Manage conversion sources

Here's how to use the Merchant API to manage the conversion sources for your merchant account.

Merchant Center conversion sources let you view conversion data from free listings, and from your website, in your merchant account.

Before you can manage conversion sources with the Merchant API, you need to set up autotagging and claim a website for your merchant account. A merchant account can have up to 200 conversion sources.

You can use Google Analytics to track conversions on your free listings and your website.

If you have administrator access to a Google Analytics property, you can link the property to your merchant account by creating a Google Analytics conversion source.

The following API request creates a new ConversionSource object under your merchant account for Google Analytics:


 "googleAnalyticsLink": {
   "propertyId": propertyId

The following sample response contains a ConversionSource object. Google Analytics conversion sources have the field googleAnalyticsLink set, and a conversionSourceId starting with galk:.

  "conversionSourceId": "galk:propertyId",
  "googleAnalyticsLink": {
    "propertyId": "propertyId",
    "attributionSettings": {
       "attributionLookbackWindowDays": 30,
       "atributionModel": "CROSS_CHANNEL_DATA_DRIVEN",
       "conversionType": [
           "name": "purchase",
           "report": true
   "propertyName": "My Property Name"
 "state": "ACTIVE",
 "controller": "MERCHANT"

Use a Google tag

If you don't have a Google Analytics property, you can send conversion data directly to your merchant account by creating a website conversion source with a Google tag. You can use the Google Tag Manager API to set up an existing Google tag, or use the new tag that is automatically created when you add a new website conversion source.

Here's a sample that creates a new accounts.conversionSources object for website tracking under your merchant account:


  "merchantCenterDestination": {
    "displayName": "My tag destination",
    "attributionSettings": {
      "attributionLookbackWindowDays": 30,
      "attributionModel": "CROSS_CHANNEL_LAST_CLICK"
    "currencyCode": "CHF"

Here's a sample response that contains a ConversionSource object. Website conversion sources have the field merchantCenterDestination set and a conversionSourceId starting with mcdn:.

  "name": "mcdn:12341241234",
  "merchantCenterDestination": {
    "destination": "MC-ABCD1234",
    "attributionSettings": {
      "attributionLookbackWindowDays": 30,
      "attributionModel": "CROSS_CHANNEL_LAST_CLICK"
    "displayName": "My tag destination",
    "currencyCode": "CHF"
  "state": "ACTIVE",
  "controller": "MERCHANT"

Once created, you can use the conversion source's destination with a Google tag to get conversion data directly from your website.

Learn more

To learn about migrating from Content API for Shopping, see Migrate conversion sources management.