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API Documentation

The Activity Distribution APIs gives developers easy access to the broad array of data produced by the technology solutions powered by ACTIVE Network, Inc. It is centered around the concept of "assets", where events, races, tournaments, facilities, classes, leagues are all considered assets. Each asset has a unique ID, and data about a given asset can be retrieved with this ID.

All of the currently Public Activity Distribution APIs are read-only and return public data. As a result, no security measures (SSL, OAuth) are required. Transactions are currently processed on or

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The Activity Distribution APIs have been designed to be easy to use.  A short technical overview will help you get up and running quickly.

Response Formats Supported:

The Activity Distribution APIs support a variety of response formats such as XML, JSON, iCal, RSS*. Choose which format you want to have returned when sending an API request. The response format is chosen using the “v” parameter in the API request query string.

*Note – Not all response formats are supported by each API. Please check documentation for specifics.


Creating an API Request:

To make an API request, you’ll need to:

Have your developer key handy

Know the assets you're looking to retrieve

Know the format (i.e. JSON, XML) you want the response to be returned in


Here’s an example of an API request:

·       URI Format: HTTP GET{queryString params}&api_key={key} 


Error Handling:

When an error is encountered, you’ll receive an appropriate HTTP response code (for example, 404 for "File Not Found".) You’ll also get details returned to you in the body of the response. Below is a list of error codes you many encounter:

  • 400 - Bad Request
  • 403 - Not Authorized
  • 403 - Account Inactive
  • 403 - Over Queries Per Second Limit
  • 403 - Over Rate Limit
  • 403 - Unknown Referrer
  • 403 - Service Over Queries-per-Second-Limit
  • 403 - Service Requires SSL
  • 414 - Request URI Too Long
  • 502 - Bad Gateway
  • 503 - API Maintenance/Service Unavailable
  • 504 - Gateway Timeout


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