza-Guerrero:
Mobility-aware regulated call dropping scheme for capacity optimisation in wireless communication systems. 2165-2170 - Fei Richard Yu, Li Ma, Victor C. M. Leung:
Effects of mobility on packet level performance of connection-oriented multimedia traffic over packet-switched cellular networks. 2171-2176 - Liesbeth Peters, Ingrid Moerman, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester:
Micromobility support for random access network topologies. 2177-2182
Radio Resource Management 2
- Yasuhiko Matsunaga, Randy H. Katz:
Inter-domain radio resource management for wireless LANs. 2183-2188 - Jennifer Price, Tara Javidi
Decentralized and fair rate control in a multisector CDMA system. 2189-2194 - Nimrod Lilith, Kutluyil Dogancay:
Dynamic channel allocation for mobile cellular traffic using reduced-state reinforcement learning. 2195-2200 - Virgilio Rodriguez, David J. Goodman, Zory Marantz:
Power and data rate assignment for maximal weighted throughput in 3G CDMA: a global solution with two classes of users. 2201-2206
- Sébastien Baey, Marcel Dumas, Marie-Claude Dumas:
Cooperative strategy for efficient multiplexing of multimedia traffic in the uplink of the UMTS WCDMA. 2207-2213 - Andres Kwasinski, Zhu Han, K. J. Ray Liu:
Dynamic real time distortion management over multimedia downlink CDMA. 2214-2219 - Samad S. Kolahi, Allan G. Williamson, Kevin W. Sowerby:
Sensitivity analysis of the reverse link Erlang capacity of CDMA systems. 2220-2225 - Amir Ghasemi, Elvino S. Sousa:
Jointly optimal base station assignment for up- and downlink CDMA through space division duplex. 2226-2231
Receiver Implementation Techniques
- Tianyu Yang, Wasfy B. Mikhael:
Baseband image rejection for diversity superheterodyne receivers. 2232-2234 - Arthi Kothandaraman, Naresh Sarwabhotla:
Countering time varying fading in multidwell based cellular CDMA systems. 2235-2238 - Hiroyuki Nakamura, Kazuji Watanabe, Takashi Maruyama:
Simple adaptive baseband predistortion algorithm with perturbation. 2239-2243 - Saleh O. Al-Jazzar, James Caffery Jr.:
ESPRIT-based joint AOA/delay estimation for CDMA systems. 2244-2249
Rate Allocation 3: MAC Layer Issues
- James O. Neel, Jeffrey H. Reed, Robert P. Gilles:
Convergence of cognitive radio networks. 2250-2255 - Neung-Hyung Lee, Keun Chul Hwang, Saewoong Bahk, Kwang Bok Lee:
Optimal time slot allocation for multiuser wireless networks. 2256-2261 - Carl Edward Fossa Jr., Thomas G. MacDonald:
Dynamic resource allocation for satellite communications. 2262-2267 - Wern-Ho Sheen, I-Kang Fu, Kao Yi Lin:
New load-based resource allocation algorithms for packet scheduling in CDMA uplink. 2268-2273
Coding 4: Decoding Algorithms
- Fabrice Labeau
Low-complexity nonbinary SOVA for sectionalized trellises. 2274-2279 - Lei Cao, Chang Wen Chen:
Constrained SOVA decoding in concatenated codes. 2280-2284 - Yi Zheng, Jacques Vaisey:
Pilot assisted SOVA decoding for turbo codes. 2285-2289 - Wanlun Zhao, Georgios B. Giannakis:
Sphere decoding algorithms with improved radius search. 2290-2294
Equalization 1
- Fabrizio Pancaldi
, Giorgio Matteo Vitetta:
Block equalization techniques in the frequency domain. 2295-2300 - Jeongsoon Park, Saul B. Gelfand:
Turbo equalizations for sparse channels. 2301-2306 - Shoumin Liu, Zhi Tian:
A cross-layer Kalman-PDA approach to soft-decision equalization for FIR MIMO channels. 2307-2312 - Xiaodong Yue, H. Howard Fan:
Linear smoothing method for blind equalization of OFDM systems without cyclic prefix. 2313-2316
Space-Time codes 6: Interference Cancellation and Detection
- Samir N. Al-Ghadhban
, Brian D. Woemer:
Iterative joint and interference ing/cancellation decoding algorithms for multigroup space time trellis coded systems. 2317-2322 - Yongmei Dai, Zhongding Lei, Sumei Sun:
Iterative interference cancellation and ordered array processing for groupwise space time trellis coded (GSTTC) systems. 2323-2328
Sensor Networks 3: Energy Efficiency
- Piotr Berman, Gruia Calinescu
, C. Shah, Alexander Zelikovsky
Power efficient monitoring management in sensor networks. 2329-2334 - Matthew J. Miller, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Minimizing energy consumption in sensor networks using a wakeup radio. 2335-2340 - Shashidhar Gandham, Milind Dawande
, Ravi Prakash:
An integral flow-based energy-efficient routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. 2341-2346 - Tarik Arici, Yucel Altunbasak:
Adaptive sensing for environment monitoring using wireless sensor networks. 2347-2352
Mobility Management 6
- Furuzan Atay, Christopher Rose:
Exploiting mobility in multihop infostation networks to decrease transmit power. 2353-2358 - Inn Inn Er, Winston Khoon Guan Seah:
Mobility-based d-hop clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks. 2359-2364 - Koji Omae, Ichiro Okajima, Narumi Umeda:
Mobility anchor point discovery protocol for hierarchical mobile IPv6. 2365-2370 - Meng Zhang, Chin-Tau Lea:
The impact of mobility on CDMA's capacity and call admission control. 2371-2376
Cellular 1
- Xiuli Chao, Wei Wayne Li:
A novel network allocation scheme in cellular networks with multiple classes of calls. 2377-2382 - J. N. Portela, Marcelo S. Alencar:
Outage contours using a Voronoi diagram. 2383-2386 - Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez, Arturo Seguin-Jimenez, Lauro Ortigoza-Guerrero:
Residence time distribution in mobile cellular systems with link adaptation. 2387-2392 - Zhu Han, Farrokh Rashid-Farrokhi, Zhu Ji, K. J. Ray Liu:
Capacity optimization using subspace method over multicell OFDMA networks. 2393-2398
- Ahmed M. Mahdy, Jitender S. Deogun:
Wireless optical communications: a survey. 2399-2404 - Murat Uysal
, Jing Li:
Error performance analysis of coded wireless optical links over atmospheric turbulence channels. 2405-2410
LDPC Codes
- Ge Li, Witold A. Krzymien, Ivan J. Fair:
Quasiregular LDPC codes for space-time wireless transmission. 2416-2421 - Huaning Niu, James A. Ritcey:
Threshold of LDPC coded BICM for Rayleigh fading: density evolution and EXIT chart. 2422-2427 - Jianming Wu, Heung-No Lee:
Best mapping for LDPC coded modulation on SISO, MIMO and MAC channels. 2428-2431
Equalization 2
- Thomas A. Drumright, Zhi Ding:
Monte-Carlo equalization and estimation of frequency selective channels under system nonlinearity. 2432-2437 - William J. Hillery, Michael D. Zoltowski, Mark Fimoff:
Computation of a constrained decision feedback equalizer for reduced error propagation. 2438-2443 - Jianqiang He, Zhongshan Wu, Guoxiang Gu:
Semiblind tracking and equalization of time-varying multipath channels. 2444-2449 - Heino Gerlach, Dirk Dahlhaus, Mauro Pesce, Wen Xu:
Performance of Kalman equalization for the UMT FDD downlink in two-path fading channels. 2450-2455
Space-Time Codes 7: Code Design
- Zhuo Chen, Branka Vucetic, Jinhong Yuan, Zhendong Zhou:
Performance analysis of space-time trellis codes with transmit antenna selection in Rayleigh fading channels. 2456-2462 - Usa Vilaipornsawai, Harry Leib:
On the performance evaluation of space-time trellis codes over quasistatic Rayleigh fading channels. 2463-2468 - Renato B. Machado
, Bartolomeu F. Uchôa Filho:
A hybrid transmit antenna/code selection scheme using space-time block codes. 2469-2473
Sensor Networks 4
- Wook Choi, Sajal K. Das, Kalyan Basu:
Angle-based dynamic path construction for route load balancing in wireless sensor networks. 2474-2479 - Gurdip Singh, Sandeep Pujar, Sanjoy Das:
Rate-based data propagation in sensor networks. 2480-2485 - Jennifer Yick, Archana Bharathidasan, Gregory B. Pasternack, Biswanath Mukherjee, Dipak Ghosal:
Optimizing placement of beacons and data loggers in a sensor network - a case study. 2486-2491 - Shoubhik Mukhopadhyay, Debashis Panigrahi, Sujit Dey:
Data aware, low cost error correction for wireless sensor networks. 2492-2497
Cellular 2
- Soamsiri Chantaraskul, Laurie G. Cuthbert:
Introducing case-based reasoning in SLA control for congestion management in 3G networks. 2498-2503 - Isao Nakazawa, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Ryoichi Shimada, Toshikazu Youkai, Tatsuaki Hamai, Kaoru Murakami, Hiroyo Ogawa:
Theoretical study on the intermodulation interference between wide-band mobile radio systems and narrow-band mobile radio systems. 2504-2509 - Saravut Yaipairoj:
Performance analysis of GSM/GPRS system with channel impairment. 2510-2514 - Riccardo Veronesi, Velio Tralli, Jens Zander, Michele Zorzi:
Distributed dynamic resource allocation with power shaping for multicell SDMA packet access networks. 2515-2520
QoS Issues
- Adrian E. Conway:
Output-based method of applying PESQ to measure the perceptual quality of framed speech signals. 2521-2526 - Heidi R. Duffin, Charles D. Knutson, Michael A. Goodrich:
Prioritized soft constraint satisfaction: a qualitative method for dynamic transport selection in heterogeneous wireless environments. 2527-2532 - Xinbing Wang, Wenye Wang:
An efficient negotiation protocol for real-time multimedia applications over wireless networks. 2533-2538 - Sourav Pal, Mainak Chatterjee, Sajal K. Das:
Improving delivery time guarantees for wireless data services. 2539-2544
Routing 3
- William D. List, Nitin H. Vaidya:
A routing protocol for k-hop networks. 2545-2550 - Karim Seada, Ahmed Helmy:
Efficient geocasting with perfect delivery in wireless networks. 2551-2556 - Huaming Wu, Alhussein A. Abouzeid:
Cluster-based routing overhead in networks with unreliable nodes. 2557-2562 - Yan Liu, Cheng Peng Fu, Zongkai Yang, Bu-Sung Lee:
An enhancement of multicast congestion control over hybrid wired/wireless networks. 2563-2568
- Xinyi Yin, Wee Sun Lee, Zhenqiang Tan:
Personalization of web content for wireless mobile device. 2569-2574 - Dipanjan Chakraborty, Yelena Yesha, Anupam Joshi:
A distributed service composition protocol for pervasive environments. 2575-2580 - Donna Griffin
, Fergus O'Reilly:
Integrating SIP, presence and FTP to provide wireless multimedia messaging. 2581-2586 - Eric Freeman, Katia Passos, Cerise Wuthrich, Catherine Stringfellow:
Using sequence diagrams to document Web elements' unknown behavior. 2587-2592

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