Set up your environment - Linux

These instructions explain how Linux users set up their Cobalt development environment, clone a copy of the Cobalt code repository, and build a Cobalt binary. Note that the binary has a graphical client and must be run locally on the machine that you are using to view the client. For example, you cannot SSH into another machine and run the binary on that machine.

These instructions were tested on a clean ubuntu:20.04 Docker image. (7/11/23) Required libraries can differ depending on your Linux distribution and version.

Set up your workstation

  1. Run the following command to install packages needed to build and run Cobalt on Linux:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -qqy --no-install-recommends \
      bison clang libasound2-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libglib2.0-dev \
      libxcomposite-dev libxi-dev libxrender-dev nasm ninja-build \
  2. Install ccache to support build acceleration. Build acceleration is
    enabled by default and must be disabled if ccache is not installed.

    sudo apt install -qqy --no-install-recommends ccache

    We recommend adjusting the cache size as needed to increase cache hits:

    ccache --max-size=20G
  3. Install Node.js via nvm:

    export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
    export NODE_VERSION=12.17.0
    curl --silent -o- | bash
    . $NVM_DIR/ \
        && nvm install --lts \
        && nvm alias default lts/* \
        && nvm use default
  4. Install GN, which we use for our build system code. There are a few ways to get the binary, follow the instructions for whichever way you prefer here.

  5. Clone the Cobalt code repository. The following git command creates a cobalt directory that contains the repository:

    git clone
  6. Set PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the full path to the top-level cobalt directory from the previous step. Add the following to the end of your ~/.bash_profile (replacing fullpathto with the actual path where you cloned the repo):

    export PYTHONPATH="/fullpathto/cobalt:${PYTHONPATH}"

    You should also run the above command in your terminal so it's available immediately, rather than when you next login.

Set up Developer Tools

  1. Enter your new cobalt directory:

    cd cobalt
    export COBALT_SRC=${PWD}
  2. Create a Python 3 virtual environment for working on Cobalt (feel free to use virtualenvwrapper instead):

    python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/cobalt_dev
    source ~/.virtualenvs/cobalt_dev/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install the pre-commit hooks:

    pre-commit install -t post-checkout -t pre-commit -t pre-push --allow-missing-config
    git checkout -b <my-branch-name> origin/master
  4. Download clang++:


Build and Run Cobalt

  1. Build the code running the following command in the top-level cobalt directory. You must specify a platform when running this command. On Ubuntu Linux, the canonical platform is linux-x64x11.

    You can also use the -c command-line flag to specify a build_type. Valid build types are debug, devel, qa, and gold. If you specify a build type, the command finishes sooner. Otherwise, all types are built.

    python cobalt/build/ [-c <build_type>] -p <platform>
  2. Compile the code from the cobalt/ directory:

    $ ninja -C out/<platform>_<build_type> <target_name>

    The previous command contains three variables:

    1. <platform> is the platform configuration that identifies the platform. As described in the Starboard porting guide, it contains a family name (like linux) and a binary variant (like x64x11), separated by a hyphen.
    2. <build_type> is the build you are compiling. Possible values are debug, devel, qa, and gold.
    3. <target_name> is the name assigned to the compiled code and it is used to run the code compiled in this step. The most common names are cobalt, nplb, and all:
      • cobalt builds the Cobalt app.
      • nplb builds Starboard's platform verification test suite to ensure that your platform's code passes all tests for running Cobalt.
      • all builds all targets.

    For example:

    ninja -C out/linux-x64x11_debug cobalt

    This command compiles the Cobalt debug configuration for the linux-x64x11 platform and creates a target named cobalt that you can then use to run the compiled code.

  3. Run the compiled code to launch the Cobalt client:

    # Note that 'cobalt' was the <target_name> from the previous step.
    out/linux-x64x11_debug/cobalt [--url=<url>]

    The flags in the following table are frequently used, and the full set of flags that this command supports are in cobalt/browser/

    allow_http Indicates that you want to use `http` instead of `https`.
    ignore_certificate_errors Indicates that you want to connect to an https host that doesn't have a certificate that can be validated by our set of root CAs.
    url Defines the startup URL that Cobalt will use. If no value is set, then Cobalt uses a default URL. This option lets you point at a different app than the YouTube app.

Debugging Cobalt

debug, devel, and qa configs of Cobalt expose a feature enabling developers to trace Cobalt's callstacks per-thread. This is not only a great way to debug application performance, but also a great way to debug issues and better understand Cobalt's execution flow in general.

Simply build and run one of these configs and observe the terminal output.

Running Cobalt in evergreen mode

As Evergreen support is mandatory since 2024 requirement, Cobalt should be executed in Evergreen mode.

Download and configure the official Google-built Cobalt binaries from GitHub

  1. Create output directory for evergreen

    • Create the directory with arguments that meet your need
      • Build type, ex: gold, qa
      • Starboard API version, ex: 15, 16
    • An example to create directory with build_type=qa and sb_api_version=16

      # go to cobalt root folder
      export COBALT_SRC=${PWD}
      # setup evergreen build arguments
      export EG_PLATFORM=evergreen-x64
      export EG_BUILD_TYPE=qa
      export SB_API_VER=16
      gn gen $EVERGREEN_DIR --args="target_platform=\"$EG_PLATFORM\" use_asan=false build_type=\"$EG_BUILD_TYPE\" sb_api_version=$SB_API_VER"
  2. Select Google-prebuilt Cobalt binaries from GitHub

    • Choose the correct evergreen version based on the target device specification

      Please note that the selected prebuilt binary must meet the settings used to create evergreen directory in previous step.

      • Cobalt version you checked out, ex: 25.lts.1
      • Build type, ex: gold, qa
      • Starboard API version, ex: 15, 16
    • Starting from Cobalt 25 with starboard API version 16, you need to use compressed version, ex:

      • 25.lts.1 release
      • Gold version: cobalt_evergreen_5.1.2_x64_sbversion-16_release_compressed_20240629001855.crx

      • QA version: cobalt_evergreen_5.1.2_x64_sbversion-16_qa_compressed_20240629001855.crx

    • Right click the file and copy file URL

  3. Download and unzip the file

    export LOCAL_CRX_DIR=/tmp/cobalt_dl
    rm -rf $LOCAL_CRX_DIR
    mkdir -p $LOCAL_CRX_DIR
    # paste prebuilt library URL and Download it to /tmp
    # Please update URL according to your need
    wget $COBALT_CRX_URL -O $LOCAL_CRX_DIR/cobalt_prebuilt.crx
    # Unzip the downloaded CRX file
    unzip $LOCAL_CRX_DIR/cobalt_prebuilt.crx -d $LOCAL_CRX_DIR/cobalt_prebuilt
  4. Copy the files to the appropriate directories

    cd $COBALT_SRC
    mkdir -p $EVERGREEN_DIR/install/lib
    cp -f $LOCAL_CRX_DIR/cobalt_prebuilt/lib/* $EVERGREEN_DIR/
    cp -f $LOCAL_CRX_DIR/cobalt_prebuilt/lib/* $EVERGREEN_DIR/install/lib
    cp -f $LOCAL_CRX_DIR/cobalt_prebuilt/manifest.json $EVERGREEN_DIR/
    cp -rf $LOCAL_CRX_DIR/cobalt_prebuilt/content $EVERGREEN_DIR/

Build executables running on target platform

The Cobalt library is prepared in above steps. The next step is to build the partner-built Loader App and Crashpad Handler executables. Please refer Evergreen build for more information. Here is an example of devel build and Starboard API 16.

  1. Generate output folder for x64

    # The x64 build type can be any other build type from evergreen
    # The sb_api_version should be the same as evergreen
    export TARGET_PLATFORM=linux-x64x11
    export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=devel
    gn gen $TARGET_DIR --args="target_platform=\"$TARGET_PLATFORM\" build_type=\"$TARGET_BUILD_TYPE\" sb_api_version=$SB_API_VER"
  2. Build executables

    ninja -C $TARGET_DIR loader_app_install
    ninja -C $TARGET_DIR native_target/crashpad_handler
    ninja -C $TARGET_DIR elf_loader_sandbox_install
  3. Copy necessary artifacts from evergreen folder

    mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/content/app/cobalt
    cp -r $EVERGREEN_DIR/install/lib/ $TARGET_DIR/content/app/cobalt
    cp -r $EVERGREEN_DIR/content/ $TARGET_DIR/content/app/cobalt
    cp $EVERGREEN_DIR/manifest.json $TARGET_DIR/
    cp $TARGET_DIR/native_target/crashpad_handler $TARGET_DIR/
    # The three executables: crashpad_handler, loader_app and elf_loader_sandbox are now placed in $TARGET_DIR/

Running Cobalt with loader_app

To launch cobalt, simplely execute loader_app in command line:


The loader_app will find cobalt library from content/app/cobalt/lib/ and content from content/app/cobalt/content/. The library in content/app/cobalt/lib/ can be compressed or uncompressed version. For Cobalt 2025 certification, compressed version should be used.

Running Tests

There is no prebuilt NPLB library on github server and the partners can build it from the source code. However, it is important to note that the NPLB library should be built using Cobalt toolchain instead of partner proprietary toolchain. It is because NPLB verifies the Starboard implementation from Cobalt perspective. Running NPLB that is built by Cobalt toolchain accompany with a loader that is built using partner proprietary can simulate the real use case and detect potential issue due to toolchain compatibility.

This document describes how to build NPLB library by Cobalt toolchain and launch NPLB via elf_loader_sandbox on x64 platform.

Note: Partners should use the Cobalt toolchain to build the NPLB library for their specific platform. After building, they should copy the NPLB library and associated test materials to their target devices. Finally, they should use elf_loader_sandbox (built with their own toolchain) to launch the NPLB.

Build NPLB library using Cobalt toolchain

  1. Create output directory for evergreen

    • Create the directory with arguments that meet your need
      • Build type, ex: devel, debug, qa
      • Starboard API version, ex: 15, 16
    • The example here use devel build type to get more logs during test

      # go to cobalt root folder
      export COBALT_SRC=${PWD}
      # setup evergreen build arguments
      export EG_PLATFORM=evergreen-x64
      export EG_BUILD_TYPE=devel
      export SB_API_VER=16
      gn gen $EVERGREEN_DIR --args="target_platform=\"$EG_PLATFORM\" use_asan=false build_type=\"$EG_BUILD_TYPE\" sb_api_version=$SB_API_VER"
  2. Build NPLB library

    ninja -C $EVERGREEN_DIR nplb_install
  3. Build elf_loader_sandbox

    Follow the steps at Build executables running on target platform to build elf_loader_sandbox.

  4. Copy necessary artifacts from evergreen folder

    mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/content/app/cobalt
    cp -rf $EVERGREEN_DIR/install/lib/ $TARGET_DIR/content/app/cobalt
    cp -rf $EVERGREEN_DIR/content/ $TARGET_DIR/content/app/cobalt

Launch NPLB with elf_loader_sandbox

As mentioned in Evergreen document, elf_loader_sandbox is a lightweight loader than the loader_app. It can be used to load cobalt, NPLB, or other libraries if the given paths are provided with command line switches: --evergreen_library and --evergreen_content. These switches are the path to the shared library to be run and the path to that shared library's content. Only uncompressed library is supported by elf_loader_sandbox.

Note: these paths should be relative to <location_of_elf_loader_sandbox>/content/.

For example, after previous steps, the folder structure in $TARGET_DIR is

├── app
   └── cobalt
       ├── content
          ├── fonts
          ├── ssl
          ├── web
          └── webdriver
       └── lib
└── fonts
  • root content folder is $TARGET_DIR/content
  • NPLB library path related to root content folder is app/cobalt/lib/
  • NPLB content path related to root content folder is app/cobalt/content

The command to launch NPLB via elf_loader_sandbox is

./elf_loader_sandbox \
--evergreen_library=app/cobalt/lib/ \

Using gtest argument

The gtest argument can be passed as usual.

  • Output test result as XML file

    ./elf_loader_sandbox \
    --evergreen_library=app/cobalt/lib/ \
    --evergreen_content=app/cobalt/content/ \
  • Run test cases by filter

    ./elf_loader_sandbox \
    --evergreen_library=app/cobalt/lib/ \
    --evergreen_content=app/cobalt/content/ --gtest_filter=*Posix* \