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Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 12
Volume 12, Number 1, February 2009
- G.-J. Meerkerk
, Regina J. J. M. van den Eijnden, Ad A. Vermulst
, H. F. L. Garretsen:
The Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS): Some Psychometric Properties. 1-6 - Chia-Chi Chang
, Hui-Yun Chen:
I Want Products My Own Way, But Which Way? The Effects of Different Product Categories and Cues on Customer Responses to Web-based Customizations. 7-14 - Bradley Sturz, Kent D. Bodily
, Jeffrey Katz:
Dissociation of Past and Present Experience in Problem Solving Using a Virtual Environment. 15-19 - Nicki A. Dowling
, Kelly L. Quirk:
Screening for Internet Dependence: Do the Proposed Diagnostic Criteria Differentiate Normal from Dependent Internet Use? 21-27
- Christoph Klimmt, Albert A. Rizzo, Peter Vorderer, Jan Koch, Till Fischer:
Experimental Evidence for Suspense as Determinant of Video Game Enjoyment. 29-31 - Tai-Kuei Yu, Kwoting Fang:
Measuring the Post-Adoption Customer Perception of Mobile Banking Services. 33-35 - Fernando Fernández-Aranda
, Araceli Núñez, Cristina Martínez, Isabel Krug
, Mikael Cappozzo, Isabelle Carrard
, Patrick Rouget, Susana Jiménez-Murcia
, Roser Granero
, Eva Penelo
, Juanjo Santamaría, Tony Lam:
Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa: A Controlled Study. 37-41 - Jiyoon Moon, Jang-Han Lee:
Cue Exposure Treatment in a Virtual Environment to Reduce Nicotine Craving: A Functional MRI Study. 43-45 - Hunter G. Hoffman, David R. Patterson, Maryam Soltani, Aubriana Teeley, William Miller, Sam R. Sharar:
Virtual Reality Pain Control during Physical Therapy Range of Motion Exercises for a Patient with Multiple Blunt Force Trauma Injuries. 47-49 - Annie Beth Fox, Jonathan Rosen, Mary Crawford:
Distractions, Distractions: Does Instant Messaging Affect College Students' Performance on a Concurrent Reading Comprehension Task? 51-53 - Shanyang Zhao:
Teen Adoption of MySpace and IM: Inner-City versus Suburban Differences. 55-58 - Sohye Lim, Jong-Eun Roselyn Lee:
When Playing Together Feels Different: Effects of Task Types and Social Contexts on Physiological Arousal in Multiplayer Online Gaming Contexts. 59-61 - Gordon M. Hart, Bryan Johnson, Brian Stamm, Nick Angers, Adam Robinson, Tara Lally, William H. Fagley:
Effects of Video Games on Adolescents and Adults. 63-65 - Domenico De Berardis
, Alessandro D'Albenzio, Francesco Gambi, Gianna Sepede
, Alessandro Valchera, Chiara M. Conti, Mario Fulcheri
, Marilde Cavuto, Carla Ortolani, Rosa Maria Salerno, Nicola Serroni, Filippo Maria Ferro:
Alexithymia and Its Relationships with Dissociative Experiences and Internet Addiction in a Nonclinical Sample. 67-69 - Jengchung V. Chen
, William H. Ross, David C. Yen
, Lerdsuwankij Akhapon:
The Effect of Types of Banner Ad, Web Localization, and Customer Involvement on Internet Users' Attitudes. 71-73 - Hsiu-Chia Ko, Feng-Yang Kuo:
Can Blogging Enhance Subjective Well-Being Through Self-Disclosure? 75-79
- Abstracts from CyberTherapy 13 June 23-25 2008, San Diego, California. 81-112
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 113-118 - Andrea Gaggioli, Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 119-120
Volume 12, Number 2, April 2009
- Sophie Côté, Stéphane Bouchard
Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Virtual Reality Exposure. 121-129 - Mercedes Sánchez-Martínez, Angel Otero:
Factors Associated with Cell Phone Use in Adolescents in the Community of Madrid (Spain). 131-137 - Elise Lallart, Xavier Lallart, Roland Jouvent:
Agency, the Sense of Presence, and Schizophrenia. 139-145 - Chia-Chi Chang
, Hui-Yun Chen, I-Chiang Huang:
The Interplay between Customer Participation and Difficulty of Design Examples in the Online Designing Process and Its Effect on Customer Satisfaction: Mediational Analyses. 147-154 - Alessandra Grassi, Andrea Gaggioli
, Giuseppe Riva
The Green Valley: The Use of Mobile Narratives for Reducing Stress in Commuters. 155-161 - Elizabeth A. Attree, Mark J. Turner, Naina Cowell:
A Virtual Reality Test Identifies the Visuospatial Strengths of Adolescents with Dyslexia. 163-168 - William J. Tippett, Jang-Han Lee, Richard Mraz, Konstantine K. Zakzanis, Peter J. Snyder
, Sandra E. Black
, Simon J. Graham:
Convergent Validity and Sex Differences in Healthy Elderly Adults for Performance on 3D Virtual Reality Navigation Learning and 2D Hidden Maze Tasks. 169-174 - Inna Tsirlin, Eve Dupierrix, Sylvie Chokron, Sabine Coquillart, Theophile Ohlmann:
Uses of Virtual Reality for Diagnosis, Rehabilitation and Study of Unilateral Spatial Neglect: Review and Analysis. 175-181
- Miriam Reiner, David Hecht:
Behavioral Indications of Object-Presence in Haptic Virtual Environments. 183-186 - Ju-Yu Yen
, Cheng-Fang Yen, Cheng-Sheng Chen, Tze-Chun Tang, Chih-Hung Ko:
The Association between Adult ADHD Symptoms and Internet Addiction among College Students: The Gender Difference. 187-191 - Sun-Jae Doh, Jang-Sun Hwang:
How Consumers Evaluate eWOM (Electronic Word-of-Mouth) Messages. 193-197 - Mark Griffiths
, Heather Wardle
, Jim Orford, Kerry Sproston, Bob Erens:
Sociodemographic Correlates of Internet Gambling: Findings from the 2007 British Gambling Prevalence Survey. 199-202 - Sookeun Byun
, Celestino Ruffini, Juline E. Mills, Alecia Douglas, Mamadou Niang, Svetlana Stepchenkova
, Seul Ki Lee
, Jihad Loutfi, JungKook Lee, Mikhail J. Atallah, Marina Blanton
Internet Addiction: Metasynthesis of 1996-2006 Quantitative Research. 203-207 - Valerie Barker:
Older Adolescents' Motivations for Social Network Site Use: The Influence of Gender, Group Identity, and Collective Self-Esteem. 209-213 - Michel Ouellette, Miguel Chagnon, Jocelyn Faubert:
Evaluation of Human Behavior in Collision Avoidance: A Study inside Immersive Virtual Reality. 215-218 - Mu Hu:
Will Online Chat Help Alleviate Mood Loneliness? 219-223 - Danny Tengti Kao:
The Impact of Transaction Trust on Consumers' Intentions to Adopt M-Commerce: A Cross-Cultural Investigation. 225-229 - Christoph Klimmt, Hannah Schmid, Julia Orthmann:
Exploring the Enjoyment of Playing Browser Games. 231-234 - Shima Sum
, Mark R. Mathews, Mohsen Pourghasem, Ian Hughes:
Internet Use as a Predictor of Sense of Community in Older People. 235-239 - Elizabeth Wack, Stacey Tantleff-Dunn:
Relationships between Electronic Game Play, Obesity, and Psychosocial Functioning in Young Men. 241-244
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 245-250 - Giuseppe Riva, Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberEurope. 251-252
Volume 12, Number 3, June 2009
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
A View to the Future. 253-254
- Cristina Botella
, Ernestina Etchemendy
, Diana Castilla
, Rosa María Baños, Azucena García-Palacios, Soledad Quero, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, José Antonio Lozano:
An e-Health System for the Elderly (Butler Project): A Pilot Study on Acceptance and Satisfaction. 255-262 - Susan Persky
, Kimberly A. Kaphingst, Cade McCall, Christina Lachance, Andrew C. Beall, Jim Blascovich:
Presence Relates to Distinct Outcomes in Two Virtual Environments Employing Different Learning Modalities. 263-268 - Jinsun Hahm, Hyung Ki Ji, Je Young Jeong, Dong Hoon Oh, Seok Hyeon Kim, Kwee-Bo Sim, Jang-Han Lee:
Detection of Concealed Information: Combining a Virtual Mock Crime with a P300-based Guilty Knowledge Test. 269-275 - Rachel Bailey
, Kevin R. Wise, Paul D. Bolls:
How Avatar Customizability Affects Children's Arousal and Subjective Presence During Junk Food-Sponsored Online Video Games. 277-283 - Marc-André K. Lafrenière, Robert J. Vallerand, Eric G. Donahue, Geneviève L. Lavigne:
On The Costs and Benefits of Gaming: The Role of Passion. 285-290 - James D. Ivory, Robert G. Magee
You Can't Take It with You? Effects of Handheld Portable Media Consoles on Physiological and Psychological Responses to Video Game and Movie Content. 291-297 - Rebeca San José-Cabezudo
, Ana M. Gutiérrez-Arranz, Jesús Gutiérrez-Cillán:
The Combined Influence of Central and Peripheral Routes in the Online Persuasion Process. 299-308
- Joseph M. Andreano, Kevin Liang, Lingjun Kong, David Hubbard, Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Mark D. Wiederhold:
Auditory Cues Increase the Hippocampal Response to Unimodal Virtual Reality. 309-313 - Pai-Lu Wu, Wen-Bin Chiou
More Options Lead to More Searching and Worse Choices in Finding Partners for Romantic Relationships Online: An Experimental Study. 315-318 - Andrew J. Mottram, Michele J. Fleming:
Extraversion, Impulsivity, and Online Group Membership as Predictors of Problematic Internet Use. 319-321 - David Adebayo Oluwole
Spirituality, Gender and Age Factors in Cybergossip Among Nigerian Adolescents. 323-326 - Xiaoli Ni, Hong Yan, Silu Chen, Zhengwen Liu:
Factors Influencing Internet Addiction in a Sample of Freshmen University Students in China. 327-330 - Su L. Boatright-Horowitz, Michelle Langley, Matthew Gunnip:
Depth-of-Processing Effects as College Students Use Academic Advising Web Sites. 331-335 - Emily S. Orr, Mia Sisic, Craig Ross, Mary G. Simmering, Jaime M. Arseneault, R. Robert Orr:
The Influence of Shyness on the Use of Facebook in an Undergraduate Sample. 337-340 - Emily Christofides
, Amy Muise, Serge Desmarais:
Information Disclosure and Control on Facebook: Are They Two Sides of the Same Coin or Two Different Processes? 341-345 - Sean D. Young
, Debo Dutta, Gopal Dommety:
Extrapolating Psychological Insights from Facebook Profiles: A Study of Religion and Relationship Status. 347-350 - Farzana Shafique, Khalid Mahmood:
Why the Offline Are Offline: A Survey of Internet Use by Educated Pakistani Adults. 351-354
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 355-360 - Giuseppe Riva, Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberEurope. 361-362
Volume 12, Number 4, August 2009
- Alexander Toet
, Marloes van Welie, Joske Houtkamp:
Is a Dark Virtual Environment Scary? 363-371 - Amy C. Traylor, Patrick S. Bordnick, Brian L. Carter:
Using Virtual Reality to Assess Young Adult Smokers' Attention to Cues. 373-378 - Elizabeth A. Attree, Christine P. Dancey, Alison L. Pope:
An Assessment of Prospective Memory Retrieval in Women with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using a Virtual-Reality Environment: An Initial Study. 379-385 - Gustavo S. Mesch
Parental Mediation, Online Activities, and Cyberbullying. 387-393 - Carmel Privitera, Marilyn Anne Campbell
Cyberbullying: The New Face of Workplace Bullying? 395-400 - Leman Pinar Tosun
, Timo Lajunen
Why Do Young Adults Develop a Passion for Internet Activities? The Associations among Personality, Revealing "True Self" on the Internet, and Passion for the Internet. 401-406 - James Farrer
, Jeff Gavin
Online Dating in Japan: A Test of Social Information Processing Theory. 407-412 - Mark D. Griffiths
, Richard T. A. Wood, Jonathan Parke:
Social Responsibility Tools in Online Gambling: A Survey of Attitudes and Behavior among Internet Gamblers. 413-421
- Joanne Lloyd
, Nathan V. Persaud, Theresa E. Powell
Equivalence of Real-World and Virtual-Reality Route Learning: A Pilot Study. 423-427 - Christoph Groenegress, Mette Ramsgard Thomsen
, Mel Slater
Correlations between Vocal Input and Visual Response Apparently Enhance Presence in a Virtual Environment. 429-431 - Yeajin Kim, Geuntae Park, Minho Lee, Jang-Han Lee:
Impairment of Driving Ability and Neuropsychological Function in Patients with MHE Disease. 433-436 - Linda A. Jackson, Yong Zhao, Edward A. Witt, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Alexander von Eye, Rena Harold:
Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, Gender, Race, and Information Technology Use. 437-440 - Amy Muise, Emily Christofides
, Serge Desmarais:
More Information than You Ever Wanted: Does Facebook Bring Out the Green-Eyed Monster of Jealousy? 441-444 - Mikyoung Kim, Kyoung-Nan Kwon, Mira Lee:
Psychological Characteristics of Internet Dating Service Users: The Effect of Self-Esteem, Involvement, and Sociability on the Use of Internet Dating Services. 445-449 - Junghyun Kim
, Robert LaRose, Wei Peng
Loneliness as the Cause and the Effect of Problematic Internet Use: The Relationship between Internet Use and Psychological Well-Being. 451-455 - James D. Ivory, Dmitri Williams, Nicole Martins, Mia Consalvo:
Good Clean Fun? A Content Analysis of Profanity in Video Games and Its Prevalence across Game Systems and Ratings. 457-460 - Leonard Reinecke
Games at Work: The Recreational Use of Computer Games During Working Hours. 461-465
- CyberSightings. 467-472
- CyberEurope. 473-474
Volume 12, Number 5, October 2009
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
The 14th Annual CyberTherapy & CyberPsychology Conference. 475
- Benoît Girard, Vincent Turcotte, Stéphane Bouchard
, Bruno Girard:
Crushing Virtual Cigarettes Reduces Tobacco Addiction and Treatment Discontinuation. 477-483 - Andrew K. Przybylski
, Netta Weinstein
, Richard M. Ryan
, C. Scott Rigby:
Having to versus Wanting to Play: Background and Consequences of Harmonious versus Obsessive Engagement in Video Games. 485-492 - Lennart E. Nacke
, Anne Nacke, Craig A. Lindley:
Brain Training for Silver Gamers: Effects of Age and Game Form on Effectiveness, Efficiency, Self-Assessment, and Gameplay Experience. 493-499 - Motoharu Takao, Susumu Takahashi, Masayoshi Kitamura:
Addictive Personality and Problematic Mobile Phone Use. 501-507 - Somchit Jaruratanasirikul, Kanjarut Wongwaitaweewong, Pasuree Sangsupawanich:
Electronic Game Play and School Performance of Adolescents in Southern Thailand. 509-512
- Lei Tian, Junqi Shi, Zizhen Yang:
Why Does Half the World's Population Have a Mobile Phone? An Examination of Consumers' Attitudes toward Mobile Phones. 513-516 - Frank Meijer, Branko L. Geudeke, Egon L. van den Broek:
Navigating through Virtual Environments: Visual Realism Improves Spatial Cognition. 517-521 - Yu-Shu Peng, Lih-Tsyr Jan:
Pricing Strategies, the Strength of Bidding Intentions, and Online Auction Performance: A Cross-Cultural Study. 523-528 - Qing-guo Ma, Kai Wang:
The Effect of Positive Emotion and Perceived Risk on Usage Intention to Online Decision Aids. 529-532 - Eric A. Ritter, Chang-Hoan Cho:
Effects of Ad Placement and Type on Consumer Responses to Podcast Ads. 533-537 - Namho Chung
, Soon Jae Kwon:
The Effects of Customers' Mobile Experience and Technical Support on the Intention to Use Mobile Banking. 539-543 - Artemis Tsitsika
, Elena Critselis, Georgios Kormas, Eleftheria Konstantoulaki, Andreas Constantopoulos, Dimitrios Kafetzis:
Adolescent Pornographic Internet Site Use: A Multivariate Regression Analysis of the Predictive Factors of Use and Psychosocial Implications. 545-550 - Lawrence T. Lam
, Zi-Wen Peng, Jin-cheng Mai, Jin Jing:
Factors Associated with Internet Addiction among Adolescents. 551-555 - Maria Frostling-Henningsson:
First-Person Shooter Games as a Way of Connecting to People: "Brothers in Blood". 557-562 - Huon Longman, Erin L. O'Connor, Patricia Obst
The Effect of Social Support Derived from World of Warcraft on Negative Psychological Symptoms. 563-566 - Marko M. Skoric
, Linda Lay Ching Teo, Rachel L. Neo:
Children and Video Games: Addiction, Engagement, and Scholastic Achievement. 567-572
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 573-578 - Giuseppe Riva, Laura Carelli:
CyberEurope. 579-580
- Abstracts from CyberTherapy 14Designing the Future of Healthcare, June 21-23, 2009, Lago Maggiore, Verbania, Italy. 581-673
Volume 12, Number 6, December 2009
- Hanyun Huang, Louis Leung
Instant Messaging Addiction among Teenagers in China: Shyness, Alienation, and Academic Performance Decrement. 675-679 - Luca Milani
, Dania Osualdella, Paola Di Blasio
Quality of Interpersonal Relationships and Problematic Internet Use in Adolescence. 681-684 - Chris Fullwood
, Natasha Sheehan, Wendy Nicholls:
Blog Function Revisited: A Content Analysis of MySpace Blogs. 685-689 - Ute Ritterfeld
, Cuihua Shen
, Hua Wang, Luciano Nocera, Wee Ling Wong:
Multimodality and Interactivity: Connecting Properties of Serious Games with Educational Outcomes. 691-697 - Alessandra Gorini
, José Luis Mosso, Dejanira Mosso, Erika Pineda, Norma Leticia Ruíz, Miriam Ramíez, José Luis Morales, Giuseppe Riva
Emotional Response to Virtual Reality Exposure across Different Cultures: The Role of the Attribution Process. 699-705
- Kimberly J. Mitchell, Chiara Sabina, David Finkelhor, Melissa Wells:
Index of Problematic Online Experiences: Item Characteristics and Correlation with Negative Symptomatology. 707-711 - Yoram Eshet-Alkalai, Eran Chajut:
Changes Over Time in Digital Literacy. 713-715 - Seung-A. Annie Jin:
Modality Effects in Second Life: The Mediating Role of Social Presence and the Moderating Role of Product Involvement. 717-721 - Seung-A. Annie Jin, Namkee Park:
Parasocial Interaction with My Avatar: Effects of Interdependent Self-Construal and the Mediating Role of Self-Presence in an Avatar-Based Console Game, Wii. 723-727 - Namsu Park, Kerk F. Kee
, Sebastián Valenzuela
Being Immersed in Social Networking Environment: Facebook Groups, Uses and Gratifications, and Social Outcomes. 729-733 - Lukas Blinka
, David Smahel
Fourteen Is Fourteen and a Girl Is a Girl: Validating the Identity of Adolescent Bloggers. 735-739 - Neil Matthews, Bill Farnsworth, Mark D. Griffiths
A Pilot Study of Problem Gambling among Student Online Gamblers: Mood States as Predictors of Problematic Behavior. 741-745 - Zaheer Hussain
, Mark D. Griffiths
The Attitudes, Feelings, and Experiences of Online Gamers: A Qualitative Analysis. 747-753 - Emma L. Pelling, Katherine M. White
The Theory of Planned Behavior Applied to Young People's Use of Social Networking Web Sites. 755-759 - Seung-A. Annie Jin:
Avatars Mirroring the Actual Self versus Projecting the Ideal Self: The Effects of Self-Priming on Interactivity and Immersion in an Exergame, Wii Fit. 761-765
- Skip Rizzo:
CyberSightings. 767-771 - Giuseppe Riva
, Alessandra Gorini
CyberEurope. 773

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