Maps JavaScript API
Stay organized with collections
Save and categorize content based on your preferences.
Build dynamic, interactive, deeply customized maps, location, and geospatial experiences for your web apps.
Get Started
Start building with commonly used features of the Maps JavaScript API.
Get started with Google Maps Platform
Follow the Google Maps Platform getting started guide to create an account, generate an API key, and start building.
Build your first map with a marker
Learn how to load the Maps JavaScript API, and add a map with a marker to your web app.
Build a 3D map
Learn how to create a 3D map using the Maps JavaScript API.
Customize the style of your map
Customize just about every aspect of the map, including roads, geographical features, points of interest, and more.
Add info windows to your markers
Show an info window with additional information and context when your users click on a marker.
Browse docs for core features of the Maps JavaScript API.
Map types
Display the road, satellite, hybrid, terrain, and custom maps.
Automatically localize text on the map into over 40 languages.
Display the default Google Maps marker, or add your own custom-styled markers.
UI controls
Customize the UI controls that appear on the map.
Write code that reacts to user interactions and lifecycle events.
WebGL overlay
Build rich 3D and 2D experiences on the vector basemap with the power of WebGL.
Info windows
Add increased context and information to your markers with interactive info windows.
Custom overlays
Create custom overlays to display data, imagery, and more on the map.
Ground overlays
Overlay your own custom imagery that stays in sync with the map when it pans and zooms.
Data layer
Display GeoJSON and other data types on the map in a variety of formats.
Custom styling
Custom style the appearance of almost every visual aspect of the map.
Tilt & rotation
Programmatically tilt and rotate the vector basemap in three dimensions.
Marker clustering
Group large numbers of markers for a cleaner user experience.
Visualize the denisity of data at geographical points.
Bootstrap optional libraries when you load the Maps JS API to add extended functionality.
Libraries overview
Learn how to bootstrap available libraries when you load the Maps JS API.
Drawing library
Give your users the ability to interactively draw on the map.
Geometry library
Use utility functions that computate geometric data on the surface of the Earth.
Places library
Search for nearby Places, enable Place Autocomplete, and retrieve Place details and photos.
Local Context library (beta)
Add an interactive map with a place chooser consisting of a gallery of photos.
Visualization library
Visualize data intensity at geographical points with heat maps.
Try built-in data services to enrich your web apps.
Directions service
Get directions between two points on the map with up to 25 waypoints.
Distance Matrix service
Fetch travel distance and time for a matrix of origins and destinations.
Elevation service
Retrieve the elevation of locations on the surface of the Earth, including the ocean floor.
Geocoding service
Convert addresses or Place IDs to coordinates and vice versa.
Maximum Zoom Imagery service
Query for the maximum zoom level of imagery available at a location.
Street View service
Add 360 degree Street View imagery to your web apps, or upload your own imagery.
Example apps
Run live code samples on your local machine and favorite code playgrounds.
Searching for Places
Use the Places library to search for nearby places.
Styling the map for dark mode
Use custom map styling to add a dark mode map to your web app.
Customizing marker icons
Change the marker icons on your map to a custom image.
Using custom overlays
Create a rich overlay on the map that stays in sync when the user pans and zooms.
Displaying a traffic layer
Display real-time traffic in a rich map overlay.
Tilting & rotating the map
Programmatically tilt and rotate the vector map in three dimensions.
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Get help from the Google Maps Platform team.