Thank you for reporting this issue. Normally this error would happen when there was a long pause before the “Run” button was clicked. Do you remember if there was any pauses when you creating the ad?
The delay between clicking “preview your ad” and “run” has only been a few seconds. But I’ve tried doing it even faster to no success (Tried doing the whole process from configuration to clicking “Run” in less than 20 seconds)
Ever since Monday I haven’t been able to start a single ad and so far I have no workaround. I’ve never had this error before, and it’s currently happening 100% of the time.
I don’t recall but that was most likely the issue. I just noticed that windows wasn’t displaying the right time any more (Had something to with the automatic daylight savings time not applying correctly)
I was able to correct it for now so I’m not getting the error any more.