About: Sen Soulintha

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Sen Soulintha, Saen Surintha or Sen Sourintha (1511–1582) was born Chane Tian and became King of Lan Xang reigning 1571-1575 and again 1580-1582. Sen Soulintha was not of noble birth, rising from royal page to King Setthatirath’s Chief Minister. During the succession disputes in the Kingdom of Lan Na between King Setthatirath and King Mekuti, Sen Soulintha served Setthatirath as a general and successfully took several cities of Lan Na including Chiang Saen for which he was given the honorific name Lusai meaning “victory.” Sen Soulintha supported Setthatirath in leading the guerrilla campaigns during the Burmese invasions of King Bayinnaung. When Setthatirath died near Attapeu under suspicious circumstances in 1572, Sen Soulintha led the armies of Lan Xang back to Vientiane. A succession di

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  • Phra Nga Sen Sulintara Lusai (auch Phragna Sen Soulinthara Lusai, voller Thronname Somdet Brhat-Anya Chao Sumangala Ayala Budhisana Raja Sri Sadhana Kanayudha; * 1511 in Nong Khai, Siam als Hno Muang; † 1582 in Vientiane) war zwischen 1572 und 1575 sowie erneut zwischen 1580 und 1582 König von Lan Chang. Phra Nga Sen Sulintara Lusai hieß bei seiner Geburt Hno Mueang, er stammte aus einer bürgerlichen Familie. Er wurde in Luang Phrabang ausgebildet und später zum Gouverneur von Pakhuai Luang ernannt. 1555 verlieh ihm König Sai Setthathirath I. die Titel Brhat-Anya Nhote-Lukien und Brhat-Anya Sena Surindra Lujaya. Er stieg bis zum General auf. Der König heiratete seine Tochter, die ihm den einzigen männlichen Erben, Prinz No Keo Kuman, gebar. Nach dem spurlosen Verschwinden Sai Setthathiraths 1571 wurde der erst einjährige No Keo Kuman neuer König und sein Großvater Phra Nga Sen Sulintara Lusai zum Regenten für diesen ernannt. Im Jahr darauf entmachtete er den Kindkönig und bestieg selbst den Thron. 1575 wurde Phra Nga Sen Sulintara Lusai von den Birmanen vom Thron gestoßen und zusammen mit einer großen Anzahl Laoten nach Birma verschleppt. Auf Betreiben der Birmanen kam als Nachfolger sein jüngerer Bruder und Maha Upahat (Vizekönig) Voravongse I. auf den Thron. 1580, nach dem Tod des Maha Upahat, setzten ihn die Birmanen erneut auf den Thron. Phra Nga Sen Sulintara Lusai starb 1582 und Nakhon Noi folgte ihm nach. Er hinterließ zwei Söhne und eine Tochter: * Chaofa Anga (Lo oder Ong-Lo), der später als König Phothisarath II. (reg. 1623–1627) den Thron bestieg * Brhat Chaofa Kaeva (Mom Kaeo), später ebenfalls König von Lan Chang als Mom Kaeo (reg. 1627–1633) * die Tochter war die vierte Frau von König Sai Setthathirath I. und verschwand mit diesem 1571 spurlos (de)
  • Saensurin ou Phrayā Sen Surintha (né vers 1512 mort en 1582), fut régent de 1572 à 1575 puis roi de 1580 à 1582 du Lan Xang (actuel Laos). (fr)
  • Sen Soulintha, Saen Surintha or Sen Sourintha (1511–1582) was born Chane Tian and became King of Lan Xang reigning 1571-1575 and again 1580-1582. Sen Soulintha was not of noble birth, rising from royal page to King Setthatirath’s Chief Minister. During the succession disputes in the Kingdom of Lan Na between King Setthatirath and King Mekuti, Sen Soulintha served Setthatirath as a general and successfully took several cities of Lan Na including Chiang Saen for which he was given the honorific name Lusai meaning “victory.” Sen Soulintha supported Setthatirath in leading the guerrilla campaigns during the Burmese invasions of King Bayinnaung. When Setthatirath died near Attapeu under suspicious circumstances in 1572, Sen Soulintha led the armies of Lan Xang back to Vientiane. A succession dispute erupted, which nearly led to civil war and provided a pretext for another Burmese invasion ordered by Bayinnaung and led by the Chief Minister Binnya Dala. Sen Soulintha defeated the Burmese and Lan Na forces led by Binnya Dala, an event which led to the latter’s exile, only to face a more massive invasion led by Bayinnaug the following year. Sen Soulintha again attempted to resort to guerilla tactics, but lacked popular support from his seizure of the throne. He and his son Ong Lo (Nakhon Noi) were captured by Bayinnaung and exiled to Pegu. The Burmese placed Setthathirath’s brother, and former Ouphahat or Viceroy, Prince Tha Heua on the throne. According to the Luang Prabang chronicles it was this brother, who had led a rebellion in Luang Prabang and tried to seize the throne from Setthathirath on the death of their father Photisarath. Prince Tha Heua took the regnal name Voravongsa and reigned under Burmese suzerainty from 1575-1579. Voravongsa was never popular, and drowned with his family while attempting to flee Vientiane in the face of popular uprising. In 1579, Bayinnaung dispatched a sizable army to restore order. According to Lao histories Sen Soulintha was then installed as king a second time in 1580. By that time Sen Soulintha was an old man and reigned only for two years before his son ascended the throne as Nakhon Noi and another succession dispute ensued. (en)
  • Re Sen Surintra, o Sen Surintra Lue Sai, detto anche Sumankhala Ayako Phothisat, il cui nome regale fu Samdach Brhat-Anya Chao Sumangala Ayaka Budhisana Raja Sri Sadhana Kanayudha (Nong Khai, 1511 – Vientiane, 1582), è stato il ventesimo sovrano del Regno di Lan Xang, la cui capitale era Vientiane, nell'odierno Laos centrale..Fu proclamato re la prima volta nel 1572; nel 1575 l'Impero di Taungù sottomise Lan Xang e Sen Surintra fu catturato e deportato nella capitale birmana Pegu. Divenne re la seconda nel 1575 come vassallo di Pegu, al ritorno dall'esilio a cui era stato costretto dagli invasori. Le cronache che lo menzionano provengono dagli antichi annali di Lan Xang, di Lanna, di Ayutthaya e di Birmania, che differiscono tra loro. Gli annali di Lan Xang furono tradotti in altre lingue ed interpretati in diversi modi, dando luogo a controversie sull'attendibilità dei riferimenti storici. La principale tra le critiche che determinarono il cambiamento del testo originale, fu dettata dalla convinzione che molti degli avvenimenti storici fossero stati omessi o distorti nell'edizione originale a maggior gloria del regno. Gli avvenimenti e le date relative alla sua vita non sono quindi pienamente attendibili. (it)
  • Koning Somdetch Brhat-Anya Chao Sumangala Ayaka Budhisana Raja Sri Sadhana Kanayudha , beter bekend onder de naam Sensulinthara was de regent voor koning Nokkeo Kumman sinds 1571. Hij besloot echter in 1572 om zichzelf tot 19e koning van Lan Xang te benoemen. Hij was geboren in 1511 in aan de Mekong. Hij was de zoon van een handelaar genaamd Chan. Hij volgde zijn opleiding in Luang Prabang, en hij steeg tot de rang van gouverneur. Onder koning werd hij bevorderd tot generaal en benoemd tot de regent voor zijn zoon. In 1575 namen de Birmezen hem gevangen. In 1580 installeerden ze hem opnieuw op de troon na de dood van koning Vorawongse I. Hij stierf in Vientiane in 1582 en werd opgevolgd door zijn oudste zoon, koning Nakhon Noi. Hij had voor zover bekend twee zoons en één dochter: * Prins (Chao Fa) Negara Nuya (Nakhon Noi). Hij volgde zijn vader op bij diens dood in 1582. * Prins (Chao Fa) Unga Lo (Pothisarat II). Hij zou in 1623 koning worden. * Prinses (Chao Fa Nying) naam onbekend, zij trouwde als 4e met koning Sai Setthathirat I. (nl)
  • Сен Сулінта (1511–1582) — лаоський державний діяч, правитель королівства Лансанг у період смути 1571—1591 років. Вперше він проголосив себе королем 1571 року, втім 1575 імператор Таунгу захопив Сен Сулінту й відправив його до бірманської столиці, міста Пегу. Вдруге зайняв трон 1580 року, повернувшись із заслання, але вже в якості васала Бірми. Хроніки, в яких згадується Сен Сулінта, належать до старовинних анналів королівства Лансанг, держав Ланна, Аюттхая та Бірма, й усі вони суперечать одне одному. Зокрема хроніки Лансангу перекладались іншими мовами та тлумачились по різному, що спричинило дискусії з приводу правдивості тих історичних джерел. Більшість дослідників вважають, що до оригінальних текстів навмисне вносились зміни, щоб не висвітлювати ті чи інші події з метою возвеличення власної держави. Окрім того, дослідникам вкрай важко встановити хронологію та чітку послідовність подій і правителів у той період історії королівства Лансанг. Тому події та дати біографії Сен Сулінти не можуть бути цілком достовірними. (uk)
  • 1575-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1571-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • King of Lan Xang (en)
  • 50726787 (xsd:integer)
  • 15567 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1115903647 (xsd:integer)
  • 1511 (xsd:integer)
  • Chane Tian (en)
  • 1572 (xsd:integer)
  • 1582 (xsd:integer)
  • Prince Ong Lo (en)
  • Sen Soulintha Lusai (en)
  • Samdach Brhat-Anya Chao Sumangala Ayaka Budhisana Raja Sri Sadhana Kanayudha (en)
  • 1571 (xsd:integer)
  • 1580 (xsd:integer)
  • 1571 (xsd:integer)
  • 1580 (xsd:integer)
  • Saensurin ou Phrayā Sen Surintha (né vers 1512 mort en 1582), fut régent de 1572 à 1575 puis roi de 1580 à 1582 du Lan Xang (actuel Laos). (fr)
  • Phra Nga Sen Sulintara Lusai (auch Phragna Sen Soulinthara Lusai, voller Thronname Somdet Brhat-Anya Chao Sumangala Ayala Budhisana Raja Sri Sadhana Kanayudha; * 1511 in Nong Khai, Siam als Hno Muang; † 1582 in Vientiane) war zwischen 1572 und 1575 sowie erneut zwischen 1580 und 1582 König von Lan Chang. (de)
  • Sen Soulintha, Saen Surintha or Sen Sourintha (1511–1582) was born Chane Tian and became King of Lan Xang reigning 1571-1575 and again 1580-1582. Sen Soulintha was not of noble birth, rising from royal page to King Setthatirath’s Chief Minister. During the succession disputes in the Kingdom of Lan Na between King Setthatirath and King Mekuti, Sen Soulintha served Setthatirath as a general and successfully took several cities of Lan Na including Chiang Saen for which he was given the honorific name Lusai meaning “victory.” Sen Soulintha supported Setthatirath in leading the guerrilla campaigns during the Burmese invasions of King Bayinnaung. When Setthatirath died near Attapeu under suspicious circumstances in 1572, Sen Soulintha led the armies of Lan Xang back to Vientiane. A succession di (en)
  • Re Sen Surintra, o Sen Surintra Lue Sai, detto anche Sumankhala Ayako Phothisat, il cui nome regale fu Samdach Brhat-Anya Chao Sumangala Ayaka Budhisana Raja Sri Sadhana Kanayudha (Nong Khai, 1511 – Vientiane, 1582), è stato il ventesimo sovrano del Regno di Lan Xang, la cui capitale era Vientiane, nell'odierno Laos centrale..Fu proclamato re la prima volta nel 1572; nel 1575 l'Impero di Taungù sottomise Lan Xang e Sen Surintra fu catturato e deportato nella capitale birmana Pegu. Divenne re la seconda nel 1575 come vassallo di Pegu, al ritorno dall'esilio a cui era stato costretto dagli invasori. (it)
  • Koning Somdetch Brhat-Anya Chao Sumangala Ayaka Budhisana Raja Sri Sadhana Kanayudha , beter bekend onder de naam Sensulinthara was de regent voor koning Nokkeo Kumman sinds 1571. Hij besloot echter in 1572 om zichzelf tot 19e koning van Lan Xang te benoemen. Hij had voor zover bekend twee zoons en één dochter: * Prins (Chao Fa) Negara Nuya (Nakhon Noi). Hij volgde zijn vader op bij diens dood in 1582. * Prins (Chao Fa) Unga Lo (Pothisarat II). Hij zou in 1623 koning worden. * Prinses (Chao Fa Nying) naam onbekend, zij trouwde als 4e met koning Sai Setthathirat I. (nl)
  • Сен Сулінта (1511–1582) — лаоський державний діяч, правитель королівства Лансанг у період смути 1571—1591 років. Вперше він проголосив себе королем 1571 року, втім 1575 імператор Таунгу захопив Сен Сулінту й відправив його до бірманської столиці, міста Пегу. Вдруге зайняв трон 1580 року, повернувшись із заслання, але вже в якості васала Бірми. (uk)
  • Phra Nga Sen Sulintara Lusai (de)
  • Sen Surintra (it)
  • Saensurin (fr)
  • Sensulinthara (nl)
  • Sen Soulintha (en)
  • Сен Сулінта (uk)
  • Sen Soulintha Lusai (en)
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