• Blogs that primarily post pornographic content (specifically real in-the-flesh pornography, not including artwork, virtual T&A is A-okay)
  • Blogs that exist to solicit or advertise something (especially sex, I do not want your services)
  • TERF blogs and blogs that are otherwise transphobic in nature (self-explanatory)
  • Blogs that are outright and unapologetically bigoted towards any race, sexuality, or gender representation (I’m no shining star myself in this regard, but I will never attack anyone for what they are)
  • Blogs of paedophiles or sexual predators (provided evidence that they are such, of course)
  • Propaganda blogs (be it right-wing or left-wing, IDGAF, be gone)

If your blog is of the nature of any of the above, and you follow me, you will not receive a follow-back, but instead be blocked. Congratulations.

If your blog is not of the nature of any of the above, then ya got nothin’ to worry about, sleep easy bucko.

This list may be expanded or revised in the future, feel free to provide your own input if you feel I’m missing anyone or being a bit too strict/vague.