Manage Music Change Requests

Note: The YouTube Content ID API is intended for use by YouTube content partners and is not accessible to all developers or to all YouTube users. If you do not see the YouTube Content ID API as one of the services listed in the Google API Console, see the YouTube Help Center to learn more about the YouTube Partner Program.

Note: The information in this guide applies specifically to composition assets.

In YouTube Studio, you can request changes to your owned music assets. You can also use the Content ID API to:

  • Create change requests
  • List status of change requests

This page provides an overview of the MusicChangeRequest methods in the Content ID API. It also provides examples of how to create and list change requests.


You need to obtain authorization credentials to use this API. You'll use your authorization token in your requests.

If you're using cURL, be sure to create an AUTH_TOKEN variable for use in those commands:


Create a music change request

You use the musicChangeRequests.create method to change a release or track. Your request needs to include a change request resource that specifies the type of change you want to make. You can then list your change requests to check their status.

Types of change requests

Valid request types include:

  • misreconciledArtist: Request to change the artist for a release or track. Takes a DesiredArtist resource. Use this option if it is not associated with the desired primary or featured artist.
  • undesiredDiscography: Request to change the artist channel associated with a release. Use this option if another artist's release is incorrectly appearing on an artist's channel.
  • incorrectPlayability: Request to change the playability of a release or track. Use this option if it is not playable or visible as expected in product.
  • incorrectMusicVideo: Request to change a track's music video. Takes a DesiredMusicVideo resource. Use this option if it is not associated with the desired music video.
  • incorrectMetadata: Request to change the spelling, formatting, or translation of a release or track.

Example: Release is not associated with the desired primary or featured artist

Suppose that you submitted a release to YouTube Music, but the release has an incorrect artist associated with it. To make a request for this change:

  1. Locate the affected release in YouTube Studio. Copy the ID number (such as the UPC) from the YouTube Studio page.

  2. Create a request that contains the following JSON statement:

      "release": "releases/0012345678901", 
      "misreconciledArtist": {
        "channelId": "UCP8W_Atlibtp488XGcRkPnQ", 
        "newArtist": "false", 
        "supplementalInfo": "Comment about the change"
    • release is the release's ID number, which you can find in YouTube Studio.
    • misreconciledArtist takes a desiredArtist resource comprised of the following:
      • channelId: Channel ID for the artist to whom you want to move the release. You can get the channel ID by visiting the artist's channel on YouTube and copying the ID from the URL. If the artist does not exist and is a new artist, leave channelId blank, and mark newArtist: true.
      • newArtist: If the artist is not currently on YouTube Music, mark this field true. Otherwise, if you provided a channel ID, mark this field false.
      • supplementalInfo: Optional comments about the request.
  3. Use the musicChangeRequests.create method to make the request. Include the JSON containing the request. For example, the following command shows how you would make this request with cURL:

    curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" --json '{"release": "releases/0012345678901", "misreconciledArtist": {"channelId": "UCP8W_Atlibtp488XGcRkPnQ", "newArtist": "false", "supplementalInfo": "Comment about the change"}}'

List change requests

To retrieve a list of reported music change requests, you use the musicChangeRequests.list method. The method responds with a list of change requests, filtered by content owner. You can also filter the results by release or track, and by content owner.

Example: List change requests for a specific release

Suppose you need to get the change requests for a specific release with another content owner. The following command is an example of how you make this request with cURL:

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"


  • onBehalfOfContentOwner is the Channel ID of the content owner who owns the release or track.
  • filter specifies a release/[RELEASE_ID_NUMBER] or track/[TRACK_ID_NUMBER].