Welcome to DeliPARTNER!

Our newest program that aims to provide affordable homemade goodness staples for your bigger needs at home and in your business!


Want to customize your orders for big occasions? Looking for reliable products from trusted brands that you can include in your reselling or food business? DeliPARTNER is perfect for you!

Get a special discount on bulk purchases when you place your orders via

Choose from the following purchase options and order using your unique promo code:

A. Minimum of P10,000 per transaction to avail 6% discount

B. Minimum of P20,000 per transaction to avail 8% discount


1. Fill out the form to get started: DeliPartner Form
2. Our team will review your submission.
3. Wait for our team to reach out to you via your contact details. Accepted applications will be granted unique promo codes.

For more information, please send an email to [email protected] or reach us through Viber at 09998335407

Be a DeliPARTNER and share the delight of homemade goodness to more and more Filipinos!