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IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, January 2014
- David A. Bader
State of the Journal. 1 - Shaojie Tang, Jing Yuan
, Cheng Wang, Xiang-Yang Li:
A Framework for Amazon EC2 Bidding Strategy under SLA Constraints. 2-11 - Nancy Samaan:
A Novel Economic Sharing Model in a Federation of Selfish Cloud Providers. 12-21 - Haojin Zhu
, Suguo Du, Zhaoyu Gao, Mianxiong Dong
, Zhenfu Cao
A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme toward Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-Tolerant Networks. 22-32 - Xiaohu Wu, Yinlong Xu, Chau Yuen, Liping Xiang:
A Tag Encoding Scheme against Pollution Attack to Linear Network Coding. 33-42 - Eugenio Rustico, Giuseppe Bilotta
, Alexis Hérault, Ciro Del Negro
, Giovanni Gallo
Advances in Multi-GPU Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations. 43-52 - Wei Peng, Feng Li, Xukai Zou, Jie Wu:
Behavioral Malware Detection in Delay Tolerant Networks. 53-63 - Gregory Hackmann, Weijun Guo, Guirong Yan, Zhuoxiong Sun, Chenyang Lu, Shirley Dyke:
Cyber-Physical Codesign of Distributed Structural Health Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks. 63-72 - Yongxiang Zhao, Yong Liu
, Changjia Chen, Jianyin Zhang:
Enabling P2P One-View Multiparty Video Conferencing. 73-82 - Randy Morris, Evan Jolley, Avinash Karanth Kodi:
Extending the Performance and Energy-Efficiency of Shared Memory Multicores with Nanophotonic Technology. 83-92 - Yan Qiao, Tao Li, Shigang Chen:
Fast Bloom Filters and Their Generalization. 93-103 - Mai Zheng, Vignesh T. Ravi, Feng Qin, Gagan Agrawal:
GMRace: Detecting Data Races in GPU Programs via a Low-Overhead Scheme. 104-115 - Albert-Jan Nicholas Yzelman, Dirk Roose
High-Level Strategies for Parallel Shared-Memory Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication. 116-125 - Alessandro Margara, Gianpaolo Cugola:
High-Performance Publish-Subscribe Matching Using Parallel Hardware. 126-135 - Xiaodong Liu, Mo Li
, Shanshan Li, Shaoliang Peng
, Xiangke Liao, Xiaopei Lu:
IMGPU: GPU-Accelerated Influence Maximization in Large-Scale Social Networks. 136-145 - Tao Chen
, Zheng Yang, Yunhao Liu, Deke Guo, Xueshan Luo:
Localization-Oriented Network Adjustment in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. 146-155 - Yongwei Wu, Feng Ye, Kang Chen, Weimin Zheng:
Modeling of Distributed File Systems for Practical Performance Analysis. 156-166 - Xiaoyan Wang, Jie Li
Network Coding Aware Cooperative MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 167-179 - Deke Guo, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu:
On the Feasibility of Gradient-Based Data-Centric Routing Using Bloom Filters. 180-190 - Deze Zeng, Song Guo
, Yong Xiang, Hai Jin:
On the Throughput of Two-Way Relay Networks Using Network Coding. 191-199 - Yuan Yao, Longbo Huang, Abhishek B. Sharma, Leana Golubchik, Michael J. Neely:
Power Cost Reduction in Distributed Data Centers: A Two-Time-Scale Approach for Delay Tolerant Workloads. 200-211 - Jiawei Yuan, Shucheng Yu
Privacy Preserving Back-Propagation Neural Network Learning Made Practical with Cloud Computing. 212-221 - Ning Cao, Cong Wang
, Ming Li, Kui Ren
, Wenjing Lou:
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data. 222-233 - Linghe Kong
, Ming-Chen Zhao, Xiao-Yang Liu, Jialiang Lu, Yunhuai Liu, Min-You Wu, Wei Shu:
Surface Coverage in Sensor Networks. 234-243 - Kasim Sinan Yildirim
, Aylin Kantarci:
Time Synchronization Based on Slow-Flooding in Wireless Sensor Networks. 244-253 - Reiley Jeyapaul
, Fei Hong, Abhishek Rhisheekesan, Aviral Shrivastava
, Kyoungwoo Lee:
UnSync-CMP: Multicore CMP Architecture for Energy-Efficient Soft-Error Reliability. 254-263 - Huaqun Wang, Yuqing Zhang:
On the Knowledge Soundness of a Cooperative Provable Data Possession Scheme in Multicloud Storage. 264-267
Volume 25, Number 2, February 2014
- Zhenfu Cao
, Keqiu Li, Xu Li, Patrick D. McDaniel, Radha Poovendran
, Guojun Wang, Yang Xiang
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Trust, Security, and Privacy in Parallel and Distributed Systems. 279-282 - Eric Osterweil, Daniel Massey, Danny McPherson, Lixia Zhang:
Verifying Keys through Publicity and Communities of Trust: Quantifying Off-Axis Corroboration. 283-291 - Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Prashant Krishnamurthy, Christos Gkantsidis:
Trustworthy Operations in Cellular Networks: The Case of PF Scheduler. 292-300 - Hiroki Nishiyama
, Desmond Fomo, Zubair Md. Fadlullah
, Nei Kato
Traffic Pattern-Based Content Leakage Detection for Trusted Content Delivery Networks. 301-309 - Xiaohui Liang, Xiaodong Lin, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
Enabling Trustworthy Service Evaluation in Service-Oriented Mobile Social Networks. 310-320 - Ruj Akavipat
, Mahdi N. Al-Ameen, Apu Kapadia, Zahid Rahman, Roman Schlegel, Matthew K. Wright
ReDS: A Framework for Reputation-Enhanced DHTs. 321-331 - Jingwei Liu
, Zonghua Zhang
, Xiaofeng Chen, Kyung Sup Kwak:
Certificateless Remote Anonymous Authentication Schemes for WirelessBody Area Networks. 332-342 - Ming Li, Sergio Salinas, Pan Li
LocaWard: A Security and Privacy Aware Location-Based Rewarding System. 343-352 - Taehong Kim, Seong Hoon Kim, Jinyoung Yang, Seongeun Yoo, Daeyoung Kim:
Internet Traffic Privacy Enhancement with Masking: Optimization and Tradeoffs. 353-362 - Xuyun Zhang
, Laurence T. Yang, Chang Liu, Jinjun Chen:
A Scalable Two-Phase Top-Down Specialization Approach for Data Anonymization Using MapReduce on Cloud. 363-373 - Rinku Dewri, Ramakrishna Thurimella:
Exploiting Service Similarity for Privacy in Location-Based Search Queries. 374-383 - Sushmita Ruj
, Milos Stojmenovic, Amiya Nayak
Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds. 384-394 - Saman A. Zonouz, Himanshu Khurana, William H. Sanders, Timothy M. Yardley:
RRE: A Game-Theoretic Intrusion Response and Recovery Engine. 395-406 - Henry C. H. Chen, Patrick P. C. Lee
Enabling Data Integrity Protection in Regenerating-Coding-Based Cloud Storage: Theory and Implementation. 407-416 - Marian Kamal Iskander, Tucker Trainor, Dave W. Wilkinson, Adam J. Lee
, Panos K. Chrysanthis
Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions. 417-426 - Yuanchao Shu, Yu (Jason) Gu, Jiming Chen:
Dynamic Authentication with Sensory Information for the Access Control Systems. 427-436 - Luca Ferretti
, Michele Colajanni
, Mirco Marchetti
Distributed, Concurrent, and Independent Access to Encrypted Cloud Databases. 437-446 - Zhiyuan Tan
, Aruna Jamdagni, Xiangjian He
, Priyadarsi Nanda, Ren Ping Liu
A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis. 447-456 - Arlindo Luis Marcon Jr., Altair Olivo Santin
, Maicon Stihler, Juliana Bachtold:
A (UCONABC) Resilient Authorization Evaluation for Cloud Computing. 457-467 - Cheng-Kang Chu, Sherman S. M. Chow
, Wen-Guey Tzeng, Jianying Zhou
, Robert H. Deng
Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage. 468-477 - Emmanuelle Anceaume, Yann Busnel
A Distributed Information Divergence Estimation over Data Streams. 478-487 - Xinghua Li, Fenye Bao, Shuxin Li, Jianfeng Ma:
FLAP: An Efficient WLAN Initial Access Authentication Protocol. 488-497 - Weili Han, Zheran Fang, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Gang Pan, Zhaohui Wu:
Collaborative Policy Administration. 498-507 - Zhenhua Liu, Hongbo Liu
, Wenyuan Xu, Yingying Chen
An Error-Minimizing Framework for Localizing Jammers in Wireless Networks. 508-517 - Muhammad Adnan Tariq, Boris Koldehofe
, Kurt Rothermel:
Securing Broker-Less Publish/Subscribe Systems Using Identity-Based Encryption. 518-528
Volume 25, Number 3, March 2014
- Chiara Petrioli
, Michele Nati
, Paolo Casari
, Michele Zorzi, Stefano Basagni:
ALBA-R: Load-Balancing Geographic Routing Around Connectivity Holes in Wireless Sensor Networks. 529-539 - Lena Mashayekhy, Daniel Grosu
A Merge-and-Split Mechanism for Dynamic Virtual Organization Formation in Grids. 540-549 - Jing Wu, Joseph F. JáJá, Elias Balaras:
An Optimized FFT-Based Direct Poisson Solver on CUDA GPUs. 550-559 - Dario Bruneo
A Stochastic Model to Investigate Data Center Performance and QoS in IaaS Cloud Computing Systems. 560-569 - Jordi Arjona Aroca, Antonio Fernández Anta
Bisection (Band)Width of Product Networks with Application to Data Centers. 570-580 - Josué Feliu
, Salvador Petit
, Julio Sahuquillo
, José Duato
Cache-Hierarchy Contention-Aware Scheduling in CMPs. 581-590 - Qingquan Zhang, Lingkun Fu, Yu (Jason) Gu, Lin Gu, Qing Cao, Jiming Chen, Tian He:
Collaborative Scheduling in Dynamic Environments Using Error Inference. 591-601 - Weikuan Yu
, Yandong Wang, Xinyu Que:
Design and Evaluation of Network-Levitated Merge for Hadoop Acceleration. 602-611 - Weijie Wu, Richard T. B. Ma
, John C. S. Lui:
Distributed Caching via Rewarding: An Incentive Scheme Design in P2P-VoD Systems. 612-621 - Ding-Yong Hong
, Jan-Jan Wu, Pen-Chung Yew
, Wei-Chung Hsu
, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu
, Chien-Min Wang
, Yeh-Ching Chung:
Efficient and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translation on Multicores. 622-632 - Kasim Sinan Yildirim
, Aylin Kantarci:
External Gradient Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks. 633-641 - Tao Li, Feng Tan, Qixin Wang
, Lei Bu
, Jiannong Cao
, Xue Liu:
From Offline toward Real Time: A Hybrid Systems Model Checking and CPS Codesign Approach for Medical Device Plug-and-Play Collaborations. 642-652 - Chentao Wu, Xubin He, Qiang Cao, Changsheng Xie, Shenggang Wan:
Hint-K: An Efficient Multilevel Cache Using K-Step Hints. 653-662 - Yue Zhao, Francis Chung-Ming Lau
Implementation of Decoders for LDPC Block Codes and LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on GPUs. 663-672 - Manel Bourguiba, Kamel Haddadou, Inès El Korbi, Guy Pujolle:
Improving Network I/O Virtualization for Cloud Computing. 673-681 - Hamid Arabnejad
, Jorge G. Barbosa
List Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Systems by an Optimistic Cost Table. 682-694 - Kentaro Sano, Yoshiaki Hatsuda, Satoru Yamamoto:
Multi-FPGA Accelerator for Scalable Stencil Computation with Constant Memory Bandwidth. 695-705 - Taehong Kim
, Seong Hoon Kim, Jinyoung Yang, Seongeun Yoo
, Daeyoung Kim:
Neighbor Table Based Shortcut Tree Routing in ZigBee Wireless Networks. 706-716 - Qingyu Yang, Jie Yang, Wei Yu
, Dou An, Nan Zhang, Wei Zhao
On False Data-Injection Attacks against Power System State Estimation: Modeling and Countermeasures. 717-729 - Juan Du, Daniel Joseph Dean, Yongmin Tan, Xiaohui Gu, Ting Yu:
Scalable Distributed Service Integrity Attestation for Software-as-a-Service Clouds. 730-739 - Minh Ngoc Dinh
, David Abramson
, Chao Jin:
Scalable Relative Debugging. 740-749 - Huang Lu, Jie Li
, Mohsen Guizani:
Secure and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks. 750-761 - Lei Yu, Jianzhong Li, Siyao Cheng, Shuguang Xiong, Haiying Shen:
Secure Continuous Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 762-774 - Jianying Luo, Lei Rao, Xue Liu:
Temporal Load Balancing with Service Delay Guarantees for Data Center Energy Cost Optimization. 775-784 - Lu Zhang, Xueyan Tang:
The Client Assignment Problem for Continuous Distributed Interactive Applications: Analysis, Algorithms, and Evaluation. 785-795 - Yaxiong Zhao, Jie Wu:
The Design and Evaluation of An Information Sharing System for Human Networks. 796-805 - Ruitao Xie
, Xiaohua Jia
Transmission-Efficient Clustering Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Compressive Sensing. 806-815 - Sheng Zhang, Zhuzhong Qian, Jie Wu, Sanglu Lu, Leah Epstein:
Virtual Network Embedding with Opportunistic Resource Sharing. 816-827
Volume 25, Number 4, April 2014
- Chenxi Qiu, Haiying Shen:
A Delaunay-Based Coordinate-Free Mechanism for Full Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. 828-839 - Guoyue Jiang, Zhaolin Li, Fang Wang, Shaojun Wei:
A High-Utilization Scheduling Schemeof Stream Programs on ClusteredVLIW Stream Architectures. 840-850 - Malith Jayasinghe, Zahir Tari
, Panlop Zeephongsekul, Albert Y. Zomaya
ADAPT-POLICY: Task Assignment in Server Farms when the Service Time Distributionof Tasks is Not Known A Priori. 851-861 - Haiying Shen, Guoxin Liu:
An Efficient and Trustworthy Resource Sharing Platform for Collaborative Cloud Computing. 862-875 - Yanfei Guo, Palden Lama, Changjun Jiang, Xiaobo Zhou:
Automated and Agile Server ParameterTuning by Coordinated Learning and Control. 876-886 - Dayong Ye
, Minjie Zhang
, Danny Sutanto
Cloning, Resource Exchange, and RelationAdaptation: An Integrative Self-Organisation Mechanism in a Distributed Agent Network. 887-897 - Jeffrey Lok Tin Woo, Mahesh V. Tripunitara:
Composing Kerberos and Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY) for AuthenticatedTransport of Group Keys. 898-907 - Hongbo Jiang, Shengkai Zhang
, Guang Tan, Chonggang Wang:
Connectivity-Based Boundary Extractionof Large-Scale 3D Sensor Networks: Algorithm and Applications. 908-918 - Eyuphan Bulut, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Constructing Limited Scale-Free Topologiesover Peer-to-Peer Networks. 919-928 - Jigang Wu, Thambipillai Srikanthan, Guiyuan Jiang, Kai Wang:
Constructing Sub-Arrays with ShortInterconnects from Degradable VLSI Arrays. 929-938 - Guojun Wang, Md. Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan
, Jiannong Cao
, Jie Wu:
Detecting Movements of a Target Using Face Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks. 939-949 - Mai Abdelhakim
, Leonard E. Lightfoot, Jian Ren, Tongtong Li:
Distributed Detection in Mobile Access Wireless Sensor Networks under Byzantine Attacks. 950-959 - Jiansheng Wei, Hong Jiang, Ke Zhou, Dan Feng:
Efficiently Representing Membershipfor Variable Large Data Sets. 960-970 - Yulai Yuan, Yongwei Wu, Weimin Zheng, Keqin Li:
Guarantee Strict Fairness and UtilizePrediction Better in Parallel Job Scheduling. 971-981 - Siyuan Liu, Lei Kang, Lei Chen
, Lionel M. Ni:
How to Conduct Distributed IncompletePattern Matching. 982-992 - Emmanuel Jeannot, Guillaume Mercier
, Francois Tessier
Process Placement in Multicore Clusters: Algorithmic Issues and Practical Techniques. 993-1002 - Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu, Yuan He, Wei Dong, Mo Li
QoF: Towards Comprehensive Path Quality Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1003-1013 - Valerio Bioglio
, Rossano Gaeta
, Marco Grangetto
, Matteo Sereno:
Rateless Codes and Random Walksfor P2P Resource Discovery in Grids. 1014-1023 - Jinkyu Lee, Buyoung Yun, Kang G. Shin:
Reducing Peak Power Consumption inMulti-Core Systems without ViolatingReal-Time Constraints. 1024-1033 - Jorge E. Pezoa
, Majeed M. Hayat:
Reliability of Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems in the Presence of Correlated Failures. 1034-1043 - Vinit Padhye, Anand Tripathi:
Resource Availability Characteristicsand Node Selection in CooperativelyShared Computing Platforms. 1044-1054 - Jianping He, Jiming Chen, Peng Cheng, Xianghui Cao
Secure Time Synchronization in WirelessSensor Networks: A MaximumConsensus-Based Approach. 1055-1065 - Haiying Shen, Ze Li, Guoxin Liu, Jin Li:
SOS: A Distributed Mobile Q&A SystemBased on Social Networks. 1066-1077 - Martin Biely, Peter Robinson, Ulrich Schmid:
The Generalized Loneliness Detector and Weak System Models for k-Set Agreement. 1078-1088 - Yanmin Zhu, Yuchen Wu, Bo Li:
Trajectory Improves Data Delivery in Urban Vehicular Networks. 1089-1100
Volume 25, Number 5, May 2014
- Ke Xu, Meng Shen, Yong Cui, Mingjiang Ye, Yifeng Zhong:
A Model Approach to the Estimation of Peer-to-Peer Traffic Matrices. 1101-1111 - Ping Guo, Liqiang Wang, Po Chen:
A Performance Modeling and OptimizationAnalysis Tool for Sparse Matrix-VectorMultiplication on GPUs. 1112-1123 - Haiying Shen, Ze Li, Kang Chen:
A Scalable and Mobility-Resilient Data Search System for Large-Scale Mobile Wireless Networks. 1124-1134 - Thilan Ganegedara, Weirong Jiang, Viktor K. Prasanna:
A Scalable and Modular Architecture for High-Performance Packet Classification. 1135-1144 - Arturo González-Escribano
, Yuri Torres
, Javier Fresno
, Diego R. Llanos
An Extensible System for Multilevel Automatic Data Partition and Mapping. 1145-1154 - Yinjin Fu, Hong Jiang, Nong Xiao, Lei Tian, Fang Liu, Lei Xu:
Application-Aware Local-Global Source Deduplication for Cloud Backup Services of Personal Storage. 1155-1165 - Sandeep Chandran
, Prathmesh Kallurkar, Parul Gupta, Smruti R. Sarangi:
Architectural Support for Handling Jitterin Shared Memory Based Parallel Applications. 1166-1176 - Rubén Cuevas
, Nikolaos Laoutaris
, Xiaoyuan Yang, Georgos Siganos, Pablo Rodriguez:
BitTorrent Locality and Transit TrafficReduction: When, Why, and at What Cost? 1177-1189 - Ajoy Kumar Datta, Rajesh Patel:
CPU Scheduling for Power/Energy Management on Multicore Processors Using Cache Miss and Context Switch Data. 1190-1199 - Ing-Ray Chen, Fenye Bao, Moonjeong Chang, Jin-Hee Cho:
Dynamic Trust Management for Delay Tolerant Networks and Its Application to Secure Routing. 1200-1210 - Yanmin Zhu, Wenchao Jiang, Qian Zhang
, Haibing Guan:
Energy-Efficient Identification in Large-Scale RFID Systems with Handheld Reader. 1211-1222 - Jian Li, Yun Li, Jian Ren, Jie Wu:
Hop-by-Hop Message Authenticationand Source Privacy in WirelessSensor Networks. 1223-1232 - Jinkyu Lee, Kang G. Shin:
Improvement of Real-Time Multi-CoreSchedulability with Forced Non-Preemption. 1233-1243 - E. Kartal Tabak, Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Cevdet Aykanat:
Improving the Performance of IndependentTask Assignment Heuristics MinMin, MaxMin and Sufferage. 1244-1256 - Xun Zhao, Yang Zhang, Yongwei Wu, Kang Chen, Jinlei Jiang, Keqin Li:
Liquid: A Scalable Deduplication File System for Virtual Machine Images. 1257-1266 - Mustapha Réda Senouci
, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Khalid Assnoune:
Localized Movement-Assisted SensorDeployment Algorithm for HoleDetection and Healing. 1267-1277 - Nishan Weragama, Jung Hyun Jun, Joanna Mitro, Dharma P. Agrawal:
Modeling and Performance of a Mesh Network with Dynamically Appearing and Disappearing Femtocells as Additional Internet Gateways. 1278-1288 - Fukuhito Ooshita, Shinji Kawai, Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Toshimitsu Masuzawa:
Randomized Gathering of Mobile Agents in Anonymous Unidirectional Ring Networks. 1289-1296 - Hao Wang, Bill Lin:
Reservation-Based Packet Bufferswith Deterministic Packet Departures. 1297-1305 - Liang Yu, Tao Jiang, Yang Cao, Qian Zhang
Risk-Constrained Operation for Internet Data Centers in Deregulated Electricity Markets. 1306-1316 - Xiaoping Wang, Yunhao Liu, Zheng Yang, Kai Lu, Jun Luo:
Robust Component-Based Localizationin Sparse Networks. 1317-1327 - Yu Hua, Hong Jiang, Yifeng Zhu, Dan Feng, Lei Xu:
SANE: Semantic-Aware Namespacein Ultra-Large-Scale File Systems. 1328-1338 - Zhongwen Ying, Thomas G. Robertazzi:
Signature Searching in a Networked Collection of Files. 1339-1348 - Ron Chi-Lung Chiang, H. Howie Huang
TRACON: Interference-Aware Schedulingfor Data-Intensive Applicationsin Virtualized Environments. 1349-1358 - J. Rubén Titos Gil
, Anurag Negi, Manuel E. Acacio
, José M. García, Per Stenström:
ZEBRA: Data-Centric Contention Management in Hardware Transactional Memory. 1359-1369 - Vijay Kumar:
Impact of Brooks-Iyengar DistributedSensing Algorithm on Real Time Systems. 1370
Volume 25, Number 6, June 2014
- Weiwei Sun, Yongrui Qin
, Jingjing Wu, Baihua Zheng
, Zhuoyao Zhang, Ping Yu, Peng Liu, Jian Zhang:
Air Indexing for On-Demand XML Data Broadcast. 1371-1381 - Dinil Mon Divakaran, Tho Ngoc Le, Mohan Gurusamy
An Online Integrated Resource Allocator for Guaranteed Performance in Data Centers. 1382-1392 - Hao Chen, Jianhua Sun, Ligang He, Kenli Li, Huailiang Tan:
BAG: Managing GPU as Buffer Cache in Operating Systems. 1393-1402 - Keke Chen, James Powers, Shumin Guo, Fengguang Tian:
CRESP: Towards Optimal Resource Provisioning for MapReduce Computing in Public Clouds. 1403-1412 - Haochao Li, Kaishun Wu
, Qian Zhang
, Lionel M. Ni:
CUTS: Improving Channel Utilization in Both Time and Spatial Domain in WLANs. 1413-1423 - Haiying Shen, Ze Li, Lei Yu, Chenxi Qiu:
Efficient Data Collection for Large-Scale Mobile Monitoring Applications. 1424-1436 - Firas B. Alomari
, Daniel A. Menascé:
Efficient Response Time Approximations for Multiclass Fork and Join Queues in Open and Closed Queuing Networks. 1437-1446 - Bugra Gedik, Scott Schneider, Martin Hirzel, Kun-Lung Wu:
Elastic Scaling for Data Stream Processing. 1447-1463 - Dian Zhang, Kezhong Lu, Rui Mao, Yuhong Feng, Yunhuai Liu, Zhong Ming, Lionel M. Ni:
Fine-Grained Localization for Multiple Transceiver-Free Objects by using RF-Based Technologies. 1464-1475 - Ming Fan, Gang Quan
Harmonic-Aware Multi-Core Scheduling for Fixed-Priority Real-Time Systems. 1476-1488 - Fahimeh Yazdanpanah, Carlos Álvarez-Martínez
, Daniel Jiménez-González
, Yoav Etsion:
Hybrid Dataflow/von-Neumann Architectures. 1489-1509 - Hongya Wang, LihChyun Shu, Wei Yin, Yingyuan Xiao
, Jiao Cao:
Hyperbolic Utilization Bounds for Rate Monotonic Scheduling on Homogeneous Multiprocessors. 1510-1521 - Jianlong Zhong, Bingsheng He
Kernelet: High-Throughput GPU Kernel Executions with Dynamic Slicing and Scheduling. 1522-1532 - Peng Li, Song Guo
, Zixue Cheng:
Max-Min Lifetime Optimization for Cooperative Communications in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks. 1533-1542 - Jianlong Zhong, Bingsheng He
Medusa: Simplified Graph Processing on GPUs. 1543-1552 - Arslan Munir
, Ann Gordon-Ross, Sanjay Ranka
Multi-Core Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks: Architecture and Applications. 1553-1562 - Kaimin Wei, Deze Zeng, Song Guo
, Ke Xu:
On Social Delay-Tolerant Networking: Aggregation, Tie Detection, and Routing. 1563-1573 - Jingjing Wang, Deepak Jagtap, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
, Dmitry Ponomarev:
Parallel Discrete Event Simulation for Multi-Core Systems: Analysis and Optimization. 1574-1584 - Chia-Cheng Hu:
Playback-Rate Segment Scheduling Algorithm in MoD P2P Streaming Services. 1585-1599 - Christoph Möbius, Waltenegus Dargie
, Alexander Schill:
Power Consumption Estimation Models for Processors, Virtual Machines, and Servers. 1600-1614 - Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Mingqiang Li, Jingwei Li
, Patrick P. C. Lee
, Wenjing Lou:
Secure Deduplication with Efficient and Reliable Convergent Key Management. 1615-1625 - Hsien-Kai Hsin, En-Jui Chang
, An-Yeu Wu
Spatial-Temporal Enhancement of ACO-Based Selection Schemes for Adaptive Routing in Network-on-Chip Systems. 1626-1637 - Jiguang Wan, Jibin Wang, Changsheng Xie, Qing Yang:
${\rm S}^{2}$-RAID: Parallel RAID Architecture for Fast Data Recovery. 1638-1647 - Qin Liu, Chiu C. Tan, Jie Wu, Guojun Wang:
Towards Differential Query Services in Cost-Efficient Clouds. 1648-1658
Volume 25, Number 7, July 2014
- Qiang Zheng, Guohong Cao, Thomas F. La Porta, Ananthram Swami:
Cross-Layer Approach for Minimizing Routing Disruption in IP Networks. 1659-1669 - Guang Tan, Mingming Lu, Fangsheng Jiang, Kongyang Chen
, Xiaoxia Huang, Jie Wu:
Bumping: A Bump-Aided Inertial Navigation Method for Indoor Vehicles Using Smartphones. 1670-1680 - Jing He, Shouling Ji, Yi Pan
, Yingshu Li
Constructing Load-Balanced Data Aggregation Trees in Probabilistic Wireless Sensor Networks. 1681-1690 - Junchao Ma
, Wei Lou
, Xiang-Yang Li:
Contiguous Link Scheduling for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1691-1701 - Panagiotis Pantazopoulos
, Merkourios Karaliopoulos, Ioannis Stavrakakis
Distributed Placement of Autonomic Internet Services. 1702-1712 - Gustavo Vejarano, Dexiang Wang, Ritwik Dubey, Janise McNair
Distributed Throughput Maximization in Wireless Networks Using the Stability Region. 1713-1723 - Wen-Sheng Chen, Ying-Jun Chen, Shiow-Yang Wu:
Dynamic Aggregate: An Elastic Framework for QoS-Aware Distributed Processing of RFID Data on Enterprise Hierarchy. 1724-1734 - Kan Yang
, Xiaohua Jia
Expressive, Efficient, and Revocable Data Access Control for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage. 1735-1744 - Yanhua Li, Zhi-Li Zhang, Daniel Boley:
From Shortest-Path to All-Path: The Routing Continuum Theory and Its Applications. 1745-1755 - Xuanyu Cao
, Xinbing Wang, Songwu Lu:
Function Computation over Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 1756-1766 - Xinyi Huang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Yang Xiang
, Li Xu:
Further Observations on Smart-Card-Based Password-Authenticated Key Agreement in Distributed Systems. 1767-1775 - Wei Dong, Yunhao Liu, Zhiwei Zhao, Xue Liu, Chun Chen, Jiajun Bu:
Link Quality Aware Code Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1776-1786 - Rodrigo N. Calheiros
, Rajkumar Buyya:
Meeting Deadlines of Scientific Workflows in Public Clouds with Tasks Replication. 1787-1796 - Yi Wang
, Zili Shao
, Henry C. B. Chan
, Duo Liu, Yong Guan:
Memory-Aware Task Scheduling with Communication Overhead Minimization for Streaming Applications on Bus-Based Multiprocessor System-on-Chips. 1797-1807 - Zhenzhi Qian, Xiaohua Tian, Xi Chen, Wentao Huang, Xinbing Wang:
Multicast Capacity in MANET with Infrastructure Support. 1808-1818 - Zimu Zhou, Zheng Yang, Chenshu Wu, Longfei Shangguan, Yunhao Liu:
Omnidirectional Coverage for Device-Free Passive Human Detection. 1819-1829 - Yunfeng Zhu, Patrick P. C. Lee
, Yinlong Xu, Yuchong Hu, Liping Xiang:
On the Speedup of Recovery in Large-Scale Erasure-Coded Storage Systems. 1830-1840 - Bin Tang, Baoliu Ye, Song Guo
, Sanglu Lu, Dapeng Oliver Wu
Order-Optimal Information Dissemination in MANETs via Network Coding. 1841-1851 - Delia Ciullo, Valentina Martina, Michele Garetto
, Emilio Leonardi
, Giovanni Luca Torrisi:
Peer-Assisted VoD Systems: An Efficient Modeling Framework. 1852-1863 - Long Cheng, Jianwei Niu
, Jiannong Cao
, Sajal K. Das
, Yu Gu:
QoS Aware Geographic Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1864-1875 - Xinglin Zhang, Zheng Yang, Chenshu Wu, Wei Sun, Yunhao Liu, Kai Liu:
Robust Trajectory Estimation for Crowdsourcing-Based Mobile Applications. 1876-1885 - Jiankun Hu
, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Song Guo
Taxonomy of Attacks for Agent-Based Smart Grids. 1886-1895 - Gongjun Yan, Stephan Olariu, Jin Wang, Samiur Arif:
Towards Providing Scalable and Robust Privacy in Vehicular Networks. 1896-1906 - Julien M. Hendrickx:
Views in a Graph: To Which Depth Must Equality Be Checked? 1907-1912 - Xi Chen, Zibin Zheng
, Qi Yu
, Michael R. Lyu:
Web Service Recommendation via Exploiting Location and QoS Information. 1913-1924 - Pei Huang, Chin-Jung Liu, Xi Yang, Li Xiao, Jin Chen:
Wireless Spectrum Occupancy Prediction Based on Partial Periodic Pattern Mining. 1925-1934
Volume 25, Number 8, August 2014
- Freek Verbeek, Julien Schmaltz:
A Decision Procedure for Deadlock-Free Routing in Wormhole Networks. 1935-1944 - Yu Mao, Jiguang Wan, Yifeng Zhu, Changsheng Xie:
A New Parity-Based Migration Method to Expand RAID-5. 1945-1954 - Xiuyuan Zheng, Hongbo Liu
, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen
, Richard P. Martin, Xiaoyan Li:
A Study of Localization Accuracy Using Multiple Frequencies and Powers. 1955-1965 - Tomohiro Okuyama, Masao Okita, Takeshi Abe
, Yoshiyuki Asai, Hiroaki Kitano, Taishin Nomura
, Kenichi Hagihara:
Accelerating ODE-Based Simulation of General and Heterogeneous Biophysical Models Using a GPU. 1966-1975 - Hwa-Chun Lin, Hsiu-Ming Yang:
An Approximation Algorithm for Constructing Degree-Dependent Node-Weighted Multicast Trees. 1976-1985 - Jiang-Bo Qian
, Qiang Zhu, Yongli Wang:
Bloom Filter Based Associative Deletion. 1986-1998 - Shuai Wang, Guang Tan, Yunhuai Liu, Hongbo Jiang, Tian He:
Coding Opportunity Aware Backbone Metrics for Broadcast in Wireless Networks. 1999-2009 - Juan Manuel Tirado, Daniel Higuero, Francisco Javier García Blas
, Florin Isaila, Jesús Carretero
CONDESA: A Framework for Controlling Data Distribution on Elastic Server Architectures. 2010-2019 - Zhipeng Cai, Shouling Ji, Jing He, Lin Wei, Anu G. Bourgeois:
Distributed and Asynchronous Data Collection in Cognitive Radio Networks with Fairness Consideration. 2020-2029 - Yuanxiong Guo
, Yanmin Gong
, Yuguang Fang
, Pramod P. Khargonekar
, Xiaojun Geng
Energy and Network Aware Workload Management for Sustainable Data Centers with Thermal Storage. 2030-2042 - Jianwei Niu
, Chuang Liu, Yuhang Gao, Meikang Qiu:
Energy Efficient Task Assignment with Guaranteed Probability Satisfying Timing Constraints for Embedded Systems. 2043-2052 - Hongwei Li, Xiaodong Lin, Haomiao Yang, Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu, Xuemin Shen
EPPDR: An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Demand Response Scheme with Adaptive Key Evolution in Smart Grid. 2053-2064 - Weiping Zhu, Jiannong Cao
, Yi Xu, Lei Yang, Junjun Kong:
Fault-Tolerant RFID Reader Localization Based on Passive RFID Tags. 2065-2076 - Mohamed M. E. A. Mahmoud, Sanaa Taha, Jelena V. Misic, Xuemin Shen
Lightweight Privacy-Preserving and Secure Communication Protocol for Hybrid Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. 2077-2090 - Yanfeng Zhang, Qixin Gao, Lixin Gao, Cuirong Wang:
Maiter: An Asynchronous Graph Processing Framework for Delta-Based Accumulative Iterative Computation. 2091-2100 - Jing Liu, Qingfeng Zhuge, Shouzhen Gu, Jingtong Hu
, Guangyu Zhu, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Minimizing System Cost with Efficient Task Assignment on Heterogeneous Multicore Processors Considering Time Constraint. 2101-2113 - Longfei Shangguan, Zhenjiang Li, Zheng Yang, Mo Li
, Yunhao Liu, Jinsong Han:
OTrack: Towards Order Tracking for Tags in Mobile RFID Systems. 2114-2125 - Yan Ma, Lizhe Wang
, Albert Y. Zomaya
, Dan Chen, Rajiv Ranjan
Task-Tree Based Large-Scale Mosaicking for Massive Remote Sensed Imageries with Dynamic DAG Scheduling. 2126-2137 - Tran Ngoc Minh, Thoai Nam, Dick H. J. Epema:
Parallel Workload Modeling with Realistic Characteristics. 2138-2148 - Vidura Gamini Abhaya, Zahir Tari
, Panlop Zeephongsekul, Albert Y. Zomaya
Performance Analysis of EDF Scheduling in a Multi-Priority Preemptive M/G/1 Queue. 2149-2158 - Haris Javaid, Aleksandar Ignjatovic, Sri Parameswaran
Performance Estimation of Pipelined MultiProcessor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs). 2159-2168 - Menglan Hu, Jun Luo
, Yang Wang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli:
Practical Resource Provisioning and Caching with Dynamic Resilience for Cloud-Based Content Distribution Networks. 2169-2179 - Deze Zeng, Song Guo
, Jiankun Hu
Reliable Bulk-Data Dissemination in Delay Tolerant Networks. 2180-2189 - Hongjuan Li
, Xiuzhen Cheng, Keqiu Li, Chunqiang Hu, Nan Zhang, Weilian Xue:
Robust Collaborative Spectrum Sensing Schemes for Cognitive Radio Networks. 2190-2200 - Jin Li, Xinyi Huang, Jingwei Li
, Xiaofeng Chen, Yang Xiang
Securely Outsourcing Attribute-Based Encryption with Checkability. 2201-2210
Volume 25, Number 9, September 2014
- Peng Zhang, Chuang Lin, Yixin Jiang, Yanfei Fan, Xuemin Shen
A Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Network-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 2211-2221 - Haiying Shen, Guoxin Liu, Jill B. Gemmill
, Lee Ward:
A P2P-Based Infrastructure for Adaptive Trustworthy and Efficient Communication in Wide-Area Distributed Systems. 2222-2233 - Chang Liu, Jinjun Chen, Laurence T. Yang, Xuyun Zhang
, Chi Yang, Rajiv Ranjan
, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
Authorized Public Auditing of Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud with Efficient Verifiable Fine-Grained Updates. 2234-2244 - Shui Yu
, Yonghong Tian, Song Guo
, Dapeng Oliver Wu
Can We Beat DDoS Attacks in Clouds? 2245-2254 - Kathryn M. Mohror
, Adam Moody, Greg Bronevetsky, Bronis R. de Supinski:
Detailed Modeling and Evaluation of a Scalable Multilevel Checkpointing System. 2255-2263 - Abusayeed Saifullah, You Xu, Chenyang Lu, Yixin Chen:
Distributed Channel Allocation Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2264-2274 - Jianjiang Wang, Xiaomin Zhu, Dishan Qiu, Laurence T. Yang:
Dynamic Scheduling for Emergency Tasks on Distributed Imaging Satellites with Task Merging. 2275-2285 - Guojun Wang, Wenjun Jiang, Jie Wu, Zhengli Xiong:
Fine-Grained Feature-Based Social Influence Evaluation in Online Social Networks. 2286-2296 - Luca Becchetti
, Andrea Clementi, Francesco Pasquale
, Giovanni Resta
, Paolo Santi, Riccardo Silvestri:
Flooding Time in Opportunistic Networks under Power Law and Exponential Intercontact Times. 2297-2306 - Chao Wei, Zubair Md. Fadlullah
, Nei Kato
, Akira Takeuchi:
GT-CFS: A Game Theoretic Coalition Formulation Strategy for Reducing Power Loss in Micro Grids. 2307-2317 - Chia-Wei Lee
, Tsong-Jie Lin, Sun-Yuan Hsieh:
Hamiltonicity of Product Networks with Faulty Elements. 2318-2331 - Yaozu Dong, Xiantao Zhang, Jinquan Dai, Haibing Guan:
HYVI: A HYbrid VIrtualization Solution Balancing Performance and Manageability. 2332-2341 - Shih-Hsiang Lo, Che-Rung Lee, Quey-Liang Kao, I-Hsin Chung, Yeh-Ching Chung:
Improving GPU Memory Performancewith Artificial Barrier Synchronization. 2342-2352 - Peng Li, Song Guo
, Weihua Zhuang
Optimal Transmission Scheduling of Cooperative Communications with a Full-Duplex Relay. 2353-2363 - Nicolas Kourtellis, Adriana Iamnitchi
Leveraging Peer Centrality in the Designof Socially-Informed Peer-to-Peer Systems. 2364-2374 - Huynh Phung Huynh, Andrei Hagiescu, Zhong-Liang Ong, Weng-Fai Wong
, Rick Siow Mong Goh:
Mapping Streaming Applications onto GPU Systems. 2374-2385 - Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Jianfeng Ma, Qiang Tang
, Wenjing Lou:
New Algorithms for Secure Outsourcing of Modular Exponentiations. 2386-2396 - Sheng Ma, Zhiying Wang, Natalie D. Enright Jerger
, Li Shen, Nong Xiao:
Novel Flow Control for Fully Adaptive Routing in Cache-Coherent NoCs. 2397-2407 - Xiaoshuang Xing, Tao Jing, Hongjuan Li
, Yan Huo
, Xiuzhen Cheng, Taieb Znati:
Optimal Spectrum Sensing Interval in Cognitive Radio Networks. 2408-2417 - Jelena V. Misic, Vojislav B. Misic:
Probabilistic vs. Sequence-Based Rendezvous in Channel-Hopping Cognitive Networks. 2418-2427 - Haiying Shen, Ze Li, Yuhua Lin, Jin Li:
SocialTube: P2P-Assisted Video Sharing in Online Social Networks. 2428-2440 - Sheng Zhong, Haifan Yao:
Towards Cheat-Proof Cooperative Relayfor Cognitive Radio Networks. 2442-2451 - Jaime Ballesteros, Bogdan Carbunar, Mahmudur Rahman, Naphtali Rishe
, S. S. Iyengar
Towards Safe Cities: A Mobile and Social Networking Approach. 2451-2462 - Mo Li
, Zhenjiang Li, Longfei Shangguan, Shaojie Tang, Xiang-Yang Li:
Understanding Multi-Task Schedulabilityin Duty-Cycling Sensor Networks. 2464-2475 - Zhongmei Yao
, Daren B. H. Cline, Xiaoming Wang, Dmitri Loguinov:
Unifying Models of Churn and Resilience for Unstructured P2P Graphs. 2475-2485
Volume 25, Number 10, October 2014
- Chia-Hung Lin, Chia-Yin Hsu, Sun-Yuan Hsieh:
A Multi-Index Hybrid Trie for Lookup and Updates. 2486-2498 - Qinhui Wang, Baoliu Ye, Sanglu Lu, Song Guo
A Truthful QoS-Aware Spectrum Auction with Spatial Reuse for Large-Scale Networks. 2499-2508 - Javier Fresno
, Arturo González-Escribano
, Diego R. Llanos
Blending Extensibility and Performance in Dense and Sparse Parallel Data Management. 2509-2519 - Olivier Beaumont
, Nicolas Bonichon, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Przemyslaw Uznanski
, Shailesh Kumar Agrawal:
Broadcasting on Large Scale Heterogeneous Platforms under the Bounded Multi-Port Model. 2520-2528 - Yu Hua, Xue Liu, Wenbo He
, Dan Feng:
Design and Implementation of Holistic Scheduling and Efficient Storage for FlexRay. 2529-2539 - Benben Liu, Chi Wai Yu, Doris Z. Wang, Ray C. C. Cheung
, Hong Yan
Design Exploration of Geometric Biclustering for Microarray Data Analysis in Data Mining. 2540-2550 - Yiling Yang, Yu Huang
, Jiannong Cao
, Xiaoxing Ma
, Jian Lu:
Design of a Sliding Window over Distributed and Asynchronous Event Streams. 2551-2560 - Petros Aristidou
, Davide Fabozzi, Thierry Van Cutsem:
Dynamic Simulation of Large-Scale Power Systems Using a Parallel Schur-Complement-Based Decomposition Method. 2561-2570 - Kyungbaek Kim
, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian:
Efficient and Reliable Application Layer Multicast for Flash Dissemination. 2571-2582 - Luoyi Fu, Jinbei Zhang, Xinbing Wang:
Evolution-Cast: Temporal Evolution in Wireless Social Networks and Its Impact on Capacity. 2583-2594 - Hao Wang
, Sreeram Potluri, Devendar Bureddy, Carlos Rosales, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
GPU-Aware MPI on RDMA-Enabled Clusters: Design, Implementation and Evaluation. 2595-2605 - Ali Jannesari
, Walter F. Tichy:
Library-Independent Data Race Detection. 2606-2616 - Cristina Carbunaru, Yong Meng Teo
, Ben Leong
, Tracey Ho:
Modeling Flash Crowd Performance in Peer-to-Peer File Distribution. 2617-2626 - John Jenkins, James Dinan, Pavan Balaji, Tom Peterka, Nagiza F. Samatova, Rajeev Thakur
Processing MPI Derived Datatypes on Noncontiguous GPU-Resident Data. 2627-2637 - Xueyuan Su, Gang Peng, Sammy Chan
Multi-Path Routing and Forwarding in Non-Cooperative Wireless Networks. 2638-2647 - Fangming Liu, Zhi Zhou, Hai Jin, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hongbo Jiang:
On Arbitrating the Power-Performance Tradeoff in SaaS Clouds. 2648-2658 - Hua-Jie Shao, Lei Rao, Zhi Wang, Xue Liu, Zhibo Wang, Kui Ren
Optimal Load Balancing and Energy Cost Management for Internet Data Centers in Deregulated Electricity Markets. 2659-2669 - Mohammad Reza Hoseiny Farahabady
, Young Choon Lee
, Albert Y. Zomaya
Pareto-Optimal Cloud Bursting. 2670-2682 - Khaled Z. Ibrahim, Steven A. Hofmeyr, Costin Iancu:
The Case for Partitioning Virtual Machines on Multicore Architectures. 2683-2696 - Jianhua Li, Liang Shi, Qing'an Li, Chun Jason Xue
, Yinlong Xu:
Thread Progress Aware Coherence Adaption for Hybrid Cache Coherence Protocols. 2697-2707 - Yaqin Zhou, Xiang-Yang Li, Min Liu, XuFei Mao, Shaojie Tang, Zhongcheng Li:
Throughput Optimizing Localized Link Scheduling for Multihop Wireless Networks under Physical Interference Model. 2708-2720 - Xiaohui Wei, Hongliang Li
, Kun Yang, Lei Zou:
Topology-Aware Partial Virtual Cluster Mapping Algorithm on Shared Distributed Infrastructures. 2721-2730 - Longfei Shangguan, Zimu Zhou, Zheng Yang, Kebin Liu, Zhenjiang Li, Xibin Zhao, Yunhao Liu:
Towards Accurate Object Localization with Smartphones. 2731-2742 - Yichuan Jiang, J. C. Jiang:
Understanding Social Networks From a Multiagent Perspective. 2743-2759 - Jianbing Ni, Yong Yu
, Yi Mu, Qi Xia:
On the Security of an Efficient Dynamic Auditing Protocol in Cloud Storage. 2760-2761
Volume 25, Number 11, November 2014
- Evangelos Anifantis, Vasileios Karyotis
, Symeon Papavassiliou:
A Spatio-Stochastic Framework for Cross-Layer Design in Cognitive Radio Networks. 2762-2771 - Vaskar Raychoudhury, Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Daqing Zhang, Jiannong Cao
Automatic Event Scheduling in Mobile Social Network Communities. 2772-2782 - Ke Xu, Yifeng Zhong, Huan He:
Can P2P Technology Benefit Eyeball ISPs? A Cooperative Profit Distribution Answer. 2783-2793 - Song Guo
, Deze Zeng, Yang Xiang
Chameleon Hashing for Secure and Privacy-Preserving Vehicular Communications. 2794-2803 - Yuan Wu, Wen-Zhan Song
Cooperative Resource Sharing and Pricing for Proactive Dynamic Spectrum Access via Nash Bargaining Solution. 2804-2817 - Linghe Kong
, Mingyuan Xia, Xiao-Yang Liu, Guangshuo Chen, Yu Gu, Min-You Wu, Xue Liu:
Data Loss and Reconstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2818-2828 - Chen Wang, Baoliu Ye, Xiaoliang Wang, Song Guo
, Sanglu Lu:
Delay and Capacity Analysis in MANETs with Correlated Mobility and ${f}$ -Cast Relay. 2829-2839 - Quanqing Xu, Rajesh Vellore Arumugam, Khai Leong Yong, Sridhar Mahadevan:
Efficient and Scalable Metadata Management in EB-Scale File Systems. 2840-2850 - Giorgos Margaritis, Stergios V. Anastasiadis
Efficient Range-Based Storage Management for Scalable Datastores. 2851-2866 - Kenli Li, Xiaoyong Tang, Keqin Li:
Energy-Efficient Stochastic Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Computing Systems. 2867-2876 - Peyman TalebiFard, Victor C. M. Leung
Expansion Properties of Topology for Networking of Information in Cloud. 2877-2887 - Hao Jiang, Jiannan Zhai, Sally K. Wahba, Biswajit Mazumder, Jason O. Hallstrom:
Fast Distributed Simulation of Sensor Networks Using Optimistic Synchronization. 2888-2898 - Min Shen, Ajay D. Kshemkalyani:
Hierarchical Detection of Strong Unstable Conjunctive Predicates in Large-Scale Systems. 2899-2908 - Jin Teng, Boying Zhang, Xiaole Bai, Zhimin Yang, Dong Xuan:
Incentive-Driven and Privacy-Preserving Message Dissemination in Large-Scale Mobile Networks. 2909-2919 - Ioannis Psaras, Wei Koong Chai
, George Pavlou:
In-Network Cache Management and Resource Allocation for Information-Centric Networks. 2920-2931 - Yu Wang
, Yang Xiang
, Jun Zhang
, Wanlei Zhou
, Guiyi Wei, Laurence T. Yang:
Internet Traffic Classification Using Constrained Clustering. 2932-2943 - Fei Hao
, Geyong Min
, Man Lin, Changqing Luo
, Laurence T. Yang:
MobiFuzzyTrust: An Efficient Fuzzy Trust Inference Mechanism in Mobile Social Networks. 2944-2955 - Jian-Hui Huang, Shengling Wang, Xiuzhen Cheng, Min Liu, Zhongcheng Li, Biao Chen:
Mobility-Assisted Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks. 2956-2968 - Xiaonan Guo, Dian Zhang, Kaishun Wu
, Lionel M. Ni:
MODLoc: Localizing Multiple Objects in Dynamic Indoor Environment. 2969-2980 - Jian-Jun Han, Dakai Zhu
, Xiaodong Wu, Laurence T. Yang, Hai Jin:
Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems with Shared Resources: Utilization Bound and Mapping. 2981-2991 - Gilbert Kowarzyk, Normand Bélanger, David Haccoun, Yvon Savaria:
Optimizing the Parallel Tree-Search for Finding Shortest-Span Error-Correcting CDO Codes. 2992-3001 - Nai-Wen Chang
, Sun-Yuan Hsieh:
Structural Properties and Conditional Diagnosability of Star Graphs by Using the PMC Model. 3002-3011 - Yanjiao Chen, Jin Zhang, Kaishun Wu
, Qian Zhang
TAMES: A Truthful Double Auction for Multi-Demand Heterogeneous Spectrums. 3012-3024 - Wenhai Sun
, Bing Wang, Ning Cao, Ming Li, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou
, Hui Li:
Verifiable Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Text Search in the Cloud Supporting Similarity-Based Ranking. 3025-3035 - Chao Zhang, Jianguo Yao, Zhengwei Qi, Miao Yu, Haibing Guan:
vGASA: Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm of Virtualized GPU Resource in Cloud Gaming. 3036-3045
Volume 25, Number 12, December 2014
- Linfeng Liu
, Ye Liu, Ningshen Zhang:
A Complex Network Approach to Topology Control Problem in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. 3046-3055 - Nusrat Ahmed Surobhi, Abbas Jamalipour:
A Context-Aware M2M-Based Middleware for Service Selection in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 3056-3065 - Seong Hoon Kim, Pohkit Chong, Daeyoung Kim:
A Location-Free Semi-Directional-Flooding Technique for On-Demand Routing in Low-Rate Wireless Mesh Networks. 3066-3075 - Yu Gu, Long Cheng, Jianwei Niu
, Tian He, David Hung-Chang Du:
Achieving Asymmetric Sensing Coverage for Duty Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks. 3076-3087 - Paul Dlugosch, Dave Brown, Paul Glendenning, Michael Leventhal
, Harold Noyes:
An Efficient and Scalable Semiconductor Architecture for Parallel Automata Processing. 3088-3098 - Jianzhong Li, Siyao Cheng, Hong Gao, Zhipeng Cai
Approximate Physical World Reconstruction Algorithms in Sensor Networks. 3099-3110 - Safraz Rampersaud, Lena Mashayekhy, Daniel Grosu
Computing Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games: GPU-Based Parallel Support Enumeration. 3111-3123 - Zhu Ren, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen, David K. Y. Yau, Youxian Sun:
Dynamic Activation Policies for Event Capture in Rechargeable Sensor Network. 3124-3134 - Yujie Xu, Wenyu Qu, Zhiyang Li, Geyong Min, Keqiu Li, Zhaobin Liu:
Efficient $k$ -Means++ Approximation with MapReduce. 3135-3144 - Xiulong Liu, Keqiu Li, Geyong Min
, Kai Lin, Bin Xiao
, Yanming Shen, Wenyu Qu:
Efficient Unknown Tag Identification Protocols in Large-Scale RFID Systems. 3145-3155 - Ying Dai, Jie Wu, Chunsheng Xin:
Efficient Virtual Backbone Construction without a Common Control Channel in Cognitive Radio Networks. 3156-3166 - Feng Xia
, Ahmedin Mohammed Ahmed, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Jianhua Ma, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues:
Exploiting Social Relationship to Enable Efficient Replica Allocation in Ad-hoc Social Networks. 3167-3176 - Ruobing Jiang
, Yanmin Zhu, Tian He, Yunhuai Liu, Lionel M. Ni:
Exploiting Trajectory-Based Coverage for Geocast in Vehicular Networks. 3177-3189 - Xinglin Zhang, Zheng Yang, Zimu Zhou, Haibin Cai, Lei Chen
, Xiangyang Li:
Free Market of Crowdsourcing: Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Sensing. 3190-3200 - Li-Hsing Yen
, Zong-Long Chen:
Game-Theoretic Approach to Self-Stabilizing Distributed Formation of Minimal Multi-Dominating Sets. 3201-3210 - Changqing Luo
, Shengyong Guo, Song Guo
, Laurence T. Yang, Geyong Min
, Xia Xie:
Green Communication in Energy Renewable Wireless Mesh Networks: Routing, Rate Control, and Power Allocation. 3211-3220 - Shunmei Meng, Wanchun Dou, Xuyun Zhang
, Jinjun Chen:
KASR: A Keyword-Aware Service Recommendation Method on MapReduce for Big Data Applications. 3221-3231 - Sian-Jheng Lin, Wei-Ho Chung
Novel Repair-by-Transfer Codes and Systematic Exact-MBR Codes with Lower Complexities and Smaller Field Sizes. 3232-3241 - Abusayeed Saifullah, David Ferry, Jing Li, Kunal Agrawal, Chenyang Lu, Christopher D. Gill:
Parallel Real-Time Scheduling of DAGs. 3242-3252 - Shaohua Tang, Lingling Xu, Niu Liu, Xinyi Huang, Jintai Ding, Zhiming Yang:
Provably Secure Group Key Management Approach Based upon Hyper-Sphere. 3253-3263 - Peng Li, Song Guo
, Shui Yu
, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Reliable Multicast with Pipelined Network Coding Using Opportunistic Feeding and Routing. 3264-3273 - Yihai Zhu, Jun Yan, Yan Sun, Haibo He:
Revealing Cascading Failure Vulnerability in Power Grids Using Risk-Graph. 3274-3284 - Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Xinyi Huang, Jingwei Li
, Yang Xiang
, Duncan S. Wong:
Secure Outsourced Attribute-Based Signatures. 3285-3294 - Zheng Yang, Longfei Shangguan, Weixi Gu, Zimu Zhou, Chenshu Wu, Yunhao Liu:
Sherlock: Micro-Environment Sensing for Smartphones. 3295-3305 - Sheng Wen
, Jiao Jiao Jiang
, Yang Xiang
, Shui Yu
, Wanlei Zhou
, Weijia Jia
To Shut Them Up or to Clarify: Restraining the Spread of Rumors in Online Social Networks. 3306-3316 - Tsung-Han Tsai, Y-Chuang Chen, Jimmy J. M. Tan:
Topological Properties on the Wide and Fault Diameters of Exchanged Hypercubes. 3317-3327 - Zhaoning Zhang, Ziyang Li, Kui Wu, Dongsheng Li, Huiba Li, Yuxing Peng, Xicheng Lu:
VMThunder: Fast Provisioning of Large-Scale Virtual Machine Clusters. 3328-3338

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