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IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 1, January 2008
- Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Protecting Location Privacy with Personalized k-Anonymity: Architecture and Algorithms. 1-18 - Stephan J. Eidenbenz
, Giovanni Resta
, Paolo Santi:
The COMMIT Protocol for Truthful and Cost-Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Networks with Selfish Nodes. 19-33 - Li Bin Jiang, Soung Chang Liew:
Improving Throughput and Fairness by Reducing Exposed and Hidden Nodes in 802.11 Networks. 34-49 - Jeonghoon Mo, Hoi-Sheung Wilson So, Jean C. Walrand:
Comparison of Multichannel MAC Protocols. 50-65 - Andrew Ka Ho Leung, Yu-Kwong Kwok:
On Localized Application-Driven Topology Control for Energy-Efficient Wireless Peer-to-Peer File Sharing. 66-80 - Kiran Yedavalli, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Sequence-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. 81-94 - Stylianos Chatziperis, Polychronis Koutsakis
, Michael Paterakis:
A New Call Admission Control Mechanism for Multimedia Traffic over Next-Generation Wireless Cellular Networks. 95-112 - Vladimir M. Vishnevsky
, Andrey I. Lyakhov, Alexander A. Safonov, Shaomin S. Mo, Alexander D. Gelman:
Study of Beaconing in Multihop Wireless PAN with Distributed Control. 113-126 - Colin Lemmon, Phillip Musumeci:
Boundary Mapping and Boundary-State Routing (BSR) in Ad Hoc Networks. 127-139
Volume 7, Number 2, February 2008
- Thanasis Korakis, Gentian Jakllari
, Leandros Tassiulas:
CDR-MAC: A Protocol for Full Exploitation of Directional Antennas in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. 145-155 - Fan Yu, Tao Wu, Subir Kumar Biswas:
Toward In-Band Self-Organization in Energy-Efficient MAC Protocols for Sensor Networks. 156-170 - Raffaele Bruno
, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori:
Throughput Analysis and Measurements in IEEE 802.11 WLANs with TCP and UDP Traffic Flows. 171-186 - Giovanni Resta
, Paolo Santi:
WiQoSM: An Integrated QoS-Aware Mobility and User Behavior Model for Wireless Data Networks. 187-198 - Kai-Ten Feng
, Chao-Lin Chen, Chien-Hua Chen:
GALE: An Enhanced Geometry-Assisted Location Estimation Algorithm for NLOS Environments. 199-213 - Seung-Jong Park
, Ramanuja Vedantham, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Ian F. Akyildiz:
GARUDA: Achieving Effective Reliability for Downstream Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. 214-230 - Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Stephen V. Hanly
, Rami G. Mukhtar:
Active Queue Management for Fair Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks. 231-246 - Jahan Hassan
, Harsha R. Sirisena, Björn Landfeldt:
Trust-Based Fast Authentication for Multiowner Wireless Networks. 247-261 - You-Chiun Wang, Chun-Chi Hu, Yu-Chee Tseng:
Efficient Placement and Dispatch of Sensors in a Wireless Sensor Network. 262-274 - De-Nian Yang
, Ming-Syan Chen
Bandwidth Efficient Video Multicasting in Multiradio Multicellular Wireless Networks. 275-288
Volume 7, Number 3, March 2008
- Bin Tang, Himanshu Gupta, Samir R. Das:
Benefit-Based Data Caching in Ad Hoc Networks. 289-304 - Chun-cheng Chen, Eunsoo Seo, Hwangnam Kim, Haiyun Luo:
SELECT: Self-Learning Collision Avoidance for Wireless Networks. 305-321 - Feng Wang
, My T. Thai, Yingshu Li
, Xiuzhen Cheng, Ding-Zhu Du:
Fault-Tolerant Topology Control for All-to-One and One-to-All Communication in Wireles Networks. 322-331 - Dusit Niyato
, Ekram Hossain:
A Noncooperative Game-Theoretic Framework for Radio Resource Management in 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks. 332-345 - Reuven Cohen, Liran Katzir, Romeo Rizzi
On the Trade-Off between Energy and Multicast Efficiency in 802.16e-Like Mobile Networks. 346-357 - Sang-Chul Kim, Jong-Moon Chung:
Message Complexity Analysis of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Address Autoconfiguration Protocols. 358-371 - Stephan Bohacek:
Performance Improvements Provided by Route Diversity in Multihop Wireless Networks. 372-384
Volume 7, Number 4, April 2008
- Nitin H. Vaidya:
Editorial: EIC Farewell and New EIC Introduction. 385 - Mani B. Srivastava:
Editorial: A Message from the New Editor-in-Chief. 386 - De-Nian Yang
, Ming-Syan Chen
Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Multicast. 387-400 - Christine Julien
, Gruia-Catalin Roman, Qingfeng Huang:
SICC: Source-Initiated Context Construction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 401-415 - Xiaofeng Bai, Abdallah Shami
, Yinghua Ye:
Robust QoS Control for Single Carrier PMP Mode IEEE 802.16 Systems. 416-429 - Mun Choon Chan, Ramachandran Ramjee:
Improving TCP/IP Performance over Third-Generation Wireless Networks. 430-443 - Hong-Yen Yang, Chia-Hung Lin, Ming-Jer Tsai:
Distributed Algorithm for Efficient Construction and Maintenance of Connected k-Hop Dominating Sets in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 444-457 - Kitae Nahm, Ahmed Helmy
, C.-C. Jay Kuo
Cross-Layer Interaction of TCP and Ad Hoc Routing Protocols in Multihop IEEE 802.11 Networks. 458-469 - Srdjan Capkun, Kasper Bonne Rasmussen, Mario Cagalj, Mani B. Srivastava:
Secure Location Verification with Hidden and Mobile Base Stations. 470-483 - Zhao Cheng, Mark A. Perillo, Wendi B. Heinzelman
General Network Lifetime and Cost Models for Evaluating Sensor Network Deployment Strategies. 484-497 - Savvas Gitzenis, Nicholas Bambos
Joint Transmitter Power Control and Mobile Cache Management in Wireless Computing. 498-512 - Tarun Joshi, Anindo Mukherjee, Younghwan Yoo, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Airtime Fairness for IEEE 802.11 Multirate Networks. 513-527
Volume 7, Number 5, May 2008
- Mani B. Srivastava:
EIC Editorial. 529-532 - Hyoil Kim, Kang G. Shin:
Efficient Discovery of Spectrum Opportunities with MAC-Layer Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. 533-545 - Di-Wei Huang, Phone Lin
, Chai-Hien Gan:
Design and Performance Study for a Mobility Management Mechanism (WMM) Using Location Cache for Wireless Mesh Networks. 546-556 - I-Sheng Liu, Fambirai Takawira, Hongjun Xu:
A Hybrid Token-CDMA MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 557-569 - Qixin Wang
, Rong Zheng, Ajay Tirumala, Xue Liu, Lui Sha:
Lightning: A Hard Real-Time, Fast, and Lightweight Low-End Wireless Sensor Election Protocol for Acoustic Event Localization. 570-584 - Kui Ren
, Wenjing Lou, Yanchao Zhang:
LEDS: Providing Location-Aware End-to-End Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. 585-598 - Yi-Sheng Su, Szu-Lin Su, Jung-Shian Li:
Topology-Independent Link Activation Scheduling Schemes for Mobile CDMA Ad Hoc Networks. 599-616 - Nilesh Khude, Anurag Kumar
, Aditya Karnik:
Time and Energy Complexity of Distributed Computation of a Class of Functions in Wireless Sensor Networks. 617-632 - Carlos H. Rentel, Thomas Kunz:
A Mutual Network Synchronization Method for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. 633-646 - Chee Kiat Seow
, Soon Yim Tan:
Non-Line-of-Sight Localization in Multipath Environments. 647-660 - Antoine Gallais
, Jean Carle, David Simplot-Ryl, Ivan Stojmenovic:
Localized Sensor Area Coverage with Low Communication Overhead. 661-672
Volume 7, Number 6, June 2008
- Raquel Barco
, Pedro Lázaro, Luis Díez
, Volker Wille:
Continuous versus Discrete Model in Autodiagnosis Systems for Wireless Networks. 673-681 - Raju Kumar, Riccardo Crepaldi, Hosam Rowaihy, Albert F. Harris III, Guohong Cao, Michele Zorzi, Thomas F. La Porta:
Mitigating Performance Degradation in Congested Sensor Networks. 682-697 - Yun Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Bin Xie, Demin Wang, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Intrusion Detection in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 698-711 - Chia-Cheng Hu, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen:
Bandwidth-Satisfied Multicast Trees in MANETs. 712-723 - Yan Zhu, Haitao Zheng:
Understanding the Impact of Interference on Collaborative Relays. 724-736 - Wee Lum Tan
, Fung Lam, Wing Cheong Lau:
An Empirical Study on the Capacity and Performance of 3G Networks. 737-750 - Jaunty T. Y. Ho:
QoS-, Queue-, and Channel-Aware Packet Scheduling for Multimedia Services in Multiuser SDMA/TDMA Wireless Systems. 751-763 - Yi Shi
, Yiwei Thomas Hou
, Hanif D. Sherali:
Cross-Layer Optimization for Data Rate Utility Problem in UWB-Based Ad Hoc Networks. 764-777 - Wei-Shinn Ku
, Roger Zimmermann
, Haixun Wang:
Location-Based Spatial Query Processing in Wireless Broadcast Environments. 778-791 - Anargyros Garyfalos, Kevin C. Almeroth:
Coupons: A Multilevel Incentive Scheme for Information Dissemination in Mobile Networks. 792-804 - Qingchun Ren, Qilian Liang:
Throughput and Energy-Efficiency-Aware Protocol for Ultrawideband Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Cross-Layer Approach. 805-816
Volume 7, Number 7, July 2008
- Athanasia Tsertou, David I. Laurenson
Revisiting the Hidden Terminal Problem in a CSMA/CA Wireless Network. 817-831 - Roberta Fracchia, Michela Meo
Analysis and Design of Warning Delivery Service in Intervehicular Networks. 832-845 - Min Liu, Zhongcheng Li, Xiao-Bing Guo, Eryk Dutkiewicz
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Handoff Algorithms in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 846-857 - Fang Liu, Xiuzhen Cheng, Liran Ma
, Kai Xing:
SBK: A Self-Configuring Framework for Bootstrapping Keys in Sensor Networks. 858-868 - Jie Yin, Qiang Yang, Lionel M. Ni:
Learning Adaptive Temporal Radio Maps for Signal-Strength-Based Location Estimation. 869-883 - Mahdi Lotfinezhad, Ben Liang
, Elvino S. Sousa:
Adaptive Cluster-Based Data Collection in Sensor Networks with Direct Sink Access. 884-897 - Eun-Chan Park
, Dong-Young Kim, Hwangnam Kim, Chong-Ho Choi:
A Cross-Layer Approach for Per-Station Fairness in TCP over WLANs. 898-911
Volume 7, Number 8, August 2008
- Mani B. Srivastava:
EIC Editorial. 913-914 - Bechir Hamdaoui, Kang G. Shin:
OS-MAC: An Efficient MAC Protocol for Spectrum-Agile Wireless Networks. 915-930 - Hua Yang, Fengji Ye, Biplab Sikdar
A Swarm-Intelligence-Based Protocol for Data Acquisition in Networks with Mobile Sinks. 931-945 - Luca Mottola
, Gianpaolo Cugola, Gian Pietro Picco:
A Self-Repairing Tree Topology Enabling Content-Based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 946-960 - Hassan Artail, Haïdar Safa, Khaleel W. Mershad
, Zahy Abou-Atme, Nabeel Sulieman:
COACS: A Cooperative and Adaptive Caching System for MANETs. 961-977 - Fatma Bouabdallah
, Nizar Bouabdallah, Raouf Boutaba:
Toward Reliable and Efficient Reporting in Wireless Sensor Networks. 978-994 - Xiaotao Liu, Prashant J. Shenoy
, Mark D. Corner:
Chameleon: Application-Level Power Management. 995-1010 - Ping Zhou, Xudong Wang, Ramesh R. Rao:
Asymptotic Capacity of Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks. 1011-1024 - Long Bao Le
, Ekram Hossain:
Tandem Queue Models with Applications to QoS Routing in Multihop Wireless Networks. 1025-1040 - Ahmed H. Zahran
, Ben Liang
, Aladdin Saleh:
Mobility Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 1041-1056
Volume 7, Number 9, September 2008
- Ramakant S. Komali, Allen B. MacKenzie
, Robert P. Gilles:
Effect of Selfish Node Behavior on Efficient Topology Design. 1057-1070 - Zohar Naor:
Searching for Multiple Mobile Users. 1071-1083 - Chia-Ho Ou, Kuo-Feng Ssu:
Sensor Position Determination with Flying Anchors in Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks. 1084-1097 - My T. Thai, Ravi Tiwari, Ding-Zhu Du:
On Construction of Virtual Backbone in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links. 1098-1109 - Jang-Ping Sheu, Pei-Chun Chen, Chih-Shun Hsu:
A Distributed Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Improved Grid-Scan and Vector-Based Refinement. 1110-1123 - Jenn-Yue Teo, Yajun Ha, Chen-Khong Tham
Interference-Minimized Multipath Routing with Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network for High-Rate Streaming. 1124-1137 - Zhengming Shen, Johnson P. Thomas:
Security and QoS Self-Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1138-1151
Volume 7, Number 10, October 2008
- Christos Anagnostopoulos
, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
Enhancing Situation-Aware Systems through Imprecise Reasoning. 1153-1168 - Wei Wang, Vikram Srinivasan, Kee Chaing Chua:
Power Control for Distributed MAC Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1169-1183 - Venkat Raju Gandikota, Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma
, C. Siva Ram Murthy:
Adaptive FEC-Based Packet Loss Resilience Scheme for Supporting Voice Communication over Ad hoc Wireless Networks. 1184-1199 - Tae-Suk Kim, Hyuk Lim
, Jennifer C. Hou:
Understanding and Improving the Spatial Reuse in Multihop Wireless Networks. 1200-1212 - Elena López-Aguilera
, Martin Heusse, Yan Grunenberger, Franck Rousseau
, Andrzej Duda
, Jordi Casademont
An Asymmetric Access Point for Solving the Unfairness Problem in WLANs. 1213-1227 - Cheikh Sarr, Claude Chaudet
, Guillaume Chelius, Isabelle Guérin Lassous:
Bandwidth Estimation for IEEE 802.11-Based Ad Hoc Networks. 1228-1241 - Sergio González-Valenzuela
, Son T. Vuong, Victor C. M. Leung
A Mobile-Directory Approach to Service Discovery in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1242-1256 - Xavier Gelabert, Jordi Pérez-Romero
, Oriol Sallent
, Ramón Agustí
A Markovian Approach to Radio Access Technology Selection in Heterogeneous Multiaccess/Multiservice Wireless Networks. 1257-1270 - Kai-Wei Fan, Sha Liu, Prasun Sinha:
Dynamic Forwarding over Tree-on-DAG for Scalable Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks. 1271-1284 - Xia Li, Peng Yong Kong
, Kee Chaing Chua:
DTPA: A Reliable Datagram Transport Protocol over Ad Hoc Networks. 1285-1294
Volume 7, Number 11, November 2008
- Shun-Ren Yang, Wen-Tsuen Chen:
SIP Multicast-Based Mobile Quality-of-Service Support over Heterogeneous IP Multimedia Subsystems. 1297-1310 - Xun Yang, Gang Feng:
Bandwidth Reallocation for Bandwidth Asymmetry Wireless Networks Based on Distributed Multiservice Admission Control. 1311-1324 - Antonio Abramo, Franco Blanchini
, Luca Geretti
, Carlo Savorgnan:
A Mixed Convex/Nonconvex Distributed Localization Approach for the Deployment of Indoor Positioning Services. 1325-1337 - Scott C.-H. Huang, Peng-Jun Wan, Jing Deng, Yunghsiang S. Han:
Broadcast Scheduling in Interference Environment. 1338-1348 - Seungjoon Lee, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Aravind Srinivasan, Samir Khuller:
Efficient and Resilient Backbones for Multihop Wireless Networks. 1349-1362 - Kai Li, Xiaodong Wang:
Cross-Layer Design of Wireless Mesh Networks with Network Coding. 1363-1373 - Wei Wang, Vikram Srinivasan, Kee Chaing Chua:
Coverage in Hybrid Mobile Sensor Networks. 1374-1387
Volume 7, Number 12, December 2008
- Mani B. Srivastava:
EIC Editorial. 1393-1396 - Calin Curescu, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani:
A Bidding Algorithm for Optimized Utility-Based Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks. 1397-1414 - Raju Hormis, Elliot N. Linzer, Xiaodong Wang:
Multiplexing Video on Multiuser Broadcast Channels. 1415-1429 - Guoliang Xing, Tian Wang, Zhihui Xie, Weijia Jia:
Rendezvous Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. 1430-1443 - Demin Wang, Bin Xie, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Coverage and Lifetime Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks with Gaussian Distribution. 1444-1458 - Anand Prabhu Subramanian, Himanshu Gupta, Samir R. Das, Jing Cao:
Minimum Interference Channel Assignment in Multiradio Wireless Mesh Networks. 1459-1473 - Qinglin Zhao, Danny H. K. Tsang:
An Equal-Spacing-Based Design for QoS Guarantee in IEEE 802.11e HCCA Wireless Networks. 1474-1490 - Ping Wang, Hai Jiang
, Weihua Zhuang
A New MAC Scheme Supporting Voice/Data Traffic in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1491-1503 - Ozan K. Tonguz, Evsen Yanmaz
The Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Load Balancing in Cellular Networks. 1504-1518 - Rung-Hung Gau, Kuan-Mei Chen:
Probability Models for the Splitting Algorithm in Wireless Access Networks with Multipacket Reception and Finite Nodes. 1519-1535

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