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Bugra Gedik
2020 – today
- 2022
- [c47]Mannat Singh, Laura Gustafson, Aaron Adcock, Vinicius de Freitas Reis, Bugra Gedik, Raj Prateek Kosaraju, Dhruv Mahajan, Ross B. Girshick, Piotr Dollár, Laurens van der Maaten:
Revisiting Weakly Supervised Pre-Training of Visual Perception Models. CVPR 2022: 794-804 - [c46]Mark Zhao
, Niket Agarwal, Aarti Basant, Bugra Gedik, Satadru Pan, Mustafa Ozdal, Rakesh Komuravelli, Jerry Pan, Tianshu Bao, Haowei Lu, Sundaram Narayanan, Jack Langman, Kevin Wilfong, Harsha Rastogi, Carole-Jean Wu, Christos Kozyrakis, Parik Pol:
Understanding data storage and ingestion for large-scale deep recommendation model training: industrial product. ISCA 2022: 1042-1057 - [i8]Mannat Singh, Laura Gustafson, Aaron Adcock, Vinicius de Freitas Reis, Bugra Gedik, Raj Prateek Kosaraju, Dhruv Mahajan, Ross B. Girshick, Piotr Dollár, Laurens van der Maaten:
Revisiting Weakly Supervised Pre-Training of Visual Perception Models. CoRR abs/2201.08371 (2022) - 2021
- [j48]Mehmet Güvercin
, Nilgun Ferhatosmanoglu, Bugra Gedik:
Forecasting Flight Delays Using Clustered Models Based on Airport Networks. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 22(5): 3179-3189 (2021) - [j47]Fuat Basik
, Bugra Gedik
, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
, Kun-Lung Wu:
Fair Task Allocation in Crowdsourced Delivery. IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput. 14(4): 1040-1053 (2021) - [i7]Mark Zhao, Niket Agarwal, Aarti Basant, Bugra Gedik, Satadru Pan, Mustafa Ozdal, Rakesh Komuravelli, Jerry Pan, Tianshu Bao, Haowei Lu, Sundaram Narayanan, Jack Langman, Kevin Wilfong, Harsha Rastogi, Carole-Jean Wu, Christos Kozyrakis, Parik Pol:
Understanding and Co-designing the Data Ingestion Pipeline for Industry-Scale RecSys Training. CoRR abs/2108.09373 (2021) - 2020
- [j46]Basri Kahveci
, Bugra Gedik:
Joker: Elastic stream processing with organic adaptation. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 137: 205-223 (2020) - [c45]Fuat Basik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu, Bugra Gedik:
SLIM: Scalable Linkage of Mobility Data. SIGMOD Conference 2020: 1181-1196 - [i6]Fuat Basik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu, Bugra Gedik:
SLIM: Scalable Linkage of Mobility Data. CoRR abs/2004.05951 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j45]Kaan Bingöl
, Bahaeddin Eravci
, Çagri Özgenç Etemoglu, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
, Bugra Gedik
Topic-Based Influence Computation in Social Networks Under Resource Constraints. IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput. 12(6): 970-986 (2019) - [r4]Martin Hirzel, Robert Soulé, Bugra Gedik, Scott Schneider:
Stream Query Optimization. Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies 2019 - 2018
- [j44]Fuat Basik
, Bugra Gedik, Çagri Etemoglu, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
Spatio-Temporal Linkage over Location-Enhanced Services. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 17(2): 447-460 (2018) - [j43]Semih Sahin, Bugra Gedik:
C-Stream: A Co-routine-Based Elastic Stream Processing Engine. ACM Trans. Parallel Comput. 4(3): 15:1-15:27 (2018) - [r3]Bugra Gedik:
Geospatial Metadata. Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.) 2018 - [r2]Bugra Gedik:
Stream Processing on Modern Hardware. Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.) 2018 - [i5]Kaan Bingöl, Bahaeddin Eravci, Çagri Özgenç Etemoglu, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu, Bugra Gedik:
Topic-Based Influence Computation in Social Networks under Resource Constraints. CoRR abs/1801.02198 (2018) - [i4]Fuat Basik, Bugra Gedik, Çagri Etemoglu, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu:
Spatio-Temporal Linkage over Location Enhanced Services. CoRR abs/1801.04101 (2018) - [i3]Fuat Basik, Bugra Gedik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu, Kun-Lung Wu:
Fair Task Allocation in Crowdsourced Delivery. CoRR abs/1807.02987 (2018) - 2017
- [j42]Abdurrahman Yasar, Bugra Gedik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
Distributed block formation and layout for disk-based management of large-scale graphs. Distributed Parallel Databases 35(1): 23-53 (2017) - [j41]Selçuk Emre Solmaz
, Bugra Gedik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
, Selçuk Sözüer, Engin Zeydan
, Çagri Özgenc Etemoglu:
ALACA: A platform for dynamic alarm collection and alert notification in network management systems. Int. J. Netw. Manag. 27(4) (2017) - [j40]Martin Hirzel, Scott Schneider, Bugra Gedik:
SPL: An Extensible Language for Distributed Stream Processing. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 39(1): 5:1-5:39 (2017) - [c44]Ibrahim Onuralp Yigit
, Ahmet Feyzi Ates
, Mehmet Güvercin, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
, Bugra Gedik:
Call center text mining approach. SIU 2017: 1-4 - 2016
- [j39]Ahmet Erdem Sariyüce, Bugra Gedik, Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Kun-Lung Wu, Ümit V. Çatalyürek:
SONIC: streaming overlapping community detection. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 30(4): 819-847 (2016) - [j38]Bugra Gedik, H. G. Özsema
, Özcan Özturk:
Pipelined fission for stream programs with dynamic selectivity and partitioned state. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 96: 106-120 (2016) - [j37]Robert Soulé
, Martin Hirzel, Bugra Gedik, Robert Grimm
River: an intermediate language for stream processing. Softw. Pract. Exp. 46(7): 891-929 (2016) - [j36]Robert Soulé
, Bugra Gedik:
RailwayDB: adaptive storage of interaction graphs. VLDB J. 25(2): 151-169 (2016) - [j35]Ahmet Erdem Sariyüce, Bugra Gedik, Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Kun-Lung Wu, Ümit V. Çatalyürek:
Incremental k-core decomposition: algorithms and evaluation. VLDB J. 25(3): 425-447 (2016) - 2015
- [j34]Mehmet Ali Abbasoglu, Bugra Gedik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
Aggregate Profile Clustering for Streaming Analytics. Comput. J. 58(9): 2092-2108 (2015) - [j33]Scott Schneider, Bugra Gedik, Martin Hirzel:
Language Runtime and Optimizations in IBM Streams. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 38(4): 61-72 (2015) - [j32]Michele Dallachiesa, Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Themis Palpanas:
Sliding windows over uncertain data streams. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 45(1): 159-190 (2015) - [j31]Scott Schneider, Martin Hirzel, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu:
Safe Data Parallelism for General Streaming. IEEE Trans. Computers 64(2): 504-517 (2015) - [j30]Fuat Basik, Bugra Gedik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
, Mert Emin Kalender:
S3-TM: scalable streaming short text matching. VLDB J. 24(6): 849-866 (2015) - [e3]Rajesh Bordawekar, Tirthankar Lahiri, Bugra Gedik, Christian A. Lang:
International Workshop on Accelerating Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures - ADMS 2015, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA, August 31, 2015. 2015 [contents] - 2014
- [j29]Bugra Gedik:
Generic windowing support for extensible stream processing systems. Softw. Pract. Exp. 44(9): 1105-1128 (2014) - [j28]Bugra Gedik:
Discriminative Fine-Grained Mixing for Adaptive Compression of Data Streams. IEEE Trans. Computers 63(9): 2228-2244 (2014) - [j27]Bugra Gedik, Rajesh Bordawekar:
Disk-Based Management of Interaction Graphs. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 26(11): 2689-2702 (2014) - [j26]Bugra Gedik, Scott Schneider, Martin Hirzel, Kun-Lung Wu:
Elastic Scaling for Data Stream Processing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 25(6): 1447-1463 (2014) - [j25]Bugra Gedik:
Partitioning functions for stateful data parallelism in stream processing. VLDB J. 23(4): 517-539 (2014) - [e2]Rajesh Bordawekar, Tirthankar Lahiri, Bugra Gedik, Christian A. Lang:
International Workshop on Accelerating Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures - ADMS 2014, Hangzhou, China, September 1, 2014. 2014 [contents] - [i2]Robert Soulé, Bugra Gedik:
Optimized Disk Layouts for Adaptive Storage of Interaction Graphs. CoRR abs/1410.5290 (2014) - 2013
- [j24]Martin Hirzel, Robert Soulé
, Scott Schneider, Bugra Gedik, Robert Grimm
A catalog of stream processing optimizations. ACM Comput. Surv. 46(4): 46:1-46:34 (2013) - [j23]Martin Hirzel, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Rohit Khandekar, Vibhore Kumar, Mark P. Mendell, Howard Nasgaard, Scott Schneider, Robert Soulé
, Kun-Lung Wu:
IBM Streams Processing Language: Analyzing Big Data in motion. IBM J. Res. Dev. 57(3/4): 7 (2013) - [j22]Bugra Gedik:
Auto-tuning Similarity Search Algorithms on Multi-core Architectures. Int. J. Parallel Program. 41(5): 595-620 (2013) - [j21]Ahmet Erdem Sariyüce, Bugra Gedik, Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Kun-Lung Wu, Ümit V. Çatalyürek:
Streaming Algorithms for k-core Decomposition. Proc. VLDB Endow. 6(6): 433-444 (2013) - [j20]Mehmet Ali Abbasoglu, Bugra Gedik, Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
Aggregate Profile Clustering for Telco Analytics. Proc. VLDB Endow. 6(12): 1234-1237 (2013) - [j19]Yuzhe Tang, Bugra Gedik:
Autopipelining for Data Stream Processing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 24(12): 2344-2354 (2013) - [c43]Scott Schneider, Martin Hirzel, Bugra Gedik:
Tutorial: stream processing optimizations. DEBS 2013: 249-258 - [c42]Bhuvan Bamba, Kun-Lung Wu, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
SLIM: A Scalable Location-Sensitive Information Monitoring Service. ICWS 2013: 50-57 - [e1]Rajesh Bordawekar, Christian A. Lang, Bugra Gedik:
International Workshop on Accelerating Data Management Systems Using Modern Processor and Storage Architectures - ADMS 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, August 26, 2013. 2013 [contents] - 2012
- [j18]Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Bugra Gedik, Rohit Wagle, Kun-Lung Wu, Vibhore Kumar:
Building User-defined Runtime Adaptation Routines for Stream Processing Applications. Proc. VLDB Endow. 5(12): 1826-1837 (2012) - [j17]Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade:
A model-based framework for building extensible, high performance stream processing middleware and programming language for IBM InfoSphere Streams. Softw. Pract. Exp. 42(11): 1363-1391 (2012) - [c41]Scott Schneider, Martin Hirzel, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu:
Auto-parallelizing stateful distributed streaming applications. PACT 2012: 53-64 - [c40]Robert Soulé
, Martin Hirzel, Bugra Gedik, Robert Grimm
From a calculus to an execution environment for stream processing. DEBS 2012: 20-31 - [c39]Giuliano Losa, Vibhore Kumar, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Martin Hirzel, Robert Soulé
, Kun-Lung Wu:
CAPSULE: language and system support for efficient state sharing in distributed stream processing systems. DEBS 2012: 268-277 - [c38]Mark P. Mendell, Howard Nasgaard, Eric Bouillet, Martin Hirzel, Bugra Gedik:
Extending a general-purpose streaming system for XML. EDBT 2012: 534-539 - [c37]Martin Hirzel, Bugra Gedik:
Streams that compose using macros that oblige. PEPM 2012: 141-150 - [i1]Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Bugra Gedik, Rohit Wagle, Kun-Lung Wu, Vibhore Kumar:
Building User-defined Runtime Adaptation Routines for Stream Processing Applications. CoRR abs/1208.4176 (2012) - 2011
- [j16]Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu:
Processing high data rate streams in System S. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 71(2): 145-156 (2011) - [j15]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Ling Liu, Philip S. Yu:
Load Shedding in Mobile Systems with MobiQual. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 23(2): 248-265 (2011) - [c36]Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Fault injection-based assessment of partial fault tolerance in stream processing applications. DEBS 2011: 231-242 - [c35]Qiong Zou, Bugra Gedik, Kun Wang:
SpamWatcher: a streaming social network analytic on the IBM wire-speed processor. DEBS 2011: 267-278 - [c34]Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Modeling stream processing applications for dependability evaluation. DSN 2011: 430-441 - 2010
- [j14]Qiong Zou, Huayong Wang, Robert Soulé
, Martin Hirzel, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu:
From a Stream of Relational Queries to Distributed Stream Processing. Proc. VLDB Endow. 3(2): 1394-1405 (2010) - [j13]Deepak S. Turaga, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Chitra Venkatramani, Olivier Verscheure, Jeffrey David Harris, John Cox, William Szewczyk
, Paul Jones:
Design principles for developing stream processing applications. Softw. Pract. Exp. 40(12): 1073-1104 (2010) - [c33]Xiaolan Joy Zhang, Sujay S. Parekh, Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu:
Workload characterization for operator-based distributed stream processing applications. DEBS 2010: 235-247 - [c32]Scott Schneider, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos
Evaluation of streaming aggregation on parallel hardware architectures. DEBS 2010: 248-257 - [c31]Vibhore Kumar, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu:
DEDUCE: at the intersection of MapReduce and stream processing. EDBT 2010: 657-662 - [c30]Robert Soulé, Martin Hirzel, Robert Grimm
, Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Vibhore Kumar, Kun-Lung Wu:
A Universal Calculus for Stream Processing Languages. ESOP 2010: 507-528 - [c29]Wim De Pauw, Mihai Letia, Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Andy Frenkiel, Michael Pfeifer, Daby M. Sow:
Visual Debugging for Stream Processing Applications. RV 2010: 18-35
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j12]Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Andy Frenkiel, Wim De Pauw, Michael Pfeifer, Paul Allen, Norman Cohen, Kun-Lung Wu:
Tools and strategies for debugging distributed stream processing applications. Softw. Pract. Exp. 39(16): 1347-1376 (2009) - [j11]Bugra Gedik, Rajesh Bordawekar, Philip S. Yu:
CellJoin: a parallel stream join operator for the cell processor. VLDB J. 18(2): 501-519 (2009) - [c28]Howard Nasgaard, Bugra Gedik, Mary Komor, Mark P. Mendell:
IBM InfoSphere streams: event processing for a smarter planet. CASCON 2009: 311-313 - [c27]Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu:
A code generation approach to optimizing high-performance distributed data stream processing. CIKM 2009: 847-856 - [c26]Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu:
Language level checkpointing support for stream processing applications. DSN 2009: 145-154 - [c25]Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu:
Scale-Up Strategies for Processing High-Rate Data Streams in System S. ICDE 2009: 1375-1378 - [c24]Huayong Wang, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu:
Auto-vectorization through code generation for stream processing applications. ICS 2009: 495-496 - [c23]Scott Schneider, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Alain Biem, Kun-Lung Wu:
Elastic scaling of data parallel operators in stream processing. IPDPS 2009: 1-12 - [c22]Huayong Wang, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu:
A Code Generation Approach for Auto-Vectorization in the Spade Compiler. LCPC 2009: 383-390 - [c21]Rohit Khandekar, Kirsten Hildrum, Sujay S. Parekh, Deepak Rajan, Joel L. Wolf, Kun-Lung Wu, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik:
COLA: Optimizing Stream Processing Applications via Graph Partitioning. Middleware 2009: 308-327 - [c20]Xiaolan Joy Zhang, Henrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Richard King, John F. Morar, Senthil Nathan, Yoonho Park, Raju Pavuluri, Edward Pring, Randall Schnier, Philippe Selo, Michael Spicer, Volkmar Uhlig, Chitra Venkatramani:
Implementing a high-volume, low-latency market data processing system on commodity hardware using IBM middleware. SC-WHPCF 2009 - [r1]Bugra Gedik:
Geospatial Metadata. Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 1249-1251 - 2008
- [j10]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Protecting Location Privacy with Personalized k-Anonymity: Architecture and Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 7(1): 1-18 (2008) - [c19]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu:
Efficient Construction of Compact Shedding Filters for Data Stream Processing. ICDE 2008: 396-405 - [c18]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu:
MobiQual: QoS-aware Load Shedding in Mobile CQ Systems. ICDE 2008: 1121-1130 - [c17]Bugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Myungcheol Doo:
SPADE: the system s declarative stream processing engine. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 1123-1134 - 2007
- [j9]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu:
CPU load shedding for binary stream joins. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 13(3): 271-303 (2007) - [j8]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu:
GrubJoin: An Adaptive, Multi-Way, Windowed Stream Join with Time Correlation-Aware CPU Load Shedding. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(10): 1363-1380 (2007) - [j7]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu, Philip S. Yu:
ASAP: An Adaptive Sampling Approach to Data Collection in Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 18(12): 1766-1783 (2007) - [c16]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu:
Lira: Lightweight, Region-aware Load Shedding in Mobile CQ Systems. ICDE 2007: 286-295 - [c15]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu:
A Load Shedding Framework and Optimizations for M-way Windowed Stream Joins. ICDE 2007: 536-545 - [c14]Bugra Gedik, Philip S. Yu, Rajesh Bordawekar:
Executing Stream Joins on the Cell Processor. VLDB 2007: 363-374 - [c13]Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Bugra Gedik, Kirsten Hildrum, Charu C. Aggarwal, Eric Bouillet, Wei Fan, David George, Xiaohui Gu, Gang Luo, Haixun Wang:
Challenges and Experience in Prototyping a Multi-Modal Stream Analytic and Monitoring Application on System S. VLDB 2007: 1185-1196 - [c12]Bugra Gedik, Rajesh Bordawekar, Philip S. Yu:
CellSort: High Performance Sorting on the Cell Processor. VLDB 2007: 1286-1207 - 2006
- [b1]Bugra Gedik:
Scaling Continuous Query Services for Future Computing Platforms and Applications. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2006 - [j6]Aameek Singh, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Agyaat: mutual anonymity over structured P2P networks. Internet Res. 16(2): 189-212 (2006) - [j5]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu:
Processing Moving Queries over Moving Objects Using Motion-Adaptive Indexes. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(5): 651-668 (2006) - [j4]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
MobiEyes: A Distributed Location Monitoring Service Using Moving Location Queries. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(10): 1384-1402 (2006) - [j3]Mudhakar Srivatsa, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Large Scaling Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks with Heterogeneity-Aware Topology and Routing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 17(11): 1277-1293 (2006) - [c11]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Quality-aware dstributed data delivery for continuous query services. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 419-430 - 2005
- [j2]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Distributed Information Monitoring Applications. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(6): 767-782 (2005) - [j1]Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
A Distributed Approach to Node Clustering in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 16(9): 814-829 (2005) - [c10]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu:
Adaptive load shedding for windowed stream joins. CIKM 2005: 171-178 - [c9]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Location Privacy in Mobile Systems: A Personalized Anonymization Model. ICDCS 2005: 620-629 - 2004
- [c8]Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu:
Motion adaptive indexing for moving continual queries over moving objects. CIKM 2004: 427-436 - [c7]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
MobiEyes: Distributed Processing of Continuously Moving Queries on Moving Objects in a Mobile System. EDBT 2004: 67-87 - [c6]Bugra Gedik, Aameek Singh, Ling Liu:
Energy efficient exact kNN search in wireless broadcast environments. GIS 2004: 137-146 - [c5]Mudhakar Srivatsa, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Scaling Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks With Multi-Tier Capacity-Aware Overlay Topologies. ICPADS 2004: 17-24 - 2003
- [c4]Tarik Arici, Bugra Gedik, Yucel Altunbasak, Ling Liu:
PINCO: a pipelined in-network compression scheme for data collection in wireless sensor networks. ICCCN 2003: 539-544 - [c3]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
PeerCQ: A Decentralized and Self-Configuring Peer-to-Peer Information Monitoring System. ICDCS 2003: 490-499 - [c2]Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Connectivity Based Node Clustering in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2003: 66-73 - [c1]Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu:
Reliable Peer-to-Peer Information Monitoring through Replication. SRDS 2003: 56-65

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