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12th WWW 2003: Budapest, Hungary
- Irwin King, Tamás Máray:
Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference - Posters, WWW 2003, Budapest, Hungary, May 20-24, 2003. 2003
E-commerce and E-learning
- Tokuro Matsuo, Takayuki Ito:
A Buyers Integration Support System based on Users' Multi Attribute Utilities for Internet Group Buying. - Koju Iijima, Jim Ivins, Allan W. K. Loh, Mike Robey:
An Alternate Three-Tiered Architecture for Improving Interoperability for Software Components. - Wolfgang Wörndl, Michael Koch:
Privacy in Distributed User Profile Management. - Igor Balabine:
A Platform Approach To Public Key Infrastructure Support For Web Based Services. - Bernd Simon, Symeon Retalis, Stefan Brantner:
Building Interoperability among Learning Content Management Systems. - Linda A. Jackson, Alexander von Eye, Frank A. Biocca, Gretchen Barbatsis, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Yong Zhao:
The Social Impact of Internet Use: Findings from the Other Side of the Digital Divide. - Javier García, Daniel F. García, Joaquín Entrialgo, Manuel García, Antonio M. Campos:
Throughput Analysis of E-commerce Servers Using the TPC-W Benchmark. - Markus Keidl, Stefan Seltzsam, Alfons Kemper:
ServiceGlobe: Flexible and Reliable Web Services on the Internet. - Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu:
Specification and Design of Workflow-driven Hypertexts. - Richard Hull, Bharat Kumar, Daniel F. Lieuwen, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Arnaud Sahuguet, Sriram Varadarajan, Avinash Vyas:
Rule-based Service Customization via Houdini. - Henry Detmold, Katrina Falkner, David S. Munro, Travis Olds, Ronald Morrison, Stuart J. Norcross:
An Integrated Approach to Static Safety of Web Applications. - Stefan Hoermann, Cornelia Seeberg, Luka Divac-Krnic, Oliver Merkel, Andreas Faatz, Ralf Steinmetz:
Representation of Knowledge as Support for Authors of Reusable Educational Content. - Shi-Cho Cha, Yuh-Jzer Joung:
On Derived Data Services in the Cyberspace. - Marek Hatala, Griff Richards:
eduSource: Interoperable Network of Learning Object Repositories. - Sheng-Tun Li, Chu-Hung Lin, Huang-Chih Hsieh:
SCORM-compliant SMIL-enabled Multimedia Streaming E-Learning System in Java EJB Environment.
- Jun Fujima, Yuzuru Tanaka:
Relational Annotation for Organizing and Accessing Web Resources. - Jun Hu:
StoryML: Enabling Distributed Interfaces for Interactive Media. - Cheuk Hang Ng, Ka Cheung Sia, Chi-Hang Chan:
Advanced Peer Clustering and Firework Query Model in the Peer-to-Peer Network. - Giovanni Tummarello, Christian Morbidoni, Francesco Piazza:
Transparently Allowing Multimedia and Advanced Content on Existing Web Based Discussion Systems. - Szilárd Kiss:
Visual Property Editing Tools for Web based Virtual Reality. - Wei Li, Xiangyang Xue, Xiaoqiang Li:
Audio Watermarking Based on Statistical Feature in Wavelet Domain. - Songqing Chen, Bo Shen, Yong Yan, Xiaodong Zhang:
Buffer Sharing for Proxy Caching of Streaming Sessions. - Nabil J. Sarhan, Chita R. Das:
Providing Time of Service Guarantees in Video-On-Demand Servers. - Jian Zhai, Jun Yang, Qing Li, Liu Wenyin, Bo Feng:
Rich Media Retrieval on the Web - a Multi-level Indexing Approach. - Sam K. S. Sze, Michael R. Lyu, Henry K. P. Choi, Edward Yau:
A Wireless Client for Accessing Multimodal Digital Video Library Systems. - Eugenio Di Sciascio, Francesco M. Donini, Marina Mongiello:
Scalable Vector Graphics Indexing and Retrieval: A Knowledge Representation Approach. - András Micsik, Thomas Hassan, László Kovács:
Distributed Archive and Web Services for Radio Stations. - András Micsik, Roland Alton-Scheidl, Mathias Kimpl:
Using VoiceXML for Telephony Applications. - Voula Zoi, John Melas, Panagiotis Kalliaras:
An Application Framework for Delivering Multimedia-rich Virtual Learning Experiences through the Internet. - Steven Van Assche, Filip Hendrickx, Lode Nachtergaele:
Multichannel Publication using MPEG-21 DIDL and Extensions. - Ralf Klamma, Marc Spaniol
, Matthias Jarke:
Digital Media Knowledge Management with MPEG-7.
- Szu-Chi Wang, Chi-Yi Lin, Sy-Yen Kuo:
A Localized Topology Control Algorithm for Constructing Power Efficient Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. - Maria Barra, Raffaella Grieco, Delfina Malandrino, Alberto Negro, Vittorio Scarano:
TextToSpeech: a Heavy-weight Edge Service. - Ilona Heldal, Lars Bråthe, Ralph Schroeder:
Collaboration and Effectiveness for Distributed Meetings. - Christopher C. Yang, Fu Lee Wang:
Automatic Summarization for Financial News Delivery on Mobile Devices. - Adriana Iamnitchi, Matei Ripeanu, Ian T. Foster:
Data-Sharing Relationships in the Web. - Vineet Sinha, David R. Karger, David Huynh:
Assisted Browsing for Semistructured Data. - Saumitra M. Das, Rohyt V. Belani, Michel Imhasly:
CacheMakers : A Co-operative DNS Caching Service. - Eiman Elnahrawy, William C. Cheng, Leana Golubchik:
HTTP-ICE: An HTTP-Based Distributed Application Framework For Interactive Collaborative Environments. - Francisco Ferreira, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena, Daniel Schwabe:
A Peer-To-Peer Platform Based on Semantic Web Services. - Sunho Lim, Seung-Taek Park, Wang-Chien Lee, Guohong Cao, Chita R. Das, C. Lee Giles
A Caching Mechanism for Improving Internet based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Performance. - Beakcheol Jang, Kilnam Chon:
DNS Resolution with Renewal Using Piggyback. - Mitsutaka Watanabe, Koji Minegishi, Akishi Seo, Akira Mori:
Noroshi - A Distributed Schedule Management System using P2P Wireless, Ad-hoc Networking. - Emanuela De Vita, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna:
Using Compact GML to Deploy Interactive Maps on Mobile. - Hassan Alam, Fuad Rahman, Yuliya Tarnikova:
When is a List is a List?: Web Page Re-authoring for Small Display Devices. - Wee Siong Ng, Beng Chin Ooi, Yanfeng Shu, Kian-Lee Tan, Wee Hyong Tok:
Efficient Distributed CQ Processing using Peers. - Harish Kammanahalli, Srividya Gopalan, V. Sridhar:
Storage Provisioning for Mobile Devices to Enable Faster Internet Access. - Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, Barbara Poblete:
Evolution of the Web Structure. - Antonios Kogias, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos:
A Simulation-Based Evaluation of an Exponential Growth Copying Model for the Web Graph. - Miguel Boavida, Rossana Santos, Carlos Santos, Nuno Correia:
A Framework for Shared and Personalized Video Based Documents. - Máté Pataki:
Plagiarism Detection and Document Chunking Methods. - Manuel Caeiro, Luis E. Anido-Rifón, Martín Llamas Nistal:
Towards a Common Infrastructure to Support Heterogeneous Learning Experiences. - Roberto J. Bayardo Jr., Adina Crainiceanu, Rakesh Agrawal:
Peer-to-Peer Sharing of Web Applications. - Torsten Suel, Chandan Mathur, Jo-wen Wu, Jiangong Zhang, Alex Delis, Mehdi Kharrazi, Xiaohui Long, Kulesh Shanmugasundaram:
ODISSEA: A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Scalable Web Search and Information Retrieval. - Rocky K. C. Chang:
A Multicast-On-Large-Demand Approach to the Flash Crowd Problem. - Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Y. Despotopoulos, A. M. Robotis, A. L. Lambiris:
PERIPHLEX: Multicast Delivery using Core Unicast Distribution with Peripheral Multicast Reflectors. - Tao Wu, Sadhna Ahuja, Sudhir S. Dixit:
Efficient Mobile Content Delivery by Exploiting User Interest Correlation. - Hao-Ran Liu, Tien-Fu Chen:
A Scalable Locality-Aware Event Dispatching Mechanism for Network Servers.
- Ronit Nossenson, Hagit Attiya:
Understanding the Distribution of File Transmission Duration in the Web. - Andrea Bonaccorsi, Maurizio Martinelli, Cristina Rossi, Rita Rossi, Alessandro Scateni, Irma Serrecchia:
Using Domain Names as Indicators of the Diffusion of Internet. - Fabrizio Silvestri, Tiziano Fagni, Salvatore Orlando, Paolo Palmerini, Raffaele Perego:
A Hybrid Strategy for Caching Web Search Engine Results. - Dario Bonino, Fulvio Corno, Giovanni Squillero:
An Evolutionary Approach to Web Request Prediction. - Nicolas Labroche, Nicolas Monmarché, Gilles Venturini:
Web Sessions Clustering with Artificial Ants Colonies. - Himabindu Pucha, Saumitra M. Das:
DynCoDe : An Architecture for Transparent Dynamic Content Delivery. - Weibin Zhao, Henning Schulzrinne:
Predicting the Upper Bound of Web Traffic Volume Using a Multiple Time Scale Approach. - Mor Naaman, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke:
Evaluation of Delivery Techniques for Dynamic Web Content. - Eleni Christopoulou, John D. Garofalakis, Christos Makris, Yannis Panagis, Athanasios Psaras-Chatzigeorgiou, Evangelos Sakkopoulos, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis:
Techniques and Metrics for Improving Website Structure. - Claudia Canali, Valeria Cardellini, Michele Colajanni, Riccardo Lancellotti, Philip S. Yu:
Cooperative TransCaching: A System of Distributed Proxy Servers for Web Content Adaptation. - Simon Patarin, Mesaac Makpangou:
Continuous Measurement of Web Proxy Cache Efficiency. - Gyozo Harka, Csaba Z. Beres, Laszlo Pere:
Portable Minimal Web Servers. - Stavros Papastavrou, George Samaras, Paraskevas Evripidou, Panos K. Chrysanthis:
Parse & Dispatch: Parallelizing the Generation. - Minsu Jang, Jaehong Kim, Joo-Chan Sohn:
Web Content Adaptation and Transcoding Based on CC/PP and Semantic Templates. - Bing Swen:
Towards An Optimal Data Model for Web Resource Transmission. - Louiqa Raschid, Hui-Fang Wen, Avigdor Gal, Vladimir Zadorozhny:
Monitoring the Performance of Wide Area Applications using Latency Profiles. - Peter Triantafillou, Ioannis Aekaterinidis:
ProxyTeller: A Tool for Guiding Web Proxy Cache Placement Decisions. - Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Emi Ishida, Noriko Kando, Kazuko Kuriyama:
System Evaluation Methods for Web Retrieval Tasks Considering Hyperlink Structure.
Search and Data Mining
- Mazlita Mat-Hassan, Mark Levene:
Understanding Web Searching & Navigation Patterns. - Hironori Tomobe, Yutaka Matsuo, Kôiti Hasida, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Social Network Extraction of Conference Participants. - Fabien Mathieu, Laurent Viennot:
Local Structure in the Web. - Xin Chen, Dong-Ho Kim, Nkechi Nnadi, Himanshu Shah, Prateek Shrivastava, Michael Bieber, Il Im, Yi-Fang Wu:
Integrating Web Systems Through Linking. - Jean-Yves Delort, Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Maria Rifqi:
Web Document Summarization by Context. - Gabriela Moise, Jörg Sander, Davood Rafiei:
Focused Co-citation: Improving the Retrieval of Related Pages on the Web. - B. Uygar Oztekin, Levent Ertöz, Vipin Kumar:
Usage Aware PageRank. - Min Zhang, Ruihua Song, Shaoping Ma:
DF or IDF? On the Use of HTML Primary Feature Fields for Web IR. - Bita Shadgar, Ian Holyer:
An Application for WebDAV-based Authoring of Databases - WebDAD. - Gui-Rong Xue, Hua-Jun Zeng, Zheng Chen, Wei-Ying Ma, HongJiang Zhang, Chao-Jun Lu:
User Access Pattern Enhanced Small Web Search. - Ryen W. White, Joemon M. Jose, Ian Ruthven:
Using Top-Ranking Sentences for Web Search Result Presentation. - Josep M. Pujol, Ramon Sangüesa, Juanjo Bermúdez:
Porqpine: A Distributed and Collaborative Search Engine. - Kjetil Nørvåg:
The V2 Temporal Document Database System. - Knut Magne Risvik, Tomasz Mikolajewski, Peter Boros:
Query Segmentation for Web Search. - David Ramamonjisoa, Chiba Toshihiro:
Solving Japanese Quiz Television with a Web-based Question Answering System. - Keiji Yanai:
Image Collector II : An Over-One-Thousand-Image-Gathering System. - Igor Kanovsky, Shaul Mazor:
Stochastic Processes for Web-like Graph Generation. - Hai Zhuge, Liping Zheng:
Ranking Semantic-linked Network. - Nigel Hamilton:
The Mechanics of a Deep Net Metasearch Engine. - Christopher C. Yang, Kar Wing Li:
Generating Cross-lingual Concept Space from Parallel Corpora on the Web. - Ah Chung Tsoi, Daniele Frosali, Marco Gori, Markus Hagenbuchner, Franco Scarselli
A Simple Focused Crawler. - András A. Benczúr, Tamás Sarlós, Máté Uher, Eszter Windhager:
Searching a Small National Domain - Preliminary Report. - Ernesto Di Iorio, Michelangelo Diligenti, Marco Gori, Marco Maggini, Augusto Pucci:
Detecting Near-replicas on the Web by Content and Hyperlink Analysis. - Thomas Mandl:
Web Link Behavior and Consequences for Connectivity Based Authority Measures. - Zhiping Zheng:
AnswerBus News Engine. - Jianying Hu, Amit Bagga:
Functionality-Based Web Image Categorization. - Rani Nelken, Einat Amitay, Aya Soffer, Wayne Niblack, David C. Smith:
Disambiguation for Text Mining on the Web. - Odysseas Papapetrou, Stavros Papastavrou, George Samaras:
Distributed Indexing of the Web Using Migrating Crawlers. - Brian D. Davison, David G. Deschenes, David B. Lewanda:
Finding Relevant Website Queries. - Hrvoje Simic:
Modeling Web Site Structure in UriGraph. - Masashi Toyoda, Masaru Kitsuregawa:
Analyzing Global Behavior of Web Community Evolution. - Satoshi Oyama, Katsumi Tanaka:
Exploiting Document Structures for Comparing and Exploring Topics on the Web.
Semantic Web
- Noritada Shimizu, Jun-ichi Nakamura, Nofumi Yoshida, Takashi Hattori, Tatsuya Hagino:
Personalization of Materials for Learning on Demand Using RDF. - Richard Vdovjak, Peter Barna, Geert-Jan Houben, Flavius Frasincar:
Bringing the Semantic Web closer to the User. - Flavius Frasincar, Geert-Jan Houben, Peter Barna, Richard Vdovjak:
Engineering the Presentation Layer for Semantic Web Information Systems. - Hui Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, Shuguang Wang:
Modeling Web Knowledge for Answering Event-based Questions. - Luke K. McDowell, Oren Etzioni, Steven D. Gribble
, Alon Y. Halevy, Henry M. Levy, William Pentney, Deepak Verma, Stani Vlasseva:
Evolving the Semantic Web with Mangrove. - Dan Wu, Evren Sirin, James A. Hendler, Dana S. Nau, Bijan Parsia:
Automatic Web Services Composition Using SHOP2. - Dennis Quan, Karun Bakshi, David R. Karger:
A Unified Abstraction for Messaging on the Semantic Web. - Evren Sirin, James A. Hendler, Bijan Parsia:
Interactive Composition of Semantic Web Services. - Richard Vdovjak, Flavius Frasincar, Geert-Jan Houben, Peter Barna:
Engineering Semantic Web Information Systems in Hera. - Jennifer Golbeck, Bijan Parsia, James A. Hendler:
Trust Networks on the Semantic Web. - Daniel J. Mandell, Sheila A. McIlraith:
Automating Web Service Discovery, Customization, and Semantic Translation with a Semantic Discovery Service. - David Huynh, Dennis Quan, David R. Karger:
User Interaction Experience for Semantic Web Information. - Dennis Quan, David Huynh, David R. Karger:
Haystack: A Platform for Authoring End User Semantic Web Applications. - Christian Bizer:
D2R MAP - A Database to RDF Mapping Language. - Michel Bourse, Michel Leclère, Francky Trichet, Mounira Harzallah:
CommOnCV: [email protected]. - Yi-Chia Chen, Wei-Tek Hsu, Peng-Hsiang Hung:
Towards Web Automation by Integrating Semantic Web and Web Services. - Robert Tolksdorf, Christian Bizer, Ralf Heese:
A Web Service Market Model based on Dependencies. - Georgios Sigletos, Dimitra Farmakiotou, Konstantinos Stamatakis, Georgios Paliouras, Vangelis Karkaletsis:
Annotating Web pages for the needs of Web Information Extraction Applications. - Christian Fillies, Gary Ng, Annika Thunell:
Cerebra Construct: Inferences for End Users. - Nahid Shahmehri, Juha Takkinen, Cécile Aberg:
Towards Creating Workflows On-the-Fly and Maintaining Them Using the Semantic Web: The sButler Project at Linköping University. - Vojtech Svátek, Jirí Bráza, Vilém Sklenák:
Towards Triple-Based Information Extraction from Visually--Structured HTML Pages. - Vojtech Svátek, Miroslav Vacura:
Problem-Solving Models of Website Analysis. - Hai Zhuge:
Semantic-based Web Image Retrieval. - Eero Hyvönen, Kim Viljanen, Antti J. Hätinen:
Yellow Pages on the Semantic Web. - Eero Hyvönen, Suvi Kettula, Vilho Raatikka, Samppa Saarela, Kim Viljanen:
Finnish Museums on the Semantic Web. - Eero Hyvönen, Samppa Saarela, Avril Styrman, Kim Viljanen:
Ontology-Based Image Retrieval. - Christian Mönch, Sari Hakkarainen:
A Communication Based Approach to Integrate Decentraly Created Knowledge Descriptions. - Hai Zhuge, Yanyan Li:
An Open Framework for Constructivist Learning. - Nick Bassiliades, Ioannis P. Vlahavas:
Capturing RDF Descriptive Semantics in an Object Oriented Knowledge Base System. - Yuzhong Qu:
A Predicate-Ordered Sort-Ordered Logic for RDFS. - Kenneth J. Laskey:
A Service-Based Approach to Semantic Mapping and Data Access Across Diverse Resources. - Silvia Martelli, Jeremy J. Carroll, Oreste Signore:
Syntax for Semantic Enriching of Web Pages. - Marek Hatala, Steven Forth:
System for Computer-aided Metadata Creation.
UI, Applications and Visualization
- D. Rovinskiy, Kateryna Synytsya:
Learning Resources Collections: Completeness and Compactness Issues. - Ka Cheung Sia, Cheuk Hang Ng, Chi-Hang Chan:
Bridging the P2P and WWW Divide with DISCOVIR - DIStributed COntent-based Visual Information Retrieval. - Jae-Gwi Choi, Kouichi Sakurai, Ji-Hwan Park:
An Approach to Materialize Digital Fingerprinting Based on Proxy Signature Scheme. - Simon Lok, Min-Yen Kan:
Employing Natural Language Summarization and Automated Layout for Effective Presentation and Navigation of Information Retrieval Results. - Li-Qun Chen, Xing Xie, Wei-Ying Ma, HongJiang Zhang, He-Qin Zhou, Huanqing Feng:
DRESS: A Slicing Tree Based Web Page Representation for Various Display Sizes. - Helen M. Meng, Tin Hang Lo, Chi-Kin Keung, Man Cheuk Ho, Wai Kit Lo, P. C. Ching:
CU VOCAL Web Service: A Text-to-speech Synthesis Web Service for Voice-enabled Web-mediated Applications. - Sen Yoshida, Takashi Yukawa, Kazuhiro Kuwabara:
Constructing and Examining Personalized Cooccurrence-based Thesauri on Web Pages. - Keiji Yanai:
Web Image Mining toward Generic Image Recognition. - Kimihito Ito, Tsuyoshi Sugibuchi, Yohei Fujita, Takeshi Oda, Makoto Ohigashi, Yuzuru Tanaka:
Integrated Visualization and Reification of Database and Web Contents. - Hai Zhuge, Yanyan Li:
Document Logistics for Cooperative Research. - Maya Dimitrova, Nicholas Kushmerick:
Dimensions of Web Genre. - Jun Wang, Yiming Hu:
A Light-weight, Temporary File System for Large-scale Web Servers. - Alberto González Palomo, Paul Libbrecht, Carsten Ullrich:
A Presentation Architecture for Individualized Content. - Natasa Milic-Frayling, Ralph Sommerer, Gavin Smyth:
MIDAS: Towards Rich Site Structure and Content Metadata. - Gabriel Ciobanu, Daniel Dumitriu:
Space and Time over the Web. - Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin:
Five Models for Integrating a Progressive Access Approach into Web-based Information Systems. - Zoltán Fiala, Michael Hinz, Klaus Meißner, Frank Wehner:
A Component-based Approach for Adaptive, Dynamic Web Documents. - Ioana Manolescu, Stefano Ceri, Marco Brambilla, Piero Fraternali, Sara Comai:
Exploiting the Combined Potential of Web Applications and Web Services. - Olga De Troyer, Peter Plessers, Sven Casteleyn:
Conceptual View Integration for Audience Driven Web Design. - Jean-Daniel Kant, Alain Lifchitz:
Web-R: a Tool to Record & Replay Personal Web Navigation. - Simon Harper, Carole A. Goble, Robert Stevens, Yeliz Yesilada:
Towel: Experiences of Augmenting the Web with Journey Knowledge. - Martti Jeenicke, Wolf-Gideon Bleek, Ralf Klischewski:
Revealing Web User Requirements through e-Prototyping. - Natasa Milic-Frayling, Ralph Sommerer, Kerry Rodden, Alan F. Blackwell:
SearchMobil: Web Viewing and Search for Mobile Devices. - Yunpeng Zhao, Thomas Baudel:
Transactional Graphic Objects: An Open Approach for Web Based Distributed Graphic Objects and Interactions. - Junlan Feng
, Srinivas Bangalore, Mazin G. Rahim:
WebTalk: Towards Automatically Building Dialog Services by Exploiting the Content & Structure of Websites. - Mauro Mosconi, Davide Ottelli, Marco Porta:
Alligator, a Web-based Distributed Visual Programming Environment. - Birgit Bomsdorf, Gerd Szwillus:
User-Centered Modeling of Interactive Web Sites. - Joan Fons, Vicente Pelechano, Oscar Pastor, Manoli Albert, Pedro Valderas:
Extending an OO Method de Develop Web Applications. - Jonathan P. Bowen:
Disabled Access for Museum Websites.
XML and Web Service
- Wai Yeung Lam, Wilfred Ng, Peter T. Wood, Mark Levene:
XCQ: XML Compression and Querying System. - Ho Lam Lau
, Wilfred Ng:
Using Index to Manage the Ordering Structure of XML Data in the Nested Relational Sequence Database System. - Christiana Christophi, Marios D. Dikaiakos:
Automatic Profile Generation in eRACE. - Muhammad Kashif Raza, Muhammad Saeed:
Security Model for Web Enabled Date Warehouse. - Michael Pediaditakis, David Shrimpton:
Device Neutral Pipelined Processing of XML Documents. - Stefaan Ternier, Filip Neven, Erik Duval, Maciej Macowicz, Norbert Ebel:
Web Services for Learning Object Repositories: a Case Study - the ARIADNE Knowledge Pool System. - Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Enrico Augurusa:
XQuery By Example. - Byungwoo Kim, Jong P. Yoon:
XML Metadata Extraction from SVG Databases. - Eugene Y. C. Wong, Alvin T. S. Chan, Hong Va Leong:
Xstream: A Framework for the Efficient Streaming of XML Documents over a Wireless Environment. - David B. Lowe, Rachatrin Tongrungrojana:
WebML+ in a Nutshell: Modeling Architectural-level Information Flows. - Antoinette Renouf, Barry Morley, Andrew Kehoe:
Linguistic Research with XML/RDF-aware WebCorp Tool. - Erik Wilde:
Character Repertoire Validation for XML Documents. - Erik Wilde, Kilian Stillhard:
Making XML Schema Easier to Read and Write. - Moonyoung Chung, Sooyoung Oh, Hyeonsung Cho, Hyunkyu Cho:
Reference Mapping in BizTrans X. - Erik Wilde, Martin Waldburger, Beat Krähenmann:
Conference Time-Table Management. - Brian Kelly, Pete Johnston, Andy Powell:
Approaches to Validation of Dublin Core Metadata Embedded in (X)HTML Documents. - Julio Abascal, Myriam Arrue, Nestor Garay-Vitoria, Jorge Tomás:
EvalIris - A Web Service for Web Accessibility Evaluation. - Hai Zhuge, Jie Liu, Lianhong Ding:
Service Integration Based on Componential Process Construction and Service Grid. - Wei-Ying Ma, Xing Xie, Chun Yuan, Yu Chen, Zheng Zhang, HongJiang Zhang:
Media Companion: Delivering Content-oriented Web Services to Internet Media. - Michael Pucher, Julia Tertyshnaya, Florian Wegscheider:
Personal Voice Call Assistant: VoiceXML and SIP in a Distributed Environment. - Patrick Schmitz, Simon J. Thompson, Peter R. King:
Presentation Dynamism in XML Functional Programming meets SMIL Animation. - Doron Cohen, Michal Jacovi, Michael Herscovici, Yoëlle S. Maarek, Noga Meshulam, Aya Soffer, Vladimir Soroka:
Leveraging Web Services for Information Discovery. - Jenghan Hsieh:
Implementing an XML Editing Framework with Web Based Architectural Constructs. - Greg J. Badros, Abhishek Parmar:
The Extensible Templating Language: An XML-based Restricted Markup-Generating Laguage. - Davide Carboni, Gavino Paddeu, Sylvain Giroux, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna:
Direct Manipulation of Java Objects through the Web: a Way to Build Universal User Interfaces.

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