Data Structures and Algorithms with Elixir
This is going to be a long an frequently posted thread.
While talking to a friend of mine who has taken data structure and algorithm course, I realized, whenever I “think” about algorithms, Java is the first thing that comes to mind. While I did solve a lot of programming puzzles in functional programming languages, I don’t remember ever taking myself through the shoes of course takers of those courses in a functional (or even dynamic) languages.
So this is what I am doing, I am going to read about an algorithm or two per week, and then try to see it through Elixir. And share the code, and leave myself notes for here, unless I can organize those thoughts well enough to put up in my blog.
I already started this few days ago and made okay progress. Here’s the repository.
I have a few naively implemented algorithms out there, will regularly revise them or update new ones.
Not using any book as reference yet, but when I will I would draw inspiration from the following books:
- A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills by Jay Wengrow (pragprog.com)
- Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (manning.com)
And when I find the courage:
I do not intend this to be used by anyone seriously as this will never be “production-ready”, this repository is to keep myself educated about algorithms and thinking through zippers and lenses.
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