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Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Volume 92
Volume 92, Number 1, January 2024
- Hai Liu, Chengju Li, Haifeng Qian:
Parameters of several families of binary duadic codes and their related codes. 1-12 - Arghya Bhattacharjee
, Ritam Bhaumik
, Avijit Dutta, Mridul Nandi, Anik Raychaudhuri:
BBB security for 5-round even-Mansour-based key-alternating Feistel ciphers. 13-49 - Jiaxin Pan
, Chen Qian
, Benedikt Wagner
Generic constructions of master-key KDM secure attribute-based encryption. 51-92 - Kris Coolsaet
Nonsingular hypercubes and nonintersecting hyperboloids. 93-112 - Aleksandr Kutsenko
Decomposing self-dual bent functions. 113-144 - Vidya Sagar
, Ritumoni Sarma
Minimal and optimal binary codes obtained using CD-construction over the non-unital ring I. 145-157 - Orr Dunkelman
, Nathan Keller, Eyal Ronen, Adi Shamir:
Quantum time/memory/data tradeoff attacks. 159-177 - Michela Ceria
, Teo Mora:
Towards a Gröbner-free approach to coding. 179-204 - Alexander L. Gavrilyuk, Sho Suda
Uniqueness of an association scheme related to the Witt design on 11 points. 205-209 - Boyi He, Qunying Liao:
The properties and the error-correcting pair for lengthened GRS codes. 211-225
Volume 92, Number 2, February 2024
- Samir Hodzic
, Arnab Roy, Elena Andreeva
Quantum cryptanalysis of Farfalle and (generalised) key-alternating Feistel networks. 227-257 - Ziwei Lu, Shenglin Zhou
Flag-transitive symmetric 2-designs of prime order. 259-266 - Danyao Wu
, Pingzhi Yuan:
Permutation polynomials and their compositional inverses over finite fields by a local method. 267-276 - Kota Takahashi, Keitaro Hashimoto
, Wakaha Ogata
Chosen-ciphertext secure code-based threshold public key encryptions with short ciphertext. 277-301 - Monika Yadav
, Anuradha Sharma
Construction and enumeration of self-orthogonal and self-dual codes over Galois rings of even characteristic. 303-339 - Wen Ma, Jinquan Luo
Codes with respect to weighted poset block metric. 341-363 - Xiaowei Su, Zihong Tian
, Guohui Hao:
Determination of the sizes of optimal geometric orthogonal codes with parameters (n˟ m,k,λ ,k-1). 365-395 - Cuiling Fan, An Wang, Li Xu
New classes of NMDS codes with dimension 3. 397-418 - Diane M. Donovan
, Mike J. Grannell
, Emine Sule Yazici
On maximal partial Latin hypercubes. 419-433 - Hannes Bartz
, Thomas Jerkovits
, Johan Rosenkilde:
Fast Kötter-Nielsen-Høholdt interpolation over skew polynomial rings and its application in coding theory. 435-465 - Nikolay Kolomeec
, Denis Bykov:
On the image of an affine subspace under the inverse function within a finite field. 467-476 - Mahir Bilen Can
, Roy Joshua
, Girivaru V. Ravindra:
Defects of codes from higher dimensional algebraic varieties. 477-494 - John Bamberg
On the 430-cap of rmPG(6,4) having two intersection sizes with respect to hyperplanes. 495-503
Volume 92, Number 3, March 2024
- Editorial Note: Coding and Cryptography 2022. 505
- Marco Timpanella, Giovanni Zini
On a family of linear MRD codes with parameters [8˟ 8,16,7]q. 507-530 - Amar Bapic, Enes Pasalic, Alexandr Polujan
, Alexander Pott:
Vectorial Boolean functions with the maximum number of bent components beyond the Nyberg's bound. 531-552 - Felicitas Hörmann
, Hannes Bartz
Interpolation-based decoding of folded variants of linearized and skew Reed-Solomon codes. 553-586 - Agathe Cheriere
, Lina Mortajine, Tania Richmond
, Nadia El Mrabet:
Exploiting ROLLO's constant-time implementations with a single-trace analysis. 587-608 - Anina Gruica, Anna-Lena Horlemann, Alberto Ravagnani, Nadja Willenborg
Densities of codes of various linearity degrees in translation-invariant metric spaces. 609-637 - Vladimir N. Potapov
, Anna A. Taranenko
, Yuriy V. Tarannikov:
An asymptotic lower bound on the number of bent functions. 639-651 - Selçuk Kavut
Modified Patterson-Wiedemann construction. 653-666 - Cem Güneri
, Ferruh Özbudak, Selcen Sayici:
On subfield subcodes obtained from restricted evaluation codes. 667-680 - Faruk Göloglu, Lukas Kölsch
Counting the number of non-isotopic Taniguchi semifields. 681-694 - Anna-Maurin Graner
, Gohar M. Kyureghyan:
Constructing irreducible polynomials recursively with a reverse composition method. 695-708 - Rafael A. Arce-Nazario
, Carlos Hernández, José R. Ortiz-Ubarri, Ivelisse Rubio
, Jaziel Torres:
Analysis and computation of multidimensional linear complexity of periodic arrays. 709-722 - Nicolas David, María Naya-Plasencia, André Schrottenloher
Quantum impossible differential attacks: applications to AES and SKINNY. 723-751 - Rakhi Pratihar
, Tovohery Hajatiana Randrianarisoa
Antipodal two-weight rank metric codes. 753-769 - Akihiro Munemasa, Rowena Alma L. Betty
Classification of extremal type II $\mathbb {Z}_4$-codes of length 24. 771-785 - Reza Dastbasteh
, Petr Lisonek
New quantum codes from self-dual codes over $\mathbb {F}_4$. 787-801 - André Chailloux
, Simona Etinski:
On the (in)security of optimized Stern-like signature schemes. 803-832 - Krijn Reijnders, Simona Samardjiska, Monika Trimoska:
Hardness estimates of the code equivalence problem in the rank metric. 833-862 - Suman Dutta, Subhamoy Maitra:
Introducing nega-Forrelation: quantum algorithms in analyzing nega-Hadamard and nega-crosscorrelation spectra. 863-883
Volume 92, Number 4, April 2024
- Qianqian Yan, Junling Zhou
Mutually disjoint Steiner systems from BCH codes. 885-907 - Léo Ducas
Provable lattice reduction of $\mathbb {Z}^n$ with blocksize n/2. 909-916 - Shanxiang Lyu
, Ling Liu, Cong Ling, Junzuo Lai, Hao Chen:
Lattice codes for lattice-based PKE. 917-939 - Shannon Veitch, Douglas R. Stinson
Unconditionally secure non-malleable secret sharing and circular external difference families. 941-956 - Jiqiang Lu
, Wenchang Zhou:
Improved meet-in-the-middle attack on 10 rounds of the AES-256 block cipher. 957-973 - Moritz Wiese
, Holger Boche:
ε-Almost collision-flat universal hash functions and mosaics of designs. 975-998 - Dipak K. Bhunia
, Cristina Fernández-Córdoba
, Carlos Vela, Mercè Villanueva
On the equivalence of $\mathbb {Z}_{p^s}$-linear generalized Hadamard codes. 999-1022 - Sergey Bereg
, Mohammadreza Haghpanah, Brian Malouf, Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Improved bounds for permutation arrays under Chebyshev distance. 1023-1039 - Tsuyoshi Miezaki
, Akihiro Munemasa:
Jacobi polynomials and harmonic weight enumerators of the first-order Reed-Muller codes and the extended Hamming codes. 1041-1049 - Deng-Ming Xu, Gang Wang, Sihem Mesnager
, You Gao, Fang-Wei Fu:
Jacobi sums over Galois rings of arbitrary characters and their applications in constructing asymptotically optimal codebooks. 1051-1073 - Nicolas Aragon, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit, Pierre Loidreau, Julian Renner, Antonia Wachter-Zeh:
LowMS: a new rank metric code-based KEM without ideal structure. 1075-1093 - Guangkui Xu, Gaojun Luo
, Xiwang Cao, Heqian Xu:
Hulls of linear codes from simplex codes. 1095-1112
Volume 92, Number 5, May 2024
- José Alves Oliveira
, Fabio Enrique Brochero Martínez
Dynamics of polynomial maps over finite fields. 1113-1125 - Elena Kirshanova
, Ekaterina Malygina
Construction-D lattice from Garcia-Stichtenoth tower code. 1127-1142 - Cícero Carvalho
, Hiram H. López
, Gretchen L. Matthews:
Decreasing norm-trace codes. 1143-1161 - Xiaojing Chen, Xingbo Lu, Shixin Zhu, Wan Jiang, Xindi Wang:
New entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from negacyclic codes. 1163-1174 - Lei Zhang
Observations on the branch number and differential analysis of SPEEDY. 1175-1199 - Mesut Sahin
, Oguz Yayla:
Codes on subgroups of weighted projective tori. 1201-1218 - Alonso Sepúlveda Castellanos
, Erik A. R. Mendoza
, Luciane Quoos
Weierstrass semigroups, pure gaps and codes on function fields. 1219-1242 - Sara Ban
, Sanja Rukavina
Construction of self-orthogonal $\mathbb {Z}_{2^k}$-codes. 1243-1250 - Wenqin Zhang, Yuan Luo
, Lele Wang:
Optimal binary and ternary locally repairable codes with minimum distance 6. 1251-1265 - Kenji Yasunaga
Improved bounds for codes correcting insertions and deletions. 1267-1278 - Thomas Britz
, Himadri Shekhar Chakraborty
, Reina Ishikawa, Tsuyoshi Miezaki, Hopein Christofen Tang
Harmonic Tutte polynomials of matroids II. 1279-1297 - Lidija Stanovnik
, Miha Moskon, Miha Mraz:
In search of maximum non-overlapping codes. 1299-1326 - Ruikai Chen
, Sihem Mesnager
On a class of permutation rational functions involving trace maps. 1327-1339 - Semira Einsele
, Kenneth G. Paterson:
Average case error estimates of the strong Lucas test. 1341-1378 - Alexander L. Gavrilyuk, Vladislav V. Kabanov:
Strongly regular graphs decomposable into a divisible design graph and a Hoffman coclique. 1379-1391 - Jan Schoone
, Joan Daemen:
The state diagram of χ. 1393-1421 - Yun Li, Hongwei Liu
, Sihem Mesnager:
New constructions of constant dimension subspace codes with large sizes. 1423-1437 - Matthew Kreitzer
, Mihai Nica
, Rajesh Pereira
Using alternating de Bruijn sequences to construct de Bruijn tori. 1439-1454
Volume 92, Number 6, June 2024
- Xiaoni Du, René Rodríguez
, Hao Wu:
Infinite families of minimal binary codes via Krawtchouk polynomials. 1455-1475 - Yi-Fan Tseng
, Zi-Yuan Liu, Raylin Tso:
Predicate encryption with selective-opening security for receivers: formal definition, generic construction, and concrete instantiations for several primitives. 1477-1500 - Laura Monroe
Optimal binary signed-digit representations of integers and the Stern polynomial. 1501-1516 - Zhaoping Meng
, Qingling Gao, Zhanggui Wu:
A recursive construction of doubly resolvable Steiner quadruple systems. 1517-1531 - Haode Yan, Yanan Yin:
On the parameters of extended primitive cyclic codes and the related designs. 1533-1540 - Qiqi Lai
, Feng-Hao Liu, Zhedong Wang:
Leakage-resilient sf IBE/sf ABE with optimal leakage rates from lattices. 1541-1597 - Adam Michael Roberts
Self-dual codes from a block matrix construction characterised by group rings. 1599-1617 - Kanchan Singh, Ritesh Kumar Pathak
, Sheo Kumar Singh:
Linear codes associated to determinantal varieties in the space of hermitian matrices. 1619-1635 - Chun Guo, Yiyuan Luo
, Chenyu Xiao:
On the sequential indifferentiability of the Lai-Massey construction. 1637-1661 - Xinxin Gong
, Yonglin Hao
, Qingju Wang
Combining MILP modeling with algebraic bias evaluation for linear mask search: improved fast correlation attacks on SNOW. 1663-1728 - Yu-Chi Chen
A conceptually simple and generic construction of plaintext checkable encryption in the standard model. 1729-1746 - Alexander M. Romanov
Perfect mixed codes from generalized Reed-Muller codes. 1747-1759 - Sabrina Kunzweiler
Efficient computation of (2n,2n)-isogenies. 1761-1802 - Angelot Behajaina, Martino Borello, Javier de la Cruz, Wolfgang Willems:
Twisted skew G-codes. 1803-1821 - Kaizhan Lin, Jianming Lin
, Shiping Cai, Weize Wang, Chang-An Zhao
Compressed M-SIDH: an instance of compressed SIDH-like schemes with isogenies of highly composite degrees. 1823-1843
Volume 92, Number 7, July 2024
- Hao Chen:
Large Hermitian hull GRS codes of any given length. 1845-1853 - Hongna Yang, Yiwei Wang, Yiwei Zhang:
Extremal regular graphs and hypergraphs related to fractional repetition codes. 1855-1878 - Liqin Qian, Xiwang Cao, Xia Wu, Wei Lu:
MDS codes with l-Galois hulls of arbitrary dimensions. 1879-1902 - Delphine Boucher
, Kayodé Epiphane Nouetowa:
Some constructions and existence conditions for Hermitian self-dual skew codes. 1903-1924 - Tran Viet Xuan Phuong:
Anonymous attribute-based broadcast encryption with hidden multiple access structures. 1925-1945 - Ebru Adiguzel-Goktas
, Enver Ozdemir:
Square root computation in finite fields. 1947-1959 - Giuseppe D'Alconzo
Monomial isomorphism for tensors and applications to code equivalence problems. 1961-1982 - Benjamin Fuller
Impossibility of efficient information-theoretic fuzzy extraction. 1983-2009 - Rongsheng Wu, Xiande Zhang
Balanced reconstruction codes for single edits. 2011-2029 - Chunyu Gan, Chengju Li, Haifeng Qian
, Xueying Shi:
On Bose distance of a class of BCH codes with two types of designed distances. 2031-2053 - Yuxin Tong
, Xiang Xie, Kang Yang, Rui Zhang, Rui Xue:
Efficient secure multi-party computation for proof of custody in Ethereum sharding. 2055-2083 - Zhonghua Sun
, Xinyue Liu, Shixin Zhu, Yongsheng Tang:
Negacyclic BCH codes of length $\frac{q^{2m}-1}{q+1}$ and their duals. 2085-2101
Volume 92, Number 8, August 2024
- Chun Guo, Ling Song:
CCA security for contracting (quasi-)Feistel constructions with tight round complexity. 2103-2129 - Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux
, Victor Dyseryn, Andre Esser
, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni, Marco Palumbi:
PERK: compact signature scheme based on a new variant of the permuted kernel problem. 2131-2157 - Ka Hin Leung, Bernhard Schmidt, Tao Zhang:
Classification of semiregular relative difference sets with $\gcd (\lambda ,n)=1$ attaining Turyn's bound. 2159-2182 - Giusy Monzillo, Tim Penttila, Alessandro Siciliano:
Classifying pseudo-ovals, translation generalized quadrangles, and elation Laguerre planes of small order. 2183-2196 - Seungjun Baek
, Giyoon Kim, Jongsung Kim
Preimage attacks on reduced-round Ascon-Xof. 2197-2217 - Cong Yu, Shixin Zhu, Fuyin Tian:
Construction of quantum codes from multivariate polynomial rings. 2219-2234 - Shuangqing Liu
, Lijun Ji:
Combinatorial constructions of optimal low-power error-correcting cooling codes. 2235-2252 - Geyang Wang, Qi Wang
On the size distribution of the fixed-length Levenshtein balls with radius one. 2253-2265 - Juanjuan Xu
, Lijun Ji:
Special overlarge sets of Kirkman triple systems. 2267-2285 - Daniele Bartoli
, Nicola Durante, Giovanni Giuseppe Grimaldi
Ovoids of Q(6, q) of low degree. 2287-2306 - Ryosuke Yamaguchi
Jacobi polynomials for the first-order generalized Reed-Muller codes. 2307-2321 - Zhiwen He, Tingting Chen
, Gennian Ge:
New constructions of signed difference sets. 2323-2340 - Jan Schoone
, Joan Daemen:
Algebraic properties of the maps χ n. 2341-2365 - Sascha Kurz:
Lengths of divisible codes: the missing cases. 2367-2378 - Hannes Bartz
, Sven Puchinger:
Fast decoding of lifted interleaved linearized Reed-Solomon codes for multishot network coding. 2379-2421
Volume 92, Number 9, September 2024
- Xiaoli Dong
, Jun Liu, Yongzhuang Wei, Wen Gao, Jie Chen:
Meet-in-the-middle attacks on AES with value constraints. 2423-2449 - Sam Adriaensen
, Lins Denaux
Small weight codewords of projective geometric codes II. 2451-2472 - Bo Yang
, Kangkang He, Xiangyong Zeng, Zibi Xiao
Symmetric 2-adic complexity of Tang-Gong interleaved sequences from generalized GMW sequence pair. 2473-2489 - Carmen Amarra
, Alice Devillers
, Cheryl E. Praeger
Chain-imprimitive, flag-transitive 2-designs. 2491-2510 - Santiago Barrera Acevedo
, Heiko Dietrich, Corey Lionis:
New families of quaternionic Hadamard matrices. 2511-2525 - Alexander A. Davydov
, Stefano Marcugini
, Fernanda Pambianco
Further results on covering codes with radius R and codimension tR+1. 2527-2548 - Carlos Galindo
, Fernando Hernando
, Helena Martín-Cruz
Optimal (r,δ )-LRCs from monomial-Cartesian codes and their subfield-subcodes. 2549-2586 - Gergely Kiss, Gábor Somlai
Special directions on the finite affine plane. 2587-2597 - Xiaomeng Wang, Lina Wei, Shou-Jun Xu
, Sanming Zhou
Subgroup total perfect codes in Cayley sum graphs. 2599-2613 - Mikhail E. Muzychuk, Grigory Ryabov:
Constructing linked systems of relative difference sets via Schur rings. 2615-2637 - Enes Pasalic, Amar Bapic, Fengrong Zhang, Yongzhuang Wei:
Using Pτ property for designing bent functions provably outside the completed Maiorana-McFarland class. 2639-2654 - Le Dong, Danxun Zhang, Wenya Li
, Wenling Wu:
Yoyo attack on 4-round Lai-Massey scheme with secret round functions. 2655-2684 - Jie Hao
, Shu-Tao Xia, Kenneth W. Shum, Bin Chen, Fang-Wei Fu, Yixian Yang:
Optimal ternary locally repairable codes. 2685-2704
Volume 92, Number 10, October 2024
- Ang Xiao, Yue Zhou
On the packing density of Lee spheres. 2705-2729 - Jong Yoon Hyun, Jungyun Lee, Yoonjin Lee
Characterization of weakly regular p-ary bent functions of ℓ-form. 2731-2741 - María Chara, Ricardo A. Podestá, Luciane Quoos
, Ricardo Toledano:
Lifting iso-dual algebraic geometry codes. 2743-2767 - Song Tian:
Computing gluing and splitting (ℓ ,ℓ )-isogenies. 2769-2789 - Hadi Kharaghani, Thomas Pender, Vladimir D. Tonchev:
On optimal constant weight codes derived from ømega-circulant balanced generalized weighing matrices. 2791-2799 - Elena Berardini, Alessio Caminata, Alberto Ravagnani:
Structure of CSS and CSS-T quantum codes. 2801-2823 - Muhammad Imran
, Gábor Ivanyos:
Efficient quantum algorithms for some instances of the semidirect discrete logarithm problem. 2825-2843 - Wenjun Yu
, Moshe Schwartz:
On duplication-free codes for disjoint or equal-length errors. 2845-2861 - Joanne Hall, Daniel Horsley
, Douglas R. Stinson:
Bounds on data limits for all-to-all comparison from combinatorial designs. 2863-2879 - Rajendra Prasad Rajpurohit, Maheshanand Bhaintwal
, Charul Rajput
Locally maximal recoverable codes and LMR-LCD codes. 2881-2899 - Xinran Wang, Ziling Heng
, Fengwei Li, Qin Yue:
LCD codes and almost optimally extendable codes from self-orthogonal codes. 2901-2926 - Masaaki Harada:
A method for constructing quaternary Hermitian self-dual codes and an application to quantum codes. 2927-2948 - Jing Jiang
, Fenggui Pei, Cailin Wen, Minquan Cheng, Henk D. L. Hollmann:
Constructions of t-strongly multimedia IPP codes with length t+1. 2949-2970 - Jing Qiu, Fang-Wei Fu:
Some new constructions of optimal linear codes and alphabet-optimal (r,δ )-locally repairable codes. 2971-2991 - Hongwei Liu, Zihao Yu
Linear codes from simplicial complexes over ${\mathbb {F}}_{2^n}$. 2993-3016 - Yupeng Jiang
, Ming Li, Ying Gao, Dongdai Lin:
On prefer-one sequences. 3017-3032 - Makoto Araya, Masaaki Harada, Hadi Kharaghani, Ali Mohammadian, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie:
On the classification of skew Hadamard matrices of order $\varvec{36}$ and related structures. 3049-3062 - Xiaoshan Quan
, Qin Yue, Fuqing Sun:
Hulls of cyclic codes with respect to the regular permutation inner product. 3063-3083 - Sven Schäge
TOPAS 2-pass key exchange with full perfect forward secrecy and optimal communication complexity. 3085-3124 - Stefan Steinerberger:
A note on approximate Hadamard matrices. 3125-3131 - Fabio Enrique Brochero Martínez
, Daniela Oliveira
On the number of rational points of Artin-Schreier's curves and hypersurfaces. 3133-3154 - Pratish Datta, Tapas Pal
, Katsuyuki Takashima:
Compact FE for unbounded attribute-weighted sums for logspace from SXDH. 3155-3235 - Jin Li, Huilian Zhu, Shan Huang:
Some constacyclic BCH codes with good parameters. 3237-3259 - Wonseok Choi, Seongha Hwang, ByeongHak Lee, Jooyoung Lee:
ZLR: a fast online authenticated encryption scheme achieving full security. 3261-3316
Volume 92, Number 11, November 2024
- Manuel González Sarabia, Humberto Muñoz-George, Jorge A. Ordaz, Eduardo Sáenz-de-Cabezón, Rafael H. Villarreal
Indicator functions, v-numbers and Gorenstein rings in the theory of projective Reed-Muller-type codes. 3317-3353 - Frank R. Kschischang, Felice Manganiello
, Alberto Ravagnani, Kristen Savary:
External codes for multiple unicast networks via interference alignment. 3355-3369 - Jürgen Bierbrauer, Stefano Marcugini
, Fernanda Pambianco
An asymptotic property of quaternary additive codes. 3371-3375 - Huawei Wu
, Jing Yang, Keqin Feng:
Circular external difference families: construction and non-existence. 3377-3390 - Isaac Andrés Canales Martinez
, Igor Semaev:
Multivariate correlation attacks and the cryptanalysis of LFSR-based stream ciphers. 3391-3427 - Xinyue Ming, Tao Feng
, Guojing Jia, Xiaomiao Wang:
The existence of $(\mathbb {Z}_v,4,1)$-disjoint difference families. 3429-3446 - Sarah Arpin
, James Clements, Pierrick Dartois
, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Péter Kutas, Benjamin Wesolowski:
Finding orientations of supersingular elliptic curves and quaternion orders. 3447-3493 - Somi Gupta
, Francesco Pavese:
Affine vector space partitions and spreads of quadrics. 3495-3502 - (Withdrawn) Constructions for t-designs and s-resolvable t-designs. 3503-3514
- Woohyuk Chung
, Hwigyeom Kim, Jooyoung Lee
, Yeongmin Lee:
Security analysis of the ISO standard sfOFB-sfDRBG. 3515-3532 - Xu Pan, Hao Chen, Hongwei Liu:
Some self-dual codes and isodual codes constructed by matrix product codes. 3533-3559 - Marco Buratti
, Anamari Nakic:
Additivity of symmetric and subspace 2-designs. 3561-3572 - Dongchun Han, Hanbin Zhang:
Explicit constructions of NMDS self-dual codes. 3573-3585 - Shuichi Katsumata
, Yi-Fu Lai, Jason T. LeGrow
, Ling Qin:
CSI-Otter: isogeny-based (partially) blind signatures from the class group action with a twist. 3587-3643 - Gretchen L. Matthews
, Travis Morrison
, Aidan W. Murphy:
Curve-lifted codes for local recovery using lines. 3645-3664 - Sergey Goryainov, Elena V. Konstantinova:
Non-canonical maximum cliques without a design structure in the block graphs of 2-designs. 3665-3675 - Héctor Masip Ardevol, Jordi Baylina Melé, Marc Guzmán-Albiol, Jose Luis Muñoz-Tapia
eSTARK: extending STARKs with arguments. 3677-3721 - Yang Li, Shitao Li
, Shixin Zhu:
New and improved formally self-dual codes with small hulls from polynomial four Toeplitz codes. 3723-3751 - Bolin Wang, Wenling Wu:
Security analysis of P-SPN schemes against invariant subspace attack with inactive S-boxes. 3753-3782 - Lei Li
, Xinchun Yu, Chenhao Ying, Liang Chen, Yuanyuan Dong, Yuan Luo:
MDS array codes with efficient repair and small sub-packetization level. 3783-3798 - Shuhui Yu, Lijun Ji:
Two new constructions of cyclic subspace codes via Sidon spaces. 3799-3811 - Yin Lv
, Danping Shi
, Lei Hu, Yi Guo:
Utilizing FWT in linear cryptanalysis of block ciphers with various structures. 3813-3842 - Huawei Huang
, Changgen Peng, Lunzhi Deng:
Cryptanalysis of a key exchange protocol based on a modified tropical structure. 3843-3858
Volume 92, Number 12, December 2024
- Yi Li, Xiutao Feng, Qiang Wang:
Towards a classification of permutation binomials of the form xi+ax over ${\mathbb {F}}_{2^n}$. 3859-3875 - Haiyan Guan
, Shenglin Zhou:
Reduction for block-transitive t-(k2,k,λ ) designs. 3877-3894 - Shi Bai, Hansraj Jangir, Tran Ngo, William Youmans:
An algebraic algorithm for breaking NTRU with multiple keys. 3895-3918 - Jinrui Sha, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han:
Functional commitments for arbitrary circuits of bounded sizes. 3919-3953 - Yue Gao, Weijun Fang, Jingke Xu, Dong Wang, Sihuang Hu:
Optimal (2,δ ) locally repairable codes via punctured simplex codes. 3955-3979 - Ferruh Özbudak, Buket Özkaya
New distance bounds for quasi-cyclic codes. 3981-4009 - Deepak Agrawal, Srinivasan Krishnaswamy
, Smarajit Das:
On Boolean functions derived from linear maps over $\mathbb {Z}_4$ and their application to secret sharing. 4011-4033 - Noy Soffer Aranov
, Angelot Behajaina:
On the maximum size of ultrametric orthogonal sets over discrete valued fields. 4035-4055 - Robert Christian Subroto
An algebraic approach to circulant column parity mixers. 4057-4083 - Melek Çil, Baris Bülent Kirlar:
On the construction of certain odd degree irreducible polynomials over finite fields. 4085-4097 - Feixiang Zhao
, Jian Weng, Wenli Xie, Lin Hou, Ming Li:
Time-based attribute-based proxy re-encryption with decryption key update. 4099-4129 - Simon Masson
, Antonio Sanso
, Zhenfei Zhang:
Bandersnatch: a fast elliptic curve built over the BLS12-381 scalar field. 4131-4143 - Alexander Barg
, Ohad Elishco, Ryan Gabrys, Geyang Wang, Eitan Yaakobi:
Storage codes and recoverable systems on lines and grids. 4145-4168 - Yiwen Gao, Yuan Li, Haibin Kan:
On the uniqueness of balanced complex orthogonal design. 4169-4187 - Zoltán Füredi, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Mohit Kumbhat:
Minimal abundant packings and choosability with separation. 4189-4194 - Nicola Durante, Giovanni Giuseppe Grimaldi
, Giovanni Longobardi:
Non-linear MRD codes from cones over exterior sets. 4195-4211 - Bingsheng Shen, Tao Yu, Zhengchun Zhou, Yang Yang:
Asymptotically optimal aperiodic quasi-complementary sequence sets based on extended Boolean functions. 4213-4230 - Ajani De Vas Gunasekara
, Alice Devillers
Transitive path decompositions of Cartesian products of complete graphs. 4231-4245 - Birenjith Sasidharan
, Emanuele Viterbo, Son Hoang Dau:
Binary cyclic-gap constant weight codes with low-complexity encoding and decoding. 4247-4277 - Zhiguo Ding
, Michael E. Zieve
Two classes of exceptional m-to-1 rational functions. 4279-4285 - Yingyin Pan, Jianghua Zhong, Dongdai Lin:
Generalized cycle joining method and its application to the construction of long-period Galois NFSRs. 4287-4311 - Ákos K. Matszangosz, Ferenc Szöllosi:
A characterization of complex Hadamard matrices appearing in families of MUB triplets. 4313-4333 - Rong Luo, Mingliang Yan, Sihem Mesnager, Dongchun Han:
On Abelian one-dimensional hull codes in group algebras. 4335-4352 - Yadi Wei, Jiaxin Wang, Fang-Wei Fu:
Association schemes arising from non-weakly regular bent functions. 4353-4422 - Kazuhiko Minematsu, Shingo Sato
, Junji Shikata:
Interactive aggregate message authentication equipped with detecting functionality from adaptive group testing. 4423-4451 - Shuping Mao, Tingting Guo
, Peng Wang
, Ruozhou Xu, Yuchao Chen, Lei Hu:
A quantum-secure partial parallel MAC QPCBC. 4453-4486 - Guangkui Xu, Xiwang Cao, Gaojun Luo, Huawei Wu:
Infinite families of 3-designs from special symmetric polynomials. 4487-4509 - Carlos Aguilar Melchor, Nicolas Aragon, Jean-Christophe Deneuville
, Philippe Gaborit, Jérôme Lacan
, Gilles Zémor:
Efficient error-correcting codes for the HQC post-quantum cryptosystem. 4511-4530 - Shuyu Luo, Weiqiong Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhenjie Song:
Constructions of plateaued correctors with high correction order and good nonlinearity via Walsh spectral neutralization technique. 4531-4548 - Zahra Ahmadian, Akram Khalesi, Dounia M'foukh, Hossein Moghimi, María Naya-Plasencia:
Truncated differential cryptanalysis: new insights and application to QARMAv1-n and QARMAv2-64. 4549-4591

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