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IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 42
Volume 42, Number 1, January 1993
- Abraham Mendelson, Dominique Thiébaut, Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Modeling Live and Dead Lines in Cache Memory Systems. 1-14
- Huai-An Lin, Chao-Li Tarng:
An Inproved Method for Constructing Multiphase Communications Protocols. 15-26
- Shahram Latifi:
Combinatorial Analysis of the Fault-Diameter of the n-cube. 27-33
- Gurindar S. Sohi:
High-Bandwidth Interleaved Memories for Vector Processors-A Simulation Study. 34-44
- Christos A. Papachristou
, Venkata R. Immaneni:
Vertical Migration of Software Functions and Algorithms Using Enhanced Microsequencing. 45-61
- Dong Tang, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Dependability Measurement and Modeling of a Multicomputer System. 62-75
- Fernand Boéri, Michel Auguin:
OPSILA: A Vector and Parallel Processor. 76-82
- Alexander Thomasian, Victor F. Nicola:
Performance Evaluation of a Threshold Policy for Scheduling Readers and Writers. 83-98
- Yu Hen Hu, S. Naganathan:
An Angle Recoding Method for CORDIC Algorithm Implementation. 99-102 - David M. Mandelbaum:
Some Results on a SRT Type Division Scheme. 102-106 - Tai-Haur Kuo, Hung Chang Lin, Robert C. Potter, Dave Schupe:
Multiple-Valued Counter. 106-109 - T. Aaron Gulliver, Vijay K. Bhargava:
A Systematic (16, 8) Code for Correcting Double Errors and Detecting Triple-Adjacent Errors. 109-112 - Andrew Spray, Simon Jones:
Performance Tradeoffs in Rings of Data-Driven Elements. 113-118 - Christophe Mazenc, Xavier Merrheim, Jean-Michel Muller
Computing Functions cos^{-1} and sin^{-1} Using Cordic. 118-122 - Hwa C. Torng, Martin Day:
Interrupt Handling for Out-of-Order Execution Processors. 122-127
Volume 42, Number 2, February 1993
- Sreejit Chakravarty:
A Characterization of Binary Decision Diagrams. 129-137 - Imrich Chlamtac, Aura Ganz, Martin G. Kienzle:
An HIPPI Interconnection System. 138-150 - Biswanath Mukherjee, Subrata Banerjee:
Alternative Strategies for Improving the Fairness in and an Analytical Model of the DQDB Network. 151-167 - Jean Duprat, Jean-Michel Muller
The CORDIC Algorithm: New Results for Fast VLSI Implementation. 168-178 - Niraj K. Jha:
Fault Detection in CVS Parity Trees with Application to Strongly Self-Checking Parity and Two-Rail Checkers. 179-189 - Andrew Choi, Manfred Ruschitzka:
Managing Locality Sets: The Model and Fixed-Size Buffers. 190-204 - Douglas M. Blough, Andrzej Pelc:
Diagnosis and Repair in Multiprocessor Systems. 205-217 - K. T. Sun, Hsin-Chia Fu:
A Hybrid Neural Network Model for Solving Optimization Problems. 218-227 - Tiko Kameda, Slawomir Pilarski, André Ivanov:
Notes on Multiple Input Signature Analysis. 228-234
- Raymond E. Fowkes:
Hardware Efficient Algorithms for Trigonometric Functions. 235-239 - Paolo Montuschi
, Luigi Ciminiera:
Reducing Iteration Time When Result Digit is Zero for Radix 2 SRT Division and Square Root with Redundant Remainders. 239-246 - Nian-Feng Tzeng:
A Cube-Connected Cycles Architecture with High Reliability and Improved Performance. 246-253 - Anindo Bagchi, S. Louis Hakimi, Edward F. Schmeichel:
Gossigping in a Distributed Network. 253-256
Volume 42, Number 3, March 1993
- Andreas Farid Pour, Mark D. Hill:
Performance Implications of Tolerating Cache Faults. 257-267 - Antonio Lioy
On the Equivalence of Fanout-Point Faults. 268-271 - Nageswara S. V. Rao
Expected-Value Analysis of Two Single Fault Diagnosis Algorithms. 272-280 - Jordan L. Holt, Jenq-Neng Hwang:
Finite Precision Error Analysis of Neural Network Hardware Implementations. 281-290 - Ananth Sankar, Richard J. Mammone:
Growing and Pruning Neural Tree Networks. 291-299 - Martin Lades, Jan C. Vorbrüggen, Joachim M. Buhmann, Jörg Lange, Christoph von der Malsburg, Rolf P. Würtz
, Wolfgang Konen
Distortion Invariant Object Recognition in the Dynamic Link Architecture. 300-311 - Krishna R. Pattipati, Yong Li, Henk A. P. Blom:
A Unified Framework for the Performability Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems. 312-326 - Meera Balakrishnan, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
An Analysis of a Reliability Model for Repairable Fault-Tolerant Systems. 327-339 - Aloke K. Das, Parimal Pal Chaudhuri:
Vector Space Theoretic Analysis of Additive Cellular Automata and Its Application for Pseudoexhaustive Test Pattern Generation. 340-352
- Heinrich Braun, Frank Stephan:
On Optimizing Diameter and Average Distance of Directed Interconnected Networks. 353-358 - Appie van de Liefvoort, Narayan Subramanian:
A New Approach for the Performance Analysis of a Single-Bus Multiprocessor System with General Service Times. 358-362 - Antonio González
, José M. Llabería:
Reducing Branch Delay to Zero in Pipelined Processors. 363-371 - George Miel:
Constant Geometry Fast Fourier Transforms on Array Processors. 371-375 - Colin D. Walter:
Systolic Modular Multiplication. 376-378 - Behrooz Parhami:
On the Implementation of Arithmetic Support Functions for Generalized Signed-Digit Number Systems. 379-384
Volume 42, Number 4, April 1993
- Theodora A. Varvarigou, Vwani P. Roychowdhury, Thomas Kailath:
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Reconfiguring Multiple-Track Models. 385-395 - Chris H. Perleberg, Alan Jay Smith:
Branch Target Buffer Design and Optimization. 396-412 - Marcel Lapointe, Huu Tuê Huynh, Paul Fortier
Systematic Design of Pipelined Recursive Filters. 413-426 - Elio D. Di Claudio
, Gianni Orlandi, Francesco Piazza:
A Systolic Redundant Residue Arithmetic Error Correction Circuit. 427-432 - G. Robert Redinbo, Leonard M. Napolitano Jr., David D. Andaleon:
Multibit Correcting Data Interface for Fault-Tolerant Systems. 433-446 - Nageswara S. V. Rao
Computational Complexity Issues in Operative Diagnosis of Graph-Based Systems. 447-457 - Ashwini K. Nanda, Laxmi N. Bhuyan:
Design and Analysis of Cache Coherent Multistage Interconnection Networks. 458-470 - Ram Raghavan, John P. Hayes:
Reducing Inerference Among Vector Accesses in Interleaved Memories. 471-483 - Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Hoang Pham:
Analysis of Noncoherent Systems and an Architecture for the Computation of the System Reliability. 484-493
- Benjamin Arazi
Architectures for Exponentiation Over GF(2^n) Adopted for Smartcard Application. 494-497 - Nobuo Funabiki, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
, Kuo Chun Lee:
Comparisons of Seven Neural Network Models on Traffic Control Problems in Multistage Interconnection Networks. 497-501 - Shyi-Chyi Cheng, Wen-Hsiang Tsai:
A Neural Network Implementation of the Moment-Preserving Technique and Its Application to Thresholding. 501-507 - Jacob van den Berg, Donald F. Towsley
Properties of the Miss Ratio for a 2-Level Storage Model with LRU or FIFO Replacement Strategy and Independent References. 508-512
Volume 42, Number 5, May 1993
- Simon Y. Berkovich:
An Overlaying Technique for Solving Linear Equations in Real-Time Computing. 513-517 - Douglas M. Blough, Andrzej Pelc:
A Clustered Failure Model for the Memory Array Reconfiguration Problem. 518-528 - Jesse Zhixi Fang, Mi Lu:
An Iteration Partition Approach for Cache or Local Memory Thrashing on Parallel Processing. 529-546 - Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai:
Some Codes for Correcting and Detecting Unidirectional Byte Errors. 547-552 - Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Satoshi Fujita, Masafumi Yamashita, Tadashi Ae:
Availability of k-Coterie. 553-558 - Barry G. Douglass:
Rearrangeable Three-Stage Interconnection Networks and Their Routing Properties. 559-567 - Daniel Brand, Tsutomu Sasao:
Minimization of AND-EXOR Expressions Using Rewrite Rules. 568-576 - Chunming Qiao, Rami G. Melhem:
Time-Division Optical Communications in Multiprocessor Arrays. 577-590 - Pablo P. Trabado, Antonio Lloris-Ruíz, Julio Ortega Lopera
Solution of Switching Equations Based on a Tabular Algebra. 591-596 - Andrew Lim
, Siu-Wing Cheng
, Sartaj Sahni:
Optimal Joining of Compacted Cells. 597-607
- Giovanni Dimauro
, Sebastiano Impedovo, Giuseppe Pirlo
A New Technique for Fast Number Comparison in the Residue Number System. 608-61 - Ding-Zhu Du, Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
, D. Frank Hsu:
Line Digraph Iterations and Connectivity Analysis of de Bruijn and Kautz Graphs. 612-616 - David T. Harper III, Yashodara Costa:
Analytical Estimation of Vector Access Performance in Parallel Memory Architectures. 616-624 - Seshu V. R. Madabhushi, S. Lakshmivarahan, Sudarshan K. Dhall:
A Note on Orthogonal Graphs. 624-630 - Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, S. S. Ravi:
Improved Bounds for Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance. 630-635 - Tao Wang, Xinhua Zhuang, Xiaoliang Xing, Xipeng Xiao:
A Neuron-Weighted Learning Algorithm and Its Hardware Implementation in Associative Memories. 636-640
Volume 42, Number 6, June 1993
- Janusz Rajski, Jerzy Tyszer:
Accumulator-Based Compaction of Test Responses. 643-650 - Edward K. Lee, Randy H. Katz:
The Performance of Parity Placements in Disk Arrays. 651-664 - Nabanita Das, Bhargab B. Bhattacharya, Jayasree Dattagupta:
Isomorphism of Conflict Graphs in Multistage Interconnection Networks and Its Application to Optimal Routing. 665-677 - Russ Miller, Viktor K. Prasanna, Dionisios I. Reisis, Quentin F. Stout:
Parallel Computations on Reconfigurable Meshes. 678-692 - Stephen E. Eldridge, Colin D. Walter:
Hardware Implementation of Montgomery's Modular Multiplication Algorithm. 693-699 - Stanislaw J. Piestrak
The Minimal Test Set for Multioutput Threshold Circuits Implemented as Sorting Networks. 700-712 - Yung-Yuan Chen, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Reliability, Reconfiguration, and Spare Allocation Issues in Binary-Tree Architectures Based on Multiple-Level Redundancy. 713-723 - Israel Koren, Zahava Koren, Charles H. Stapper:
A Unified Negative-Binomial Distribution for Yield Analysis of Defect-Tolerant Circuits. 724-734
- Reuven Cohen:
One-Bit Delay in Ring Networks. 735-737 - Ahmed E. Kamal, V. Carl Hamacher:
Response to "One-Bit Delay in Ring Networks". 737-738 - David Fernández-Baca, A. Medepalli:
Parametric Module Allocation on Partial k-Trees. 738-742 - Alireza Kavianpour, Nader Bagherzadeh:
A Systematic Approch for Mapping Application Tasks in Hypercubes. 742-746 - Hussein M. Alnuweiri:
A New Class of Optimal Bounded-Degree VLSI Sorting Networks. 746-752 - Richard Hughey:
Concurrent Error Detection on Programmable Systolic Arrays. 752-756 - Sidney W. Graham, Steven R. Seidel:
The Cost of Broadcasting on Star Graphs and k-Ary Hypercubes. 756-759 - Vitit Kantabutra:
Designing Optimum One-Level Carry-Skip Adders. 759-764 - Vijay Raghavan:
On Asymmetric Invalidation with Partial Tests. 764-768
Volume 42, Number 7, July 1993
- Kishore Kota, Joseph R. Cavallaro
Numerical Accuracy and Hardware Tradeoffs for CORDIC Arithmetic for Special-Purpose Processors. 769-779
- Ramesh K. Sitaraman
, Niraj K. Jha:
Optimal Design of Checks for Error Detection and Location in Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems. 780-793
- Abhijit Chatterjee, Manuel A. d'Abreu:
The Design of Fault-Tolerant Linear Digital State Variable Systems: Theory and Techniques. 794-808
- Kurt Geihs
, Reinhard Heite, Ulf Hollberg:
Protected Object References in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems. 809-816
- Jean Duprat, Yvan Herreros, Sylvanus Kla:
New Redundant Representations of Complex Numbers and Vectors. 817-824
- Stamatis Vassiliadis, James Phillips, Bart Blaner:
Interlock Collapsing ALU's. 825-839
- Hari Krishna, Jenn-Dong Sun:
On Theory and Fast Algorithms for Error Correction in Residue Number System Product Codes. 840-853
- Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Kenneth Steiglitz:
Reconfigurability and Reliability of Systolic/Wavefront Arrays. 854-862
- Woei Lin:
Manipulating General Vectors on Synchronous Binary N-Cube. 863-871
- Charles H. Stapper:
Improved Yield Models for Fault-Tolerant Memory Chips. 872-881
- Sunggu Lee, Kang G. Shin:
Optimal and Efficient Probabilistic Distributed Diagnosis Schemes. 882-886 - Wen-Zen Shen, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Wen-Jun Hsu, Yun-Jung Jan:
Design of Pseudoexhaustive Testable PLA with Low Overhead. 887-891 - Jien-Chung Lo, Suchai Thanawastien, T. R. N. Rao:
Berger Check Prediction for Array Multipliers and Array Dividers. 892-896
Volume 42, Number 8, August 1993
- Julio Ortega Lopera
, Alberto Prieto
, Antonio Lloris-Ruíz, Francisco J. Pelayo:
Generalized Hopfield Neural Network for Concurrent Testing. 898-912
- Jean Arlat, Alain Costes, Yves Crouzet, Jean-Claude Laprie, David Powell:
Fault Injection and Dependability Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Systems. 913-923
- Bapiraju Vinnakota, Niraj K. Jha:
Diagnosability and Diagnosis of Algorithm-Based Fault-Tolerant Systems. 924-937
- Sandeep N. Bhatt, Geppino Pucci
, Abhiram G. Ranade, Arnold L. Rosenberg:
Scattering and Gathering Messages in Networks of Processors. 938-949
- Yutaka Hata, Kyoichi Nakashima, Kazuharu Yamato:
Some Fundamental Properties of Multiple-Valued Kleenean Functions and Determination of Their Logic Formulas. 950-961
- Giuseppe Alia, Enrico Martinelli:
On the Lower Bound to the VLSI Complexity of Number Conversion from Weighted to Residue Representation. 962-967
- Julio Ortega Lopera
, Antonio Lloris-Ruíz, Alberto Prieto
, Francisco J. Pelayo:
Test-Pattern Generation Based on Reed-Muller Coefficients. 968-980
- Judy Stephens, Vijaj Raghavan:
On Single-Fault Set Diagnosability in the PMC Model. 981-983 - Anindya Das, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman, Vinod K. Agarwal, K. B. Lakshmanan:
Multiprocessor Fault Diagnosis Under Local Constraints. 984-988 - Sung-Kwong Park, Jung H. Kim:
Geometrical Learning Algorithm for Multilayer Neural Networks in a Binary Field. 988-992 - Dinesh P. Mehta
, Sartaj Sahni:
A Data Structure for Circular String Analysis and Visualization. 992-997 - John E. Sasinowski, Jay K. Strosnider:
A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Cache/Memory Partitioning for Real-Time Systems. 997-1001 - Khaled Day
, Anand R. Tripathi:
Embedding of Cycles in Arrangement Graphs. 1002-1006 - Steven Arno, Ferrell S. Wheeler:
Signed Digit Representations of Minimal Hamming Weight. 1007-1009 - Hannes Brunner, Andreas Curiger, Max Hofstetter:
On Computing Multiplicative Inverses in GF(2^m). 1010-1015 - Sarit Mukherjee, Satish K. Tripathi, Dipak Ghosal:
A Multiclass Priority-Based Slotted-Ring LAN and Its Analysis. 1015-1020 - T. R. N. Rao, Gui Liang Feng, Mahadev S. Kolluru, Jien-Chung Lo:
Novel Totally Self-Checking Berger Code Checker Designs Based on Generalized Berger Code Partitioning. 1020-1024
Volume 42, Number 9, September 1993
- P. David Fisher, Sheng-Fu Wu:
Race-Free State Assignment for Synthesizing Large-Scale Asynchronous Sequential Logic Circuits. 1025-1034
- Mark G. Karpovsky, Saeed M. Chaudhry:
Design of Self-Diagnostic Boards by Multiple Signature Analysis. 1035-1044
- William Y. Chen, Pohua P. Chang, Thomas M. Conte
, Wen-mei W. Hwu:
The Effect of Code Expanding Optimizations on Instruction Cache Design. 1045-1057
- Jürgen Götze, Steffen Paul
, Matthias Sauer:
An Efficient Jacobi-like Algorithm for Parallel Eigenvalue Computation. 1058-1065
- Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Classification of Faults in Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 1066-1077
- Jong Kim, Kang G. Shin:
Deadlock-Free Fault-Tolerant Routing in Injured Hypercubes. 1078-1088
- Jehoshua Bruck
, Robert Cypher, Ching-Tien Ho:
Fault-Tolerant Meshes and Hypercubes with Minimal Numbers of Spares. 1089-1104
- Patrick W. Dowd, Kalyani Bogineni
, Khaled A. Aly, James A. Perreault:
Hierarchical Scalable Photonic Architectures for High-Performance Processor Interconnection. 1105-1120
- Sridhar Narayanan, Rajesh Gupta, Melvin A. Breuer:
Optimal Configuring of Multiple Scan Chains. 1121-1131
- William A. Porter, Xiaoyan Zheng:
A Nonbinary Neural Network Design. 1132-1135 - Yung-Yuan Chen, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Yield Analysis of Reconfigurable Array Processors Based on Multiple-Level Redundancy. 1136-1141 - Chin-Liang Wang, Jung-Lung Lin:
A Systolic Architecture for Computing Inverses and Divisions in Finite Fields GF(2^m). 1141-1146 - Kien A. Hua, Lishing Liu, Jih-Kwon Peir:
Designing High-Performance Processors Using Real Address Prediction. 1146-1151 - Masakatu Morii, Kazuhiko Iwasaki:
A Note on Aliasing Probability for Multiple Input Signature Analyzer. 1152
Volume 42, Number 10, October 1993
- Ching-Farn Eric Wu, Yarsun Hsu, Yew-Huey Liu:
A Quantitative Evaluation of Cache Types for High-Performance Computer Systems. 1154-1162
- Akhilesh Tyagi:
A Reduced-Area Scheme for Carry-Select Adders. 1163-1170
- Sang-Hwa Chung, Dan I. Moldovan, Ronald F. DeMara
A Parallel Computational Model for Integrated Speech and Natural Language Understanding. 1171-1183
- Phillip F. Chimento Jr., Kishor S. Trivedi:
The Completion Time of Programs on Processors Subject to Failure and Repair. 1184-1194
- Nitin H. Vaidya, Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Fault-Tolerant Design Strategies for High Reliability and Safety. 1195-1206 - Charles J. Colbourn, John S. Devitt, Daryl D. Harms, Miro Kraetzl:
Assessing Reliability of Multistage Interconnection Networks. 1207-1221
- Avijit Saha, Chuan-lin Wu, Dun-Sung Tang:
Approximation, Dimension Reduction, and Nonconvex Optimization Using Linear Superpositions of Gaussians. 1222-1233
- Eric M. Schwarz, Michael J. Flynn:
Parallel High-Radix Nonrestoring Division. 1234-1246
- Nian-Feng Tzeng, Po-Jen Chuang, Chwan-Hwa John Wu:
Creating Disjoint Paths in Gamma Interconnection Networks. 1247-1252 - Philip J. Bernhard
Bounds on the Performance of Message Routing Heuristics. 1253-1256 - Thanos Stouraitis
Borrow: A Fault-Tolerance Scheme for Wavefront Array Processors. 1257-1261 - Sulaiman Al-Bassam, Bella Bose:
Design of Efficient Error-Correcting Balanced Codes. 1261-1266 - Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Testing of Fault-Tolerant Hardware Through Partial Control of Inputs. 1267-1271 - Shirish Bhide, Nigel M. John, Mansur R. Kabuka:
A Boolean Neural Network Approach for the Traveling Salesman Problem. 1271-1278 - M. Anwarul Hasan, Muzhong Wang, Vijay K. Bhargava:
A Modified Massey-Omura Parallel Multiplier for a Class of Finite Fields. 1278-1280
Volume 42, Number 11, November 1993
- Theodora A. Varvarigou, Vwani P. Roychowdhury, Thomas Kailath:
Reconfiguring Processor Arrays Using Multiple-Track Models: The 3-Track-1-Spare-Approach. 1281-1293
- Mao Chao Lin:
Constant Weight Codes for Correcting Symmetric Errors and Detecting Unidirectional Errors. 1294-1302
- Luiz A. Laranjeira, Miroslaw Malek, Roy M. Jenevein:
Nest: A Nested-Predicate Scheme for Fault Tolerance. 1303-1324
- Abdul A. Malik, Robert K. Brayton, A. Richard Newton, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
Two-Level Minimization of Multivalued Functions with Large Offsets. 1325-1342
- Giovanni Chiola, Claude Dutheillet, Giuliana Franceschinis, Serge Haddad:
Stochastic Well-Formed Colored Nets and Symmetric Modeling Applications. 1343-1360
- Todd P. Kelsey, Kewal K. Saluja, Soo Young Lee:
An Efficient Algorithm for Sequential Circuit Test Generation. 1361-1371
- Kent D. Wilken:
An Optimal Graph-Construction Approach to Placing Program Signatures for Signature Monitoring. 1372-1381
- David Hung-Chang Du, Ichiang Lin, K. C. Chang:
On Wafer-Packing Problems. 1382-1388
- Vitit Kantabutra:
Accelerated Two-Level Carry-Skip Adders-A Type of Very Fast Adders. 1389-1393 - Jenn-Yang Tien, Ching-Tien Ho, Wei-Pang Yang:
Broadcasting on Incomplete Hypercubes. 1393-1398 - Nader Bagherzadeh, Nayla Nassif, Shahram Latifi:
A Routing and Broadcasting Scheme on Faulty Star Graphs. 1398-1403 - Jung Hwan Kim, Phill-Kyu Rhee:
The Rule-Based Approach to Reconfiguration of 2-D Processor Arrays. 1403-1408
Volume 42, Number 12, December 1993
- Qing Yang:
Introducing a New Cache Design into Vector Computers. 1411-1424
- Kien A. Hua, Jeffrey X. W. Su:
Dynamic Load Balancing in Very Large Shared-Nothing Hypercube Database Computers. 1425-1439
- Victor F. Nicola, Marvin K. Nakayama, Philip Heidelberger, Ambuj Goyal:
Fast Simulation of Highly Dependable Systems with General Failure and Repair Processes. 1440-1452
- Pinaki Mazumder:
Design of a Fault-Tolerant Three-Dimensional Dynamic Random-Access Memory with On-Chip Error-Correcting Circuit. 1453-1468
- Ching Yuh Jan, A. Yavuz Oruç:
Fast Self-Routing Permutation Switching on an Asymptotically Minimum Cost Network. 1469-1479 - Robert A. Rowley, Bella Bose:
Fault-Tolerant Ring Embedding in de Bruijn Networks. 1480-1486
- Ahmed El-Amawy, Morteza Naraghi-Pour, Manju V. Hegde:
Noise Modeling Effects in Redundant Synchronizers. 1487-1494
- Vitit Kantabutra:
A Recursive Carry-Lookahead/Carry-Select Hybrid Adder. 1495-1499 - Laura A. Sanchis:
Multiple-Way Network Partitioning with Different Cost Functions. 1500-1504 - Rolf Johansson:
A Class of (12, 8) Codes for Correcting Single Errors and Detecting Double Errors within a Nibble. 1504-1506 - Keumog Ahn, Sartaj Sahni:
NP-Hard Module Rotation Problems. 1506-1510 - Hong Hao
, Edward J. McCluskey:
Analysis of Gate Oxide Shorts in CMOS Circuits. 1510-1516 - Janusz Rajski, Jerzy Tyszer:
Recursive Pseudoexhaustive Test Pattern Generation. 1517-1521

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