z-cmm211 is a 110 meter stealth destroyer that carries two 160 mm triple-barreled cannons, one 50 mm miniturret with two six-barreled capable of attacking aerial targets and a battery with eight ballistic surface-to-surface missiles. the ship is propelled by two engines and a jet underwater turbine all powered by a nuclear reactor.
• model is a set of 45 separated objects • clean topology, quads and tris only • polygons: 13 758 • polygons of additional objects (water surface): 1 048 576 • vertices: 14 648 • created with 3ds max 2014 • preview images rendered with v-ray 2.40 • materials: v-ray materials only, no textures
• real-world scale (centimeters) • model is 11 002 cm in length and is centered at 0-0-0 • model has fully unwrapped uvs • objects and materials use meaningful names • scene objects organized by layers and groups • scene includes: light, camera and water * • scene is set up for v-ray • no third-party plug-ins needed • available formats: max, fbx, obj **
the model is created in low poly style and is not optimized for subdivision. all and some other elements like missile battery doors and radars can be rotated and moved for animation.
* included light, camera and water are set up to render the scene as shown on the first preview image with water. all other cameras and lights to render the scene as shown on all other preview images are not included.
** fbx and obj formats do not include light, camera, water and materials. just the model with one simple grey material applied. Druckfertige: Nein
Sie brauchen mehr Formate? Falls Sie ein anderes Format benötigen, eröffnen Sie bitte ein neues Support-Ticket und fragen Sie danach. Wir können 3D-Modelle in folgende Formate konvertieren: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Wir konvertieren keine 3D-Szenen und Formate wie .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt usw!
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One native app, web app, or game downloaded or sold times, physical or digital end products
250 000
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Royalty-Free Usage
The Extended License for an item is two (2) times as expensive as the Basic License for the same item. For example, if you can obtain some 3D model under a Basic License for $20, the same model under an Extended License will cost you $40.
You cannot redistribute or resell items purchased under any type of license (Basic or Extended), whether separately or included in some kind of collection of 3D model resources. Mehr lesen
Yes, If the model is under Royalty Free license , you can use it as long as it is incorporated into the product and as long as the 3rd party cannot retrieve it on its own in both digital and physical form.
No AI Training License
Licenses marked with the "no AI" designation do not grant permission for utilizing the product in tasks related to machine learning or the training of neural network models, including generative AI models.
These conditions terms specified by Belial.Studio for the futuristic military stealth ship. Mehr lesen
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