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Systems & Control Letters, Volume 55
Volume 55, Number 1, January 2006
- Said Hadd, Abdelali Idrissi:
On the admissibility of observation for perturbed C0-semigroups on Banach spaces. 1-7 - Michael Margaliot
, Daniel Liberzon:
Lie-algebraic stability conditions for nonlinear switched systems and differential inclusions. 8-16 - W. D. Bastos
, A. Spezamiglio:
A note on the controllability for the wave equation in nonsmooth plane domains. 17-20 - Aurelian Cernea, Hélène Frankowska:
A note on the value function for constrained control problems. 21-26 - Mihailo R. Jovanovic
, Bassam Bamieh
A formula for frequency responses of distributed systems with one spatial variable. 27-37 - Eugenio Cinquemani:
A superposition principle for the Kalman filter. 38-44 - Bernard Brogliato, Aris Daniilidis
, Claude Lemaréchal, Vincent Acary
On the equivalence between complementarity systems, projected systems and differential inclusions. 45-51 - Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira, Pedro Luis Dias Peres
LMI conditions for robust stability analysis based on polynomially parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions. 52-61 - Wassim M. Haddad, Tomohisa Hayakawa
, James M. Bailey:
Adaptive control for nonlinear compartmental dynamical systems with applications to clinical pharmacology. 62-70 - Salvatore Monaco
, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot:
Normal forms and approximated feedback linearization in discrete time. 71-80 - José Claudio Geromel
, Patrizio Colaneri
Robust stability of time varying polytopic systems. 81-85
Volume 55, Number 2, February 2006
- Krzysztof Tchon:
Repeatable, extended Jacobian inverse kinematics algorithm for mobile manipulators. 87-93 - Ping Zhang
, Hao Ye, Steven X. Ding, Guizeng Wang, Donghua Zhou:
On the relationship between parity space and H2 approaches to fault detection. 94-100 - Huijun Gao, James Lam, Changhong Wang:
Robust energy-to-peak filter design for stochastic time-delay systems. 101-111 - Mihály Petreczky:
Reachability of linear switched systems: Differential geometric approach. 112-118 - A. Cellina, A. Ferriero, E. M. Marchini:
On the existence of solutions to a class of minimum time control problems and applications to Fermat's Principle and to the Brachystocrone. 119-123 - Mario E. Salgado, Eduardo I. Silva:
Robustness issues in H2 optimal control of unstable plants. 124-131 - Weiyao Lan, Ben M. Chen
, Yingjie He:
On improvement of transient performance in tracking control for a class of nonlinear systems with input saturation. 132-138 - Vivek S. Borkar:
Stochastic approximation with 'controlled Markov' noise. 139-145 - Ignacy Duleba
, Wissem Khefifi:
Pre-control form of the generalized Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff-Dynkin formula for affine nonholonomic systems. 146-157 - Izumi Masubuchi
Dissipativity inequalities for continuous-time descriptor systems with applications to synthesis of control gains. 158-164 - Shun-Pin Hsu, Dong-Ming Chuang, Aristotle Arapostathis
On the existence of stationary optimal policies for partially observed MDPs under the long-run average cost criterion. 165-173
- Vivek S. Borkar:
Erratum to "Avoidance of traps in stochastic approximation" [Systems Control Letters 50 (2003) 1-9]. 174-175
Volume 55, Number 3, March 2006
- Eduardo D. Sontag
Passivity gains and the "secant condition" for stability. 177-183 - João Manoel Gomes da Silva
, Sophie Tarbouriech:
Anti-windup design with guaranteed regions of stability for discrete-time linear systems. 184-192 - Bin Zhou, Guang-Ren Duan
A new solution to the generalized Sylvester matrix equation AV-EVF=BW. 193-198 - Carolyn L. Beck:
Coprime factors reduction methods for linear parameter varying and uncertain systems. 199-213 - Joseph A. Ball
, Amol Sasane:
Equivalence of a behavioral distance and the gap metric. 214-222 - Lionel Rosier, Gilles Millerioux, Gérard Bloch:
Chaos synchronization for a class of discrete dynamical systems on the N-dimensional torus. 223-231 - Eli Gershon, Uri Shaked:
Static H2 and H∞ output-feedback of discrete-time LTI systems with state multiplicative noise. 232-239 - Brian J. Driessen:
Overlapping-multi-layer deadzone for alleviating over conservativeness in robot adaptive tracking. 240-246 - Nadav Berman, Uri Shaked:
H∞-like control for nonlinear stochastic systems. 247-257
Volume 55, Number 4, April 2006
- Miroslav Kárný
, Tatiana V. Guy
Fully probabilistic control design. 259-265 - David Muñoz de la Peña
, Daniel R. Ramírez
, Eduardo F. Camacho
, Teodoro Alamo
Explicit solution of min-max MPC with additive uncertainties and quadratic criterion. 266-274 - Wen-Lin Chiou, Woei-Ren Chiueh, Stephen S.-T. Yau:
Structure theorem for five-dimensional estimation algebras. 275-281 - Yazdan Bavafa-Toosi, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Batool Labibi:
A generic approach to the design of decentralized linear output- feedback controllers. 282-292 - Jung-Su Kim, Tae-Woong Yoon, Ali Jadbabaie, Claudio De Persis:
Input-to-state stable finite horizon MPC for neutrally stable linear discrete-time systems with input constraints. 293-303 - Zhiwei Gao
, Hong Wang
Descriptor observer approaches for multivariable systems with measurement noises and application in fault detection and diagnosis. 304-313 - Guangying Zhang, Alexander Lanzon
Relationship between poles and zeros of input-output and chain-scattering systems. 314-320 - Birgit Jacob
, Jonathan R. Partington
On controllability of diagonal systems with one-dimensional input space. 321-328 - Liu Yang, Pablo A. Iglesias
Positive feedback may cause the biphasic response observed in the chemoattractant-induced response of Dictyostelium cells. 329-337 - Ying Yang, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang:
Design of nonlinear interconnections guaranteeing the absence of periodic solutions. 338-346 - Abhijit Gosavi
Boundedness of iterates in Q-Learning. 347-349 - Bernard Brogliato, Mongi Mabrouk, Arturo Zavala-Río:
On the controllability of linear juggling mechanical systems. 350-367
Volume 55, Number 5, May 2006
- Stefano Battilotti
A separation result for systems with feedback constraints. 369-375 - José Luis Mancilla-Aguilar
, Rafael Antonio García:
An extension of LaSalle's invariance principle for switched systems. 376-384 - Ali Karami-Mollaee, Mohammad Reza Karami Mollaei
A new approach for instantaneous pole placement with recurrent neural networks and its application in control of nonlinear time-varying systems. 385-395 - Achim Ilchmann, Eugene P. Ryan, Philip Townsend:
Tracking control with prescribed transient behaviour for systems of known relative degree. 396-406 - Seong-Jin Park, Kwang-Hyun Cho:
Supervisory control of timed discrete event systems under partial observation based on activity models and eligible time bounds. 407-413 - G. R. Adilov, G. Tinaztepe:
On the asymptotic aggregation of high dimensional systems. 414-417 - Christopher Nielsen, Manfredi Maggiore:
Output stabilization and maneuver regulation: A geometric approach. 418-427
Volume 55, Number 6, June 2006
- Emrah Biyik
, Murat Arcak:
A hybrid redesign of Newton observers in the absence of an exact discrete-time model. 429-436 - Fernando Verduzco, Joaquín Álvarez-Gallegos:
Hopf bifurcation control: A new approach. 437-451 - Chanying Li, Liang-Liang Xie:
On robust stability of discrete-time adaptive nonlinear control. 452-458 - Xuerong Mao
, Markus Riedle
Mean square stability of stochastic Volterra integro-differential equations. 459-465 - Er-Wei Bai, Yun Liu:
Least squares solutions of bilinear equations. 466-472 - Didier Henrion
, Jean B. Lasserre
LMIs for constrained polynomial interpolation with application in trajectory planning. 473-477 - Viswanath Talasila, Jesús Clemente-Gallardo, A. J. van der Schaft:
Discrete port-Hamiltonian systems. 478-486 - Kang-Zhi Liu
, Rong He:
A simple derivation of ARE solutions to the standard Hinfinity control problem based on LMI solution. 487-493 - Simone Garatti
, Marco C. Campi, Sergio Bittanti:
The asymptotic model quality assessment for instrumental variable identification revisited. 494-500 - Haidong Yuan
, Navin Khaneja:
Reachable set of bilinear control systems with time varying drift. 501-507
Volume 55, Number 7, July 2006
- Ruth F. Curtain:
Robustly stabilizing controllers with respect to left-coprime factor perturbations for infinite-dimensional linear systems. 509-517 - Zhen Zhang
, Andrea Serrani
The linear periodic output regulation problem. 518-529 - Hendra I. Nurdin
New results on the rational covariance extension problem with degree constraint. 530-537 - Paula Rocha
, Jan C. Willems:
Markov properties for systems described by PDEs and first-order representations. 538-542 - Ovidiu Cârja:
On the minimum time function and the minimum energy problem; a nonlinear case. 543-548 - Philippe Müllhaupt
Quotient submanifolds for static feedback linearization. 549-557 - Yanni Xiao, Daizhan Cheng, Huashu Qin:
Optimal impulsive control in periodic ecosystem. 558-565 - Yelena M. Smagina, Moshe Sheintuch
Using Lyapunov's direct method for wave suppression in reactive systems. 566-572 - Pierre-Antoine Absil, Krzysztof Kurdyka:
On the stable equilibrium points of gradient systems. 573-577 - Francesco Ticozzi
, Augusto Ferrante:
Dynamical decoupling in quantum control: A system theoretic approach. 578-584 - Boumediene Hamzi
, Arthur J. Krener, Wei Kang:
The controlled center dynamics of discrete time control bifurcations. 585-596 - Stéphane Labbé, Emmanuel Trélat
Uniform controllability of semidiscrete approximations of parabolic control systems. 597-609 - Vladimir L. Kharitonov
Lyapunov matrices for a class of time delay systems. 610-617
- Zhaoyang Wan, Bert Pluymers, Mayuresh V. Kothare, Bart De Moor:
Comments on: "Efficient robust constrained model predictive control with a time varying terminal constraint set" by Wan and Kothare. 618-621
Volume 55, Number 8, August 2006
- Zhong-Ping Jiang, Iven M. Y. Mareels
New Trends in Nonlinear Control. 623 - Rafael Vázquez
, Miroslav Krstic
Explicit integral operator feedback for local stabilization of nonlinear thermal convection loop PDEs. 624-632 - Vincent Andrieu
, Hélène Piet-Lahanier:
Exoatmospheric interception problem solved using output feedback law. 633-639 - Francesco Delli Priscoli
, Lorenzo Marconi, Alberto Isidori:
Adaptive observers as nonlinear internal models. 640-649 - Prashant Mhaskar
, Nael H. El-Farra, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Stabilization of nonlinear systems with state and control constraints using Lyapunov-based predictive control. 650-659 - Dragan Nesic
, Lars Grüne:
A receding horizon control approach to sampled-data implementation of continuous-time controllers. 660-672 - Dina Shona Laila
, Alessandro Astolfi
Construction of discrete-time models for port-controlled Hamiltonian systems with applications. 673-680 - Yi Fan, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Hao Zhang:
Network flow control under capacity constraints: A case study. 681-688 - Georges Bastin, Vincent Guffens:
Congestion control in compartmental network systems. 689-696
Volume 55, Number 9, September 2006
- Vladimir L. Kharitonov
, Elmar Plischke:
Lyapunov matrices for time-delay systems. 697-706 - Eugene P. Ryan, Eduardo D. Sontag:
Well-defined steady-state response does not imply CICS. 707-710 - Erik I. Verriest, Wim Michiels:
Inverse Routh table construction and stability of delay equations. 711-718 - Jongrae Kim
, Declan G. Bates, Ian Postlethwaite:
Robustness analysis of linear periodic time-varying systems subject to structured uncertainty. 719-725 - Shugen Chai, Kangsheng Liu:
Observability inequalities for the transmission of shallow shells. 726-735 - Lars Grüne, Patrick Saint-Pierre:
An invariance kernel representation of ISDS Lyapunov functions. 736-745 - Lars Grüne, Peter E. Kloeden:
Higher order numerical approximation of switching systems. 746-754 - Bernard Bonnard, Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Romain Dujol:
Averaging and optimal control of elliptic Keplerian orbits with low propulsion. 755-760 - Paulo Tabuada
Local factorization of trajectory lifting morphisms for single-input affine control systems. 761-769 - Jason J. Ford
Partially observed non-linear risk-sensitive optimal stopping control for non-linear discrete-time systems. 770-776 - Yung Kuan Foo:
On Kharitonov-type theorems for real polynomials: When is degree drop admissible? 777-779
Volume 55, Number 10, October 2006
- Yugang Niu, Daniel W. C. Ho
Robust observer design for Itô stochastic time-delay systems via sliding mode control. 781-793 - Weidong Zhang
, Frank Allgöwer
, Tao Liu:
Controller parameterization for SISO and MIMO plants with time delay. 794-802 - Pedro Albertos
Phase-conditionally stable systems. 803-808 - Alberto Isidori, Lorenzo Marconi, Claudio De Persis:
Remote tracking via encoded information for nonlinear systems. 809-818 - Rifat Sipahi
, Nejat Olgaç
A unique methodology for the stability robustness of multiple time delay systems. 819-825 - Qi Luo, Xuerong Mao
, Yi Shen:
New criteria on exponential stability of neutral stochastic differential delay equations. 826-834 - Mohamed Darouach:
Solution to Sylvester equation associated to linear descriptor systems. 835-838 - Anooshiravan Saboori, Shahin Hashtrudi-Zad:
Robust nonblocking supervisory control of discrete-event systems under partial observation. 839-848 - MingQing Xiao:
The global existence of nonlinear observers with linear error dynamics: A topological point of view. 849-858 - Xin Yu, Kangsheng Liu:
Eventual regularity of the semigroup associated with the mono-tubular heat exchanger equation with output feedback. 859-862 - Jun-Min Wang, Siu-Pang Yung:
Stability of a nonuniform Rayleigh beam with indefinite damping. 863-870
Volume 55, Number 11, November 2006
- Guillermo Fernández-Anaya
, Juan Carlos Martínez-García, Vladimír Kucera
Characterizing families of positive real matrices by matrix substitutions on scalar rational functions. 871-878 - Jing Yao, Zhi-Hong Guan, Guanrong Chen
, Daniel W. C. Ho
Stability, robust stabilization and H∞ control of singular-impulsive systems via switching control. 879-886 - Ming Cao
, Brian D. O. Anderson, A. Stephen Morse:
Sensor network localization with imprecise distances. 887-893 - Mauro Bisiacco, Maria Elena Valcher
The general fault detection and isolation problem for 2D state-space models. 894-899 - Anton S. Shiriaev
, Anders Robertsson, John W. Perram, Anders Sandberg:
Periodic motion planning for virtually constrained Euler-Lagrange systems. 900-907 - Pavel Chigansky:
An ergodic theorem for filtering with applications to stability. 908-917 - Dario Bauso, Laura Giarré
, Raffaele Pesenti
Non-linear protocols for optimal distributed consensus in networks of dynamic agents. 918-928 - Peter Benner
, Viatcheslav I. Sokolov:
Partial realization of descriptor systems. 929-938 - Jing Wu
, Tongwen Chen
, Long Wang
Delay-dependent robust stability and H∞ control for jump linear systems with delays. 939-948 - Nuno C. Martins:
Finite gain lp stabilization requires analog control. 949-954 - Ze-Chun Hu, Wei Sun:
A note on exponential stability of the nonlinear filter for denumerable Markov chains. 955-960
Volume 55, Number 12, December 2006
- Haijun Liu, Xiaowu Mu:
An asymptotic stability theorem of Peuteman-Aeyels for Itô processes and its applications in synchronous switching systems. 963-970 - Pierre Apkarian, Dominikus Noll:
IQC analysis and synthesis via nonsmooth optimization. 971-981 - Andrew R. Teel, Antonio Loría
, Elena Panteley, Dobrivoje Popovic:
Smooth time-varying stabilization of driftless systems over communication channels. 982-991 - Annalisa Cesaroni
A converse Lyapunov theorem for almost sure stabilizability. 992-998 - Akira Ichikawa, Hitoshi Katayama:
Output regulation of time-varying systems. 999-1005 - Pierdomenico Pepe
, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
A Lyapunov-Krasovskii methodology for ISS and iISS of time-delay systems. 1006-1014 - Huijun Gao, James Lam, Changhong Wang:
Model simplification for switched hybrid systems. 1015-1021 - Teodor Havârneanu, Catalin Popa, Sivaguru S. Sritharan
Exact internal controllability for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with the Navier slip boundary conditions. 1022-1028 - Bao-Zhu Guo
, Jun-Min Wang:
Remarks on the application of the Keldysh theorem to the completeness of root subspace of non-self-adjoint operators and comments on "Spectral operators generated by Timoshenko beam model". 1029-1032 - Isaac Yaesh, Uri Shaked:
Simplified adaptive control via improved robust positive real conditions. 1033-1040 - Emilia Fridman
, Uri Shaked:
Input-output approach to stability and L2-gain analysis of systems with time-varying delays. 1041-1053

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