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Real-time applications come with real challenges—persistent connections, multi-server deployment, and strict performance requirements are...

Another BEAM language…
The Hamler Programming Language
Hamler is a strongly-typed language with compile-time typechecking and built-in...

Kotlin v1.4.0 has been released.
Link: Release Kotlin 1.4.0 · JetBrains/kotlin · GitHub

I know that -t flag is used along with -i flag for getting an interactive shell. But I cannot digest what the man page for docker run com...

How Dgraph was running out of memory for some users, and how Go’s Garbage collector wasn’t enough, and Dgraph team used jemalloc to manag...

Node.js v12.20.0, v15.3.0 and v14.15.1 has been released.
Link: Release 2020-11-24, Version 12.20.0 'Erbium' (LTS), @mylesborins · node...

Hey everybody!
I’m working on the project that includes import of Oracle data to PostgreSQL. That data comes as Oracle export (expdp) fi...

So I was thinking of trying out Crystal, I had tried it multiple times but left it midway. Now that there’s a book on it and it’s version...

I have being some Elixir open-source contributions and side projects. Oh, and I’m doing them on livestreams on my twitch channel, follow ...

If you’re getting errors like this:
psql: error: connection to server on socket “/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432” failed: No such file or directory ...
Other popular topics

My first contact with Erlang was about 2 years ago when I used RabbitMQ, which is written in Erlang, for my job. This made me curious and...

Oh just spent so much time on this to discover now that RancherOS is in end of life but Rancher is refusing to mark the Github repo as su...

The V Programming Language
Simple language for building maintainable programs
V is already mentioned couple of times in the forum, but I...

Crystal recently reached version 1. I had been following it for awhile but never got to really learn it. Most languages I picked up out o...

Continuing the discussion from Thinking about learning Crystal, let’s discuss - I was wondering which languages don’t GC - maybe we can c...

Think Again 50% Off Sale »
The theme of this sale is new perspectives on familiar topics.
Enter coupon code ThinkAgain2021 at checkout t...

A Hero’s Journey
with Chris Pine
Chris Pine, author of Learn to Program, Third Edition, discusses his journey to beco...

Was just curious to see if any were around, found this one:
I got 51/100:
Not sure if it was meant to buy I am sure at times the b...

Author Spotlight:
VM Brasseur
We have a treat for you today! We turn the spotlight onto Open Source as we sit down with V...

zig/http.zig at 7cf2cbb33ef34c1d211135f56d30fe23b6cacd42 · ziglang/zig.
General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaini...
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