
A place of art, writing and pretty boys who are rather fond of other pretty boys.

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“ thorin, frerin and dis, sons and daughter of thrain
i try to draw fili’s and kili’s father… and i image that he may looks more like fili, because for me it’s cute that kili looks more like his mother, and i like to think that fili...


thorin, frerin and dis, sons and daughter of thrain

i try to draw fili’s and kili’s father… and i image that he may looks more like fili, because for me it’s cute that kili looks more like his mother, and i like to think that fili inherit his blonde hair from his father…

(via hvit-ravn-deactivated20181206)

Filed under this is totally how they all look in my head Thorin dis Frerin the line of durin kili & fili's father Fanart The Hobbit awesomeness

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