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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 35, 1992
Volume 35, Number 1, January 1992
- John Perry Barlow:
The Great Work. 25-28
- Marc Rettig:
Interface Design When You Don't Know How. 29-34
- Bernard J. Haan, Paul Kahn
, Victor A. Riley, James H. Coombs, Norman K. Meyrowitz:
IRIS Hypermedia Services. 36-51 - James L. Green:
The Evolution of DVI System Software. 52-67 - Jeffrey S. Doerschler, Herbert Freeman:
A Rule-Based System for Dense-Map Name Placement. 68-79 - Girish H. Subramanian, John T. Nosek, Sankaran P. Raghunathan, Santosh S. Kanitkar:
A Comparison of the Decision Table and Tree. 89-94 - Suzanne Bunton, Gaetano Borriello:
Practical Dictionary Management for Hardware Data Compression. 95-104 - Edward A. Fox
, Lenwood S. Heath, Qi Fan Chen, Amjad M. Daoud:
Practical Minimal Perfect Hash Functions for Large Databases. 105-121
- Guy Lapalme, Jean-Marc Rousseau, Suzanne Chapleau, Michel Cormier, Pierre Cosette, Serge Roy:
GeoRoute: A Geographic Information System for Transportation Applications. 80-88
- Jason L. Frand, Julia A. Britt:
The Seventh Annual UCLA Survey of Business School Computer Usage. 122-131 - David Gries
, Dorothy Marsh:
The 1989-90 Taulbee Survey. 132-143
- Peter G. Neumann:
What's in a Name? 186
Volume 35, Number 2, February 1992
- Carol Wolinsky, James Sylvester:
Privacy in the Telecommunications Age. 23-25
- Pamela Samuelson:
Copyright Law and Electronic Compilations of Data. 27-32
- Magid Igbaria, Jeffrey H. Greenhaus:
Determinants of MIS Employees' Turnover Intentions: A Structural Equation Model. 34-49 - Albert L. Lederer, Jayesh Prasad:
Nine Management Guidelines for Better Cost Estimating. 51-59 - Thomas D. Clark Jr.:
Corporate Systems Management: An Overview and Research Perspective. 60-75 - Jeffrey K. Liker, Mitchell Fleischer, Mitsuo Nagamachi, Michael S. Zonnevylle:
Designers and Their Machines: CAD Use and Support in the US and Japan. 76-95 - David Gelernter, Nicholas Carriero:
Coordination Languages and Their Significance. 96-107
- Joobin Choobineh, Michael V. Mannino, Veronica P. Tseng:
A Form-Based Approach for Database Analysis and Design. 108-120 - Robert W. Gray, Steven P. Levi, Vincent P. Heuring, Anthony M. Sloane
, William M. Waite
ELI: A Complete, Flexible Compiler Construction System. 121-130
- Seymour E. Goodman:
Political Activity and International Computer Networks. 174
Volume 35, Number 3, March 1992
- Maurice V. Wilkes:
Charles Babbage - The Great Uncle of Computing? 15-21
- Larry Press:
Dynabook Revisited - Portable Computers Past, Present and Future. 25-32
- Jacques Cohen:
First Specialize, Then Generalize (Indroduction to the Special Section on Logic Programming). 34-39 - John Alan Robinson:
Logic and Logic Programming. 40-65 - John Grant, Jack Minker:
The Impact of Logic Programming on Databases. 66-81 - Koichi Furukawa:
Logic Programming as the Integrator of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project. 82-92 - David Scott Warren:
Memoing for Logic Programs. 93-111
- Toshinori Munakata:
Notes on Implementing Sets in Prolog. 112-120
- Marcia C. Linn, Michael J. Clancy:
The Case for Case Studies of Programming Problems. 121-132
- Peter G. Neumann:
Inside "Risks of Risks". 160
Volume 35, Number 4, April 1992
- Renata L. La Rovere, Seymour E. Goodman:
Computing in the Brazilian Amazon. 21-24
- Ronald J. Norman, Gene Forte:
Automating the Software Development Process: CASE in the '90s (Introduction to the Special Section). 27 - Gene Forte, Ronald J. Norman:
A Self-Assessment by the Software Engineering Community. 28-32 - Terry Shepard, Steve Sibbald, Colin Wortley:
A Visual Software Process Language. 37-44 - Clifford C. Huff:
Elements of a Realistic CASE Tool Adoption Budget. 45-54 - Neil A. M. Maiden, Alistair G. Sutcliffe:
Exploiting Reusable Specifications Through Analogy. 55-64 - Graham Tate, June M. Verner, D. Ross Jeffery:
CASE: A Testbed for Modeling Measurement and Management. 65-72 - Ira D. Baxter:
Design Maintenance Systems. 73-89
- Iris Vessey, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Noam Tractinsky
Evaluating of Vendor Products: CASE Tools as Methodology Companions. 90-105 - Barry G. Silverman:
Survey of Expert Critiquing Systems: Practical and Theoretical Frontiers. 106-127
- Marc Rotenberg:
Protecting Privacy. 164
Volume 35, Number 5, May 1992
- Marc Rettig:
A Succotash of Projections and Insights. 25-30
- Ephraim P. Glinert, Bryant W. York:
Computers and People with Disabilities - Introduction to the Special Section. 32-35 - Carl Brown:
Assistive Technology Computers and Persons with Disabilities. 36-45 - Norman Alm, John L. Arnott, Alan F. Newell:
Prediction and Conversational Momentum in an Augmentative Communication System. 46-57 - Randy F. Pausch, Ronald D. Williams:
Giving CANDY to Children: User-Tailored Gesture Input Driving an Articulator-Based Speech Synthesizer. 58-66 - Patrick W. Demasco, Kathleen F. McCoy:
Generating Text From Compressed Input: An Intelligent Interface for People with Severe Motor Impairments. 68-78 - Karen Kukich:
Spelling Correction for Telecommunications Network for the Deaf. 80-90 - Randy W. Dipner:
Ada and the ACM. 90 - Daniel K. Davies, Randy W. Dipner:
ACM Membership Survey of Disability and Disability Issues. 91-93
- Ronald E. Anderson:
ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Draft). 94-99
- Peter G. Neumann:
Survivable Systems. 130
Volume 35, Number 6, June 1992
- Larry Press:
Collective Dynabases. 26-32
- Pamela Samuelson, Michel Denber, Robert J. Glushko:
Developments on the Intellectual Property Front. 33-39
- John C. Hart:
Visualization in Networked Environments - Introduction to the Special Section. 42-43 - Larry Smarr, Charles E. Catlett:
Metacomputing. 44-52 - Philip J. Mercurio, T. Todd Elvins, Stephen J. Young, Philip S. Cohen, Kevin R. Fall, Mark H. Ellisman:
The Distributed Laboratory - An Interactive Visualization Environment for Electron Microscopy and 3D Imaging. 54-63 - Carolina Cruz-Neira, Daniel J. Sandin, Thomas A. DeFanti, Robert V. Kenyon, John C. Hart:
The Cave - Audio Visual Experience Automatic Virtual Environment. 64-72 - Ingrid Carlbom, William M. Hsu, Gudrun Klinker
, Richard Szeliski, Keith Waters, Michael Doyle, Jim Gettys, Kristen M. Harris
, Thoms M. Levergood, Ricky S. Palmer, Lawrence G. Palmer, Marc Picart, Demetri Terzopoulos, David Tonnesen, Michael W. Vannier
, Greg Wallace:
Modeling and Analysis of Empirical Data in Collaborative Environments. 74-84
- David J. DeWitt, Jim Gray:
Parallel Database Systems: The Future of High Performance Database Systems. 85-98 - Kunihiko Higa, Mike Morrison, Joline Morrison, Olivia R. Liu Sheng:
An Object-Oriented Methodology for Knowledge Base/Database Coupling. 99-113 - David E. Ferguson:
Bit-Tree, A Data Structure for Fast File Processing. 114-120 - Paul Heckel:
Debunking the Software Patent Myths. 121-140
- Peter G. Neumann:
Leap-Year Problems. 162
Volume 35, Number 7, July 1992
- Elliot Soloway:
Buying Computers for Your School: A Guide for the Perplexed. 21-24
- John Perry Barlow:
Decrypting the Puzzle Palace. 25-31
- Debating Encryption Standards. 32-34
- The Digital Signature Standard Proposed by NIST. 36-40
- Ronald L. Rivest, Martin E. Hellman, John C. Anderson, John W. Lyons:
Responses to NIST's Proposal. 41-54
- Bala R. Vatti:
A Generic Solution to Polygon Clipping. 56-63 - Santosh Chokhani:
Trusted Products Evaluation. 64-76 - Alok Sinha:
Client-Server Computing. 77-98
- Peter G. Neumann:
Aggravation by Computer: Life, Death, and Taxes. 122
Volume 35, Number 8, August 1992
- Seymour E. Goodman, Jerrold D. Green:
Computing in the Middle East. 21-25
- Gordon Bell:
Ultracomputers: A Teraflop Before Its Time. 27-47 - Robert H. Creecy, Brij M. Masand, Stephen J. Smith, David L. Waltz:
Trading MIPS and Memory for Knowledge Engineering. 48-64
- Ken Kennedy:
Supercomputing - Introduction to the Special Section. 65 - Seema Hiranandani, Ken Kennedy, Chau-Wen Tseng:
Compiling Fortran D for MIMD Distributed Memory Machines. 66-80 - David C. Cann:
Retire Fortran? A Debate Rekindled. 81-89 - Susan Flynn Hummel, Edith Schonberg, Lawrence E. Flynn
Factoring: A Method for Scheduling Parallel Loops. 90-101 - William W. Pugh:
A Practical Algorithm for Exact Array Dependence Analysis. 102-114 - Margaret L. Simmons, Harvey J. Wasserman, Olaf M. Lubeck, Christopher Eoyang, Raul Mendez, Hiroo Harada, Misako Ishiguro:
A Performance Comparison of Four Supercomputers. 116-124
- Peter G. Neumann:
Fraud by Computer. 154
Volume 35, Number 9, September 1992
- Pamela Samuelson:
Updating the Copyright Look and Feel Lawsuits. 25-31
- David E. Monarchi, Gretchen I. Puhr:
A Research Typology for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. 35-47 - Kenneth S. Rubin, Adele Goldberg:
Object Behavior Analysis. 48-62 - Jean-Marc Nerson:
Applying Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. 63-74 - Bill Curtis, Marc I. Kellner, Jim Over:
Process Modeling. 75-90 - Herb Krasner, Jim Terrel, Adam Linehan, Paul Arnold, William H. Ett:
Lessons Learned from a Software Process Modeling System. 91-100 - Timothy D. Korson, Vijay K. Vaishnavi:
Managing Emerging Software Technology: A Technology Transfer Framework. 101-111 - B. Chandrasekaran, Todd R. Johnson, Jack W. Smith:
Task-Structure Analysis for Knowledge Modeling. 124-137 - Ramayya Krishnan, Xiaoping Li, David M. Steier:
A Knowledge-Based Mathematical Model Formulation System. 138-146 - Meilir Page-Jones:
Comparing Techniques by Means of Encapsulation and Connascence. 147-151 - Peter Coad:
Object-Oriented Patterns. 152-159 - Oscar Nierstrasz
, Simon J. Gibbs, Dennis Tsichritzis:
Component-Oriented Software Development. 160-165 - August-Wilhelm Scheer, Alexander Hars:
Extending Data Modeling to Cover the Whole Enterprise. 166-172
- Peter G. Neumann:
Accidental Financial Losses. 194
Volume 35, Number 10, October 1992
- Marc Rettig:
Hat Racks for Understanding. 21-24
- John Perry Barlow:
Will Japan Jack In? 27-29
- Anthony C. Stylianou, Gregory R. Madey, Robert D. Smith:
Selection Criteria for Expert System Shells: A Socio-Technical Framework. 30-48 - David S. Touretzky
, Peter Lee:
Visualizing Evaluation in Applicative Languages. 49-59 - Yosee Feldman, Ehud Shapiro:
Spatial Machines: A More Realistic Approach to Parallel Computation. 60-73 - Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates
, Gaston H. Gonnet:
A New Approach to Text Searching. 74-82 - Sun Wu, Udi Manber:
Fast Text Searching Allowing Errors. 83-91 - Dov Dori
Dimensioning Analysis: Towards Automatic Understanding of Engineering Drawings. 92-103 - Shailendra C. Palvia, Steven R. Gordon:
Tabeles, Trees, and Formulas in Decision Analysis. 104-113
- Peter G. Neumann:
Where to Place Trust. 138
Volume 35, Number 11, November 1992
- Maurice V. Wilkes:
The Long-Term Future of Operating Systems. 23-24
- G. M. Mesher, Robert O. Briggs, Seymour E. Goodman, Larry Press, Joel M. Snyder:
Cuba, Communism, and Computing. 27-29
- Juris Hartmanis:
Computing the Future - Comittee to Assess the Scope and Direction of Computer Science and Technology of the National Research Council. 30-40
- Benjamin M. Brosgol:
Ada - Preface to the Special Section. Commun. ACM 35(11): 41-42 (1992) - Edmond Schonberg, Mark Gerhard, Charlene Hayden:
A Technical Tour of Ada. 43-52 - Michael B. Feldman:
Ada Experience in the Undergraduate Curriculum. 53-67 - John W. McCormick:
A Model Railroad for Ada and Software Engineering. 68-70 - Jean-Pierre Rosen:
What Orientation Should Ada Objects Take? 71-76 - S. Tucker Taft:
Ada 9X: A Technical Summary. 77-82 - Chris Anderson:
Ada 9X Project Management. 83-84 - Erhard Plödereder:
Building Consensus for Ada 9X. 85-88
- Gio Wiederhold, Peter Wegner, Stefano Ceri:
Toward Megaprogramming. 89-99 - Danny Kopec, Monty Newborn, Mike Valvo:
The 22nd Annual ACM International Computer Chess Championship. 100-110
- Rebecca Mercuri:
Voting-Machine Risks. 138
Volume 35, Number 12, December 1992
- Larry Press:
The Net: Progress and Opportunity. 21-25
- Shoshana Loeb, Douglas B. Terry:
Information Filtering - Preface to the Secial Section. 26-28 - Nicholas J. Belkin, W. Bruce Croft:
Information Filtering and Information Retrieval: Two Sides of the Same Coin? 29-38 - Shoshana Loeb:
Architecting Personal Delivery of Multimedia Information. 39-48 - Curt Stevens:
Automating the Creation of Information Filters. 48 - Irene Stadnyk, Robert Kass:
Modeling Users' Interests in Information Filters. 49-50 - Paul E. Baclace:
Competitive Agents for Information Filtering. 50 - Peter W. Foltz, Susan T. Dumais:
Personalized Information Delivery: An Analysis of Information Filtering Methods. 51-60 - David Goldberg, David A. Nichols, Brian M. Oki, Douglas B. Terry:
Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave an Information Tapestry. 61-70 - Thomas F. Bowen, Gita Gopal, Gary E. Herman, Takako M. Hickey, Kuo Chi Lee, William H. Mansfield, John Raitz, Abel Weinrib:
The Datacycle Architecture. 71-81 - Ashwin Ram:
Natural Language Understanding for Information-Filtering Systems. 80-81
- Peter J. Denning:
Educating a New Engineer. 82-97
- Peter G. Neumann:
Avoiding Weak Links. 146

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