Videos by 백신종 Daniel Shinjong Baeq
단기선교의 이론과 실재, 사례등을 소개한 강의로 "단기선교 퍼스펙티브" (두날개, 2008) 내용을 담고 있습니다.
Papers by 백신종 Daniel Shinjong Baeq
The Journal Of Arab And Islamic World Studies, 2023
Prophets in the Qur'an and the Bible, 2022
This paper is to compare the Qur’ānic narratives of Adam with the biblical narratives in order t... more This paper is to compare the Qur’ānic narratives of Adam with the biblical narratives in order to uncover in what manner Adam is considered as a prophet in Islam and to create a ground for further dialogue. For this purpose, the qualifications for a prophet is reviewed from both the Qur’ān and the Bible. Then the Adamic narratives from the Qur’ān and the book of Genesis are examined for content analysis. Next, using the guidelines for a prophet, the narratives in the Qur’ān and the Bible is examined to uncover how Adam satisfies the criteria for prophethood. Finally, the nature of Adam’s prophecy will be discussed along with possible findings that may be used to encourage the Christian and Muslim dialogue.
27(4):197-207, International Journal of Frontier Missions, 2010
29(1):25-37 International Journal of Frontier Missions, 2012
XXXIX (1):25-37, Missiology: An International Review, Jan 2011
With the development of global migration, mission fields are shifting from reaching out to reachi... more With the development of global migration, mission fields are shifting from reaching out to reaching in. Various ethnic groups immigrate to countries traditionally regarded as the sending agents of the church. This article will examine the role that the Korean American Church (KAC) can play in Ethnic Minority Missions (EMM) and how to change the current attitude of Korean Americans toward other ethnic groups through short-term missions. Also, this article will provide insight concerning the Korean American church's need for building relationships with other ethnic groups in order to reach out to them effectively.
11(4):131-152, Korean Missions Quarterly, 2012
Trinity International University
The Paul Hiebert Research Project seeks to embody the vision of Paul G. Hiebert (1932-2007), a lo... more The Paul Hiebert Research Project seeks to embody the vision of Paul G. Hiebert (1932-2007), a long time faculty member at Trinity, for engaging in missiological research that makes a difference in the academy, in our churches and mission organizations, and in the secular world. The project provides a unique opportunity for ministers, missionaries, professionals, and academics in various fields to access the life and thought of Dr. Hiebert and to apply his invaluable insights to their research and various fields of ministry.
9(2): 110-130 한국선교계간 Korean Missions Quarterly, 2009
는 '선교라는 구조물은 신약성경에 단절된 몇 개의 성경구절 위에 기반한 거대한 역삼각형 구조의 불안정한 신학이 아니다'라고 단언하고 있다(1976:31). '선교'라는 주제는... more 는 '선교라는 구조물은 신약성경에 단절된 몇 개의 성경구절 위에 기반한 거대한 역삼각형 구조의 불안정한 신학이 아니다'라고 단언하고 있다(1976:31). '선교'라는 주제는 성경의 전반에 걸친 하나님의 구속계획의 구체적인 구현 방법이며 (Glasser 2003), 성경의 핵심주제라는 것이 근대 선교신학자들과 성경신학자들의 공통된 주장이다. 20세기의 탁월한 주석자요 성경교사인 영국의 존 스토트 (Stott 1975)와 구약신학자인 월터 카이저 (Kaiser 2000), 콜롬비아 신학교의 신약신학자인 윌리암 랄킨 (Larkin 1999)도 '하나님의 선교'가 성경에 기록된 중요한 중심주제(central theme)라는데 의견을 모으고 있다. 위의 전제가 사실임에도 불고하고 기독교 선교전략의 핵심이 대위임령(마 28:18-20)과 예수님의 지상 대명령 (행 1:8)에 기반하고 있으며, 이 두 구절에 핵심적인 선교정신과 선교철학의 근간이 놓여 있음을 부인할 수는 없을 것이다. 마태복음 28장 18-20절의 경우 구체적인 선교전략과 방법론을 제시하고 있으며, 사도행전 1:8은 선교의 지정학적인 그리고 인종학적인 선교 전략에 대한 단초를 제공하고 있다. 따라서 위의 두 본문에 대한 정확한 번역과 이해는 21세기 한국교회의 선교전략과 선교방향을 결정하는 매우 중요한 근거가 될 것이다. 1 백신종(Daniel Shinjong Baeq)은 중앙대학교, 총신대 신학대학원, 풀러신학교를 졸업하였으며, 아내 강은경 선교사와 2남2녀의
6(1):43-59 한국선교계간 (Korea Missions Quarterly), Dec 2006
12(4): 129-139 한국선교계간(KMQ), Jul 2013
Videos by 백신종 Daniel Shinjong Baeq
Papers by 백신종 Daniel Shinjong Baeq
After a brief introduction biblical basis of short-term mission is in Chapter two and the next chapter extracts lessons from missiological perspectives on contemporary background and advantages of short-term mission. Chapter four describes a concise history of short-term mission in Korean Church history. The following Chapter summarizes and discusses results of the questionnaire on Korean-American short-term mission with special reference to the Korean Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America.
Consequently a Five-Step short-term mission is duly proposed in Chapter six through biblical, missiological, and historical studying on Korean-American short-term mission to develop a mutually beneficial model for sending church, host workers, and participants."