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Discrete Mathematics, Volume 346
Volume 346, Number 1, January 2023
- Saad Mneimneh:
A binomial sum of harmonic numbers. 113075 - Kiyoshi Yoshimoto
Disjoint properly colored cycles in edge-colored complete bipartite graphs. 113095 - Alex Iosevich, Brian McDonald, M. Sun:
Dot products in Fq3 and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension. 113096 - Angel Raychev:
A generalization of descent polynomials. 113105 - Ary Shaviv:
Board games, random boards and long boards. 113111 - Alec Sun
, William Yue:
The trace reconstruction problem for spider graphs. 113115 - Yuchen Ding
, Haiyan Zhou
Extensions of Schönemann's theorem in Galois rings. 113116 - Matt Superdock
Simplicial complexes from finite projective planes and colored configurations. 113117 - Hilal A. Ganie
, Juan R. Carmona:
An (increasing) sequence of lower bounds for the spectral radius and energy of digraphs. 113118 - Lan Xiao
Arc-pancyclicity of hypertournaments with irregularity at most two. 113119 - Jian Wang:
A note on minimum degree condition for Hamilton (a, b)-cycles in hypergraphs. 113120 - Karen L. Collins
, Cleo Roberts:
Great-circle tree thrackles. 113121 - Menglong Zhang, Tao Feng
, Xiaomiao Wang
A note on a pair of orthogonal orthomorphisms of cyclic groups. 113122 - Fangfang Wu
, Shenggui Zhang, Binlong Li, Jimeng Xiao
Anti-Ramsey numbers for vertex-disjoint triangles. 113123 - Nicolas Bousquet, Quentin Deschamps
, Tuomo Lehtilä
, Aline Parreau
Locating-dominating sets: From graphs to oriented graphs. 113124 - Yuan Ren
, Dongchun Han
On MDS geometric Fq-linear Fqt-codes. 113125 - Masaaki Harada:
Self-dual codes over F5 and s-extremal unimodular lattices. 113126 - Aysel Erey
On the average order of a dominating set of a forest. 113127 - Guorong Gao, An Chang, Qi Sun:
Asymptotic Turán number for linear 5-cycle in 3-uniform linear hypergraphs. 113128 - Guoli Ding, Chengfu Qin
Strengthened chain theorems for different versions of 4-connectivity. 113129 - Zhiguo Zhang, Yanying Wang
, Conglei Zhang:
Strong homotopy induced by adjacency structure. 113130 - Houshan Fu, Suijie Wang
Whitney numbers of matroid extensions and co-extensions. 113131 - Xiaofeng Gu
, Runrun Liu
, Gexin Yu
Spanning tree packing and 2-essential edge-connectivity. 113132 - Marisa Gutierrez, Fábio Protti
, Silvia B. Tondato:
Convex geometries over induced paths with bounded length. 113133 - Pengfei Li, Aimei Yu, Rongxia Hao:
On the Dα-spectral radius of cacti and bicyclic graphs. 113134 - Károly Bezdek
, Ilya Ivanov, Cameron Strachan:
Illuminating spiky balls and cap bodies. 113135 - Maryam Abdi, Ebrahim Ghorbani
Gap sets for the spectra of regular graphs with minimum spectral gap. 113136 - Mahdi Ebrahimi
, Maryam Khatami
, Zohreh Mirzaei:
Regular character-graphs whose eigenvalues are greater than or equal to -2. 113137 - Taichi Kousaka:
A generalized Ihara zeta function formula for simple graphs with bounded degree. 113138 - Lauren L. Rose
, Jeff Suzuki:
Generalized integer splines on arbitrary graphs. 113139 - Kinga Nagy, Viktor Vígh
Monohedral tilings of a convex disc with a smooth boundary. 113140 - Jianbin Zhang, Yinglin Wu, Jianping Li
The Laplacian spread of line graphs. 113141 - Monu Kadyan
, Bikash Bhattacharjya
Integral mixed circulant graphs. 113142 - Boon Leong Ng
Independence equivalence classes of paths. 113143 - Dániel Gerbner, Dániel Lenger, Máté Vizer:
A plurality problem with three colors and query size three. 113151 - Abhijeet Bhalkikar, Yi Zhao
On subgraphs of tripartite graphs. 113152 - Rakesh Jana
A q-analogue of the bipartite distance matrix of a nonsingular tree. 113153 - Rhys J. Evans
Bounds for regular induced subgraphs of strongly regular graphs. 113154 - Xinru Yan
, Xiaocong He
, Lihua Feng, Weijun Liu:
Spectral radius and the 2-power of Hamilton cycle. 113155 - Lihuan Mao
, Wei Wang, Fenjin Liu
, Lihong Qiu:
Constructing cospectral graphs via regular rational orthogonal matrices with level two. 113156 - Wilfried Meidl, Alexandr A. Polujan
, Alexander Pott:
Linear codes and incidence structures of bent functions and their generalizations. 113157 - A. Pauline Ezhilarasi
, Appu Muthusamy
Decomposition of complete equipartite graphs into paths and cycles of length 2p. 113160 - Alexey Pokrovskiy
Partitioning a graph into a cycle and a sparse graph. 113161 - Hikoe Enomoto, Jun Fujisawa
, Naoki Matsumoto
Game chromatic number of strong product graphs. 113162 - Jordi Castellví, Marc Noy, Clément Requilé
Enumeration of chordal planar graphs and maps. 113163 - Josef Rukavicka
Upper bound for the number of privileged words. 113164 - S. Ganesamurthy:
Decompositions of line graphs of complete graphs into paths and cycles. 113165 - Caprice Stanley, Seth Sullivant
On mixing behavior of a family of random walks determined by a linear recurrence. 113166 - Yuqing Fu, Hongwei Liu:
Galois self-dual extended duadic constacyclic codes. 113167 - Dennis Wong
, Fabio Calero, Kushal Sedhai:
Generating 2-Gray codes for ballot sequences in constant amortized time. 113168 - On-Hei Solomon Lo
, Carol T. Zamfirescu:
Tight cycle spectrum gaps of cubic 3-connected toroidal graphs. 113170 - Sergey Luchinin, Svetlana Puzynina:
Sequences of symmetry groups of infinite words. 113171 - Sergio Bermudo
Upper bound for the geometric-arithmetic index of trees with given domination number. 113172 - Yandong Bai
, Binlong Li:
Connected k-factors in bipartite graphs. 113174 - Jan Petr
, Julien Portier, Leo Versteegen:
A note on cops and robbers, independence number, domination number and diameter. 113175 - Gideon Amir
, Rangel Baldasso
, Maria Gerasimova
, Gady Kozma:
Fire retainment on Cayley graphs. 113176 - Lihong Qiu, Wei Wang, Wei Wang, Hao Zhang:
Smith Normal Form and the generalized spectral characterization of graphs. 113177 - Douglas F. Rall
On well-dominated direct, Cartesian and strong product graphs. 113178 - Yuan Cao, Yonglin Cao, Fang-Wei Fu:
Hermitian duality of left dihedral codes over finite fields. 113179 - Gábor N. Sárközy:
Turán and Ramsey numbers in linear triple systems II. 113182 - Alan Bu, Yunseo Choi, Max Xu:
On the limited increment parallel chip-firing game. 113183 - Michael D. Barrus
, Nathan Haronian:
Cliques in realization graphs. 113184 - Karl Heuer
Addendum to: "Hamilton-laceable bi-powers of locally finite bipartite graphs" [Discrete Math. 345 (2022) 112777]. 113188 - Wenwen Fan, Cai Heng Li, Shouhong Qiao:
Complete circular regular dessins of coprime orders. 113189 - Yan-Ting Xie
, Yong-De Feng, Shou-Jun Xu
Characterization of 2-arc-transitive partial cubes. 113190 - Vojtech Dvorák:
Waiter-Client clique-factor game. 113191 - Zuosong Liang, Guangjun Xu, Chunsong Bai:
A note on the Three Color Problem on planar graphs without 4- and 5-cycles and without ext-triangular 7-cycles. 113192 - Ricardo A. Podestá
, Maximiliano G. Vides
Invariant metrics on finite groups. 113194 - Zilong Yan, Yuejian Peng:
Non-jumping Turán densities of hypergraphs. 113195 - Raphael Steiner
Odd Hadwiger for line-graphs. 113196 - Xiaozheng Chen, Xueliang Li:
Monochromatic-degree conditions for properly colored cycles in edge-colored complete graphs. 113197 - Zhengke Miao, Yimin Song
, Tao Wang
, Xiaowei Yu:
List star edge coloring of generalized Halin graphs. 113204 - Ervin Györi
, Addisu Paulos
, Chuanqi Xiao
Generalized outerplanar Turán number of short paths. 113205 - Vichian Laohakosol, Rattiya Meesa
, Phiraphat Sutthimat
Closed-form solutions of general second order linear recurrences and applications. 113206 - Qing Yang, Yingzhi Tian:
Connectivity keeping caterpillars and spiders in bipartite graphs with connectivity at most three. 113207 - Xingzhi Zhan, Leilei Zhang
The maximum size of a nonhamiltonian graph with given order and connectivity. 113208 - Mouhamad El Joubbeh
Subdivisions of oriented cycles in Hamiltonian digraphs with small chromatic number. 113209 - Wei Xiong, Fengxia Liu, Yang Wu, Mingquan Zhan, Hong-Jian Lai
Complete family reduction and spanning connectivity in line graphs. 113210 - Qianqian Ma, Weiping Wang:
Riordan arrays and r-Stirling number identities. 113211 - Jan Petr
, Julien Portier, Szymon Stolarczyk
A new lower bound on the optimal pebbling number of the grid. 113212 - Yohji Akama
, Bobo Hua
Hyperbolic polyhedral surfaces with regular faces. 113213 - Dengju Ma
A (2k + 1)-regular graph with page-number k. 113214 - Cheng Chi
, Long-Tu Yuan
The structure of graphs with given lengths of cycles. 113215
Volume 346, Number 2, February 2023
- Min Chen, André Raspaud, Weifan Wang, Weiqiang Yu:
An (F3, F5)-partition of planar graphs with girth at least 5. 113216 - Alessio Borzì, Xiangying Chen, Harshit J. Motwani, Lorenzo Venturello
, Martin Vodicka:
The leading coefficient of Lascoux polynomials. 113217 - Ezgi Kantarci Oguz
, Mohan Ravichandran:
Rank polynomials of fence posets are unimodal. 113218 - Jacopo Borga
, Raul Penaguiao
The feasible regions for consecutive patterns of pattern-avoiding permutations. 113219 - Kevin Hsu
, Jing Huang
Obstructions for acyclic local tournament orientation completions. 113220 - Yair Caro, Mirko Petrusevski, Riste Skrekovski:
Remarks on proper conflict-free colorings of graphs. 113221 - Mourad Baïou, Francisco Barahona:
On some algorithmic aspects of hypergraphic matroids. 113222 - Martin Balko
, Marian Poljak
On off-diagonal ordered Ramsey numbers of nested matchings. 113223 - Atul Dixit
, Khushbu Patel:
A finite analogue of a q-series identity of Bhoria, Eyyunni and Maji and its applications. 113224 - Junyang Zhang
, Zhen Zhang:
Nowhere-zero 3-flows in Cayley graphs of order pq2. 113226 - Chuyi Zhong, Shenglin Zhou:
On flag-transitive automorphism groups of 2-designs. 113227 - Phillip Mafuta, Simon Mukwembi, Bernardo Gabriel Rodrigues
A note on connected domination number and leaf number. 113228 - Urban Larsson
, Richard J. Nowakowski
Atomic weights and the combinatorial game of bipass. 113229 - Rafael Villarroel-Flores
On the clique behavior and Hellyness of the complements of regular graphs. 113230 - Jaehoon Kim, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Suil O
, Yongtang Shi, Zhiwen Wang:
A sharp lower bound for the spectral radius in K4-saturated graphs. 113231 - Maria Axenovich, Laurin Benz
, David Offner, Casey Tompkins:
Generalized Turán densities in the hypercube. 113238 - Sevak Abrahamyan
On maximum matchings in 5-regular and 6-regular multigraphs. 113243 - Christopher Cox
, Ryan R. Martin
The maximum number of 10- and 12-cycles in a planar graph. 113245 - Yuzhen Qi, Yun Wang
, Jin Yan:
Disjoint cycles with partial degree conditions in claw-free graphs. 113248 - Maximilian Gorsky, Raphael Steiner
, Sebastian Wiederrecht
Matching theory and Barnette's conjecture. 113249 - Dan Li, Huiqiu Lin, Jixiang Meng:
Extremal spectral results related to spanning trees of signed complete graphs. 113250 - Sasmita Barik
, Subhasish Behera
On the smallest positive eigenvalue of bipartite unicyclic graphs with a unique perfect matching. 113252 - Yuantian Yu, Xianya Geng
, Zihan Zhou:
The k-generalized Hermitian adjacency matrices for mixed graphs. 113254 - Junying Lu
, Weijun Liu, Lu Lu
Distance integral generalized wheel graphs. 113258
Volume 346, Number 3, March 2023
- Thomás Jung Spier
A refined Gallai-Edmonds structure theorem for weighted matching polynomials. 113244 - Stefan Steinerberger
The product of two high-frequency Graph Laplacian eigenfunctions is smooth. 113246 - Kassie Archer
, Christina Graves:
A new statistic on Dyck paths for counting 3-dimensional Catalan words. 113247 - Bart De Bruyn
, Puspendu Pradhan, Binod Kumar Sahoo
, Bikramaditya Sahu
A characterization of the family of secant lines to a hyperbolic quadric in PG(3, q), q odd, Part II. 113251 - Sancrey Rodrigues Alves, Fernanda Couto
, Luérbio Faria, Sylvain Gravier
, Sulamita Klein, Uéverton S. Souza
Partitions and well-coveredness: The graph sandwich problem. 113253 - Narda Cordero-Michel
, Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Ilan A. Goldfeder:
Cycles and new bounds for the chromatic number. 113255 - Katarína Cekanová, Mária Maceková, Zuzana Sárosiová
, Roman Soták
Light 3-stars in embedded graphs. 113256 - Jan Bok
, Richard C. Brewster, Tomás Feder, Pavol Hell, Nikola Jedlicková:
List homomorphism problems for signed trees. 113257 - Cristina M. Ballantine, Amanda Welch
PED and POD partitions: Combinatorial proofs of recurrence relations. 113259 - Mikhail M. Koshelev
Spectrum of Johnson graphs. 113262 - Michael A. Henning, Zekhaya B. Shozi
A generalization of Petersen's matching theorem. 113263 - Bing Wang, Mingqing Zhai:
Maxima of the Q-index: Forbidden a fan. 113264 - Jesmina Pervin
, Lavanya Selvaganesh
Connected Q-integral graphs with maximum edge-degree less than or equal to 8. 113265 - Lanchao Wang, Yaojun Chen
Connectivity of friends-and-strangers graphs on random pairs. 113266 - Greg Malen
Collapsibility of random clique complexes. 113267 - Tibor Jordán:
Rigid block and hole graphs with a single block. 113268 - Jia Wei, Shenggui Zhang:
Proof of a conjecture on the spectral radius condition for [a, b]-factors. 113269 - Milos Stojakovic
, Jelena Stratijev
On strong avoiding games. 113270 - Isaac Konan
The arithmetical combinatorics of k, l-regular partitions. 113278 - Jia-Li Du, Young Soo Kwon, Da-Wei Yang:
On oriented m-semiregular representations of finite groups about valency two. 113279 - Aristotelis Chaniotis, Zishen Qu, Sophie Spirkl
Minimal induced subgraphs of the class of 2-connected non-Hamiltonian wheel-free graphs. 113289 - Sophie Huczynska
, Laura M. Johnson
Internal and external partial difference families and cyclotomy. 113295 - Ferdinand Ihringer
Approximately strongly regular graphs. 113299
Volume 346, Number 4, April 2023
- Hao Pan:
A Lucas-type congruence for q-Delannoy numbers. 113260 - R. Julian R. Abel
, Thomas Britz
, Yudhistira A. Bunjamin, Diana Combe, Tao Feng
Group divisible designs with block size 4 where the group sizes are congruent to 1 mod 3. 113277 - Tamás Csernák, Lajos Soukup
Minimal vertex covers in infinite hypergraphs. 113280 - János Barát, Zoltán L. Blázsik
, Gábor Damásdi:
Crumby colorings - Red-blue vertex partition of subcubic graphs regarding a conjecture of Thomassen. 113281 - Susan G. Barwick
, Wen-Ai Jackson, Peter R. Wild:
A characterisation of Fq-conics of PG(2,q3). 113282 - Henry L. Fleischmann
, Sergei V. Konyagin, Steven J. Miller, Eyvindur A. Palsson
, Ethan Pesikoff, Charles Wolf:
Distinct angles in general position. 113283 - Daniel J. Harvey, Michael S. Payne
Intersecting longest paths in chordal graphs. 113284 - Akihiro Higashitani, Naoki Matsumoto
The ratio of the numbers of odd and even cycles in outerplanar graphs. 113285 - Ervin Györi, Nika Salia
, Casey Tompkins, Oscar Zamora:
Turán numbers of Berge trees. 113286 - Bin Chen
, An Chang:
Oriented diameter of graphs with given girth and maximum degree. 113287 - Nicolas Bousquet
, Quentin Deschamps
, Lucas de Meyer
, Théo Pierron
Improved square coloring of planar graphs. 113288 - Donggyu Kim, Suil O
Eigenvalues and parity factors in graphs with given minimum degree. 113290 - Stefan Steinerberger
The first eigenvector of a distance matrix is nearly constant. 113291 - Xiao-Min Zhu, Weijun Liu, Xu Yang:
The isomorphism of generalized Cayley graphs on finite non-abelian simple groups. 113292 - Keiju Sono:
Perfectly packing a square by squares of sidelength f(n)-t. 113293 - Bart De Bruyn
The completion of the classification of the finite dense near 2d-gons, d ∈ {3,4}, with four points on each line. 113294 - Quinn Minnich:
Further results on pinnacle sets. 113296 - Kristóf Bérczi
, Gergely Kál Csáji, Tamás Király:
On the complexity of packing rainbow spanning trees. 113297 - Fan Yang
, Yue Wang
, Jian-Liang Wu
4-choosability of planar graphs with 4-cycles far apart via the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz. 113298 - Avijit Panja, Rakhi Pratihar
, Tovohery Hajatiana Randrianarisoa
Some matroids related to sum-rank metric codes. 113301 - Jiayu Kang, Runqiao Li, Andrew Y. Z. Wang
Partition identities related to the minimal excludant. 113302 - Dmitriy Kolupaev, Andrey Kupavskii:
Erdős matching conjecture for almost perfect matchings. 113304 - Yuhao Liu
, Mingyu Xiao
The (3,3)-colorability of planar graphs without 4-cycles and 5-cycles. 113306 - Byungchan Kim, Eunmi Kim
Refined parity biases in integer partitions. 113308 - Yanjia Li, Sophie Spirkl
The r-coloring and maximum stable set problem in hypergraphs with bounded matching number and edge size. 113342 - Guillaume Mescoff, Christophe Paul
, Dimitrios M. Thilikos:
The mixed search game against an agile and visible fugitive is monotone. 113345
Volume 346, Number 5, May 2023
- Zhibin Du, Ting-Wei Chao, Yeong-Nan Yeh
Several improved asymptotic normality criteria and their applications to graph polynomials. 113303 - Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi
, Hyemin Kwon, Boram Park:
Odd coloring of sparse graphs and planar graphs. 113305 - Hui Lei
, Xiaopan Lian
, Xianhao Meng, Yongtang Shi
, Yiqiao Wang:
On critical graphs for the chromatic edge-stability number. 113307 - Andrew Y. Z. Wang
, Zheng Xu:
The minimal excludant and Schmidt's partition theorem. 113309 - Perrin E. Ruth
, Manuel E. Lladser
Levenshtein graphs: Resolvability, automorphisms & determining sets. 113310 - Weichan Liu
, Guiying Yan:
Hypergraph incidence coloring. 113311 - Mirko Hornák
, Borut Luzar
, Kenny Storgel
3-facial edge-coloring of plane graphs. 113312 - Wei Tang, Yue Zhou
, Ferdinando Zullo
On the automorphism groups of Lunardon-Polverino scattered linear sets. 113313 - Mirko Lepovic
On integral graphs which belong to the class αGa∪βGb‾ where Ga and Gb are two regular integral graphs. 113314 - Liliana Alcón, Glenn Hurlbert
Pebbling in powers of paths. 113315 - Vanessa Hiebeler
, Johannes Pardey, Dieter Rautenbach:
Diameter, edge-connectivity, and C4-freeness. 113318 - Runrun Liu, Martin Rolek, Gexin Yu
Optimal connectivity for fat-triangle linkages. 113319 - Lowell Abrams, Lindsey-Kay Lauderdale:
On a ratio of Wiener indices for embedded graphs. 113320 - Kiyoshi Ando
, Yoshimi Egawa:
Properly 3-contractible edges in a minimally 3-connected graph. 113321 - Riccardo W. Maffucci, Niels Willems:
On smallest 3-polytopes of given graph radius. 113322 - Peter Frankl, Andrey Kupavskii:
Perfect matchings in down-sets. 113323 - Zsolt Baja, Dániel Dobák, Benedek Kovács, Péter Pál Pach, Donát Pigler:
Towards characterizing the 2-Ramsey equations of the form ax + by = p(z). 113324 - Raziyeh Babaei, Ashraf Daneshkhah
Symmetric designs with λ ⩽ 10 admitting flag-transitive and point-primitive almost simple automorphism groups. 113325 - Marco Caoduro
, Lyuben Lichev
On the boxicity of Kneser graphs and complements of line graphs. 113333 - Subhash Chand Bhoria, Pramod Eyyunni
, Bibekananda Maji:
A new generalization of the minimal excludant arising from an analogue of Franklin's identity. 113334 - Yaping Mao
, Zhao Wang, Colton Magnant, Ingo Schiermeyer
Gallai-Ramsey numbers for fans. 113338 - Arnbjörg Soffía Árnadóttir
, Chris D. Godsil
Strongly cospectral vertices in normal Cayley graphs. 113341 - Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
, Guilherme Oliveira Mota
, Olaf Parczyk
, Jakob Schnitzer:
The anti-Ramsey threshold of complete graphs. 113343 - Gaoxing Sun, Jianfeng Hou, Qinghou Zeng
Large induced subgraphs with three repeated degrees. 113344 - Alexander Barg
, Peter G. Boyvalenkov
, Maya Stoyanova
Bounds for the sum of distances of spherical sets of small size. 113346 - Bostjan Bresar
, Babak Samadi, Ismael G. Yero:
Injective coloring of graphs revisited. 113348 - Norihide Tokushige
Non-trivial 3-wise intersecting uniform families. 113368
Volume 346, Number 6, June 2023
- Marco Pavone
On the seven non-isomorphic solutions of the fifteen schoolgirl problem. 113316 - Xiao-Hui Yan, Ya-Li Li
A quantitative Erdős-Fuchs type result for multivariate linear forms. 113335 - Ivan N. Landjev
, Assia Rousseva, Konstantin V. Vorob'ev
Constructions of binary codes with two distances. 113337 - Himadri Shekhar Chakraborty
, Tsuyoshi Miezaki, Manabu Oura, Yuuho Tanaka:
Jacobi polynomials and design theory I. 113339 - Diane Castonguay, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo, Luis A. B. Kowada, Caroline Reis Patrão, Diana Sasaki:
On total coloring the direct product of cycles and bipartite direct product of graphs. 113340 - Eric Culver
, Stephen G. Hartke:
Relation between the correspondence chromatic number and the Alon-Tarsi number. 113347 - Irene Sciriha, Zoran Stanic
The polynomial reconstruction problem: The first 50 years. 113349 - Santanu Mondal
, Krishnendu Paul
, Shameek Paul
On a different weighted zero-sum constant. 113350 - Jia Zhou, Yuzhen Qi, Jin Yan:
Improved results on linkage problems. 113351 - Hui Ma, Xiaomin Hu, Weihua Yang:
On the minimum degree of minimally 1-tough, triangle-free graphs and minimally 3/2-tough, claw-free graphs. 113352 - Uttam K. Gupta, Suchismita Mishra, Dinabandhu Pradhan:
Cops and robber on subclasses of P5-free graphs. 113353 - Estibalitz Durand-Cartagena
, Javier Soria, Pedro Tradacete
Doubling constants and spectral theory on graphs. 113354 - Dhruv Mubayi, Sayan Mukherjee
Triangles in graphs without bipartite suspensions. 113355 - Angel Chavez, Parker Le, Derek Lin, Daphne Der-Fen Liu, Mason Shurman:
Antimagic labeling for unions of graphs with many three-paths. 113356 - Dijian Wang, Wenkuan Dong, Yaoping Hou
, Deqiong Li:
On signed graphs whose spectral radius does not exceed 2+5. 113358 - Arthur L. B. Yang:
Stanley's conjectures on the Stern poset. 113359 - Seung Jin Lee, Jaeseong Oh
, Brendon Rhoades:
Haglund's conjecture for multi-t Macdonald polynomials. 113360 - Hui Li:
An open problem of k-Galois hulls and its application. 113361 - Shixin Wang
, Tao Feng
Perfect state transfer on bi-Cayley graphs over abelian groups. 113362 - Grigory Ivanov
, Seyda Köse:
Erdős-Ko-Rado and Hilton-Milner theorems for two-forms. 113363 - Mathew C. Francis, Dalu Jacob:
The lexicographic method for the threshold cover problem. 113364 - Zhiyuan Zhang, Yanhua Zhao:
A spectral condition for the existence of cycles with consecutive odd lengths in non-bipartite graphs. 113365 - Li-Mei Dou, Larry X. W. Wang:
Higher order Laguerre inequalities for the partition function. 113366 - Tao Zhang, Gennian Ge:
New lower bounds for the Turán density of PGm(q). 113367 - Kanat Abdukhalikov, Tushar Bag
, Daniel Panario:
One-generator quasi-cyclic codes and their dual codes. 113369 - Cheng Chi, Long-Tu Yuan
The Turán number for the edge blow-up of trees: The missing case. 113370 - Jean-Luc Baril, José Luis Ramírez:
Knight's paths towards Catalan numbers. 113372 - Jianfeng Wang
, Xingyu Lei
, Mei Lu, Sezer Sorgun, Hakan Küçük
On graphs with exactly one anti-adjacency eigenvalue and beyond. 113373 - Yang Li, Zhicong Lin:
A symmetry on parking functions via Dyck paths. 113426
Volume 346, Number 7, July 2023
- Mihir Singhal
Unimodality of a refinement of Lassalle's sequence. 113317 - Ivan Yu. Mogilnykh
, Konstantin V. Vorob'ev
On completely regular codes with minimum eigenvalue in geometric graphs. 113357 - Kyle Grant, Wiktor J. Mogilski
A discrete four vertex theorem for hyperbolic polygons. 113371 - Siyi Wu, Philip B. Zhang
The log-concavity of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials of thagomizer matroids. 113381 - Xuan Wang, Minjia Shi:
Gray images of cyclic codes over Zp2 and ZpZp2. 113382 - Xiaoyan Zhang:
LCP of rank metric codes and its an application. 113383 - Rhys J. Evans, Sergey Goryainov
, Elena V. Konstantinova, Alexander D. Mednykh:
A general construction of strictly Neumaier graphs and a related switching. 113384 - Vedran Krcadinac, Renata Vlahovic Kruc:
Schematic 4-designs. 113385 - Bart De Bruyn, Mou Gao, Dibyayoti Jena
Pseudo-embeddings and hyperovals of the generalized quadrangle of order (3,5). 113386 - Hyunsoo Cho, JiSun Huh
, Hayan Nam, Jaebum Sohn:
Results on bar-core partitions, core shifted Young diagrams, and doubled distinct cores. 113387 - Shi-Qiang Chen
, Wang-Xing Yu:
On the restricted order of two. 113388 - Fan Yang, Chunyan Qin, Liangchen Li:
Nowhere-zero flows on tensor products of signed graphs. 113389 - Muhuo Liu, Shumei Pang, Francesco Belardo
, Akbar Ali
The k-apex trees with minimum augmented Zagreb index. 113390 - Junru Ma, Jinquan Luo
AMDS symbol-pair codes from repeated-root cyclic codes. 113391 - Allan Bickle
Extremal decompositions for Nordhaus-Gaddum theorems. 113392 - Claudio M. Qureshi
, Lucas Reis:
On the functional graph of the power map over finite groups. 113393 - Aureliano M. Robles-Pérez
, José Carlos Rosales:
A Frobenius problem suggested by prime k-tuplets. 113394 - Dániel Gerbner
Generalized Turán problems for double stars. 113395 - Dylan Lusi, Charles J. Colbourn
The spectrum of resolvable Bose triple systems. 113396 - Arijit Ghosh, Chandrima Kayal, Soumi Nandi:
Covering almost all the layers of the hypercube with multiplicities. 113397 - Shi-Chao Chen
The number of partitions with distinct even parts revisited. 113398 - Seunghyun Seo, Heesung Shin
On Delannoy paths without peaks and valleys. 113399 - Xia Liu, Sulin Song
, Mingquan Zhan, Hong-Jian Lai:
On hamiltonian properties of K1,r-free split graphs. 113402 - Margaret Bayer
, Marija Jelic Milutinovic
, Julianne Vega:
General polygonal line tilings and their matching complexes. 113428 - Jiangdong Ai, Stefanie Gerke, Gregory Z. Gutin, Anders Yeo
, Yacong Zhou
Results on the small quasi-kernel conjecture. 113435 - Xiaodong Chen, Guantao Chen:
Local Dirac's condition on the existence of 2-factor. 113436 - Minjia Shi, Denis S. Krotov:
An enumeration of 1-perfect ternary codes. 113437 - Wei Zhuang:
Disjunctive domination in graphs with minimum degree at least two. 113438 - Nicolle González, Pamela E. Harris
, Gordon Rojas Kirby, Mariana Smit Vega Garcia
, Bridget Eileen Tenner:
Pinnacle sets of signed permutations. 113439 - Wanting Sun
, Shuchao Li
The maximum spectral radius of {C3,C5}-free graphs of given size. 113440 - Joanna Chybowska-Sokól, Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski
, Krzysztof Wesek:
Coloring distance graphs on the plane. 113441 - Markus Kuba
, Alois Panholzer:
Tree evolution processes for bucket increasing trees. 113443 - Ruixia Wang
, Zhiyi Zhou:
Degree sum condition on distance 2 vertices for hamiltonian cycles in balanced bipartite graphs. 113446 - Chang Liu, Zimo Yan, Jianping Li:
The maximum Aα-spectral radius of t-connected graphs with bounded matching number. 113447 - Ana Paulina Figueroa, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros
, Mika Olsen:
Partition of regular balanced c-tournaments into strongly connected c-tournaments. 113459 - Amotz Bar-Noy, Toni Böhnlein, David Peleg, Dror Rawitz:
Forcibly bipartite and acyclic (uni-)graphic sequences. 113460 - Yingnan Zhang, Jiangmin Pan, Chao Wang, Junjie Huang
Symmetric bi-Cayley graphs on nonabelian simple groups with prime valency. 113461 - Sihem Mesnager, Liqin Qian, Xiwang Cao:
Two families of few-weight codes over a finite chain ring. 113464 - Fagang Li, Hao Chen, Shanxiang Lyu:
A characterization of optimal locally repairable codes. 113465 - Harish Kishnani, Rijubrata Kundu
, Sumit Chandra Mishra
Alternating groups as products of cycle classes. 113470 - Lord C. Kavi
, Mike Newman:
The optimal bound on the 3-independence number obtainable from a polynomial-type method. 113471 - Ashkan Nikseresht, Mohammad Reza Oboudi:
On Gorenstein circulant graphs. 113472 - Alessandro Iraci
, Brendon Rhoades, Marino Romero:
A proof of the fermionic theta coinvariant conjecture. 113474
Volume 346, Number 8, August 2023
- Guoyan Ao, Ruifang Liu, Jinjiang Yuan:
Spectral radius and spanning trees of graphs. 113400 - Ansong Ma, Yuefang Sun, Xiaoyan Zhang:
A minimum semi-degree sufficient condition for one-to-many disjoint path covers in semicomplete digraphs. 113401 - Junyang Zhang
, Yue-Yue Yang:
On the subgraphs of Cayley sum graphs. 113403 - Robert F. Bailey, Iren Darijani:
Block colourings of star systems. 113404 - Hoang La, Kenny Storgel
2-distance, injective, and exact square list-coloring of planar graphs with maximum degree 4. 113405 - Hong Lu, Jianpeng Chen, Haitao Cao
On a pair of orthogonal golf designs. 113406 - Xiangneng Zeng, Guixin Deng, Caimei Luo:
Characterize group distance magic labeling of Cartesian product of two cycles. 113407 - Shao-Hua Liu
The Haglund-Remmel-Wilson identity for set partitions. 113408 - Li Zhang, You Lu, Shenggui Zhang:
Signed planar graphs with Δ ≥ 8 are Δ-edge-colorable. 113409 - Zsolt Bartha
, Júlia Komjáthy, Järvi Raes:
Sharp bound on the truncated metric dimension of trees. 113410 - Yusuke Ide, Takashi Komatsu, Norio Konno, Iwao Sato:
Metzler/Zeta Correspondence. 113418 - Josée Desharnais
, François Laviolette, Héli Marcoux, Norbert Polat:
A cop-winning strategy on strongly cop-win graphs. 113419 - Yuefang Sun, Zemin Jin
Semicomplete compositions of digraphs. 113420 - Karen L. Collins
, Megan E. Heenehan
, Jessica McDonald:
Clique immersion in graph products. 113421 - Jiangtao Peng
, Mingrui Wang, Yuting Hu, Yuanlin Li:
Inverse problems associated with subsequence sums in Cp ⊕ Cp II. 113422 - Runrun Liu, Weifan Wang, Gexin Yu
1-planar graphs are odd 13-colorable. 113423 - Yan Liu, Lidong Wang, Jianguo Lei
Constructions of optimal two-dimensional optical orthogonal codes with AM-OPPW restriction for λ = 2. 113424 - Joe Gildea
, Adrian Korban
, Adam Michael Roberts
, Alexander Tylyshchak:
Extremal binary self-dual codes from a bordered four circulant construction. 113425 - Shuli Li
, Danyi Li, Weigen Yan:
On the dimer problem of the vertex-edge graph of a cubic graph. 113427 - Stijn Cambie
Maximum size of digraphs of given radius. 113429 - Yining Hu
On the union-closed sets conjecture. 113430 - Lars Jaffke
, Paloma T. Lima:
On the maximum number of edges in planar graphs of bounded degree and matching number. 113431 - Rekha Santhanam, Samir Shukla
Vertex cut of a graph and connectivity of its neighbourhood complex. 113432 - Jiayi Xie, Gengsheng Zhang:
On quasi-strongly regular graphs with parameters (n,k,a;k-2,c2) for a<k-5. 113433 - Manu Basavaraju, Suresh Manjanath Hegde, Shashanka Kulamarva
Acyclic chromatic index of chordless graphs. 113434 - Mahsa N. Shirazi
An extension of the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem to set-wise 2-intersecting families of perfect matchings. 113444 - Jaume Martí-Farré
, Anna de Mier:
Approximation and decomposition in lattices of clutters. 113445 - Jiaxin Wang
, Zexia Shi
, Yadi Wei, Fang-Wei Fu:
Constructions of linear codes with two or three weights from vectorial dual-bent functions. 113448 - Caroline Aparecida de Paula Silva
, Cândida Nunes da Silva, Orlando Lee:
A family of counterexamples for a conjecture of Berge on α-diperfect digraphs. 113458 - Cailin Wen, Jing Jiang
2¯-separable codes with length 5. 113466 - Parthajit Bhowal
, Peter J. Cameron
, Rajat Kanti Nath, Benjamin Sambale
Solvable conjugacy class graph of groups. 113467 - Xia Li
, Weihua Yang:
On regular 2-connected 2-path Hamiltonian graphs. 113468 - André E. Kézdy
, Jeno Lehel:
An asymptotic resolution of a conjecture of Szemerédi and Petruska. 113469 - Bin Han
Cyclic descents for Motzkin paths. 113475 - Douglas R. Stinson
Some new results on skew frame starters in cyclic groups. 113476 - Shuangqing Liu
, Lijun Ji:
Constant dimension codes from multilevel construction based on matchings of complete hypergraphs. 113477 - Yuchen Liu, Yaojun Chen
Rainbow subgraphs in Hamiltonian cycle decompositions of complete graphs. 113479 - Yueyu Wu
Degree conditions and relative length of longest paths and cycles in graphs. 113495 - Steven Chaplick
Intersection graphs of non-crossing paths. 113498 - Lanchao Wang, Junying Lu
, Yaojun Chen
Connectedness of friends-and-strangers graphs of complete bipartite graphs and others. 113499 - Zhidan Luo
, Yuejian Peng:
A large tree is tKm-good. 113502 - Yunjing Shan, Junling Zhou
Suboptimal s-union families and s-union antichains for vector spaces. 113505
Volume 346, Number 9, September 2023
- Tamás Keleti
, Stephen Lacina, Changshuo Liu, Mengzhen Liu, José Ramón Tuirán Rangel:
Tiling of rectangles with squares and related problems via Diophantine approximation. 113442 - Dianhua Wu, Hantao Zhang
Holey Schröder designs of type 3nu1. 113449 - Juri Barkey, Dennis Clemens
, Fabian Hamann, Mirjana Mikalacki
, Amedeo Sgueglia
Multistage positional games. 113478 - Noga Alon, Michael Krivelevich
, Wojciech Samotij:
Largest subgraph from a hereditary property in a random graph. 113480 - Tong Li
, Yucong Tang, Guiying Yan, Wenling Zhou:
Rainbow Turán numbers of matchings and forests of hyperstars in uniform hypergraphs. 113481 - Dan McQuillan
, James M. McQuillan:
Strong vertex-magic and super edge-magic total labelings of the disjoint union of a cycle with 3-cycles. 113482 - Amotz Bar-Noy, Keerti Choudhary
, David Peleg
, Dror Rawitz
Graph realizations: Maximum degree in vertex neighborhoods. 113483 - Shitao Li
, Minjia Shi, Huizhou Liu:
On Toeplitz codes of index t and isometry codes. 113484 - Nicola Durante, Giovanni Giuseppe Grimaldi
Absolute points of correlations of PG(5,qn). 113485 - Giulio Cerbai
Dynamical aspects of σ-machines. 113486 - Matthew Baker
, Bhumika Mittal
, Haran Mouli, Eric Tang:
On the existence of balanced generalized de Bruijn sequences. 113487 - William Q. Erickson, Daniel Herden, Jonathan Meddaugh, Mark Roger Sepanski
, Isaac Echols, Cordell Hammon, Jorge Marchena-Menendez, Jasmin Mohn, Blanca Radillo-Murguia, Indalecio Ruiz-Bolanos
Klein cordial trees and odd cyclic cordial friendship graphs. 113488 - Reza Dastbasteh
, Petr Lisonek
On the equivalence of linear cyclic and constacyclic codes. 113489 - Li Xu, Cuiling Fan
Near MDS codes of non-elliptic-curve type from Reed-Solomon codes. 113490 - Richard P. Anstee, Jeffrey Dawson, Linyuan Lu
, Attila Sali
Multivalued matrices and forbidden configurations. 113492 - Shuchao Li, Yuantian Yu, Huihui Zhang:
An Aα-spectral Erdős-Pósa theorem. 113494 - Yang Liu
, Ruihu Li, Luobin Guo, Hao Song:
Dimensions of nonbinary antiprimitive BCH codes and some conjectures. 113496 - Boyi He, Qunying Liao:
The error-correcting pair for TGRS codes. 113497 - Ming Xu, Xiaoyan Cheng, Yuansheng Tang:
On the girth cycles of the bipartite graph D(k,q). 113500 - Arnab Char, T. Karthick
Improved bounds on the chromatic number of (P5, flag)-free graphs. 113501 - Aniruddha Samanta
On bounds of Aα-eigenvalue multiplicity and the rank of a complex unit gain graph. 113503 - Amanda Burcroff
, Grace O'Brien
Unimodality and monotonic portions of certain domination polynomials. 113508 - Akihide Hanaki, Masayoshi Yoshikawa
Terwilliger algebras and some related algebras defined by finite connected simple graphs. 113509 - Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova
Tight description of faces of triangulations on the torus. 113510 - Shaheen Nazir
On the f-vectors of r-multichain subdivisions. 113511 - Yanhui Zhang, Li Liu, Xianhong Xie:
Three classes of BCH codes and their duals. 113512 - Jian Gao, Yaozong Zhang, Ying Liu, Fang-Wei Fu:
New MDS EAQECCs derived from constacyclic codes over Fq2+vFq2. 113513 - Henry A. Kierstead, Eric R. Ren
Improved upper bounds on longest-path and maximal-subdivision transversals. 113514 - Tereza Klimosová, Maya Stein:
Antipaths in oriented graphs. 113515 - Jesús M. Ceresuela
, N. López, Daniel Chemisana
On mixed radial Moore graphs of diameter 3. 113525 - Balázs Keszegh
Coloring directed hypergraphs. 113526 - Dimitri Leemans
, Micael Toledo
Maniplexes with automorphism group PSL(2,q). 113527 - Kristóf Bérczi
, Hung P. Hoang, Lilla Tóthmérész:
On approximating the rank of graph divisors. 113528 - Dayan Liu, Xiaogang Liu:
No Laplacian perfect state transfer in total graphs. 113529 - Junxue Zhang:
Extremal numbers of disjoint triangles in r-partite graphs. 113530
Volume 346, Number 10, October 2023
- Balázs Patkós, Zsolt Tuza, Máté Vizer:
Vector sum-intersection theorems. 113506 - Anton Dochtermann
, Jesús F. Espinoza, Martín Eduardo Frías-Armenta, Héctor A. Hernández
Minimal graphs for contractible and dismantlable properties. 113516 - Guangzhou Chen
, Wen Li, Kejun Chen, Ming Zhong:
The existence spectrum for regular sparse anti-magic squares. 113531 - Atticus Stonestrom
Product-free sets in approximate subgroups of distal groups. 113532 - Menglong Zhang, Tao Feng
The structure of maximal non-trivial d-wise intersecting uniform families with large sizes. 113533 - Yunsong Gan
, Weijun Liu:
Block-transitive automorphism groups of Steiner 3-designs. 113534 - Jia Huang
, Erkko Lehtonen:
The associative-commutative spectrum of a binary operation. 113535 - Jürgen Jost, Raffaella Mulas
, Leo Torres:
Spectral theory of the non-backtracking Laplacian for graphs. 113536 - Mateja Sajna
, Andrew Wagner
Using edge cuts to find Euler tours and Euler families in hypergraphs. 113537 - Ziling Heng
, Xinran Wang:
New infinite families of near MDS codes holding t-designs. 113538 - Robin Eagleton, Ralph Morrison
Graphs of scramble number two. 113539 - Hiranya Kishore Dey, Sivaramakrishnan Sivasubramanian:
Signed alternating descent enumeration in classical Weyl groups. 113540 - John M. Campbell:
On Mneimneh's binomial sum involving harmonic numbers. 113549 - Guantao Chen, Nizamettin Tokar:
Unions of perfect matchings in r-graphs. 113550 - Hedieh Hosseini, Mohammad Akbari Tootkaboni
Central Sets Theorem in arbitrary semigroup. 113551 - Abderrahim Boussaïri
, Sara Ezzahir
, Soufiane Lakhlifi
, Soukaïna Mahzoum:
Skew-adjacency matrices of tournaments with bounded principal minors. 113552 - Katsuya Sone
, Yusuke Suzuki
Optimal 1-planar multigraphs. 113553 - Jianji Cao, Young Soo Kwon, Mimi Zhang:
A classification of tetravalent connected vertex-transitive bi-dicirculants. 113554 - Colin Defant, Noah Kravitz, Bridget Eileen Tenner:
Extensions of hitomezashi patterns. 113555 - Fujie Zhang, Haitao Cao
On a conjecture about (m1, m2)-near-Skolem sequences. 113556 - Jianfu Chen
, Jiaxin Shen, Shenglin Zhou:
Reduction for flag-transitive symmetric designs with k > λ(λ - 2). 113557 - Maurice Chandoo
Logical labeling schemes. 113565 - Sanja Stevanovic, Dragan Stevanovic
A walk-regular graph, cospectral to its complement, need not be strongly regular. 113566 - Ricardo A. Podestá
, Denis E. Videla:
Waring numbers over finite commutative local rings. 113567 - Claude Carlet, Patrick Solé
The weight spectrum of two families of Reed-Muller codes. 113568 - Wanbao Zhang
, Shenglin Zhou
Flag-transitive 2-designs with (r - λ, k)=1 and alternating socle. 113569 - Firdavs Rakhmonov
Distribution of similar configurations in subsets of Fqd. 113571 - S. Demyanov, Maksim Zhukovskii
Tight concentration of star saturation number in random graphs. 113572 - Bogdan Alecu
, Vladimir E. Alekseev, Aistis Atminas, Vadim V. Lozin
, Victor Zamaraev
Graph parameters, implicit representations and factorial properties. 113573 - Qiongqiong Pan, Jiang Zeng
Enumeration of permutations by the parity of descent positions. 113575 - Ramin Naimi, Eric Sundberg:
Pairing strategies for the Maker-Breaker game on the hypercube with subcubes as winning sets. 113576 - Iva Antoncic, Primoz Sparl:
On tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of girth 5. 113577 - Elizabeth Grimm, Anna Johnsen
, Songling Shan
Existence of 2-factors in tough graphs without forbidden subgraphs. 113578 - Christopher Duffy
, Fabien Jacques, Mickaël Montassier, Alexandre Pinlou
The chromatic number of 2-edge-colored and signed graphs of bounded maximum degree. 113579 - G. Arunkumar, Peter J. Cameron
, T. Kavaskar, T. Tamizh Chelvam:
Induced subgraphs of zero-divisor graphs. 113580 - Michel Lavrauw, Stefano Lia
, Francesco Pavese:
On the geometry of the Hermitian Veronese curve and its quasi-Hermitian surfaces. 113582 - Jian Gao, Yaozong Zhang, Xiangrui Meng, Fang-Wei Fu:
Minimal linear codes from defining sets over Fp+uFp. 113584
Volume 346, Number 11, November 2023
- Daniel W. Cranston
Kempe equivalent list edge-colorings of planar graphs. 113180 - Penny Haxell, Colter MacDonald:
Large cliques in graphs with high chromatic number. 113181 - Jeffrey A. Mudrock
A short proof that the list packing number of any graph is well defined. 113185 - Alexandr V. Kostochka, Thomas Schweser, Michael Stiebitz:
Generalized DP-colorings of graphs. 113186 - Thomas Honold, Uwe Schauz
Transformation invariance in the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and nowhere-zero points of non-singular matrices. 113187 - Pierre Aboulker
, Guillaume Aubian
Four proofs of the directed Brooks' Theorem. 113193 - Irena Penev
Coloring (4K1,C4,C6)-free graphs. 113225 - Landon Rabern:
Yet another proof of Brooks' theorem. 113261 - Ilkyoo Choi
, Henry A. Kierstead, Landon Rabern:
The list version of the Borodin-Kostochka conjecture for graphs with large maximum degree. 113300 - William Gasarch
Fermat's Last Theorem, Schur's Theorem (in Ramsey Theory), and the infinitude of the primes. 113336 - Sean English
, Alexandr V. Kostochka
, Dara Zirlin:
Saturation for the 3-uniform loose 3-cycle. 113504 - Brian Rabern, Daniel W. Cranston
, Henry A. Kierstead:
Special issue in honour of Landon Rabern. 113507
Volume 346, Number 12, December 2023
- Peter Frankl, Erica L. L. Liu, Jian Wang, Zhe Yang:
Some inequalities concerning cross-intersecting families of integer sequences. 113574 - Blas Fernández, Roghayeh Maleki
, Stefko Miklavic, Andriaherimanana Sarobidy Razafimahatratra
On closed distance magic circulants of valency up to 5. 113581 - Fábio Botler
, Phablo F. S. Moura
, Tássio Naia
Seymour's Second Neighborhood Conjecture for orientations of (pseudo)random graphs. 113583 - Jonathan Lee, Eduardo Martínez-Pedroza
, Juan Felipe Rodríguez-Quinche:
Coarse geometry of the cops and robber game. 113585 - Raphael W. Jacobs, Attila Joó, Paul Knappe
, Jan Kurkofka
, Ruben Melcher:
The Lovász-Cherkassky theorem for locally finite graphs with ends. 113586 - Manoel Lemos:
On matroids with the same connectivity function. 113587 - Biplab Basak
, Raju Kumar Gupta, Sourav Sarkar:
A characterization of normal 3-pseudomanifolds with at most two singularities. 113588 - Zsuzsanna Dancso
, Jongmin Lim:
Lattice of integer flows and the poset of strongly connected orientations for regular matroids. 113589 - Dein Wong, Sai Wang, Jiahui Yin:
The number of distinct cycle lengths in the cycle structure of an automorphism on an abelian group. 113590 - Wanting Sun
, Shuchao Li, Wei Wei:
Extensions on spectral extrema of C5/C6-free graphs with given size. 113591 - Zhibin Du
, Carlos M. da Fonseca
The number of P-vertices for acyclic matrices with given nullity. 113592 - Hai Q. Dinh, Bac Trong Nguyen, Hiep L. Thi, Woraphon Yamaka:
On Hamming distance distributions of repeated-root constacyclic codes of length 3ps over Fpm+uFpm. 113593 - Michela Ceria, Francesco Pavese
On the geometry of a (q + 1)-arc of PG(3,q), q even. 113594 - Steven Hoehner
, Jeff Ledford:
Extremal arrangements of points in the sphere for weighted cone-volume functionals. 113595 - Nicola Apollonio
, Lorenzo Balzotti
Two new characterizations of path graphs. 113596 - Byeong Moon Kim, Byung Chul Song, Woonjae Hwang:
Two-color Rado number of x + y + c = kz for large c. 113597 - Hiroki Kajiura, Koji Momihara:
Difference sets in pseudocyclic association schemes. 113598 - Johannes Pardey, Dieter Rautenbach:
Vertex degrees close to the average degree. 113599 - Sai Teja Somu
, Vidyanshu Mishra:
On a generalization of Tupper's formula for m colors and n dimensions. 113600 - Norihiro Nakashima
, Shuhei Tsujie:
Freeness for restriction arrangements of the extended Shi and Catalan arrangements. 113601 - Sam Adriaensen
, Jonathan Mannaert
, Paolo Santonastaso, Ferdinando Zullo:
Cones from maximum h-scattered linear sets and a stability result for cylinders from hyperovals. 113602 - Lins Denaux
, Jozefien D'haeseleer, Geertrui Van de Voorde:
A higgledy-piggledy set of planes based on the ABB-representation of linear sets. 113603 - Reza Naserasr, Zhouningxin Wang
Signed bipartite circular cliques and a bipartite analogue of Grötzsch's theorem. 113604 - Giuseppe Marino, Alessandro Neri
, Rocco Trombetti:
Evasive subspaces, generalized rank weights and near MRD codes. 113605 - Fahim Rahim, Nicholas J. Cavenagh:
Mutually orthogonal frequency rectangles. 113606 - Xi Xie, Nian Li
, Linjie Xu, Xiangyong Zeng, Xiaohu Tang:
Two new classes of permutation trinomials over Fq3 with odd characteristic. 113607 - César Bautista-Ramos
, Carlos Guillén Galván, Paulino Gómez-Salgado:
Corrigendum to "Log-concavity of some independence polynomials via a partial ordering" [Discrete Math. 342 (1) (2019) 18-28]. 113608 - Gholamreza Abrishami, Ahmad Erfanian:
A note on Reed's conjecture for triangle-free graphs. 113609 - Yan Cao, Guangming Jing, Rong Luo, Vahan Mkrtchyan, Cun-Quan Zhang, Yue Zhao:
Decomposition of class II graphs into two class I graphs. 113610 - Jiayuan Wang
A note on fully commutative elements in complex reflection groups. 113611 - Zihan Zhou
, Shuchao Li
, Yuantian Yu:
Mixed graphs whose Hermitian adjacency matrices of the second kind have the smallest eigenvalue greater than -32. 113612 - Thang Pham, Steven Senger, The Dung Tran:
Distribution of pinned distance trees in the plane Fp2. 113613 - Artem Hak
, Vladyslav Haponenko
, Sergiy Kozerenko
, Andrii Serdiuk:
Unique eccentric point graphs and their eccentric digraphs. 113614 - Patrick Fitzpatrick
, Henry O'Keeffe
Williamson type Hadamard matrices with circulant components. 113615 - Saúl A. Blanco
, Charles Buehrle
Lengths of cycles in generalized pancake graphs. 113624 - Na Li, Young Soo Kwon, Jin-Xin Zhou
On cubic vertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs of 2-power orders. 113625 - Dexiang Li, Ziling Heng
, Chengju Li:
Three families of self-orthogonal codes and their application in optimal quantum codes. 113626 - Paolo Cavicchioli
An algorithmic method to compute plat slide moves in 3-manifolds of Heegaard genus two. 113627 - Yarong Hu, Zhenzhen Lou
, Qiongxiang Huang:
Ordering Q-indices of graphs: Given size and circumference. 113628 - Danila D. Cherkashin
, Fedor Petrov, Pavel Prozorov:
On stability of spanning tree degree enumerators. 113629 - Daniela Oliveira
, Fabio Enrique Brochero Martínez
Artin-Schreier curves given by Fq-linearized polynomials. 113630 - Taijiang Jiang, Qiang Sun, Shunzhe Zhang, Chao Zhang
The perfect matching and tight Hamilton cycle decomposition of complete n-balanced mk-partite k-uniform hypergraphs. 113631 - Sergei L. Bezrukov, Nikola Kuzmanovski
, Jounglag Lim
Pull-push method: A new approach to edge-isoperimetric problems. 113632 - Shuya Chiba, Masao Tsugaki, Tomoki Yamashita:
A degree condition for cycles passing through specified vertices and edges. 113633 - Julián Cuevas-Rozo
, Laureano Lambán, Ana Romero
, Humberto Sarria
A new method to h-regularize finite topological spaces. 113636 - Hamid Reza Maimani, Leila Parsaei Majd, Mohammad Reza Pournaki
, Milad Poursoltani
On the structure of matroids arising from the gain graphs. 113637 - Monu Kadyan, Bikash Bhattacharjya
H-integral and Gaussian integral normal mixed Cayley graphs. 113638 - Shashwat Agrawal, Amit Kuber
, Esha Gupta:
Euclidean algorithm for a class of linear orders. 113639 - Sen Wang, Yi Ouyang
, Xianhong Xie:
A class of quadratic forms and the associated few-weight codes. 113640 - Joseph A. Thas
Generalized quadrangles of order (s,s2). IV Translations, Moufang and Fong-Seitz. 113641 - Michele Battagliola, Nadir Murru
, Giordano Santilli:
Combinatorial properties of multidimensional continued fractions. 113649 - Pramod Kumar Kewat
, Nilay Kumar Mondal
Two classes of few-Lee weight Z2[u]-linear codes using simplicial complexes and minimal codes via Gray map. 113650 - Abdelmalek Abdesselam
A local injective proof of log-concavity for increasing spanning forests. 113651 - Andrew Y. Z. Wang
, Lei Zhang, Bin Zhou:
More on Schmidt's partition theorem. 113652 - Tingting Han, Shenggui Zhang
, Yandong Bai:
Properly colored cycles of different lengths in edge-colored complete graphs. 113653 - Longfei Fang, Mingqing Zhai:
Outerplanar Turán numbers of cycles and paths. 113655 - Csaba Biró
, Israel R. Curbelo:
Improved lower bound on the on-line chain partitioning of semi-orders with representation. 113656 - Xiusheng Liu, Peng Hu:
Corrigendum to "l-LIPs of codes over finite chain rings" [Discrete Math. 345 (12) (2022) 113087]. 113677 - Haiyang Liu, Qinghai Liu
, Yanmei Hong:
Connectivity keeping trees in 3-connected or 3-edge-connected graphs. 113679 - Yongtao Li, Lu Lu, Yuejian Peng:
Spectral extremal graphs for the bowtie. 113680

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