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Image and Vision Computing, Volume 19
Volume 19, Numbers 1-2, January 2001
- Franjo Pernus, H. Siegfried Stiehl, Max A. Viergever:
Biomedical Image Registration. 1-2 - Arthur W. Toga, Paul M. Thompson
The role of image registration in brain mapping. 3-24 - Sébastien Ourselin
, Alexis Roche
, Gérard Subsol, Xavier Pennec
, Nicholas Ayache:
Reconstructing a 3D structure from serial histological sections. 25-31 - Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus:
A hierarchical approach to elastic registration based on mutual information. 33-44 - Josien P. W. Pluim, J. B. Antoine Maintz, Max A. Viergever:
Mutual information matching in multiresolution contexts. 45-52 - J. B. Antoine Maintz, Petra A. van den Elsen, Max A. Viergever:
3D multimodality medical image registration using morphological tools. 53-62 - Christos Davatzikos
, Max A. Viergever:
Measuring biological shape using geometry-based shape transformations. 63-74 - Li-Yueh Hsu
, Murray H. Loew:
Fully automatic 3D feature-based registration of multi-modality medical images. 75-85 - Mike Fornefett, Karl Rohr, H. Siegfried Stiehl:
Radial basis functions with compact support for elastic registration of medical images. 87-96
Volume 19, Number 3, February 2001
- Masahiro Takatsuka, Ray A. Jarvis:
Encoding 3D structural information using multiple self-organizing feature maps. 99-118 - Shih-Hung Hsu, Chung-Lin Huang:
Road sign detection and recognition using matching pursuit method. 119-129 - Martin Fleury, Adrian F. Clark, Andy C. Downton:
Evaluating optical-flow algorithms on a parallel machine. 131-143 - Eric Petit, Jacques Lemoine, Salim Djeziri:
An adaptative method to smooth discrete curves proposed as a final step for edge detection. 145-152 - Jianmin Jiang, Christos Grecos:
A low cost design of rate controlled JPEG-LS near lossless image compression. 153-164 - Y. Dong, Gilbert R. Hillman:
Three-dimensional reconstruction of irregular shapes based on a fitted mesh of contours. 165-176
Volume 19, Number 4, March 2001
- Igor N. Aizenberg, Naum N. Aizenberg, Jens Hiltner, Claudio Moraga, Erdmuthe Meyer zu Bexten:
Cellular neural networks and computational intelligence in medical image processing. 177-183 - Syoji Kobashi
, Naotake Kamiura, Yutaka Hata, Fujio Miyawaki:
Volume-quantization-based neural network approach to 3D MR angiography image segmentation. 185-193 - Jens Hiltner, Madjid Fathi, Bernd Reusch:
An approach to use linguistic and model-based fuzzy expert knowledge for the analysis of MRT images. 195-206 - Shoji Hirano, Yutaka Hata:
Fuzzy expert system for foot CT image segmentation. 207-216 - Hamid R. Tizhoosh
, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis:
Knowledge-based enhancement of megavoltage images in radiation therapy using a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system. 217-233
Volume 19, Number 5, 1 April 2001
- Baback Moghaddam, Chahab Nastar, Alex Pentland:
A Bayesian similarity measure for deformable image matching. 235-244 - Munchurl Kim, Jun Geun Jeon, Jinsuk Kwak, Myoung Ho Lee, Chieteuk Ahn:
Moving object segmentation in video sequences by user interaction and automatic object tracking. 245-260 - George V. Lashkia:
Defect detection in X-ray images using fuzzy reasoning. 261-269 - Farzin Mokhtarian, Nasser Khalili, Peter Yuen:
Multi-scale free-form 3D object recognition using 3D models. 271-281 - Dinggang Shen, Horace Ho-Shing Ip
, Eam Khwang Teoh:
An energy of asymmetry for accurate detection of global reflection axes. 283-297 - Du-Ming Tsai, Song-Kuaw Wu, Mu-Chen Chen:
Optimal Gabor filter design for texture segmentation using stochastic optimization. 299-316
Volume 19, Number 6, 15 April 2001
- Alexandre R. J. François, Gérard G. Medioni:
Interactive 3D model extraction from a single image. 317-328 - Chi-Fang Lin, Yu-Fan Fang, Yau-Tarng Juang:
Chinese text distinction and font identification by recognizing most frequently used characters. 329-338 - Oscar Nestares, Rafael Fonolla Navarro:
Probabilistic estimation of optical flow in multiple band-pass directional channels. 339-351 - Abhir Bhalerao, Roland Wilson:
Unsupervised image segmentation combining region and boundary estimation. 353-368 - Dong Joong Kang, K.-S. Roh:
A discontinuity adaptive Markov model for color image smoothing. 369-379 - Ben J. A. Kröse, Nikos Vlassis, Roland Bunschoten, Yoichi Motomura:
A probabilistic model for appearance-based robot localization. 381-391 - Haris Baltzakis, Panos E. Trahanias:
The VPLF method for vanishing point computation. 393-400 - C. Bonciu, Rodolphe Weber, Christophe Léger:
4D reconstruction of the left ventricle during a single heart beat from ultrasound imaging. 401-412
Volume 19, Number 7, May 2001
- Zen Chen, I-Pin Chen:
A simple recursive method for converting a chain code into a quadtree with a lookup table. 413-426 - Moshe Ben-Ezra, Michael Werman, Yaneer Bar-Yam:
A self stabilizing robust region finder applied to color and optical flow pictures. 427-433 - Michael E. Zervakis, Vijay Sundararajan, Keshab K. Parhi
Vector processing of wavelet coefficients for robust image denoising. 435-450 - Giovanni Ramponi, Sergio Carrato:
An adaptive irregular sampling algorithm and its application to image coding. 451-460 - Xose Manuel Pardo
, María J. Carreira
, Antonio Mosquera González
, Diego Cabello
A snake for CT image segmentation integrating region and edge information. 461-475 - B. Banjanin, Bojan Gergic
, Peter Planinsic, Zarko Cucej:
Entropy-threshold method for best basis selection. 477-484 - Emma E. Regentova, Shahram Latifi, Shulan Deng:
Images similarity estimation by processing compressed data. 485-500
Volume 19, Number 8, July 2001
- Laurent Joyeux, Samia Boukir
, Bernard Besserer, Olivier Buisson:
Reconstruction of degraded image sequences. Application to film restoration. 503-516 - D. Wang, Darren J. Kerbyson, G. J. King, Graham R. Nudd:
Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for genetic analysis. 517-522 - Christine M. Onyango, John A. Marchant:
Physics-based colour image segmentation for scenes containing vegetation and soil. 523-538 - Jorge S. Marques
, João Miranda Lemos
Optimal and suboptimal shape tracking based on multiple switched dynamic models. 539-550 - Shiu Yin Yuen
, Chun Ki Fong, Hoi Shan Lam:
Guaranteeing the probability of success using repeated runs of genetic algorithm. 551-560 - Michael S. Lew, Dee Denteneer:
Fisher keys for content based retrieval. 561-566 - Peng-Yeng Yin:
Skew detection and block classification of printed documents. 567-579
Volume 19, Numbers 9-10, August 2001
- Vittorio Murino
, Gianni Vernazza:
Artificial Neural Networks for Image Analysis and Computer Vision. 583-584 - Chunrong Yuan, Heinrich Niemann:
Neural networks for the recognition and pose estimation of 3D objects from a single 2D perspective view. 585-592 - Christian Wöhler, Joachim K. Anlauf:
Real-time object recognition on image sequences with the adaptable time delay neural network algorithm - applications for autonomous vehicles. 593-618 - Horst Bischof, Ales Leonardis:
View-based object representations using RBF networks. 619-629 - Guodong Guo
, Stan Z. Li, Kap Luk Chan:
Support vector machines for face recognition. 631-638 - Steve De Backer, Paul Scheunders
Texture segmentation by frequency-sensitive elliptical competitive learning. 639-648 - Saverio Costa, Simone G. O. Fiori
Image compression using principal component neural networks. 649-668 - Chuan-Yu Chang, Pau-Choo Chung:
Medical image segmentation using a contextual-constraint-based Hopfield neural cube. 669-678 - Alejandro F. Frangi
, Michael Egmont-Petersen, Wiro J. Niessen
, Johan H. C. Reiber, Max A. Viergever:
Bone tumor segmentation from MR perfusion images with neural networks using multi-scale pharmacokinetic features. 679-690 - Raimondo Schettini
Approximating the CIECAM97s color appearance model by means of neural networks. 691-697 - Giorgio Giacinto
, Fabio Roli
Design of effective neural network ensembles for image classification purposes. 699-707
Volume 19, Number 11, September 2001
- Gregory Dudek, Michael Jenkin
, Evangelos E. Milios
Mobile Agent Perception. 711 - Henrik Mouritsen:
Navigation in birds and other animals. 713-731 - Robert Sim, Gregory Dudek:
Learning environmental features for pose estimation. 733-739 - James L. Crowley, F. Pourraz:
Continuity properties of the appearance manifold for mobile robot position estimation. 741-752 - F. Hamze, James J. Clark
View-based route-learning with self-organizing neural networks. 753-761 - Daniel Scharstein, Amy J. Briggs:
Real-time recognition of self-similar landmarks. 763-772 - R. Andrew Hicks, Ruzena Bajcsy:
Reflective surfaces as computational sensors. 773-777 - Tal Arbel, Frank P. Ferrie:
Entropy-based gaze planning. 779-786 - B. Leroy, Gérard G. Medioni, E. Johnson, Larry H. Matthies:
Crater detection for autonomous landing on asteroids. 787-792 - Rainer Herpers
, Konstantinos G. Derpanis, W. James MacLean, Gilbert Verghese, Michael R. M. Jenkin
, Evangelos E. Milios
, Allan D. Jepson, John K. Tsotsos
SAVI: an actively controlled teleconferencing system. 793-804
Volume 19, Number 12, October 2001
- Jamie Sherrah, Shaogang Gong, Eng-Jon Ong:
Face distributions in similarity space under varying head pose. 807-819 - Lijin Ding, A. Ardeshir Goshtasby, Martin Satter:
Volume image registration by template matching. 821-832 - Douglas Ayers, Mubarak Shah
Monitoring human behavior from video taken in an office environment. 833-846 - Ping Zhang, Lihui Chen
Document filters using morphological and geometrical features of characters. 847-855 - Adel A. Sewisy
, Franz Leberl:
Detection ellipses by finding lines of symmetry in the images via an hough transform applied to straight lines. 857-866 - Antonio Adán
, Carlos Cerrada
, Vicente B. Feliu
Automatic pose determination of 3D shapes based on modeling wave sets: a new data structure for object modeling. 867-890 - Jian-Gang Wang, Eric Sung:
Gaze determination via images of irises. 891-911
Volume 19, Number 13, November 2001
- Fatih Kurugollu
, Bülent Sankur, A. Emre Harmanci:
Color image segmentation using histogram multithresholding and fusion. 915-928 - A. Mishra, Pranab Kumar Dutta, M. K. Ghosh:
Non-rigid cardiac motion quantification from 2D image sequences based on wavelet synthesis. 929-939 - Éric Marchand
, Patrick Bouthemy, François Chaumette
A 2D-3D model-based approach to real-time visual tracking. 941-955 - Deepu Rajan, Subhasis Chaudhuri:
Generalized interpolation and its application in super-resolution imaging. 957-969 - Paul Scheunders
Local mapping for multispectral image visualization. 971-978 - Luigi Cinque, Gianluigi Ciocca
, Stefano Levialdi, A. Pellicanò, Raimondo Schettini
Color-based image retrieval using spatial-chromatic histograms. 979-986 - Jia-Guu Leu:
On indexing the periodicity of image textures. 987-1000 - Reinhold Huber:
Scene classification of SAR images acquired from antiparallel tracks using evidential and rule-based fusion. 1001-1010 - Jau-Ling Shih, Ling-Hwei Chen:
A new system for trademark segmentation and retrieval. 1011-1018
Volume 19, Number 14, December 2001
- Johan Montagnat, Hervé Delingette
, Nicholas Ayache:
A review of deformable surfaces: topology, geometry and deformation. 1023-1040 - Joan Martí, Jordi Freixenet
, Joan Batlle, Alicia Casals
A new approach to outdoor scene description based on learning and top-down segmentation. 1041-1055 - Julián Ramos Cózar, Nicolás Guil
, Emilio L. Zapata:
Detection of arbitrary planar shapes with 3D pose. 1057-1070 - Lee Middleton, Jayanthi Sivaswamy:
Edge detection in a hexagonal-image processing framework. 1071-1081 - Jian-Chyn Liu, Shu-Yuan Chen:
Fast two-layer image watermarking without referring to the original image and watermark. 1083-1097 - Yong-Sheng Chen
, Sheng-Wen Shih, Yi-Ping Hung, Chiou-Shann Fuh
Simple and efficient method of calibrating a motorized zoom lens. 1099-1110

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