Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
1. Primacy of contracts and orders
These regulations are only supplementary and shall not apply if a subject is already otherwise regulated by a contract or a product description in the context of an order (e.g. on the website). Regulations in contracts or order forms thus take precedence over these General Terms and Conditions.
2. Visitors to our website If you use our websites without having concluded a contract with us, the statutory requirements shall apply to you. Insofar as we recognisably offer material for free redistribution, this permission shall be subject to the obligation to pass on the relevant data, graphics and files unchanged and accompanied by a customary reference to Statista (link or source reference), unless we expressly state otherwise when providing the material.
3. Inadmissible types of use Access data for an individual must not be passed on. The replacement of a person authorised by a contract is only possible if we have contractually agreed to this with you. You are also not allowed to access our web pages with the aid of crawlers or comparable technology. We will monitor the extent of use and used devices and block access if we have reason to suspect that access data has been passed on or unauthorised access technology is being used; we can also give extraordinary notice of termination in this case. As voluntary additional services by Statista or free offers on the website shall not become part of the contract, they can be changed or cancelled at any time.
4. Reputation management Statista might grant access to its own content by releasing HTML or similar code but the use of this code in connection with pornographic, racist, or similar content is prohibited. Statista may terminate any contract if its continuation is likely to negatively affect its own reputation. If this results in the customer not receiving services they have paid for, a proportional refund of their payment will be issued.
5. Contract formation, contact details and representation We assume that you are authorised to make declarations on behalf of the body in whose name you are registering and that you are also authorised submit the names and contact details we require to administer and execute the contract. If you provide us with incomplete or incorrect tax, contact or billing information, or fail to notify us of changes to this information, you may be liable for damages. You are thus advised to report changes of address in good time and provide us with all the information we need to issue the invoice upon conclusion of the contract. The preparation of reminders and the subsequent amendment or addition of address data or other invoice information on invoice documents and order confirmations may incur costs which would be charged to you in such cases.
6. Taxes and invoicing All prices set forth in contracts and ordering processes are net amounts. Statista will add applicable taxes or similar government fees that, by law, shall be charged to you. If any withhold on the payment shall be done, you will provide on due time to us a withholding tax certificate including proof of withholding tax payment. You agree on the issuance and transmission of e-invoices or any other type of invoice’s format as paper, PDF, or JPG, in accordance with the applicable law.
7. Terms and price adjustments As a rule, Statista agrees terms and price adjustments with customers in contracts or as part of ordering processes. In the absence of a relevant provision, contracts with Statista have a term of one year and can be terminated by providing six weeks’ notice to the end of the contract. Until the contract is terminated, it will automatically renew for another year each time, at the current price listed on the website.
8. Liability Statistical material may be erroneous, incomplete, or open to interpretation; files may be corrupted, and transmission paths are prone to failure. Technical systems are vulnerable and not all interfaces and devices always work completely reliably. Statista, its team, and its cooperation partners (in the procurement of data) are thus only liable for direct damage as well as only for intent and gross negligence and only up to the amount of the contract value. This clause shall not apply if it violates mandatory statutory requirements (e.g. for the protection of children, private households, or other national protective regulations).
9. Third party websites and material Statista may link to third-party information or offers, but this does not imply a recommendation or ownership of the content.
To the extent permitted by law, we may assert claims arising from this contract in a court located at our business headquarters or the headquarters of a subsidiary
Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit
Sie können uns über das Kontaktformular erreichen.
Betreiberinformation nach dem Telemediengesetz
Statista GmbH
Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1
20355 Hamburg
[email protected]
Registergericht: Köln
Registernummer: HRB 87129
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE258551386
Geschäftsführer: Marc Berg
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung bereit, die Sie unter aufrufen können.
Unser Hinweisgeber-System ermöglicht es, unkompliziert und auf Wunsch völlig anonym auf mögliche Compliance-Verstöße hinzuweisen:
Highslide Software
Auf diesem Webangebot sind Bilder veröffentlicht, die von Fotografen ohne Lizenzkosten (bspw. creative commons, GNU) zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Hierfür danken wir folgenden Webseiten:
Hinweis zu allen Links: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich. Hinweis zur Datenverwendung: Die Verwendung der auf bereitgestellten Statistiken ist mittels Einbindung auf anderen Webseiten jedem Nutzer freigestellt, soweit der Umfang die Grenzen des § 87c UrhG nicht erreicht und die Nutzungsbedingungen (siehe unten) beachtet werden.
Gezahlt werden können kostenpflichtige Accounts und Statistiken per Kreditkarte (Mastercard, VISA) oder per Rechnung. Die kostenpflichtigen Accounts haben bei Rechnungszahlung ein Zahlungsziel von zehn Werktagen ab Rechnungsdatum. Die Zahlung eines Accounts erfolgt zu Beginn der Vertragslaufzeit für den vollständigen Abonnementzeitraum in einem Rechnungsbetrag.
Aufgrund der digitalen Beschaffenheit unserer Produkte und dem direkten Zugriff auf unsere Inhalte, können wir leider keine Rückerstattungen anbieten. Wenn Sie eine Beratung vor Ihrer Kaufentscheidung wünschen, kontaktieren Sie uns gerne per Mail unter [email protected].