
During times like these, finding a job is on a lot of people's minds. The job search is notoriously stressful and many become unmotivated. But what if we can make it less stressful?

What it does

JAT tracks jobs you have applied to. Save the stages you are at in each application and get the total count. Set goals for yourself (apply to 5 jobs/day) and keep your streak. Find jobs and apply on the website.

How we built it

We built it using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack. Also, we used Auth0 for authentication.

Challenges we ran into

1) Adding real job postings:

-APIs aren't free

-Web scraping had many issues

2) Prioritizing and deciding on features to include

Accomplishments that we're proud of

1) How much we were able to accomplish in the short time we had:

-The project was pretty ambitious for the time frame so being able to pick main features and deliver (sorta) them is something we are proud of

2) Communication and teamwork:

-We didn't know each other beforehand but we were able to quickly assign roles and tasks and work really well with each other

-Anytime someone needed help we all were there to help solve the problem

What we learned

1) We are now git experts:

-In the beginning, we had different setups and levels of understanding of Git, but we were able to figure it out together and follow GitFlow

2) Vite is pronounced "veet"

What's next for JAT

We planned on adding more in-depth analysis of the user's job applications (using AI), helping them improve as a candidate. We can add real job postings. Quick apply feature where a user can apply on JAT and automatically add to their job application tracker. Fix many minor annoyances.

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