Son of God
Imagine John’s dismay when He saw the sinless Son of God on Whom the Spirit was to rest coming to him to be baptised in water. “I need to be baptised by You,” he protested. But God always has His reasons and all that Christ did was under the guidance of the Spirit of God and in perfect harmony with the will of the Father – and for God’s glory. Jesus reassuring His humble herald said to the faithful John, “Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness,” and so He was baptised.
The prophetic function is brought into operation at a time when things are not well with the people and work of God, when declension has set in; when things have lost their distinctive Divine character; when there is a falling short or an accretion of features which were never intended by God.
Living by faith which comes from hearing and not by sight or signs or dreams – putting off the old man in Adam and putting on the new man in Christ – recognising our heavenly home is a greater reality that this sin-sick, cursed world. Many such writings have been on waiting – waiting God’s time and waiting God’s way.
A man who waited God’s time. We read the following in Luke 2:26 and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. It is a truly fearful thing for anyone to see death before seeing Christ Jesus.
Waiting Men
Were these men discouraged as time passed?
Did the passing of time raise questions as to, when Lord?
Eternal Plan
If scripture contradicts itself in this point, then it cannot be trusted in any point. The overall message from Genesis to Revelation it that God takes His time.. which may seem an eternity to His creatures, but it is all part of His eternal plan. God takes His time for a purpose – not as a cruel trick or a mean manipulation. God is not tarrying in the way that He considers tarrying, for God has a purpose.
Appointed Time
Throughout Scripture, we see that God has His appointed times and He will not fail.
I believe, with all my heart that in the fullness of time we will understand why the Bridegroom ‘tarried’… for we know that all things work together for good to those that love God. All things – even things we don’t understand and the things that grieve us: all things; ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
Recognizing those arms and trusting, taking the step, we learn to walk by Christ, to live by Christ; and the next time we shall be able to go a bit further.
Each time capacity is being enlarged and we are coming to a fuller measure of maturity.
Testing of Faith
Now is a time of faith’s testing for the saints of God.
Such time challenge us to endure: Be thou enduringly faithful to the very point of death.
God’s Timing
Little gems of encouragement pepper the dialogue between Habakkuk and the Lord: for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Hab.2:3.
It took time and much heartache for Habakkuk to learn the vital lesson from God..
Lessons Learned
It took time and much heartache for Habakkuk to learn these things.
It takes time and much heartache for us to learn these things too, but it is God’s desire that we learn the same lesson too.
Today, as in the time of Habakkuk, God truly does seem to be hiding.
Embracer of Burdens
In the unseen realm, the enemy knows time is short and he’s multiplying mayhem, but in the spiritual realm the enemy is being defeated..
Prayer of Habakkuk
Let us become like Habakkuk, an “Embracer of Burdens” – for right in the very middle of the most testing time when it seemed totally lost – in faith, Habakkuk sang his amazing sacrifice of praise: although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls... Hab.3:17-19
The Perfect Man
Only God’s eternal Son was good enough to pay the incredible price for humanities sin, but God is Spirit and without the shedding of human blood – is no forgiveness of sins. He had to lay aside His glory, leave His heavenly abode and become the Son of Man. And so at God’s appointed time Jesus was born – as the innocent and perfect Man. Only the blood of an innocent and perfect Man was sufficient to pay the price for sin.
Humble Obedience
Christ came to earth as a man and in obedience to God, voluntarily emptied Himself. He did not cease to be fully God, but put aside His right of deity for a time. He obediently set aside all the privileges, prerogatives and power of Godhead.
But that one nation that was chosen to be His witnesses also disobeyed the Lord their God. So God allowed the times of the Gentiles to demonstrate man’s inability to rule – from the time of Nebuchadnezzar God has permitted illegal dominion over the earth – the times of the gentiles.
Satanic Kingdom
God is allowing this satanic control of the heavens over the earth for the present time, until that time when He will set His Own Anointed upon His holy hill of Zion.
This will be the time when the earth is filled with the glory of God; a time when the lion will lie down with the lamb; a time when Christ is set on God's holy hill of Zion as Lord of lords; a time when His people Israel will be the head of the nations and not the tail; a time when Satan is bound for a thousand years and Jesus Christ is King of kings.
Christ Will Rule
This will be a time when Christ will rule from his throne in the heavenly Jerusalem; a time when Christ will rule the earth from his throne in the earthly Jerusalem; a time when the bride of Christ will rule and reign with Christ, with a rod of iron; a time when the earth is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. How important it is for the believer to rightly divide the Word of truth.
All in All
The plan of God is the millennial rule of Christ (followed by the eternal ages). The time when all things are brought under His feet and returned to God, – so that Christ will be all in all.
He is using the Church and the evils of this time to bring about His planned design, and He will work Satan’s schemes and the coming tribulation together – for His good.
Time and Eternity
This is the dwelling place of the believer now and the abode of our eternal future too! Some believers know this as a scriptural truth, but do not experience it in realty. Some Christians have not come to an understanding of our position in Him.
The Perfect Law
The perfect Law became our tutor to lead us to Christ, so we may be justified by faith. It was Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a leader of the Jews who came to Jesus by night. Like all religious leaders he was a man who was separated unto legal righteousness. He knew every nuance of the Law and at this time he was the main teacher in Israel.
Jesus had told his Jewish brethren that He would return at a very special time.
Resurrection Appearances
What joy must have rippled through the crowd of 500 who saw Him at the one time.1 Corinthians 15:5 He appeared over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God, and He gave them many convincing proofs that He was alive.
Christ’s Reign
Little did they understand that the kingdom of God had been postponed – for a time.
Times and Dates
But it was not for the apostles to be told the time the kingdom of God would come.. nor are we to know the times or dates that the Father has set by His own authority. But they rejoiced to hear that they would shortly receive the Holy Spirit’s power, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth Acts 1:8
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law.Galatians 4:4
The cross is the central focal point within time and through eternity.
Pre-Cross Gospels
The gospels were written about a period of time in world history, that was pre-cross.
God sent His Son to the world at the right time – born of woman, born under the law.
Church Age
But God in His wisdom foreknew all that would take place in Israel, 2000 years ago. In His eternal wisdom, God addressed this rejection before the world was founded – God would set Israel aside for a time and continue His work through the Church.
Let us view the cross as that central focal point within time and through eternity.
Life Troubles
In Psalm 46 we are told that God is a very present help in time of trouble, but He permits trouble to pursue us, as though He were indifferent to us.. as though He were disinterested in its overwhelming pressure, that we may be brought to an end of ourselves. That we may be led to discover the treasure of darkness – the unmeasurable gains of tribulation.
We can lay it all out according to the New Testament and it can be dead, ineffective.... You see the difference between a traditional system, whether it be Judaism or Christianity, and a living thing coming all the time in a living way out from the Christ Himself by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit Himself doing it.
Romantic Nonsense
There has been much romantic nonsense written about the early life of the Lord Jesus, but Jesus lived a hard life and yet a simple life in the little despised village of Nazareth. There have been many false gospels written about the time that God in His wisdom chose to keep Jesus hidden from our view – with a few, thought-provoking exceptions.
Veiled Life
In the main, God chose to veil our view of Jesus, until the time of John the Baptist’s ministry, when Jesus started to walk in and out among the disciples of John. And yet there is much that we know of His character – His spirited zeal for the Lord – His love for the Scriptures of God and His humble dedication to His Father in heaven.
We read that Jesus set His face as a flint to go to the cross as the time drew near.
We were accepted, by God, in the Beloved from the first moment we believed, and we will remain accepted by God, in the Beloved, through time and forever.
The first time the evil one moved against Job, it was to afflict him in spirit and soul.
The second time Satan 'smote' him, he smote him in the physical realm as well.
James tells us Job is for an example of suffering affliction, and of patient endurance. And so for a second time we are told that again Satan smote Job.
Time and again God divides Satan against his own evil self – to smite himself, for Jesus asks is if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?
it is not I that live but Christ that lives in me. Galatians 2:20 Like Esther – both Peter and Job were trusted to overcome in the spiritual battle – and like Queen Esther, both Peter and Job could have been asked the question… art thou come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Spiritual Truth
IN HIM you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; IN WHOM also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.” Eph.1:13 Through time and through eternity, this heavenly fact is expressed in many forms, Through the cross, this eternal reality is wrought in literal and experimental forms, but always, Always, ALWAYS the same principle emerges:- always, ALWAYS the same abiding, infinite, glorious, spiritual truth is manifested.
Believers also are liftedout of time, and are given a significance altogether beyondanything here.... What a Christ!
There were some things which he did not shake off for a long time.
It was the revelation of Christ which was emancipating him, leading him out, freeing him all the time.
Everything of earth and time will go as we see Him, and in the background of our lives there will be something adequate to keep us through difficult and hard times.
A Godly Love
In His heartache, torment, suffering, and distress, He stretched His arms of love – a reach from eternity past to eternity future. The anguish, desolation, loneliness, and rejection poured on Him was the totality of humanities amassed evil – and the outflow from Him was forgiveness; hope; compassion – love. All Satan’s tempestuous fury was concentrated and condensed into one brief breath of time. All the Father’s undiluted wrath and rage was poured out in full measure upon His sinless head – and in the midst of this, He called out, Woman, behold thy son!
We are to be ready: for we do not know the day or the time that our Lord will come.. but our readiness should not be in fear but a dear desire to be with the One we love.
Standing Firm
A watchful prayerfulness and a prayerful watch is linked is with patient endurance, and patient endurance is linked with standing firm in Christ. Patient endurance is to do with standing firm in the evil day, Paul warns us to:- “Stand therefore … and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13 And the Lord Jesus Himself in this same context earnestly exhorts us to:- Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is” And He tells us:- “Take heed – See, I have told you all things beforehand.”
And it is just the contradiction of the Divine thought to have a heavenly people on this earth of this kind; the reproduction of this seed which is Christ, which is the embodiment of this love that lets go, this love that knows how to yield, this love that is all the time giving.
but when He ascended into heaven, to sit on the throne of the Father, He sent us the Holy Spirit to be another Comforter – to be our ever-present Help in time of trouble.
You may have been in the fires and have been having a pretty hard and painful time in your spiritual life, but that only means that God has been preparing you for something more.
Never do we trace in Him a sign of waiting to question why a thing should be done in a certain way, or at a certain time and not another, or why certain means should be employed and not others.
As babes in Christ we are left for a season in the old surroundings, because the time is not yet ripe for us to know our high calling, and the discipline needed for the heirs of God.
Our Father will not deliver us from bondage unless we want Him to; therefore He must permit pressure to come upon us in one way or another, so as to bring us to the point of asking Him to do for us what He has been ready and able to do all the time.
We have to come very definitely and positively to such a position, and then realize that from time to time there will be, by one means or another, an effort of the enemy to change our minds, to weaken us in that course, to make other suggestions, to get us to reconsider it in the light of various issues and interests.
Accepted Time
How important in these closing days of the dispensation of grace, that we earnestly desire to become peacemaking, children of God. Now is the time we should be applying this grace to our lives with all diligence. Now is the time we should be peacemakers in a world of beauty marred by strife. Now is the accepted time – for tomorrow could be too late.
Trust His Delays
But He does it in His own way and He does it in His own time. We are simply required to trust His decision and to have faith in His delays.
This is not a call to give up the fight; to give up in submission but to advance in the army of the King, this is the time to trust Him, to be brave and to be strong: knowing that our enemy as a roaring lion..
Lord of Glory
Behold the Lord of glory revealed by Man to men. Yet, His glory is shrouded, and He has no form or majesty that we should look at Him. Behold, He has no beauty that we should desire Him. His exceeding loveliness is veiled before His human brethren. His grace and glory is tempered before human gaze. No man has seen God in His pure essence at any time, except the only begotten Son of His love, Who has unfolded to man… the brightness of God’s glory and Who has demonstrated to us the exact expression of His nature and love.
For some time after I knew the Saviour I used to think of Him as One who had lived and died on earth long years ago, and I well remember the day when I knelt down with a dear brother who prayed that we might know the Lord Jesus as a living Person in heavenly glory, and it dawned upon me that there was a present Object for my heart in heaven.
Nothing can be more unreasonable or more unscriptural than to borrow some portions from the law system, either that of Moses or of the millennial kingdom, and, at the same time, reject other portions.
It is not a matter of time at all, it is a matter of Him.
He says, I am time and eternity all in a moment, and you need not accept anything in the matter of time; you accept Me, and you may be well-nigh dead in the morning and be very much alive before the day is over. 'I am the resurrection and the life.' Mary said, i>I know that He will rise again in the last day.For her resurrection was a matter of time.
As long as it takes to break a loaf you have gone from seed-time to harvest. 'Do you not say, There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?' (John 4:35).
It is not a matter of time, of circumstance.
Distance does not matter, time does not matter, just speak the word and it will be done.
God's elective purposes are carried out in such an incomprehensible way through the internal and external influences of infinite love and wisdom that man is at no time conscious of any external compulsion, but only of choices and decisions in the exercise of his own free will.
Job’s revelation of the Lord was incomplete, yet Job held fast to his creed, despite overwhelming odds – triumphant in faith, as God (over time) unfolded more and more of His revelation to Job’s spiritual eyes.
God is no believer in negatives as being the ultimate goal; but when He breaks and when He empties, He does something on the positive side which ever causes us to marvel, and we have to say every time: Well, that was the Lord, not ourselves.
Time is short : Jesus is coming again soon. Take time with Him : Embrace the moment. Delight in your lonely solitude : That I may know Him : Take time with Him : Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while..
Perhaps one of the things which you and I and the Lord people everywhere need to recognize more than anything else at an end time is the fact of our heavenliness.
Israel and Judah
And for a time Israel has been set aside, and the dispensation of Israel placed on hold.
Dearly Loved Bride
God betrothed Himself to Israel so that she would be His own satisfaction and joy, but Israel failed and was set aside for a time so God could complete all He purposed – and Christ is betrothed to the Church as His dearly loved bride, for His good pleasure. She is the city of the living God; the golden candlestick – the house of God.
The Church
God wanted to show forth His glory and grace to the world – through His chosen people, but Israel failed and was set aside for a time – for God must continue all He planned, and the Church has now been raised up to demonstrate the grace and glory of God.
Many have the wrong idea of that word chastening.' We think, perhaps, that it represents God as having a big stick in His hand and knocking us about all the time.
This flesh loves to sport itself in Christian work, and tells us that if we are going to be dependent upon the Lord we are going to have an anxious time.
In time, his O wretched man complex is replaced by I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 7:24, 25). Christ-confidence is the basis for the healthy Christian's walk.
They may from time to time have a sense of attainment and success, with much resultant gladness, but with the fluctuating emotions of the soul, things seem to collapse and go all wrong.
Centrality of Christ
It is folly to spend time and energy building up a Christian work unless Christ is central, but many Christian works are founded on ‘Christian’ principles alone and not Christ – and any ministry that neglects His rightful place, is doomed to collapse.
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. 1Peter 5:6.
Understanding and appropriating the facts of the cross is a saint's most trying time, but deep calleth unto deep, and there is no other way to achieve a reality of Him.
There are times when, in recognition that a certain course is the Lord way, we have to wait for the Lord time and see to it that our strength of will coming into alliance with some purpose of God is not jeopardizing the fruitfulness of that thing, and doing other people harm and making other people suffer.
I do want to be sure of Your time in this, and that I am not taking hold of it; it is not my strength of will to do Your will.
But this knowledge is firstly, constitutional: that is, it is to constitute a certain kind of person and character; and secondly it is vocational: it does not end with the person concerned, but is the essence of service, in time and eternity.
One resting place is the night-time, where our empty life-fountain can be refilled.
One is the morning-time as we awake to find ourselves resting in His love. One is the quite-time where He so delights to still our anxious thoughts as we rest in Him.
Possibility of Rest
As the Son rested in the love of the Father through His life and death and grave, so the love of Christ is to be our rest in and through this time of turmoil.
Focus of Rest
'But how you ask. 'How do you reach the rest that He has promised you?' Turn away from the visible, if you would possess the invisible. Take time with the Lord Jesus and gaze on His loveliness. Fix the eyes of your heart on Jesus and away from the world’s ugliness. Turn away from your own efforts and from faith in yourself, and allow Him to occupy your thoughts until He is resting within your heart. Come away from all else and set your heart, your thoughts, your mind on Jesus.
Diminishing Remnant
There were many beautiful women in Israel at the time Mary was called and chosen, but she was one of a diminishing remnant – waiting for the coming of the Lord. Only the one whose heart was perfect toward the Lord can be used by the Lord. Only the one who is watching and waiting for the Lord is called and chose, for the LORD's eyes behold and his eyelids try, the children of men – for many are called but few are chosen.
Humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. 1 Peter 5:6.
Acceptable Prayer
Prayer is designed to accomplish God’s ends and God’s way in God’s time. Acceptable prayer can only be prayed in and through the Spirit of the almighty God – and this verse in Colossians mentions three important aspects of prayer: Devote yourselves to prayer – keeping alert in it – with an attitude of thanksgiving.
Important Instructions
As we take up the weapons of our praying warfare, we must remember two things. FIRST: we are to pray INTO God’s plans and Purposes – God’s Will in God’s Time. SECOND: we are simultaneously watching against the wily activity of the enemy.
He was instructed to wait God’s time... but he arrogantly refused and looking at his circumstances, Saul disobeyed – Saul disobeyed God’s Word. 1 Samuel 15:24
Three times his wrong attitude towards God was clearly demonstrated in 1 Samuel 13-15 Each time Saul did what was right in Saul’s eyes – ignoring God’s instructions.
Too frequently a period of blessedness transforms into a long season of wretchedness. Following a time of tender intimacy and gracious communion with God.. a time that has been spent hidden behind the closed portals of His love, the door is flung open to the enemy’s most fiery trials and evil suggestions.
Our Testings
We all face some of the most trying and testing days ahead – as the world crashes. Areas of testings that once seemed remote, will increasingly knock on your door. Satan knows His time is short and seems to be multiplying his attacks on the saints. He seeks through whatever means to shipwreck the faith of true believers. He searches out areas of greatest vulnerabilities, and chips away in his vile manner. But the Lord continues to pray for all His disciples:- I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail. Let us keep the faith and not waver in our trust in our great and mighty God.
We must face the fact and we must seek help from God always to bear in mind that we are going to have a path of suffering if we are in fellowship with the Lord Jesus.... There has to come a point when we sit down and do some calculating and come to a definite conclusion on this matter that, although very often we may not be able to see that our suffering is because of our relationship to Him (the sufferings are so manifold and diverse, and very often they look as though they have no relationship at all with our Christian life) at the same time, whether we can discern it or not; the fact remains that the pathway of the child of God, of the fellow of Jesus Christ, is the pathway of suffering.
I say, postponement or delay in settling that matter keeps us all the time in that state of hoping and waiting for it to be different, and, because the difference does not come, getting downcast and feeling that all is wrong and that the Lord is against us and all that sort of thing, thus giving all the ground that the enemy wants for destroying our testimony.
Salvation Joy
Did you experience overwhelming joy, delight and glory when you first believed? Did you tell all and sundry the wonders of God and the message of salvation? Were you one that for a time was seated on the top of the mount of transfiguration? Did you tell the world of all the joy and thankfulness that was in your heart..?
but what of the time when you have been adrift in a sea of discontent and discomfort?
Do you still have that vision with the passing of time and the increase of age?
Faithful Shepherds
It seems these men, like David the shepherd king, were men after God’s own heart, as night after night and maybe year after year – these ones were unseen but faithful – unseen by multitudes, who daily flocked to the temple to seek YHWH’s forgiveness. Seen by the One who daily covered those sins – until the fullness of time came in.
Spiritual Bliss
How many of us, like these shepherds, have been in the very presence of God? How many of us, recall that wonderful transfiguring time, and long for its return? How many even question the glorious promises, bestowed on us from earlier days? How many start to wonder if the closeness, once discovered, when in His Presence.. was but an illusion; a dream; a forgotten hope; a lost delight – as they also leave that high point in their lives and walk away (leaving their first love).
The enemy can hold up young Christians on this point for a long time, so that they do not really get started on the Christian walk.
They wait for some vague time when they hope they will have reached a more satisfactory position in regard to the lusts of the flesh, and will feel more confident about attempting a walk in the Spirit.
Cool Detachment
As I look back on the birth of the Saviour… that too was a time of disinterest – a disinterest and impartiality towards the Anointed One of Israel: Emmanuel.
Inner Character
Yet, He set a president which few of His followers, to this day, delight to abide by, and in John 6:66 we read that: from that time many of His disciples went back – and walked with Him no more. True greatness is demonstrated through character – not circumstances. No matter about wearing a crown..
The Lord may see it needful, for the trial (development) of faith, to seem for a season not to regard our supplications; yet, if we patiently and believingly continue to wait upon Him, it will be manifest in His own time, and way, that we did not call upon Him in vain. -G.M.
No matter how long it takes, our Lord allows the necessary time for a heart to be prepared of the Spirit in order that it might be truly born of the Spirit.
In our day we promote elaborate follow-up' schemes to keep our converts' in the right way, but I sometimes wonder if a little more time spent right at the outset in ensuring that these converts are properly born,' so that they can be receptive of the Spirit's teaching, would not save much heartache and make certain that God's work in their lives is done in His way. -J.C.M.
This progress will not stop when we leave this world, and when time gives place to eternity: Of the increase of His kingdom there will be no end.
Therefore, the knowledge of Christ which will, in time and eternity, be the secret of growth and progress, will continue in heaven, and it will take eternity to exhaust it....
Seeing He is so vast, so immense, so many-sided, we can only see Him from one standpoint at a time; we have to move round to see Him from every angle.
And at this time we are just looking at the Lord Jesus from one of the many angles, or points of view, which is this particular aspect of His significance: that He, in His Person and in His work, stands related to an eternal, heavenly order.
The Holy Spirit is pursuing that course all the time to find us out and to just classify us like this, so that when the Holy Spirit has worked we are in definite categories.
Ever-Present Problem
Paul’s gives every generation of believers much to rejoice our hearts in this epistles, but the warnings of false teachers applies to all believers of all time, in this age – from the early church to the present day this has been an ever-present problem.
Peculiar Famine
There are still a few watchmen on the walls crying 'prepare ye the way of the Lord', but there is one frequently overlooked warning to which we would be wise to heed:- a warning to apostate Israel, but one that can be applied to Church-age apostasy; a forewarning of a time of peculiar famine; a notice of great thirst in the world; a famine of hearing God’s lovely word – a scarcity of listening to God’s pure voice.
We read in Psalms: how sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103 – and yet a time is coming when there will be a severe famine and thirst in the land.
Prophetic Warning
The Word of God is true, vital, and more accessible than at any time in history, yet Amos warns of a time when people just don’t want to know and will not listen – and resistance to hear His voice and reluctance to follow His Word is rife today.
When time and again God’s word is rejected or replaced He eventually sends a delusion.
Moses had to wait and be weathered. Moses had to discover that God alone had the answers. Moses had to be humbled to the point of seeking the Giver and not the gifts. Moses had to be set apart for a long season, before God used him mightily. Were Moses’ years of waiting a waste of time? Never! The headstrong prince of Egypt had to become the humble man of God.
Christian Life
Have your years of waiting been a waste of time?
Have your experiences of falls and failure been a loss of time?
He chose rebellion and the moment he disobeyed and sinned against the Lord, the spirit of Adam died – and from that time forward the children of men were eternally separated from their Creator God – they were dead in their trespasses and sins from birth.
I/i>have borne with you all this time because I love you; anything could have happened to you, but I have not let it, I have shown you infinite longsuffering and patience, and earnest solicitude for your eternal well-being: because I love you, I have kept you alive, and have brought you to this time and to this place; I have not let you go.
You may think it is quite fortuitous that you are hearing it just one of the chance happenings of life; but if you knew the truth it is this infinite love of God which has held you to this time in relation to the infinite purposes of that love to let you know it.
he is prowling around seeking a prey – walking up and down, throughout the world, seeking whom he may devour. 1Pet.5:8. His strategies are still wicked and highly refined with the passing of time. He still uses his favourite toys to tempt and ensnare. Examine yourself to see if you are a slave to the strategies of Satan, or seek the Spirit’s scrutiny of your inner being. No man or woman is secure from the ravages of pride and ego and self. No-one is exempt..
But there does come a time, also, when love ceases to be heard.. if love is not responded to – if love is not believed in.
Anchored to Christ
In this time of earthquakes and many other terrors that are coming on the world, men’s hearts will fail unless their heart is anchored to His voice of love.
THEREFORE - and in the light of all of the wonderful things of chapter 1.. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip Hebrews 2:1
The Plain Truth
Israel lost out at that time because of a wrong response to God’s word, They did not believe what God said so they did not mix their knowledge of His Word with faith.
Twelve Apostles
Matthias was the man that replaced Judas Iscariot to become Christ’s 12th apostle. All these disciples including Matthias, were eye-witnesses of Christ’s life and death. They all were with Him the entire time that Jesus travelled in Judea and the Galilee.
Personal Witnesses
These disciples knew Jesus as a Man and they were personal witnesses of all He did. These apostles knew Christ as God incarnate and worshiped Him as Saviour and Lord. They listened to the sermon on the Mount as Jesus taught of His coming kingdom. They were party to His discourses, warning of a coming time of tribulation and trouble.
Directly we are born again we are positioned in Christ for time and eternity, but fellowship with God and unity with the Spirit can be damaged and broken.
Let us fly to the throne of grace the moment we find we have sinned against God – and find grace to restore and help us in time of need.
It was a time of rejoicing and repentance when the glory of God filled the Temple.
It was a time of deep travail and excruciating sorrow for this prophet of God.
Writings of John
The writings of John were also scripted to point to a time of departing glory. The first flush of faith had been replaced with a people that left their first love..
a time when power, purity and peace were all but lost... and truth was being defiled.
He wrote at a time when zeal had withered; truth was twisted; faith was failing.
Revelation 1:1 And while the remaining apostles resided in heaven, following a martyr’s death, John began to reinstate the glorious, unique and heavenly position of the Church - a Church that in so short a time had lost her way – a Church from which the glory had all but departed.
Federal Head
John’s gospel, letters and apocalypse were scripted at a time of departing glory, and Christ is presented in his writings by John as the heavenly Man.
Restatement of Truth
The old order has become new – old things are passed away, and to that Church, which is His Body, the Lord revealed Himself. 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.' Rev.1:8 John takes time and effort to restate Truth, which is only found in the Son.
Aspects of Omniscience
God is all-knowing, and He knows everything, everywhere, every-time – forever. He knows the number of hairs on our head. He knows the thoughts of our hearts and the choices we will make before we do.
FORESIGHT is knowing ahead of time and is an aspect of omniscience.
In His foresight, He knew ahead of time who would believe.
God takes time to teach us that He can do everything and we can do nothing, There are no shortcuts to the Spirit’s work in conforming us to be like His Son.
Another vitally important foundational truth is identification Identification with Christ is essential for the spiritual growth of a believer, and chapter 8 of The Green Letters briefly outlines these foundational truths… through the thoughts and writings of a range of time-honoured saints of God.
The Lord said: ow hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of God!I think if He had been in another world from the one in which He was at the time, if He had been in the Western world He would probably have said: ow hardly shall they that have knowledge enter the Kingdom.The boasted knowledge, wisdom, and intellect of the Western world is the great obstruction to the Kingdom.
When Paul got outside of the Jewish world, that was the kind of thing he was saying all the time, that the wisdom of this world was the great hindrance.
One piece of knowledge we have is that we do not know anything at all, and we are just longing all the time to get some knowledge.
The toys, the picture books, the illustrations, the symbols, the types are for children who have little intelligence; they are taken away at a certain time when God is out to have, not children but sons; and there is all the difference between the two.
I spent time identifying and praying forgiveness over everything: Forgiveness over every person; cleansing over every situation, for I had not been faithful in applying 1 John 1:9 – For if we believers confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from every wrong.
Reflect upon his past life, privileges, and inheritances which he at one time believed were so utterly and absolutely of God for him, and that he really was in God's will.
He came to a time when he said: The things which were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ... for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but refuse, that I may gain Christ; and yet he was so devoted to all that as a traditional religious system in which he at one time was living as out from God, which had now become merely an outward thing of forms and external laws.
Such self-thoughts erect strongholds over time, that need to be smashed down.
Laws of Life
Time is short and each of us needs to prepare for the any-day return of the Lord, and God has set out the ‘laws’ of the sanctified life, in the middle of scripture… The first step towards sanctification is right thinking, and right thinking is recognising your own strongholds, doubts, and fears, so that you can turn away from the sin of erroneous thinking about God, for right thinking always starts with your own thoughts.
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son born of woman, to redeem those who were under the law.Galatians 4:4-5
Price for Sin
So when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, to redeem us all, so that we might receive adoption as sons. To deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ renders Calvary as a sham and charade, for there is none good..
Given and Born
And so when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son – He GAVE His only begotten Son to be BORN of woman, born under the law so that He could redeem those who were under the law.
Yet the valley gives time for reflection to enable us to draw close to Him. God wants each of His children to recognise His sovereignty and our own lack.
There was a time when I had not the ground upon which to do anything with you, and for you, but now you are on the ground of Christ, the ground which I have provided; if only you will trust Me, if only you will rest in Me to bring you through, you will be saved from so much of this weakness, and fret, and anxiety!
He let people know that to “follow Him,” as He put it at that time, involved them in difficulty and suffering and persecution and trial and a lifelong thing.
IN TIME:- (either in this age or in the millennial age) and in ETERNITY:- (in the timeless ages that are to come). All His benefits, in time and in eternity are still future and we are called to trust Him and obey Him – like so many saints of past ages.
You have a reward in time and in eternity. You will reign with Him in His kingdom in time (ruling with a rod of iron) but you will also be with Him for eternity (as an example in the ages to come of His astonishing grace.) Whatever the cause of your earthly sorrow – healing and peace comes from Him.
No matter what causes your distress of soul – blessings and renewal come from the Lord, Who in time and in eternity is the Comforter of your soul.
He will never leave you, He will never forsake you – in time or throughout eternity.
It is His desire that I accept this position without hesitation or doubting, because I am accepted by the Father – accepted in the Beloved, for time and through eternity.
Study - GOD, All I Need
Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, Who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession… for we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:14
John 17:13 These astonishing words were spoken at a time of deepest grief and intense loss, but they contained a promise that joy would come in the 'morning'.
Experience of Praise
At one time when for nine months by voice was shattered in grief, it was singing praises to God that renewed and refreshed my dying soul.
How can we hear His words of instructions or discern His whispers of love. God instructs us to take time each day to quietly meditate upon His word of truth; to quietly consider the things of God and the beauties of His person.
We all need time to rest awhile; to relax in His tranquillity and to repose in His arms.
We all need to be wise and take time alone – leaning on the breast of the Beloved.
We must be ready to respond to the call for help or the less trivial needs of others – but not at the expense of our time in His Presence, or He may withdraw..
for nothing is more important than taking time alone with God.
through time and into eternity, for as the apostle Paul reminds us, no foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 How it must please the heart of God when believers can be described like Gauis – a man of truth.
We live in a time when the pagan mindset of the world is eroding Christian homes, but God will honour all that, in His strength, teach their children to love the Lord.
Go back to the place where, for the time being, the Lord has put you, where He has called you to live your life and do your work in all the trial and difficulty and suffering of it, and do not strain to get out of it.
Do not lose the present value of it by always living mentally or hopefully in a time when you will be out of it, but go back there and recognize that if you are the Lord's, if you love God and are called according to purpose (as you are if you are in Christ), God is seeking to do something with you and in you by means of the conditions of your present situation.
I can think of few things more regrettable and grievous than that we should look back upon any part of our life and have to say, I might have realized some great purpose of God in that period of my life if only I had taken another attitude toward it than the one I did take; I was chafing, impatient, all the time looking for a way of escape; I was rebellious, living in another mental world of my own creating, in which I would do and be this and that; and I missed all that God intended at that time.
Similarly, during the time of King Herod when Israel was deep into apostasy and the traditions of men, John the Baptiser was sent by God to warn His people to ‘repent’. John had come after the order of the fearless Elijah..
Now is a time of faith’s testing for the saints, and of unprecedented Satanic fierceness.
We read: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie, Though it tarries, wait for it, because it will surely come – it will not tarry.
It took time and much heartache for Habakkuk to learn the vital lesson from God..
Spiritual Victory
It also takes time and much heartache for us to learn these lessons too.
Today, as in the time of Habakkuk, God truly does seem to be hiding His power.
In the unseen realm the enemy knows time is short and he’s multiplying mayhem.
Embracer of Burdens
Let us embrace in the Spirit, the burden of our Lord for His despairing people, and become like Habakkuk, an “Embracer of Burdens” For you see, right in the very middle of the most testing time when all seemed totally lost, in faith, Habakkuk sang his amazing sacrifice of praise: although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines – the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat.
He knows everything visible and invisible; natural and spiritual; good and evil – in time and in space and in eternity. He knows the end from the beginning.
Divine Dealings
God will not change His divinely developed dealings with man, nor will He alter His outlined instructions to us – so perhaps it’s time for us to start doing things His way..
We need to remember that God is working in all thing, the visible and the invisible, for time and for eternity: for faith is the confidence of things hoped for.
Faith in the One Who saved, for His initial salvation at the time of rebirth – trusting the indwelling Spirit, for a lifetime of His working in and through us – believing in God to work out His plans and His purposes in your life and in mine.
And now in this darkest history of the world, we wait a second time – in hope.
Israel’s Remnant
They would be ones that, “hopefully”, trusted in His word. They would be men and women that, “patiently”, waited for His time. They would be servants of the Lord that, “trustingly”, resting in His love. And for every lone Elijah, God reserves “7000” more who remained faithful.
Let us like them be men and women that 'patiently wait' for His TIME..
God and Christ
What comes to your mind when you think of God and His Christ? What false perceptions of God have you developed in your life-time?
Time and Incentive
There is little time or incentive to be still and know the God of the universe.. and there are fewer who desire to fall in love with the lover of our soul. – and to worship as His feet in grateful thanks and reverential tears.
Dwindling Honour
There is a decline in the knowledge and understanding of the Holy One of Israel.. a dwindling of honour of Him Who made us and redeemed us for time and eternity..
Christ’s Peace
Sinners who trust in the only begotten Son of God are given peace WITH God and believers who live in fellowship with the Father receive the prefect peace OF God – indeed, as the time drew ever closer for the Lord Jesus Himself to leave His little flock, He said, Peace I leave with you..
Life-Giving Peace
Peace with God and the peace of God stretches through time and into eternity, for all who trust Christ as Saviour and learn to keep the eyes of their hearts looking to Jesus for it was our Saviour who calmed the ocean of God’s wrath against a sinful world, which He procured for us by His sufferings and death on Calvary’s cross. He broke down the middle wall of hostility that divided Jew from Gentile and the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom announcing that the gaping void between a holy God and sinful man had been spanned by the blood of the Lamb – for by Hs death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way, through the curtain which is His body.
He has ordered every day of our lives and no matter what happens, it will be to our advantage and to His glory. And God is omnipotent and His will and purpose will be accomplished at the right time and nothing and no-one can stand in His way or prevent its ultimate fulfilment.
But a curse was put on that royal line during the time of the Babylonian captivity… A shocking curse was placed on Jeconiahm, Judah’s final evil king – through Solomon.
NO MAN of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah. No future descendent of Solomon’s line of could ever rule as the king of Israel, and for a time it must have seemed to Satan that God’s Messiah had been defeated. Descendants of the cursed bloodline from Jeconiahm onwards… could never sit on the throne of David, and yet the Messiah was to be born of the house and lineage of David.
Eternal Calling
Everyone that is born from above is called according to the purpose of God. Every believer has a calling; an eternal calling – a great purpose in time and eternity, and God’s purpose is entwined and interlinked with Christ – Who is to be all in all.
God’s Mighty Strength
God’s mighty strength is just as powerful and potent today as in past generations. No matter when or how the enemy attacks – God works secretly in our time too. God has a sovereign plan and a purpose – which is laid out in the Scripture. It is a perfect plan – written in eternity past,
Like Moses, we too can become faint and weary, discouraged or disillusioned, and as in the time of Amalek, the enemy watches for any weak link in our armour.
Like Moses, Esther, and others – let us take up the gauntlet at such a time as this, Let us lift up the arm of prayer – for our the Lord our God is mighty to save.
Appointed Time
But finally God’s appointed time arrived and on that special day the angel was finally able to announce, for unto you is born this day in the city of David – a Saviour. A host of angels rejoiced as they raised their voices in a chorus of excited praise singing, glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of goodwill.
He had been appointed as Saviour from all eternity and His arrival was anticipated from the dawn of time – even from the beginning of the world.
The Mystery of the Church
Even Peter found the inclusion of Gentiles believers into Christ’s sheepfold and their equality in God’s eye difficult to accept, and he, and the other apostles, had to discover the truth through the apostle Paul – Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles who was given the mystery of the Church – the mystery of the kingdom – a parenthetical period of time, when God would call out of the Gentiles a people for His name – the Church.
One New Man in Christ
The time had come when the Church was to be the vehicle to witness of God’s grace.
Turning Point
This was the turning point in Acts – God was doing a new thing – for a time. The Jewish exclusiveness of those early chapters of Acts had to change its focus. Christ was to build His Church – and Paul was chosen to open up this revelation.
Rightly Divide
For the time being Israel’s earthly kingdom is postponed until a future time of restoration, when the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
The progress and increase of spiritual Life means this, that the gap widens all the time between the children of God and those in the world who are not such.
If our perception of God’s character is wrong, so also how we understand grace. How vital that we take time to come to the correct understanding of grace.
How crucial to take time to get a correct understanding of God’s character.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you (1 Pet. 5:6, 7).
We are been imparted with the fullness of God’s grace – in time and into eternity, for we have all received one gracious blessing after another: the fullness of His grace from His abundance. John 1:16
For they disciplined us only a short time, as it seemed proper to them; but He does it for our good, in order that we may share His holy character (Heb. 12:10, Wms.).
Now for the time being no discipline [child-training] seems to be pleasant; it is painful; later on, however, to those who are trained by it, it yields the fruit of peace which grows from upright character (Heb. 12:11, Wms.).
But in relation to our spiritual maturity – God takes His time.
In the life of a believer God uses a life-span of time to prepare him for eternity, and... like the chronology of the world, God uses a lot of time to fulfil His works.
Oh yes God takes time to bring a tiny acorn to maturation as a mighty oak.
And God takes time in the life of a believer to bring him to maturity in the faith.
For the majority of time, growth is simply solidification, which is establishing maturity.
How much more is this the case for we who are God’s sons, where our life in time is preparing us for eternity.
Spiritual Maturity
God knows what’s best in the life of each believer to bring him to strong, full maturity – and God takes time to bring a man or woman from new-birth to final maturity, God takes time to conform each of His children into the likeness of His beloved Son.
Jesus grew in wisdom and favour with God and man – over much time.
Jesus could have overshadowed the Baptist’s ministry, but He quietly waited – His time had not yet come.
So he quietly watched and patiently waited God’s time.
He could have identified Himself as an eager prophet, before His appointed time.
proclaiming an ‘early’ gospel – but He accepted that God takes time to carry out His plans in a trusting Son.
The Wrong Way
Throughout Scripture there are examples of men who also had to wait God’s time.
Similarly, throughout the Church age – saints have been caused to wait on God’s time.
Some try to circumnavigate God’s appointed time and seek to sprout too early..
God takes time in a man to bring him to a mature knowledge of His Word.
This takes time, more time - much time to produce fruit, more fruit - much fruit.
Heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.Luke 21:34
Deep Entrapments
And these warnings are burning embarrassments for the one who seeks holiness. The things that can easily entrap us are listed as the excesses of careless living.. lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting /dissipation /excess.. lest at any time your heart be overwhelmed with drunkenness – lest at any time your heart be overwhelmed with the cares of this life. We would do well to keep in mind this warning of the world’s is deep entrapments.
Trust in God
The final snare is to permit the trials of this life to overwhelm us with worry, lest at any time your hearts be overwhelmed with the cares of this life. And the caution against the physical sin translates into a spiritual warning.
Heed to Yourself
Oh, we all have many family and business, financial and relational problems, but it is giving these problems preeminence in your thoughts – in your heart.. lest at any time your hearts be overwhelmed with the cares of this life.
heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.”
Many earnestly have prayed “Maranatha” for the arrival of that time… but that in no way prepares a saint spiritually for Christ’s return – that does not guard the heart of a saint sufficiently.
This is a fact borne out in the case of every servant of God in history who has really come under the hand of God - that the real values of their lives for all time have been those which correspond to the wine of the grape, the thing trodden out in the winepress, the agony of heart; and you know that it is true in your case that if ever you have had anything at all which you knew to be worthwhile and which has helped someone else, it has been born out of some travail in your own experience.
Throughout his painful time, God brought a prideful Job to the very end of himself.
Then – after an unspecified length of time… then after a great deal of God-searching questions… then after God’s tremendous soliloquy, Job said to the Lord:
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears” 2 Timothy 4:3
God’s Exquisite Answer
Man offers his petitions, expecting them to be heard or ignored as God so chooses, never realising that the response and the wonderful reply was waiting all the time.
and not one prayer you’ve uttered will return to you unanswered – but will be answered in His way, and His time – and to fulfil His best purpose for your best purpose.
He cares and will answer at the best time for your eternal profit – and He knows and fulfils His best purpose for your very best.
Spiritual hunger and thirst are fulfilled in the Lord Jesus, while at the same time they are enlarged for more of Him.
As to even our doctrinal blessings, there is a wonderful charm about them when they are new to us, and they sustain the soul for a certain time; but when the first joy of them passes away, a settling-down process commences.
When we have been in Romans Seven for a time, we come to realize that we have been struggling to produce that which God has already accomplished for us in Christ.
Earthly and Spiritual
The people of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho to gain victory – today we march a seventh time around the city gate of our spiritual Jericho.
The Lord would have prayer touching things heavenly, things spiritual, related to that which is not of time, but of eternity; not of this world, but in relation to His eternal, heavenly intentions.
Heavenly Sphere
All believers are in Christ and at this present time are seated with Him – in Christ. All Christians are in Him and forever seated with Him : in Him, in heavenly places.
We have heard it said that at a certain gathering of servants of the Lord it was like a touch of heaven; everyone dropped for the time being their differences of denomination and earthly divisions.
We shall be wasting our time if we expect, try, or even pray for anything really effective apart from this essentially heavenly and therefore anointed ground.
Veiled in Flesh
The eternal self-existent, holy God clothed Himself in flesh to reveal Himself to man. The sovereign Creator chose to unveil Himself to you and me in time-space history. The absolute Lord of the universe came to dwell with us in the form of mortal flesh – and all the essential and unique characteristics of God are contained in Christ.
With our finite minds, we are incapable of understanding the essence of infinite God – nevertheless, all the wisdom and knowledge of God are hidden in Christ in its entirety. Let us take time to mine out those hidden treasures by getting to know Him more.
The darkness of this place will in time turn us to the light of His face - the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).
Superficial Senses
Time with all its constrictions and pressures press in on every side.
Riches of His Grace
Time and sense as we know it with all its constrictions and pressures will be changed. The years that the locusts have eaten, will be replaced with the riches of His grace.
And as with Abraham and the saints of old who have not yet received the promise, the time for His appointed return will come and it will not be delayed, Hab.2:3
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
Threefold Name
Our triune God created triune man: spirit, soul, and body for a threefold purpose:-salvation, sanctification and service, for time and through eternity.
It is the point in time when we trusted Christ as Saviour and were eternally positioned in Him.
His Majesty
Were we to plunge to the very depths of the oceans… were we to extend our beings into the extremity of the star-spangled universe, were we to spend from time until eternity exploring the qualities of this God-Man, we could not begin to exhaust the splendour and gentleness of His majesty.
When once we see and accept our Father's purpose for our lives to the extent that it becomes our will also, the time and details of His process cease to matter.
Unsound Doctrines
It is not only starting of the race that is important but the completing of the course, and it takes time and it takes perseverance to run the race set before us, with patience – and it needs both effort and endeavour to lay aside all distractions and outer influences.
Temple of God
The moment in time we trusted Christ as Saviour – we were born into His family - we became part of the household of God, in eternal union with Christ.
At a time known to God, we were placed in His family and in-dwelt by His Spirit. We were in-dwelt by the Spirit of God – the home and temple of Christ’s Spirit.
So now we must choose a replacement for Judas from among the men who were with us the entire time we were travelling with the Lord Jesus, beginning from John’s baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us.Acts 1:21-22
Isaiah 35:6 This truly must have been a most exciting time to be living in Israel for although they were under the yoke of their Roman overlords – the kingdom of heaven was at hand. This meant that the king was coming – God’s promises to Israel were to be fulfilled.
John’s Baptism
Well, it seems that Acts chapter 1 gives us a clue as to the whereabouts of the Messiah. It seems that a hint is offered when a replacement for Judas is being considered. We read in Acts chapter 1: We must choose a replacement for Judas from among the men who were with us the entire time we were travelling with the Lord Jesus – beginning from John’s baptism.
Humble Submission
It seems that for a little time at least; the Lord was among the followers of John! He had humbled Himself for many silent years under the authority of His parents, and He seems to have spent some time learning from the ministry of the Baptist. What a wonderful example we have in the silent years of our developing Saviour. Though little is written of His life and learning there are many little clues that demonstrate that the Lord Jesus lived His entire childhood and early adult life in humble submission to those that were in authority – as He waited for God’s timing when He would continue His long, painful..
At God’s appointed time – through His appointed messenger these were unveiled.
They are Scriptural truths that remained undisclosed until God’s appointed time.
Uniqueness of God
There is a time before time began. There is a place before space existed. There is Life before all things created were spoken into being, There is God – Who alone can claim I AM that I AM.
Crucified with Christ
Until such a time, our heart must remain rebellious towards the self-existent One, Who loves us so much that He gave Himself for us.
So that at the appointed time His delayed gift will come – and it will come at our best time: for our times are in His hands Psa.31:15 and it is God Who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
Familiar Concept
Grace is a familiar concept to believers but over time has lost some of its dynamic. The all-encompassing nature of grace eludes any genuine, all-inclusive definition.
Riches of God’s Grace
Let us reflect on the riches of God’s grace towards us. Let us meditate on all that has been poured out on we, who are his children. Surely through time and eternity, we will be praising God for His indefinable grace.
It is better to lose time as to work in preparation for service than to lose time in repairing one's mistakes in undertaking a work for which one is not yet qualified.
Call To Repent
John the Baptist’s call for repentance was a particular call to a particular group of people at a particular time and for a particular purpose – he was calling for national Israel to turn away from their proud, hypocritical, fleshly, religious ways, back to the God of Israel – because the time of God’s promised Messiah had arrived. John had been chosen as the appointed herald of the Jewish Messiah..
Coming Messiah
At this crucial time in Israel’s history, Jews were baptised to identify with the message of repentance that John was preaching – in keen anticipation of the coming Messiah.
God is Faithful
And at this critical time, John was appointed to present their king to Israel.
The I AM of Scripture
We are to know that we are accepted in the Beloved and accepted by God. We are to glory in the privileged position into which we have been placed. We are loved and cherished by God, Who chose us from before the beginning of time – but we are to bow to the Person behind our glorious acceptance by God.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
And when the fullness of the time was come… God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
Fullness of Time
This was a non-negotiable Law that God Himself imposed upon man and sin, and In Genesis 3 we read that: the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them until that time…. (the fullness of time) for God is never late…
Made Under Law
And when the fullness of the time was come… God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
We had been associated with Him in a way for a long time, but He was not personal to us, not a living God.
I do know that it is true to fact in the life of a great many, that the day comes when, though they have been associated with the things of the Lord for a long time, they suddenly wake up to the fact that the Lord is a living Person.
Woman in Labour
Isaiah, Jeremiah and others described their own life-testimony as a woman in labour, and Jesus likened the end-time tribulation to a period of intense and painful labour: – a woman, in labour, has sorrow because her hour has come.
Israel’s Labour
And for Israel, the time of Jacob’s trouble is a time of deep distress for Israel – BUT..
the pain of that time will birth the millennial reign of Jesus – the Jewish Messiah. And their time of mourning will turn in to great joy and so all Israel shall be saved: for as soon as she has given birth, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.
Time of Tribulation
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, and Paul never experienced physical childbirth.. but painted a beautiful picture in the spiritual realm from its physical counterpart.
The labouring to which Christ pointed was also Israel’s time of tribulation.
Bread of Life
Jesus claimed to be the Bread of Life, and all who eat of Him will live... but this truth was a difficult statement for many of His followers to accept and from that time many of his disciples went back, and walked with Him no more. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?
Throne of Grace
Christ’s death on the cross as the Sacrifice for sin tore down the unscalable wall of division that separated a holy God from a sinful race of men, and opened up, to all who would believe in His name, God’s eternal throne-room of grace: let us, therefore, approach God’s throne of grace with confidence and grateful hearts, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Time and again we discover Jesus rising early in the morning and finding Him in a solitary place as He drew close to His heavenly Father.
Growth is by Life, and this, to begin with, may be by the entering into Life of but one soul, and then after a long waiting time of another; or it may be more rapid.
Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me?John 14:9
Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me?
Wrong Perception
Surely after such a length of time, this disciple should have known his Lord?
What a lesson to find we can walk a long time with the Lord and not know Him..
and yet His gentle reproof to this precious disciple was: have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?
His Grace
His grace is poured over us in great abundance. His holy correction is administered to us with infinite tenderness, but we need to take time to get to know Him.
But time is required for that center to extend through all the circumference of our being.
Even where in the new convert there is great singleness of heart and faith, with true love and devotion to the Saviour, time is needed for a deeper knowledge of the old man and sin, for a spiritual insight into what the Father's will and grace are. -A.M.
With Him it is a question of what God is doing, and doing just at the particular time.
With one object, God does different things at different times, and has a different emphasis from time to time, and those who are really in union with Christ have to be governed by that which Christ at that particular time is Himself undertaking, is giving Himself to: ...what things soever He doeth these the Son also doeth in like manner.
The learning is at one time, and the proving at another.
In fact, we ought to be prepared for the dark hour; so that, though it be dark, there is something so blessed, so suited, pouring its comfort and sustenance on our souls, that, after all, the dark and dreary hour becomes a more really festive time to the heart, because of the virtues of the truth now made known, than the time of its reception, which was so happy and exhilarating. -J.B.S.
You know quite well that you cannot go on with people who are not straight, people who are crooked, people who are all the time furtive, not open, not frank, who have somewhere in the background a secretiveness.
Walk of Life
Take the hand of the One that knows how to lighten those that sit in darkness. Walk with the One Who will truly guide your feet into the way of peace, and you will have contentment in this age despite the hardships and disappointments – and in the age to come – the Millennial Age, you will discover joys unspeakable, for you will live 1000 years, in time – time recaptured from the today’s devouring locusts. Only put your hand into His and say:- order my walk; order my every moment… order my way and my life to your good pleasure – for whither Thou goest I will go. What you decide I will accept.
Eternal Truths
These vital truths are for our learning and were played out in the time of Nehemiah. They are still true today and need to be fastened in our hearts and secured in our mind. Let us without reservation listen and love… listen to His voice and to hear His word – encourage each other to fall in love with our Lord, all over again.
Let us remember, Now is the accepted time – now is the day of salvation.
Habakkuk first used the reforming words that resounded down the corridors of time, and we find them echoing through Romans; through Galatians; through Hebrews.
God takes all things and God uses all things, for all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Rom.8:28 And He takes time – He often takes a life-time to gently lead one into this truth.
They are forever groaning over their imperfections and struggling with the flesh as if they hoped in time to improve it.
The new-life in-Christ takes time to grow – much time.
Old and New Life
At the same time, the old self endeavours to get down from the cross and resume control – and a battle ensues between the old sin nature and the new life in Christ.
Egotistical Self
The time must come when we make a commitment – that all of 'self' must GO.
takes time.
The new life takes time to grow – much time – a life-time of growing in grace.
Word of Truth
I don’t mean a searching for a specific day or date or a time for the rapture, but a searching of the scriptures to understand God’s Word and Truth.
The Person
I realised that the day and the hour is not the most important thing.. interesting though speculation on the time or manner of His return may be, but it is the Person I discovered, that I needed to watch for.
For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained PROMISES……….
Some time ago for one whole summer, following in his exemplary, in-depth deliberations, I too would reflect and ruminate on these verses for many days at a time – to search out God’s nuggets of love… for me.
The Throne Ministry
Much of scripture is devoted to intercession and prayer – the throne ministry of God. Simple, dynamic power-packed instructions – to help us withstand in the evil day. This is so that God’s plans will be fulfilled in His way, in His time and for His glory – and God’s perfect plan always results in the best outcome for all of His children.
Scriptural Truth
Don’t be robbed of the scriptural truth that in Christ dwells all the Godhead bodily. You are once for all and forever, in time and eternity – totally complete in Him.
Plans and purposes that He foreordained from before the world? Plans purposed, and plans foreordained from before the time that the worlds came to be?
Time of God
All He asks is that we trust Him in all things – put our total faith in Him, knowing that: 'ALL things work together for good to those who love God..
Promised Seed
Oh, Jesus came at His appointed time through the womb of a virgin – the first time.
And Jesus will come at His appointed time in the clouds for His bride – the second time.
Fellowship Formula
Every time we sin, fellowship is broken and needs to be restored and John outlines the fellowship formula for God’s disobedient children to be restored back into full fellowship and sweet communion with their Father.
Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me?John 14:9
This Disciple
Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me? This disciple had been with the Lord Jesus for three years. He had seen His beautiful life..
Knowing Jesus
Surely after such a length of time this disciple should have known His Lord?
What a lesson to find we can walk a long time with the Lord and not KNOW Him..
Jesus commanded His disciples to love one another as I have loved you, and yet His gentle reproof to this precious disciple was: “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?”
From the time of John the Baptizer until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful people have been seizing it. (Matthew 11:12 GW)
Process of Maturity
BUT… it does not end there. The new nature of the born-again believer makes that saint complete in Christ. This allows the life of Christ to be exhibited in the believer, which matures over time.
Because He knows what is best for each of us both in time and through eternity.
We may go on that way for awhile, but is it not true that from the time when He begins in us His work of formation through discipline and chastening, it growingly dawns on us how little in fact we know of the true meaning of what we had been saying?
This most painful intimate time was not to be witnessed by the inquisitive eye of man..nor the angelic host, as Father and Son in unison suffered excruciating pain, through this momentous, agonising separation. And a fathomless darkness, never witnessed within eternity before, hung heavily over the Son of His love.
The loss of the Father’s presence, for the first moment, since time and eternity kissed each other, was for our Lord Jesus, a loss so overwhelming, that human and angelic minds can only wonder.
True Image
Denominations and individuals alike envisage the God in whom they trust, and all too often the image that emerges is a distortion of the truth. All too often His resemblance has its poisoned roots in our early life. Role models we should trust and ached to believe in, let us down. Teachings of the church we attended or avoided..distorted God’s character, and over time, plus the input of life, God emerges – masked by our own imaginings. There are probably as many perceptions of God as there is sand on the seashore. But there is only one true character and likeness of God – the man Christ Jesus.
Volatile Society
We are well down the path of that volatile society, about which we are warned. We are living at a time when Christian stamina is increasingly being wearied. We are experiencing a season when the believer’s endurance is being taxed.
Morning Star
It is often said that the darkest time of the night comes just before the break of dawn, and the darkness we are experiencing today is heralding the bright Morning Star.
and it is by faith in God that He performs this change – and He takes His time! God uses life’s circumstances, (good and ill).
as perfect in God’s sight as His only begotten Son. The saved saint similarly has ‘need’, without which spiritual growth will fail. He is accepted in the Beloved fully and perfectly, for time and through eternity..
Restrictive Measure
The Law though perfect, had no way to remove the death sentence – so death reigned from Adam’s fall to Moses and continued to rule from the time of Moses to Christ. The Law was God’s perfect tool to direct us to Christ so that we might be justified. But the Law can be equally problematic to the one that has been justified, for if one starts to live a Christian life under the restrictive measure of the Law of Moses or any self-imposed legalistic system, it can only be done by the old sin nature being guided by the lust of the flesh and not the new nature in Christ, that is led by the Spirit of God.
We have to look at ourselves and see how far we are devotedly following the Lord Jesus, with full purpose of heart - how we can say, This one thing I do'; but we must take care at the same time not to get into legal bondage by this standard.
Before time was created there was God, only God, and nothing but God.
God’s Thoughts
It was here that the Invisible, Eternal God chose to reveal Himself to you: no man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father (from before time and space) He hath declared Him.
These thoughts of God were established and translated into created time.
God’s Perfections
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
God Has Promised
Like the arm of the Lord and the wing of the eagle, the promises of God are not unsubstantial. Hath God said and shall He not fulfill? Hath God promised and shall He not perform? Numbers 23:19 Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?
The opposite of this, and that which we are seeing to be so much more needed, is a burdening of the hearts of chosen vessels with God's own most pressing concern at this time, resulting in an all-consuming passion which will accept all the cost of its realization....
In the age of Israel, He empowered a few believers for a specific length of time, in a particular way or work and He also came in power upon prophets, priests, and kings, but this was never a permanent indwelling.
Knowing Him
Let us take time to get to know the Holy Spirit Who lives in each one of us.
demonstrating His ineffable love for you and me – in time and through eternity.
in time past to the fathers, by the prophets – has in these last days spoken to us by His Son.
like Israel in time past seeks to “box God in…” In Psalm 78 we read:- Yes, again and again, they tempted/tested God, they limited the Holy One of Israel.
In Spirit and Truth
In the short time we have, before He comes to take us to be with Himself..
And for a time Adam, and his wife Eve, tasted the glory and honour of their God-given ruler-ship of the earth. Adam was created in God’s image – a perfect man with a wonderful range of human attributes and faculties that mirrored those of his Creator.
The Man Christ Jesus
And for a second time, the glory and honour that was tasted so briefly by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden has been regained by God’s true representative Man – Christ Jesus our Lord.
Power of Death
His death is sufficient for it satisfied God’s judgement of sin, in your life and mine. His resurrection is sufficient for it broke the power of death in all who believe. Christ’s glorious sufficiency meets every need in this life and the one to come, and we are fully accepted by God for time and eternity, because of His sufficiency.
We are fully accepted by God for time and eternity, because of His sufficiency.
You will see more and more the utter futility of trying to make yourself a keen Christian; that your best efforts are as futile as your worst failures; that your Christian life is to be a continual miracle that the Father must work every minute; that the only thing you have to do is to depend utterly, and altogether, and all the time on Him.
God’s Eternal Wheel
But so often we try to kick against God’s timing in each of our lives, yet God has told us that the appointed time will surely come and will not tarry.
God’s plans for his children rarely happen in the way, or the time that we expect them. At a time you think not He will come to you, and visit you, and dine with you.
Shall He not answer in His own way and in His own time? Shall He not exercise His will, according to His riches in mercy? Shall He not bequeath His benefit to His child – to the glory of His name? No righteous prayer is ever lost to the heart of God. No heart sigh ever misses the Father’s wrapped attention. No breath of prayer is ever spent in vain.
In His time and in His way, your Isaac will be conceived. In His way and in His time, your Samuel will be born. In His way and in His time, your brother will be raised.
Precious Privilege
But the wonderful thing is that this weighty prayer of Paul is for all God’s children. Paul’s desire was that all believers discover the precious privilege they have in Him, and down through the centuries of time men and women have rejoiced in his words – and his prayer for revelation is for you and for me, and for all the body of Christ.
Let us take time to KNOW every facet of the prayer that Paul prayed for us…
Filled With The Spirit
They were all baptised in the Spirit and then everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them His ability. What a day of gladness that must have been for those that were present on that day. What a time of rejoicing it is for all who are empowered by the same Holy Spirit.
And for a long time the gospel was preached from Jerusalem to the Jews only.
Israel-Adopted Sons
They were the ones who were entrusted with the amazing Word and Words of God. They were adopted sons who were promised a wonderful earthly inheritance.. but they failed to do as God commanded which was to tell the nations about God – and Israel as a nation was to repent of her sin collectively, and turn to her Messiah. But Israel crucified her king and for a time God chose to work through the Gentiles.
Now you go down with this truth, down into the vortex of awful agony, right down to the gates of hell, your being is upheaved right from the very bottom, and all the time there is the question Will that truth hold good?
For when for a time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God, and are become such as have need of milk, and not of solid food (Heb. 5:12).
So the Lord has to take much time to make our spiritual history.
When at length our eyes are open, we cry, O, why did I not see it before!' But everything else had to prove insufficient before we could really be shown, and that takes time.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time (1 Pet 5:6).
Creative Progression
There is an infinite Being – outside time and space, Who has communicated with us.
Creative Climax
He made space, time, and language and imbued man with thought, reason, and choice.
New Creation
God could have obliterated humanity when sin was introduced into the world. He could have halted the human race before His creative work began, but He didn’t, for God looked down the corridors of time and chose each of us who’d become His Body.
And in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to be the federal head of a new creation.
The potter did not try to refashion the flawed jar – and God will not do so either. The potter gathered up the clay one more time – and made a new, more beautiful jar – and God in the same way has made a new, beautiful creation from fallen humanity.
But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to break. Still, everyone died—from the time of Adam to the time of Moses—even those who did not disobey an explicit commandment of God, as Adam did.
A period of time was set aside to wrestle with this complex issues of ceaseless prayer – and a whole month was set aside to wrangle with this deep, ecclesiastical problem.
Continuous Prayer
Please tell us how this impossible task of our Lord many be achieved, they asked. How can a busy woman, spare time to engage in continuous prayer?
they continued. Most people find that the more things we have to do the less time there is to pray... Oh sirs, was her simple reply, the more I pray the easier it becomes to pray!- and she explained how her heavenly Father was with her in every aspect of life.
Intimate Prayer
It’s good to take quiet time alone with the Lord in intimate prayer behind closed doors – but it is also incumbent on us to pray without ceasing – in every part of our life.
Pray for Labourers
We need to pray that God will raise up those to minister to the lost, the hurting and the bereft: pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.” Matt.9:38 We need to follow the lovely example of Jesus – Who Himself needed time to pray: for Jesus would withdraw to a desolate place and pray. He went out to the mountains to pray, and all night He continued in prayer to God.” Luke 5:16
In the true prayer of faith' the intercessor must spend time with the Father to appropriate the promises of His Word, and must permit himself to be taught by the Holy Spirit, whether the promises can be applied to this particular case.
Intercession is the work, which saints of past time have engaged in through the ages.
and the deafening din of that heavenly hush – pierces time and penetrates eternity: and another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it, with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which was before the throne.
For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us, (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time) that we should walk in them - living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live (Eph. 2:10, Amp.).
God in His foreknowledge knows ahead of time all who will trust His Son, as Saviour. And God uses His advanced knowledge to predestine those that believe on Christ, but all who reject salvation bring condemnation upon their own heads.
But God is outside of time and space and mass and the limitation of humanity.
Preparation certainly does have relevance to this brief breath of life here and now, but the work of God’s Spirit is to prepare us for the future ages to come. This is the reason that almost without exception time is needed for preparation.
This is not a ‘one-time' crucifixion – but a daily dying to self and living for Christ.
a people for His Name. But as understanding and illumination about the King of kings increases as time passes, so a wall of separation is being constructed between good and evil.
Stunning Prophecy
The rebellious nation had disobeyed their long-suffering God, and Israel was under the yoke of the cruel Roman Empire – but God had not forgotten His chosen people. And filled with the Holy Spirit, Zacharias started to sing praises to the God of Israel for the time had come for God Himself to visit and redeem His people.
You may not know what it is at the time, but you have a sense that all is not well.
You do not have to do that where there is devotion, love watchful all the time, aliveness, alertness, perception, readiness to do without being all the time told to do it.
Any time there is effort involved in the matter of resisting sin, we can be sure that we are depending to some extent upon the flesh, instead of resting in the finished work of the Cross.
Most of us can remember the day when we saw clearly that He died for us, and we ought to be equally clear as to the time when we saw that we died with Him.
The turning point in our Christian life comes when we begin to let God be God, the day we throw all caution (fear) to the winds and look to Him to carry out His purpose for us in His own time and way.
And for three days and nights as time caught up with eternity Jesus rested His Spirit in the arms of the Father.
and for three days it seems as if, ‘time stood still’ – so that His death and His resurrection joined hands together in this; the greatest story ever told.
Earthly Realm
Israel will receive her earthly inheritance after the time of Jacob’s trouble. Israel must first be brought back to her God – in the time of coming tribulation.
Yes, and therefore, to know the Lord in a larger measure than we have ever known Him, and to be brought to a place where it will not be so easy for the Devil to shake us next time.
It is good to have exhortation; it is good that we should have testimony; it is good that from time to time the Word of the Lord should come to us in the fullness of a proclamation, but as the Lord's people we also need sound instruction, foundation in the truth.
Patience can also be a teacher.. willingly explaining a difficult concept for the “n’th” time.
Obedient Patience
Patient endurance and enduring patience is seen throughout the life of Christ! At one time His life was waiting in obedience... at another a running obedience.
Although this is a verse that is directed to Israel, in the time of Jacob’s trouble.
Through the grace of God, we can stand firm right up to the time of His return – for we must all guard against God’s agape love in our hearts wearing thin.
Work of Faith
There can be no acceptable work of God in our lives that is not a work of faith. There can be no work of faith, which is not a labour of God’s agape love in us. There can be no end-time endurance without the patience of hope resting on Him.
Nothing gets our attention better than going through a difficult time and He allows these experiences in order to filter our pride – causing us to return our focus on Him.
At this critical time in our spiritual walk, when the Lord is at the very door. We would do well examine ourselves as never before. We need to see if secret sins have crept deep into our hearts. SEARCH ME OH GOD.
And so it was that the time was accomplished that Christ was born as a son of Abraham: the father of Isaac who was the father of Jacob, from whose loins came forth the Jewish nation – and through whom was born the Messiah of Israel – the Lord Jesus Christ.
Role of Israel
It was Joshua who led Israel into the promised land of rest, so many centuries ago and it will be the Lord Jesus Christ Who provides the true millennial rest in His coming glorious kingdom – a future time when Israel will be the head of the nations and not the tail.
They have got a self-complex set up, and all the time it is a continuous going round in a circle and coming back to the same point at which they started, and it is all round themselves, and they are wearing themselves out.
When a servant-slave in Israel ended his time of servitude, he could claim his liberty, but that servant-slave could also choose to remain in service.
There is a time when we must sweep our books aside, when we must shut ourselves up from the voices of men, when we must get quiet with the Lord and listen, and more, we must seek to cultivate, by the grace of God, the ear that is always open to the Lord even when all the other sounds are around us.
The pressing in, and all the things which happen just when you have decided to have a little quiet time; then it is you have to fight for the ear you know it is true.
We must bear in mind that, while it is the Father's purpose, in His dealings with Job, to vindicate His own estimate of His servant; it is, at the same time, shown us how He educates or disciplines that servant so as to render him worthy of that estimate.
Day of Redemption
The Spirit was active in the work He did in you and you were completely passive. Every aspect of His work was done at a moment in time by the Spirit – you did nothing.
Whatever we do accurately must take time and collectedness of mind, and there is no accuracy in all the world like keeping company with God, and yet nothing so free from bondage or tediousness.
We should not make a virtue of smallness, as though there were something important about being despised by others, but at the same time we shall find that whenever God has called people to display His glory, He has chosen those who have no glory in themselves.
If you are in a wrong path, as you seek the Lord, you will be corrected; but on the other hand, the more you are set for Him here, the more you will find that there is nothing for you here, though at the same time you are daily finding more in Him.
If some of you who have been the Lord's for a long time cast a glance over your past history, you will be able to recall occasions when He spoke and you obeyed instantly.
But you can recall other occasions when He spoke and you failed to respond; yet strangely, after a time you just found yourself in the way of obedience.
The tragic mistake of thousands of believers is in trying to live in two worlds at the same time - in nature and in God, in self and in Christ, in the flesh and in the Spirit, by faith and in independence, by abiding and by effort.
The Lord may get you off activities and shut you up to inactivity, and you go through an awful time and say the Lord has forsaken you, all has gone wrong.
The implications of any movement of God are not always recognized at the beginning, but if we go on with Him we shall find that much that is done here and is of time is and has to be left behind.
He knows what that means for him, and the Lord knows what that means for Himself and hence the special and extra difficulties when it is a case of Christians living together, especially for a long time.
Our natural mind is a great obstacle in the race which we are running, cropping up all the time with its complexes, its arguments, its interests and its methods.
Not faithfulness for a time or for a season but steadfastness right to the finish line.
Not loyalty when the going is good or because it suits for the time being, but faithful, devoted, steadfast loyalty, right up to the very moment of death.
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.Hebrews.4:16
How urgent therefore to stand in the gap for others and intercede for the “many.” In Ezekiel’s time the Lord sought for a man who would build a wall and stand in the gap – but He found no one – not even one.
The end-time of the leavening process is almost complete.
The end-time apostasy, of which Paul warned in second Timothy seems to be here.
Throne of Grace
Unlike Israel, whose high priest alone could enter the holy of holies once each year, we have unlimited, continuous, and abiding access to the throne of grace, let us, therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Christian Holiness
But as in the time of Israel, we too are to all to be clean before the Lord.
As we wait daily for the Lord – let us intercede and take time to stand in the gap – for others.
Oh, today we fear that the appeal to become Christians is so often in terms of having an easy or a good time; being happy and enjoying yourself; well, thank God for ALL divine joy, but this is true to the House, to the City, that the first thing the Lord is working toward and seeking to work into His people is that substantial, steadfast, enduring faithfulness that is according to His own nature.
Oh for substantial Christians that don need coddling and nursing and running after all the time; being pandered to to get them to go on or stand up.
There is much which is going to be carried away in the last great testing, and if, therefore, trial and adversity is the only way to deepen us, to put caliber into us, I suppose we must expect more of it as the time shortens.
Bothersome Things
Time can also be a big hindrance to which we all so stubbornly cling. Time is often filled with all things that bother us all so much.
Christian Challenge
We too are called at such a time as this, to accept this self-same challenge. We too are called to such a place as this, to be despised of the world and rejected. We too are called to come out from among them and be separate. We too are called to obey His commandment, to love deeply, and suffer long.
Then the real measure of our dependence on Him is ascertained, and also the extent of our resources in Him; and we make acquisitions in Him which we never make at any other time.
The more we can rest in Him the more we are independent of everything outside of Him - at such a time, the more vigor we really possess; and the better we get over the winter, be it ever so severe.
Paul’s Discovery
There was a time in Paul’s life when he did not know or appropriate this truth – for in Romans chapter 7, Paul himself cried out Oh wretched man that I am… who shall deliver me from this body of sin – and Paul discovered the answer – I thank God!
God’s Will
All such prayer will accomplish God’s ends and God’s way – in God’s time.
Throne Ministry
Unsung lovers of God who’ve seasoned the path of the body of Christ over time; each adding tears of intercessory love to the brimming bowl on the heavenly alter – all combined to contribute to heaven’s plan – in the throne ministry of God’s will.
Pray for Fellowship
Teach me, Lord, to be in FELLOWSHIP with You - the one only true God Saviour through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, splendour, majesty, might and dominion, power and authority, before all time and now and forevermore – Amen.
He takes us a step at a time, and He does not want us to take six steps at a bound, or to contemplate six steps at a time.
The other steps will come at the right time.
Those of us who look back and see how terrible a thing it would have been if the Lord had shown us at one time all that to which we have been brought, know that if we had seen it all at one time, we could not have gone on.
Believing the Truth affects the eternal soul of man, through time and eternity, for no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid – which is Jesus Christ.” 1Corinthians 3:11 How it pleased the heart of the apostle John who was able to say of Gaius, for I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.” 3John 1:3
first – from an early Christian walk of prayer and praise to secondly, the vital trial of our faith which is more precious than gold, to thirdly – the time when we shall know as we are known, and shall see Him face to face.
Today is a time of child-training with rewards laid up in heaven – today is the day to live by faith as exemplified by all in Hebrews 11.
Today is the time of child-training with rewards laid up in heaven – today is the day to live by faith as exemplified by that great cloud of witnesses.
The Fullness of the Gentiles
A time is coming (in time) – when the Church will be completed..
a time when the fullness of the Gentiles will have come in..
a time when the Lord Jesus comes for His bride – at the rapture… a time when the 2000-year long Christian dispensation is completed.
Jacob’s Trouble
A time is coming when God will once again turn His attention back to Israel.. time of prophesied tribulation; a time of judgment; the time of Jacob’s trouble.. time when the gospel of the kingdom will have been taught worldwide – time when the veil over the heart of the Jewish nation – is lifted.
And God is taking a life-time and possibly longer to bring us to maturity. He takes the normal, natural things of life and uses them as His teaching tools.
You have only to extend that, provoke that anger enough, put that nature into certain circumstances, and you will discover that you are capable of things of which you would have stood in utmost horror at one time.
As they peered into a distant future they saw but one mountain peak of deliverance – when streams would rejoice and valleys sing and the earth would be filled with the glory of God…. the time when the kingdom of our God and of His Christ would be established. It would be a time of great joy and much rejoicing, for Israel’s enemies would be put to flight and she would be elevated to become the head and not the tail of the nations.
Peace and Prosperity
It was to be a time of peace and prosperity when God would dwell with His people.
just like the ox. It was to be a time when the people of Israel would build houses and inhabit them – a time when they plant vineyards and eat of the fruit and enjoy the work of their hand. It was to be a time of safety when spears would be fashioned into pruning hooks and nation shall not lift up sword against nation – neither shall they learn war any more. It was to be a time of abundance when the wilderness would become a fruitful field… the desert was to blossom as a rose – the crooked places were to be made straight.
Promise to Abraham
It was to be a time when all the land promised to Abraham would, at last, be rightfully inhabited by Israel – from the river of Egypt to the great river – the river Euphrates. It was to be a time when the Dead Sea would be healed and filled with a multitude of fish and a river of water was to flow out from beneath the Temple of the Lord.
They were waiting for the time when the earth would be filled with the glory of God.
Limited Understanding
At this time all the disciples had a pre-cross understanding of the coming kingdom. At this time they did not understand church-age doctrine – as designed by God.
Whenever we are being faced with some new and different course, some fresh proposition or position, there is one all-governing question that we should ask, and which we should take ample time to ponder and pray over seriously.
Throughout time men of faith looked for the day when the day-star would appear, for it is at one point on life’s horizon, at the break of the day, that the Son arises.
begotten of love, Whose light burst into time from eternity.
Eternal Essence
Only created words in a created time can describe this uncreated eternal One.
yet time nestles deep within the bowels of God.
and a future residence in heaven is dimmed.. because we live in today – a time that seems so far removed from the eternal One, and His eternal ages..
O Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Teach us to redeem the time we have left and use it to praise of the eternal God.
Eternal Life
The eternal God, Who LOVED you from the before time began..
the eternal God, Who CHOSE you to be the temple of His eternal presence.. for the rest of your time on earth and into the eternal ages that are to come.
And we would do well to take heed of the truth of God’s word and store it in our heart – for the time is coming when few will heed the true doctrine contained in Scripture.
Oh, there were many times He professed to be the eternal, omnipotent God of Israel. And during His time on the earth Jesus told the Pharisees, “Truly, truly, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.” …the exact words that the Lord God applied to Himself when He spoke to Moses at the burning bush, revealing Himself as, “I AM that I AM.”
Rejected Saviour
The first time the king of glory visited the earth to redeem His people from their sins He came as a helpless baby, born in a humble stable and lived a simple life as a poor carpenter, until He was finally rejected and cruelly crucified by those He came to save.
Everlasting King
The second time He will come with great power and glory to set up His everlasting kingdom, an earthly kingdom of thousand years – and an eternal kingdom that will last forever for He is our representative Man and our everlasting King. There are many intricate and interlinking story-lines woven together in God’s Word and every single one of them intersect on the Son of God, Who became Son of Man – God’s eternal gift to men.
A striking feature of our time is that so few of the voices have a distinctive message.
The most serious aspect of this way of things is that it results in voices, voices, voices, a confusion of voices, but not the specific voice with the specific utterance of God for the time....
Time of Training
David sought comfort in his Psalms - knowing God's promises are sure and Paul gloried in his thorn - knowing that His grace is sufficient. Present circumstances which press so hard and wound so deeply..if surrendered to the Lord..
The Time to Trust
When is the time to trust?Is it when all is calm,When saves the victor's palm,And life is one glad psalmOf joy and praise?Yes but more time to trustIs when the waves beat high,When storm clouds fill the sky,And prayer is one long cry Oh help and save!
When is the time to trust?Is it when friends are true?Is it when comforts woo,And in all we say and doWe meet but praise?YES!
but more time to trustIs when we stand alone,And summer birds have flown,And every prop is gone,All else but God.
What is the time to trust?Is it some future day,When you have tried your way,And learned to trust and prayBy bitter woe?YES!
but more time to trustIs in this moment's needPoor, broken, bruised reed!Poor, troubled soul, make speed To trust thy God.
What is the time to trust?Is it when hopes beat highWhen sunshine guilds the sky,And joy and ecstasyFill all the heart?YES!
but more time to trustIs when our joy is fled,When sorrow bows the head,And all is cold and dead All else but God.
Tidings of Joy
The tidings of great joy declared to the little shepherd band were indeed for all men, for all have sinned and all fall short of God’s glory and all men need a Saviour. Two thousand years ago the Infinite, the Almighty One stooped down into time, so that He could pick up you, a lost, worthless, shame-ridden, miserable worm..
Precious Time
The time one spends on worry is precious time that had been lost to life forever and effort spent on worry is of little worth – for it wearies the soul and exhausts the heart.
It was grace in its fullness that caused the Godhead to look down the corridors of time and purpose an eternal plan that would redeem a sinful race of humanity from sin.
It is just in so far as you and I bring our lives at this time of the day back to God fullness in the Cross that we are going to know this progressive development and increase of Life - so far and no more.
But at the chosen time God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law – to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
400 Silent years
The nation of Israel was required to repent of her collective sins against her God, and generation after generation that Seed travelled down the corridors of time.
Last Prophet
John was Israel’s last prophet who was to call the nation of Israel to repentance as the time to set up the kingdom of God had finally arrived – their Messiah had come… but the nation of Israel rejected their Messiah and crucified their King and so the kingdom of God had to be delayed for a time – during the church age, and given to a people who would produce its fruit – and so Israel was set aside – for a time…
The Witness of the Church
The witness of Israel was to be replaced with the witness of the Church – for a time. The gospel of the kingdom was to be replaced with the gospel of grace – for a time. The promised kingdom was to be postponed – until the whole nation of Israel repents.
Transitional Period
And Acts covers a special, unrepeatable period of time – a unique time of transition. It was a period of history that bridged the old covenant with the new covenant. It was a bridge between Old Testament living and New Testament life.
The mark of a life governed by the Holy Spirit is that such a life is continually and ever more and more occupied with Christ, that Christ is becoming greater and greater as time goes on.
Second Coming
Peter does not spend time giving peculiar details of specific end-time events, but warned us to recognise the approaching season of Christ’s soon return.
He knows end-time believers have a greater need than such specific knowledge.
We are to prepare our hearts for the time when all earthly things will go.
Just as He, being the resurrection and the Life, means resurrection at any moment, and not merely at the last day you remember Martha said, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day, and the Lord, in effect, said, Stop, I am the resurrection and the Life, and I being here, the last day may be here so far as the resurrection is concerned; it is no time matter when I am present, it can be now!
This whole question of heavenly relationship with the Lord is a tremendously searching one, the fact that Christ has transferred everything to heaven and that nothing less than a life in heavenly union with Him will stand the test at any time.
We see that material and temporal things according to this world ideas and standards of greatness and even of the religious world standards, are the things which govern the mentality of these disciples after all this time.
It is a continuous battleground as to how things stand in this world before men, and even as to what the great religious leaders, and even evangelical leaders of our time regard as the important thing.
Faithful and True
His titles are as numerous as the stars and His designations are eternally glorious. His attributes are without measure and His unchanging character is faithful and true. His name is wonderful; He is altogether lovely; He is my beloved, and He is our saviour – and to know Jesus as saviour is the only thing worth knowing in time and into eternity.
Hidden Mystery
And so in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son to carry out His heavenly plan.
To know Jesus as saviour is the only thing worth knowing in time and into eternity.
We must be completely clear as to what it is that God is particularly concerned with at this time in the world's history, and, therefore, what it is that we who are the Lord's children are called unto.
Perfect Saviour
As God He was still the omnipotent, omniscient, infinite, eternal, universal Creator – as Man He began His life as a babe in Bethlehem – and gave His life a ransom for many. The reality of Christ’s human nature links Him irrefutably with the whole human race, and though Christ must never be divorced from His deity, He became a man and He participated in the history of humankind – having come to this world in the likeness of sinful flesh. It was for us that the perfect uncreated God of the universe, became perfect Man and Who in the fullness of time – and for our sakes become our perfect Saviour.
But no matter how beautiful or expensive a gift may be, it will wax old and deteriorate, and it is all too likely to be replaced in time by something else that piques the interest. But Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians writes of the indescribable gift that God in His grace gave to humanity – a gift with eternal consequences, that will never age nor lose its value – a perfect gift of grace and beauty that can never be replaced.
It’s suitable for all occasions no matter what the time – and for all persons whether bond or free. God’s unutterable gift of His Son multiplies into a plethora of additional gifts, which explode into an astonishing display of God’s amazing grace and unconditional love. Spiritual death is removed and the new life of Christ is breathed into our dead spirit – we were dead in our sins, but made alive in Christ.
It is a great thing to which we are called in Christ, but how many Christians are really in it, and if they know they are in it, are tasting of the meaning of it: that this Life is an inexhaustible Life, that there are new vistas all the time?
If we were so utterly and not one of us really is if we were so utterly consumed for the Lord's interests alone that no other interest in our lives had any precedence or power to govern us, we would be in victory all the time.
Abounding Grace
As time passed, mankind rebelled against their Creator God and so the Law was sent. Paul says the Law was given so that the offence might abound..
God’s Time Periods
Why was Paul so insistent that believers did not return from grace to law?
Well God has established a divine program for the whole of human history and God has scheduled certain events within a series of set time-periods, (or dispensations).
God’s Set Time
God set a time for Israel’s Messiah to come to earth and to die as Saviour of the world.
We read: when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son.
He has set a time for Israel’s restoration, when Christ will set up His kingdom on earth: Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints, Jude 1:14. and God chose to reveal certain events on His ‘calendar’ through His Word.
God’s Rules for Living
God scheduled certain events to take place in different time-periods or dispensations, and unless we identify our place in His program, we miss His plan.
One time-period was in Eden.
Every time period, epoch or era has its own code for living; its own ‘laws’; its own indigenous rules, requirements and regulations.
Similarly, those living at the era of the Patriarchs had a code unique to their time-period and though there is little information of this code in scripture, Noah obeyed God’s rules, for we read that: Noah walked faithfully with God and did everything just as God commanded him.
Age of the Church
The Greek word for “law” is “nomos” and also means ‘rule’ or ‘instructions’ and since Calvary, believers have been in a specific period of time called the Age of Grace.
Christians living in this Church age are given a set of instructions; a set of rules for living – guidelines to live godly lives and ‘laws’ specific to this time-period – and they are almost exclusively laid out in Paul’s epistles.
Laws given in Eden or during the time of the Patriarchs are not for the Church today – nor are the rules which will be implemented in the Millennial age.
Provided thatlaw is complied with, honored; and at the right time the body isgiven what it needs, not more, not less; the law of nourishmentdeals with that and quite spontaneously works out in development,growth, to express itself in various ways.
The Lord Jesus knew that at a certain time He could notact, could not speak; He had no movement of the Spirit inquickening, no Life to do so at that time; in His spirit therewas no movement of Life; the law was not active in the positiveway.
But when the Father, Who knew what was required in speech oraction, saw that the time had come, He did not bend down andspeak with an audible voice into His ear, and say, Now is thetime!
Die to Self
Turn away from your foolish boasting and dismount your elevated self-image, and put on Christ and Christ alone – nailing Self to the blood-stained tree. For no man has known God at any time, save the Lord Jesus.
He let people know that to follow Him, as He put it at that time, involved them in difficulty and suffering and persecution and trial and a lifelong thing.
Things that enter into our history we cannot always fathom, but the explanation which we can give is that, whatever there may be as second causes, the Lord is Sovereign and He thinks it worthwhile sometimes to allow what the world would call the most terrible thing to overtake for the time being, and it would seem that His Name and interests suffer through that thing, but through that thing He brings His people to a place of maturity and they get to know the Lord for themselves.
Infinite Light
No man has seen God at any time and lived, for His glory is beyond understanding. No searching in the heavens above or the earth beneath can discover Him, for He dwells in eternal light and infinite love that cannot be seen nor fathomed out.
Divine Light
The Eternal Son was translated into TIME. The Infinite God was contracted into a SPAN. The Immortal One was manifested in an EARTHLY FRAME. The Invisible One became a VULNERABLE BABE in the arms of His mother.
And, beloved, the burden of the Lord must come on our heart in like manner if we are to be effective instruments for the Lord in His end-time activities; we must be exercised in a very deep way with the interests of God.
All who take time to study the disposition and character of Christ discover Him to display perfection throughout His lifetime and grace in all circumstances of His life.
Right Relationship
All these people were in right relationship with the Lord and each of these characters displayed a characteristic that pleased the Lord – a godly disposition that was precious in His eyes – a quality that is dear to the heart of our God. God laid His hand on each of His people in a unique way and God took time in each life to develop in each one a peculiar and distinctive quality that was a dim reflection of His own perfect grace – one that would be seen in the face of Jesus Himself.
As we read through Scripture, we discover one here and we find another there… But in the fulness of time God sent His only Son in the form of man, in Whom would dwell all the godly attributes of Deity bodily – for He is the ultimate Man of faith and virtue, the perfect Man of prayer and praise, the godly Man of wisdom and worship, the loving Man of obedience and humility, the gracious Man so beloved of the Father, Who was chosen to be our Saviour for He is the true Man after God’s own heart.
Moses had to wait forty years to carry out his purpose, which was a right one, though in the first flush the flesh sought to carry it out; but in the Lord's time, how fully every purpose of his heart was met - all the way to the Mount of Transfiguration!
Fundamental and Foundational
This is fundamental and this is foundational – Check out the scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Scrutinise the teachings of Paul. Plough your way through the Psalms of David. Plunge into Soloman’s Proverbs and time and again and over and increasingly, it comes back to man’s thinking… to our thoughts..
The peril is that we should begin to make our ministry something that is watertight.... Draw in your mind eye three squares, separate, standing each alone, and you will have what represents a very great deal of the nature of work for the Lord in our day from time to time.
You have doubtless gone through a time of deep and dark trial in which you have had to hand everything over you have come to a crisis where you have had to place on the altar something that was very precious and let it go to the Lord.
Final Revelation
God may gracious illuminate the mind of man from His own Spirit-revealed revelation, but God’s revelation to man is an open secret in the scriptures of God: for God, spoke in many ways and means, in time past to the fathers, by the prophets, Hebrews 1:1 But God’s last and final revelation came through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Either you submit willingly to being conformed into the image of His Son – or through time, He will apply innumerable painful strategies to change you into His likensss.
Glorious Gospel
This is no “mysterious phenomena,” that cannot be understood by you or me! This is no “secret illumination” given only a few men with mystical minds. This was a truth hidden by God, until it was time to proclaim it to the world. The mystery of godliness is the wonderful truth of the glorious gospel of Christ.
Final Reflection
Take time, believer, to reflect on every aspect of the name of Jesus - Prophet Priest, and King... Who for love of you set aside His glory to become one of us, that you might one day be seated with Him in heavenly places.
So the Lord has to take much time to make spiritual history.
But everything else had to prove insufficient before we could really be shown, and that takes time.
At this point, therefore, we awoke to the fundamental principle of our Lord's own life while here, and it became the law of everything for us from that time.
No one who knows anything about the present conditions will disagree with the statement that the Church is in tragic need of men with a message, but our point is that what is needed is the knowledge of what the message is for the time.
It will mean loneliness, and going on alone perhaps for quite a time.
The devil is all the time trying to create a sense of distance between us and the Lord: but there is no distance between if we abide in Christ, for no one can be closer to the Father than the Son, and we are in Him! -T.L.M.
It is a testing way, but, blessed be God, if we do endure the testing and go on patiently with Him, in His time, when that flesh has been finally laid low; when the voice of natural ambition is no longer sounding and having influence, and we are now utterly at the place where if things are not going to be of the Lord then there is not going to be anything at all, the Lord has a free way, and He is able to indicate that all the time something has been going on.
He shows how He has been at work, and how that in time there will be manifested a work of God, a work that shall have such a large percentage of spiritual value and meaning in it that you are very glad, after all, that you walked with God and not with men in the work of God.
It may be that you do not feel the full weight of that; but if ever you come, as perhaps some of you have come, to a time, such as many of the most faithful and devoted and greatly-used servants of God have known, when the dark forces spread themselves over, gather around in their hordes, and seek to come between you and your Lord and then begin their whisperings The Lord has given you up, handed you over, or something to that effect when you come to that place, then I trust you will know that this word is no light word, no unimportant word: for the last depths of Calvary were fathomed in the moment when our Lord cried that bitter cry and gained the answer and came out victorious and into rest.
But there is the other side, of course, all the time, for God is not only, and always negative; there is the constructing, bringing up to the place where anything that is false, anything that is not absolutely transparent and true, straight, clear, is hateful to us.
It is a time matter, but God is very faithful He is very faithful; He does not let things pass.
All-embracing Forgiveness
His forgiveness traversed the centuries of time.
This pivotal point in HIS-Story, which flooded the far reaches of creation, as fallen man was saturated with God’s forgiveness. This centralised fulcrum in the affairs of mankind – spans past time and through eternity.
Personal Challenge
God’s will, God’s plans, and God’s purposes will be carried out to completion. If we are not willing to be His prisoner, He will find other willing captives, He will enlist another one who will trust Him entirely and follow Him completely. But we must beware, lest the challenge thrown at Esther – is levelled at us, for who knows whether we have been called to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
for the fruit of the Spirit takes time to grow and to ripen in the life of a believer – just as the fruit on the tree requires sunshine and storm to yield its produce.
The temptation to shortcut is especially strong, unless we see the value and submit to the necessity of the time element; in simple trust resting in His hands - “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus.
But since God is working for eternity, why should we be concerned about the time involved?
It seems that in the case of the Galatians it was again the natural man, but this time in the realm of natural emotions.
The answer is, You ran in the strength of your own emotions, you ran as your enthusiastic response to God's call because it affected your feelings for the time.
Tears Among Wheat
The seduction of western Christianity has all but reached its fullness, as sheep of His flock feed on the bitter bread and toxic manna of its leavened meal. Christ’s kingdom parables outline in great detail the final condition of His church in Matthew chapter 13 – covering the time when the enemy started to sow tares into the wheat…up to today.. a time during which a little leaven was mixed into the 3 measures of God’s good meal.
Praise the Lord of Heaven and earth, that His ways and purposes are not ours. His purpose in life will be carried out in the life of a believer – by faith. His plan for each life will take time..
How blessed it is to know, and at the same time how solemn to realize, that the sin of the child of God is against his Father, and that it is the love of relationship that is called into exercise about it - love which acts towards us for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness' (Heb. 12:10).
Our attitude every time must be, Lord, do save me from ever coming to the time when what I have heard proves only to have been a thing heard; make it a basis of Holy Spirit activity to reach the Divine end.
Grace and Wisdom
In His grace and wisdom, He will take the harrowed heart that questions Why, and He will answer it in His way – and in His time – to His glory – and to your benefit.
And yet God knows that we are all the time defeated in our very sincerity by secret motives, and nothing but a test position can prove whether we actually mean it.
You will not think me too elementary, for you know in your heart, as well as I do in mine, that this matter of heart rest, the rest of faith, is a live question continually, it is coming up all the time.
One of the things which is lacking in so many of us is this rest, or, to put it the other way, the things which characterize us so much are fret, anxiety, uncertainty, and all those things which are just the opposite of calm assurance, quiet confidence, the spirit and attitude and atmosphere which says all the time, Don't worry, don't fret, it is all right.
Health and Healing
There have been other times of anguish that I have experienced since that time.
Since that time, some 20 years ago, when darkness and anguish disquieted my soul, God has gently led me back to the importance of praise in a believers heart..
for it is only when we see Him that we will be fully cleansed and made entirely whole, but Remember:- every time He breaks your heart..
He would take risks with people, you would probably say: Oh, why put them off, why run the risk of offending them, why discourage them saying 'except, except, except' all the time?
If so, we stand to lose terribly.... Is there something quite distinctive about our lives that says that man, that woman, that young man, that young woman is utter for God, there no doubt about it, you see it all the time, they are utter for God; they are not playing at things, there no compromise with them.
New Life
But until we can truly examine every nook and cranny of our life and say with Paul.. I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live – yet not I, but Christ lives in me…” Gal.2:20. Until that time our heart must remain rebellious towards the Self-Existent One – the Self-Existent God, Who loves us so much and gave Himself for us.
Before time was created and the stars were formed, God alone existed, and God had a plan to save those who would believe on the name of His Son – and God purposed that man would be saved by faith and that man would live by faith.
God from the beginning, gave ‘order’ to all ages, of all time: past, present, and future, and He explained His plans and purposes in His Word – through faith.
1st : Salvation
FIRST: Salvation is secured through the Spirit at the time of rebirth, but we are given a choice and warned against resisting the Holy Spirit.
Those that rejected the Spirit at the time of Stephen’s death were rebuked: you stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always RESIST the Holy Spirit – as your fathers did, so do you.
Never allow your heart or spirit to depress at this time, though the world spirals out of control... for He is faithful to go ahead of all circumstances of life to redeem the impossible.
gazing on the bloodied, beaten body of the Lord Jesus, after He gave up the ghost… WHO would have thought that His, was the greatest victory in the history of time and eternity? Your victory, is as sure as His – as you stand and wait and watch in loving, trusting obedience, even as He requires each of us, so to do.
Not necessarily to sin or to the world, but to something which, while it brings them a great deal of gratification for a time, eventually proves to be a diversion resulting in arrested spiritual growth, and they are found in a backwater, a cul-de-sac, occupied with an alternative to the whole counsel of God.
If He said, I am going to lead you into a bad time, it is all going to be dark and strange and perplexing and bewildering and helpless, but it is all right, I am working a tremendous thing, this is what I am going to bring out of it, if He said that, the faith element would fade out.
When you are having a bad, dark time and feel that all has gone wrong, read the story of Joseph again... starting on it you will not want to put it down.
One Gift of Grace
Salvation is ONE and yet salvation is THREE – for we were saved at a single point in time:- (justified) We are being saved through the passage of time:- (sanctification) and at a point in time, known only to God, we will be finally fully saved:- (glorified). There are not 3 salvations, but ONE gift of grace that is accessed by faith, in Christ, God’s ONE gift of salvation has THREE elements – 1) justification, 2) sanctification, and 3)glorification.
Justification – PAST
There are many passages that distinguish between these three tenses of salvation, In 2 Timothy 1:9 we discover God saved us – a past event, that took place at a point in time, when we were saved from the penalty of sin i.e.
Initial Salvation
Although we were not made righteous in a practical way – for we still have an old sin nature, this was the point we were positioned “in Christ” – and imputed with His righteousness – and from then on we had a right standing with God – JUSTIFIED. This is the point in time when we were born again – by believing in the work of Christ.
Although justification happens at a point in time – sanctification is a lifelong process. Sanctification is an ongoing, lifelong process in a believer, BUT though God desires all His children to be sanctified – not all believers are willing to be set apart unto Him.
Positional Sanctification
Being positioned “in Christ”, when we were justified, means we were also positionally sanctified that very moment in time.
Now is the time and the hour to awake from our sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.Romans 13:11
Time is Short
Every day that passes is a day closer to the return of the Lord Jesus for His church.
The Lord’s return is imminent and each day it gets a little closer than the day before. Time is short and we need to be awake, alert, ready and prepared to meet our Saviour.. but should we try to work out the day of His return to take us to be with Himself?
Increasing Urgency
This should also be a time when we examine our own relationship with Jesus. We can scarcely exhort others to be spiritual ready if we are ill-prepared ourselves. We can hardly encourage others towards preparedness if we have become careless. We cannot draw alongside others aright, unless we are in fellowship with the Lord – and the urgency increases as we see the day of His return approaching.
Increasing Pressures
There is to be a huge increase in satanic activity in the heavenly realms. The enemy knows he has only a short time to achieve his nefarious deeds. The enemy as a roaring lion prowls the earth, seeking whom he may devour.
Spirit and Prayer
Believers may be divided by thousands of miles – separated by land and sea… but we can gather together in love and encouragement – in spirit and in prayer, reminding each other that the time is short and we are to look up. Christ is returning soon and our redemption draws closer with each passing day.
This is a day for travail: whether it be a travail for the unsaved or for the Lord's people; every true spiritual activity is born out of travail, and those who have been most used of God in every time have been men and women who had this travail in their soul, in their secret life with God.
Then ask the Lord to bring you into His concern; stretch yourself out before God to be brought into His burden for the time in which you live.
Cleansing Confession
A believer who chooses to live under the law’s self-merit instead of God’s will is still a child of God, although for a time has fallen from grace.
Bridge of Time
But it was also a bridge separating the old covenant from the new covenant. It is the midpoint of a transitional bridge of time, that spans past and present.
Acts covers a special and unrepeatable period of time – a unique time of transition. Acts was a bridge between Old Testament living and New Testament life.
Transition Time
It was a time when God implemented His plan to set Israel aside – for a time. It was a period when God started to form a totally new body of believers.
It was a slow, gradual, painful time of transition covering about 30 years.
It was the time that Christ set about starting the process of building His Church.
Little by little He unveiled new ways of revealing His nature and His character, and the unfolding of Himself is likely to reach through time and into eternity.
There is no time or place where His presence is not found.
for He knows all, He is everywhere – He is present all the time.
Unique Nature
The unique nature of the Lord Jesus Christ is a topic requiring deep exploration. Without His pre-existence as God He could never have become incarnate Man. He’s singular among the children of men for His birth was not the start of His origin. He’s unique within the Triune Godhead for He was the ONE Person Who became Human. Jesus Christ was the convergence of time with eternity. Jesus Christ was the harmonising of deity with humanity. Jesus Christ was the convergence of heaven with earth.
Unique Son
He laid aside the glory He had with the Father during the time He walked on earth, yet He retained His pre-existent knowledge – while learning obedience as a Son. He remembers the glory that He shared with the Father before the world was created. He recalled How He was the bread of life that came down from heaven for in Him is life, and that life is a light that shines in the heart of everyone coming into the world.
Deep Darkness
His eternal existence was rudely interrupted with His birth into a race of fallen men. The glory He shared with God was set aside, for a time – as He tabernacled on earth. The glorious relationship with His Father was temporarily terminated for 3 dreadful hours of deep darkness, as He paid for your sin and mine so He could cry – IT IS FINISHED.
Time touched Eternity
Yes indeed – the unique nature of the Christ will require our eternal exploration. Time touched eternity and heaven stooped to earth as DEITY united forever with humanity.
Two Views of God
The first way you get a full, and complete, yet distorted view of God, based on your imperfect imaginations – built up over time and through experiences.
Those who start down the second path will make a conscious decision, to renounce all false imaginations and images of God built up over time – to refuse to believe the minds-eye photo that has been developed through life – and to believe without doubting that God’s Word is true and His promise sure.
Immediately you begin to contemplate or purpose a fuller prayer-life, the enemy launches a new scheme for keeping you more busy and occupied, heaping up the work and crowding in demands so that you will have no time or opportunity for prayer.... But we must recognize this: that the enemy will construct his best arguments about responsibility, duty and conscience to stop us praying, and there is a place where, if we see prayer is utterly ruled out, or brought down to such a limited place that it is completely inadequate for a life of spiritual ascendancy and victory, we have to say: Lord, I am going to trust the responsibility with You while I pray, that You will not allow my breaking away for this time to have detrimental results, and that You will protect this prayer-time which I seek for Your glory from the inroads of the enemy.
Mean Routine
How quickly we try to stumble over and endure the mean routine. How quickly we hurry through the mundane to get that ‘spiritual time’ alone that is indeed important..
The spirit of every believer is born anew at the time he first believed – but the soul of every believer needs to partake of the Living Water each day.
An experience that in time or in eternity will prove itself to be one of those things for which we say – ALL things work together for good to those that love God – to those that are the called, according to HIS purpose….
Future Ruler
Christ’s kingdom is not of this 'world' – of this current world system, and Christ’s kingdom could never be set up under the authority of Satan. But Satan was defeated at the cross, so Satan is already a defeated enemy, and he knows that his time is short.
This current world system is not where we should be placing our hope – for our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Saviour – the Lord Jesus Christ Philippians 3:20. Scripture informs us that the love of many believers will grow cold. The Bible tells us that many Christians will forsake Him for alternative truths. The Word of God warns that the Church will be leavened at the time of His return.
but none of us know the date and time that the end of our life will be, but from the moment of believing faith, we were accepted by God, through Jesus.
Sanctified to God
This is at the eve of His crucifixion. This is the time that His departure from earth is drawing close. This is the hour He is found in profound agony of spirit.
Fleeting Time
As blood-bought believers and servants of the Lord Jesus, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, and yet we too are at the very door of our departure from earth... as for man, his days are like grass.
Full Consecration
Now is the accepted time to ensure that lives are fully consecrated to the Lord. Now is the time to be sure that our lamps are trimmed and lighted. Now is the time to ensure that our lives are fully surrendered to Him.
It Takes Time
There is no quick way to grow in grace and become spiritually mature.
How vital that we understand and accept that God takes His time in our training.
God is working in each life for eternity, and we must grasp hold of the scriptural fact that maturing in the faith takes time.
One saint, who understood God’s principle of time, gave this edifying comment:- “We might consider some familiar names of believers whom God obviously brought to maturity and used for His glory – such as Pierson, Chapman, Tauler, Moody, Goforth, Mueller, Taylor, Watt, Trumbull, Meyer, Murray, Havergal, Guyon, Mabie, Gordon, Hyde, Mantle, McCheyne, McConkey, Deck, Paxson, Stoney, Saphir, Carmichael, and Hopkins.
Acts is an overlapping bridge-of-time during which evangelistic responsibility is being passed from the old dispensation of Israel to the Church – in the age of grace.
Soulical perfection: perfection of the soul takes time a whole life-time.
What is so hard to accept is that God takes His time to bring us to perfection!
God always produces at His appointed time.
And He will do it in His time and His way and for His glory – but for our benefit.
One great godly saint who understood the time-weathers principle of God wrote:- Many a young Christian, who has not been warned of this necessary voyage of discovery upon which the Holy Spirit will certainty embark him (Rom.7:1ff), has been plunged into almost incurable despair at the sight of the sinfulness which is his by nature.
for He is not working a work in you just for time, but God is working for your eternal benefit – and for His glory.
All the earthly distinctions of place and time disappear in Him.
It may take us a long time to travel about this world, though men think it is a very wonderful thing to travel at so many hundred or thousand miles a minute and get to the moon in no very great time!
Moment in Time
Our little time on this 'hanging globe' is but for a moment.
Prelude to Eternity
This human life is but a prelude to eternity. The decisions made on this mortal coil are fixed in the books of eternity. May each of us make today count – for today you have been ordained for the service of the Lord. The believer’s time of probation and training needs to be enacted out for the serious purpose.
That there should be a company, two or three or more, though limited physically here on this earth by time and space, yet really functioning in the Holy Spirit, so that the universal Christ all that it means that He is there at God right hand is having some expression!
Now, at the time, discipline seems to be a matter not for joy, but for grief; yet it afterwards yields to those who have passed through its training a result full of peace - namely, righteousness (Heb. 12:11, Wey.).
God will hear prayer, but He may not answer it at the time which we in our minds have appointed!
Should we not be as persevering and hopeful as to heavenly things? Never let us despair – for we have God’s promises at our back. God’s time for mercy will come; yes..
it has come, if our time for believing has arrived.
Since they anticipate the binding of Satan, a purified earth, the restoration of Israel, and the personal reign of the King, they cannot be applied until God's appointed time when these accompanying conditions on the earth have been brought to pass.
No doubt the passing of time must have raised questions as to, When Lord When?
The overall message of from Genesis to Revelation it that God takes His time, which may seem an eternity to His creatures, but is all part of His eternal plan.
God takes His time for a purpose, not as a cruel trick or a mean manipulation.
God’s Faithfulness
I believe in the fullness of time we will all understand why the Bridegroom tarried, for we know that ALL things work together for good to those that love God. All things – even things we don’t understand and the things that grieve us.
When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son. (Galatians 4:4 ESV)
When the fullness of time came!
It is not difficult for us to see in the case of Abraham how his faith was brought into relation to God's time.
The time factor with Abraham was a very real one and was perhaps one of the keenest and most acute factors for his faith....
If his faith had given way he would naturally have taken the attitude that, since the thing had not been fulfilled in so long a time and in his lifetime, it all represented perhaps a big mistake on his part, a false expectation, some misguidance, and so on.
He believed, therefore, that God had His time for fulfilling His purpose... and that, although it might not come in his own lifetime, it nevertheless would come.
But during his lifetime within the compass of the whole range of Divine purpose there were instances of testing on the time factor; and, having been tested on that factor, the promise was fulfilled.
It is fatal to look around and at consequences, especially in times of crisis, for it will be impossible to be still, and wait God's time for deliverance.
John encourages us to abide in Christ so we will be spiritually ready to meet Him, and Christ’s warning of the 10 virgins rings loud and clear to His own followers: be ready, be prepared – your Lord comes at a time you think not.
The time for readiness and preparedness is not a future issue, but necessary now!
Accepted Time
Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation 2Cor.6:2.
Now is time to be ready – not in 20 years, 20 months; 20 days or 20 hours… So why is it important to be ready and prepared and watchful?
Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time.Hebrews 4:16
Man’s Freewill
And God decided ahead of time that the ones that would choose, of their own free-will, to trust Jesus as Saviour would be conformed into the exact image of Jesus Christ.
And because He is God, He knew ahead of time all who’d choose to believe.
And the ones He knew ahead of time would believe (in Jesus)…………. He also predestined to be conformed into the image of His Son.
Justification is a past event in time – and happened when we first believe, and Glorification is a future event in time – and will be finalised at Christ’s return. Sanctification is connected with our Christian life today.
It is linked to the ongoing present time.
A New-Life in Christ
As His children we were given a new LIFE in Christ – a baby life that needs to grow into a mature spiritual believer -– a life that will be fruitful – a victorious life – a life that will be conformed into the image of Jesus during the time we live on earth. But we also have a sin nature that seeks to gain supremacy over the new Christ-life. Oh!
we have been freed from sin’s power over us – but while on earth it still lurks. And this is the thing… just as we chose to believe in the Lord Jesus to be justified – So too we have a choice when it comes to sanctification during our time on earth.
Although justification happens at a point in time – sanctification is a life-long process.
being positioned “in Christ”, when we were justified, means we were also positionally sanctified that very moment in time.
All the fullness of the knowledge of God is only and exclusively – through Christ, All the secret things of God – the mystery of godliness was summed up in Him, And in the fullness of time God sent His Son, born of a woman to walk this earth.
Next time every knee will bow before Him and He will govern the whole earth.
Our first stay is in an evil world system and we mustn’t become embroiled in its lusts, but the next time we have power over the nations – we will rule and reign with Him!
The Lord chooses His way and His time, to bring many sons to glory.
Fruit of Suffering
The fruit of suffering and training is the drawing closer and nearer to Christ. The outworking of sufferings are the benefits this closeness to Him gives to others. The learning and knowledge of Christ in a life, is through the school of suffering. The exercise and outworking of Christ in a life, is enhanced and refined through trials. Paul reckons we should embrace trials: for the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory, which shall be revealed in us.
The whole of creation is waiting for the time when our suffering in this world is over, for like us the whole of creation is in the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God, so the whole of creation eagerly awaits for the revealing of the sons of God.
Yet He came to each individual at the right time and in His unique way.. to achieve His work in them. If we rest on our own understanding we often miss His precious presence. If we rely upon our own expectations we often forgo His unexpected visitations.
Again in Romans Chapter 8 we read about condemnation, and this time Paul is addressing believers: therefore there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus… and some translations add: who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
It may be necessary for us, from time to time, to stand back and ask the Lord about all that we are doing. 'Is this out from God, or is it something out from ourselves?
The will of the Lord is not always an easy thing for our flesh; and so very often, we have to have a real battle to get adjusted to the will of the Lord on some particular matter; and prayer is the time in which that adjustment has to be done.
Well, this is the time to get through with that issue.
True prayer is the time of absolute committal and surrender and submission to the Lord!
True prayer is the time for getting right into line with the will of God on all matters!
But when we come to the fourth thing, we move over a bit to another side; and I am sure that this first time of prayer in the case of Paul was a time of deep worship.
Man’s False Perception
Many Christians find this total acceptance by God, very difficult to understand. Many spend much time seeking to remain in His good books, by being “good”, They think that if their foot slips, or temptation strikes, that God’s favour is lost – Not so !!
He may come bearing gifts of wholeness and health; wisdom, love, and help, and yet He may be prevented by unbelief – as He was that time so long ago, “He came unto His own and His own received Him not…” John 1:11
Hearts of Unbelief
It is often because of unbelief, that God’s power is prevented from working within. He is able, and He is willing and He is ever-present to help in time of need, but He will never force us to accept His gifts.
God Speaks
After an unspecified length of time and a great deal of God-searching questions, the final words of the Lord to Job, summed up God’s astonishing soliloquy.
Job held the rough, 'uncut diamond', of God’s truth and understanding in his heart – but it took much time and heart-searching for its full-cut brilliance to be revealed.
One Step at a Time
All believers enjoy a wonderful justified new life in Christ, but not all believers yield to the beautiful, sanctified 'Christ-life', in you – the life of Christ which is daily, being formed in you.
a voyage from this world to the next; a pilgrimage to be taken one step at a time; a wilderness wandering where some steps must be retraced again and again.
He knew that our new life in Christ is the one and only thing for which we should constantly strive, in this sin-sick, fallen world - which, for the time being, is lying in the arms of Satan.
He is the eternal, immortal, invisible King of the ages, the Ruler of time, the Sovereign of eternity, the Governor of the earth, and the Creator of the universe.
When we sit quietly and consider these words and the awesome and weighty meaning behind them, all we can do is fall at the feet of our Saviour and worship Him: To the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever.
Although he kept silence for a time, Job finally cried out to the Lord in anguish, compelling his three friends to respond with a series of long, self-righteous speeches in which they used human logic rather than Biblical truth to explain the shocking chain of events in Job's life.
Could it be that this was the appointed time to seal up the vision and prophecy, to place all enemies under His feet, to be anointed as King, and set up His Millennial Kingdom?
The day of God's judgement is coming upon the whole earth and many of the terrible physical characteristics and devastating disasters that Zephaniah set out in his prophetic writings, speak of the dreadful 'Day of the Lord', that future, 7-year long Tribulation period, known as 'Daniel’s 70th week' or the 'Time of Jacob’s Trouble'.This man of God wrote his severe warning of the wrath to come during the reign of Josiah, king of Judah.
During this time, unbelieving Israel, along with all the godless nations of the world, will reap the dreadful rewards of their gross apostasy and satanic behaviour.Although severe destruction will fall on this godless world, the Lord has always had a faithful remnant, and He is not blind to the needs of godly men and women.
The sudden shock of hearing that Jesus was leaving to go back to the Father, must have been desperately disturbing for the disciples, but Jesus quickly started to explain that although they could not go with Him at that time, their physical separation from Him would only be temporary.
And in this chapter, Jesus begins to explain to His disciples some of the things which would happen between the time of the Cross and the coming kingdom; between Calvary and the Millennial rule of Christ; between the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His triumphant return as King of kings and Lord of lords.
At the time, they did not understand that within hours, Jesus would be nailed to the Cross to die the death that we all deserve.
But this was part of God's plan, instituted before time itself, so that all who believe in the sacrificial offering of Himself might be lifted out of the pit of condemnation in which we are all trapped, and by faith in Him we might become children of God and heirs of His promise.
People living at the time of the Cross experienced both pre-Cross and post-Cross teachings and had to go through the painful transition from Law to grace, as they moved from a dispensation based on the Mosaic Law to living in the post-Cross Church age.
The day of Pentecost was the beautiful birthday of the Church when the Holy Spirit, Whom Jesus had promised to send only a short time earlier,, was poured out on all the believers who had faithfully gathered: All-together in one place, as instructed by the Lord Jesus.
And Peter further explained that having been raised up to this exalted heavenly position by the most high God, the Lord Jesus also received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit which had just been poured out on all the believers who were: All-together in one place, as promised by the Lord Jesus, only a short time earlier.
But until that time, the Lord Jesus remains seated in heavenly glory at the right hand of the Father, until God makes His enemies His footstool.
But whatever the cause for celebration, this psalm explodes into excited ecstasy and jubilant joy, in which David looks forward to God's final triumph over all the enemies and antagonists of the people of God; that time when Christ sets up His future kingdom and all enemies are placed under His feet.
Paul gave a stern warning that a time was coming when men and women would not endure sound doctrine.
Had Paul spent all his time refuting each individual heresy and every strand of alternative apostasy, he could not have begun to stem the flood of false teachers that were streaming relentlessly into the Body of Christ.
Sound doctrine and a challenge to false teachers is just as important today as it was in the time of Paul.
Times today are not so different from the time of Paul's earthly ministry.
There were many animal sacrifices given to Israel and every time an animal was sacrificed, it was a blood-splattered reminder that we are all sinners who fall short of God's glory; we are fallen creatures who need to be forgiven; we are all sinners in need of a Saviour - and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.
Every animal sacrifice was another reminder that we are sinful creatures and every drop of blood that was shed, was a picture of the Lord Jesus Himself, Who would come to earth, at God's appointed time, to be the full and final sacrifice for the sin of the world - so that ALL who believe on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
No surprise that the writer to the Hebrews emphasises the value of Christ's sacrifice and the glory of the Lord Jesus: WHO... having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God.
And here, as Jesus nears the end of His time on earth, this theme of illumination is reiterated: I have come as Light into the world so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all, and Jesus was sent by the Father to give light the Gentiles and to enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.
The Lord Jesus knows: The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, and that an attitude of materialistic, money-orientated consumerism will degenerate into greed, covetousness, double-mindedness, and a divided heart, for we cannot serve mammon and God at the same time.
For the time being, we are separated from our heavenly Bridegroom, but a day has been appointed when: The Lord Jesus shall descend from heaven with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God, and we shall hear the voice of our Beloved saying: Arise my love, my beautiful one, and come away - come up here.
What a beautiful love story we discover in the Song of Solomon, and what reassurance it gives us to know that despite His long delay, the time is coming when we shall be with Christ Jesus forever.
The book of Genesis tells us about the beginning of creation, but before time and space and matter were brought into being, before the universe came into existence, and before man was made in His image and likeness; there was only God.
David wrote this psalm in a time of deep distress and severe sorrow and pours out his heart to the Lord, but as with all the psalms he wrote, he inevitably restates his abiding confidence in the faithfulness of God, for David knew that there was nowhere else to fly to and there was no-one else in which to place his trust.
From the time when Esau and Jacob jostled each other in the womb of their mother, and throughout the long and involved history of Israel, Edom showed contempt for their closest relative and engaged in wars and battles against God's chosen people.
It is as we continue to read chapter 4 that we discover an interval of time had passed since Daniel's three friends had been delivered from the fiery furnace.
He came to His own nation and was despised and rejected by His own people, and His actions in the Temple together with the cursing of the fig tree the following day, demonstrated a nescessary judgement that had to fall on the nation of Israel at this time.
Israel was the nation God chose to be His mouthpiece, to tell the world of the goodness of God and to be the nation through Whom the promised Seed of Abraham would secretly travel, until the appointed time.
And so it was that in the fullness of time, Christ was born to save His people from their sins, and through Him, all the families of the earth would be blessed.
God set Israel aside until the time of restitution, when the gospel of the Kingdom, which was preached to Israel before Christ was crucified, will once again be proclaimed by Israel throughout the earth.
Scripture tells us that it is at this time that the remnant of Israel will finally recognise their Messiah and call on His name: They will look on Him Whom they have pierced, as Zechariah prophesied, and cry out, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
Knowing that his hour had come, Jesus took His followers into the Garden of Gethsemane where He agonised in prayer as the time for His sacrificial offering on the Cross drew ever nearer.
The godly character of this dear man of faith was manifested in his actions, attitude, and commendable ministry.May we, like Tychicus, walk in wisdom, pray in spirit and truth, redeem the time, and give godly comfort and encouragement to our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Law is not contrary to the promise that God gave to Abraham, for the Abrahamic covenant still stands and Paul further explained how long the Law was to be implemented, from the time it was given to Moses until the Seed, Jesus Christ the righteous was sent: The Law was given to Moses until the Seed would come, to Whom the promise had been made.
We should spend time in His presence, we should take every thought captive, and we should cast all our care upon Him for in so doing we will remain IN Him, in spirit and in truth, for He alone is able to keep us from falling.
It was a reminder of the time when God rescued Israel from Egypt and of their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.
It pointed to the time when God would come to earth to live among His people.
In this verse we read: Now the feast of the Jews, the Feast of Booths, was near, and although Jesus delayed His journey to Jerusalem following the taunts of his brothers, we read that Jesus did eventually go up to the Feast of Booths, but He went quietly because His time had not yet come.
How ironic that this seventh, glorious 'Feast-day of the Lord' which was designed to point the Jewish nation to Christ, had become nothing more than a religious ritual that excluded Christ and over time, had been changed from 'The Feast of the LORD' into 'A Feast of the JEWS'.
However, as time passed, hostility towards the Lord Jesus started to develop, and increasingly His message and ministry was rejected, causing Him to begin teaching His faithful followers through parables.
The first time He was rejected by the people of Nazareth, was early in His ministry when He found it necessary to relocate to Capernaum.
The second time He was rejected by the people of Nazareth, was in this passage, when Jesus interrupted His preaching itinerary to, once again, visit His hometown during His Galilean ministry.
He knew that Babylon would be the first kingdom to stride onto the pages of history, as time marched towards the Rapture of the Church, the second advent of Christ, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, and that glorious day, when a STONE, cut without hands, would strike the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crush the kingdoms of this world - bringing in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ.
It is incredible to think that this gross apostasy was taking place only a short time after Paul had taught them the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, and yet this situation was not unique to this church in Galatia, for this attitude and practice is increasingly popular in the churches of today.
They would have to learn that the kingdom was to be delayed for a time.
They were to learn of the hidden mystery, which was given to Paul: Which is Christ in You the hope of glory. YES, there was much that they would have to learn from the apostle Paul in the early years of the Christian Church, but they could not bear it at this time as the Cross loomed ever closer.
No surprise that the disciples could not bear these identification truths at that time for like us, they had to discover the inability of the old self life and that only the new life in Christ, which we all receive at Salvation can live a godly life.
For the first time in His life and ministry, the Lord Jesus gave this little group of men a taste of the heavenly glory that He had with the Father before the world began, a peep in the eternal glory that He had set aside, in order to live and die as our Saviour and Lord.
This would be the time the Lord would pour out His Spirit of grace upon His chosen nation.
Time is short, and every day is a day when the gospel of grace can be shared with Jew and Gentile alike.
May we be increasingly aware of the days in which we live and take every opportunity to tell others that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ before this terrible time of Tribulation.
We should not waste our valuable time and effort in indulging the divisive tactics of someone whose prime objective is to cause division, within the body of Christ.
Let us be wise with our time our talents and our teaching.
Daniel's time-piece had been ticking away for 90 years before Malachi prophesied, and 400 more years were decreed before God's messenger would arrive in the land, when the Lord, for Whom they longed so passionately: Would suddenly come to His Temple.
But, to the faithful remnant of those who believed, the Lord Jesus was sent by God at the appointed time: As many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become sons of God.
It was at that time that the Lord Jesus began in earnest to prepare His little band of faithful followers for His shocking betrayal, false accusations, unjust trial, cruel death, and glorious Resurrection.Over and again, His disciples failed to comprehend the serious nature of Christ's repeated prediction of His fast-approaching betrayal and death, and it became necessary for Jesus to speak plainly about the severe self-discipline His followers would require if they were to stand fast in the evil day and not be sifted as wheat by the enemy, nor emotionally tossed about by the terrible things they were soon to face.A simple, immovable, childlike faith in Christ Who had come as God's anointed King, His promised Messiah, and Kinsman-Redeemer, was essential as the days grew darker: Whoever receives Me, Jesus said, receives Him Who sent Me.Petty differences of colour or creed were to be laid aside, and a unity in the faith was to be established by those who acknowledged Jesus as Lord.
When Jesus came the first time, the people were to believe on Him Whom the Father had sent.Knowing the dangers of disunity among believing brethren, the serious consequences of unbelief and the necessity to be steadfast in the day of trouble, Jesus set out the relentless self-discipline His disciples needed if they were to be kept from falling.
All such things, started to infiltrate the Church in the time of Paul, and seem and have exploded into multiple fragments of falsity within today's apostate churches and heretical cults.
God's purpose in each of our lives is to educate, discipline, and train us in righteousness and the fiery trials that come upon us are used by Him to try us, as the furnace tries silver, to cut deep into our fleshly nature and polish off all the fleshly dross that contaminates our new-life in Christ so that by grace through faith we will not murmur, but humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, knowing that He has promised to exalt us in due time.
Let us look at these Scriptures with fresh eyes, and with the leading of the Holy Spirit, grasp some of the enormity of that moment, when God was made flesh, stepped out of eternity and into time, to fulfil the plans and purposes of the Father, laid before the foundation of the world.
God, the omnipotent, omniscient, infinite, eternal, omnipresent, immutable, holy creator of the world and the universe with all its visible and invisible elements, laws, and structures; Who set time in motion and flung innumerable stars into space – laid aside His great glory and humbled Himself to come to earth as a helpless and vulnerable newborn baby.
Let us cast aside this familiarity with Scripture that deadens our minds and numbs our perception of Who God is and take time to gaze in awe at God's Word with a renewed freshness and a heightened wonderment of the amazing reality that God Himself should become Emmanuel, God with us.
At the end of Isaiah Chapter 40, we read some well-loved verses that have encouraged generations of Jews and Gentiles, through many centuries of time: Youths may faint and grow weary, and young men stumble and fall BUT those who wait on the LORD will find new strength.
In time they are brought to the very end of themselves until they can admit that the refreshment they desperately need has been drawn from the broken cistern of the old, Adamic-life and will eventually run dry, for the energy-source that is powered through the fleshly self-life, will in time be drained of all its self-induced efforts.
This was the first time that Jesus was brought before Pilate who quickly realised the Man before Him was innocent of the crimes of which He was accused.
But God, in His grace, prospered Jacob's work and protected him during his time in Laban's house, and the day came when the Lord needed to refine and hone His servant.
God knew before time began who would trust in Christ as Saviour, and predestined them to become like His Son: And those He predestined He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified, by grace.
God saved us and called us to live a holy life and He did this, not because we deserved it, but because this was His plan from before the beginning of time.
Before time began, God determined to gather all things together in Christ, unite everything together in Him, to sum-up and bring into one final whole, all things in Jesus Christ the Messiah of God.
Before the creation of the world, there was no time, and there is a day, yet future, when the fullness of time will have been reached, when time will be completed.
Currently, time marches on, and living within the constraints of time makes it hard for us to imagine an eternal state where time is no more.
But the passage of time has a purpose, and the Bible gives much insight into the way God uses time to work out His perfect plan.
And although God Himself is not bound by time, he has appointed days, months, and seasons: There is an appointed time for everything, and there is a time for every matter under heaven. Even our days are numbered by the Lord and everything He has appointed will come to pass in His timing.
On several occasions He reminded those around Him: My time has not yet come, until finally the hour was upon Him and He looked up to heaven and said, 'Father, the time has come.
Time spans from the foundation of the world and will terminate in the dispensation of the fullness of times so that God might gather together all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth.
This is the time when the successive ages of man and the millennial rule of Christ, in which the gospel of God and the good news of Christ has reached the distant shores of humanity will be brought to its close – the time when everything will be gathered up together, in Christ, and given back to God.
This is the time when tears will break into joy and sadness into laughter.
This is the time when toil will be replaced with rest, sickness with health, need with plenty, and suffering will be overtaken by glory.
This is the time when Israel will have been restored and the groaning creation will sing for joy.
This is the moment when time will cease, and eternity will engulf creation.
God has made everything beautiful in its time, but we were not made to remain bound by time.
How true it is that you become like the person with whom you spend time, and whatever has captivated your heart inevitably reflects attitudes and behaviours in life, (whether good or evil), and too often it is not a pretty sight. We are warned not to habitually be immersed in the world but to set our minds on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make Him the central focus of our thoughts.
Even in the terrible Tribulation period, God's offer of salvation is open, and many will be saved during this time.As John watched the awesome scene in heavenly places, he saw countless martyred, Tribulation saints resurrected to life.
If was for this reason that Paul spent so much time writing his epistles and correcting the many false doctrines and corrupt teachings that were already starting to infiltrate the Body of Christ - including Jewish legalism, Gnosticism or hidden knowledge, asceticism (which attempted to train the sin nature through self-abasement), and antinomianism (which promoted a licence to sin) - to name but a few.
We are blessed to be children of God because Paul, Timothy, many witness, faithful men, and others have shared the good news of the gospel of grace, down through multiplied centuries of time.
We do not have to grovel for meager scraps at the bench of an unbelieving judge, for we have free and open access into the throne of grace and the riches of His love in Christ Jesus so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Each time the enemy's subtle taunts, which were designed to cause Him to stumble in His mission, were countered with the proclamation, It is written... it is written... it is written… And it is the Word of God that is the weapon of victory that we must grasp in our hands and our hearts, for with it we can face every accusation of Satan and every doubt that is planted in our minds.
They liked the idea of a time of peace and prosperity when the wolf would lie down with the lamb and each of them would sit under their own fig tree in the kingdom of God.
Scripture teaches that the earthly kingdom of God will be set up on earth after apostate Israel has been punished in the Day of the Lord - the time of 'Jacob's Trouble'.
Jesus taught His disciples many things that would happen during the dreadful 'Day of the Lord' which would precede His coming, earthly kingdom, and in verse 26, He describes the wicked state into which the world will sink as the time for His return draws closer: Just as it was in the days of Noah, we read, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man.
The return of Christ to set up His kingdom will be preceded by a time of unsurpassed wickedness and evil.
However, when the Restrainer of evil is taken out of the world at the time of the Rapture, how terrible will it become on earth when the wickedness of man reaches its fullness and every intent of the thoughts of men's heart will only be evil continually.
In the penultimate verse of Ephesians, Paul is offering a familiar and well-loved salutation to his brothers and sisters in Christ: Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Peace, love, and faith are three spiritual qualities that are sprinkled in unfettered abundance throughout Paul's writings, and yet they retain a freshness each time they are bestowed on God's children of faith.Only once in the New Testament, is this phrase peace be to the brethren, used.
The first covenant was in effect from the time that it was given through Moses, right up until the day that Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross... when the New Covenant was cut in His blood - the New Covenant of which we are ministers.
In Hebrews, we read that Sarah received the ability to conceive even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered God was faithful Who had promised she would be the mother of multitudes.
By faith, Sarah received the ability to conceive, beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful Who had made the promise.
And although the written Scriptures, the Messiah, and God's plan of redemption was to come through the Jewish nation, God in His grace knew that for a time Israel would have to be set aside for a time, due to unbelief.
The Church, which is the Body of Christ, would have to be formed in order to be God's earthly representatives for a time, and share the good news to a lost world.
Let us not be drunk with wine or controlled by any other substance or emotion that discredits our Heavenly Father, but let us go on being filled, day by day, with the Holy Spirit of God so that we may manifest the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in our lives, today and throughout the rest of our time on earth.
It was David who penned this psalm, and after he had laid out his petition to the Lord and requested His mercy and grace, he acknowledged God's sovereign power among the nations and spoke of the time when the nations will know that God is the Lord; a time when every eye will see Him, every tongue will proclaim Him as Lord, and every knee and will bow down before Him and honour His holy name.
It prevented the prophesied man-of-lawlessness from emerging onto the world scene before God's predetermined time.
He reminded them that Daniel taught that the identity of this man would not be revealed until God's appointed time.
In this passage, Paul reminds them of many things the man-of-sin will do, while the prophet Daniel tells us that this satanically inspired man will come onto the world scene for seven years, during which time God's wrath will be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
We discover that although the reconstruction would take place during troubling and disruptive times, both the plaza and the city wall was to be reconstructed with its moat and many city gates.Time ticked on towards God's appointed hour, and Messiah the Prince arrived, as promised, to set up His everlasting kingdom.
And Daniel's prophetic time-clock climaxed at Christ's First Coming.It was John the Baptist whom God sent to herald Christ's arrival.
The whole nation was instructed to know and discern that from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there would be seven 'weeks' PLUS sixty-two 'weeks' followed by one final 'week' (490 years).At the appointed time, their Messiah arrived and made Himself known to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
The pleading prayer of the captive remnant of Israel will one day be answered beyond what they could think or imagine, but first they must go through that terrible time of Jacob's trouble and endure the day of vengeance of our God, for Christ must finally destroy His enemies and place all rule under His feet.
But God has permitted the destructive effects of sin to reverberate down through the centuries, as we look towards that time when Christ will return (with the Church), to reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords.
And their Messiah Jesus will come in the name of the Lord a second time, to save His people from their sins.
It was at this time of intense sorrow and deep, deep passion that the little flock of Christ heard their Good Shepherd say: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, so love you one another.
For 400 years Israel had been enslaved in Egypt, but at the right time, God sent a deliverer to bring His chosen people out of bondage.
Moses was sent, with his brother Aaron, to demand that Pharoah let God's people go, but even a succession of nine terrible plagues was insufficient to cause him to release the Israelites and time and again, Pharoah hardened his heart against the Lord.
They were to fellowship with one another; sharing, helping, edifying, and encouraging each other in their common faith, as well as contributing material and financial gifts to one another when a necessity arose or by giving time and support to the one in need.
May we seek to sow to the Spirit by investing our time, talent, money, material possessions, gifts, and godly graces wisely.
In that day, Jesus will come again for the second time and Israel will be saved as they look on their Messiah and cry: Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.
This is not a one-time strengthening, but a moment by moment reliance upon Him, until we are increasingly able to act upon His guidance, as we learn to listen to His voice saying: This is the way, walk in it.
In a time when food was regularly offered to Roman gods and sacrifices made to pagan idols, Paul knew that believers, who had engaged in these ungodly practices before their salvation, were often repulsed by the thought of eating food that had been sacrificed to these false gods, while other Christians understood that it was not eating the food that defiles a man, but his attitude of heart.
He gave advanced warning of different signs to watch for, which would announce a time when the dry bones of the scattered nation of Israel would be resurrected back to life by the regenerating breath of the Spirit of God; a time when the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah would once again be reunited as one nation under God and reunified under the sovereign rule of the Almighty, through the Lord Jesus, His anointed King and promised Messiah.
God is never late, but is always there at the right time, the best time, the needed time - His appointed time.
And so, it was at the right time that Christ died.
Some wonder why there was such a long time between the fall of Adam and the sacrifice of Christ, but in God's economy, it was the right time for you and me, and the right time for humanity as a whole.
Indeed, multiple times in the Gospels, we hear Jesus telling people, My hour has not yet come - My time has not yet come. But God's Word is never broken, and the perfect time came, as recorded by John: The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
In God's economy, He will act at the right time – the best time.
But light is not only given at the time of rebirth, its cleansing power and refining rays continue to shine into the deep recesses and secret corners of our minds, to expose those things that discredit His name, hinder our spiritual progress and disconnect us from our communion with our Heavenly Father.
And now the Lord Jesus was praying for their continued protection, knowing that His earthly work was almost done and that the time was fast approaching when He was to return to His Father in heaven.
The time had now come when Christ was about to relinquish the protection of these men that He loved so dearly back into the safe-keeping of the Father, for He was about to deliver Himself up for their sake and give His life as the ransom price for love of them.
The book of Revelation describes, in detail, the events of the future time of Great Tribulation which is coming upon the whole earth, following the Rapture of the Church but preceding Christ Second Coming, when He returns with power and great glory to set up His eternal kingdom.
Revelation describes a literal future time of great trouble for the people of Israel, when the wrath of God is poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world which takes place just before we, as Church-age believers, return with Him from our heavenly home to rule and reign in His eternal kingdom.
John uses some very descriptive metaphors and symbolism to foretell this astonishing time, and although there are as many unscriptural interpretations of its meaning and imagery, Revelation is often its own best interpreter, having its roots sunk deep in Old Testament symbolism and prophecy, which further clarifies its content.
The Bible tells us that all unsaved people are, by nature, children of wrath and disobedience, until the time when they trust in the Lord Jesus for salvation by grace through faith in Him.
Life on earth is difficult, and our time is fleeting, but we have choices to make every day of our lives - in the relationships we make and activities we undertake.
Depending on the attitude and desires of the remaining, unsaved partner in such a marriage causes Paul to make a number of recommendations and suggestions.In short, Paul's broad instruction to newly saved Christians is not to immediately remove oneself from marriage to an unbeliever, but wherever possible to remain, and pray that the Lord might use the relationship to work out His plans and purposes in both their lives in His time, in His way, and for His greater glory.Remaining with an unbelieving spouse can often be a great concern for new Christians who find themselves wonderfully saved yet 'trapped' in a marriage with someone who remains unsaved and who often become hostile to their partner's newfound faith.
Paul takes 12 verses to show, step by step, the exact progression of end-times events - which starts with our being gathered to Christ and continues through the Time of Jacob's Trouble, to the point when Jesus returns in power and great glory to set up His earthly kingdom.
Paul reassured these worried saints that the 'Day-of-the-Lord' which will usher in the prophesied time of judgement - and which precedes the Millennial reign of Christ, will not come until the man of sin is revealed.
At a time when the love of many is growing ever colder and darker, we are called upon to love our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, to care and to pray for them to love one another in the same way that Christ loved us.
Paul encourages us to live every day for Christ, redeeming the time, and eagerly awaiting our Lord: Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour, Christ Jesus.
However, Balak sent for Balaam a second time and pleaded with him to travel to Moab and curse God's people.
He knew the evil intent of his heart and this time, God permitted the magician to travel to Moab, but commanded the man to only speak the words that God put in his mouth and do only what the Lord instructed him to do.
Many struggle to understand the meaning of certain objects, the progression of certain events, the identity of certain people, and the time frame of certain passages in the Apocalypse, while others refuse to examine its content, declaring it to be impossible to decipher and describing it as an enigma that is impossible to understand.
The precious promise to become a pillar in the Temple of God, should thrill the hearts of all born-again believers, for this is a reminder that we have the permanently, indwelling Spirit of God Who has become our 'life' through time and into eternity.
How easy it is for us in this Church age to look back to this time in Israel's history with critical contempt for their failure to walk in the ways of God and to so openly deny the Lord Who bought them.
The prophecy from Zephaniah was written to comfort the faithful remnant of Judah in their time of deep distress.
It would be a time of deep distress and heavy darkness - the time of Jacob's Trouble.
And this time is yet future.
The judgment that is yet to come on unbelieving Israel and a world at war with God, is often referred to as 'the Great Tribulation', 'the 70th week of Daniel' or 'the great and terrible Day of the Lord.' It is to be a time when God will pour out His burning fury and indignation on the whole earth, which will be consumed by the fire of His jealousy.
But it is also the time when God's apostate nation will return to Him.
Too often we want to dictate our preferred time-schedule to God, but God is not in a hurry.
We are to wait for HIS time and to wait for HIS way.
The glorious time of Israel's restoration is couched in this declaration from God, for He has promised to save His people from their sin, and His promises to Israel will never fail, just as His promises to the Church are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord - and our present sojourn in this fallen world, is likewise hastening to its grand finale.
Just as Israel must wait for God's timing, so we must wait for the Rapture of the Church and the resurrection of the saints, which will take place in God's time and in His way!
We are to wait for His plans and purposes to be carried out in His way, in His time and for His glory - but we are to be ready and to watch for His any-day return.
Another time, he vindictively set fire to their harvest of grain, grapes, and olives.
And although God had blessed this man with great strength and set him as judge over His people, the time came when the Lord withdrew His blessing.
Samson had compromised his Nazarite vow and sinned against the Lord long before his head was shaved, and as he languished in a Philistine prison, he had to accept that God had, justifiably, withdrawn from His servant and finally we read: Then Samson called to the LORD and said, 'O Lord GOD, please remember me and please strengthen me just this time, O God, that I may at once be avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes.'
The story of Samson is a very sad tale that clearly shows the long-suffering grace and mercy of God towards his servants, as well as a warning that there may come a time when God's hand of blessing and protection is lifted for a season when sin crouches at the door.
The Lord Jesus had chosen His apostles some time earlier, and bestowed on each one authority over demons, and the power to heal the sick and perform many mighty works.
But Christ's time had not yet come, and so, when the twelve returned from their gospel mission, the Lord Jesus took them aside privately into a desert place to rest awhile and to recover from the excitement and exhaustion of their Messianic ministry.
But a time of Great Tribulation, beyond this Church age is coming, when a final and terrible thief will come and try to steal, kill, and destroy both the people of God and His Anointed King.
This is the time of Jacob's Trouble when a Christ rejecting sinful world will experience the wrath of God.
The Lord Jesus Himself learned obedience by the things He suffered, and after His time of suffering, Christ came into His eternal glory and willingly and joyfully shares it with all who trust in His name.
James regarded those who endured suffering as 'blessed', while Paul considered: The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
They called this out at His First Coming BUT then crucified Him, causing his kingdom to be delayed - for a season.When God's programme through the Church has been completed, then the Lord will remove the witness of His Church from the earth and graciously re-establish His work of redemption through Israel, during the coming time of Jacob's Trouble.
The days in which we live seem to reflect much of the evil of Habakkuk's time... as Christians in this present evil age cry out to the Lord for relief and succour.
But Habakkuk's fear turns to faith and his distress is stilled as the Lord answered His cries... explaining that relief will certainly come... but only at God's appointed time and only in His designated way.
For although he discovered that even worse was to befall the stricken nation of Israel, justice would one day be meted out to the wicked, while the righteous would indeed be vindicated - but only at God's designated time and only in His appointed way.
The plans and purposes of God will certainly come to pass and will not be delayed - but only at God's appointed time and only in His designated way.
They remembered from John the Baptist, that Christ was the one Who would baptise with the Holy Spirit and now they were being told that this time had almost come, and that He would be their Comforter.
There is no time nor place where His sacrifice of intercession does not reach us, thus underlining His promise: I will never leave you nor forsake you.The more we learn of God's Word and the wonderful covenant relationship that He has with His Church, the more we discover His showers of blessing and abundant privileges raining down upon our heads and come to an understanding of Who God is, what He is doing, and all that He has planned for those that love Him.
The third time Jesus imparted this truth to Nicodemus is in verse six, where he says: That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
The prophets of old did not see the twin-peaks of Calvary and His Second Coming, with the Church dispensation nestling between these two majestic peaks (stretching from the Cross to His Second Coming and Kingdom rule) which was why the disciples asked the Lord before His Ascension: Will You at this time set up Your kingdom? Like the prophets of old, they did not understand the mystery of the coming 2000-year long Church age (from Pentecost to the Rapture of the Body of Christ), and the unique privileges (which in general were revealed to Paul), that believers in this Church age are afforded.
But in between those two mountain peaks, nestles the dispensation of the grace of God, which includes both the Church age in which we live (which was hidden from the prophets in time past), and a time of great judgement (the time of Jacob's Trouble; the coming Tribulation Period) about which the prophets of old wrote.
First the time of Jacob's Trouble, then the promised time when: The LORD of hosts will become a beautiful crown and a glorious diadem to the remnant of His people Israel, as described in this verse by Isaiah the prophet.
The faithfulness, mercy, goodness, and grace of God, are no less true today than during that time when David discovered the Lord was his Shepherd Who gently leads him beside the still waters, faithfully guides him into the way of peace, guards him in the valley of the shadow of death, and prepares a plentiful table of good things in the midst of all his enemies.
It is in this verse, that Paul reminds Timothy of the time he urged him to continue teaching in Ephesus so that he could address this problem of 'bizarre doctrine'.
The Lord in His grace, stretched out His hand and touched the timid Jeremiah on the mouth and told him, Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.Jeremiah, like all those that are called, chosen, selected, or sent, was not to worry about the message he was to carry, because the words would be given from above – at the right time.
Time after time, we discover our faithful God restoring His people and leading them by a straight way until they reached a city in which to dwell, for the Lord is good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon His name, and His love endures forever.
The self-same Jesus Who came to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself on the Cross, and to break the power of death by means of His glorious Resurrection, will appear a second time without sin.
The self-same Jesus Who came the first time as a baby in humility and disgrace, will return a second time as King of kings in power and great glory.
In this passage, Peter is raising a concern that those who, for a time, escape the pollution and defilement of the world when they hear about the Lord Jesus, end up in a far worse state when they return to the world's entanglements.
This verse has caused many Christians to think their salvation is lost if they become discouraged, walk away from their faith for a time, or become engage in worldly carnality.
Peter knew his time on earth was short, and wrote his second epistle to remind Christians of the fundamentals of their faith and the need to live godly lives.
The demons inside him, knew that Christ had come to break the satanic power of evil, and begged that they would not be sent to the place of torment before their time.
Humanity is tethered to time and enclosed in space, unaware of the eternal, unrestricted perspective of the Father.
May we come to the unshakable knowledge that our times are in His hands, and at His appointed time and in His designated way, we will one day step into His eternal presence, when faith will vanish into sight and hope be emptied in delight.
Together with a vast army of allies from Persia, Ethiopia and many clearly identifiable nations, he will march against God's people and this invasion is to happen at the 'time of the end.' The Lord told Gog that He would 'put hooks in his jaw' and give him and his allies, an irresistible urge to flood into the Land, at a time when God's people were living securely.
Down through the corridors of time, we see a succession of evil men, like Gog, with the spirit of antichrist.
There are many that speculate about Gog of the land of Magog, and try to pinpoint the time when this will happen.
Let us remember that Ezekiel's prophecy was given to Israel, to encourage them at the time when Gog and a great army with him, sweep into the beautiful land of Israel, like a cloud covering the land, to take a plunder.
Moses was called to be God's chosen servant through whom He gave the ministration of the Law to Israel (a time which is sometimes called the dispensation of the Law).
And as the appointed time for the work of redemption drew ever closer, the Lord Jesus is found on His face beseeching the Father: If you are willing, remove this cup from Me... nevertheless, He submissively continues, not My will, but Yours, be done.
Some do not believe the Lord will ever return because of the centuries that have rolled by without His return, yet Peter dismantles their unfounded reasoning, for time in God's economy is very different from man's perception of time.
However much we long to be with Him, and irrespective of how much time has passed under the bridge of life, God is not slow in carrying out His plans and purposes.
God is working His purpose out and He will come back at the right time, not too early, not too late and Peter gives us insight into His timing: The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.
Let us redeem the time we have left and use our days wisely, as we wait for the glorious day when we will see Him face to face.
This is the faith that unquestioningly takes God at His Word, knowing that all He has promised to us in Christ is more secure than the rising of the morning sun and more certain than the daily passage of time.
Although he responds to Zophar accusations with blistering sarcasm, Job silences his insults and embarks on a magnificent declaration of God's sovereign authority, before he rehearses the time-honoured words adopted by many who trust in God even when they don't understand: Though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him.
May we never forget that we are in the midst of an ongoing spiritual battle which can impact our life at any time.
Paul quickly moves from the righteousness of Abraham (who lived before the Law was given) to David (who lived during the time of the prophets and kings).
Praise God that the full and final completion of this prophecy from Joel will finally come to fruition, when all Israel calls on the name of the Lord for salvation at the end of that terrible time of Jacob's Trouble.
Christ alone is the life-giving spiritual manna from heaven that lasts through time and into eternity, and it is given as a free gift of His grace by faith to ALL who will trust in Him.
The opposition to Jesus Christ increased over the years, but the imprisonment of John the Baptist seemed to be a turning point in His ministry: He who has ears to hear, let him hear, were words of warning that were spoken at this time, and soon the prophecy of Isaiah would be fulfilled, when Jesus started to teach His disciples in parables: That having eyes they do not see and having ears they will not hear.
This was the time the religious leaders committed the unforgiveable sin against the Holy Spirit by denouncing Christ's miracles as works of Beelzebub.
With each successive test of faith, the trial presented different challenges, and each time the trial became increasingly intense.
A day arrived when He was required to trust God to provide for all his needs during a terrible time of famine, instead of placing his hope in his Egyptian neighbours.
Abraham may have enrolled in 'the school of faith' when he left Ur and was justified at the age of 75, but he demonstrated that secure, sanctified faith which had matured and developed over time and through various tests, when he took his son Isaac to the place about which God told him and built an altar, arranged the wood, bound his son Isaac, and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, has become a familiar and well-loved greeting, through the letters of Paul, but I doubt that in time or in eternity we will gain a full depth of understanding of what the all-embracing grace of God and the supernatural peace of God truly means.
While the Jewish Temple was future in David's day and present in the time of Christ, during this current Church age we understand that the Church is the dwelling place of God.
Those that seek Him with their whole heart discover over time that He is indeed the one that satisfies the thirsty soul, and calms the troubled breast.
In totality, the kingdom of God reaches to every place in the entire universe, stretching through time and beyond eternity, but in His revelation to man which is detailed in the Scriptures, the kingdom of God almost always restricts its horizons to God's current work and future rule, through a group of His obedient servants.
Angels, help us to adore him;you behold him face to face.Sun and moon, bow down before him,dwellers all in time and space.Alleluia, alleluia!Praise with us the God of grace!
They missed their most glorious opportunity and caused the kingdom of heaven to be postponed, until a time yet future when Israel as a nation will repent of her sin and cry out to her Messiah for salvation.
Israel's shocking rejection of their Messiah-King and their refusal to repent, prevented the kingdom from being established at God's appointed time.
A time is coming when Israel will finally fulfil their God-given mission to preach the gospel of the kingdom to all the world, and THEN Jesus will return in power and great glory to be crowned King of kings in the holy city of Jerusalem.
It was God's appointed time for this fallen world system to be judged and for Satan, the illegitimate ruler of this earth, to be cast out.
The hour had come for God's terrible verdict to fall upon a world that spurned God's offer of salvation and rejected His only begotten Son - it was the time that the prince of this world was to be deposed.
This would be the time when Christ's actions would also bring glory to His Father in heaven.
Jesus knew that the singular intersection between time and eternity had arrived.
God's appointed time had arrived and the Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, as the crowds cried out in unison, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
They wanted salvation without the Saviour... but the price of sin had to be paid in full and so the time came for judgment to come upon this fallen world so that the ruler of this world could be cast out.
Wise men had sought Him at His birth and Greeks asked to see Him as He faced the most challenging time of His life - death on the Cross.
He wanted to rejoice in the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, by faith in Christ.But the Body of Christ had been slowly and stealthily infiltrated by certain vulgar individuals who were denying the efficacy of the blood of Christ, and adversely influencing the faith of others.And so Jude wanted to remind his fellow believers of the fate of those people who deny the truth of the gospel and blaspheme the name of the Lord, with their satanically inspired lies.He reminded them of the terrible fate of corrupt cities in the time of Abraham.
And so in these last days of the Christian dispensation, we ourselves are witnesses to the increasing apostasy and degeneration of true spirituality in the Body of Christ as the days become darker, men grow more evil, false teachers proliferate, and doctrines of demons saturate the Church as the time for Christ's return draws ever closer.
And it was the eternal Spirit Who empowered the Lord Jesus throughout His earthly life, for during this time, the eternal Son of God set aside His glory.
In order to become the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world as laid out in God's plan of redemption, the eternal Son of God had to humble Himself and for a time was made a little lower than the angelic hosts that He Himself created.
Time and again, He rehearsed the need for sinners to acknowledge their fallen state, to recognise their need for salvation, and to turn from their sin and look to Him Who alone has the words of eternal life.
Sometimes we are unaware of the abundant blessings that have become ours at the point of our salvation and sometimes it takes time to become aware of all the gifts of grace that have been bountifully bestowed upon us, in Christ Jesus.
We do not know the interval of time between Job's two trials, but we do know that this wealthy man, who had been so blessed of God and who was held in high esteem by his neighbours, was reduced to the status of an unclean beggar overnight, which caused his wife's spirit and hope to be shattered.
It is good to be watchmen on the wall who warn the ungodly about the coming wrath of God - which Scripture calls 'the Time of Jacob's Trouble'. Let us seek discernment from the Lord, knowing that He has revealed to us all we need for life and godliness in His written Word, for the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants, the prophets.
And it was through her intervention at this critical time in their history that the nation, through whom was given the holy Scriptures, was saved from total annihilation.
Mordecai challenged her with words that Jews and Christians down through the centuries have often rehearsed in the ears of those who are called upon to carry out a particularly difficult or dangerous task in order to forward God's plans and purposes: For who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?
Indeed, she was warned: If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place.
In an amazing way, each one of us could be challenged with the words: Who knows whether or not you have been placed in this particular position for a time such as this?
Such people will remain in the darkness that they have chosen and will remain in the darkness that they themselves have chosen; a choice made time but which will remain into eternity.
This was the first of seven titles that Christ used about Himself that started with the words: I AM... I AM the Bread of Life which will satisfy and sustain you through time and into eternity.
However, for the last century or so, the west has been living an abnormal Christian life with little real suffering and not much pain - but the tide of hatred towards Christians is turning... and the normal Christian life of suffering, self-sacrifice, persecution, and martyrdom, is already evident in certain countries and has been for some considerable time.
But as time passed and complacency took root, Israel's life of ease began to be threatened and King Asa sought the help of man rather than maintaining his trust in the Lord.
Whether you stand gazing at the deep midnight-blue sky where a multitude of shimmering diamond-studded stars are twinkling overhead or whether you pick up an authoritative journal that outlines the staggering dimensions and design of the Milky Way, the innumerable numbers of other gigantic galaxies or countless number of stars that are visible to the human eye, you can do little more than wonder about our astonishing Creator Who, at a moment before time began and in a place before space was created, spoke the world into being.
The rejection of their Messiah caused the kingdom promised to Israel to be postponed for a time, and God required Paul to pen this series of chapters outlining His past, present, and future programme for His people, to prevent any false claims that God had finished with Israel and replaced them with the Christian Church, who some erroneously claim to be 'the new Israel'.
For thirty-three years, the God of the universe stepped out of eternity into time.
He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed.Jesus pronounced the fulfilment of this ancient prophecy from Isaiah, and the people there wondered at the gracious words that fell from His lips, yet they sought to slay Him for they could not accept the truth – but He passed through their midst, for His time had not yet arrived.Although Jesus was rejected in His hometown of Nazareth and an attempt was made to kill Him, He fulfilled this and many more astounding ancient prophecies, over the course of His life.The Spirit of God was indeed upon Him, for He submitted to the leading of the Spirit throughout His life, spoke only those things He heard from the Father, carried out His Father's will, and fulfilled every prophecy relating to His first advent.He did preach the good news of salvation to the poor, proclaiming freedom from sin, Satan, death, and hell – by faith in Him.
So many of the sacred words that have been penned by Israel's shepherd-king are prayers that have been rehearsed on the lips of many saints over centuries of time, who have found comfort and grace in his pleadings to the Lord.
It is reasonably simple to say, 'I love you' to other people, but the test of genuine love is expressed in deed and in truth.It is not simply expressing affection through what we say, but through the giving up of ourselves for the service of others, no matter what the cost in time, money, reputation – and even life itself.It is a 'dying to self' and a 'living for Christ' which is manifest in works of righteousness for the benefit of others – and to the greater glory of God.
And it should also be studied alongside all other passages that teach about salvation if we are to understand precisely what Paul meant at the time that the passage was written.
As Church-age believers, we will not have the wrath of God poured out on us during that fast-approaching time of Jacob's Trouble: that seven-year Tribulation period when the Lord pours out His wrath on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, satanically inspired, sinful world.
But that coming time of Great Tribulation is fast approaching and we are seeing evidence of its imminence throughout our earth.
The satanically established religious and economic system which continues to persecute the true Church of God, and which has flourished down through centuries of time, will finally dominate the world in the coming 70th week of Daniel.
Through time and into eternity, we must never forget the grace of God that has been extended to all who trust in Christ for salvation, for by His blood he reconciled both Jew and Gentile into one Body, which is the Church.
As we consider the disciples of Christ's day and the multitudes of saints that have trusted in Jesus down through centuries of time, it is clear that not many mighty men and not many wealthy nobles become followers of Christ and heirs of the kingdom.
Too often, the world's opinion of riches is bound up in the baubles of this world that will one day be burned up, but let us pay heed a truth that has stood the test of time - God has chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, and this is a promise which holds true for all who love him.
In the final three verses of his second letter, Peter is explaining that unbelievers, who for a time are enticed by false teachers into believing a fake gospel with a counterfeit Christ, end up in a worse spiritual state than at the beginning.
They may have escaped the impurity of the world with its many entanglements for a short time when they came into a knowledge of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, but they never came into a saving knowledge of Christ.
Although restoration of a remnant occurred after Judah's return from Babylonian captivity, we know that a second restoration will take place at the time of the end, when God's faithful people are gathered from the far corners of the earth by His holy angels.
He brought back some of His faithful people from the Babylonian dispersion and at the appointed time, God sent His Son into the world to save His people from their sin.
We immediately see the Lord working through Daniel, whom He used to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's troubling dream, while revealing the course that human history would take, from the days of the Babylonian Empire to the time Jesus will return to earth to destroy the kingdoms of this world and set up His prophesied Millennial kingdom, of peace, prosperity, and righteousness.
Although He was fully God, the Lord Jesus lived His life demonstrating to humanity how God wants every spiritual man to live - indwelt, led, and guided by the Holy Spirit of God while at the same time abiding in unbroken fellowship with our Father in heaven - every moment of the day.
Let us seek to eschew all evil and live godly lives during our time on earth, and let us endeavour to reverence our Heavenly Father and ensure that every moment of our life is consecrated to the Lord, for His praise and glory.
May we regularly reflect on the enormity of what the Lord has done for us; for while we were still helplessly estranged from God, He sent Christ to die for us at the right time, and demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ, the Son of the most high God, God the SON, died for us.
A third group came back with Nehemiah, after the attempted extermination of the Jews during the time of queen Esther, and through whose encouraging leadership the city wall was speedily rebuilt and its broken gates restored.
Cyrus also instructed the citizens of Persia to give the returnees freewill offerings of gold, silver, and other valuable material, to finance the building of the Lord's Temple, similar to the time when the Israelites came out of Egypt with much Egyptian 'booty'!
Eve knew her Seed would crush the serpent's head and Abraham looked for a city, whose Builder and Maker was God.Israel were promised a land and a kingdom of peace and prosperity, with a descendant of king David sitting on the royal throne – and the Lord Jesus was sent to earth at God's appointed time, to take up His position as King of Israel and Saviour of the world.Repent Israel, for the kingdom of God is at hand, was the cry of John the Baptist, but Israel rejected the kingdom and their King – and they crucified their Messiah.
They cried with a loud voice, We will not have this Man to rule over us, and so the kingdom was set aside for a season and Jesus, the Crown-Prince of heavenly glory, returned to His Father's throne until a future time when He would be accepted by His people, seated on the throne of David, and crowned as their eternal King, Sovereign Lord, and promised Messiah.Today, the kingdom has been postponed and the Prince of Peace continues to be Israel's 'King-in-Waiting'.
Today, Jesus is seated on the throne of His Father, until that time when the very nation that rejected Him will cry out with one voice for Him to save them: Hosanna!
On that day, they will all acknowledge Him as God's anointed Messiah and enthrone Him, on David's throne, as their long-awaited King.The Church age is that period of time before the Lord returns to set up that promised Kingdom and be crowed King of all kings.
We are to be holy by setting ourselves apart for Him, as a living sacrifice: Holy and acceptable unto the Lord, surrendering to Him in every corner of our lives and every attitude of our being, surrendered to Him for His praise and glory, through time and into eternity.
The Man Who walked and talked with John and Who knelt to wash His dusty feet at that last Passover meal in the upper room is the eternal Son of Man Who spans time and encompasses eternity. He is the Source and Goal of creation.
And when we believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ, for the forgiveness of sin, we are saved in body and soul, and at the same time we are born from above, receiving the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Unless we sit at His feet and spend quality time communing with our Lord as a priority, our life will be fruitless, our work will become tedious, and our witness will be void of power.
Let us never set out to work and witness unless we have first spent time sitting at His feet, worshipping Him.
With this in mind, after cataloging a fearsome list of the most traumatic circumstances that may impact our lives or afflict us in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, and having proclaimed that nothing can separate us from Christ's love (including tribulation and distress, famine and nakedness, peril, persecution, and death), Paul emphatically declares that we are conquerors in every single situation that crosses our path, in time and into eternity.
What Paul is detailing in this passage is the believer's triumph, through time and into eternity, because when God is for us there is nothing and no one that can successfully oppose us because HE is for us.
He reminded them that Jesus had appeared to over 500 brothers at one time and that many were still alive and living among them, although some had already 'fallen asleep'.
However, when the time came for him to reclaim his property, he sent some of his servants to get it back, but the leaseholders refused to return it and treated the servants badly.
However, His time had not yet come - for Jesus had an appointment with the Cross of Calvary where He would lay down His life for the sin of the whole world.
Let us redeem the time and make the most of our opportunities to share the good news of the gospel of Christ, Who died for our sin and rose again to give us His life so that we might become children of God.
The return of Christ is thrilling for those who believe, but for those who reject God's offer of salvation, it is a time of awesome judgement when God's justified wrath must be poured out, in fullest measure, on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
But in His farewell discourse, Jesus took time to reassure His frightened little flock that His perfect peace would flood their heart and mind, if they would trust the words He had spoken to them and believe the things He had taught them.
At another time, he had to dig through a wall with his eyes blind-folded, and on yet another occasion, he had to erect a clay tablet which was to portray the city of Jerusalem under siege, and then lie on his side for a total of 430 days!All these activities undertaken by Ezekiel were to act as 'signs' to the people of Israel – signs of things to come.
God had promised Abraham a special inheritance in the land of Canaan which would be possessed by his descendants after Him... and although he did not see this come to pass in his own life-time, Abraham believed God.
Although the Promised Land which God pledged to Abraham's descendants as a permanent possession is not yet realised - a believing remnant of Jews will, one day, be settled securely in their land forever - following the terrible future time of 'Jacob's trouble'.
The time is getting nearer when He will lift high the heavenly sceptre that belongs to the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He will judge the world in righteousness.
But we must also realise that we will be hated of all men, because we are His children, but praise God that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
And so in the fullness of time, God sent His only begotten Son to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to son-ship, be returned into fellowship with our Creator, and learn to worship our Father in heaven in spirit and in truth.
From that time on, we begin a lifelong process of progressive sanctification as we are changed from glory to glory, into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus.
Indeed, he warns us that many such antichrists had already started to appear, which indicated that the last days had already arrived in the early days of the Christian Church and at the time that John wrote his epistle.
The apostle John had walked with the Lord and spent time with his Master, but as the Church was being established and his life was drawing to a close, his warning to these maturing believers was, you know that the Antichrist is coming; you know the end-times prophecies that tell of the future Antichrist... well, even now many antichrists have already appeared - which indicates that this is the last hour.
In the beginning, God spoke the world into being, creating time and space and matter.
In the beginning, God spoke the world into being and we discover in the pages of Scripture that a handful of chapters were designated to inform us of what God did at the dawn of time, the birth of space, the creation of our world, and the genesis of the human race.
Instead of the Church proclaiming the gospel of the grace of God to a lost world, 144 thousand Jewish evangelists will start to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom – and then Christ will return as their anointed King.Although this is a time of Great Tribulation, it is not God's will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
And it is during this 'Time of Jacobs Trouble' (the 70th week of Daniel) that we discover a great multitude without number who will be saved by God’s grace, through faith in the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.We read in Revelation 7, that after the sealing of the 144 thousand Jews who come from every tribe of Israel, a great multitude which no one could number, will come to faith in Christ.
However, from reading the book of Revelation, we discover that their faith will be severely tested, for about three quarters of the entire world's population will be slain during this period.Although there will be a global slaughter during this terrible time, a great multitude will be saved for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, because they did not worship the beast, nor his image, nor did they receive his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands.Though not part of the Church, these saints of God will be resurrected when the Antichrist is defeated and Christ returns to earth to take up His rightful position as Israel's King.
They will be privileged to reign on earth with Christ for 1000 years – after He has returned, in power and great glory, to sit on the throne of David and begin His earthly rule from Jerusalem.The great crowd that John saw in his vision were Jews and Gentiles who had rejected God's offer of salvation during the Church age, but who trusted Him for the forgiveness of sin during this terrible time of Tribulation.
For the time being, however, we are living in a dangerous and ungodly world where false teachings and destructive doctrines abound, but let us also remember that a day is coming when they will all be brought to destruction.
At the time of John's writings, the inspired canon of Scripture had not yet been completed, and there were many false teachings and doctrines of demons that sought to distort the gospel and twist the truth of God's Word.
But as the time for Moses' death drew nearer, a new generation of Israelites were given an opportunity to believe God's Word, trust the promises of God, enter the Promised Land, and live a victorious life of faith instead of a defeated life of unbelief and doubt.
Having reminded them of their history and the promises of God, the time arrived for Moses to give God's people their final instructions.
The greatest manifestation of God's love towards a cursed world and a condemned race was shown at the appointed time, when God the Father sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the substitute for our sin.
But in this final section, Paul reiterates the serious warning of godlessness in the last days, where evil men will go from bad to worse - deceiving others and being deceived themselves: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, is Paul's heart-breaking pronouncement.
Paul warns that the time would come when they will not endure sound doctrine, and would want to have their ears tickled, with a watered-down and compromised gospel, and accumulate for themselves teachers - having itching ears. How reflective of Christendom today, is this warning from Paul.
It was for that reason that Paul and the other apostles who authored the Scriptures, spent little or no time going into the finer details of the many false doctrines that were starting to infiltrate the Church of their day.
And so Paul spent time opening up the good news of the pure gospel of Christ for a special reason: So that no one will delude you with persuasive argument.
No one has seen the invisible God at any time, and yet God the Father sent God the Holy Spirit to live in and work through all those who have chosen to trust in God the Son for salvation, by grace through faith.
He asked that an overflowing abundance of mercy, peace, and love be showered on all who trust in Jesus. He knew that wolves were prowling around seeking to scatter the little flock of God, and so he asked the Father for mercy to help in time of need and for an abundance of peace and love, in the midst of difficult times.
It is a time when self-sufficient unbelievers who have relied on their own righteousness as a means to salvation, will be tried in the fires of God's righteous judgement and found wanting.
He could not proclaim His own personal, justified innocence, for to do so would render your sin and mine as remaining unpaid and unforgiven, through time and into eternity.
God is Spirit, and John tells us on a number of different occasions that no one has seen God at any time, apart from a brief season at Christ's First Coming, when the invisible God was made manifest to the world through His only begotten Son.
Were they recalling the time that Jesus took His twelve disciples aside and told them that everything written in the prophets about the Son of Man would be accomplished?
Indeed, the Jerusalem council was formally set up to clarify the fundamentals of the Christian faith.They agreed that Gentile believers could not be expected to adhere to Jewish rules, rites, and regulations, but too often, Jewish converts to Christianity clung fast to their former rituals, even though they knew that it was not the Law that justifies them before God, but faith in Christ.Although these early Jewish believers understood that salvation was by grace alone through faith in Christ alone, many of them, including some of the apostles, continued to cling to the Jewish Sabbath, Jewish sacrifices, the Temple worship, feasts days, and other Jewish observances.Time passed since Paul's first, brief visit to Jerusalem where he had met with Peter and a few Church leaders.
David learned to acknowledge the Lord in all things and finally he became a wise parent, for he took time to teach his children - and his children's children - that the fear of the Lord is indeed the beginning of wisdom and understanding.
Nevertheless, Paul, the great rabbi of his time, who was steeped in orthodox, Jewish tradition from his early years, was made a minister of this vital truth.
It was by divine design that this Psalm so beautifully describes the Lord God as our great and caring Shepherd, for although it is often used as a great comfort at a time of death or bereavement, it is equally a Psalm that points to the Lord Jesus Christ as our sustenance and support in every season of our lives.
Like us, Abram was justified when he first believed the Word of the Lord but like us, His faith needed to grow and mature - which takes time in the life of every believer.
In the beginning, He commanded the light to shine out of darkness and in the fullness of time He sent His only Son to be the Light of the world, to give light to everyone coming into the world.
The Body of Christ, which is the Church, has been chosen by God to be His permanent dwelling place, throughout time and into the eternal ages to come, for our bodies are a temple of the living God and the Spirit of God dwells within each one of us.
It must have been a sight to behold that first day of Pentecost, when the Church was born and the Holy Spirit came to take up residence within the bodies of these first Church-age believers for the very first time.
Until this point in time, the Spirit had only come upon a few believers who were chosen for a special office or empowered to carry out a specific task for the glory of God.
They crave a time when the groans of creation cease, the wicked are punished, the hungry are fed, the oppressed are vindicated, the weary are refreshed, and justice rules in the corridors of power.
A time is indeed coming when the earth shall be filled with justice and peace, and the King of righteousness will reign supreme over the whole earth.
At that time, He will judge the people fairly.
Prophets, priests, psalmists, and other holy men of God have prophesied of that coming time when this utopic peace will be established on earth and Jesus will be the supreme Ruler of the whole world.
As those who have been saved by grace through faith, we look to that time when, with Christ, we will rule and reign with Him for 1000 years before His eternal kingdom extends into the eternal ages to come, when there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
But until that time we must occupy until He comes in the clouds to take us to be with Himself.
Both God the Father and God the Spirit turned their back on God the Son, as he bore the sin of the world upon His sinless shoulders, and the unity that the Three had enjoyed for an eternity was shattered for the first time, as the Father and the Spirit together poured out the fullness of their wrath upon the Son.
It is the little remnant of faithful Israel who are depicted as rejoicing in the Lord because the time is coming when their promised Messiah will come and 'tabernacle' among His people and will lead God’s covenant nation in joyful praises to the Lord.
It was this point in time when God the eternal Son, became Jesus the perfect Man, Who took upon Himself a human nature.
It must have been such an amazing and joyful revelation to Joseph, who up to this time had been grieving that the girl he loved so dearly and had desired to become His wife, had been unfaithful to him.
Over the next two years, a series of Roman trials were held in which Paul was called upon to defend his Christian faith from his Jewish accusers - during which time the plot to kill him continued, unabated.
But we, who have been permitted to look down the telescope of time, are able to witness God's wisdom working all things together for good for those that love the Lord - for those that are fitting into His plans.
He had been a secret disciple of Christ for some time – but was now ready and willing to declare in Whom he had believed.Joseph was a wealthy man whose tomb had been hewn out of the bed-rock, as prophesied by Isaiah.
We also read in Luke, that certain women saw the place where the dead body of Jesus was laid, and for a time they lingered in agony before His burial chamber.All His followers were grief stricken to see Jesus dead and buried, and these grieving women followed and watched where they laid Him.
Luke explains that even the women who had come with Him out of Galilee, followed and saw the tomb, and how His body was placed.But strict Sabbath Day regulations prevented these heart-broken, Jewish women from visiting the tomb the following day, which was a Sabbath and so from Friday, through Saturday, and into Sunday, the stone-cold body of the Lord Jesus Christ lay in silence – and alone - in the borrowed tomb of a wealthy man.No doubt copious tears were shed and many hearts bitterly grieved, as these loyal ladies fulfilled the requirements of the Sabbath Day – for we read that they rested on the Sabbath, according to the commandment.No doubt, they started preparing spices and perfumes to anoint His body, throughout that evening and into the night-time once the Sabbath was over.
He was called out of Egypt, anointed by the Holy Spirit, and Daniel even proclaimed the exact time of His appearance.
But as the Son of Man Himself walked this earth in humble dependence upon His Father, He could also proclaim that now is the time when true worshipers would worship the Father in spirit and truth.
And how blessed are we to receive it, for this is the eternal God and great Creator of the universe, Who has deigned to tell us ahead of time, details of His glorious plan for us and perfect purposes for the world in which we live.
He was holy in eternity past, will be holy in eternity future, and He is holy in the present time and in all the surrounding space.
Some of his writings describe Israel's immediate future while others give us a glimpse into the end-times, the coming satanic Antichrist, and the terrible time of Great Tribulation which is to descend on the whole earth as God pours out His wrath on an unbelieving world.
The final chapter of his book gives a peep into the terrible time of Tribulation, which Jeremiah calls: The Time of Jacob's Trouble.
Daniel was told to seal up his prophecy until the end of time.
It is during this time that Michael, the great prince of Israel and archangel of God who stands guard over the sons of Israel, will rise up to protect them.
Although they will have to endure the greatest time of distress the world has ever seen: Everyone who is found written in the book (the Lamb's book of life) will be rescued.
Everyone who has ever lived since the beginning of time, Jew or Gentile, saved or unsaved, will be resurrected.
King David, Abraham, Daniel and Esther will be among those resurrected at this time.
Unlike the rest of Christ's apostles who walked with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, Paul was called to be God's apostle to the Gentiles following the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Ascension into heaven.Because of Paul's unusual calling and unique ministry, there were many who criticised his teaching and challenged his authority, which is why he so vigorously defended his calling and frequently made reference to the direct revelation he received from the Lord.Here in first Corinthians, Paul found it necessary to severely admonish the believers in Corinth for their disgraceful conduct which discredited the Lord, tarnished their witness, and rendered them carnal Christians and spiritual infants.The unruly disunity, riotous behaviour, greedy indulgence, and disregard for the needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ, was even displayed during the celebration of the Lord's Supper – which Paul had already taught was a time to reflect on the reality of Christ's sacrificial death, until His coming again.And so in this passage, Paul is preparing to criticise and correct the shocking behaviour of these carnally minded believers, by reminding them of his own unique calling and the direct revelation he received from the Lord, which had already been taught to them on an earlier occasion.He reminded them that he had been called personally by God, and delivered a specific message regarding the importance and seriousness of the Lord's Supper, which they were currently disregarding:For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, Paul reminded them, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; and gave thanks, and broke it and said, 'This is My body, which is given for you – do this in remembrance of Me.'May we never forget the enormous price that was paid for our redemption, at the Cross.
Although there is some confusion as to the age of king Saul when he started to reign in Israel and the length of time he ruled over the nation, there are clear lessons that we can learn from his rebellious behaviour towards the Lord and His prideful unbelief.
It was getting near to the time of his death and Samuel had already given his farewell speech to the nation where he reminded the people: If you will fear the Lord, serve Him, listen to His voice, and not rebel against the command of the Lord, then both you and also the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God.
At an appointed time, He was clothed in flesh, becoming the perfect Son of Man so that sinful humanity might not perish but be redeemed from sin's eternal destiny and be restored into a right relation with their Creator.
The mid-section in Micah, begins to describe the glories to come at the time of the end.
He describes it as a time when God's downtrodden people will finally be acknowledge and praised by the nations of the world.
Micah is speaking of the time when Jesus Christ will rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of the whole earth: He will judge between many peoples, during His coming millennial rule: He will render decisions for mighty, distant nations.
During the time of the judges, the people of Israel rejected God as their King and during His earthly ministry, they rejected Jesus as King.
This will be a time when wars and disputes between opposing nations will cease and weapons of war, like swords, spears, and maybe tanks and armoured vehicles will be refashioned into productive tools and hammered into valuable instruments that will benefit the whole of mankind.
But both also prophesied of the time of the Messiah, when: Nations will hammer their swords into ploughshares and will fashion their spears into pruning hooks.
For millennia, man has sought to create Utopia and bring in a time of peace and prosperity for all.
And the hope that comes through faith in Christ does not disappoint, because the supernatural love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who was given to us, through time and into eternity.
Blessed are those who keep those things which are written therein, we read, for the time is at hand.
We should pay careful heed to the content of the book of Revelation and be watchful for Christ's return, and we should be spiritually alert and recognise that the time of the end is drawing ever closer, and yet there are many in the Church today who dismiss the important content of this wonderful apocalyptic book and miss the blessing it offers because they consider it is too difficult to understand.
Blessed is he who heeds the things which are written in this prophecy - for the time is near.
It has been given to help us comprehend more fully God's plans and purposes for the redemption of the world and to inspire us to live godly lives knowing that the time is drawing ever closer.
And while there is much information of the devastating events that will take place in during that terrible time of devastating disaster - it is a book that reveals the Lord Jesus Christ to those who find themselves facing God's wrath - and those in the Tribulation who also read, hear, and heed the words of this prophecy by calling on the name of the Lord will also be blessed - for they too will be saved.
Some suggest that this group of wise men had calculated that the time for His visitation was near and the star that rose in the east, confirmed their calculations.Having followed the star from the east, they arrived in Jerusalem where they were to learn, from Jewish Scribes and Pharisees, that they were searching for the promised Messiah of Israel Who would be born in Bethlehem of Judea, as prophesied by the prophet, Micah.Whoever they were, and wherever they were from, these wise men were searching for the truth – and they found Him in a little house with His mother, Mary, and they fell down and worshiped Him.These wise men had been divinely directed in their search and were justly rewarded.
The coming Day-of-the-Lord is a future period of time when God will intervene in the history of mankind once again.
Many passages in both the Old and New Testaments explain this 'Day' as follows: 1) The 7 year Tribulation period, as outlined by Daniel. 2) The period which Jeremiah calls 'the Time of Jacob's Trouble' which occurs during the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation period. 3) The prophesied return of Christ to earth with His saints to set up His earthly Millennial Kingdom at the end of the 7 year Tribulation period. 4) The 1000-year Millennial Kingdom when Jesus reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords. 5) The destruction of heaven and earth at the end of the Millennium - before the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.
The coming Day-of-the-Lord which covers the five time periods outlined above, will last a minimum of 1007 years... and in his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul identifies two groups that will be impacted when the Day-of-the-Lord begins.
And as we study God's Word and observe the world and current events around us, there are many indications that the time for God's next intervention into the history of the world is almost here.
He was the last of the apostles because he was called following Christ's ascension into heaven. 1 Corinthians tells us about the occasion when Paul saw the risen, ascended, glorified Lord: Last of all He appeared to me also, as one born out of due time: for I am the least of the apostles.
Christ paid the incredible price for sin: In His body on the tree, so that all who believe on Him might not perish but be united with Him through time and into eternity.
YES – Christ is our righteousness, Christ is our ever-present help in time of trouble, and it is Christ Whose grace is always sufficient for all our needs for Christ is our covering.
In Chapter 21 He appeared to Abraham a second time, when he was preparing to offer his son Isaac, as a sacrifice to the Lord, as God had directed him.
There were times during his walk of faith when Abraham enjoyed fellowship with the Lord, and times when he was out of fellowship, those times he followed his own human logic instead of God's divine direction, such as the time he went down to Egypt during the famine, instead of trusting God to provide for his needs; and the time he took Hagar as his concubine, instead of trusting God to keep His word, concerning the promised SEED, Who would be born through his wife, Sarah.
And this mingling of the angelic with the human, was Satan's attempt to corrupt the DNA of humanity and eliminate the Seed of the woman Who was prophesied to destroy the works of the evil one.Although the vile influence of these fallen angels certainly aggravated the degenerate, pre-flood conditions, it was the unrelenting wickedness in the human heart and man's obsessive preoccupation with evil which was identified in this verse and demanded the destruction of mankind, through the flood of Noah.The sin nature that so corrupted the human race at the time of the flood, is the same evil disposition that is inherited from our fathers and imputed into the heart of every man who has descended from Adam – for the natural man is a sinner who is born under sin and is at enmity with God.The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually... and yet God, in His grace, purposed to redeem mankind and to destroy the works of the evil one.Although God's judgement rained down on the antediluvian world, and will do so once again during the Great Tribulation, it was at Calvary where complete victory was gained against mankind's unrelenting enemy.It was at the Cross, when Christ's blood was shed to pay the price for sin, that our Saviour triumphed over the evil enemy of our soul, and Satan's defeat will be fully realised when he is finally thrown into the fiery lake of God's everlasting judgement, after which, God will make a new heaven and a new earth.
The shame and slavery that Israel experienced in Egyptian captivity, was regarded by Isaiah as the time of Israel's youth.
The generations of idol worship and spiritual apostasy that followed, was considered as the time of Israel's spiritual adultery, likening them to an unfaithful wife.
There is an appointed time that God's wrath is going to be poured out in full measure on a Christ-rejecting sinful world that did not believe in Him; a future time that is called 'the time of Jacob's trouble' - 'the Great Tribulation' - and it takes place in the 70th week of Daniel's great end-times prophecy.
That future time of wrath is very near, and we need to recognise that it is by grace that we have been saved and not of works, lest any man should boast, but one of the hundreds of benefits that is given to all who believe on Christ is that we are NOT appointed to wrath.
Then we who are still alive and remain, will ce caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will always be with the Lord, and then that terrible time of Jacob's Trouble will be poured out.
Throughout His life, Jesus had regularly attended this very synagogue, and for over a year He had been healing the sick, casting out demons, and teaching that the time of God's favour had come to His chosen people.
And He will come at the appointed time: And will not delay.
Let us hold fast to the truth of His Word and trust Him to carry out His plans and His purposes in His time and in His way, to our eternal benefit and to His greater glory.
The Law spoke to them and they were to tell other nations that they needed salvation – by faith in God.It is by breaking a law that one is condemned by that law – and even if someone starts to keep that law perfectly, from one particular point in time, it cannot remove condemnation from past guilt, for we were born sinners.
As he contemplated the vast expanse of God's glorious creative handiwork where, by the might of His power and His wisdom, God spoke time, space, and matter into being (from nothing), the Psalmist utters words that confound all God's children: What is man, that thou art mindful of him? Who am I, David asks, that God should care for me and who are you that God should take note of you?
For a time, He made Himself a little lower than the angels so that He could take upon Himself the form of a man and die to pay the price for our sin, and in so doing became our precious, Kinsman-Redeemer.
But at the appointed time, God in His grace sent His only begotten Son - the pre-incarnate Word in Whom is life-eternal - and that life of Christ was the light of truth that enlightens everyone coming into the world.
But the undisguised hatred of the Jewish leadership and their rejection of the Lord Jesus, necessitated the postponement of the kingdom age until the time of the end.
Christ had many things to tell His disciples at this time but they could not bear it and had to wait for the indwelling Holy Spirit to baptise them into the Body of Christ on that Day of Pentecost.
May we never forget that the sufferings of this present time and the chastening we inevitably face, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us.
Some of the Athenian citizens dismissed Paul's teaching as babbling, pseudo-intellectual nonsense, while others were interested in what he had to say and asked him to explain this new doctrine to them – which they had overheard him teaching to Jewish and Gentile believers.The men of Athens spent their time doing nothing more than hearing, or telling each other some new theory or ideology.
Nahum shows that the Lord is gracious and full of compassion and gives plenty of time for those that commit evil, to repent of their sins.
However, when the wicked refuse to repent of their evil, the wrath of God is eventually poured out upon them and when the time for the punishment of the wicked arrives - none can withstand Him, for the Lord is a jealous and avenging God Who is angry over sin.
At that time, they repented of their ungodly ways and for 100 years the grace of God was shown within the gates of this pagan city.
Like other watchmen on the wall, Micah looked down the corridors of time to proclaim a Saviour Who is Christ the Lord, and His name was to be called Jesus for He shall save His people, Israel, from their sins.
And although Israel crucified their Messiah and King, God has not finished His people, as many erroneously teach, for in the final verses of this powerful prophecy we see a future time when God will pardon their iniquity and pass over the rebellious acts of the remnant of His possession.
At a time when much of the Body of Christ seems to have lost its way and has succumbed to many false doctrines that are infiltrating many churches, let us rejoice with Israel and sing: Who is a God like You, Who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever, but delight to show mercy.
Paul firmly believed the good work God started in his life would be completed in God's time and in His way.
May we never forget the far-reaching impact of Paul's ministry, because he was a man whose confidence was in God and considered that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Their enormous responsibility in caring for all the needs of God's people and fulfilling their tabernacle duties, undertaking the sacrificial offerings, and the various requirements of the Law, meant they had no time to tend to their own material needs.
Although this is a Psalm that speaks both into the circumstances of king David’s life and also into the longer-term history of the whole house of Israel, this is a Psalm that is as relevant for us today as it was in the time of great Davidic dynasty.
We have legitimate access to the throne of grace through Christ so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Do we condemn Esther as a woman who deliberately disobeyed God's Law and willingly engaged in many compromises during her life or do we applaud her courageous acts during her life and her willingness to be used by God for such a time as this?
Every time Christ's piercing 'woe' rang out, He accused them of serious spiritual failure and pronounced them as religious deceivers.
And at the start of His ministry, the Lord Jesus gave His people some wonderful blessings (beatitudes) in His Sermon on the Mount, but as His time on earth came to an end he had to pronounce a terrible series of 'woes' on Israel's leadership because they caused the people to reject the Lord of Glory.
Paul was a highly educated and well-respected man who was well versed in the Law and the prophets, having been taught by the best rabbinical teacher of the time.
Until that time, all who believe in the Lord Jesus, whether Jew or Gentile, become part of the One New Man in Christ, where there is no differentiation between Jew nor Gentile, bond or freeman, male or female, young or old, for we are all ONE in Christ.
It was Solomon who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, and although he was a king with unmatched wisdom, and wealth which outstripped every other mortal being, he was a man who lost his spiritual direction over time because of the carnal choices he made.
Solomon reminds us that our Creator God has made everything beautiful in its time and has set eternity in the human heart.
He reminds us that there is a time and a season for everything in life and he records his important conclusion about the meaning of life, in chapter 12: The end of the whole matter is this, fear God and keep His commandments.
Every promise God made to His people and every word that is written in Scripture is true and will certainly come to pass at His appointed time, and in His appointed way.
It begins with the prophesied 'Time of Jacob’s Trouble', continues into the Millennial reign of Christ on earth – and on into the eternal ages.The 'Day of the Lord' reaches its climax at the end of the Millenium, with the destruction of the first, fallen heaven and cursed earth, and continues with the creation of a new heaven and a blessed, new earth – before continuing into the eternal ages to come.As Church age believers we are living in the 'Day of Man' which began with Adam’s rebellion.
And although we consider it to be a long time to wait for God’s plan to come to fruition, we are assured that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.
Although Christ’s Millennial reign on earth will be a time of righteous rule, when the wolf will lie down with the lamb, the Lord Jesus will be required to reign with a rod of iron for the inhabitants of His earthly kingdom will continue to be born with a sin nature – until ALL thing are made new.
The historical story of Esther is just one example of the way that God has protected His people down through centuries of time, saving them from ethnic cleansing and national annihilation.
A day is coming when Israel's escape from Egypt in the time of Moses, and the Jewish delivery in the time of Esther, will be replaced with an even greater celebration - when Christ returns to deliver His people after the seven-year Tribulation period, that future time of Jacob's Trouble.
The time is coming when both Passover and Purim celebrations will be replaced with the return of Jesus as Messiah to the earth - when He will be hailed as Messiah of Israel and crowned as King of kings and Lord of lords.
And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, the written Word of God was penned and preached over centuries of time to the people whom God had chosen to be His eternal inheritance.
He was to bring in the promised time of peace and prosperity for all people.However, Israel anticipated a warrior King Who would save His people by overthrowing their Roman slave-masters.
As the world in which we live continues to spiral out of control, and as the evil exploits of rich, unscrupulous men and women appears to thunder on unabated, we have an assurance that the Lord is not mocked by the wicked ways of evil men and, at the appointed time, He will bring them into confusion and confound their wicked and satanically inspired activities.
For the day is fast approaching when Jesus will come, and it will be at the right time.
Others think it gave Christ time to pray to His heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance, for Jesus only said and did those things that He heard from His Father.
But it was only when he sought God in His holy sanctuary and began to reflect on the unchangeable nature of his faithful God, that Asaph started to understand that his question was founded on his own flawed understanding during a fleeting snap-shot of time, and not secured to the unshakable promises of God that stand fast for ever and ever.
In a moment of time these wicked men would all be swept always into eternal separation from the Lord, while Asaph's own future was secured to the Rock of our salvation.
And by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ became our peace from that time forward, uniting His chosen people, Israel, with those who were once considered to be heathen, Gentile dogs.
In the time of Israel, the first temple was a physical building which was constructed out of great blocks of hewn stone.
It is not because of our merit that we are granted this incredible privilege into the throne room of the Almighty and given the right to come boldly to the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
It lays out the best approach when praying to our Heavenly Father and gives us a beautiful pattern to follow when we come before the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
Although all our sins, past, present, and future are judicially forgiven at the Cross, there are times when we allow the old sin nature to influence us to sin which removes us, for a time, from fellowship with the Father until we confess our faults before Him.
And when He does provide for our need or should He choose to withhold for a time - like Paul we need to learn to be content in all things... and give thanks to God for His sufficiency at all times - for He is the One who deserves our never-failing honour and our eternal praise .
We are not only to give freely of our time, our finances and other offerings but we are to give our gift cheerfully and joyfully..
Christ was resurrected from the dead 2000 years ago, and because you and I would one day also trust in the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, we ALSO were raised into newness of life at that time, just like all those who down through the centuries would one day trust in Him as their Saviour.
When Christ rose from the dead, we too were raised up at the same time into a new life, as a new creation in Christ.
And so, although there was a point in time when, having heard the gospel of grace, we trusted Jesus as Saviour and were born again into His new life, God foreknew that we would one day make that freewill choice.
However, they refused, even with Jesus teaching them Himself, and so the time arrived when His teaching style changed and Jesus started to talk in parables because Israel's ears were deaf, their eyes were blinded, and their hearts would not believe.
They could proudly predict an approaching storm or forecast a sunny day and yet failed to recognise the time of their visitation from God. Pride in their Jewish heritage caused them to be haughty instead of humble.
Was the parable no more than another call for Israel to repent of their sin, rather than an indication that the fig tree would be cut down in twelve month's time and the day of God's judgement be poured out on His sinful nation?
We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christ’s example, and say without compromise – Thy will, not mine, be done.The newborn baby Christian has to grow in grace and mature in the faith over an unspecified period of time, to reach this level of maturity in his faith, while other who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ may slip in and out of carnality and worldliness for many years, stunting their growth and even regressing in their faith back to spiritual infancy.Many, if not all believers, are called to become mature in the faith by walking in spirit and truth and living godly, Christ-centred lives, but few are willing to exchange the cosy blessings of early Christian infancy, for the difficulties that inevitably follow the mature believer.
Even in the time of Moses, God knew that His chosen people would be adversely influenced by the worldly mindset of the surrounding, pagan nations which was why God gave very specific instructions to His covenant people concerning the commands He had given them: You shall teach them diligently to your sons, He instructed, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
Though this was a mandate given to Israel so long ago, the same two worldviews have marched side by side, traversed centuries of time, and are still very prevalent in the world today.
Neither their silver nor gold will deliver them on that day; a time which stretches from the start of Daniel's 70th week to the end of the millennial reign of Christ.
Some time earlier he had rescued Lot and the other citizens of Sodom who had been captured and enslaved by Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him.
We read in this verse that God has made everything appropriate in its time. God made everything suitable for purpose at its appointed time.
God created us with a yearning for the eternal; a desire to discover all the answers of time and eternity.
Solomon, who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, was the wisest person who ever lived, and yet he realised the works of God and the wisdom of God are beyond the limitations of the human mind for after he wrote, God has made everything appropriate in its time He has also set eternity in their heart, he finished by acknowledging, Yet so, man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.
The hour that was coming was that pivotal point in history, when time and eternity met and heaven's hosts must have silenced their praises in astonishment.
The time was fast approaching when there would be a new and perfect sacrifice, a new living Temple made without hands, a new birth, a new creation, a new dispensation when those that worship God would worship Him in spirit and in truth.
The vain pursuits of this world and the deceptive pleasures of the life we once 'enjoyed' will perish in our memories with the ever-increasing march of time, as we discover them to be passing vanities.
It gives power to our Christian life in this world and guarantees our future inheritance with Christ in heaven, to Whom be all praise and glory, through time and into eternity.
He considered the voice of reason was found in the philosophical platitudes of ancient sages or pious proverbs, developed over time from old wives' tales.
Although the prophetic 'Day of the Lord' covers both the time of severe judgement (the 7-year Tribulation period) and the following 1000 years of great blessing (the Millennial reign of Christ), verse 17 is specifically referring to the terrible Tribulation period, where God pours out His wrath on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
Zechariah tells us that it will be a time of trouble and distress, a day of devastation and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess when the light of the sun and moon will be withdrawn.
In Matthew 24, Jesus gives an exhaustive description of the Tribulation period to His disciples, when they ask Him to describe the time of His return to earth to set up His kingdom.
While the Church is raptured before the Tribulation period begins, Israel is destined to go through this terrible Time of Jacob's Trouble.
May we recognise that the time is short and do all that we can to tell a lost world that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, Who faced the wrath of God for us when He died on the Cross.
We saw in the Gospels, the necessity of prayer in the life of the Lord Jesus, and Paul's epistles contain many inspired prayers that have encouraged saints down through centuries of time.
The believers in the Corinthian church had been converted from the occultic customs of the time; one of which was eating meat that had been offered to idols.
The very instrument that God gave Israel in order to point them to Christ for salvation, was the very tool they modified to accuse the Son of God of blasphemy, and this particular Sabbath-day healing was a great turning-point in Christ's ministry, because from that time forward: The Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him.
The time was getting closer to the day when the Lord Jesus would be betrayed and handed over to wicked men, who would crucify Him by nailing His sinless body to the Cross.
But as the time for His death drew ever closer, the gulf between those that trusted His Word of truth and those that rejected His Messianic claims grew ever wider.
Israel did not recognise the time of their visitation, and Jesus reached a point in His ministry when He transferred His attention from the nation as a whole, to individuals who believed in Him.
This was the time Jesus stopped offering the kingdom to national Israel, began to teach in parables, and started to turn his undivided attention to believing individuals who laboured and were heavy laden, and invited them to come to Him for rest.
Among other things, it is prophesied that Christ would be preceded by Elijah, be called a Nazarene, spend time in Egypt, speak in parables, and be praised by children.
Naturally, Joseph was shocked at this news, but being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace Mary publicly, he spent time reflecting on this distressing information but finally decided to divorce his betrothed wife secretly.
Paul detailed the time he spent in Arabia and Damascus and that 3 years after his conversion, he travelled to Jerusalem and spent 15 days with Peter and James.
Everyone who calls out to Him for their deliverance, both now and during that future time of 'Jacob's Trouble' WILL be saved.
And although we read that many will be slain during this time of great distress and terrible trouble, we also read on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, there will be those who escape, through the supernatural power of the Lord: For they are the remnant whom God, Himself has called and saved.
A multitude without number will call on the name of the Lord - but will be slain for their faith in Christ during this time of trouble, while those who are saved to the very END of the Tribulation will become citizens in Christ's Millennial Kingdom.
It is following this terrible time of 'Jacob's Trouble' - when God's wrath is poured out on an unbelieving world - that Christ will rule and reign on earth.
However, the complete and final fulfilment of this prophecy of Joel is yet future... and states clearly that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord during this time of 'Jacob's Trouble' will be saved.
However, a remnant of believing Israel and certain believing Gentiles, will be saved THROUGH this terrible time of Tribulation and they will enter into the Millennial Kingdom of Christ to have children and re-populate the earth.
Both the martyred saints and the little remnant that survives to the end of this time of terrible Tribulation will be saved because they called on the name of the Lord. Praise His holy name.
The Lord Jesus was One with the Father in spirit and in truth and so He was well able to judge correctly what to do, and His judgement was just and right because it flawlessly reflected the perfect will of the Father - every time.
The peace we have with God through the forgiveness of sin is an unconditional gift for all who believe, and it remains our present possession through time and into eternity.
All prophecies relating to Christ's first coming have been fulfilled, while those connected with His return are currently being set up for their eventual fulfilment during the Great Tribulation - sometimes called the 70th week of Daniel or the Time of Jacob's Trouble.
These prophecies speak of the time when national Israel will repent of their past sin - and the Gentile nations will know that God is the Lord.
He is speaking of a time in Israel's future history, when all hope seems to have evaporated.
He is prophesying of the time that Christ is about to return to earth, for Zechariah is delivering a message of great hope to God's people, as well as a warning... for he says, THEN the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle. And today we are seeing things being set up for the coming Day of the Lord.
The Lord will chasten them for a brief time, BUT He will never go back on His promises to Israel.
This passage, which speaks of salvation, will one day be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, following the seven-year Tribulation Period which is that 'time of Jacob's Trouble'.
This is the time when God's wrath will be poured out on an unbelieving world which has rejected His many calls to repentance, both through various prophets of Israel and through the Christian Church, who invite ALL to COME, drink of the living water of life - and be saved.
The coming Tribulation Period is a time when God purposes to draw His straying nation back to Himself so that He can bless them as He longs to do.
It is a time when all who call on the name of the Lord, will be saved.
God's Sabbath rest was rudely interrupted by sin, but God in His grace knew before the foundation of the world that man would disobey Him and His work of redemption would have to begin at a point in time.
Christ's return to set up His kingdom will be preceded by the terrible time of Jacob's Trouble when the Lord will pour out His wrath on a Christ-rejecting sinful world.
Prayer is the privilege of people who are saved by grace thorough faith in Christ, for by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, He tore down the dividing wall between God and man and gave us access to His throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
It appears that this psalm was written early on in David's life, and yet it seems to be one upon which the elderly king reflected, as the time of his death drew nearer.
God created time, space, mass, and matter, and He anchored this unchangeable Truth in His immutable Word.
There were no atoms, no elementary particles, no molecules, no modules, no time, and no space, no electrons, and no quarks.
God moved, and it came into being, for in the beginning God created the 'time-space-matter' continuum: And the earth was without form, and the earth was void. The earth was empty, and the earth was uninhabited.
He will rule and reign from this time forward and forevermore: And His name will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.
Although unbelieving Israel has had to go through centuries of chastening because of their sin and will also have to endure the coming Time of Jacob's Trouble, a day is coming when the redeemed of Israel will finally realise their fault, repent of their sin, recognise their Messiah, and be ushered into the presence of the Lord their God.
The time is fast approaching when they will recognise Jesus as the One Who was wounded for their transgressions and pierced for their iniquities, and they will mourn for their sin.
On that day, the whole believing remnant of Israel will be delivered from the wrath of God, and it will happen in the final days of the coming Tribulation - the 70th week of Daniel - that terrible time of Jacob's Trouble.
For the time being, all in this age of grace who have recognised the Lord Jesus as our God and Saviour, both Jew and Gentile alike, are part of Christ's mystic Body (the Church).
And at the same time, Israel waits for their God and Messiah to return to the earth to rescue them from their enemies and to set up His millennial rule in Jerusalem, when they will say: Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him and He will save us.
We do not need a geographical location in which to assemble, nor do we need a specific day to praise God or a special time to come to Him in worship.
On those occasions when we find ourselves under intense pressure or discover discouragement and disappointment descending into our soul, may we take Paul's words to heart: Reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, and fan into flames the gift of God that is within us.
The Word of God was recorded over centuries of time, starting with the books of Moses where we discover an unveiling of the eternal character, the unsurpassed attributes, and reassuring names of the Lord our God.
No doubt his mind fled back to that dark night of confused questioning when the 'Light-of-the-world' began to pierce the deep darkness within his proud, unbelieving heart, and he heard those penetrating words for the very first time: As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
It was at this critical time in Abraham's life, that God gave His greatest promise to His obedient servant: And when He made this promise, since He could swear by no one greater, God swore by Himself.
From the time he was a young shepherd boy, David loved the Lord with his whole heart and was able to proclaim that the Lord was his strong Protector and faithful Deliverer.
This future shaking of the earth and heaven of which Haggai and other prophetic voices foretold, will take place during the time that follows the Rapture of the Church and Christ's return in the clouds to set up His earthly kingdom.
The eternal Son of God has had life in Himself from before time began, before space was created, before matter was spoken into being, and before man was formed from the dust of the ground.
And so we read in this verse that the time had finally arrived for the dead to hear His voice and be raised up again, and Christ announced, Assuredly I say to you that an hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.
We need to acknowledge Him in the morning time and we need to draw close to Him in the evening hours.
And when the Word of God says honour Him in 'all' things, it means to draw close to Him with a focused, undivided heart all the time and in every situation.
Such are the character traits we recognise in faithful servants of God like Joseph during his sojourn in Egypt, and prayerful men like Daniel during his time in Babylon.
Paul was the tool God used to write much of the inspired, New Testament Scriptures which have become so vital to the Body of Christ down through centuries of time, but he was opposed on all sides by legalists who challenged his apostolic authority and sought to return the early Church to Judaistic rules, rites, regulations, and dogma.
Paul's church epistles were written to different groups of Christians, dealing with matters that were important to their need at the time, and yet they address issues that remain relevant today. Paul's letters were written as an integrated whole, yet progress from one train of thought to the next.
It is only by God's grace we have received mercy for help in time of need, so we should not lose heart, knowing that those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles: They will run and not grow weary.
This caused Solomon to reach the understanding that God has made everything beautiful in its own time, and that the Lord has placed eternity in the heart of every-man.
He realised that in God's economy there is an appointed time for everything, and a scheduled time for every event under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to gather; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build up.
David learned many things about the Lord in his life-time, and one important lesson was that no matter how dark the night of doubt and sorrow, how mountainous the problems he had to face, or how fierce the enemy that stalks our path, God is our help and strength, and He is our shield and buckler.
The Lord knows His people, but His people must know their Lord and trust in the power of His might, by faith – so they can say in full assurance, The Lord is my strength I will not trust in my own abilities; the Lord is my strength and I will trust in Him.The Lord not only gives us His strength in time of need, but He also blesses His people with peace.
And just as He honoured His Father, by suffering on our account, we are to be similarly motivated to live for Christ and do only those things that honour Him, especially as the time for His return daws ever closer.
Having reminded us that the time for behaving like unsaved Gentiles is behind us and living for God should be our priority, Peter gives a very important perspective on suffering for Christ: Beloved, he entreats us, don't be surprised at the fiery ordeal you go through, as if something strange were happening.
Our time of earth is very fleeting in comparison with the eternal state that awaits all who are saved by grace through faith.
The Feast of Purim is a day of celebration for the nation of Israel, for it commemorates that joyful time when Esther, the beautiful queen of Persia, was raised up by the Lord for the salvation of her people - the Jewish nation.
As Paul prepares to bid these beloved believers at Corinth farewell for the last time, he entreats them towards godly conduct... beseeching them to live together in brotherly peace and to maintain godly harmony.
Indeed, it is often prayed as a parting benediction before brothers and sisters in Christ depart from a time of Christian fellowship and it is often prayed as a beautiful blessing over those for whom we care deeply: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with YOU.
He made the decision that he would not regard men from any worldly standards, even though he admitted that at one time he even regarded Christ according to the flesh.
The whole company of believers who trust in Christ for salvation becomes a sovereign love-gift from God the Father to God the Son, through time and into eternity We are also given God's supreme assurance that all who come by grace through faith in Christ, will be given to Him by the Father and none shall pluck them out of His hands, and this is God's sovereign will.
Such friends are rare indeed, but even the sting of death can remove such a good and loyal friend from our lives in a split second of time.
He is the One who will always support and encourage us, help and counsel us, comfort and warn us - and He is the One Whose unconditional love will be poured out upon us without measure, through time and into eternity.
He puts his body under subjection, harnesses his time, employs his talents, and fine-tunes his actions and attitude for the glory of God.Such a man keeps his eye on the goal of his calling as he runs the race of life through its many pitfalls and problems.
But because of their continued refusal to repent of their spiritual adultery, the time eventually arrived when they would not only be scattered but would find no pity from God Who brought them out of Egypt.
The seed of the woman had been passed down the centuries of time from our first fallen mother, through Seth and Enoch, Noah and Abraham, Isaac and Judah, David and Nathan, and finally to Mary.
Nathan initially endorsed the king's aspirations, but was later informed by the Lord that David would not be permitted to build Him a House, even though the time had arrived for God's Temple to be erected.
At God's appointed time, they returned to the land the Lord gave to them, but they returned in unbelief and have not yet acknowledged nationally that Jesus is great David's greater Son.
Following forty glorious post-Resurrection days, the risen Lord Jesus led His little band of disciples out from the tiny town of Bethany to the beautiful Mount of Olives, where He spoke to them for the very last time before being taken into heaven.
It must have been a time of such expectancy tinged with hesitancy, for His words were those of a dearly loved friend bidding His precious followers farewell.
As we reflect on their plight, we know that the Holy Spirit would be sent to them in 10 days' time.
And how precious is this picture in our minds today, for we too have a time of hopeful expectation on which to train the eyes of our hearts.
With each passing day, we are one day closer to that time when the trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ shall be raised first, and we that are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to be with the Lord forever.
It was during the time of John's frenetic ministry that Jesus was baptised by John in the Jordan.
The Acts of the Apostles even implies that Jesus was there at the start of John's ministry, for when choosing a disciple to replace Judas, Peter insisted, It is necessary that Judas' replacement must have accompanied us all the time... that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us - beginning with the baptism of John, until the day that He was taken up from us, into heaven.
He also recorded many prophesies that will happen during the 'time of Jacob's Trouble' when terrible tribulation will come upon the whole earth, but he also writes of the future reign on Christ on earth, when Jesus sets up His Millennial rule as King of kings and Lord of lords.
Zechariah writes of the time when the true Shepherd of Israel would be rejected and crucified, and gives a shocking chronicle of the consequences of His rejection.
But Zechariah also tells of that future time when Israel will mourn over the rejection of their Messiah, Who will return to earth with a flaming sword to save His people from the assault of the Antichrist's aggression.
And on that day their Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, will make provision for their cleansing and the remnant of Israel will be re-gathered before a promised time of peace and prosperity floods the whole world, when the earth will be filled with the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
It is during this wonderful future time when Christ rules and reigns as Israel's anointed King, that swords will be beaten into plowshares, and a time of global peace and prosperity will descend upon this war-torn world.
Immanuel came the first time to dwell with His people (God with us) but He was despised and rejected by those He came to save.
The mystery of God is indeed bound up in the truth of the Trinity, for God Almighty broke into time, space, and the history of mankind, and He visited His own creation for thirty-three years in the unique person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There are many prophecies in the Old Testament that foretell of this future time of judgement called the 'Day of the Lord'.
The Thessalonian Christians knew all about the coming 'Day of the Lord', a time of great trouble for Israel when God's wrath is poured out on a Christ-rejecting sinful world.
We are all reminded in many passages in Scripture that we must be watching and waiting in expectation for Christ's any day return, knowing that He will come for us in the Rapture before this terrible time of Tribulation, which will overtake an unbelieving world who are walking in darkness.
We may not know the time that the God the Father will send God the Son to rescue the Body of Christ (the Church) from the wrath that is to come, but we have His promise that we are not appointed to wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
At that time, our perishable body will put on the imperishable and our mortal body will put on immortality.
Let us never forget that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him, and a day is coming when He will judge the world in righteousness and faithfully bring forth justice, in God's time and His way.
To live for God and trust His Word OR to live for self and doubt His Word... to obey His voice as we journey through life OR to disobey the Word of the Lord and waste the short time we have on earth: To save our life (our soul) OR to lose our life (our soul), as Jesus said, for whoever shall save his soul-life shall lose it (death) and whoever loses his soul-life for My sake shall find it (life).
But every time the proud Pharisees failed in their endeavour.
And so we find that for a second time the Pharisees summoned the man who had been born blind in a desperate attempt to have him denounce the Lord Jesus and expose His miraculous healing as fraudulent: We know this man is a sinner!.
And His little band of faithful followers would have to be spiritually prepared for the time of their post-Cross ministry, which was fast-approaching.
The final voice crying in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, had been silenced, and the kingdom that Christ had been sent to set up, would have to be postponed for a time.
We would be wise to hold the things of this world very lightly and not to hanker after the accumulation of many things, for they are like the frothy foam carried on the waves of the sea which swiftly disperses within a few moments of time.
For a short time, we will experience many hardships, trials, and tribulations, and for a time it will appear that the godly are flourishing while the children of God are in great deprivation.
He does this by providing all that is best for us, rather than all that we think we want.So many of the things that we need are the imminent necessities of life which are confined to this transient world and the fleeting life-span of time and space, which flows from birth to death.
This time had been scheduled from the foundation of the world and Christ's whole life, from His birth in Bethlehem, had been a journey towards this historic moment.
The time had arrived when the eternal Son of the Father would be sacrificed for the sin of the world and would be cursed by God.
The time for the heavenly Seed to fall into the ground and die had come, for unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains alone - it stays a single seed.
He sought to dispose of the only begotten Son of God, through the slaughter of the innocent at Bethlehem, and time and again as history has progressed, many anti-christs, like Antiochus Epiphanes, Nero, Titus, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler have been raised up by this evil enemy, to eradicate the Jewish race - so that God's plans and purposes for mankind can never be fulfilled.
Truly, this last 3½ years of the Great Tribulation can justly be called 'the Terrible Time of Jacobs Trouble'.
Yes, the eternal Son of God, Creator of heaven and earth, humbled Himself and was born as Son of Man, even making Himself, for a short time, a little lower that the rebel angelic forces under the leadership of their rebellious leader Satan who had become ruler over the fallen world into which He came.
Many consider that when Peter said, It is time for judgment to begin with the household of God, he was referring to God's judgement falling on the physical House of God in Jerusalem, in AD 70.
Our sins were judged at the Cross (past) and our works will one day be tried by fire at the Bema Seat of Christ (future), but during our present time on earth, we are being 'judged' by an unbelieving generation, and the sufferings we undergo are for Christ's dear name's sake.
The time that judgement began at the household of the Lord was at the start of this Church dispensation, and by God's grace, Christ took the punishment we deserve and is using the judgements of this world's system to transform us into the image and likeness of Christ.
From the time he faced Goliath as a lad, to the day he 'slept with his fathers and was buried in Jerusalem', we trace David's faith developing, growing, and maturing into a man who died knowing that God is faithful to keep His Word.
It is only those that have been saved by grace through faith in the sacrificial work of the Lord Jesus Christ that have the right to approach the throne of grace for help in time of need.
Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross at Calvary, which includes His substitutionary death, burial, and Resurrection as laid out in Scripture, is the single most spectacular event that has ever taken place in time and into eternity, for by it, God opened up the way of salvation for whosoever will believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God.
When Christ was lifted up on the Cross, He was made sin for us, by receiving the full weight of God's wrath against sin on our behalf so that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we might be made the righteousness of God in Him, through time and into eternity.
There is indeed a time to work, but as Jesus reminded His disciples, there is also a time to rest: Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and His ability to heal the broken-hearted, cast out demons, set the captive free, make the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak, has never diminished over time.
He is the crucified, risen, ascended, and glorified Lord Who, at the appointed time, was manifest in the flesh so that all who trust in Him for salvation would not perish, but have everlasting life.
No man has seen God at any time, for He is the everlasting, self-existent, unapproachable Light of lights, the essence of divine perfection Who resides in deity's unknowable majesty.
May we be men and women whom God will use to tell out the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, while it is still time, for we are His representatives on earth, who have been commissioned as ministers of reconciliation.
May we tell the truth of the gospel of grace while there is still time, for He is the only Way the only Truth and in Him alone are the words of eternal Life.
He came to earth at God's appointed time to bring Israel to repentance and return them back to true faith in God.
But at last, the time came for Jesus to predict the destruction of the temple, which would happen in AD70, before predicting the end of the age when God's judgement is to be poured out on a Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
In this time, Jerusalem will fall when the Antichrist will desecrate a rebuilt temple, as described by Zechariah, followed by Christ's glorious return to earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, as recorded in the book of Revelation.
And although He appeared at God's appointed time as the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, only those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are identified with Him, through the forgiveness of their sins; only they receive eternal life; only they are equipped by the Holy Spirit to live godly in this evil age.
And for centuries, we have been living in the last days - the time of God's full and final revelation to mankind: For long ago God spoke to our ancestors by the prophets at different times and in different ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, Whom He appointed the Heir of all things and through Whom also he created the world.
But Paul tells us, all Israel will be saved, when they repent of their sin, return to the God of their fathers, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - which they will do as a nation at the end of the Tribulation period (the time of Jacob’s Trouble - that future time of great distress).But truly blessed, without measure, is the man, the woman, the people – the nation whose God is the LORD.
They recognised that God had acted justly and righteously in His dealings with them, but were celebrating the future time of restoration, as they eagerly awaited for Him to act on their behalf.
Referring to Himself as the Shepherd of the sheep was a metaphor that was easy to understand during the time of Christ, for there had been many prophets, priests, and kings in Israel's history who were seen as shepherds to their people.
But until that time, there will be ongoing hostility and bitter enmity between the woman and her human offspring, and Satan, his demonic forces, and all who choose to serve in the kingdom of darkness.
The lives Paul and his team lived during their time in Thessalonica were a sufficient demonstration of the supernatural power of the indwelling Spirit of God working through them.
Paul was able to point to his own life and his conduct during the time he lived among them, as proof that he was a man of integrity who spoke the truth.
The scarlet thread of redemption streams through the 66 books of God's holy Word and traverses the march of time, as the Lord's plans and purposes are gradually revealed and graciously opened up to men's understanding.
The Filling of the Holy Spirit however, is something that happens to a believer time and again after regeneration, when believers are walking in spirit and in truth.
Many scriptural quotes in Hebrews are used to illustrate the foolish mistakes Israel made during the time they were God's witnesses on earth and are included as a warning to Christians who are God's mouthpiece today.
Although many of the matters he addressed were specific to the time and place in which they lived, during those formative years of Christianity when the foundations of our faith were being laid, the principles and practices Paul propounded are as relevant today as the day he picked up his pen to compose that first epistle to the Corinthians and instruct the saints there.
May we not feel legally obliged to give of our time, money, and other resources, by unscrupulous people, but may we make wise choices in our financial giving and do so willingly and cheerfully.
We know that the period before the flood was a time when wickedness was multiplying, and the earth was corrupt to the core, but Enoch walked with God.
After the birth of his firstborn son, Enoch began his walk with the Lord and he remained in fellowship with Him for 300 years - during which time, he fathered other sons and daughters.
In this passage, Paul sets out to clarify a misunderstanding about the coming of Christ our being gathered to Him, and the Day of the Lord, which not only incorporates the future 70th week of Daniel's great prophecy (the Time of Jacob's Trouble) but also the thousand-year millennial reign of Christ.
Although the book of Revelation had yet to be written, numerous descriptions of the Day of the Lord are given in Old Testament Scriptures which tell of that terrible time when God's wrath will be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting sinful world: Let no one in any way deceive you, were Paul's heartening and encouraging words, for the Day of the Lord will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed. Paul goes on to say, He Who restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
And so, we march ever closer to the close of this Church Age - and the time is at hand for the transition from the Age of Grace to the Day of the Lord.
But for a time, He chose to lay aside the heavenly position that he had enjoyed with the Father for all eternity, and enter into His own creation as a member of the human race so that as Man, He could redeem the human race from their sin, and restore them into a right relationship with God, by faith.
Christ was positionally equal with the Father, but He chose to lay aside the eternal glory that He shared with the Father, for a time, and take upon Himself the form of a servant.
Because He was willing to lay aside His glory for us, we have been returned into fellowship with God and positioned in HIM through time and into eternity - by faith.
Christ is equal with God in Person, but He was willing to give up His heavenly position for a time because a race of fallen men needed to be redeemed, and there was no one else able to pay the price of sin for the lost and dying race of humanity.
And despite Christ's ex-clusive role as Israel's promised Messiah and His in-clusive position as the Saviour of the whole world, the Lord Jesus Himself proclaimed that He was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel during that special time that He sojourned on earth.
They set out on their journey at a time in Israel's history when everyone did what was right in their own eyes, with little consideration for the will of God, and less desire to carry out His plans and purposes.
God is outside of time and space while we are bound by His universal laws.
And knowing that our brief lifespan is like a vapour that appears for a while and then vanishes away, He forwards His eternal plans and purposes, and includes us in His purposes for a brief time before we pass away.
We can have absolute confidence in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for there is no power in heaven or earth or under the earth that has not been placed under His supreme authority, in time and through eternity, for at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of things in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Paul knew such people have little with which to occupy themselves and would spend their time spreading rumours, engaging in gossip, and embroiled in unfounded tittle-tattle.
For four hundred years the Israelites had dwelled in the land of Egypt, but over time they became an enslaved people.
Even Moses was not permitted to enter Canaan because He disobeyed God when He struck the rock a second time, instead of speaking to the rock, as the Lord had commanded.
He chose one nation to be the people through whom would come the Redeemer of the world and, for a time, Moses was the man God chose to lead His chosen people out of bondage.
And for a time, Joshua was to become Israel's leader under the Lord's sovereign authority.
But God uses each servant for a time to forward His perfect plan of redemption, before ordaining and equipping those who are to follow.
He made no complaint about the suffering and pain he endured in order to ensure that the gospel of grace was proclaimed, for he knew that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed hereafter.
It was at the time of Christ's crucifixion that the power of sin in the life of all who would one day believe in Him was broken.
BUT at the point in time that we trusted in Christ as Saviour and became born-again as a new creation in Christ, the power of sin in our life was severed as a practical reality.
Up to verse 18, Joel speaks of the terrible desolation that is to come upon Judah, while the latter portion of the book details God's mighty deliverance of His people, where we read: Behold, in those days and at that time, I will restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem.
God's chastening of Israel started with their captivity into Babylon and it will conclude during the 70th week of Daniel: The Time of Jacob's Trouble, which is at the start of the great and terrible Day of the Lord.
But it will also bring in the promised time when God will restore the fortunes of His people, Israel.
Following God's promise of punishment and pain for disobedience, came His promises of restoration, renewal, and reward: For behold, in those days and at that time, we read in Joel, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will enter into judgment with them on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and they have divided up My land.
Second, over time each believer would begin to grow in grace, develop their faith, walk in spirit and truth, and move from spiritual infancy towards spiritual maturity (progressional sanctification).
Time is short and those who do not know the Lord would do well to seek Him with all their heart - while those who know the Lord should become increasingly active in sharing the gospel of salvation with all who are lost in their sins and without hope in the world.
The precious beauty of this bloody scene is multiplied by the significance of the many wonders and beautiful words that accompany this amazing moment in the centre of time, space, and eternity.
Heaven was hushed, and time stood still as the only begotten Son of God, as the perfect Son of Man, paid the price for the sin of the world.Gracious forgiveness had been extended to whosoever would trust in His saving sacrifice, and a precious promise of paradise had been given to a lost sinner.
God had been faithful to His people by bringing them back to their land at the time He promised, with sufficient wealth to re-establish themselves there and restore their relationship with God.
Through Christ, we have received the gracious invitation to come boldly to God's Throne of Grace, in time of need.
In Christ, we have been invited to enter confidently into the throne-room of heaven and boldly approach God's Throne, that we may obtain mercy, and find the grace we need to help in time of need.
Our assurance rests on His victory cry... it is finished, for we are accepted by God, in the Beloved, through time and into eternity - accepted through the merit of God's only begotten Son.
would be their mocking cry, and incorrect assessment, for from the time that our forefathers fell asleep, all things continue as they have been - ever since the creation of the world. This attitude is increasingly evident in the times in which we live, and we should all take heed of Peter's sincere and serious warning.
It was not only by God's Word that the earth was formed out of the water and in the water - but at the time of Noah, water was once again used by God to fashion and form the post-diluvium contours of earth's towering mountains and the world's little valleys.
Every member of the human race is born a sinner and although death claims the life of every descendent of Adam because of our imputed sin nature, it was not until the time of Moses that God gave man His perfect standard for living.
Partway through His ministry however, the Lord Jesus started to give hints that God's plans and purposes for Israel were to be postponed for an undisclosed length of time.
As the time for Christ's crucifixion drew ever closer, Jesus started to disclose certain things to His few, faithful followers that would shortly come to pass: These things I have spoken to you that you might have joy.
As they partook of the Passover supper when Jesus washed their grimy feet, their understanding remained limited - but as time passed, things that had been hidden from ages and generations started to become clear to them.
This time his instruction is not about maintaining patience throughout our earthly life, but is an exhortation to run a race of persistent perseverance to the very end of our life: Until the coming of the Lord!
As members of the Body of Christ, we have the most privileged access to our Heavenly Father and can enjoy continuous, close communion with our wonderful Saviour at any time and in any place.
May we never be engaged in spiritual slumber or allow the passing of time to dim our desire to know Him more intimately and to love more passionately, with every passing day.
Like Elijah, the Baptist lived during a time of spiritual poverty and both drew the wrath of a wicked king and his evil queen, but both will be remembered as men who were chosen by the Lord for a special purpose and who were filled with the Spirit of God.
Preparation for the coming of the Lord was a watchword in the days of the apostle Peter, and it continues to be an increasingly important guiding principle for us today - for the time of Christ's return is closer than when we first believed.
As Church-age believers, we are not under any strict rules or regulations that dictate what we can or cannot eat or drink, and although we have no chiming bell to summons us to rise up in the morning at a specified time nor are we summoned to pray at a certain place for a certain period of time each day, we do have a responsibility to live godly lives and to take heed to all the wisdom of the wise that is contained in the God's holy Word.
He told his followers that someone standing in their midst was of far greater import than he, and confessed that he was not worthy to untie the strap of His sandals. The identity of the Lord Jesus was gradually revealed to John the Baptist over a period of time, and once again as Jesus passed by, he cried out, BEHOLD!
For the day is coming when He will rule this world with a rod of iron, and the time is fast approaching when He will put all His enemies under His feet, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and He will wipe away all tears from our eyes.
It will be a time when men will be brutal haters of good, arrogant and treacherous, holding to a form of godliness while denying its power.
An identifying mark of this time is that men will keep on learning, but never be able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Paul describes a time when these compromised charlatans who are 'men of corrupt minds', cannot keep their deceptive practices hidden from view: They will not make further progress, we are told, for their folly will be obvious to all.
From his incarceration in a Roman prison, Paul knew that the time of his death was fast approaching... and this letter to Timothy was to be the final epistle he was ever to write.
Paul bemoaned the fact that the time would come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts would heap upon themselves faithless teachers, having itching ears.
The chief corner-stone of this holy Temple is Christ Himself, and His chosen apostles and prophets are the ones who have laid the doctrinal foundation upon which this spiritual temple is being built, for they were given the knowledge of the glorious gospel of grace by Christ Himself, and to them was unfolded the mystery of the Church in this present dispensation; a mystery which had been hidden in time past from all previous generations.
It was Christ Who said that He would build His Church and one by one, down through centuries of time, men and women have come to faith in Christ Jesus and one by one, they have each been fitted into the growing Temple of the living God.
For by the one offering of Himself has the Lord Jesus Christ perfected for all time, all those who have trusted in the blood of the Lamb for the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of their soul.
We were placed in union with our Saviour and set apart for Him, which is an act that can never be changed in time or in eternity.
Sadly, today there are some Christian denominations that continue to offer up the Lord Jesus as an ongoing, perpetual, sacrifice each time they celebrate His death on the Cross in their services.
Sadly, these Christians are oblivious to the fact that: By one offering, Christ has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
If we are to mature in the faith and press on to the goal of our calling, we ought to live our lives as unto the Lord and not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not grow weary.
So let us keep on keeping on, and let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
Just as we are reminded: There is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace, we also have to be aware that there may be a time to plead for God to avenge us of a terrible wrong.
The fact that we who were dead in sin have been delivered from future condemnation and are presently and eternally reconciled with God, should cause us to rejoice through time and into the eternal ages to come.
Sow to yourselves in righteousness and reap according to mercy, Hosea warned. Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord.
The time had come for them to seek the Lord, with their whole heart.
But the call to break up the fallow ground and turn over the unploughed earth is an equally urgent call to the body of Christ, in this increasingly apostate Church age, as it was at the time of Hosea.
May we sow with a view to righteousness so that we may reap according to His kindness and grace, knowing that it is time to seek the Lord.
And let us remember that now is the accepted time to break up the fallow ground and seek the Lord - tomorrow may be too late.
When walking the earth with His disciples, He pronounced His eternal deity by declaring: Before Abraham was I AM. Jesus could rightfully make this proclamation because He is fully God, with all the perfect attributes of God. Yet during His earthly sojourn, He set aside His glory for a time. During His earthly lifetime the Lord Jesus was limited because he only said and did those things that He heard and saw from the Father.
Time and again, the rebellious sins of Israel caused the Lord to punish them, by bringing them into grievous servitude under the surrounding nations - until they finally cried out in desperation to the Lord their God and repented of their sins.
They would emerge in great numbers at harvest time, to steal their recently harvested crops and livestock, leaving the Israelites bereft of their food and without sufficient sustenance for the following year.
Finally, in the midst of their trouble, they cried out in desperation to the Lord for help - and although their pitiful cries did not appear to come from repentant hearts - this time, the Lord in His mercy sent an unnamed prophet to remind the sons of Israel that HE and He ALONE was their one and only Saviour.
The Christian Church can learn many lessons from this dark period of Israel's history and the many cycles of warnings they received during the time of the Judges, when everyone entertained their own liberal views and believed in relativity - for this was a time when everyone did what was right in THEIR own eyes, rather than seeking that which was right in the eyes of GOD.
Over the past months and years, Christ had been heard to say: My time has not yet come.
As part of the same Church, members of the same mystical Body of Christ, and disciples of the same divine Saviour, that eternal, infinite love continues to travel down the corridors of time to embrace all who have been saved by grace through faith in the Him.
This did not catch God out by surprise. Forgiveness was on the heart of the Father Who planned for the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus from before time began, before space was created, before the worlds were made.
However, we also note that he particularly addresses those from the 12 tribes of Israel - who had been scattered among the nations, during a time of severe persecution.
Moses had been refused entry into the Promised Land of Canaan due to his disobedience when he struck the rock for a second time - instead of obeying God's clear instruction to take up his staff and speak to the rock.
Moses had already reminded them of God's mighty acts between Horeb and Beth Peor and of their disobedience at Kadesh Barnea, when unbelief prevented them from entering the Promised Land the first time.
For a second time in His ministry, the Lord Jesus drove out the corrupt, profiteering money-changers from the Temple court, likening them to a den of thieves and condemning their ungodly practices.
But that time is still future for the lost sheep of the nation of Israel who have yet to accept Christ as their Messiah and King.
The physical deliverance and spiritual renewal for Israel that is found in the little book of Joel, and the wonderful promises that God made to His people, will come into full effect at the end of the Tribulation; that future time of Jacob's trouble.
It is at the end of the Tribulation, when Israel as a nation will cry out in faith: Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, and it is at that time that this amazing prophecy of Joel will be fully and finally fulfilled.
We are told that the time of Jacob's trouble will be preceded by blood and fire and pillars of smoke: The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon into blood before that great and terrible Day of the Lord, when God will pour out His wrath on a Christ-rejecting sinful world.
At that time, He will return to the earth with great power and glory, to set up His Millennial Kingdom and rule the nations with a rod of iron.
It took Job some time to come to an understanding that he was indeed a guilty sinner, not for what he had done but for who he was, and that he had neither the cause nor the right to justify himself or to question the mighty hand of the omniscient and omnipotent God.
For a time, all Job had was a shallow knowledge of God, but after his encounter with the Lord, he was given a deeper and more intimate awareness of Who God truly is.
Jesus did not mean that his friend would not die physically, but that his death would not be the final outcome of his sickness, and the terrible time of mourning his sisters were facing would be replaced with joy and faith in believing.
Jesus had come at God's appointed time to announce that He was the promised Messiah of Israel, sent from heaven to bring in the promised kingdom of heaven on earth.
However, he spent somewhat more time instructing the women of the congregation who professed to be godly - by discussing the inner beauty and outer apparel of the virtuous Christian women.
Thousands came to faith in Christ in the early years of the Church, through the ministry of their spoken word in the book of Acts, and multiple millions have come to faith through the witness of their written word, down through many centuries of time.
But when the fullness of the time had come, God revealed Himself in a new and unique way by sending His only begotten Son as the Word made flesh, to live a perfect life, to die a sacrificial death, and to reveal Himself to a race of condemned sinners.
We are to trust Him when persecuted for righteousness' sake or when hated by the world for the sake of Christ, for as we read in Deuteronomy: In due time the foot of the evil man will slip.
He responds to our cry while we are calling and His answer will always be delivered in His way, in His time, and for His eternal praise and for our eternal benefit.
As they accompanied Him to that pivotal point in history, where the price for sin would be paid once and for all, Jesus told them for the last time, that He was to be handed over to the chief priests and scribes, who would condemn Him to death, deliver Him to the Gentiles, mock Him, spit on Him, flog Him, and finally kill Him - but He also reassured them that He would rise from the dead after three days.
By the time Jesus left the city, large crowds had gathered around Him, and there must have been some considerable commotion.
We should take every opportunity in the brief time we have left on earth, to proclaim the glories of the Lord and tell others all the things that JESUS has done for US.
Jesus was the anointed Messiah-King of Israel Whose coming had been prophesied throughout Old Testament Scripture, but He had not come to set up His Messianic Kingdom at that time. First, He had to subdue all principalities and powers in the heavenly realm, and to offer Himself up as the ransom price for the sin of the whole world, before He could usher in the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Jesus did come as the conquering hero of their expectation at that time. First, He must suffer many things.
Being children of God, we have inside information about the things that will take place in the near future as the time for Christ's return draws ever closer.
After the Rapture, The 'Day of the Lord' which is sometimes called the '70th Week of Daniel' or the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' is going to come upon the earth suddenly.
These encouraging words point to a time beyond the coming Tribulation, as outlined in Daniel's 70-week prophecy.
It looks beyond the time of Jacob's Trouble to a day when the New Covenant, which God promised to Israel, will be fully and finally ratified and implemented in the promised kingdom rule of Christ.
As so, as often happens in Scripture, Jeremiah's prophetic disclosure was accompanied by an important time of prayer, petition, and pleading for his people.
He started to reveal Himself to Adam at the dawn of time and thus began the ongoing unveiling of Himself to humanity.
At creation, God spoke the world into being through His powerful Word, and in the fullness of time, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
God's character never changes for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the lessons He taught the children of Israel in time past are the lessons He continues to teach His children in this present church age.
We were dead in our sins and at enmity with God, and the sacrificial offerings of the old covenant covered the sins of fallen men for a time, but could not remove them.
But it could have been his busy schedule as he was a member of the Sanhedrin and night-time may have been the only available opportunity for him to visit the Lord.
Or it could have simply been that Nicodemus was intrigued to discover more of the Man who overturned the tables of those dishonest money-changers, only a short time before.
Whatever the reason for his night-time visit, Nicodemus recognised Christ's authority as a teacher, for he addressed the Lord with the honourable title: 'Rabbi'.
Daniel realised that the time was fast approaching when God's promise to the children of Israel recorded in Jeremiah, to free them from their 70-year captivity in Babylon and to return them to their homeland in Israel, was fast approaching.
Earlier in the chapter, we read about the chain of events that brought the baby Jesus to the Temple, at the very time that Simeon was guided by the Spirit to enter the courtyard.
Paul is not only urging these believers to pray for their own needs and to maintain holy fellowship with the Lord, but gives them guidance on topics for prayer and asks them to pray for him and his ministry: Pray at the same time for us as yourselves, Paul writes: Pray that God will open up to us a door for the Word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned.
The prayers of the Colossian saints and others continue to be answered, as the gospel continues to spread and the Lord continues to be glorified, every time the letter Paul wrote to the Colossian Church is read and believed.
The time came when Moses was led to remind the Nation of the conditional covenant they had with God and urged them to choose life over death and blessings over curses.
However, as the time for his departure drew ever closer, he presented Israel with their new leader, Joshua, who would take the people across the Jordan and into the Promised Land.
In this church age, we may not have visible pillars of fire and cloud to lead and to guide, but He is with us every moment of the day, for we have the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who is our ever-present Comforter and holy Helper in time of need.
He has promised to guide us into all truth and has given us access into the throne-room of God, for mercy to find help in time of need.
He wanted to reassure God's children that the Lord had kept His Word despite their many grumblings, and He would continue to keep His Word, through time and into eternity.
Many months if not years earlier, these pious people had blasphemed the Holy Spirit by accusing the Lord Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub, and from that time forward He only taught in parables, for Jesus knew that He would be rejected by His own people as prophesied in Old Testament Scriptures.
Back in the time of Moses, Jesus was the Rock from which water flowed, and throughout the Old Testament there are many references to the ROCK on which our faith is founded.
Jesus continued the prophetic call to Israel to repent saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.
Indeed, we read that when choosing a man to replace Judas Iscariot, who betrayed the Lord Jesus, the replacement of Judas had to be a man that had accompanied them, all the time that Jesus went in and out among them - beginning from the baptism of John.
It appears that Jesus must have been one that followed after John for some time, until that terrible day when he was arrested and taken into custody by the wicked king Herod, before being beheaded... at the whim of Herod's seductive step-daughter.
We are given a little insight into His birth at Bethlehem and a glimpse into His life in Nazareth, His visit to the temple at the age of 12, and this special preparatory time with John, which preceded Christ's three-and-a-half-year ministry that led to His sacrificial death on the Cross and His glorious Resurrection.
The resurrected Lord Jesus appeared to Peter, James, the eleven apostles, and many others, and on one occasion He even appeared to as many as 500 people at the same time.
These 120 obedient disciples were in the right place at the right time, and so they were the ones who would receive the promise from the Father on that day.
From that time on, He began to teach in parables, so His Jewish listeners would not understand the meaning of His words and would crucify their Messiah 'in ignorance' - for to reject the Prince of Life knowingly, would place these sinners under eternal condemnation.
The question the disciples were given that day is the same question that every one of us has answered, or will have to face at some time in our life.
Let us not try to use our own influence to address the important issues of our time without first bringing it to the Lord in prayer and supplication - for there is no situation that the Lord cannot solve.
Perhaps the most glorious occasion was the Feast of Tabernacles, which promised a time of great joy and rejoicing when God would one day come to tabernacle on earth, among His people.
But John was also an apostle that held fast to the unchanging and unchangeable truth of God's Word and the love that he expressed for this woman, and all who would read this short epistle, is one of godly concern that none of us stray from the truth of God's Word, together with a reassurance that the Word of truth which abides in us will be with us through time and into eternity.
The staggering consequences of this poignant event was veiled from the eyes of the bewildered disciples, yet the eternal significance of this amazing, sacrificial action will reverberate down through the corridors of time, and throughout the eternal ages that are to come.
The third time was as He taught in the temple, laying out His Messianic proclamation to the people and testifying that God was His Father.
And finally, the time arrived when Jesus announced to His disciples: The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
And once again, at this critical time of His ministry when the hour for Him to be glorified had finally arrived, we find Greeks desiring to speak with Jesus.
Surely this truth should rejoice our soul through time and into eternity and should prompt us to tell forth this truth to the next generation and all who will listen?
And He will do this through the power of the almighty Spirit of God - but it will be done in God's time and in His way, when He finally and fully brings everything under His perfect, righteous authority.
Those forty blissful days that followed the Resurrection must have been wonderful for Christ's disciples, because the sorrow and anguish they felt when they thought the Saviour was dead and buried (following the gruelling time of His arrest, trial, and crucifixion), must have blossomed into a time to ecstatic gladness and joy as Jesus presented Himself to them alive and gave everyone His gracious reassurance that even the terrible act of denial cannot separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
And so came the time for His very last instruction; and gathering His followers together we are told that He said to them: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
Only hours before His crucifixion, Jesus had let them know that there were many things that He wanted to tell them but they were not able to bear it at that time.
Training in righteousness, the development of a spirit of humility, and growing in grace takes time - more time - and much time to develop.
Christ was a man that humbled Himself, in the power of the Holy Spirit, under the mighty hand of the Father, and at the proper time He was lifted up; first on the Cross, and then to His Father's throne, in heavenly places.
In like manner, those that meekly take up their cross, in the power of the Spirit, and humble themselves under the mighty hand of God, will grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus so that at the proper time, God will raise them up in to newness of life.
It is through the unconditional terms of the New and better Covenant that we can draw near to God with confidence... as we boldly approach the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
In this final section, he gives instructions to redeem the time and work diligently for the Lord, while reminding them of the inevitable discipline that would result from disobedience.
They cast king Solomon as apostate Israel who has gone after many false gods and whose marital infidelity continues, through centuries of time, as he woos another young Shulamite virgin.
It was a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving for God's gracious provision to His people.
The Feast of Tabernacles is not only a feast that looks back, but one that looks forward to the time when the Lord will come to dwell among His people as their Messiah-King.
Celebrating the Feast of Booths in the time of Ezra was a time of much rejoicing.
However, the sacrifice of prayer and praise and the offering of thanksgiving and worship to the Lord, at the break of day, in the cool of the evening, and at other times, should be a joy for each of us, together with the knowledge that we can boldly approach the Throne of Grace any time of the day or night, for mercy to find grace in time of need.
A mystery in Scripture is a truth that has been hidden from previous generations and is only made known to the people of God, by direct, divine revelation, and at God's appointed time.
Then the intensity of insurrections, anarchy, rebellion, and lawlessness will spiral to hitherto unreached heights, as the floodgates of evil are flung wide open for seven years, during the coming time of Great Tribulation.
Surely we should be careful to make ourselves ready for the return of Christ and at the same time, we should be holy in all our conversation and conduct, as we look for the any-day return of the Lord.
May God give each one of us the opportunity to tell others that Jesus died for our sin, was buried and rose again from the dead, and that all who believe on His name, will be rescued from the wrath to come, as lawlessness engulfs the earth in the coming time of Great Tribulation.
The first five chapters of Revelation set the scene for the Great Tribulation (the time of Jacob's Trouble as it is often referred to in the Old Testament). This is a time when God will punish both unbelieving Israel for rebelling against Him and rejecting His Son, and the Christ-rejecting sinful nations of the world.
However, God is a merciful God and this will also be a time when a multitude without number, both Jew and Gentile, will turn to Christ for salvation.
Church-age believers are not appointed to go through this time of divine judgement, because God's wrath was poured out on Christ when He died on Calvary's Cross to pay the price for our sins.
Just as Church-age believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise at the time of our salvation and are God's 'purchased possession' who are to do His will, so also this group of Jewish Tribulation believers are to be sealed in order to be used by Him during this time of trouble.
They did not recognise the time of Christ's visitation, they rejected their Messiah, and they crucified the Lord of glory.
And so, Israel was set aside for a season, during which time the Spirit of God continued to work the works of God through the Christian Church.
However, God is not finished with Israel as they still have to fulfil the work that God has ordained for them to do, and the coming Tribulation period is the time when God will once again work His works through the nation of Israel.
It is to participate with Him in the abuse and hatred that He received during His lifetime and which has continued to be poured out on members of His mystical Body, which is the Church, for centuries of time.
Paul was afforded a unique role in the administration of the Christian Church, for not only was he the ONLY God-appointed apostle who did not accompany Christ throughout His earthly ministry... but he was also a murdering, hostile antagonist of the gospel of Christ at the time that the church was born - at Pentecost.
Every believer will... at one time or another, go through a season of trials and tribulation, imploring the Lord to step in and remove whatever ails them.
But for the time being, let us live as unto the Lord, confident in the fact that although we are currently at home in this mortal body and absent from the Lord, the day is coming when we will step into our new celestial home and be clothed with His glorified righteousness, for we shall see Him as He is and know Him as we are known.
Mary lingered such a long time at the side of the cold, empty tomb, that she was almost unable to recognise the resurrected Lord Jesus, standing before her in the garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus had been teaching His followers for some time that He would be betrayed by a friend, handed over to the Gentiles by the chief priests and scribes, and be crucified.
It was one day, as he was reading the book of Jeremiah the prophet, that Daniel discovered that the Babylonian captivity was only to last 70 years and that the time was close at hand for Israel's deliverance from their enslavement.
Daniel was an old man when he prayed and confessed before the Lord, but his beautiful prayer and the prophetic answer that he received from God would impact millions of men and women down through centuries of time who have been brought to an understanding of the 70-weeks of Daniel, which were determined for Israel and Jerusalem: To finish transgression, to make an end of sin, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most High.
God purposed that through Israel, the nations would know that He is the Lord so that they could also pass from darkness to light by faith, and be saved – but Israel failed in their covenanted commitment and followed after other gods, which necessitated a time of punishment.
When Israel failed in their mission the first time and were exiled to Babylon, God purposed to use Cyrus, a Persian emperor, to move His eternal plan of redemption forward and to set the Jewish exiles free from their 70-year long captivity in Babylon so that they could obey His command to tell the world that God is the Lord.
At the time of the Lord Jesus, when Israel once again failed to repent of their sin and rejected their Messiah, God used the Church (which is Christ's Body) to go into all the world and tell forth the good news of the gospel of grace to the unsaved.
When all the preparations had been made, the king blessed the Lord and led the congregation of Israel in a wonderful prayer of blessing, thanksgiving, and jubilant praise, which began, Blessed are You, O Lord God of Israel our Father, forever and ever. For the first time in Scripture, we see the Lord being referred to as 'Father' by the people of God.
Time and space and all that exists belongs to Him, and in His grace, He permitted David to make preparation for the magnificent Temple that his son Solomon would one day build.
It is the God of the universe, Who flung stars into space at the beginning of time, and Who continues to uphold creation through His eternal Word, that was willingly stripped of everything, for your sake and for mine - but one day He is coming back to set up the kingdom that was promised so long ago to His forefather David, when once again the earth will resound with this triumphant hymn of praise, Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours.
A time is coming when the new covenant that was cut at the Cross, will be ratified.
Zechariah tells of this time when God will pour out His Spirit of grace and supplication on the house of David and all believing Israelites, and they will mourn and weep bitterly because they crucified their Saviour, the King of Glory.
Zechariah gives us some additional information about this glorious time: On that day, 'HOLY TO THE LORD' will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, and the cooking pots in the house of the LORD will be like the sprinkling bowls before the altar.
Jeremiah saw through the telescope of time to that future time of peace and prosperity when Judah and all believing Israel will be saved, the Holy City will dwell in safety, the wolf will lie down with the lamb, and the disunited and apostate kingdoms of Israel and Judah will repent of their apostasy and be restored into a united, God-fearing nation.
As has been evident from the beginning of time, God has established certain fundamental principles and institutions to which we should all adhere - including marriage, family, leadership, and government.
And as the time of His preparation for His most significant yet solemn ministry was ending, we see the Trinity working in harmony, the Godhead meeting in unity.
The sanctification of a sinner saved by grace is both a specific act of the Holy Spirit that takes place at a moment in time, but it is also an ongoing process that is undertaken by the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer.
There are times when God's help is a long time coming, but David had an urgent need that required immediate attention and his words reflected the urgency, as he cried out, O Lord, I call upon You; hasten to me!
His entire life and sacrificial death was the perfect example of a sweet-smelling savour ascending to His Father, as He presented His prayers in the morning and lifted His heart to heaven at the time of the evening sacrifice.
He will similarly fulfil the many hundreds of additional Laws and prophecies that are connected with His second coming, His 1000-year Messianic rule on earth, and the final war when Satan is released for a little time, as well as His Great White Throne judgement, as recorded in Revelation.
Hebrews was written at a time when an unhealthy and ungodly fascination with angels had pervaded society, and this obsession with spiritual entities has become the prevalent mindset in our world today.
His plea to the Lord was that He would send help from His dwelling place, support the people, and remember them in their time of need.
The one who aligns their heart's desire to God's desire, develops the mind of Christ, as the Holy Spirit teaches and trains and takes time to conform His child, day by day, into the very likeness of the Lord Jesus.
He has promised to forgive their sins and to usher in a time of peace, prosperity, justice, and righteousness - when the wolf will lie down with the lamb and a little child shall lead them.
The demands of this one commandment alone requires 100% commitment 100% of the time for 100% of our life, and the plain fact is that the standard that God requires for entrance into eternal life is impossible: theoretically impossible, practically impossible, and spiritually impossible.
That rescuer would lead them into the path of peace – for a time – until the next cycle of sinful disobedience began.
But not many years after their declaration of devotion, they broke their word and started their cycle of rebellion, retribution, repentance, and rest – until the next time.
And we have the authority to enter into the throne-room of our God for mercy to find help in time of need.
The time that passed from Rahab tying that blood-red sash in the window of her home until the time of the spies return, must have severely tested her faith and the faith of those with her.
From beginning to end, this psalm of David is a petition and prayer to the Lord that covers every possible eventuality that is likely to touch each of our lives at one time or another.
He described a time when men would be: Lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.
Paul made it clear to Timothy that a terrible time was fast approaching when ungodly men and women would hold to a form of godliness yet would deny its power: Have nothing to do with such people, he warned, and explained that these people were deceivers who would try to worm their way into different households and captivate weak-willed women and sway them with all kinds of desires, because they were weighed down with sin.
No doubt, from the time it had been revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Christ, Simeon wondered every day: Is it today, Lord?
The men were curious to know about the end of the age, when Christ would bring in the promised time of peace and prosperity and set up His Messianic kingdom.
No doubt, they were horrified to hear Christ prophesy of the destruction of the Temple, where not one stone would be left upon another, or to discover that at the time of the end there would be wars, rumours of wars, famines, earthquakes, and a time of Great Tribulation.
This account presents us with actual historical details, which pinpoint the time when God the Son came to earth as the Son of Man, to pay the price for the sin of the world.
It helps us to identify the exact time in history when the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
It arrests our attention and reminds us that this is not simply a nice little folktale, but a factual event, anchored in time and recorded in history.
It is no coincidence that Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken at this time, for God had ordained that Christ HAD to be born in a particular place and His parents HAD to be in Bethlehem, the hometown of their ancestors.
We are even told that this was the FIRST required census, which took place during a time when Quirinius was governor of Syria, for history tells us of other enrolments and registrations in later years and under different governors.
The Holy Spirit wanted to anchor the birth of Jesus at this particular point in time to a particular town in Judea, during the rulership of Caesar Augustus, when Quirinius was governing Syria.
The Bible tells us that the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps, and this is what took place in the life of Caesar Augustus, when he decreed that all the world should be taxed, which caused Joseph and Mary to travel to their ancestral cities at the time that prophecy was to be fulfilled and Jesus was to be born.
Although over 500 people rejoiced to meet their risen Saviour, only 120 were to be found in the right place at the right time when the fledgling Church was birthed, and those present were all baptised with the Holy Spirit, as promised by the Lord Jesus Himself at His Ascension.
John also warned unbelievers that He would one day baptise mankind with the fierce fires of judgement, and for the first time in history, the people of God were to be permanently indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God: For do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?
During the time that Israel is set aside, it is the Church that has been called to preach the gospel of grace and proclaim the Saviour of the world to Jew and Gentile alike so that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, by grace through faith in Christ.We must never forget that Israel is the nation to whom Isaiah is speaking, and we must always remember that the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
When his own sins were confessed and forgiven by God, Isaiah was ready and willing to be sent on a life-time mission to minister to his own, sinful nation who were blinded to their own faults.
God is long-suffering and full of loving-kindness and mercy, and it is not His desire that any should perish, but that all men should repent and turn to Him, but when wickedness and evil is multiplied, when superstition and immorality abounds, when idolatry and idol worship has contaminated a society, and the repeated call to repent is ignored and ridiculed, there comes a time when God must carry out punishment on an evil and perverse generation.
The time had come for judgement to fall upon the house of Judah and the house of Israel, and so Amos is called to deliver these chilling words to God's rebellious people: Prepare To Meet Your God, O Israel.
But the open door into full forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is soon to be closed, and the floodgates of God's wrath are soon to be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world in a coming time of terrible judgement as foretold by the prophets of old.
We then, as ambassadors for Christ, beseech all to be reconciled to God: Now, is the accepted time.
The personal name 'Jesus' was given to Him at the time of His birth, for He shall save His people from their sins and redeem a lost world by means of His sinless life and substitutionary death.
The gospel of Jesus Christ continues today and will extend into the eternal ages to come, and Mark simply records the beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. From the beginning, Jesus was the prophesied Seed of the woman and promised Saviour Who came at the appointed time to tabernacle in the world with His creation.
Mark tells of Jesus' historical beginning, when the eternal, uncreated God stripped Himself of the glory He had with the Father and stepped into time, by taking upon Himself mortal flesh and becoming a man.
God's Word speaks history into being, years and sometimes centuries before it is acted out on the pages of time, and this insignificant little town in the region of Judah was proclaimed to be the chosen place from whence the promised Messiah would come.
But although this verse identifies the birth-place of Christ with astonishing accuracy, it further proclaims with equal authority that this coming Ruler of Israel: Who was the promised Deliverer of God's people, would be Deity - God with us - Emmanuel. His beginnings were from of old and His existence was rooted outside time, space, and matter, for He the One Who spoken everything into being.
His origin has been from eternity and His divine Personage is secured from everlasting to everlasting: His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of immeasurable time.
If the Bible foretold of the first coming of Christ with such astonishing accuracy, should we not anticipate with certainty the soon return of the Lord Jesus to complete His promises to His people, Israel, at the end of the coming prophesied 'time of Jacob's trouble'?
Do we simply consider ourselves 'sinners saved by grace' as indeed we are, or do we grasp the challenge to become His close and intimate friend, a friend who loves at all time, a friend that sticks closer than a brother, a friend who would be willing to lay down our life for our dear, heavenly Saviour and Friend?
Whatever else falls and fades away, the salvation of the saints will remain as an everlasting monument of God’s never-ending mercy, through time and into eternity.
May the beauty of Jesus be seen in all we say and do so that we become a reflection of God's glory for His praise, and may we be prepared to display His glory throughout the eternal ages - for He alone is worthy of all honour and glory - throughout time and into eternity.
During that pre-salvation time, we were spiritually dead and without God which means that both the noble deeds we carried out in the flesh, and our evil works, selfish actions, and undisciplined behaviours, were ALL considered by God as unacceptable and only fit to be consumed by the fire of His righteous judgement.
Nothing that Christians do before they are justified by faith has any value to God and Peter spells it out clearly: For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do, living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.
Peter's letter made it plain that these believers had wasted quite enough time engaging in fleshly practices and worldly activities that delight uncircumcised, pagan Gentiles, but which have no value for the believer.
But following salvation, God-fearing men and women should set aside such things and engage in the moral standards and righteous behaviours that are instituted by the Lord: There has already been enough time spent in doing the will of the pagans, Peter points out, carrying on in unrestrained behaviour, evil desires, drunkenness, orgies, carousing, and lawless idolatry.
We have a limited amount of time on earth and by God's grace, should seek to use it for His greater praise and glory, knowing that we have been given ALL we need for life and godliness.
May we come boldly before the throne of grace, and declare God's Word as fact, in the face of the enemy, so that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need- just as David did, when man tramples us, fights against us, and oppresses us all day long.
Having spent some considerable time exposing their unacceptable behaviour, Paul continued by laying down some principles and practices for believers and in this verse, he deals with judging between right and wrong and recognising that in this Christian dispensation, all things are lawful for post-Cross Christians although not all things are expedient.
He is the one who will be revealed during the fast-approaching, 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' the 70th week of Daniel which is often identified as the great, seven-year Tribulation period.
John also makes it very clear that He wrote his Gospel as a witness to the world that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in His name, the lost will be saved, sin will be forgiven, and eternal life will become the everlasting possession through time and into eternity, of all who believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God.
It was only days before His cruel crucifixion, and Jesus knew that His time was near.
In this passage we read: Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near, and it was around this time that Jesus saw a great multitude following Him, and He was filled with compassion and purposed to feed them with bread and fish.
At the same time, He had also been teaching His disciples that HE was the Water of life and HE was the Bread that came down from heaven.
The Cross secured God's earthly land and kingdom promises, which will be brought to fruition at the right time, and the Cross won the spiritual battle which the Church has been engaged in for 2000 years, which will be ultimately fulfilled at Christ's return.
And ALL who feed on Him in their hearts by faith, with thanksgiving, will eat of the Tree of Life and find Him to be their Source and Sustainer through time and into eternity.
When apostate Israel rejected their Messiah, God needed a different body of believers to continue His work on earth - until the nation of Israel would resume their calling, in the coming 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
By the time Peter, the big, brawny, blustery fisherman, was writing his second epistle, we discover he had matured into a modest and unassuming man who continued to express his deep devotion for his divine Master and articulate his immense gratitude for his eternal salvation.
Peter was getting older, and knew that the time was fast approaching when he would have to stretch out his hands and have someone else dress him and take him where he didn’t want to go, just as Jesus had told him on the shores of the Galilee, so many years before.
They occurred during the times of: 1) Moses and Joshua. 2) Elijah and Elisha. 3) Jesus and His apostles. 4) The future time of Jacob's Trouble.
Jesus Himself referred to this man, who was a commander in the Syrian army when He was met with hostile unbelief in His hometown of Nazareth: There were many lepers in Israel, in the time of Elisha the prophet, the Lord Jesus reminded the unbelieving Jews, and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.
The moment we are baptised into the Body of Christ we are positioned in Him, through time and into eternity.
At the same time the Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence in a believer's body, as corporately and individually we become a temple of the living God.
The time for Moses' departure drew near, and he reminded this new set of Israelites of the many things that had taken place since their parents had smeared the blood of Passover lambs on their door lintels, and the angel of death had passed through Egypt.
Once the time for mourning was over, Joshua was called by God to make preparation to cross the Jordan into the promised land.
After having conquered much of the land from the evil inhabitants of Canaan and having shared it amongst the different tribes, Joshua knew that the time of his death was close at hand.
In the second case, Christ died to break the power of sin in our life, which means that for the rest of the time that we live in this sinful world, sin does not have to have power over us.
At that moment in time, we were placed IN Christ. We were taken out of Adam at the point that we believed and placed into Christ.
We were in Christ even at the time that He went to the Cross, just as every member of the human race is always born IN Adam because He was our original forefather.
There is much in chapter 31 that gave great hope and encouragement to the little remnant of faithful Israel, but right in the middle of the chapter, Jeremiah contrasts the shocking time when Judah's sister nation, the house of Israel, was brutally taken into captivity by the savage Assyrians: Thus says the Lord, a voice is heard in Ramah.
Jeremiah was referring to that terrible time when the Assyrians swooped down on the house of Israel like a wolf on the sheep-fold, and carried away their precious offspring into captivity.
It is a work of the Spirit that can be stifled and quenched by carnality and fleshly behaviour, or one that can blossom into spiritual fruit, as a believer is filled time and again.
The first time was at Pentecost when the Church was born.
May we be ready at all times to submit His sovereign authority over our lives and be filled with His Holy Spirit at His pleasure; to do His sovereign will, in His chosen way, at His perfect time, and for His greater glory.
However, it seems that unbelief, doubt, indecision, or uncertainty may have trumped John's faith in Christ's physical Resurrection for a time, for he and Peter simply returned home after seeing the grave clothes undisturbed but empty, with the head covering neatly folded by itself.
It is apparent that John understood the significance of what he saw, but perhaps he needed time to reflect on all that Jesus had taught them over the previous three years and allow the astonishing happenings of the previous 24 hours to sink in.
Paul had been intercepted on the road to Damascus by the risen, ascended, and glorified Lord Jesus, and he spent time in the desert, being taught by the Spirit of Christ Himself.
Whoever would believe on His name, would not perish but have everlasting life, and by grace they would find mercy in time of need.
What a great distinction between the time when we were dead in our trespasses and sins and without God in the world, and the wonderful day when we began to believe in the only begotten Son of the Father, for our full and free salvation.
At the appointed time, He sent the Lord Jesus to His people, as He promised, Who for three years called them to repent of their sins and turn to Him for salvation.
Jesus was identified as the hard-working husbandman Who tended the fig tree for the three years of His earthly ministry, giving it sufficient time to produce good fruit.
He prophesies of the time when Jerusalem will dwell in safety.
Jeremiah gave the glorious proclamation about their Messiah-King in verse 15 when he wrote: In those days, and at that time, I will cause a Righteous Branch to sprout up for David, and He will administer justice and righteousness in the land.
He points to Christ as the Redeemer of His people, Israel: In those days, and at that time, I will cause a righteous Branch of David to spring forth.
In those days and at that time, Christ will return in the clouds of glory (with the recently raptured Church; you, and me, and every member of His Body).
On that day and at that time Jesus, the righteous Branch of David, will set His feet on the Mount of Olives and establish His kingdom of justice, righteousness, and peace on earth, for men of goodwill.
And in the fullness of time, God sent the Prince of Peace to be born of a virgin in the little town of Bethlehem, as the sacrifice for the sin of mankind.
He came in dishonour and shame, so that at the appointed time He would be exalted as the Lord of Peace and crowned as the King of Peace, for He is the God of peace and the wellspring of peace.
The Lord Jesus knew the deep distress they were facing and the shocking persecution that they were going through, and His letter must have given them much comfort and encouragement - enabling them to hold fast to their faith during this time of extreme oppression.
He used the phrase: Day of the Lord, seven times in his writings and paints a dark and gloomy picture of a time when God's wrath will be poured out on a God-hating sinful world that has rejected His anointed Messiah, refused His offer of salvation, and defiantly celebrates sin.
At the time of writing, the few attempts by godly leaders to turn the people back to righteousness by worshipping the true and living God, had fallen on the deaf ears of a defiant and disobedient nation.
Although many of the stern warnings in his short book were fulfilled when the southern kingdom of Judah was finally swept into Babylonian slavery, the ultimate and final fulfilment is yet future: The Day of the Lord's wrath, will be poured out during the 70th week of Daniel, that future time of Jacob's Trouble, when the full force of God's wrath and anger will be spewed out on a world that rejected His Son and refused to be saved by grace through faith.
Before time and space were created and before angelic voices chorused their harmonic, holy, holy, holy, in heavenly places, was 'The Word'.
The Word not only dwelt with God from before time began, or space and matter existed, but the Word was true God - for the Lord, our God is One Lord and yet presents Himself in Three perfect Persons of the same substance, of identical essence, consubstantial, co-eternal, co-equal, co-infinite - Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Every detail of Christ's conception and birth appears to be rooted in problems and difficulties, far removed from the smooth, stress-free time one would expect for the arrival of the only begotten Son of God into the world, and yet, every aspect of His first advent was planned from the foundation of the world, and every day of Christ's life was scheduled to carry out the will of the Father.
And the Lord used Caesar's mercenary decree and Mary's 'embarrassing' condition, to ensure that His only begotten Son was in the right place at the right time so that He could be born in Bethlehem of Judea: And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.
Some of God's servants are willing people who, like the great queen Esther, understand that they have been placed in a special position for such a time as this.
Just as Christ was filled with the Spirit throughout His time on earth, so also His Body (which is the Church), was to be filled with the Spirit.
The Book of Acts is a time of transition from the pre-Cross dispensation of the Law, when God was working through Israel, to the post-Cross dispensation of grace, when the Church became God's ministers of reconciliation through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
When the Church began to realise that the saving message of the gospel of grace was not only for Jews, Jewish proselytes, and men of Israel living in different parts of the world, but was also to be be given to the Samaritans in Samaria and Gentiles in the uttermost parts of the earth, there followed a time of peace in the land.
This was a time when the Church expanded and the believers continued to be built up in the fear of the Lord.
This was a time when they were obeying the will of God, carrying out Christ's commands, obeying the leading of the Spirit, and walking in spirit and truth.
And this was a time when they all experienced the comfort of the indwelling Holy Spirit in their hearts.
We read: Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.' At the same time, the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God, will fall on their faces and worship the Lord their God saying, 'We give You thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, who are and who were, because You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign.' These loud and joyful voices are announcing that the long-awaited reign of the Lord Jesus Christ over the world is on the horizon.
While The Tribulation lasts for a full 7 years, Jeremiah calls the second half of the Tribulation: The Time of Jacob's Trouble.
The Great Tribulation, which will be the most terrible time on earth as God's wrath is poured out, is the final three and a half years of Gentile rule on earth.
Time and again Israel broke their covenant relationship with God, who punished them by sending them into exile in Babylon.
And we are currently living during a time (the Church age), when God has set Israel aside.
When the 7th angel sounds his trumpet, this prophesied Time of Jacob's Trouble will begin, when Israel (as a nation) will have to be punished for their past sin, but it is also the prophesied time when Israel (as a nation) will call on the name of the Lord to save them from their enemies.
With the passage of time, Peter came to recognise that Jesus is the omnipotent God Who is One with the Father, Who supplies strength for the daily needs of His blood-bought children.
Peter knew that his time on earth was soon to end and wanted to instil in the minds of those that followed, the truth, the power, the importance, and the veracity of the Word of God.
Arise, Christian, it is time to awaken from sleep!' What a lovely picture of the weary soul, rising up to meet the morning's freshness, as the first-flush of the sunlight's golden beauty pierces the morning curtain... drawing us back into consciousness, that the day has arrived, and we must wake-up from our slumber and make ready for the duties of the day.
We are called to wake from any spiritual slumber, for now our salvation draws ever closer. Christ is coming to take us to be with Himself and the time is getting nearer.
We are moving nearer to the end of this life's dark night, where we will throw off this tent of flesh and be clothed in our new, glorified, resurrection bodies - and so we shall ever be with the Lord Jesus, for the rest of time and throughout all eternity.Do this!
It is at this point, as he begins to draw his letter to a close that Paul reminds us that because we are in the last days, it is high time to awaken out of our slumbering sleep.
because you know the time!
We have been given the blessed hope of His imminent return, and we are to establish it anew in our hearts, every moment of every day. Throughout our Christian life, our focus should always be on Christ, but as the time for His return draws ever closer we are exhorted to WAKE UP, from our spiritual sleep, and remember that our salvation... i.e.
And let us seek to use the time we have left on earth..
By the Word of His power He upholds all things - and at the appointed time He came to earth as the Word of God made flesh - to save His people from their sins and to set up the promised kingdom of God.
The time for Christ's departure had come... and although the separation from their Master was a painful prospect for the confused disciples, nevertheless they were to discover an inner strength and receive extraordinary comfort that was not available to them during Christ's lifetime on earth.
But the time was at hand when Jesus was to leave them and God would send the Holy Spirit to take His place.
A time was coming when the Spirit of Christ was to indwell the heart of all who trusted Him for salvation.
Though John may not have fully understood, he prophesied that at a future time Christ the King would baptise these repentant believers who turned to Christ as Messiah, with the Holy Spirit of God: He will baptise with the Holy Spirit and fire, he proclaimed.
He had already appeared to many believers after His Resurrection, one here, a couple there, and one occasion He showed Himself to 500 at one time, but ten days after He ascended to heaven on that special feast of Pentecost, 120 faithful followers were waiting together for the momentous occasion when Christ would baptise them with the Holy Spirit.
The Lord restores my soul, he continues, He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. These beautiful words are from the canticle that has comforted multiple millions of weary souls, and encouraged countless generations, since the time that Israel's beloved Shepherd-King, penned this well-loved Psalm.
Just as David found himself to be spiritually parched and in need of direction, so saints down through centuries of time, have turned to these words to bring solace, sympathy, healing, and hope in this broken world system.
But He also finds us and restores us from the error of our foolish wanderings and then gently guides us back into the path of peace, where He establishes our way and leads us along the proper path, for He knows the way that we should take... and after He has tested and tried us, for a little time, we shall come forth as gold.
They have closed their eyes; otherwise, they might see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and return, and I would heal them.' And so, for the third and last time in his ministry, we hear Paul's scathing rebuke: Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen.
During his imprisonment in Rome, God enabled this devoted apostle of Christ to rent his own house, where he was able to use his tent-making skills to support his time in prison.
He is the federal Head of an entirely new race of humanity which will stretch through time and into eternity, for old things have passed away and all things have become new.
The Philippian Christians had obviously supported Paul financially in the past, but it appears that some time had elapsed with no supplemental help from them.
But imagine the thrill and anticipation that must have pounded their heart as they heard those words of encouragement for the very first time: You seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified.
It was 2000 years ago that those earth-shattering words were heard for the very first time, but too frequently in our age and generation, those profound words are taken for granted and the eternal significance is lost in the echo of their familiarity.
Christ appeared the first time to put away sins forever, and although today He is sitting at the right hand of the Father and one day will appear for a second time when He comes to set up His kingdom, His sacrifice for sin was made once and for all - completed forever at Calvary.
God is in heaven, and to all who believe that Christ Jesus as Saviour, He will appear a second time.
The first distinguishing feature of a true servant of God, is one who demonstrates great endurance in the midst of trials and difficulties, while at the same time maintaining a deep regard for the well-being of others who are going through their own troubles and adversities.
The unsaved man does not understand the things of God because they are spiritually discerned and during His time on earth it was the Lord Jesus who opened up Old Testament Scriptures to those who believed.
Despite their simplicity, his words of awe and wonderment engender in each of our hearts a timeless truth... that was as far-reaching in the life of David as it is today - a gospel that continues to reverberate down the corridors of time into our own redeemed lives so many thousands of years later.
We are exhorted, as children of God who are born-again in Christ, towards purity of heart, the pursuit of peace, compassion, mercy, and godly living... and yet this epistle is written during a time of severe suffering and increasingly intense Christian persecution.
Let us exercise all Paul's short, crisp instructions for godly living that are found in this final section of His epistle to the Romans, as well as taking time to study this lengthy and weighty letter that has been written for our learning so that we too may live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.
Scripture identifies 'the Day of the Lord' as a time when God not only punishes His people but also brings reconciliation.
Both Testaments also identify 'the Day of the Lord' as a time when disobedient Israel will turn back to the God of their fathers and repent of their sins.
This verse gives us a graphic and descriptive precursor of that the terrible time that is yet to come.
There is no time to delay.
But after that time of great distress, Satan will be bound for 1000 years and Christ will rule and reign on earth with a rod of iron.
The time for Christ's return is closer than when we first believed and 'the Day of the Lord' is certainly closer than when Joel wrote his prophecy to Israel: Blow a shofar in Zion.
A similar cry to the righteous judge of the whole earth, has been ascending to the throne-room of grace from many who have been oppressed down through centuries of time.
The current world system is being governed, for a time, by a fallen creature who through pride and deceit has attempted to usurp the power and authority of Almighty God, and enslave the children of men.
And just as in the time of David, there are many today who continue to cry out to the Lord to be rescued from wicked men and delivered from evildoers.
The time for Christ's exodus from this world was fast approaching.
Each one of us have dwelling within our hearts the omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, glorious, gentle Holy Spirit, Who has come to live in us, to be our Advocate and Counsellor, our Teacher and Instructor, our Comforter, and our ever present Helper in time of trouble.
However, there are many other wonderful offices the Spirit undertakes in the life of a Christian that are ongoing throughout our time on earth, and are often called His 'experiential' inner workings.
In this passage, John is explaining to believers that they were living in the last hour, and that the time was short.
And after the Church has been taken away - during the time of Jacob's Trouble, Israel will turn to this prophecy once more, and know that after the great battle of Armageddon, the Lord will go forth, and fight against the nations that have ravaged Jerusalem, taken half the city captive, and shaken their fist in the face of God.
They will call out for their Messiah and the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth, a second time, to rescue His people once again, and set up His Millennial kingdom.
Christians are not appointed to God's wrath and some wonder why we need to know about the great and terrible Day of the Lord, when we will not have to endure the horrific time to come.
If the only way to escape that terrible time to come is through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, should we not take every opportunity to tell our loved ones, our friends, our relatives, our neighbours, our work colleagues, and those we meet, the good news of the gospel of grace and the terrible consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation?
He was being heralded as 'the One sent from God to set up the prophesied Messianic kingdom', and the question in the heart of all Jewish people at that time would be, do I qualify to enter the kingdom of heaven?
It is not surprising that when Jesus told them that the outpouring of the promised Holy Spirit would take place within a few days of His ascension into heaven, that the disciples eagerly asked Him the question: Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?
The kingdom would certainly be set up as foretold in Scripture, for God's Word cannot be broken, but it would be set up at God's appointed time and in His preordained way.
The Lord Himself has fixed an exact time, by His own will and authority as indicated in the Bible, but in His sovereignty, God has chosen not to tell us the exact details.
But we have an assurance that His promises are sure, His Word is true, and that the Father has fixed them by His own authority and will fulfil them in His time and His way.
God knows those who through their free-will choice will trust in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ for salvation during their lifetime on earth, and it is because God is omniscient that He knows ahead of time the choices each one of us will make.
He willingly and obediently bore the accumulated sin of the Christ-rejecting, God-hating, sinful world of man, as the accumulated punishment of all humanity, which we justly deserve, was compressed into those three most bitter hours in time and through eternity.
And the eternal bond which knit together the Father and Son was severed for the first time: At about the ninth hour of the day.
The conclusion that every man and woman born into the human race has to reach at one time or another, is the answer to the eternally significant question, What think ye of Christ, who do you say He is?
We have all been through a difficult circumstance in life, but it is only as we look back on all that happened that we come to a fuller appreciation of its deeper significance and receive greater understanding of all that God was doing in our life at that time.
But the time had come when the tenor and tone of Christ's message had to be faced.
Jesus had many more things to say to His disciples, but knew they were unable to bear them at this time, so instead of telling them plainly that He was to die, He answered: Where I go, you cannot follow Me now; but you will follow later.
At the appropriate time, she allows the little eaglet to free-fall from its secure perch, but quickly swoops down, only to catch the baby bird in the safety of her feathers - until he has learned to spread his own wings and soar into the heavens.
The Word of God is from everlasting, but in the fullness of time the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
And for a time, the eternal Son of God veiled His glory and shrouded His deity by coming to earth in human form, as the perfect Son of Man, in submission His Father in heaven.
He would have to leave the little band of disciples who had recognised Him as the Christ, the Son of the Most High God, and He knew that this would cause them deep confusion and bitter pain - for a time.
We were made one with Christ, united with Him, positioned in Him, brought back into fellowship with God our Maker, and given the right to enter the throne room of the Almighty to find grace to help in time of need.
We come to an understanding that the good works which God prepared for us to do during our time on earth, are translated into fine linens which are the righteous acts of the saints, carried out in the power of the Spirit.
There appears to have been a large number of widows in the church where Timothy pastored, and Paul spends considerable time instructing Timothy on how to behave towards this group of ladies and how best to support them.
It is to be a time when God will bring such severe distress upon men, that they will grope about as if they are blind.
Zephaniah is one of many prophets who writes about this coming time of terrible judgement, to be poured out on a sinful, godless world.
It will be a time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken, for it is the prophesied time of Jacob's Trouble.
It is the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy, during which time the Lord will pour out His furious wrath on a Christ-rejecting, sinful world, which refused His gracious offer of salvation.
He warned that it will be a time when the Lord will utterly cut man off, from the face of the earth.
Matthew tells us that this time will be so terrible, that unless those days are shortened, no flesh would be saved - but on account of the elect, those days will be shortened.
Zephaniah's fiery message warned that this coming time of Great Tribulation would be so harsh, that the Lord would consume everything in His path.
Throughout the Word of God, we are encouraged to call on the name of the Lord in time of trouble.
Approaching God's throne of grace, for mercy for help in time of need, should not be a last hope when all else has failed - but should be our first delight and dear desire.
For some time, David had tried to ignore his faults, but discovered that unconfessed sin becomes a grievous barrier that destroys our inner peace and blocks our communion with the Lord.
Zephaniah not only heard how the terrors of God's wrath were to destroy the idolatrous Philistines, Moabites, Ammonites, Ethiopians, Assyrians, and other pagan people, including the city of Nineveh who had repented of their sins in the time of Jonah, but he warned that God's righteous judgement would also fall upon Judah and Jerusalem who had followed after the idolatrous ways of their heathen neighbours.
We brought nothing into this world and will take nothing out of it, and yet too often we spend the majority of our time accumulating unimportant things and glorifying in the gaudy trinkets of this temporal world, at the expense of storing up a heavenly wealth of God's glorious blessings as part of our eternal heritage.
It was designed to be a time of spiritual refreshment and a sign-post to a future day of rest, when God would wipe away all tears from their eyes and set up His earthly kingdom of peace and prosperity, where every man would sit under his own vine.
The 'Day of the Lord' is often referred to as 'The Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
It will be a time of terrifying tribulation poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, wicked world - such that has never been seen before.
It is a time when the world will burn like an oven and proud, wicked men will be consumed: Leaving neither root nor branch. But it is also the precursor to the joyfully anticipated advent of the promised Messiah: The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings.
For the time being, God's little remnant of Israel will have to wait patiently for Elijah to come, as foretold.
For the time being, Israel has been set aside as God's witnesses on earth, but that will change with the return of their Messiah Who will be heralded by Elijah the prophet.
They did not understand at the time, that they must first repent of their sin, and be declared righteous by faith.
Once again, Peter was able to deliver more scriptural evidence that Jesus Whom they crucified, was their promised Messiah; the greatest Prophet of all time and the eternal King of Israel.
No matter what circumstances of life may lie before us and no matter what difficulties may beset our path, we must never forget, that Paul's time-honoured question, in this amazing book of Romans, commands only one ecstatic response - NO-ONE, Praise His holy name!!
The gospel of the kingdom that had been taught during Christ's earthly ministry was postponed until the time of the end, because Israel rejected and crucified their Messiah.
As Daniel explains, this is the last week in a 70-week period (the final 7-years in a 490-year time span).
This verse is considered to be one of the most illuminating prophecies of Old Testament Scripture that relates to the 'time of Jacob's trouble' and the Second Coming of Christ.
The time clock paused for Israel and the interlude we call the Church Age began.
And, for a time, the Lord instituted the Church to go into all the world and spread-abroad the gospel of grace - that Christ died and is risen as the sacrifice for sin.
This interlude will end when the Church is removed at the Rapture, the time clock will re-commence for Israel, and this important 7-year prophecy of the 70th week will start to be fulfilled.
However, a multitude without number will hear the good news of the coming kingdom... and will be saved during this terrible time of trouble.
Perhaps we should all examine the hidden motives of our heart as we give of our time, our money, our skill, and our talents, to see if our hearts are filled with joy and grateful thanks for all that Christ has done for us - or if we are still using our Christian giving in response to legalist bondage, selfish motives, or for any other unbiblical purpose.
As His children we are called upon to watch, be ready, redeem the time, finish the race that is set before us, and work the works of God in our lives in spirit and in truth, in gentleness of heart, and in a quietness of mind.
That time of terrible Tribulation will come like a burning furnace.
Praise God that the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' is designed to bring His people back to Himself so that the nations of the world may know that HE is the Lord.
The first four words of the Bible states its origin: In the beginning GOD... It was the beginning of everything; time, matter, space, and universal laws.
He also described post-Resurrection appearances, when the Lord Jesus presented Himself alive to His followers by many convincing proofs for 40 days, during which time He taught about the kingdom of God and presented Himself as Israel's promised Messiah.
Peter clearly realised that if there were only 11 apostles, Christ's prophetic words could not be fulfilled and from his account in Acts 1, it appears that he and the other apostles expected the Lord Jesus to return very, very soon, to set up His Messianic Kingdom, for as Jesus was ready to ascend into heaven, Peter asked Jesus, Lord, is this the time when You will restore the kingdom to Israel?
Jesus came to earth at God's appointed time to save His people, Israel, from their sins and set up God's kingdom on earth - but Israel rejected their Messiah, and the kingdom He came to set up had to be postponed until the nation of Israel repents of the communal sin of rejecting their Messiah.
He recognised that the new apostle needed to be a man who had not only been with them all from the beginning of John the Baptist's ministry, until the day when Jesus was taken up into heaven, but was also a man who would become the 12th witness, to testify to Christ's Resurrection: Therefore, Luke explains in this passage, he must be chosen from among the men who have accompanied us during the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John (from the start of John the Baptist's ministry) until the day Jesus was taken up from us.
The first eleven verses of this chapter give important information about the prophesied 'Day of the Lord' which will come upon the inhabitants of the earth like a thief in the night. 'The Day of the Lord' is that coming time of terrible Tribulation, which is sometimes called 'Daniel's 70th week' or 'The Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
We are not going to be overtaken by this terrible time of trouble, when God pours out His wrath on a God-hating, Christ rejecting, sinful world - for in the previous chapter Paul explained what was in store for Christians!
The price of sin paid in full. 'It is finished' and He did it on our account. Because we are already saved, we are to be removed in the Rapture before this terrible time, and we will be with the Lord, forever.
The old apostle Peter knew that his time on earth was short, but felt it necessary to continue reminding believers of the truths of the Word of God and of the responsibility we all have to become increasingly established in the gospel of Christ so that we may grow in grace and become increasingly fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
What a wonderful truth to discover, that no matter what difficult circumstance we may be facing, God is our strength and stay, a very present help in time of trouble, and He has promised to be with us no matter what trials and temptations may confront us.
Let us not fear, though the earth be moved and all that is familiar to us has been swept away by the tide of time.
He was told that he would remain silent and unable to speak until the day when these things took place, because he did not believe the Word from the Lord which will be fulfilled in their proper time.
Israel's sin had to be punished, and the time of Jacob's Trouble had to take place, if prophetic Scriptures and God's promises were to be fulfilled.
John knew that the kingdom had been postponed for a time, because Christ had been rejected by Israel and crucified, instead of being hailed as King of kings and Lord of lords.
John seemed to understand that opening the scroll would bring in the prophesied time of Tribulation, which must precede the prophesied Kingdom of God.
John seemed to understand that IF the 70th week of Daniel (the Time of Jacob's Trouble) was permanently postponed because there was no one worthy to open the scroll, God could never bring His plans and purposes to pass.
The 'end times' to which Paul referred in this passage, started in the time of the apostles and continue to the present day.
The elder apostle instructed Timothy to pay no attention to the foolish myths and traditions of his day that were circulating at the time.
Like worldly ambitions of today, the pagans of Paul's time engaged in transient aspirations and pursued goals that were temporary.
He points out that while engaging in disciplined, physical exercise gives a little benefit during our time on earth, a life that is set apart for God is beneficial in every way, not only in this world but in the life that is to come.
Paul's teaching to Timothy about 'the end times' in 1 Timothy 4 has been of immense value to Christians, through centuries of time.
How important, therefore, to give the most earnest heed to all the things that we have been taught in holy Scripture... through the power of the indwelling Spirit - lest at any time we let them slip.
He was foreknown before the creation of the world, revealed at God's appointed time, and was made manifest for our sake when He was born into His own creation to become the Saviour of the world, by means of His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
He was the eternal Son even before the world was created, and yet He was not fully revealed as our Kinsman-Redeemer until that appointed time when He was born into the human race as the sacrifice for our sin.
Oh yes, on the one hand, Christ was foreknown before the creation of the world, but on the other hand, He was revealed at the end of time for our sake.
Much time would have to elapse before the promised Blessing which God had pledged to this father of faith, would came to tabernacle among men and give His life as a ransom for many so that through Him, all the families of the earth would be blessed and many would be made righteous, by faith.
Noah knew neither the day nor hour of the flood, but God's appointed day arrived when it was time to go inside: And the LORD said to Noah, 'Come, you and all your household into the ark.
God granted him favour in the eyes of the prison warden, who placed him in authority over the other prisoners during his time in prison, and the Lord made everything that Joseph did to be successful.
However, the cup-bearer suddenly recalled Joseph's ability to interpret dreams during his time in prison, and so Pharoah ordered Joseph to be brought to him from the dungeon.
This is the first time Scripture mentions the Holy Spirit coming upon someone, and Pharoh recognised that there was something special about this man.
By the time the author has reached chapter 12, the need for faith rather than works has been clearly outlined and explained... and believers are exhorted to hope in Christ and to recognise that the terrors of the Law and the wrath of God, have been removed from all who believe, by faith, in the shed blood of Jesus Christ Who cleanses the heart and affords for us an eternal pardon from the God of the universe.
What a glorious responsibility that I can come near the throne of grace and find mercy to help in time of need.
Let us use our time wisely, for we can come with confident access into the presence of God in prayer and praise, through faith in Christ.
Never let us forget that through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we have boldness and confident access to God. Day by day, let us know and apply this glorious truth in our situation in our life, and in the time we have left on this mortal realm.
John was not told why this period of awesome silence will happen with the breaking of the last seal, but no doubt there will be a deep sense of anticipation, for even the never-ending worship of God, which a multitude of angelic beings started when time began, will be hushed.
Praise that has been resounding in heavenly places since the beginning of time will stop for this specified time of half an hour.
Time is short, and as those who will escape the wrath to come, we should take every opportunity to urgently warn a world that is sinking deeper and deeper into sin, to pay attention to Scripture, to heed biblical warnings, and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, for there is NO other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
Christ had come into the world to carry out the will of His Father in heaven, and during the short span of time that Jesus lived on earth, He was called to deliver God's message of reconciliation to a world that was lost, dying, blinded, and doomed.
And at the appointed time, He would give His life as a ransom for many.
What a solemn warning to work the works of Him Who has called us out of darkness into His glorious light, knowing that our brief time on earth is the only small window of opportunity that we have to live our lives as unto the Lord - for the night indeed is coming when no man can work.
We are not simply directed to love our neighbour as we love ourselves, as were saints in Old Testament time, but we are to love one another with the same love that Christ loved us, when He willingly came to earth to be born into the human race so that He could give His life to pay the price for our sin.
At that time, the Tabernacle of the Lord was pitched at Shiloh, and Elkanah was accompanied by his two bickering wives.
Hannah's prolonged barrenness did not diminish over time and on one occasion she was so distraught and in such deep pain that she cried out in desperation to the Lord for help.
Each one discovered that His grace is sufficient in the lives of those who live by faith and reach out to Him for help, in time of trouble.
Christians of the past 2 millennia will come out of their graves, followed by Christians alive at that time.
In the little time we have left before the Lord comes for His Church, let us tell all we meet about the glorious gospel of Christ and may many be saved and join us in the resurrection of Church-Age Saints in the Rapture of the Church.
He explained that the Lord, the God of heaven, had appointed him to build Him a house at Jerusalem in the land of Judah, and at that time, the Jews were permitted to return to their promised homeland, to carry out the rebuilding work.
As we consider the world in which we live and the ungodly behaviour of many in the corridors of power today, we can give thanks that God is always in control of our lives, and the sovereign ruler of all, just as He was during the time when Israel returned to Jerusalem, to rebuild their Temple.
Nothing created in time, and nothing lodged in space... including death and hell, can come between us and our heavenly Lord.
Nothing can snatch us out of our Father's hand and nothing can remove us from the nail-pierced hands of our Saviour, Who holds us securely, through time and into eternity.
Throughout the book, God's constancy was highlighted against a dark backdrop of Israel's carelessness, disinterest, and unfaithfulness, and Isaiah's writings make it clear that although fallen men cannot attain righteousness on their own, God understands our limitation and is able to make it available to us, by faith in the work of His Servant Messiah, Who would be born at God's appointed time.
There is not one, specific passage, which lists all the advantages we have received through salvation, but throughout the New Testament, our privileges and position in Christ sparkle like glistening jewels which have been randomly scattered throughout the Word of truth - for all who will take time to study.
Indeed, in Christ we are enabled to approach the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
Whatever the circumstances of your life or the decisions made in the global corridors of earthly rule, God is firmly and eternally in control, both of your life and over the governments of the world, and He has scheduled a time when He will put all principalities and powers under His feet.
We who are His children are also told to be of good cheer, for by His death and Resurrection He has overcome the world, and although we will inevitably face difficulties and dangers in this fallen world, the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
He was willing to admit that whatever things were at one time important to him had become insignificant and regarded as nothing... for the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus as his Lord and Saviour.
The more we take time to spend with the Lord, the closer our fellowship with the Father will become, and the more we will be captivated in His precious Word.
The more we delight in the law of the Lord and take time to genuinely meditate upon the pure, written Word of God, the more we will grow in grace and continue to be transformed into the lovely likeness of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ - to Whom be all praise and glory.
And the bitter consequences of Israel's rejection of God's appointed Messiah would dictate that she would shortly come under God's judgement, for a time.
And this time will continue until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in and the spiritual blindness of Israel will be lifted.
We are to persevere in prayer; to commit to pray and not to give up, especially when the answer seems a long time in coming.
Prayer is to become as regular as breathing, but too often prayer is the first Christian 'duty' to be dropped when life starts to close-in on us, or time seems to be at a premium.
Matthew and Mark record His heart-wrenching cry of Elí, Elí, lama sabachthani? - 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' For the first time, the eternal fellowship Jesus shared with God the Father and God the Spirit was shattered, and He uttered those most profound words of human terror.
John also records: It is finished, that great cry of victory when Satan, sin, death, and hell had been forever defeated, after Jesus had endured 3 hours of the most intense physical suffering, followed by three more hours of the most terrifying time, when He underwent spiritual separation from His Father and the Holy Spirit (i.e.
Did she recall that time when Jesus told her that He must be about His Father's business, at the age of 12, or that marriage at Cana of Galilee when her firstborn Son turned water into wine?
He has had regard for the humble state of His handmaiden - and behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed.
How sad that there are those who refuse Christ's offer of salvation and by their own free-will place themselves back under condemnation, through time and into eternity.
Paul knew the importance of prayer in the life of all born-again Christians, and urged this godly man to go boldly and ceaselessly to the throne of grace, for help and mercy in time of need.
Each newly established kingdom would be inferior to the previous ones, until the time of the end when the great God of all gods would send His anointed King of all kings and Saviour of all to smash to pieces every vestige of this succession of kingdoms, which enslaved the world for so long.
While the Law gave some hope that one day, fallen mans relationship with God could be restored, the new and better system is an eternal administration that is designed to restore our relationship with our Father in heaven, bring us into His holy presence, and be declared righteous in His sight, through time and into eternity.
And just as God called His chosen apostle-to-the-Gentiles home at his appointed time, so the Lord will do the same for each one of us.
In Psalms we read, precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints, but how precious for us to know that our times are in God's hands and He will one day call us home, to be with Himself, at His appointed time and in His appointed way.
They were to be placed inside an earthen storage jar so that they would last a long time, and be a witness that God would one day bring back His scattered people to the land of their fathers.
He lived among a generation of Jews that would be catapulted headlong into a terrible time of tribulation, because they refused to listen to the truth of God's Word.
Jeremiah knew that despite the coming time of trouble for Israel, God will one day fulfil His promises to His people.
The Word of the Lord is rejected and ridiculed on all sides, and soon a day is coming when the world in which we live will be catapulted into a time of Great Tribulation (the Time of Jacob's Trouble), when God's wrath will be poured out on a world that has rejected the Truth and refused God's saving grace through faith in Christ.
The main focus of this section is the seven-year Tribulation Period, which is often referred to as, 'The Time of Jacob's Trouble', in the Old Testament.
It is a time of Great Tribulation when God's wrath will be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world, with the purpose of bringing repentant Israel back to faith in God and to trust in Jesus Christ, their Messiah and King.
Christ also referred to that momentous time when the power of death would be broken in His own life and in the lives of all who trust Him for salvation.
Christ Himself reminded us that it is hard for those that are rich to enter the kingdom of God, and argues of the futility of gaining the whole world at the expense of one's soul-life: No one can serve God and money at the same time, Jesus further informed us, and any wealth we may have in this life is a gift from the Lord to be used in His service.
The Lord had just returned from the country of the Gadarenes, on the eastern side of the Galilee where he had cast a legion of demons out of a wild man whom they had tormented for some time, and Jesus restored him to a sound mind.
Whether we like it or not, it is good to recall that there was a time in our life when we were dead in our sin and at enmity with God.
Though we were at one time immersed in the sea of fallen humanity and soaked in sin, we have been rescued by God's grace and have been clothed in Christ's robe of righteousness.
On that day, we read that all believing Israel will be saved and in this passage, Isaiah gives an amazing testimony of that still-future time.
He speaks of that promised time when peace and prosperity will finally be instituted - and Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron.
The redeemed of Israel in this passage, know that a day of judgement is coming... for the spirit of prophecy has warned for millennia that a day is coming when God will judge the nations in righteousness - it is the time of Jacob's Trouble.
The time of Jacob's Trouble is when God pours out His wrath on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
This was the last time that Paul was to see his brothers and sisters in Ephesus, but his warning is as pertinent today as it was when he bid these dear believers farewell.
The book of Ruth opens with the sad story of Naomi, who lived during the time of the Judges when everyone started to do what was right in their own eyes.
Having wandered for 40 years in the wilderness, the nation of Israel crossed the River Jordan into the Promised Land, but time and again, God's people did evil in the sight of the Lord Who punished them for their ungodly ways and broken covenant.
He had just reminded the assembled company of the history of the nation, from the time God took Abraham from the region beyond the Euphrates River, led him throughout the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants, to their conquest in the Promised Land, when the Lord gave Israel a land for which they did not labour, cities which they did not build, and provision from vineyards and olive groves they did not plant.
At that time, the people committed to serving the Lord and renounced the false gods that were already in the land, which is the only acceptable choice for God's people.
This passage is dealing with the time when God's promises to Abraham and David will finally be fulfilled.
It is the time when all Israel will acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Messiah and King.
This is the period of time when Israel will complete their covenanted mission to preach the 'gospel of the kingdom' throughout the world - a task originally given to them through Moses.
It is in the final three and a half years of the Great Tribulation, which is often called 'The Time of Jacob's Trouble', that Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of the people of Israel, will arise as their great protector.
But it will be a time of intense distress, such as never occurred since there was a nation, until that time.
Throughout the entire history of the world, we can identify times of shocking cruelty and periods when the most horrific deeds are perpetrated by evil men against the people of God, but the period that Daniel describes in this verse is to take place at the conclusion of the Great Tribulation and is a time of intense distress such as has never occurred since there was a nation until that time, and will never happen again.
It is at that time - the end of the Great Tribulation, that Satan will unleash every ounce of his satanic powers against God's holy nation of Israel as never before... and we read, in Zechariah, that during that time two-thirds of that nation will be slaughtered.
Those that are saved by grace, because of their faith during this terrible time of trouble, and yet are killed for their faith, will be resurrected to life immortal.
Those that are saved by grace, because of their faith during this terrible time of trouble and endure to the end, will be those that enter into the Millennial Kingdom of Christ in their physical bodies.
They are the ones who will live on the earth during this promised time of prosperity and peace.
The return of Christ in the clouds and the removal of His mystical Body (the Church) at the Rapture, must take place before the prophesied Day of the Lord, which begins with the 7-year Tribulation period (the 70th week of Daniel - the time of Jacob's Trouble).
And we are to redeem the time and occupy with all diligence, in godly pursuits, and holy conduct.
He knows the day when: The heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But God, Who is omniscient, has graciously chosen to allow the prayers, praises, actions, and attitude of His people, to influence His heavenly time-clock.
Many are fearful about the coming time of Tribulation, when God's wrath is poured out on a Christ-rejecting sinful world, but for the Christian, this should not instil fear.
We live in this world for a brief span of time, but we have been given an equally important commission to go when Christ sends us or to stay in the place where God has chosen to place us.
But just as it is today, there were those in Paul's time who questioned his authority because he did not receive the gospel he taught from Christ's apostles.
It was Paul who encouraged us to give thanks in everything – so let our hearts and voices explode into a great hymn of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD, for He is good and His steadfast love endures forever, for His faithfulness extends throughout time and into the far reaches of eternity.
Jesus is looking forward to the time when they will hear their Messiah's call, respond to His words, proclaim the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world, and become a fruitful fig tree that brings forth the fruit of righteousness.
These words from Scripture have comforted multitudes of God's children down through the corridors of time.
They were uttered to the confused disciples as they approached their greatest time of trial and anxiety that was to shroud their lives for three days of deep dark agony of soul, as the One they loved and trusted was snatched from their sight and all hope of the coming kingdom Christ promised, evaporated like the mist of the morning.
But the Lord Jesus spoke gracious words of comfort and encouragement to their troubled hearts, caring words that have travelled down the corridors of time and been such a blessing to so many countless saints: Let not your heart be troubled...
King David's prophetic hymn tells of the time when a remnant of believing Jews will return to their homeland and once again take up their harps and praise the God of their salvation.
David wrote of the time when one of His descendants would sit upon his kingly throne and rule the world in righteousness.
Israel as a nation did not recognise the time of their visitation, when Jesus came to offer His people the kingdom of God and presented Himself as their promised Messiah.
He recognises that this will be a time when the Davidic Covenant he received from the Lord in 2nd Samuel 7 will reach its fulfilment, and Israel will repent of their sin in rejecting their Messiah and declare, both nationally and individually, their love and loyalty to Jesus Christ, their God and King.
David gave us a wonderful example of a man who lived by faith, trusted God Word, and confidently expected God to fulfil all His precious promises, in His time and in His way.
The promised 'end of days' had arrived but Christ was rejected, Israel was set aside for a season, and God's work through His chosen nation was postponed, for a time. (We now know that God will start to work through Israel once more during the coming 'Day of the Lord's wrath' - that coming 7-year Tribulation Period prophesied by Daniel and spoken about in Revelation).
Since the Cross, ALL who believe, both Jew and Gentile, are redeemed by Christ's shed blood as a completed action - and today we are living in the last days which is why Paul said, NOW is the day of salvation, and reminded the Corinthian Christians that God had said, 'At the right time I heard you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.' Listen - NOW is really the 'right time'! NOW is the day of salvation.
God heard the cries of His people, Israel, at the right time.
The 'acceptable time of the Lord' and the 'day of salvation' both refer to that wonderful day when Christ rose from the dead and broke the power of death and hell in the lives of ALL who will believe on His name. 'The day of salvation' has already come for those of us who have believed on His name.
Sadly, these legalists seek to return believers to pre-Cross slavery under the Law, instead of living in the post-Cross freedom under grace - which is why Paul quoted Isaiah in his epistle to the Corinthians when he wrote: We also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain - for He says, 'at the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.'
Behold, NOW is 'the acceptable time.' Behold, NOW is 'the day of salvation'
God revealed Himself to man in the starry heights, for the heavens declare the glory of God, and as time progressed, the nature and character of God were gradually unfolded.
From that time forward, Paul's singular mission was to tell out the good news to those that were lost in their sin, and the region of Galatia became a fruitful missionary field.
Paul had to dismantle these false teachings systematically, and one way he did this was to remind them that there was a time when he was as legalistically minded as these false teachers who wanted the Church to add Jewish teaching alongside Christian doctrine.
But despite all that Christ had said, the minds of all the apostles and disciples were not focused on spreading the good news of salvation but on the setting up of Christ's coming kingdom and thinking about the privileges that they would each receive: Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?
The disciples were anticipating that wonderful time when Christ would reign as King of kings and Lord of lords, when the wolf would lie down with the lamb, and the earth would be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
The disciples understandably were expecting that kingdom to be set up immediately, and hence their excited enquiry: Is it at this time You are restoring Israel's kingdom?
And while early chapters of Acts chronicle Israel's rejection of the Spirit, God in His mercy is pouring out His grace for a season on the Church and will in time restore His errant nation of Israel back to Himself.
Like Israel in time past, the Body of Christ are God's witnesses in the world today, and as His people we have a choice to resist His ways (as did Israel), or to yield to His direction.
For Christ's sake, we should be content to suffer various persecutions, pains, and difficulties, knowing that He not only gives us the necessary strength to endure, but that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Nehemiah was in fellowship with the Father, for his sins were forgiven and confessed up to date, and so he was well able to come to the throne of grace for mercy to find help at this time of need.
'If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favour before you, send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' tombs, that I may rebuild it.' Then the king said to me, 'How long will your journey be, and when will you return?' So it pleased the king to send me, and I gave him a definite time.
Similarly, we KNOW that Jesus is coming for His Bride, at the right time - but like Ruth, we have to watch patiently and eagerly await the coming of the Lord, when we will meet Him in the air.
Ruth longed for Boaz to come to her, but we hear the wise advice of her mother-in-law, sit still my daughter, until you know how the matter will fall: for the man will not rest, until he has finished the thing this day. Ruth had to learn patience as she waited for Boaz to attend to the important business affairs regarding their marriage union, and Ruth had to trust him to return at the appropriate time, when all the arrangements had been completed - to claim her as his bride.
Paul was selected to be God's appointed apostle to the Gentiles so that the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ might bring many sons to glory, not only in his lifetime, but down through many centuries of time.
We do not have to go on long missionary journeys, spend time in prison, or pastor a church to enrol in the army of believers that endure suffering in order to become a good soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Although this psalm begins with an explosion of praise and a great celebration of the might, majesty, dominion, and power of our Sovereign God and Eternal Creator, the final verse points us to the goodness and grace of our Lord and Saviour Whose mercy is everlasting and Whose truth endures, through time, and into eternity.
In the time of David, when this song of thanksgiving was written, it was worshippers of Israel who would process through the gates of the city of Jerusalem and up to the Temple of the Lord with songs of praise on their lips.
Scripture informs us that Noah was a righteous man and blameless in his time, for Noah walked with God. The verse is sometimes translated, Noah was a righteous man and perfect in his generations.
Indeed, the very first time that Scripture mentions the word 'grace' is in connection with this man, Noah, who believed the Word of the Lord.
Noah was blameless in his time and walked with God because he was a sinner saved by grace.
He was declared blameless in his time and was credited with righteousness - by grace through faith.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time - and Noah walked with God.
He has brought about our adoption into son-ship, and through Him we are enabled to cry: Abba, Father, as we boldly approach the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
The writer of Hebrews was inspired by the Holy Spirit to pray that God would prepare and equip all believers to say: Thy will not mine be done in me, and to live a life that glorifies God forever and forever, through time and into eternity!
They would receive mercy and grace in time of need, and be granted God's gracious healing and spiritual wholeness: Then your light will break out like the first rays of dawn, were Isaiah's words of comfort to this little, faithful remnant:Your recovery will speedily spring forth and your righteousness will go before you.
Although they may have to wait for their renewal and restoration, it will certainly come at the appointed time and will not be slow, for they are promised: It will spring forth speedily, and they were further guaranteed that their righteousness would go before them.
A biblical dispensation is a recognisable economy which is designed to fulfil God's eternal plans and purposes for the world - through a certain group of people - during a particular period of time.
God, Who created the material universe and made man in his own image and likeness, chose to withhold information about 'the dispensation of the grace of God', until such a time as He deemed it necessary to reveal it to the world, through Paul.
The people felt as if they were in a dream, and Psalm 126 gives a peep into the hearts of Jewish men and women who along with their parents and grandparents had been forced to experience this terrible time of great trouble.
The rebellious and complaining nation needed to be reminded of WHO God is and that their God was the all-powerful Creator, the generous Provider, their strong Tower, their Shepherd, their Peace, and their Defender - their ever-present help in time of trouble.
Indeed, we note here that the early apostolic church had already adopted the Roman method of time-keeping, which runs from midnight to midnight, instead of the former, Jewish way.
It seems that they must have arrived in Troas some time on the second day of the week, but waited a whole week so that they could participate in the breaking of bread the next Sunday.
From this account, it appears that meeting together on the first day of the week to break bread together, was a very important time of Christian fellowship, as together with Paul the people of Troas celebrated the breaking of bread, on the first day of the week.
Even in Paul's day, there was much confusion and false teaching concerning the prophesied Day-of-the-Lord, the end of the age of grace, and the events during this time period, including when the Lord Jesus returns in the clouds to gather the Body of Christ to Himself in the Rapture, the seven-year period called the Tribulation, and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus to earth to set up His Millennial Kingdom on earth.
And let us in everything, by prayer and praise, rejoice in the Lord and abide in His love, for the joy of the Lord is indeed our strength, through time and into eternity.
And so, for those with eyes that could see, Jesus began to teach His kingdom parables, telling of things that must take place before the time appointed for Him to set up the kingdom of heaven on earth.
This time we see the all-pervasive spread of a little yeast throughout the entire batch of dough, confirming the horror of what the little Christian Church, which started at Pentecost, has become today.
And multitudes down through the corridors of time have simply believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and been saved from the punishment of sin and its diabolical wages, which is death.
It identifies the Messiah as the true Shepherd of Israel, speaks of His rejection and betrayal, and foretells of Israel's acceptance of a worthless, idle shepherd, who will rob and slay God's people during a time of Great Tribulation.
We have a God-given promise that no matter what happens during our waking consciousness or our sleeping moments we are kept safe in His hands, through time, and will live together with Him - in the eternal ages to come - for we are in Christ and Christ is in God - and He has promised that nothing and no-one can pluck us from His hands.
Our physical death is that time in our life when our born-again spirit returns to God and when our eternal soul is separated from our physical body.
Jesus died for us to pay the price for sin - BUT, He also rose again, so that whether we wake or sleep - whether we continue to live in this mortal realm or cast off this physical 'tent' when we die, we know that we will live together with Christ until the consummation of this Church age when we will be raised in an eternal and incorruptible body - for the rest of time (the Millennial kingdom) and for the eternal ages to come.
What a glorious time awaits us, when our spirit and soul go to join the Lord in the heavenly realm, for to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord - Who died for us, so that whether we are awake, (still living on earth) or asleep, (physically dead and buried in the ground) we will live together with Him,- for we have an eternal hope in Christ and an inheritance - that is saved for us in heaven.
This prophetic book paints an incredibly detailed word-picture of what will one day take place during the time of the seven-year Tribulation period which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, and includes the terrible time of Jacob's Trouble.
Although we are instructed to know and take to heart the truth in John's prophetic book, the seven thunders must, for the time-being, remain one of the mysteries of God that we are forbidden to look into: For the secret things belong to the LORD our God.
But for the time being there is one aspect of His Person, His Character and His Work that must remain hidden from our eyes.
During the Church age we are precluded by divine decree from knowing the significance and message of these awe-inspiring seven thunders, which will only be revealed in God's time, in God's way, and for God's ultimate plans and purpose.
He has saved us and called us with a holy calling, he wrote to Timothy, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
But to all who have received Him as their sin-substitute, down through centuries of time, by believing on His name, He has given the right and the authority to become children of God.
We are also told that Elijah will be one of the prophets that fulfils this role, prophesied by Isaiah, at the time of Christ's Second Coming, when He returns to save Israel in the clouds of glory with all His holy angels, to set up His Millennial Kingdom, and rule the world in righteousness and equity.
Men of Israel at the time of Christ who believed the voice of John the Baptist and trusted in Jesus as their Lord, have already received the many benefits of trusting in their prophesied Messiah, for their sins are forgiven, eternal life is their portion, and each one is being conformed, day by day, in the beautiful image and likeness of the Saviour, in Whom they placed their trust.
Men and women, both Jew and Gentile alike, who will place their trust in Christ as their Messiah during the coming 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' - and survive to the end - will likewise be saved by grace through faith, and will enter Christ's Millennial Kingdom in their physical bodies.
Those who place their trust in Christ as their Messiah, during the coming 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' - but are killed before the end - will likewise be saved by grace through faith, and will enter Christ's Millennial Kingdom, in their risen, glorified bodies.
How important for us to use the time we have on earth wisely and to set our mind on things above, for the riches of the wealthy are destined to evaporate like the morning mist, but that which is of true spiritual value has eternal worth and will never pass away.
As a result, God blessed him in many ways and even met him on the road bearing bread and wine, and delivering great blessings that would follow him down through time and into the ages to come.
David and his bosom companion had spent much time together, in one another's company.
He wanted the horrors of life that surrounded him, at that time, to be removed far away... but David had to learn that you can't run away from the circumstances of life, you can't escape from those that would do you harm, you can't live in this world and be free from trials and tribulations, you can't fly away to a deserted place and be at rest, for we live in a fallen world, we inhabit a fallen body and we live among a fallen race of fallen creatures.
They were not to see the full impact of their prophetic voice, for much of their message was for those who were to live in the time period between the advent of their promised Messiah, His suffering, and His glorious return to earth in power and great glory, as King of kings and Lord of lords.
Their prophetic eye could see two mountainous future peaks, but not the extended period of time that would pass between.
But soon after he was born again, he went to Arabia for a time before returning to Damascus, where he quietly shared the good news of the gospel of grace to Jews and Gentiles alike.
However, there were many who held fast to Jewish Law, legislation, rites, rituals, and feasts, and tried to incorporate Jewish traditions into the Church which conflicted with all that Jesus had taught Paul, and his message caused much contention and was resisted by many traditionalists and legalists, and Paul found it necessary to defend the gospel he taught - the gospel he was given by Christ, during his time in Arabia.
This little organ can produce the most beautiful blessings which give glory of God, while at the same time can pour forth the most un-sanctified filth and blasphemy which discredits His holy name.
When any of God's children are called upon to suffer hardships for the sake of Christ, we should seek to adopt the same godly attitude that Paul displayed in his letter to the Philippians: to rejoice in our sufferings for the sake of Christ and for His glory, knowing that the difficulties of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that will one day be revealed to all who suffered for His name's sake.
He is the man who rests in Christ and he is the one in whom the Lord Himself abides, for he produces the beautiful fruit of righteousness at the right time and in the best way.
It will be a time when the earth will be filled with the glory of God.
It will be a day when the wolf will lie down with the lamb, but it will follow a time of tremendous Tribulation.
Although there was a partial fulfilment of Israel's release from their captivity in Assyria and Egypt, the full and final fulfilment of this passage, where the kingdoms of Israel and Judah will unite to serve the Lord their God, and David their king, will take place after Israel, as a nation, cries out to the Lord for redemption during the coming 'time of Jacob's Trouble'.
As a young man, Peter sought to influence the Lord Jesus against His Father's will and had to be admonished by Jesus with the rebuke, get behind me Satan... But as a mature believer, his walk was so intimate with his Master that the Lord made it clear to him that it was soon time for Peter, to lay aside his earthly dwelling.
Paul warns that, their judgment, from long ago is not idle... for although it appears that many such teachers have been getting away with their satanic deception for a very long time and have led many astray with their unscriptural teachings... they are marked out by God for condemnation - which will, one day, fall on their heads and they will NOT escape.
And Paul considers that the sufferings, sadness, trials, and tribulations of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us.
Christ's cryptic message telling him that although Peter could not accompany him at that time he would follow later, emboldened the big fisherman to press the matter further by asking: Lord, why can I not follow You right now?
The ongoing story of redemption continues today and as we read through the Scriptures we are reminded of our own human frailty, the need to trust in the Lord with all our heart, and of His sufficient grace in time of need.
But Jesus spent some considerable time instructing His disciples to trust Him and not to worry about the things we need in life.
May we call to mind the wisdom of Paul, who faced every kind of disaster and difficulty in life, and refused to translate it in to worry, but wrote in his epistle to the Romans: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Every time these dear believers in Philippi came into his mind, Paul offered up intercessions and prayers of thanksgiving and praise for their great salvation.
I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, he wrote, and from the first day until now, I continuously make prayer requests for all of you... with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel. Paul was confident that the good work that God had started in the life of each believer would be brought to fruition in the 'Day of Jesus Christ' - that time when He returns in the clouds, to take us to be with Himself.
And so Paul's condemnation of the unfaithful, hypocritical, religious Jews of his day is equally true of unfaithful, hypocritical, religious Gentiles of our time, and his scathing words need to be heeded by all who have fostered an attitude of unjustified superiority today.
Christ is the eternal Son of God Who was born into the human race at Bethlehem, but there is one very special day, one unique moment in time, when God was able to announce: You are My Son, this day have I begotten Thee.
And so on one very special day, one unique moment in time and eternity, God was able to announce: Let all God's angels worship Him, for Christ is all in all.
Although many Christians identify 'the latter days' or 'the time of the end' as the season in which we live today, the Bible clearly indicates the 'end times' as the entire 2000 year-long Church dispensation in which we live.
God is not mocked, and judgement and punishment will be meted out to the wicked in His time and in His way, and deliverance is assured to those that are His, for ALL His ways are perfect and His judgement are altogether righteous.
Too often, unbelievers and uninformed Christians consider the Cross of Christ to be a sad occasion when evil triumphed over good, or a time when a good moral teacher was delivered up and His life cut short, causing God to have to quickly think again about how He was going to sort out the mess that man had left Him, following Calvary!
It was to be a time of great rejoicing and new beginnings, a time of liberty and freedom, where any wrongs were put right.
Anyone who had been sold into slavery was to be set free in this glorious time of celebration, and any land that had been sold during the previous 49 years, was to revert back to the original owner: You are also to count off seven sabbaths of years for yourself.
Seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven sabbaths of years, namely forty-nine years.
As we consider the never-ending love that flows throughout the Godhead, we can recognise that this is not a love that we ourselves could comprehend, for we are fallen creatures who are limited in our understanding and whose paltry love can fluctuate with time and change with the seasons.
The 70th week of Daniel heralds the prophesised Great Tribulation, which is sometimes called the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
The book of Revelation gives tremendous insight into the happenings of this terrible time in earth's history - when the wrath of God is poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world, which concludes with Christ's Second Coming to set up His Millennial Kingdom on earth.
But it is also a time when Israel finally recognises Jesus as their Messiah, and the Gentile nations finally know that God is the Lord, and that He is in control.
We discover that these are people who trusted Christ for their salvation during the Great Tribulation, but they lost their physical lives as martyrs during this time of terrible trouble and intense persecution.
For whatever reason, this great multitude, who were saved by the blood of the Lamb during this terrible time, did not believe in the Lord Jesus during the Church age and are not part of the Body of Christ, which is the Church.
During His time on earth, the Lord Jesus gave us a beautiful demonstration of what it means to abide in the Lord and rest in His love, for throughout His life, the Lord Jesus did only things that He saw the Father doing.
Jesus learned obedience to the Father by the things that He suffered so that as He faced the Cross, He was able to say: Thy will not mine be done. During His time on earth, the Lord Jesus glorified His Father in heaven by abiding in Him throughout His entire life.
Isaiah tells us that Jesus was the Son of Man that was born as well as the Son of God that was given, and Paul confirms that He is of the earthly Seed of David while at the same time being declared to be Son of God.
The Holy Spirit had already informed Peter that the time for his death was fast approaching, and so as he drew his last letter to a close he wrote: Dear friends, this is now the second of two letters I am writing to you, in which I have been trying to stimulate your pure minds by way of reminder.
Let us study to show ourselves approved unto God and use it daily to bring to our remembrance the things we have been taught, knowing the days are evil and the time for Christ's return is drawing every closer.
And by His grace, all needful instruction for life and godliness is to be found in the holy Scriptures, if we will but take the time to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest all that is needful for the soul.
Paul reminded Timothy that a day is coming when Christ would return to take His Church to be with Himself and that He would - at the proper time - set up His earthly kingdom which was promised to Abraham and his seed forever... for He is the blessed Son of the Almighty God, the only true Sovereign Lord, the almighty King of kings and eternal Lord of lords.
He alone dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen at any time..
To learn of the unsearchable wisdom and knowledge of Christ should be our life-time desire, and we should seek Him (Whom to know is life eternal), with our whole being.
This period of time will begin after the Church has been raptured, starting with the 7 year Tribulation period, continuing through the 1000-year reign of Christ on earth, and concluding when the first heaven and first earth pass away with a great noise (for God has promised there will be a new heaven and a new earth, in which righteousness will dwell).
He wanted the peace of God to flood each heart and for us to be spotless in thought, pure in word, gracious in deed, and holy in motive, knowing the time we have left is short.
And so, as Peter drew his final letter to a close, he entreated Christians everywhere to recall the teachings of Paul and to consider any apparent delay in the Lord's return as a demonstration of God's grace, whereby sinners are being given time and opportunity to turn from their sin and trust in Christ for forgiveness.
The 'Day of the Lord' begins a terrible time of judgement when God pours out His wrath on a sinful world for their rejection of Christ.
It continues with the Millennial rule of Christ, when Jesus will rule the earth with a rod of iron; a time when justice and righteousness will reign upon earth: For the patience of our Lord is an opportunity for sinners to be saved.
All that is required of us is to admit, in humility of heart, our lack, and accept His gracious offer to cast all our cares on Him, knowing that He cares for us and is well able to give us help in time of need.
We are to expect Him to answer our prayer, but He will do so in His time and in His way, for our greater benefit and for His greater glory.
May we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt us at the proper time, and may we cast ALL our anxiety on Him, because He cares for each one of His blood-bought children.
But David had not yet come to a full understanding that God is an ever present help in time of trouble, that the mercies of God are new every morning, and that He is faithful to hear and respond to the cries of all His children.
But He does it in His own time and in His own way.
And let us never forget that in Him we have access to the heavenly throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
Christ became the visible image of the invisible God, through time and into eternity, so that by believing on Him, fallen man might be redeemed from slavery to sin, the curse of the Law, and eternal separation from their holy Creator-God.
He announced that the time of their visitation had arrived, and that He was their Messiah and King.
He no doubt recalled Paul's description of the 'Day of the Lord', when sudden destruction would come on earth as unsaved people were calling 'peace and safety', and he would no doubt reflect on the many Old Testament passages that call this great and terrible Day as the 'Time of Jacob’s Trouble' and the 'Millennial rule of Christ', when the wolf will lie down with a lamb.
In consideration that the context of this passage is the 'Day of the Lord', and that Peter immediately draws our attention to the wisdom and understanding of our beloved brother Paul, who spoke so frequently of this future time, should we not be very careful to study the teachings of Paul, seeking out the truth in these matters?
This woman appears to be a social outcast from her village, for she did not come to the well in the crisp mist of the morning or in the cool of the evening-time, along with the other women.
However, for the time being, we eagerly wait for that future day when God will reveal to a waiting world, who His adoptive sons are in this Church-age.
Sadly, like the religious Jews who had a zeal for the Lord in time past, there are Christians today who desire to be righteous through their own merit.
They expend much of their time and energy in producing a works-based righteousness, which relies on what they do for God, rather than for what He has done for us (through the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus on the Cross of Calvary).
The importance of taking time to commune in private with our Heavenly Father cannot be sufficiently emphasised, but also our horizontal fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ is also of vital importance, and should not be ignored or dismissed.
At the time that Jesus spoke these words: The Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet died, resurrected, ascended into heaven and entered into His glory where he is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven.
It was at the Cross where all righteousness was finally and fully fulfilled for you and for me - through time and into eternity - but that day at the river Jordan, when John watched the sinless Son of God step into the baptismal waters of the Jordan, Jesus commanded: 'Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness.' Then he permitted Him.
They had to be united in the essentials of the good news they were teaching, and their articles of faith took time to develop into the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ, to which we adhere today.
How important when reading the book of Acts, to recognise that those formative days of Christianity were a time of transition from the pre-Cross period to a post-Cross era.
During this time, the Scriptures, which have become our plumb-line for truth, needed to revealed and agreed upon by holy men of God, through the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Because of the rejection of their Messiah, they will have to go through the Time of Jacob's Trouble, when God will bring His erring nation back to Himself.
This will begin with a time Great Tribulation when God pours out His wrath on those who refused His offer of salvation, while a multitude without number will call on the name of the Lord and rejoice together with all the heavenly congregation that salvation belongs to our God and to the Lamb.
The time Nehemiah spent in prayer and intercession for the nation, gave the Lord an opportunity to use His faithful servant in the fulfilment of his heart's desire.
And as the time for his departure drew ever closer, Peter wanted to ensure that those who had grown in grace and matured in the faith, were equipped to continue Christ's ministry of reconciliation, and to care for the flock of God - and so he spoke directly to the elders of the Church who had the authority over God's people.
Others, like this prophecy of Joel, have a partial fulfilment where a limited part of a prophecy takes place, while its full and final fulfilment awaits a future time.
We read: The testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy, but still only part of Joel's prophesy was fulfilled at this time.
It is God Who started a good work in us and it is God Who will complete it in the day of Christ Jesus, for as Paul concluded: I do not consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.
Christ is not only above us in honour and power, but is seated on the throne of God, above the heavens, the earth, and all of God's creation, waiting for the time when every enemy is made a footstool for His feet.
Right now, Christ is seated at the right hand of the Almighty, waiting for the appointed time when He will leave His seat and return to earth to finally defeat His foes and set up His earthy kingdom, as Israel's long-awaited Messiah and King.
However, there was one apostle who was not with the disciples from the beginning, who justifiably described himself as a being born out of time. That man was the apostle, Paul.
May we redeem the time we have left on this earth so that God is glorified through us, and others are encouraged by us.
They were encouraged to shout joyfully to the God of Jacob, as they blew the trumpet to celebrate the annual feast at the time of the new moon, and they celebrated the feasts of the Lord with timbrels and dancing.
From that time forward, every member of the human race comes into this world as a fallen creature, estranged from their Creator; a pro-created being who, from conception, is spiritually dead.
This was referring to His Second Coming to earth as the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah, which will not happen until the end of the Great Tribulation, the time of Jacob's trouble.
When would He come to fulfil this promise to set up His kingdom: What would be the sign of His return? And Jesus started to describe all the things that would take place in those seven years about which Daniel prophesied; the time which would lead up to His glorious kingdom rule.
It passed right over all that would happen in this Church age of grace and focused on that time when Christ would come to earth as Israel's returning King.
Just as Christ's earthly ministry was predominantly to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, so His response to the disciples' question was predominantly referring to the time of Jacob's trouble, the 70th week of Daniel, just prior to His return in the clouds when Israel will cry out: Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
And during the coming 70th week of Daniel, that future time of Jacob's trouble, Israel as a nation will finally and fully complete their God-given responsibility as His chosen people to tell the nations of the world about Jesus Christ; the Son of God and Son of Man, the Messiah of Israel, man's Kinsman-Redeemer, and the Saviour of the World.
The gospel of grace will continue to be taught until the end of this Church age until the time of Jacob's trouble, when the gospel of the kingdom will once again be proclaimed throughout the world.
The gospel of the grace of God will continue to be proclaimed until the time of the end about which the Lord Jesus told His disciples on that day when He departed from the Temple and started to tell them what would be the sign of His coming at the end of the age.
It was in the upper room on that last night before He was betrayed, that the Lord Jesus spoke of the coming Holy Spirit Who, at that time, was living ALONGSIDE them (in the Person of Christ Jesus Himself), and Who would one day live IN them (in the Person of Holy Spirit), after Christ's return to His Father in heaven.
Little did this faithful band of followers know that in ten days time they were to receive that promised baptism of the Holy Spirit, about which both John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself had spoken.
The manifestation of God's love towards the fallen race of man at Calvary as the entire floodgates of God's wrath was poured out on His dearly-beloved and only-begotten Son, was beyond Peter's comprehension at that time, but by the power of the Holy Spirit he would later receive illumination.
For a time, neither he nor any of the disciples understood the spiritual significance of what they had witnessed, although afterwards things would be made plain.
And although the Father was caused to turn away from the Son of His love as He became sin for you and for me, the Lord inclined His ear, heard His cry, and brought Him up from the terrible pit of destruction and the miry clay so that He could become the Rock of our salvation upon Whom we can stand firm, through time and into eternity.
No matter what pit of suffering and shame we may be required to endure, and no matter how deeply we sink into the quicksand of destruction, we have His assurance that He will set our feet back on the Rock of our Salvation and establish our goings out and our comings in, from this time forth even for evermore.
The Bible teaches that you cannot reverence God and man at the same time, and Paul addresses this issue in Galatians when he asks: Am I now seeking the favour of men, or of God?
It is the time of great hardship and trouble, when God will test their faithfulness.
Old Testament prophets call this the Time of Jacob's Trouble.
It is followed by the parable of the faithful and foolish steward, which represents God's judgement of all Jews, (both spiritual and carnal), who survive this terrible time of Jacob's Trouble.
Paul does not spend time teaching the errors of false doctrine, rather He sets out very clearly and concisely the truth contained in the gospel of God.
Paul does not spend time outlining the various errors that were evident in Judaism, Gnosticism, Pantheism, Polytheism ad nauseam, nor does he expound on the content of the various philosophies, idle fancies, wild imaginations, and convincing arguments that are rooted in human traditions and spring from a fallen world-view.
When David sought to depend on his own ingenuity and might, he discovered the inadequacy of his own abilities and energy, for David knew in his heart that salvation belongs to the Lord alone and that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.
Great is His faithfulness for the Lord our God is our salvation and His blessing is upon all His people throughout time and into eternity.
This third charger is an ominous black horse, who brings in his wake unprecedented food shortages across the globe, and his rider will usher in a time of great hardship, terrible scarcity, and unprecedented death.
During this time, food will become very scarce.
Throughout history there have been wars and famine, starvation and plagues, death and great suffering, but the shocking happenings that are to take place in this coming time of trouble, will be a period unequalled in the history of the world.
Only good and perfect things come from our Father above, but during this time of Tribulation, His hand of protection will be withheld and the restraining power of praying Christians will have ceased - for only after the Rapture of the Church will the man of sin be revealed, and the four horsemen released to spread their carnage over the world, as the seals of judgment begin to be broken.
And God in His wisdom has limited this time of Great Tribulation to 7 years - but how terrible for those that watch these four horsemen gallop onto the world scene, in the not too distant future.
May we do all we can in the time we have left to tell out the news of the gospel of grace and pluck many from the fires of judgement that are soon to fall.
Scripture tells us that, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, but that a time was coming when the Lord God would raise up another Prophet, and today we know Him to be Jesus - the Lord's anointed Prophet, Priest, and King of Israel.
This spiritual baptism only happens once at the point of salvation, but from that moment on, through time and into eternity, believers will never be out of union with Christ.
Although our baptism into Christ (our union with Him) takes place at one specific point in time, we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit, day by day, and to walk in spirit and truth throughout our Christian life so that we may enjoy communion with our Heavenly Father and remain in sweet fellowship with Him as we obey His Word and follow His leading.
Jesus had told them during His time on earth that He had only been sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and Paul became a Christian at a time when the gospel was almost exclusively taught to the Jews.
But we are also to be mindful that our time on earth is limited, and the day is fast approaching when Christ will come in the clouds to take us to be with Himself.
Every generation of believers, from the days of the apostles to the current time, have been called to live by faith and not by sight.
For centuries, Christians have responded to Paul's urgent words: The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. The time when Christians have been instructed to live as lights to the world is almost over.
The present time in which we live is like a dark night of sin in a broken world of problems and pain, but as His children we are to live our life in moral purity and godly kindness, and be alert to the soon return of Christ for His people.
This present time, when Satan rules as the god of this age and the prince of the power of the air, is almost over.
It also appears there was a man named Onesiphorus who also remained loyal to Paul, for he closed this first chapter with a beautiful prayer for this loyal friend: May the Lord grant to him, Onesiphorus, to find mercy from the Lord, on that day. 'Onesiphorus' means 'bringer of help' and it is believed that he and his family ministered to the apostle at a time of great need.
He told them He was going away to be with the Father and would return for them at the right time - but they expected Him to come back soon.
that He will take what is Mine and will disclose it to you. At this time however, they only saw through a glass darkly, but the day would come when they would be baptised by the Spirit of Truth into the Body of Christ and have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God unfold to them the mysteries of the kingdom... and the privileges of the dispensation of the grace of God.
They observed Him rise early in the morning to take time to fellowship with His God, and discovered Him late into evening offering thanksgiving and praise.
From Exodus 19, when God made a covenant with His people, to the time of the Christ's crucifixion, when the Son of God was offered as the sacrifice for sin, God's chosen people lived under the Mosaic system which consisted of the Moral Law (the 10 commandments), the Ceremonial Law (their sacrificial system), and the Civil Law (the daily rules that governed their lives).
As we read through the fractured history of God's covenanted people who, time and again, broke the conditions of their covenant, God in His grace never rejected His disobedient nation.
The first chapter of Isaiah, makes some very serious accusations against unbelieving Israel because of their utter failure to adhere to the Mosaic Covenant over centuries of time, and it details the serious, divine judgement that will one day fall upon God's people.
While the Church is raptured into heaven and meets Christ in the air before the start of the Great Tribulation, Christ's second advent occurs at the end of this time of terrible judgement - sometimes referred to as 'the great and terrible day of the Lord' and elsewhere called, 'the time of Jacob's trouble'.
Zechariah gives a clear description of certain end-time events and like many Old Testament prophets, gives clear insight into God's unfolding plan of redemption.
Israel had to be set aside for a little while, during which time, God has been working through the Church - which is the body of Christ.
YES, Jesus confirmed much of what Zechariah, Daniel, Isaiah, and other holy men of God prophesied and He gave some additional information about His second coming to earth, at the end of the tribulation, which will be invaluable to those who have to endure this terrible time of judgement.
But it is also a time of purifying and healing - the purifying of sinners who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and the redemption of those who call on His name.
Although the Church is removed before this time of judgement, let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for the salvation of many who will have to endure the Great Tribulation - for when we pray into God's will we know our prayers will be answered.
Certain prophetic voices refer to the 'Day of the Lord' as the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', when God's wrath is poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world - and it is also referred to as the '70th week of Daniel', by many theologians.
Other passages identify it as a wonderful time of peace and prosperity when God's anointed King rules and reigns on the throne of David.
It is also described as a time when every man will sit under his own fig tree and gather grapes from his laden vines - and no one will make them afraid.
It is the time when the wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and young lion will play together, and the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
This is the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', when Israel and the unbelieving nations are punished, for the sin of unbelief in rejecting their Messiah, but Israel and all who recognise their sin, and call on the name of the Lord, will be saved.
The tabernacle of David will be rebuilt, in that 'Day', when Israel acknowledges Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords - but first, they must endure the coming 'Time of Jacobs Trouble', acknowledge Jesus as Lord, and call out to Him for salvation.
We are to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to guide them towards sound doctrine, for the time has come when men are departing from the faith and will not put up with wholesome teaching at all.
There are prophetic writings that foretell the terrible time of Jacob's Trouble and the judgement that will come upon those who reject God's offer of salvation, but there are also many passages that teach of wonderful kingdom blessings that will accompany the millennial rule of Christ.
However, in chapters four and five, we discover a section of Scripture that catapults us forward in time and outlines the characteristics of Christ's coming kingdom rule.
Micah is looking past the first seven years of terrible judgement as described in Revelation, to the time when the mountain of the Lord's house, Christ's Millennial Temple, will be built in Jerusalem and elevated in importance.
Habakkuk was given a truth that has stood the test of time; a principle that was rediscovered in Paul's epistle to the Romans during the Reformation, and one that has blessed centuries of God's people.
Just before His death and Resurrection, the Lord Jesus prayed a wonderful prayer - a prayer that demonstrated the intimate relationship with the Father and the Son - a prayer for the protection of all believers during our time in this world - a prayer that Christ Himself would be given the glory He had with the Father before His sojourn on earth - a prayer that asked that all who are in Christ Jesus may be made one as He is one with the Father - a prayer that we will one day be with the Lord Jesus, and a prayer that one day we would see and participate in His own heavenly glory.
As the story of Esther progresses, we can identify a series of events in the palace of Persia which the Lord used to turn the imminent massacre of the entire Jewish nation into a wonderful time of praise and rejoicing.
May we be ready and willing, for His name's sake, to be used: For such a time as this.
Satan is the great accuser of the saints of God who has pursued the people of God down through the centuries with an intense hatred, and the coming Tribulation is a time when the devil's vicious attacks will increase in intensity against both Jews and Christians.
Although Church-age believers are not appointed to face the wrath of the Lamb during the coming time of terrible Tribulation, the enemy of our soul attempts to accuse the saints, despite them being covered and cleansed by the blood of Christ.
The time is coming when Satan and all his fallen angels with him, will be flung out of the heavenly realm and cast to the earth.
It is during the terrible time of Tribulation that his fury will target the Jewish nation and all that have trusted Christ as Saviour.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you, and although we will not face this terrible time of Tribulation, this verse is as relevant for saints today, who are facing increasing persecution from all sectors of society.
Today we live in an age of martyrs, and the martyr spirit has predominated throughout this dispensation of 'grace', but like saints in this Church-age, those who trust in Christ during the coming time of Tribulation will have the same security in Him.
But first, God must punish a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful Gentile world during the coming time of Great Tribulation.
He must also turn the blinded hearts of the nation of Israel back to Himself during this terrible time of Jacob's Trouble - when as a nation they will repent of their sins, weep together over their crucified Messiah, and cry out to the Lord to deliver them.
And yet, within a very short space of time, the special covenant God made with His chosen people was broken, and for forty years they wandered aimlessly in the wilderness.
But as the time for his departure drew ever closer, Moses once again ratified the terms of God's covenant with these words: I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.
God demonstrated His immeasurable authority and unlimited power when He raised Christ (our sin-substitute) from the dead, and seated Him at His own right hand in glory, far above all principalities and powers, not only in time but throughout eternity.
2000 years have passed since Christ promised His disciples that He would return for them and this seems like a long time in our human minds, but in God's economy, Jesus has only been away two days, for a thousand years in God's economy is just one day.
Paul spent considerable time presenting a structured argument against any person, group, or sovereign state, who considered they were exempt from God's righteous judgment.
Jesus knew the time of His departing was near and wept over Jerusalem because the people were so deceived by the enemy's lies and blinded to the truth of the glorious Gospel of God.
Lord, are You restoring the kingdom to Israel at THIS time?
These are questions that specifically relate to Israel, who will have to go through the time of Jacob's Trouble.
But, as prophesied, it is a time when Israel, as a nation, will REPENT of their sin, and call on the name of the Lord, by crying, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!
While the Church will be raptured BEFORE the Great Tribulation, unbelieving Israel will have to go THROUGH this terrible time, but like Old Testament saints and Church age believers, they will be justified by faith in Jesus. And though many will be killed - He will bring them through.
We don't know when Christ will come for the Church, but in the time we have left, may we rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all things and tell out the good news of the gospel of the Grace of God to those that are lost - for the time is short.
Like a fish caught in a treacherous net or birds trapped in a snare, so the sons of men are ensnared at an evil time when it suddenly falls on them.
In one part of his extensive research, Solomon likened a little fish caught in a net, or a pathetic creature captured in a snare, with lost humanity, whom he described as being, helplessly entangled in an evil time. While Solomon observed that we can all be caught up in life's injustices, and that time and tide wait for no man, we recognise that he foolishly excluded God from his dialogue.
And what reassurance must have been shed abroad in the hearts of His disciples when they heard these time-shattering words for the first time: There are many rooms in my Father's house. - If there weren't, I wouldn't have told you that I am going away to prepare a place for you, would I?
Trust what I say and trust all that I tell you, was what He wanted them to understand. I may be going away for a brief time, but there is a reason.
We can boast that the Lord our God is our never-failing help in time of trouble and that His abiding faithfulness has become our shield and protection.
It was to be a Light that extended back to a time before the worlds were made, and it was to be a glittering Light that reached forward into the farthest extremities and widest dimensions of the eternal ages to come.
They flooded into the land at harvest time, to spoil Israel's crops and steal their possessions, before retreating to their own land.
For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms; performed acts of righteousness; obtained promises; shut the mouths of lions; quenched the power of fire; escaped the edge of the sword; from weakness were made strong; became mighty in war; put foreign armies to flight.
The angelic host announced good news of great joy and salvation to a waiting world when Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, because the time of Israel's visitation had drawn near.
The shocking rejection of their Messiah and King, His illegal trials and cruel crucifixion on a Roman cross, caused the longed-for time of peace and prosperity, under the rulership of God's anointed King, to be postponed for a season.
He does this in His own way and in His preferred time.
We have His promised assurance that His help will come at the right time.
He does not provide His help too soon, for this would not allow the necessary time to build up our faith in Him or deepen our trust in His never-failing Word.
May we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, follow in the footsteps of our Saviour and wait patiently for the Lord, knowing that His plans and purposes are perfect... and that in due time He will incline His ear to our cry and graciously provide all we need, according to His riches in glory.
And when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, into the world so that the world through His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection might be saved.
The unbroken fellowship and eternal bond of love that exists between the Father and the Son was to be broken for the first time at that pivotal point in history when, as perfect Son of Man, Jesus was to pay the purchase price for the sin of the whole world.
At the appointed time, Christ was sent into the world.
But in this present world, we are taking our first steps on the pathway of love - a journey of love that will only increase through time and into eternity, as we bathe in His presence and gaze into His lovely face.
But it is the love of God that He has for us that will move us ever closer to the love that we have for Him – as we abide in Him and He in us, through time and into eternity.
Freedom from righteousness is futile and fruitless, but it is the eternal state in which the unsaved sinner will find himself, through time and into eternity, unless he turns from his sin to Christ, and trusts in His redeeming work on the Cross - for the forgiveness of his sins and life everlasting.
Two thousand years have sped by, and now we are living in the time that many term 'the end times' - those last days prior to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus.
The parable also demonstrates the goodness and grace of God in giving sinners sufficient time to turn from their sin and to come to a point of true repentance.
Jesus was the incarnate Word of God about Whom the Scriptures spoke and to Whom the Jewish Law pointed, and although they were a worthless nation, Jesus graciously asked the Father to give His people more time to repent of their sin and produce the fruit of righteousness: He answered and said to Him, 'Let it alone, sir, for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertiliser,' as He continued to share the good news of the gospel of God and the coming kingdom.
Throughout His earthly ministry, Christ had been teaching of the coming kingdom of God, and so with excited anticipation His disciples asked Jesus: Lord, is it at this time You are going to restore the kingdom to Israel?
But until that day, it is not for us to know the time or the seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority.
Just as Onesimus was a fugitive under Philemon's justified condemnation, there was a time when we were slaves to sin and under God's righteous condemnation, but by God's grace through faith, we were forgiven of our wrongdoing and our sin is remembered no more.
We are instructed to pray in confident faith, by maintaining an unshakable trust in the Word of God, and by standing on His precious promises, which provide all we need according to His riches in mercy, when we choose to walk in spirit and truth, and maintain unhindered access to the throne of God, Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, we are exhorted, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
It will be an awful day of unprecedented distress, slaughter, fear, and trembling and it is called, the time of Jacob's trouble. No other time will be like it - HOWEVER, Israel will be saved out of it.
Why does Israel specifically have to go through this terrible time of deep distress?
As members of Christ's Body, we are His soon-to-be-adopted sons, who will be taken into heaven before that terrible time of trouble - the Great Tribulation - the 70th week of Daniel - the Day of the Lord - the time of thick darkness and deep distress - 'The Time Of Jacob's Trouble'.
BUT God in His grace has promised that His people, Israel, will be saved out of it... and has promised that ALL who call on the name of the Lord during that time will be saved.
They will cry out to God in the time of Jacob's Trouble, and Jesus will return to save His people from their sin and set up His promised millennial kingdom on earth.
And the wages of sin for sinful man is death.The Jews in the time of Christ thought that their earthly lineage protected them from the guilt and penalty of sin in the same way that many Gentiles today consider that their particular level of morality, is sufficient to exempt them from any divine punishment. But the written witness of God’s perfect Law and the inner witness of man’s God-given conscience, not only condemns the fallen sinner to death, but separates sinful man from their heavenly Creator – through time and into eternity.
The development of the disciple's faith in Jesus as their God and their Saviour, can be traced from the time of John the Baptist to the final chapters of John's apocalypse.
The doors were locked, the disciples were assembled, and this time Thomas was with them.
But Jesus took time to come to him, to call to him, and to open up for him the path of salvation, for Jesus had come to seek and to save that which was lost.
For it is only and ultimately through Jesus, the Son of God Who is God the Son, that we can find grace to help in time of need, for His grace is sufficient, His office is efficacious, and His loving-mercy is everlasting.
They took time every day, to come before the Lord to worship Him.
Daniel, however, was wise as well prayerful, and calmly requested a little more time to provide an answer for the king, so that he might request compassion from the God of heaven concerning this mystery - so that Daniel and his friends would not be destroyed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.
As members of Christ's Body, we have been graced with access into the throne-room of the Almighty, for mercy to find help in time of need.
As time passed, this revealing of Himself to man often came through the many names that He called Himself - each one disclosing one more beautiful facet of the immortal, invisible, only wise God of grace.
At this time, Jesus will hand back the kingdom that was lost by Adam, to God the Father, after having put down all rule and all authority and power: For He must reign until He has put ALL His enemies under His feet.
This warning lament from Joel was partially fulfilled when the nation went into Babylonian captivity, but there are elements of his prophecy that still lie in the future, and will be fully realised during 'the great and terrible Day of the Lord' - the coming 'time of Jacob's Trouble'.
Joel foresaw a time of unprecedented severity approaching, and even announced that the Temple sacrifices and drink offerings in the House of God would cease.
And yet He desires in this brief span of time (between our justification and our glorification), that we work out our own salvation in humility of heart and to His praise and glory so that in the ages to come, He may show forth the incomparable riches of His grace which He has expressed in His kindness towards us, in Christ Jesus.
Maturity is a life-long process, which takes place over time as we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, study His Word, and apply its principles in our life.
At any given point, we are spiritual OR we are not spiritual! At any given time in a believer's life we are EITHER walking in the spirit and truth OR we are living in fleshly carnality.
At any moment in time we are either honouring the Lord or dishonouring Him.
Just as one is either saved or not saved at a given point in time, a believer is either spiritual or not spiritual at a given point and there is no middle ground.
Peter had come to understand that seeking to serve the Lord in his own human ability would result in failure every time, but he came to this understanding when his faith was tested, for in his own strength he could only deny the Lord.
May we remember that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, when Christ comes to take us to be with Himself.
It was not long before the bitter lament of David turned into a hymn of praise when he remembered the many precious promises of the Lord, for he knew that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us in the days to come.
And he spends considerable time in his second letter, warning of the devastating influence of false teachers and exhorting us to watch out for their destructive heresies, while urging us to grow in grace and to develop a sound knowledge of the Lord Jesus as we press towards spiritual maturity.
We live in a time when false teachers continue to disfigure the Church and blaspheme God with their unscriptural teaching and licentiousness, but their destruction will eventually take place.
And while God knows the exact concerns we may have in our own lives, He wants us to come boldly to His throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of OUR need.
The ongoing, multiple, varied, and vicious attacks on the nation of Israel and the Jewish people indicate that the time for the final fulfilment of Daniel's prophecy is drawing ever closer, when with wicked deception and smooth words, the Antichrist will, turn to godlessness, all who act wickedly toward Israel.
God informed his servant that the Promised Land was not simply a life-time inheritance, but one that would pass from one generation to another.
This is the first time 'Bethel', which means 'House of God', is mentioned in Scripture, and it was the place where Abraham: Pitched his tent. Having arrived, he laid claim to the land God had promised.
This was the first time we read that Abraham: Called upon the name of the LORD.
Earlier Jesus had wept over the blindness of His people knowing that they had missed His visitation, and that the kingdom He came to set up had been taken from this generation of Jews and would be given to a future generation of Israelites - those who would believe on Him during the Time of Jacob's Trouble, who would also witness His Second Coming.
TODAY there is a MAN, Who is sitting at the right hand of the Majesty of high, waiting for the appointed time of His return to earth to place all enemies under His feet and rule the world in righteousness and peace.
WE... who were born dead in trespasses and sins and at enmity with God, are instructed to REMEMBER, that at one time we were separated from the God of Israel, but now have been united with Christ and brought into fellowship with God the Father.
Moses began His long and final message to the children of Israel by reminding them that God is good all the time and that His faithfulness is great - even when His chosen people proved to be an adulterous, unfaithful, and fickle generation.
Today, Israel has been set aside for a time, during which the Lord is working through a new Body of people - the Church.
The promises He made to that first generation of Israel will be fulfilled in God's time and in His way, for He has spoken... and will He not fulfil all the words that He has spoken to His people?
It would be some time later that Peter would make his great proclamation: You are the Son of the Living God, and yet this man learnt this lesson on the day he was freed from the influence of Legion.
It seemed impossible that the 90-year-old Sarah and her 100-year-old husband could parent a child, as God had promised some time before.
He gently admonishes His doubting child, while giving Abraham ample reassurance that His Word is true, and would be fulfilled in His time, and His way.
This was an illegitimate trial that took place in a forbidden setting at an unlawful time. Christ's nighttime arrest and His secret trial in the dead of night were two of the many things that blatantly broke Jewish law.
Destroy this Temple!, had been His challenge to the religious leaders - and in three days time I will raise it up.
May we take time to demonstrate in our own prayer-life, a like-minded trust in the goodness and faithfulness of our God and Father - for we have a great assurance that He hears and answers the prayers of His children, when they come from a heart that is in fellowship with Him.
And praise God that identification with Christ means we can look forward to eternal life in a glorified body which is freed from the power of sin and death and hell, and we will live with Him through time and into the eternal, never-ending ages that are to come.
God has broken into history on a number of occasions, and Peter is keen to remind us that the time is coming when, once again, God will intervene in a Christ-rejecting sinful world, in order to carry out His plans and purposes to completion.
Much time had passed since that meeting with Jesus on the Damascus road, but the testimony of his conversion to Christianity was told on many occasions, and in Acts 26 this champion of the faith was to once again share his supernatural encounter with some high-ranking Gentile officials.
This time it was to king Agrippa, queen Bernice, governor Festus, and other dignitaries, but Paul was there as a prisoner and stood before them in chains, in defence of the gospel.
The apostle John tells us that sufferings, imprisonment, persecution, and even death, await many Christians in this life - but a crown of life is the promised reward for those that are faithful during the time of trial, and who patiently endure in the day of trouble.
The consequences of living in a sinful world are pain and sorrow, but from the time that we wake until the moment our head touches the pillow in the night-time hours, we have a choice to seek the Lord in all things and to submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
As the time for His exodus drew closer, we read of the terrible plot to kill Him, the treachery of Judas who betrayed Him, the Lord's Supper (which continues as a memorial to Him), and the shocking prediction that Peter would deny his Lord, three times.
However, God in His omniscience knew before time that man would sin, and He purposed to save mankind from sin's inevitable consequences.
And Jesus will return for Israel, as the Son of Righteousness with healing in His wings, when God's chosen nation acknowledges Jesus, as their own Messiah, Who died and rose again, to save His people from their sins - and they will once again cry out, during that terrible time of Jacob's Trouble, blessed is He, Who comes in the name of the Lord.
Like Christ, we learn obedience through suffering, for although suffering may appear unpleasant for a time, the benefits that hide beneath its feet are overwhelming.
But Christ's sacrifice demanded that He set aside His glory for a time to fulfil all that God had purposed in His redemptive plan, and so He left His heavenly home: And was made a little lower than the angels, made in the likeness of sinful man, yet without sin.
But as time caught up with eternity, He rose from the dead and became the first begotten from the dead, the federal Head of a new Creation, and is crowned with all honour and glory through time and into the eternal ages.
How we praise our heavenly Father that Christ was made a little lower than the angels for a short time so that by means of His sacrificial death, burial, and Resurrection, He should be become the firstfruit of the dead, be crowned with honour and great glory, and have everything placed in subjection under His feet, so that by faith in Him we might have life and have it more abundantly.
However, their spiritual renewal and national repentance at the end of the 7-year tribulation period, is the time Zechariah is describing, when God, will pour over the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, as further expanded in Joel, chapter 2.
It is at that time, the nation of Israel will be finally and fully regathered from the four corners of the earth.
Another reason for this 'time of Jacob's Trouble' is to let the Gentile nations know..
It is during our earthly life that we are engaged to the Lord and it is during this time of espousal, that we are to carry out acts of righteousness which God Himself has planned and prepared for us to do.
Faith in Christ's work on the Cross is sufficient for each one to be saved by grace and covered in the righteousness of Christ... through time and into eternity.
There is a time in the life of every man when we have an uncircumcised heart, and Paul is reminding these believers in Ephesus, that formerly as Gentiles in the flesh (unsaved people), they were labelled as 'The Uncircumcised' by people who proudly called themselves 'The Circumcision'.
But at the right time these unrevealed secrets were finally made manifest to us through the New Testament writers in general, and through Paul in particular.
And although God spoke long ago to our forefathers through the prophets in many different ways, the prophets themselves did not understand what they were prophesying about because God, in His omniscience, chose to keep these things a mystery until they would be revealed at His own, appointed time.
The prophets rejoiced that their coming Messiah would sit on David's throne and save His people from their sins, but they diligently inquired into what time and what circumstances the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ was indicating, when He testified to them in advance of the terrible messianic sufferings that their Messiah would have to endure, and the thrilling, heavenly glories that would follow.
Like our physical bodies, a tent deteriorates over time.
May we come to a deeper understanding of the joys that are ours through faith in Christ, and remember that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
When WE are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, we suffer for HIM, as Paul discovered on the road to Damascus. The Lord is the Head of His Mystical Body but the world hates those that are His, and Christ understood this. Indeed, as the time for His crucifixion drew ever closer Jesus warned us that in this world we will all have tribulation, simply because we are His followers.
But, however painful and distressing life may become, we can also rejoice in the midst of our suffering, knowing that when His glory is finally revealed, we will rejoice with exceeding great joy.Paul tells us that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed in us, while James adds that suffering in this life develops, in us, a godly character and patient endurance, which is honouring to the Lord.
Throughout His ministry, the Pharisees and teachers of the Law were at enmity with Christ, but as the time for His crucifixion drew ever closer, we see their hostility escalating, and their accusations against the Lord Jesus, becoming increasingly hostile.
And the more we spend time in His presence, in prayer, praise, and the study of His Word, the greater we will discover the benefits of blessing the Lord at all times and continually praising His holy name.
Having set aside Israel for a time, Paul explains that by direct revelation from God, he had been given information about this new administration of the Lord.
It was to be a time when Jewish and Gentile believers were to be one Body in Christ; a mystery which had been kept hidden from principalities and power, as well as prophets of old.
However, his urgent pleading for his brethren to pray along with him, gives great insight into Paul's pattern of prayer, his willingness to share his personal need with other praying saints, and his readiness to persist over time by continuing to bang on the door of heaven for an answer.
It is by bearing the cross for the Lord Jesus through the threads of time that a glorious crown is woven into the master-tapestry of our future, in the eternity of eternities.
Glance through many Christian social media sites and you often discover a critical spirit surfacing and a judgmental attitude being fostered, and yet Paul spends much of his time urging brothers and sisters in Christ to live together in godly harmony.
From the time of John, there have been teachers and religious groups that refuse to accept that Jesus is fully God or that He is fully Man.
Jesus eternally existed as God, but at a point in time He stepped onto the earth, and took on Himself the form of a Man.
It was only because the eternally existing Son of God set aside His glory for a time and took upon Himself humanity, that sin and death could be defeated.
David took time to recall the many mercies of God and the tenderness of his Good Shepherd. You have taken account of my wanderings, he wrote, You have collected all my tears and put them in Your bottle.
Indeed, the 'normal Christian life' of recent years, is far more accurately labelled the 'abnormal' Christian life', for down through centuries of time, Bible-believing Christians have been hunted down, brutally persecuted, frequently killed, and treated abominably, for righteousness sake.
At the time that He had appointed, and according to His own purpose, God sent His Son into a spiritually hungry, religiously bankrupt, and morally corrupt world.
Christ was the first fruits of those who are asleep - the first to rise from the dead, and after that, old and new testament saints would be raised at God's appointed time and in His established order.
and give assurance to ALL who would place their faith in Christ, that the resurrection of the body is an indisputable, biblical truth, which we will all experience at God's appointed time.
It was not until the time of Christ that Gentiles started to have access to the Word of God, and yet we find that God purposed that those who never had a Bible are equally under His condemnation.
They had to wait for the wealth of the Father to be bestowed on them at the right time (when they would reach the age of maturity, which in God's economy was called: The fullness of time.)
God SENT his Son into the world at the appointed time: In the fullness of time, so that He could save us from our sins.
Yes, God sent forth His Son at the right time and He was born of a woman and born under the Law so that we might receive forgiveness of sins, come into full son-ship with the Father, and receive His promised inheritance and the riches of His grace.
Let us praise the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, the God of time and eternity, for His amazing grace and mercy.
John watched as the Lamb broke one of the seven seals and He heard the thunderous voice of one of the four living creatures declaring, COME! This is the time that Michael the archangel will stand up and fight for God's people.
This is the time that Satan will be cast down to the earth.
This is the instant that will usher in an unprecedented time of evil: Such that hasn’t taken place from the beginning of the world, and will never happen again.
It was partway through the famous, 'sermon on the mount', that Jesus gave His short but instructive teaching on the important practice of prayer, and the specific need for our own, private prayer-time.
Because of this directive, some like to teach that communal prayer, with other brothers and sisters in Christ, is unbiblical, but this teaching does not prohibit public prayer, but is specifically geared towards our own, individual, private prayer-time - where the child of God enjoys sweet communion with his heavenly Father - as we come to the throne of grace because of our identity with Christ Jesus our Lord.
Prayer is intimate communion with our God, and the necessity to take time alone with the Lord, in secret prayer, cannot be over-emphasised.
Spiritual growth takes place when we exercise faith in the precious promises of God, but often it takes time for God is working in each of us with an eternal perspective.
Spiritual growth is evidenced through the precious fruit of the Holy Spirit, but it takes time to mature and there is a clearly defined process of development and growth if we are to grow in grace and show forth the spiritual fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
All who believe on Him are reconciled to God through the blood of Christ, having our sins washed clean away and being clothed in His righteousness, through time and into eternity.
Some things that Jesus accomplished during His time on earth will only be really understood by mortal man when we stand in His presence and see Him face to face.
And maybe there are yet more things, deeper things pertaining to Jesus' time on earth that we will never fully know or understand.
Time and space are insufficient mediums to contain all the unsearchable riches of all that Jesus Christ did during His tabernacle on earth.
Even the duties and tasks to which God has called us can be placed higher on our daily agenda than those things that are vital to our spiritual well-being; taking time to be alone with the Lord.
They didn't even have time to eat!
Recognising their fatigue and need of restoration, the Lord, in His gentle chiding but gracious compassion, told them: 'Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest for a while,' (because so many people were coming and going that they didn't have time enough to eat).
Just as the body needs time to recover and recuperate, so also the spirit and soul need times of rest and refreshment.
Just as the Lord provides opportunities for service so He also gives us periods of 'time-out' to recharge our batteries and refresh our soul.
Life's pressures can start to take a severe toll on our relationship with the Lord, as intimate contact with the Lord Jesus is edged out by urgent time constraints, and too soon we discover He is pushed outside the door of our helter-skelter lives.
We are all well aware of the effect of the disregard and neglect of our physical needs, but of far greater significance is the neglect of true, spiritual refreshment, and the failure to spend quality time with our heavenly Father.
The desert place to which He calls us is not necessarily connected with a time or a place, but rests on an attitude of heart towards our Lord.
May we abide in Him and He in us, moment by moment, and may we respond to His call to come away to a quiet place by ourselves with Him, knowing that He will provide the nourishment for our souls and the sufficient strength to live holy lives as we take time to rest in His love and enjoy sweet fellowship with Him.
Martyred saints who trusted in the Lamb of God during the Great Tribulation, the time of Jacob's Trouble, will be given certain privileges as outlined in this verse.
May God have mercy on them while there is still time.
We come to God by faith, and as we gaze into His Word and spend time alone with Him, He will start to open up new and exciting qualities of His Person, and He will reveal plans that were initially hidden from our view.
When we are prepared to admit our own lack of understanding (both of ourselves and of Him), and when we seek to spend quality time alone in His presence, He will start to unveil truths in His Word that have laid hidden to our understanding.
Let us spend time with the Lord in His Word, increasing and deepening our understanding of Jesus: In Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
How wonderful that the Bible tells us of that future time when Israel as a nation will humble herself, look on the One Whom they have pierced, and place their trust in Him as their Lord and Saviour.
The perfume worn by a beloved parent who is no longer with us, or the smokey trace from a smouldering fire can often trigger a fond childhood memory and prompt the thoughts to fly to a time of forgotten fun... yet for someone else, the selfsame odour may trigger a memory of fear or a feeling of revulsion.
His delay in the punishment of the wicked in the time of David concluded in joy and rejoicing - just as the multiplication of evil in our day will one day be halted in our lives too - and it will be to His praise and glory and for our eternal benefit.
David put His trust in the Lord and prayed for God's continuing protection and support in all the difficulties and dangers that He faced – for David knew that God is our Rock of defence, and He alone is our very present help in time of trouble.
Following forty glorious post-resurrection days, the risen Lord Jesus led His little band of disciples out from the tiny town of Bethany to the beautiful Mount of Olives, where He spoke to them for the very last time before being taken from them, into heaven.
It must have been a time of confusion and expectancy, for His words were those of a dearly loved friend, Who was bidding His precious followers farewell, for after He had said these things, Jesus was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.
They still had to learn about the rapture of Christians at the end of this dispensation, and come to a fuller understanding of the great and terrible Day of the Lord... which follows the Church Age, and will be a time of Great Tribulation, when God's wrath will be poured out on a Christ-rejecting sinful world, for seven years.
For three years they had been taught the Gospel of the Kingdom and now, they kept on asking Him, Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel? These dear disciples still had MUCH to learn.
But from this time forward, these Jewish disciples would teach the Gospel of the Grace of God to ALL people - Jew and Gentile alike.
As Christ's Body on earth, they were to fulfil the commission to the Church, during this Age of Grace, and not the commission that is given to Israel, during the Time of Jacob's Trouble.
However glorious this precious picture of His ascension is to us – we too have a time of hopeful expectation on which to train the eyes of our hearts – for this same Jesus, Who was taken from that little company into heaven, will come to meet us in clouds, at the end of the Church Age.
We too have that hope in our hearts and with each passing day we are one day closer to that time when the trumpet will sound - the dead in Christ shall be raised first and we that are alive and remain, will be caught up together into the clouds of heaven to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will be with the Lord, forever.
The time is fast approaching when today's door of grace will be shut fast and God will take us to be with Himself before He begins to pour out His wrath on a Christ-rejecting, sinful, and rebellious generation.
Though the book of Joel is brief in length, it gives a detailed account of the coming 'Day of the Lord', which will be a time of devastating destruction when God's beautiful land will become a desolate wasteland.
Some attribute his prophecy to the Babylon captivity, but it was only partially fulfilled at that time.
The coming time of judgement prophesied by Joel, looks far into the future to the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
He promised to send them signs in the heavens above and earth below, when the time for their restoration was near.
They did not recognise the signs of the time, when He fulfilled every prophetic utterance connected with His first advent - and so they were set aside for a season, while God called out from the Gentiles a people for His name.
The promised kingdom had to be postponed, and the end-time prophecies of Joel, which began on the Day of Pentecost, had to be delayed for a future 'Day' when Israel will repent and call on the Lord.
A time is coming when apostate Israel will return to their God and be saved.
At that time, Israel will become the head of the nations and not the tail.
It is during that time of devastating destruction and 'Great Tribulation' that God will not only draw His people back to Himself but will also punish the anti-Semitic nations that have abused them and rejected His gracious offer of salvation.
Israel's covenant, made through Moses, makes it clear that disobedience and rebellion would result in that right hand of God's wrath falling upon them - for a time - but in His grace, He will draw them back to Himself during the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
The salvation the Church enjoys today will be experienced by Israel in that future 'Day' - but before their restoration, God's wrath will be poured out on the nations at that terrible battle of Armageddon: For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, declares the Lord, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat.
For generations of time, Israel consistently and continuously rejected God's repeated calls to repent - a call for both individual and national repentance.
But what a lesson Christians in the Church can learn from this verse, 'behold, days are coming', declares the Lord GOD, 'when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather a famine for hearing the words of the LORD.' Scripture indicates that a similar famine is scheduled for the Church in these last days, when men will be lovers of themselves and seek out preachers who teach what they want to hear, rather than what they need to know, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.
Paul longed for the time when he would be with his Lord.
Much of his time in his service to Christ had been fraught with difficulties and dangers, but he laboured on ceaselessly for the joy of seeing saints in the various churches coming to full faith in the Lord Jesus, and becoming themselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto the Lord.
There is hardly a time in the entire history of humanity when nations have not risen up against other nations and death and destruction have resulted from man's lust for power, through the enslavement of others.
Jesus also said of this terrible time - For then there will be Great Tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
As God's wrath is poured out through a sequence of judgements, there are certain supplementary sections that provide additional insight into the 70th week of Daniel and the final three and a half years of the Tribulation, known as the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
The authority these two witnesses will receive from God comes from the Holy Spirit, and during the 1260 days, the two will be able to perform some specific miracles: They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.
And for some time their journey to the promised land was halted, in the pagan city of Haran.
May we be willing to learn the lessons that God wants to teach us - so that He can use us to forward His plans and purposes in each of our lives - in His way and in His time.
For whoever believes on Him is justified in the eyes of God, but whoever does not believe on Him is not justified, but remains condemned, through time and into eternity.
Yet only hours after this proud boast, Simon Peter renounced his gracious Lord three time, with cruel denials and cutting curses.
It was faith in Christ and utter dependence on God for which the Lord Jesus prayed and which did indeed stand the test of time, as ultimately Peter's foolish trust in his own limited abilities and confidence in his own human strength, was replaced with an unshakable faith in His Lord and Saviour.
He grieved over Jerusalem and the people of Israel, for He knew that by rejecting Him, they would be subjected to the terrible time of Jacob's Trouble - the time of Great Tribulation, when the wrath of God would be poured out on the chosen people of God, until they truly recognised Him for Who He is and all that He has done.
It will take place at the end of that coming time of terrible tribulation - the prophesied time of Jacob's Trouble, when Israel as a nation will finally heed the call to repent... that prophets of old, as well as John the Baptist made, so many years before.
The Lord gave Stephen the grace he needed as he faced that violent mob of murderous villains who hated God and despised the truth, and likewise we have the assurance that He has promised to give us the grace we need for whatever we have to face... but He will only supply what we need at the time that it is needed - and not before.
The word mystery in our time has taken on a completely new, esoteric, mystical, or mysterious meaning, but in the Bible a mystery simply means a hidden truth that man could never have discovered on his own, unless God Himself had revealed it.
Israel will have endured a grievous time of trouble, the likes of which has never been seen throughout the history of the world, for God's righteous indignation and holy wrath must be poured out for a brief span on a God-hating Christ-rejecting sinful world.
But God's mercy and grace endures forever, and the time of Jacob's sorrow will be cut short, by the grace of God.
And on that day, men and women, young and old, Jew and Gentile alike who have trusted Christ as Saviour in that coming terrible time of tribulation, will cry out in rapturous harmony: Behold, He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him.
There he discovered that God was not indifferent to the suffering of His people, but came to understand that the Lord had appointed a glorious time when He would save His people from their sins, rescue them from their enemies, and wipe away every tear from their eyes.
God is faithful to carry out His plans and purposes at His appointed time and to finish the good work He has started in the lives of all His children.
The vision of Israel's rescue and reconciliation is set at God's appointed time.
God has not only set an appointed time to complete His work through Israel, He also has His set time to fulfil His specific plans through the Church.
But there is nothing that Satan can do to any of us without God's express permission, and when we are His children, we also know that all things that happen to us will be used for our benefit as well as God's glory, even if at the time the trial is happening, it is painful or we have no idea why something catastrophic is happening.
This rejection of the true and living God, is not only a modern trend, which is evidenced throughout the nations of our time.
Indeed, enmity towards God and rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ has continued unabated, down the corrupt corridors of time to this present day.
Nevertheless, Christ died for each one, and while it is still today, there is time for sinners to turn from their wicked ways and to trust in the true and living God.
In the period of the Judges: Everyone did what was right in their own eyes, and so in a time of spiritual, social, governmental, and moral decline in the nation of Israel, a certain man and his family took matters into their own hands.
And so, for a time, the blood of bulls and goats covered the sins of His people until the appointed time when Christ, the perfect Sacrifice, would be sent into the world to become the One and only Sacrifice for sin.
No doubt many of the end-time 'signs' in the heavens above and here on the earth which we all witness today, and cause us to become increasingly excited about Christ imminent return, are to prepare unbelieving Israel for their coming Messiah.
But first the Church must be removed and Israel must sign a covenant with death, and then Israel must endure 'The Time Of Jacob's Trouble'.
Like us, Tribulation saints need to be ready every day during that time of terrible trouble during the 70th week of Daniel.
He did not waver in his belief that the Lord would most certainly punish the wicked, at the right time and in the right way.
But the psalmist was so confident that God's promises are secure, that his writings continued as if the Lord, Himself was speaking: When I select an appointed time, God said, I will judge the world with equity.
The psalmist was so confident that God would judge the world in righteousness and equity, at His appointed time, that his praises resounded with a triumphant note of sure victory as he declared: And all the horns of the wicked He will cut off, but the horns of the righteous will be lifted up. He rejoiced in the prophetic certainty that God would one day cut down the strength of the wicked, while the strength of the righteous would be lifted up.
Like Asaph, we can have great confidence and the unshakable assurance that the terrible atrocities that are carried out by wicked men today (and throughout the pages of history), those deeds that are so grievous to us and the unjust activities of wicked men will be held to account in God's appointed time and in His perfect way.
The Lord Jesus raised a handful of people from physical death during His time on earth to authenticate His God-ordained, Messianic claims, but when Peter preached his first sermon, 3000 souls were saved: 3000 spiritual resurrections were secured, 3000 people gained access to the Father's throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
And so, James reminds us that the trials we face are designed to test our dependence upon God, strengthen our faith in Him, and drive us to our knees in prayer and supplication so that we may receive His grace and mercy to help in time of need.
James does not necessarily encourage these believers to cry out for God's help or His strength in their desperate time of need, nor does he advise them to request an escape from the fiery trial they are facing.
And although these evil children of Satan initially looked identical to the good seeds, time would expose them as weeds - sown by an evil, iniquitous enemy whose desire was to disrupt the growth and fruitfulness of the good seeds.
It is that future occasion when Christ intervenes at the end of that terrible time of Jacob's trouble when He will return in power and great glory to set up His long awaited kingdom on earth, and bring in a time of peace and prosperity for all.
However, as the aged apostle John neared the end of his earthly life, he was given an amazing vision of that terrible future time, which will culminate with the heavens being opened: And behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.
The Rider of the white horse is the same risen, ascended, and glorified Son of Man Who was standing amidst the seven candlesticks at the start of his prophetic, end-time vision.
But, as recorded in Revelation, John watched as the time arrived for Him to put all enemies under His feet.
At that time, He offered up His life as a ransom for many, and as many as believe in Him to them He gave power to become sons of God.
But this time, through the witness of one of Christ's New Testament apostles, Israel was also being called upon to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Who only fifty days earlier had died on the Cross to pay the full and final price for their sins: You believe in God, was Christ's earnest plea to his unbelieving disciples, believe also in ME.
Jesus was indeed God WITH us, but He told His disciples of an even more staggering truth: that the time was fast approaching when the Holy Spirit would be sent: God WITHIN us.
Despite being highly educated members of the revered Sanhedrin, these distinguished men hardened their hearts to the truth and became emotionally unhinged and their extreme hatred of the truth of the gospel caused them to fulfil Christ's own words, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.
And so, God's chosen apostle and bond-slave of the Lord, who was called to declare to Jew and Gentile alike the wisdom of God (which had been kept hidden glory before time began), and the glorious destiny to which we have been called, opened his epistle to these believers with grateful thanks to God through Jesus Christ for them all.
Every phrase and every word in this beautiful High Priestly prayer of the Lord Jesus as He faces the shadow of Calvary's Cross, are thoughts upon which we should take time to reflect.
The finished work of Christ does not only refer to our initial salvation when we first believed, and ongoing sanctification throughout our earthly life, but Christ's work at Calvary incorporates our final glorification the redemption of our bodies, when Christ returns to claim the Church as His Bride – the time when we are officially adopted as sons of God.
May we continue to work the works of God in our lives while there is still time, and warn the lost that the offer of salvation is still available to whosoever will come.
Some may choose to be led by their fleshly nature and walk through much of their Christian life in the flesh, but all children of God who have matured in the faith, will at some time have made the choice to be led by the Spirit of God: And all who are led by the Spirit of God are called SONS of God.
The surpassing intimate fellowship into which we have been warmly invited, as children of the Father and joint-heirs with Christ, should rejoice our heart always and gladden our soul through time and into eternity.
Warnings of apostasy flow through his writings, and he is the one who labelled the Great Tribulation as 'the Time of Jacob's trouble.'
He spoke of the time when the country would be restored, and God would make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
At the time of this prophecy, the northern Kingdom of Israel, had already been conquered and dispersed by the evil Assyrian army, and Jeremiah's painful prophecy, spoke of the fast-approaching Babylonian occupation of the southern Kingdom of Judah when Nebuchadnezzar would defeat Israel and carry away her people as slaves.
however, the time is coming when the New Covenant, which was cut at Calvary, will be fully confirmed - when Israel as a nation will call on the name of the Lord for salvation.
How important that the genuine unity of the Body is maintained, while at the same time recognising that we are a diverse group of redeemed individuals that consist of Jews and Gentiles, male and female, young and old, black and white, slave and free.
When we really grasp this amazing truth, all we can do is worship and glorify our precious Saviour and occupy our time, redeeming the days as we wait expectantly for His blessed appearing.
The 'Seed-of- the-woman' had silently travelled through time and secretly passed from one generation to the next, until the appointed time when God sent His Son, born of a Jewish virgin, to save His people from their sins.
He wanted to warn this beloved disciple that a time was fast approaching when people would pursue false teachings, and the philosophies of Satan's fallen world system would infiltrate and infect Christendom.
No doubt he saw Timothy grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus during their ministry together, but as the time for his parting drew ever closer, Paul was prompted to write to his young co-labourer, exhorting him to continue in the things that he had learned from him..
We live in a time where everything of this world system is being shaken and deception has polluted many people and politicians in this increasingly hostile environment.
Malachi probably proclaimed his message at the time when the third company of Jewish exiles returned with Nehemiah to rebuild the broken city-wall of Jerusalem.
Although John the Baptist heralded the Incarnate Word and proclaimed God's kingdom was near - they missed their Messiah the first time.
A time is coming when they will recognise their Messiah and trust in the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ Jesus their Saviour and our Saviour, for He is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
But this verse does not end with the first coming of Christ but reaches down centuries of time into His second coming, when Israel will remain in the land that was given to their forefather Abraham, in peace and security, and Christ will be great, His kingdom shall rule over all, and His dominion will stretch to the ends of the earth, and into the eternal ages to come.
The Church has not replaced Israel but, for the time-being, God is working through His Body, the Church, and one of the many blessings that have been given to ALL believers, is the permanent, indwelling Holy Spirit for all time and into eternity.
The people gave willingly of their time, money, food, and drink to pay for the artisans and stone-cutters and to purchase oil and other necessities from the people of Sidon and Tyre.
We are to trust Him in the temporal as well as the spiritual; to trust Him for things of the body as well as the soul; to trust Him in time and into eternity; to trust Him in all the ages and stages of our lives; to trust Him in the insignificant menial tasks of the day as well as the grander decisions that face us in life, and to trust Him in every aspect of His great plan of salvation.
He warns of the terrors of the coming 'Day of the Lord', which He describes as a sacrificial feast... where God would give the wicked people of Judah as a sacrificial victim to their adversaries... and they would be devoured by their ungodly enemies, in the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'.
While some like to claim that this prophecy was fulfilled at the time of Israel's captivity in Assyria and/or Babylon, it is yet future, for God has declared that the land would become totally uninhabitable and be rendered an utter wasteland and that the faithful remnant of Israel will plunder the land of its wealth and riches.
The joy of Peter's own salvation did not diminish over time.
Peter no doubt realised that his time on earth would soon be over, and doubtless recalled the problems in Israel's own sad history, when they forgot the goodness of God, and all the privileges and promises the Lord had bestowed on them, as a nation.
He considered his ageing body was nothing more than a temporary tent in which to house his eternal soul, until that fast-approaching time when the trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise from their graves..
In that day, the lost and wandering sheep of God's own pasture, who have been devoured and devastated throughout many centuries of time, will be reunited to the good and faithful Shepherd of Israel.
He will protect them under the shadow of His wing during that future time of Jacob's trouble.
Surely goodness and mercy, which by God's grace has followed the despised nation of Israel down through centuries of time, will finally settle them in their land of promise... and they will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Samuel was ready and willing to hear the Word of the Lord, and responded with words that many others have uttered down through centuries of time: SPEAK LORD, Your servant is listening.
Christ was fully God, but during His time on earth He set aside His glory and lived His life as a Man - demonstrating to the rest of humanity how God created Man to life - in willing and total subjection to our Father in heaven.
And yet from the time of Adam to the Law of Moses, the icy fingers of death reigned in the lives of humanity because Adam's sin was imputed to all, and death reigned from that point on as a result of that one man's sin.
Many consider that the imputed sin nature, condemnation, and death that was inflicted upon all humanity from the time of Adam to the time of Moses was undeserved because it meant that death reigned in the lives of everyone, even those who did not disobey an explicit commandment of God.
But before Paul started to detail the process and procedure of end-time events in this epistle, he greeted the Thessalonian believers with some lovely, uplifting words of great encouragement, therefore, we ourselves speak proudly of you among the churches of God..
It is not surprising that this little set of saints had become confused about the Rapture of the Church, the unveiling of the man-of-sin, the time of Jacob's trouble, and great Day of the Lord, when beset with such intense persecution on the one hand, and such gross false teaching on the other.
He had explained that these unbelievers would be plummeted into a time so terrible, that there had never been a day like it before.
Jesus set aside His own glory during His time on earth and lived his life by faith in God for the joy that was set before Him - and we are to consider HIM.
But rather than trusting God to carry out His stated will and purpose in His own time and in His own way, Rebekah and Jacob demonstrated a lack of faith in God's ability to fulfil His Word, which exposed some of their own serious character flaws.
His great wealth was utterly destroyed in a moment of time and Job himself was struck down with the most terrible bodily sores, without even knowing why this was happening to him.
Oh, He has committed the future judgement of condemned sinners into the hands of the Lord Jesus, but it is our heavenly Father Who with impartiality judges the thoughts and deeds of all who are His children during our life-time on earth.
No one has seen God at any time, except the one and only begotten Son of the Father.
We cannot KNOW God unless we KNOW the Son, for: No-one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God Who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him to us.
Far from rejoicing, because of their success, Israel's mean-spirited neighbours, who had settled in the land during their time of exile, were dismayed with the progress that had been made in the rebuilding of the Temple.
Abraham did many good works that were commended by men. And down through centuries of time, Jewish leaders proudly proclaimed that being Abraham's physical descendants, they too were imputed with some of his righteousness and meritorious acts.
Martha's faith was expanded as she learned that she was to look to Jesus every moment of her life, from that day forward, as her ever present help in time of trouble, and not simply to trust God with a future programmed that will one day be accomplished.
Although this greatest of all recorded prayers was prayed before Christ's crucifixion and Resurrection, His prayer encompassed time on both sides of the grave.
May we set aside self, live our lives as unto the Lord, and finish the works which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them - to the praise of His holy name.
But God in His loving-kindness and gracious mercy sent His only begotten Son to come to earth to die in our place so that we might come boldly into the presence of the Lord to find mercy in time of need and gain immediate and intimate access into the heart of the Father, forever.
Peter builds up these foundational facts in order to prepare us to live a victorious Christian life that is honouring to God during the time that we are sojourning on this earth.
The wrath of God, which must eventually be poured out on all sin, if His justice is to be fully satisfied, was delayed to give men the time to repent of their sin.
The miraculous multiplying of bread and fish provided one small meal that left the people hungry on the following day, but the true Bread from heaven that Jesus wanted to offer these people, was the spiritual Bread of Eternal Life that would satisfy their soul through time and into eternity.
We know that time is fast approaching, but first, Israel must go through that terrible time of Jacob's trouble - that time of great tribulation, during which period God's people will be purged and purified - redeemed and restored.
We, who are His Body are not appointed to go through that great time of trouble.
He is our salvation and by faith in Him, we have the indwelling Spirit of God giving us access to the throne of grace - through prayer, for mercy to find help in time of need.
Paul was often imprisoned for teaching the truth, and it was during such a time that letters of encouragement and instruction were often penned to the Church, and earnest prayer and intercessions for the saints were offered up to the Lord on their behalf.
What a glorious truth that when Jesus ascended into heavenly places to act as High Priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek, He entered as the forerunner of the Church so that at the right time we too will be ushered into the holy presence of Almighty God.
Christ loved the Church so much that He gave Himself for her and entered behind the sacred veil as the Precursor to the time when we shall see Him as He is, and be made like unto Him.
We must never, ever forget that there was a time when we were also sons of disobedience, who were estranged from God and under His righteous condemnation.
This why Jesus grew in favour with both God and man, so that at the right time He would hear the inner promptings of His Father voice and be led to travel though Samaria by the inner prompting of the indwelling Spirit, doing only those things that He heard from above.
When a servant of God is prepared to spend time in fellowship with the Father and sit as a student at the feet of Christ, he will learn to hear the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit for those times when he too will be directed to go through his own 'Samaria'.
And today, as in the time of Paul the apostle, the false teachings that deny the eternal divinity, the supreme importance, and the preeminent position of Christ, is flooding Christendom with many alternative 'Christs'.
He is outside of time and space and existed before the universe was created: For by Him all things were made, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions, rulers or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him.
They requested that the king allow them time so they might reveal the dream to them and tell him what it meant.
God laid out the most detailed perspective of end-time events, when the Son of Man will return to earth, smash into pieces all worldly kings, demonic dominions, and proud principalities and powers.
Nehemiah prayed in faith and with expectation, that the Lord would respond to His pleas.. and his prayer is a wonderful example of how we should approach God's throne of grace - for mercy to find help in time of need.
Down through centuries of time, the truth that is encapsulated in Psalm 34, has been a comfort and help to many of God's hurting people, for the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.
He is the good Shepherd of His people; the Rock of our salvation, and a stronghold in time of trouble... and He travels with each one of His people through the valley of the shadow of death, and no one who puts their faith in Him will ever be disappointed.
When the Lord Jesus told these proud, religious men, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead, His message held a profound and eternal truth, that continues to resonate down the corridors of time.
He came 2000 years ago to fulfil the righteous requirement of the Law and was offered as the one and only oblation to break the power of sin, to bear the sins of many, and to destroy the works of the devil so that all who believe on His name would be saved from the penalty of sin and death, covered in His own cloak of righteousness, and be made pure and holy, to the satisfaction of a holy GOD.But He was rejected and returned to His home in glory and today, there is a Man seated at the right hand of the Father, awaiting the appointed time when He will appear the second time.
This time, He will not deal with sin, for that was fully accomplished at the Cross when His saving blood covered the mercy seat for all humanity so that the sin of the many, who would believe on His name would be saved.
This time, He will appear in power and great glory for the salvation of His people.
But before this time, we can look forward to the Rapture of the Church, the signless event when Jesus comes to take His Bride to be with Him forever.Let us keep awake and alert – eagerly awaiting His any-day return, knowing that the day is fast approaching when the Lord will descend from heaven with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God and make His promised appearance in the clouds to meet us in the air.
Though God at times may wait for us to call out to Him, He is neither slow to hear the cries of the disconsolate soul - nor is He slack in responding to the pleading cries of the breaking heart - for the very day that Jeremiah called out to the Lord for help, was the very time the Lord responded with those great words of comfort...from the God of all comfort, Fear Not - I will be with you, to help you, and deliver you.
Too often, a demarcation line is laid between the material things in life and the spiritual things of God; between what we say and do in our Christian life, and what takes place during the rest of the time.
The outward righteousness of the Pharisees in the time of Christ hid a covetous and greedy disposition, and Christ exposed this materialistic persuasion as hypocrisy, a lack of faith, a division of loyalty and disobedience towards God.
We should take the pearls of His speech and the jewels that encrust the glorious messages of salvation, and shower them down in blessed teachings and wise counsel over the heads of those that are His kingdom of priests, His royal nation, a people set apart for the Lord to serve Him and to worship Him in time and through eternity.
Isaiah wrote about the time when the cruel king of Assyria would march against the northern kingdom of Israel and carry God's people away into captivity.
Similarly, he talked of the time when the southern kingdom of Judah would be enslaved by the great Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, and both events are recorded in the annals of history.
It is during that same future 'day' that we discover, for a second time in Israel's history, that the Lord will regather the remnant of His dispersed people back to their promised homeland.
The first time he brought them back from Babylon captivity, but this time He will gather them from the four corners of the earth: It shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again, a second time, to recover the remnant of His people.
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah detail events that occurred the first time God brought them back to their homeland to rebuild the city and the sanctuary in Jerusalem, following their captivity in Babylon.
However, Isaiah was inspired to write that God would bring His people back to the land of Israel a second time: The Lord will set his hand once more, a second time, to recover the remnant of His people.
The first time, a captive remnant from Judah returned from one location, Babylon, but in this future event we discover: The remnant of God's people, who are still alive, will return from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath and from the islands of the sea.
It is at that time: The Lord shall set his hand again, a second time to recover the remnant of His people, (those who have survived the terrible time of Jacob's Trouble).
Let us pray for the salvation of the people of Israel who continue to remain dead in their sins, and let us praise God that the time is coming when the blindness of their eyes, the resistant deafness of their ears, and the hardness of their hearts will be softened.
The simple, common, everyday name of 'Jesus' has thus become the name that is greater and more eminent than every other name that is named - for His name is to be the most excellent name that is named in heaven or earth, throughout time and into eternity.
Finally, the climatic point in time and eternity was reached... when the Lamb of God, Who was slain from the foundation of the world, would take upon Himself the sin of the world.
Keep watching and keep praying, is the guiding principle for every child of God, every moment of the day and throughout our time on earth.
Although our old sin nature may cause us to fall into sin during our time on earth... nevertheless we praise our heavenly Father that we have a new nature - a new born-again life in Christ which is pure and holy.
And with an excitement that only increased with the passage of time, John took up his quill-pen and started to proclaim all that the disciples had seen and heard.
For God in His grace took upon Himself the form of a servant and was born into the human race so that at the appointed time He could walk to the Cross in our place, and take upon Himself the accumulated weight of man's sin.
Jesus alone opened up the way for unconditional love, true forgiveness, and beautiful fellowship with the Father, through time and into eternity.
The plan of God was formed outside of time, space, mass, and matter, as well as being beyond the reach of human reasoning or man's analytical thoughts, for God purposed that Christ would be the federal head of a new creation, which is the Church, and that Christ would be the first to rise from the dead and in so doing, HE would become pre-eminent so that in everything HE might have the supremacy: For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His Cross.
He toppled the great walls of Jericho and performed mighty signs and wonders... and such will be the case as Israel faces that enemies during 'The Time of Jacob's Trouble.'
But unlike Israel's first experience in the promised land - with Joshua, when God was rejected and, everyone did what is right in his own eyes, this time His people will look to the Lord Jesus - Yeshua, in faith.
This time they will not rely on their own ingenuity and strength.
This time the people of Israel will KNOW that God is the Lord AND THEN the end will come, when King Jesus returns in power and great glory to sit on David's throne.
And this time the King of kings WILL build His great, Millennial Temple.
This time, Israel will be the head of the nations and not the tail, and this time, the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
At the end of his life, when all had forsaken him and Paul lay condemned in a Roman cell, he penned an accurate description of the state of the world in the end times as the time for Christ's return drew ever closer.
Paul gave important information on how to identity these end times, which would become increasingly fraught with danger and wickedness; and he also gave clear instruction on how to respond during this evil time, and outlined the responsibility of every believer.
Paul together with other New Testament writers identifies these perilous last days as the entire Church age, together with that future time of terrible tribulation, known as: The time of Jacob's Trouble, which is often called the 70th week of Daniel.
But just as the frequency and intensity of a woman's labour-pain builds up as the time for her delivery draws ever closer, so too the depth of depravity and the breadth of evil is accelerating in these perilous times in which we live.
May we in like manner fulfil our responsibility to God and our duty towards our fellow man as we look steadfastly to Jesus, study His Word, fulfil the ministry that God has given each of us, and continue to look for His any day appearing, knowing that very soon Christ will be coming in the clouds to take us to be with Himself, before He finally pours our His wrath during that future time of great tribulation.
As Church-age believers we have the incredible privilege of access to the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
And so we read that in a night-time vision, God appeared to His servant Solomon and gave the king the following warning for Israel: I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice: when I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people then.
Legalism seeks to change the old sin nature from the outside and forces it to obey God's perfect, unachievable Law in our own strength, but it fails every time.
The surrendered believer who is walking in spirit and truth, is yielded to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who works through our new life in Christ, and over time we discover an inner discipline at work.
His eternal superiority was established before the foundation of the world was spoken into being, and His sovereign authority continues throughout all time and unto the timeless eternal ages that are to come for ever and ever.
The different comforters of Job had their own understanding and perceptions about God that had built up over time, some of which were correct but some of which denied God's goodness.
He has given us the ongoing ministry of reconciliation so that others may hear the good news, trust in Jesus for the salvation of their soul, and be reconciled back to God - not only through time but into eternity.
May we be ready and willing to witness to a fallen world the wonderful works of God so that lost sinners may obtain eternal redemption through Christ and return into fellowship with our Heavenly Father - through time and into eternity.
If salvation is to be gained, a man must simultaneously turn TO Christ at the same time he turns FROM sin and repents unto salvation.
And on that first day of Pentecost, the disciples who responded to John's message of repentance and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation were gathered together in one place, in obedience to Christ's command. But not all those that were baptised into John's baptism of repentance were present on that singular Day of Pentecost... when for the first time, the Holy Spirit was given to the Body of Christ - which is the Church.
We are not living during that time of transition..
He promised never to leave them and yet He told them that the time for His departure had arrived!
He did not He clarify His teaching nor address their many problems, for He knew that over time they would come to an deeper understanding of the truth, and the truth would set them free.
We have been given peace, peace - the wonderful peace of the Spirit of Christ deep in our inner beings, for He has taken up permanent residence within our bodies, through all time and into all eternity.
However, the main purpose of the Tribulation period is to bring Israel back to God and for them to finish the work He prepared for them to do - and that time is fast approaching.
It is during the 70th week of Daniel - often called the Great Tribulation or the Time of Jacob's Trouble, that Israel turns back to God from their sin, and fulfils the purpose for which they were called.
It is a time when a multitude, without number, will come to faith in Christ.
And no matter what evil force is inflicted, during this terrible time, the Lamb that opens the seals is still on the throne, and His shed blood was sufficient to render each one powerless in the lives of those who believe.
There is no hint that this Old Testament verse refers to anything other than Israel's deliverance from Egypt - When Israel was a youth I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son. Israel was delivered from Egypt at the time of the first Passover supper, when the first-born of unbelieving Egypt were slaughtered by the angel of death.
God's promise to restore Israel as His chosen people, through Hosea's prophecy, still stands - but it will happen at God's time and in God's way.
He was not a man like Matthias, who accompanied the apostles during the time that Jesus went in and out among them all... and Paul was not one of the crowd who were cut to the heart on that first day of Pentecost when the men of Israel realised that they had crucified their Messiah, and cried out in despair, brethren, what shall we do?
From our viewpoint in history, we see how the Law and the prophets pointed us towards Jesus Whose righteousness would pay for the sin of the world, and we can look back in time to the pivotal moment on the Cross, when the righteous blood of Jesus was shed for you and for me.
He must increase and I must decrease, were words that were not only spoken by this 'voice' in the wilderness, but were carried out in his life as John testified that Jesus is the Son of God, the Lamb Who was revealed to the world at the proper time Who came to live a perfect life, die a sacrificial death, provide forgiveness of sin, and give assurance of the eternal life to ALL who believe in Him.
The last time that Paul used this joyful word - REJOICE, in his letter, was when he admitted, but I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now, at last, you have revived your concern for me.
and Paul knew that this godly gift would add to their blessing in time and spiritual rewards in eternity.
Like all the Gospel writers, Mark wrote of the fulfilment of the time foretold by so many Old Testament prophets; the long-awaited King of Israel had arrived, and the promised kingdom, for which the nation had been anticipating for so long, was at hand.
The time had arrived.
It was time for the nation to repent.
The time was fulfilled.
They knew that He had come to heal the broken hearted, to set captives free, to heal the sick, to cleanse lepers, to raise the dead, to rescue the perishing, to bring liberty to those that were in bondage, and to establish the prophesied time of peace and prosperity in the land; a time that had been promised to their forefather Abraham, as an everlasting covenant.
The prophesied time had finally arrived and the kingdom of God was at hand.
This had been the clarion call of so many holy men of God in the past and now that the time was fulfilled and the kingdom of God was at hand.
They were more interested in the material things of this life, than the spiritual food He offered that would feed their soul through time and into eternity.
Aligning our human will with the sovereign will of our eternal God, is an important key to living a victorious and contented life in this world, while at the same time we will be laying up for ourselves treasure in heaven, in the ages to come.
The old sin nature will continue to expose itself throughout our earthly activities and attitudes, which is why we are reminded that we must keep 'self' nailed to the Cross so that we will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.It is a craving for pleasure and an insatiable desire to gratify one's own bodily appetites, that causes covetousness to become such a serious issue in our lives and which caused James to spend considerable effort and time in identifying its deadly cause and addressing its much-needed cure.
Before this special time of prayer, Jesus compelled His little band of disciples to get into the fishing boat and sail to Bethsaida, on the far side of Lake Galilee... and then He withdrew to a mountain to pray.
Let us share the good news of the glorious gospel of grace to a lost and dying world while there is still time, so that by God's grace some may be plucked from the gaping jaws of eternal separation from God which is the recompense of all the unsaved who are judged and condemned at the Great White Throne, because they have not believed in the only begotten Son of God.
Let us shine the light of Christ into every area of our lives and into the lives of all we meet in the short time we have left on the earth, for His praise and glory.
It also shows that He is never in a hurry, but will fulfil His plans and purposes at the right time and in the best way.
May we be faithful to fulfil any call He makes on us, knowing that God may have placed us in a particular place at a particular time for a particular purpose.
Jesus did not have much time to recuperate from his arduous preaching assignment before He was surrounded by vast numbers of people who wanted to see Him, and who brought the sick and lame so that they could be healed, and so we read, Jesus, having returned to Capernaum, after some days - it was rumoured about - that He was in the house.
When one is weary and exhausted, following some strenuous project, it is generally rewarded with a time of recuperation and relaxation, but Christ had little time to recover from His demanding and difficult preaching tour of Galilee..
Sin must, therefore, be punished... and so we see in Isaiah's prophetic writings, numerous examples of tribes and nations, cities and all peoples, being warned of coming devastation and catastrophic ruin, before being promised a time of justice and righteousness which will spring forth when Christ is heralded as the coming Shepherd of Israel - and acknowledged as the eternal King of righteousness.
But throughout both Old and New Testaments, we read of a time of terrible trouble and devastating tribulation for the wicked.
Scripture calls it 'the time of Jacob's Trouble', when the wrath of God will be poured out on a godless society, before Christ returns in honour and great glory.
He will come in the cloud with His church-age saints, to set up His millennial rule on earth - and will usher in a time of peace and prosperity.
All who are saved during that coming time of Great Tribulation, will find their hope in Christ - Who is likened to refreshing streams of living water.
Just as the Transfiguration was a tiny preview into the coming earthly kingdom, when Christ would rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords, so the things that Christ said to His followers and the things that Christ did with His disciples following His Resurrection was also a tiny foretaste of the coming Church dispensation: A time when believers not only have peace with God by grace through faith in His death, burial and Resurrection, but they have the peace of God in their hearts.
And so, as the time for His Ascension drew ever closer and His disciples were to take full responsibility to carry on the work that Lord Jesus had started, He said to them once again: Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. And now, as the time for His departure had finally arrived, He once again prayed for the peace of God to flood their hearts; the peace that passes understanding; the peace that is the birthright of those that are His blood-bought children.
As the time for His departure drew ever closer, Jesus said to them once again: Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.
The psalms of David which were penned thousands of years ago, have as much relevance in today's anti-God, Christ-rejecting sinful world, as they did in the time of David's trouble.
We know that God hears our prayers and delights in answering our petitions, but always in His time and in His way.
And often, we find that the time spent in prayer at the throne of grace changes us, moving our focus onto Jesus, being conformed into His image as we decrease and He increases in our lives.
What a unique catalogue of events took place in that brief moment of time.
And so, this unnamed centurion who was simply carrying out his soldierly duty and who was an eye-witness to this unique happening on that decisive day in the history of humanity, was caused to announce in tones that would reverberate down through the corridors of time: Truly this was the Son of God.
Centuries of rebellion and idolatry dictated that God's chosen nation of Israel had to be punished because of sin and they would be taken into captivity until the time of the end.
Isaiah's prolonged ministry gave details of how the Lord was to bring in a period of time; 'The Times of the Gentiles' during which Gentile nations would become supreme on earth, subjugate Israel, and govern the world, until God's people, as a nation, repent of their sin.
As we trace their history from the time of Moses to the present day, over and again we see God's people rejecting His Word, breaking their covenant, and blindly following the presumptuous but befuddled 'politicians' of their day, by trusting in man rather than God, bringing in its wake a deluge of destruction and judgement, according to His divine purpose and plan.
At the right time, the Messiah would come and those who believe on Him would never be confounded or ashamed, while those who refuse to listen to His voice, align themselves with the world, and choose to remain blind and deaf to His Word, would be utterly crushed by it.
Israel's past folly was not only prophesied by Isaiah and recorded by many prophetic voices, but was clearly seen during the time that Jesus walked the earth.
He would be a descendent of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David... and it was foretold that He would herald in a wonderful time of peace and prosperity for His people, Israel.
Peter expanded on his advice to love the life that God has graciously given us, and to make the most of time that we have on earth, by faith with thanksgiving; by commanding us to keep our tongue from speaking evil and our lips from telling lies.
This heavenly scene that John saw during chapters 4-5, was the heavenly preparation for that future time of Great Tribulation, recorded in chapters 6-19, which is to fall on a Christ-rejecting sinful world, and which will bring Israel to national repentance and punishment to the God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
Let us remember that the one who reads, hears, and takes to heart this amazing revelation is blessed: Blessed is he that reads, and those that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.
It also introduces God's amazing plan of redemption, which begins to be unfolded, from the time when Adam and his wife disobeyed the word of the Lord and hid from Him for, they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
From the time that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the wages of sin for every man and woman is death, and their siritual death occurred the moment they ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Jesus came at God's appointed time to protect the sheep of His pasture and to expose the false, careless shepherds who slaughtered the sheep, scattered the flock, and created havoc and hardship within the sheepfold.
During the time of Christ, every town and hamlet would have one, common sheepfold into which flocks of sheep would be herded at nighttime to keep them safe from predators.
Together, they set out for their homeward journey: The Levites in the northern kingdom came to Judah and Jerusalem, in the time of Jeroboam and his sons, because they rejected them as priests of the LORD.
They forgot that the Lord had said that if His people would humble themselves and repent of their wicked ways during their time in exile, He would bring them back to their homeland and bless them: You shall go to Babylon, but from there you will be delivered. The LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.
Although sin caused us to be weak and powerless to help ourselves, we discover that Christ died on behalf of the ungodly, justifying and acquitting all who believe in Him for salvation and bringing us into a right relationship with the Father, through time into eternity.
There is no limit to the things that God is prepared to show us in His Word, if we will get alone with Him and spend time in His Word and are ready and willing to hear His voice.
Like the Psalmist, we should call out to God for deliverance from our enemies, rely on His restoration when attacked, and depend on His sufficient grace to help in time of need.
When Paul visited the city for the first time and founded the Church at Thessalonica, he was only with them for a few weeks before continuing his missionary journey across the wide expanse of Asia Minor.
This was the same length of time that Israel had blindly wandered in the wilderness, in unbelief - because they believed the report of the 10 spies instead of trusting in God.
We are also fast approaching the day when the Lord Jesus Christ will finally return to earth with all His saints and set His feet upon the Mount of Olives; a time when Jesus will set up His Millennial Kingdom in Jerusalem.
It is that prophesied time: When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
It was a time when the Holy Spirit of God came to indwell the hearts of all who trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour.
But this was a time that the fledgling Church was setting out on its 2000 year journey towards our present generation.
A time when the New Testament canon had not yet been written; a time before the mystery of the Church as the spiritual Body of Christ (with all the other the great teachings of the apostle Paul), had not yet been revealed.
This was a time when the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave the apostle John on Patmos, had not yet been penned, and today we are living in those times about which Christ's beloved disciple wrote.
Today the Church of God is expanding into many areas, in God's way, and in God's time.
But as time passed, another theme developed, around which John wrote extensively in his Gospel and letters, and about which he was forever linked to.
Well, as John spent time with Jesus, walking with Him in the way, being taught, and cared for, and experiencing the love of the Father being poured out through the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit, he witnessed the very essence of the character of God - love.
The same proclamation may be declared by all who trust in the Lord for salvation: All our enemies will one day be ashamed and all our foes will be greatly dismayed, for the time is coming when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus as Lord.
All Scripture had pointed to the time when Christ would set up His promised kingdom on earth, and for three wonderful years God's anointed King of Israel lived among His people and laid out the criteria for entrance into His sovereign realm as His loyal subjects.
At the same time, our faith in Christ secured the salvation of our soul, and we were made a new creation in Christ and given His resurrected life (our new life in Christ), so that instead of following the lust of the flesh we were enabled to walk in newness of life, with the indwelling Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Counsellor, our Guide and Teacher.
And do this, Paul exhorts, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
Timothy had ministered alongside Paul on a number of his missionary journeys and, no doubt, the imprisoned apostle knew that his time was short, his death was close, and that the furtherance of the gospel of grace would depend on the fortitude, faithfulness, and forbearance of younger men like Timothy, and so we read: I long to see you, even as I recall your tears, so that I may be filled with joy.
It seems that Timothy was a gentle man who apparently wept when he and Paul parted for the last time.
Paul explains that the physical resurrection of the 'dead in Christ' whose decomposing bodies are lying in the cold, dank earth, are returned to life in a split-second; in a moment of time, which the apostles describe as 'the twinkling of an eye'.
For many years, both the leaders and the people had been easing their conscience by saying: The time has not come, for the house of the LORD to be rebuilt, but Haggai sharply rebuked Zerubbabel and Jehozadak with the words: Consider your ways!
In the time we have left on earth, may we not be those that listen to the mockers, scoffers, and despisers, but hold fast to the more sure word of Scripture as we look forward to the day when our faith will be made sight.
From the time of our rebirth into the family of God to the return of Christ for His Church, we are pilgrims, passing through a world of sin, en-route to our eternal home.
And for a time... the kingdom of God, which was promised to Israel, has had to be postponed while the Lord calls out of the Gentiles a people for His name - who would proclaim the gospel of grace far and wide and make disciples of every nation.
The realisation that a terrible time of tribulation was about to deluge the little kingdom of Judah, brought Habakkuk to his knees in sorrow and repentance.
Habakkuk was given a great assurance that Israel's coming terrible time of tribulation would have a purifying effect on God's people, and the Lord gave Habakkuk the assurance that, like Abraham, the just shall live because of their faith and that their faith would be credited to them as righteousness.
And so, despite knowing that a time of terrible tribulation was fast approaching the people of God, Habakkuk was able to trust the Lord to keep His promises.
And yet as time marches on, there seem to be many shadows of Israel's past faithlessness that parallel the current apostasy raging through the corridors of Christendom today.
Paul reckoned that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, and so while incarcerated in a prison cell, he was able to write: For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers, and the provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
The physical bodies of all living Christians will also be changed in a moment of time and we will be covered with immortality as we are raptured into the clouds: To meet the Lord in the air.
The Day-of-the-Lord covers a time that starts with a seven-year period of great trouble and tribulation for both Israel and the unbelieving Gentile nations, and it continues through the 1000-year reign of Christ - concluding when God creates a new heaven and a new earth.
The Day-of-the-Lord, therefore, covers a period of about 1007 years, during which time God takes back the reins of authority over the earth from Satan... and establishes Christ as His anointed King on His eternal throne of David.
However, the second part of this particular verse, does not continue to describe what happens during that 7-year Tribulation Period - which is sometimes referred to as The time of Jacob's Trouble, but immediately jumps to the very end of Christ's millennial rule on earth over 1000 years later: In which the heavens will pass away with a roar.
There is nothing that sinful man could ever do, past, present, or future, through time and into eternity, that is sufficient to pay the incalculable price for our sin.
And finally, as the time for his departure drew ever closer, Joshua exhorted the people to put away the gods which their fathers had served beyond the River Jordan and in Egypt.
Isaiah was warning of the coming great day of judgement, the great and terrible 'Day of the Lord' and 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', the coming Tribulation Period when God will pour out His wrath on a Christ rejecting sinful world.
What an amazing time of revival and restoration this will be, juxtaposed with the terrors of the Tribulation Period.
In the penultimate chapter of his instructive manual, the apostle considers the time of the Lord's return and turns our attention to the sort of behaviour our heavenly Father expects from all His born-again children: Let us behave properly as in the day, he charges us.
Let us behave at all time with the same godly propriety that we do in the daytime, he charges us: Not in carousing and drunkenness; not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, and not in strife and jealousy.
Christian re-birth happens as a onetime event which takes place in a moment of time.
But the full measure of the stature, which belongs to the fullness of Christ, refers to that time when every member of Christ's spiritual Body is made perfect in Him.
It is by trusting in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that we have access by one Spirit to the Father and can boldly draw near to the throne of God, confident that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Too often, we think in terms of years and make plans for the far distant future, and yet we are instructed to live one day at a time and not to even worry ourselves about the needs of tomorrow, for each day has sufficient trouble of its own.
We should not only reflect on the brevity of our time here on earth and recognise that our times are in God's hands and that He has scheduled every day of our life to bring glory to Himself, but also that we should make the best use of our time during our brief sojourn on earth, by redeeming the time and making the most of every opportunity we have on earth.
Genesis is the book of beginnings and gives an account of the creation of time, matter, and space.
The intrinsic light of day-one and the illuminating lights of day-four were to divide light from darkness and the day from the night-time.
The cooling blue-light of moon-beams was to govern nature's night-time activities and usher in a constant, rhythmic period of rest and refreshment for man's body and soul.
He knew ahead of time that man would fall and that His plan of redemption, which was formed before the foundation of the earth, would have to be brought into play.
And so, in His wisdom, the Lord placed His two great lights in the starry heaven to be used as signs of the time in which we live, and seasons that would inform us of His unfolding plan of redemption.
Paul in this verse was reminding the Roman believers of a truth that he had taught them some time before: Since we have all died to sin, how can we continue to keep on sinning?
May we who are His children earnestly seek to discover the hidden treasures as are contained within its pages, and apply it to our lives: For blessed is he who reads, and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it, for the time is near.
He was the incarnate Word of God Who was sent to earth at the appointed time to redeem mankind from their sin.
And Paul could hardly conceal his praise and thanksgiving that in God's own time and God's own way, the Son of God was revealed, the message of redemption was proclaimed, and Paul was entrusted to preach the precious gospel of grace, as commanded by Christ.
There is no shadow of change in the Godhead, but it was the gracious plan of salvation that manifested the depth of His tremendous love towards us, which stands starkly silhouetted on time's horizon and the orbit of eternity.
Little did those to whom Paul wrote during his various incarcerations know how widely His epistles would be read and the incredible influence they would have on the Christian Church down through centuries of time.
But sin and stupidity, pride and rebellion, caused God's creation to be placed under a curse for a time.
And we are anticipating that time when, as the last Adam, the Lord of glory, our heavenly Man, will return to rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
That will be a time when all things will be placed under His feet finally and fully.
For a time, the Lord did execute compassion on the southern kingdom of Judah, for there were a few kings who had sought to be righteous before the Lord.
As the history of both northern and southern kingdoms is traced through time, we recognised there are five cycles of discipline that were imposed on both kingdoms with increasing severity, until both were removed from their promised land and enslaved in a foreign place by their cruel captors.
But Hosea's sad story ends with a message of hope and restoration, and by God's grace, Israel will be brought to repentance and restored into fellowship with God in the coming time of Great Tribulation (the time of Jacob's Trouble).
But the message of the Cross was also misunderstood by the Corinthian Christians of Paul's time, just as it is by many believers today who are trying to live their lives based on their own human merit and un-sanctified reasoning.
They were expecting the Lord to set up His kingdom on earth at that time, and the bewilderment they must have felt when He announced that He was to suffer and die, only adds to this pitiful scenario.
Indeed, over time we can nurture a very legalistic mindset, always trying to perfect our own walk, just trying to be a little better, work a little harder, always striving but never reaching that goal of perfection.
Before the world was created, God planned a way that fallen man could be made perfect; a plan that had ultimate fulfilment in Christ, for our righteousness is in Christ and we are perfected in Him: For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
He is their Messiah, Who came to rescue them at God's appointed time as foretold by Scripture.
He came to His own people at God's appointed time - but they did not recognise Him as the only Way, the singular Truth, and Life eternal and He was rejected and cruelly crucified.
And yet for a time, He was made a little lower than the angels, in order to obey His Father, carry out the will of God, and complete His perfect plan of redemption, which necessitated His suffering and death as our Kinsman-Redeemer.
Centuries before the birth of Christ, Jeremiah (the weeping prophet) foresaw that the Gentiles would one day turn from idols to God during a time when His chosen people, Israel, would be set aside for a season due to their ongoing, spiritual idolatry.
Positionally and eternally, we are complete in Christ, yet we are to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus during the rest of our time on earth.
It was Israel to whom this promise was first made, at a time when the nation was rebelling against her God and had wantonly lusted after the false gods of the pagan nations, causing God to liken her to an openly adulterous wife who was flaunting her unfaithfulness in the face of her long-suffering husband.
But as throughout all the generations of Israel's long history, from her conception to this present time, the Lord's promise to be as refreshing dew from heaven to Israel, remains constant and true, as does His pledge to return her to her rightful position as His chosen inheritance.
Ezekiel opened his book by informing us he was a Judean priest who had been taken into Babylonian exile at the same time that Israel's king, Jehoiachin, was also captured.
The Day of the Lord is a period of time that is often spoken about by Old Testament prophets, but when all the passages relating to this unique time in earth's history are carefully examined, two very different descriptions of this special period emerge.
On the one hand, we see a time of great darkness and deep distress when the full force of God's wrath is poured out on a God-rejecting, Christ-hating, sinful world.
On the other hand, we discover a time of peace and prosperity when Christ is ruling and reigning on a rejuvenated earth, where the wolf lies down with the lamb and the earth is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
Satan is also called 'prince of the power of the air' and for the best part of 6000 years, mankind has been living in 'the day of Satan' or 'the day of man' during which time, man has been subjugated under his demonically despotic rule.
From the moment that man sinned in the garden, humanity has been enslaved under the authority of a fallen angel, during which time man has demonstrated his fallen nature, his sinful propensity, his lost status, his estrangement from God, and his desperate need of a Saviour - all of which resulted from Adam's sin in the garden of Eden.
Jeremiah calls it 'the time of Jacob's Trouble' and it is also identified as Daniel's 70th week.
Zephaniah describes this time as: A day of wrath, a day of trouble and a day of distress..
A remnant would be brought to repentance and restoration through Great Tribulation - a generation that would have to endure the Time of Jacob's Trouble.
From this time on, the gospel of the Grace of God would be taught by the One New Man in Christ - the Body of Christ - a New Creation, made up of Jew and Gentile believers.
Israel were to turn back to the GOD of Israel through John's Baptism of Repentance and Israel as a nation, were to believe on Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting - and by so doing they too would be baptised by the Holy Spirit into Church, which is the Body of Christ, and they would receive the indwelling Spirit of God, as promised of old, at God's appointed time - (Pentecost).
From the beginning of time, God has shown no partiality towards Jew or Gentile, male or female, moral or immoral, the religious or irreligious, for all are labelled sinners and all need salvation.
Once we are saved by grace through faith in Him, we are clothed in Christ's righteousness and God will never again hold our sin against us, in time and into eternity.
And there is no more important time to start learning this important truth, than in our childhood... for youth and physical immaturity does not exempt someone from living under Christian principles.
Governments in general, and society at large, are systematically smashing down all the foundations of truth and the time-honoured institutions of God.
Let us stand fast on the eternal truth of the glorious gospel of grace in these increasingly evil days, and let us remember that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
The people of Christ's time were reacting to His message and ministry in the same way that the masses in Isaiah's day reacted to his message and ministry.
They will recognise Jesus as their Messiah and King during the Time of Jacob's Trouble, and this coming generation will fulfil Christ own prophetic word - for they WILL see Him when they cry out to Him for salvation with one, united voice, blessed is He, Who comes in the name of the Lord - Hosanna in the Highest.
But before all this could transpire, God had to prepare a body for His Son so that the eternal Son of God could be born into the human race (at the appointed time) as the perfect Son of Man in order that He could give His life as a ransom for many, including you and me.
He may allow converging circumstances to bring about the right conclusion and He may take time to make our way straight, or He may direct our path instantaneously.
As we acknowledge Him in all things, He will direct our path in His ways and at His time, for our eternal benefit and for His greater glory.
Christ was manifested in the flesh at God's appointed time, at the closing of the old covenant of Law, which had demonstrated the imperfections of humanity and man's inability to reach God's perfect standard, and which He used as a schoolmaster to point us to Christ as the one and only eternal sacrifice for sin.
For the mother in labour and the expectant father, the pain that accompanies those pre-birth hours and minutes appear to morph into the most intense anguish, accompanied by an eternity of time.
Let us rejoice in the Lord knowing that the day is fast approaching when this present time of sorrow too will be turned into an eternity of joy, for He will wipe away every tear from our eyes when we behold Him face to face.
Every aspect of the Paschal lamb from its selection, examination, and the shedding of its blood, to the roasting and eating of its flesh, was fulfilled in every detail by the true Lamb of God when He came to earth to pay the price for the sin of mankind, for He was to die on the Cross at the very time that the Jews were slaughtering their own little lambs on the altar of the temple.
As each rider is summoned onto the world stage, we discover a terrible time of trouble unfolding - a time of destruction, death, and tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will do so again.
In the time of John, the wages a worker received for one day's work, was one denarius.
While many view the four horsemen of the apocalypse as the end of the world and a time to fear, we should never forget that the focus of the book of Revelation is the revealing of JESUS CHRIST.
May we never forget that the Great Tribulation is the period of time when a multitude without number will turn from sin to faith in Christ.
It is the time when the nation of Israel will finally recognise their Messiah and call on the name of the Lord for salvation.
But until the Church is removed from the earth, prior to this time of great trouble - The Great Tribulation, let us redouble our desire to proclaim the truth of the gospel of grace to those with whom we come in contact and let us pray for God's mercy and grace to fall on the race of man.
Like John the Baptist, He taught that the kingdom of God had come to earth, for He was their rightful King - but on many occasions, He informed His followers, My time has not yet come.
The time eventually arrived when Jesus went up to Jerusalem for the last time.
He knew His time was near and set His face as a flint to go all the way to the Cross.
The time had finally arrived when He would become the full and final sacrificial offering for sin Who would give His life for the sin of the world.
It was at this point that Jesus knew His time had come to complete the work He came to do: The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified, He said.
Jesus, the eternal Son of God was born into the world to be our Kinsman-Redeemer, and this was the point when He knew that the time of His death had arrived.
The pivotal point in history that had been ordained before the world began had finally intersected with time - so that He could be the propitiation for our sins - so that fallen man could be placed back in fellowship with the Holy God Who created us.
Peter rejoiced in God's great mercy, knowing that all who trust in Christ for the salvation of their soul through faith in Him, are shielded by the power of God until the coming of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ - Who is ready to be revealed at the last time.
He had been identified as the promised Messiah Who spent His time going about doing good, performing many mighty signs and miracles, and healing all those that were sick in body and distressed in soul.
The time is coming when Israel as a nation will kneel before Him in unanimous repentance and national grief, when: They look upon Him Whom they have pierced, and God Almighty will proclaim: Behold, My servant.
John the Baptist had paved the way, and the time had come for Jesus to be baptised.
But before we can take a breath and spend some time enjoying this moment, we immediately we read: After this, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted by the devil. After the Jordan blessing came the wilderness testings.
And God has set an appointed time when the curse will be lifted, which is linked to His plans and purposes for humanity in general and the Christian Church in particular.
It will be at God's appointed time when the Body of Christ, which is the Church, will receive the adoption of sonship, at the close of the Church age – for that is God's appointed time.
But Paul also knew that rejection of the Lord Jesus by his people, Israel, would delay them the salvation God planned for them through Christ, for they did not recognise the time of their visitation.
He will remove Christ's Body, which is the Church, at His appointed time and return to working through His people Israel, when the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the world.
We should be waiting for Him to come once again from the eternal realm, into our current dimension of time.
The prophecy of Daniel was sealed up until the end of days, but John's vision of the New Jerusalem was not to be sealed because the time was fast approaching when God's perfect plan of redemption would be fully and finally acted out on the world stage.
As the time for this to happen draws ever closer, the division between good and evil is becoming greater with every passing day and those who love and trust the Lord are called to practise righteousness: Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, John was told, for the time is near.
But when the time comes for Christ to return with His Bride to set up His kingdom, the Lord Jesus will consume him with the spirit of his mouth.
Christian character and Christian conduct covers a significant chunk of early Church writings and apostolic epistles, and Peter takes time in his letter to reiterate a believer's position in Christ and the privileges we have in Him.
We who have access to the whole counsel of God, have a fuller understanding that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, and we recognise the futility of questioning God's authority or challenging God's power when we are compassed about by evil.
During the time that Peter was called to be a fisher-of-men, he developed a deep love for his Lord and confessed, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
I am sure that Paul had a meaningful and encouraging time with Peter during that fifteen-day visit.
We rejoice to see the amazing unveiling of His plan of redemption, over centuries of time and we offer grateful thanks when we consider Christ's redemptive work on the Cross.
The high priest was to undertake his duties in a specific way at a specific time, and for a specific purpose.
And at that very time, the veil of the Temple was torn in two, from the top to the bottom, opening the way for all who believe on His name to have access to the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
We have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, for mercy to find help in time of need.
Amos lived in a time of prosperity and growth due to God's goodness and grace.
They knew, from Isaiah, it would be a time when their enemies would be routed, the wolf would lie down with the lamb, and a lion would eat straw like an ox.
But because of the nation's evil, God's wrath would have to precede His promised time of peace and prosperity and His few faithful followers were warned not to long for the day of the Lord, for it would be a day of deep darkness and terrible gloom,and would bring with it the severest judgement upon His people, Israel.
We understand why God said, I hate, I reject your festivals, nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies. But how many of these ungodly activities are found lurking in church corridors and congregational activities of our time.
The Bible teaches that the land that was promised by God to the nation of Israel, will one day be fulfilled - when Christ returns to rule and reign as King of kings - and it is possible that His promise to prolong the days of those that honour their parents may be referring to this future time of peace and prosperity.
The Bible tells us that a time of great distress and terrible trouble is coming, when a great global federation of ungodly rulers and corrupt nations will unite in passionate hatred against God.
As we search the Scriptures with the leading of the Holy Spirit Who will guide us into all truth, our understanding of God will grow, our love for our Redeemer will deepen, and our faith will be strengthened. We will never be shown all the secret things that belong to the Lord in this life, but we will be shown exactly what we need at the right time and in the right way.
But man sinned, which resulted in the earth being cursed so as to bring forth thorns and thistles, for man must now labour to till the earth through painful toil and with the sweat of his brow - and since that time, nature has groaned under its curse, which was a terrible product of man's original sin.
However young or old a person may be in physical years, the fleeting breath of this brief life is but a drop in the vast ocean of eternity as time tick-tocks away.
In the time of Peter, it was Nero who persecuted the Church, as Christians were thrown to the lions, used as sport in the gladiators' arena, and made into human torches to light up the streets of Rome.
The time is fast approaching when we must recognise that however old or young a man may be in physical years, we will soon be standing in the presence of the Lord Jesus, to give an account of the life we lived for Christ.
He was the One Who, when so many crowds were coming and going and He and His disciples did not even have time to eat and relax, said to His faithful followers: Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.
How important not to miss that still small voice of God calling us to come aside from the busyness of life and to spend time in the company of our Heavenly Father.
But let us remember to take time to be alone with Him and to trust Him in every situation that we may be called upon to face, for we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but One Who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin.
The world in which we live is a fallen world; a place of sufferings and trials, and a time of heartaches and problems; a life of difficulties and sickness, and a season of disappointments and death.
The 'abyss' is described in Scripture as 'a bottomless pit' in the bowels of the earth, and for Christ's entire 1000-year kingdom rule (during which Israel is restored, Christians reign with Christ, creation is redeemed, and Jesus is installed as God's King on His holy hill of Zion), Satan is incarcerated in the bottomless pit waiting to be released for a very brief time before being fully and finally destroyed in the lake of fire.
The satanic evil and judgements which will fall on the earth when the abyss is opened by demonic forces, will bring utter devastation and terrible torment on the land and sea, rivers and air, animals and vegetation, and the whole human race, for a pre-ordained length of time.
As Church-age believers, we are not present during this terrible 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', for we read that Christians will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air before the man of sin is revealed and the wrath of God is unleashed upon the whole earth.
We are not appointed to wrath, but we are surrounded by those who have not trusted Christ as Saviour, who will one day have to face this time of unprecedented evil.
Throughout the passage of time, man has keenly desired to approach the unapproachable God.
But, following man's fall, God set in motion His preordained plan to redeem the fallen race of man, and at the appointed time He broke through the space-time barrier into earth's revolving history, to reveal Himself to His fallen creation in a new and special way.
This was His appointed time to implement His perfect plan of redemption.
Jesus is the Creator of the entire universe of time, matter, and space, Who holds all things together by the might of His power.
He is the Alpha and Omega, and will keep us and hold us steady through time and into eternity so that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith, enabling us to be rooted and grounded in Him.
Despite his ever expanding 'prayer list', the apostle Paul found the time and considered it sufficiently important, to make mention of this group of Christians in his prayers.
We should rejoice in the Lord always and sing praises to Him as long as we live, for we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ - through time and into eternity.
However, Daniel's dream, or night-time vision, did not conclude with this evil subjugation of mankind... for as he continued to look intently on this surreal, unveiling of future events, God revealed to Daniel: One like unto a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven.
Daniel was instructed to seal up all his prophetic dreams and visions until the time of the end, but we have been permitted to recognise that the Holy One, Whom Daniel says, Was like unto a Son of Man, was the Lord Jesus. The One Whom Daniel saw was no-less than the incarnate God, Himself, Whose name is Jesus, Who is to save His people from their sins.
Christ's whole life was the perfect example of a man that only said and did those things that He heard from His Father in heaven, while at the same time demonstrating a depth of love for His fellow-man that is unsurpassed.
There was a time when Christians were not a special group of people, but because of our faith in Christ, we have become the people of God and obtained His mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness.
However, we have not replaced Israel, who are still God's chosen people, and there will come a time, yet future, when the plans of God will return to dealing specifically with the nation of Israel.
Just as Satan falsely accused Job and even made blasphemous accusations against our righteous God, he has accused the people of God down through millennia of time and continues to be the accuser of the saints today.
This took place between His death and Resurrection, during the time that His physical body lay lifeless in the tomb. This place of the dead is often called 'Abraham's bosom' or 'Paradise'.