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IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January 2001
- Nikolaos V. Boulgouris, Dimitrios Tzovaras
, Michael G. Strintzis:
Lossless image compression based on optimal prediction, adaptive lifting, and conditional arithmetic coding. 1-14 - Hosam Khalil, Kenneth Rose, Shankar L. Regunathan:
The asymptotic closed-loop approach to predictive vector quantizer design with application in video coding. 15-23 - Bo Tao, Michael T. Orchard:
Gradient-based residual variance modeling and its applications to motion-compensated video coding. 24-35 - Donald A. Adjeroh, Moon-Chuen Lee:
On ratio-based color indexing. 36-48 - Samuel Foucher
, Goze B. Bénié, Jean-Marc Boucher:
Multiscale MAP filtering of SAR images. 49-60 - Jianning Xu:
Morphological decomposition of 2-D binary shapes into convex polygons: a heuristic algorithm. 61-71 - Olivier Germain, Philippe Réfrégier:
Edge location in SAR images: performance of the likelihood ratio filter and accuracy improvement with an active contour approach. 72-78 - Nam-Yong Lee, Bradley J. Lucier
Wavelet methods for inverting the Radon transform with noisy data. 79-94 - Pao-Chi Chang, Che-Sheng Yu, Tien-Hsu Lee
Hybrid LMS-MMSE inverse halftoning technique. 95-103 - Niranjan Damera-Venkata, Brian L. Evans:
Adaptive threshold modulation for error diffusion halftoning. 104-116 - Aditya Vailaya, Mário A. T. Figueiredo, Anil K. Jain, HongJiang Zhang:
Image classification for content-based indexing. 117-130 - Sadegh Abbasi, Farzin Mokhtarian:
Affine-similar shape retrieval: application to multiview 3-D object recognition. 131-139 - Yining Deng, B. S. Manjunath, Charles S. Kenney, Michael S. Moore, Hyundoo Shin:
An efficient color representation for image retrieval. 140-147 - Gerhard C. Langelaar, Reginald L. Lagendijk:
Optimal differential energy watermarking of DCT encoded images and video. 148-158 - Jean Cardinal:
Fast fractal compression of greyscale images. 159-164 - Keng-Pang Lim, Man-Nang Chong, Amitabha Das:
Low-bit-rate video coding using dense motion field and uncovered background prediction. 164-166 - Astrid Lundmark, Niclas Wadströmer, Haibo Li:
Hierarchical subsampling giving fractal regions. 167-173 - Piotr S. Windyga:
Fast impulsive noise removal. 173-179 - Andrew J. Patti, Yucel Altunbasak:
Artifact reduction for set theoretic super resolution image reconstruction with edge adaptive constraints and higher-order interpolants. 179-186
Volume 10, Number 2, 2001
- Weichuan Yu, Konstantinos Daniilidis, Gerald Sommer:
Approximate orientation steerability based on angular Gaussians. 193-205 - Dibyendu Nandy, Jezekiel Ben-Arie:
Shape from recognition: a novel approach for 3-D face shape recovery. 206-217 - David M. Weber, David P. Casasent:
Quadratic Gabor filters for object detection. 218-230 - Tony F. Chan
, Stanley J. Osher, Jianhong Shen
The digital TV filter and nonlinear denoising. 231-241 - How-Lung Eng, Kai-Kuang Ma:
Noise adaptive soft-switching median filter. 242-251 - Madhukar Budagavi, Jerry D. Gibson:
Multiframe video coding for improved performance over wireless channels. 252-265 - Tony F. Chan
, Luminita A. Vese:
Active contours without edges. 266-277 - Brian C. Tom, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
Resolution enhancement of monochrome and color video using motion compensation. 278-287 - Francisco J. Sánchez-Marín, Yogesh Srinivas, Kadri N. Jabri, David L. Wilson
Quantitative image quality analysis of a nonlinear spatio-temporal filter. 288-295 - Chwen-Jye Sze, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Kuo-Chin Fan:
A new image flux conduction model and its application to selective image smoothing. 296-306 - Poorvi L. Vora, Joyce E. Farrell, Jerome D. Tietz, David H. Brainard:
Image capture: simulation of sensor responses from hyperspectral images. 307-316 - Young Wook Sohn, Rae-Hong Park
LOT coding for arbitrarily shaped object regions. 317-322 - Oleg S. Pianykh
, John M. Tyler:
Compression ratio boundaries for predictive signal compression. 323-326 - Charles S. Kenney, Yining Deng, B. S. Manjunath, Gary A. Hewer:
Peer group image enhancement. 326-334
Volume 10, Number 3, March 2001
- Bo Tao, Michael T. Orchard:
A parametric solution for optimal overlapped block motion compensation. 341-350 - Yao Wang
, Michael T. Orchard, Vinay A. Vaishampayan
, Amy R. Reibman
Multiple description coding using pairwise correlating transforms. 351-366 - Sos S. Agaian
, Karen A. Panetta, Artyom M. Grigoryan:
Transform-based image enhancement algorithms with performance measure. 367-382 - Julien Reichel, Gloria Menegaz
, Marcus J. Nadenau, Murat Kunt
Integer wavelet transform for embedded lossy to lossless image compression. 383-392 - Hayriye Altunbasak, H. Joel Trussell:
Colorimetric restoration of digital images. 393-402 - Joseph M. Francos, Haim H. Permuter
Parametric estimation of the orientation of textured planar surfaces. 403-418 - Timothy M. Stough, Carla E. Brodley:
Focusing attention on objects of interest using multiple matched filters. 419-426 - Adriana Dumitras, Faouzi Kossentini:
High-order image subsampling using feedforward artificial neural networks. 427-435 - Genyuan Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Victor C. Chen:
Three-dimensional ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets using three receivers. 436-447 - Marios S. Pattichis
, Alan C. Bovik
, John W. Havlicek, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
Multidimensional orthogonal FM transforms. 448-464 - Kannan Panchapakesan, David G. Sheppard, Michael W. Marcellin, Bobby R. Hunt:
Blur identification from vector quantizer encoder distortion. 465-470 - Ian Karl Levy, Roland Wilson:
Three-dimensional wavelet transform video coding using symmetric codebook vector quantization. 470-475 - Dong-Gyu Sim, Rae-Hong Park
Two-dimensional object alignment based on the robust oriented Hausdorff similarity measure. 475-483 - Sung-Il Chien, Yung-Mok Baek:
Hierarchical block matching method for fast rotation of binary images. 483-489
Volume 10, Number 4, April 2001
- Francisco J. González-Castaño
, Ubaldo M. García-Palomares, José Luis Alba-Castro, José M. Pousada Carballo:
Fast image recovery using dynamic load balancing in parallel architectures, by means of incomplete projections. 493-499 - Michael B. Martin, Amy E. Bell:
New image compression techniques using multiwavelets and multiwavelet packets. 500-510 - Hui Cheng, Charles A. Bouman:
Multiscale Bayesian segmentation using a trainable context model. 511-525 - Mohammad Gharavi-Alkhansari:
A fast globally optimal algorithm for template matching using low-resolution pruning. 526-533 - Ged McGunnigle, Mike J. Chantler
Evaluating Kube and Pentland's fractal imaging model. 534-542 - Enrico Magli, Gabriella Olmo
, Letizia Lo Presti:
On-board selection of relevant images: an application to linear feature recognition. 543-553 - Philip B. Chapple, Derek C. Bertilone, Robert S. Caprari, Garry N. Newsam
Stochastic model-based processing for detection of small targets in non-Gaussian natural imagery. 554-564 - Qinfen Zheng, Sandor Z. Der, Hesham Ibrahim Mahmoud:
Model-based target recognition in pulsed ladar imagery. 565-572 - Nhat Nguyen, Peyman Milanfar, Gene H. Golub:
A computationally efficient superresolution image reconstruction algorithm. 573-583 - Susan M. Schweizer, José M. F. Moura:
Efficient detection in hyperspectral imagery. 584-597 - Chengjun Liu, Harry Wechsler:
A shape- and texture-based enhanced Fisher classifier for face recognition. 598-608 - Yiannis Xirouhakis, Athanasios I. Drosopoulos, Anastasios Delopoulos:
Efficient optical camera tracking in virtual sets. 609-622 - Müjdat Çetin
, William Clement Karl
Feature-enhanced synthetic aperture radar image formation based on nonquadratic regularization. 623-631 - Poorvi L. Vora:
Inner products and orthogonality in color recording filter design. 632-642 - Nasir D. Memon
, Ping Wah Wong:
A buyer-seller watermarking protocol. 643-649 - Srdjan Stankovic, Igor Djurovic, Ioannis Pitas:
Watermarking in the space/spatial-frequency domain using two-dimensional Radon-Wigner distribution. 650-658 - Mikhail J. Atallah:
Faster image template matching in the sum of the absolute value of differences measure. 659-663 - Toshio Mike Chin:
On Kalman filter solution of space-time interpolation. 663-666
Volume 10, Number 5, May 2001
- Maire D. Reavy, Charles G. Boncelet Jr.:
An algorithm for compression of bilevel images. 669-676 - Shiueng Bien Yang, Lin-Yu Tseng
Smooth side-match classified vector quantizer with variable block size. 677-685 - Jae-Beom Lee, Jin-Soo Cho, Alexandros Eleftheriadis:
Optimal buffered compression and coding mode selection for MPEG-4 shape coding. 686-700 - Bei Tang, Guillermo Sapiro, Vicent Caselles:
Color image enhancement via chromaticity diffusion. 701-707 - Zhenghong Lee:
Thresholding implemented in the frequency domain. 708-714 - Matthieu Cord, David Declercq:
Three-dimensional building detection and modeling using a statistical approach. 715-723 - Ramakrishna Kakarala, Philip Ogunbona
Signal analysis using a multiresolution form of the singular value decomposition. 724-735 - Gaurav Sharma:
Show-through cancellation in scans of duplex printed documents. 736-754 - Mauro Barni, Franco Bartolini, Alessia De Rosa, Alessandro Piva
A new decoder for the optimum recovery of nonadditive watermarks. 755-766 - Ching-Yung Lin, Min Wu
, Jeffrey A. Bloom, Ingemar J. Cox, Matthew L. Miller, Yui Man Lui:
Rotation, scale, and translation resilient watermarking for images. 767-782 - Mauro Barni, Franco Bartolini, Alessandro Piva
Improved wavelet-based watermarking through pixel-wise masking. 783-791 - Jacek Ilow, Henry Leung:
Self-similar texture modeling using FARIMA processes with applications to satellite images. 792-797 - Yinyi Lin, Y. J. Wang, T. H. Fan:
Compaction of ordered dithered images with arithmetic coding. 797-802
Volume 10, Number 6, June 2001
- Xin Li
, Michael T. Orchard:
Edge-directed prediction for lossless compression of natural images. 813-817 - Yan Ye, Pamela C. Cosman
Dictionary design for text image compression with JBIG2. 818-828 - Tao Chen, Hong Ren Wu
Application of partition-based median type filters for suppressing noise in images. 829-836 - John Immerkaer:
Use of blur-space for deblurring and edge-preserving noise smoothing. 837-840 - Juan Liu, Pierre Moulin:
Complexity-regularized image denoising. 841-851 - Josef Heers, Christoph Schnörr, H. Siegfried Stiehl:
Globally convergent iterative numerical schemes for nonlinear variational image smoothing and segmentation on a multiprocessor machine. 852-864 - Chao Han, Thomas S. Hatsukami, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Chun Yuan:
A fast minimal path active contour model. 865-873 - Sheng Liu, Charles F. Babbs, Edward J. Delp
Multiresolution detection of spiculated lesions in digital mammograms. 874-884 - Scott T. Acton, Dipti Prasad Mukherjee, Joebob P. Havlicek, Alan C. Bovik
Oriented texture completion by AM-FM reaction-diffusion. 885-896 - Baoxin Li, Rama Chellappa, Qinfen Zheng, Sandor Z. Der:
Model-based temporal object verification using video. 897-908 - Jong Chul Ye, Charles A. Bouman, Kevin J. Webb, Rick P. Millane:
Nonlinear multigrid algorithms for Bayesian optical diffusion tomography. 909-922 - Dogan Özdemir, Lale Akarun
Fuzzy algorithms for combined quantization and dithering. 923-931 - George Paschos:
Perceptually uniform color spaces for color texture analysis: an empirical evaluation. 932-937 - Ing-Sheen Hsieh, Kuo-Chin Fan:
Multiple classifiers for color flag and trademark image retrieval. 938-950 - Marios S. Pattichis
, George Panayi, Alan C. Bovik
, Shun-Pin Hsu:
Fingerprint classification using an AM-FM model. 951-954
Volume 10, Number 7, July 2001
- Kenneth Rose, Shankar L. Regunathan:
Toward optimality in scalable predictive coding. 965-976 - Sanghoon Lee
, Marios S. Pattichis
, Alan C. Bovik
Foveated video compression with optimal rate control. 977-992 - Antonin Chambolle
, Bradley J. Lucier
Interpreting translation-invariant wavelet shrinkage as a new image smoothing scale space. 993-1000 - Jérôme Idier:
Convex half-quadratic criteria and interacting auxiliary variables for image restoration. 1001-1009 - Frédéric Zana, Jean-Claude Klein:
Segmentation of vessel-like patterns using mathematical morphology and curvature evaluation. 1010-1019 - Xiao-Ping (Steven) Zhang, Mita D. Desai:
Segmentation of bright targets using wavelets and adaptive thresholding. 1020-1030 - Reiner Lenz:
Estimation of illumination characteristics. 1031-1038 - Bernard Chalmond, Christine Graffigne, Michel Prenat, Michel Roux:
Contextual performance prediction for low-level image analysis algorithms. 1039-1046 - Kie B. Eom:
Long-correlation image models for textures with circular and elliptical correlation structures. 1047-1055 - Justin K. Romberg, Hyeokho Choi, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Bayesian tree-structured image modeling using wavelet-domain hidden Markov models. 1056-1068 - Thierry Blu, Philippe Thévenaz, Michael Unser
MOMS: maximal-order interpolation of minimal support. 1069-1080 - Olivier Musse, Fabrice Heitz
, Jean-Paul Armspach:
Topology preserving deformable image matching using constrained hierarchical parametric models. 1081-1093 - Xiaojian Xu, Ram M. Narayanan:
Three-dimensional interferometric ISAR imaging for target scattering diagnosis and modeling. 1094-1102 - Samit Basu, Yoram Bresler
Error analysis and performance optimization of fast hierarchical backprojection algorithms. 1103-1117 - William Scott Hoge
, Eric L. Miller, Hanoch Lev-Ari, Dana H. Brooks, William Clement Karl
, Lawrence P. Panych:
An efficient region of interest acquisition method for dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. 1118-1128
Volume 10, Number 8, August 2001
- Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Dimitrios Tzovaras
, Michael G. Strintzis:
Hierarchical representation and coding of surfaces using 3-D polygon meshes. 1133-1151 - Xiangyun Ye, Mohamed Cheriet, Ching Y. Suen:
Stroke-model-based character extraction from gray-level document images. 1152-1161 - B. Hendee Smith:
An analytic nonlinear approach to sidelobe reduction. 1162-1168 - Andy Tsai, Anthony J. Yezzi Jr., Alan S. Willsky:
Curve evolution implementation of the Mumford-Shah functional for image segmentation, denoising, interpolation, and magnification. 1169-1186 - Michael Elad, Yacov Hel-Or:
A fast super-resolution reconstruction algorithm for pure translational motion and common space-invariant blur. 1187-1193 - Jaime Silvela, Javier Portillo:
Breadth-first search and its application to image processing problems. 1194-1199 - Coloma Ballester
, Marcelo Bertalmío
, Vicent Caselles, Guillermo Sapiro, Joan Verdera:
Filling-in by joint interpolation of vector fields and gray levels. 1200-1211 - Yong-Sheng Chen
, Yi-Ping Hung, Chiou-Shann Fuh
Fast block matching algorithm based on the winner-update strategy. 1212-1222 - Yui-Lam Chan
, Wan-Chi Siu:
An efficient search strategy for block motion estimation using image features. 1223-1238 - Henri Nicolas:
New methods for dynamic mosaicking. 1239-1251 - Mahalingam Ramkumar, Ali N. Akansu:
Capacity estimates for data hiding in compressed images. 1252-1263
Volume 10, Number 9, September 2001
- Chong-Sze Tong, Ming Hong Pi:
Fast fractal image encoding based on adaptive search. 1269-1277 - Ciro D'Elia, Giovanni Poggi, Luisa Verdoliva:
Compression of SAR raw data through range focusing and variable-rate trellis-coded quantization. 1278-1287 - Amjed S. Al-Fahoum
, Ali M. Reza:
Combined edge crispiness and statistical differencing for deblocking JPEG compressed images. 1288-1298 - Nhat Nguyen, Peyman Milanfar, Gene H. Golub:
Efficient generalized cross-validation with applications to parametric image restoration and resolution enhancement. 1299-1308 - Hyeokho Choi, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Multiscale image segmentation using wavelet-domain hidden Markov models. 1309-1321 - Mário A. T. Figueiredo, Robert D. Nowak:
Wavelet-based image estimation: an empirical Bayes approach using Jeffrey's noninformative prior. 1322-1331 - Daniel Gatica-Perez
, Chuang Gu, Ming-Ting Sun, Salvador Ruiz-Correa
Extensive partition operators, gray-level connected operators, and region merging/classification segmentation algorithms: theoretical links. 1332-1345 - Jianning Xu:
Efficient morphological shape representation with overlapping disk components. 1346-1356 - R. Mukundan
, S. H. Ong, Poh Aun Lee:
Image analysis by Tchebichef moments. 1357-1364 - Arrate Muñoz, Thierry Blu, Michael Unser
Least-squares image resizing using finite differences. 1365-1378 - Wenkai Lu:
Localized 2-D filter-based linear coherent noise attenuation. 1379-1383 - Aria Abubakar, Peter M. van den Berg
Total variation as a multiplicative constraint for solving inverse problems. 1384-1392
Volume 10, Number 10, October 2001
- Zhou Wang
, Alan C. Bovik
Embedded foveation image coding. 1397-1410 - Jesus Malo
, Jaime Gutierrez, Irene Epifanio
, Francesc J. Ferri
, José M Artigas
Perceptual feedback in multigrid motion estimation using an improved DCT quantization. 1411-1427 - Hany Farid:
Blind inverse gamma correction. 1428-1433 - Hung-Ta Pai, Alan C. Bovik
On eigenstructure-based direct multichannel blind image restoration. 1434-1446 - Carlo Bruni, Alberto De Santis, Daniela Iacoviello
, Giorgio Koch:
Modeling for edge detection problems in blurred noisy images. 1447-1453 - Jianping Fan, David K. Y. Yau, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Walid G. Aref:
Automatic image segmentation by integrating color-edge extraction and seeded region growing. 1454-1466 - Roman Goldenberg
, Ron Kimmel, Ehud Rivlin, Michael Rudzsky:
Fast geodesic active contours. 1467-1475 - Kitti Attakitmongcol, Douglas P. Hardin
, D. Mitchell Wilkes:
Multiwavelet prefilters. II. Optimal orthogonal prefilters. 1476-1487 - Zhuoer Shi, G. W. Wei, Donald J. Kouri, David K. Hoffman, Zheng Bao:
Lagrange wavelets for signal processing. 1488-1508 - Hyung Soo Kim, Alfred O. Hero III:
Comparison of GLR and invariant detectors under structured clutter covariance. 1509-1520 - Xin Li
, Michael T. Orchard:
New edge-directed interpolation. 1521-1527 - Lydia Ng, Victor Solo:
Errors-in-variables modeling in optical flow estimation. 1528-1540 - Pedro M. Q. Aguiar
, José M. F. Moura:
Three-dimensional modeling from two-dimensional video. 1541-1551 - Niranjan Damera-Venkata, Brian L. Evans:
Design and analysis of vector color error diffusion halftoning systems. 1552-1565 - Murat Mese, Palghat P. Vaidyanathan:
Look-up table (LUT) method for inverse halftoning. 1566-1578 - Chun-Shien Lu, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao:
Multipurpose watermarking for image authentication and protection. 1579-1592 - Ping Wah Wong, Nasir D. Memon
Secret and public key image watermarking schemes for image authentication and ownership verification. 1593-1601
Volume 10, Number 11, November 2001
- Soo-Chul Han, Christine Podilchuk:
Video compression with dense motion fields. 1605-1612 - Lisimachos P. Kondi, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
An operational rate-distortion optimal single-pass SNR scalable video coder. 1613-1620 - Zhiqian Wang, Jezekiel Ben-Arie:
Detection and segmentation of generic shapes based on affine modeling of energy in eigenspace. 1621-1629 - Juliana F. Camapum Wanderley, Mark H. Fisher:
Multiscale color invariants based on the human visual system. 1630-1638 - Bojan Vrcelj, Palghat P. Vaidyanathan:
Efficient implementation of all-digital interpolation. 1639-1646 - Juan Liu, Pierre Moulin:
Information-theoretic analysis of interscale and intrascale dependencies between image wavelet coefficients. 1647-1658 - Leonid V. Tsap, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Sudeep Sarkar
Fusion of physically-based registration and deformation modeling for nonrigid motion analysis. 1659-1669 - Muhammad Asif, Tae-Sun Choi
Shape from focus using multilayer feedforward neural networks. 1670-1675 - Paul W. Fieguth:
Multiply-rooted multiscale models for large-scale estimation. 1676-1686 - Yi Sun, Dennis L. Parker:
Small vessel enhancement in MRA images using local maximum mean processing. 1687-1699 - Olov Marklund:
An anisotropic evolution formulation applied in 2-D unwrapping of discontinuous phase surfaces. 1700-1711 - Aleksandra Mojsilovic, Emina Soljanin
Color quantization and processing by Fibonacci lattices. 1712-1725 - Athanasios Nikolaidis, Ioannis Pitas:
Region-based image watermarking. 1726-1740 - Vassilios Solachidis
, Ioannis Pitas:
Circularly symmetric watermark embedding in 2-D DFT domain. 1741-1753 - Liehua Me, Gonzalo R. Arce:
A class of authentication digital watermarks for secure multimedia communication. 1754-1764 - Hosam Khalil, Kenneth Rose:
Predictive multistage vector quantizer design using asymptotic closed-loop optimization. 1765-1770
Volume 10, Number 12, December 2001
- Wilhelm Berghorn, Tobias Boskamp
, Markus Lang, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Fast variable run-length coding for embedded progressive wavelet-based image compression. 1781-1790 - Wilhelm Berghorn, Tobias Boskamp
, Markus Lang, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Context conditioning and run-length coding for hybrid, embedded progressive image coding. 1791-1800 - Amir Averbuch, François G. Meyer
, Jan-Olov Strömberg, Ronald R. Coifman, Anthony Vassiliou:
Low bit-rate efficient compression for seismic data. 1801-1814 - Pascal Frossard, Olivier Verscheure:
Joint source/FEC rate selection for quality-optimal MPEG-2 video delivery. 1815-1825 - David M. Mount
, Tapas Kanungo, Nathan S. Netanyahu, Christine D. Piatko
, Ruth Silverman, Angela Y. Wu:
Approximating large convolutions in digital images. 1826-1835 - Gozde B. Unal
, A. Enis Çetin
Restoration of error-diffused images using projection onto convex sets. 1836-1841 - Allan Hanbury, Jean Serra:
Morphological operators on the unit circle. 1842-1850 - Adriana Dumitras, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Angular map-driven snakes with application to object shape description in color images. 1851-1859 - Stephen C. Cain, Majeed M. Hayat, Ernest E. Armstrong:
Projection-based image registration in the presence of fixed-pattern noise. 1860-1872 - Çigdem Eroglu Erdem
, Günes Karabulut
, Evsen Yanmaz
, Emin Anarim
Motion estimation in the frequency domain using fuzzy c-planes clustering. 1873-1879 - Fabrizio Berizzi, Enzo Dalle Mese, Marco Diani
, Marco Martorella
High-resolution ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets by means of the range instantaneous Doppler technique: modeling and performance analysis. 1880-1890

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