Basic CSS examples
How to select the entire section
All of the styles that you add are scoped to that specific section (which means you can style two Design Packs totally differently and not have to worry about any interfering styles or inheritance issues)
To select the entire section, use empty brackets, instead of using the id selector (eg. #DP--12344789 is not needed). Not sure what that means? Here is an example:
If you copy and paste the above code, you will see a border appear around the section. It will be a solid line, 3 pixels in width and the color red.
How to set custom values for the margins on a section
Sometimes you might want to have margins on the top, but not the bottom of a section, or vice versa. To override the margins in the settings you can use the following code:
Include both of these lines of code if you want to change both the top and bottom margins. If you only want to change one of the margins, then you can delete the one you don't need.
One "gotcha" is that the margin will show up again on mobile, so in order to make sure that a margin is consistent on all screen sizes, you can add the same code in Mobile CSS OR add !important to the end of each (example below):
How to change the animation speed
We have set a default speed of 0.5s for elements to animate in when that section comes into view on page scroll. Sometimes that can seem slow if you have a lot of blocks that are animating in. To adjust this, you can use the following CSS:
^^ The value can be updated to 0.1s, 0.2s, 0.3s, 0.4s, etc. If you want to apply that animation speed to ALL the animations (instead of one section), you can add the following code to the Global Custom CSS in the app interface.
How to control width of banner sections
Banner sections are full width by default, but if do not want them to stretch across the whole screen, you can use the following CSS snippet to control the width. This snippet doesn't use a class (eg. .dsgn-pck__sizer) because it is applied to the parent element.
Global CSS
General custom CSS add globally to theme or all Design Packs

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