Ep 14 - Hit Reset Radio Enters The Drone Zone
Posted: December 13, 2013
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This month, Hit Reset Radio covers games they've been playing, 'liking' things in real life, drones, and more.

Ep 13 - Cosplay, Takei, and GTA
Posted: September 23, 2013
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In episode 13 of Hit Reset Radio, Dinky covers his trip to Dragon Con and George Takei. We discuss Cosplay, Grand Theft Auto V's record sales, and lots of listener questions.

Ep 12 - Quest for the Throne of Bone
Posted: August 6, 2013
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Hit Reset Radio returns with episode 12 to discuss Ninja Baseball Bat Man, cartoons, sniffing video game consoles, and the many voices of John Pio.

Ep 11 - The Last XBone Of Steel
Posted: June 23, 2013
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Hit Reset Radio - Episode 11 is all about E3, mainly Sony and Microsoft battling it out over the next generation of console gaming. Dinky Dana also played through the recent release "The Last Of Us", watching "Man of Steel" and John covers "Ultima Forever". It's a funny one so sit back and enjoy the show.

Ep 10 - Hit Reset Radio's Ultima-te Return
Posted: May 29, 2013
(Listen On Youtube)
Hit Reset Radio Episode 10 we make our long needed return to podcasting. The winner of our $60 game giveaway is announced and we answer a listener questions and discuss one of our favorite video game series.

Ep 9 - Arcade Junkie
Posted: November 12, 2012
Hit Reset Radio Episode 9 we have one of our favorite podcast hosts, Tim aka JumbleJunkie from the Operation Kill Screen podcast. The episode gets slightly emo, with a mention of parachute pants, Vintages love of JCPenney, and John harrassed a Nintendo World employee. Oh, and we talk about arcades.

Ep 8 - Hit Reset Halloween
Posted: October 21, 2012
Hit Reset Radio Episode 8 is all about Halloween. We discuss some of our favorite halloween memories, scary video games, and horror films.

Ep 7 - GameNutArcadeHolic7781 in 3D!
Posted: September 12, 2012
In episode 7 of Hit Reset Radio we have on a special guest, Gamester81. We discuss Star Wars, the Classic Gaming Expo, PAX Prime, and our favorite nostalgic board games.

Ep 6 - Nuts and Milk
Posted: August 6, 2012
In episode 6 of Hit Reset Radio we talk about Spiderman, Batman, Nintendo NES games, and John even discusses a few naked video game characters!

Ep 5 - Happy Dungeon Master
Posted: July 8, 2012
For the continuation of our Happy Console Gamer episode, we talk more RPG's, Dungeons and Dragons, tartan weddings, and more!

Ep 4 - Happy Tartan Gamer
Posted: July 7, 2012
We have the special guest Happy Console Gamer on the podcast today. RPG's, Dungeons and Dragons, tartan weddings, and more!

Ep 3 - Fish and Chipsturs
Posted: June 10, 2012
In episode 3 of Hit Reset Radio we bring on our very first guest and friend Chipsturs from YouTube to discuss E3 and also his massive handheld/tabletop gaming collection.

Ep 2 - It Sounds Like Witchcraft To Me
Posted: May 10, 2012
In episode 2 of Hit Reset Radio we discuss E3 expectations, tactile touch screens, game collecting tips, and more. MAMECADE breaks something with a helicopter....

Ep 1 - Pompadour 64
Posted: April 15, 2012
The inaugural episode of the Hit Reset Radio Podcast! Dinky Dana, John Pio of MAMECADE, and Vintage Video Game Geek kick off their podcast with video game discussions on Commodore 64, Pompadours, video game reviews, and more!

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That being said I suggest people when you buy items on eBay or Facebook and you're quoting what pricecharting says the value is of any item, understand this if you're not doing your homework with pricecharting.com you're not going to have correct information when you come to make an offer to a seller with a correct information I go off of simple know-how I know how much I paid for it and I know what I expect to get for it that being stated you can use these resources from these websites and for more be stolen from cuz that's all they're doing to you they're taking you blind and it's sad speak up for yourself people stand up on your own two feet have a voice in society for wrongdoers. I myself am I disabled combat veteran with PTSD TBI seizures as well as heart condition and I've had tumors taken out of my head this is all stuff that JJ Hendricks knows because how you says wholesale video games to him. Do you know that this jerk wants message me four times stating his name was George Prescott and furthermore whenever I saw the video game on his website that he decided to refund the individual I found out later on it was a pal version of that game he said he would include it to the sales data but the website wouldn't track it and he placed me on vacation mode somebody who helped him with his website not only did I help him I provided him with pictures of Nintendo NES games and cartridges the video game data card everything you can think of. Even comic books I supplied him with pictures to that too as well as sports cards and I know them to be my sports cards because they're one of ones. That being stated what do you think whenever this jerk said he would send me a cease and desist letter. But he never has send me a letter he simply took it upon himself to remove my data from his website cuz he doesn't actually close your account he just changed the password basically why would he do that because he's a child he's a child who has to have his way and see what everybody else has so he can try to snake it from you. That's the honest God truth furthermore I simply said to him thank God my tumors out of my head because had it been in my head I would have probably went down there already knocked you out that is not considered a threat now is it that's being proud of myself for having my tumor not in my head because I wouldn't have the right train of thought. Do you know he took it as if I was threatening him that's pretty sad right what is more sad for him though as I filed a police report for his County and his police chief for Boulder Creek Colorado he is a veteran just like me and I was a cop in the military people so unfortunately for him they like veterans they don't like spoiled little brats like him. So seriously people don't support people who send emails to people like me that say they don't give a crap about me being a disabled veteran I serve 13 years as an Army Ranger deployed eight times overseas and he's going to tell me he doesn't care about me being a disabled veteran in an email I have the email to prove that anybody wants to contact me go ahead I will gladly share with you everything he said to me in the past 5 years cuz I have 591 emails. That being stated seriously people don't support people who can't support your veterans who fight for your community. As well as seriously go through his sales data you will see for yourself there's no sales data to the values he's quoting everything at and then go to his website jjgames.com look at what he's selling everything for. And when you see the difference for what he is selling it for and what he says is actually worth call him out on it tell him what's up dude why is it so much more valuable if it's on your website then if I own it. [email protected] is his email address go to contact us on jjgames.com same email address because it's the same person people seriously you cannot own a video game price guide and a video game store in the US I've already turned into the ftca for that and that's exactly what they said cant have both.
APOCALYPSEGAMER posted 2 years ago

Ever wonder why dinky Dana JJ Hendricks the owner of pricecharting.com values everybody's games that they own for a tremendously low value than what they're actually worth. If you ever heard of a website called jjgames.com I'll let you know something about it that's the same owner of that website who owns pricecharting.com. how can you own a video game store and a price guide in the US it's unconstitutional because you can change the price to whatever you want it to be so that basically you can cheat people out of their expensive video games drop the price on it substantially lower than anything else so that you can get it in your hands your collection and then right when you do raise the price right back on it to double what it was worth. I speak on personal references and emails I have from the owner of pricecharting.com where he has emailed me stating he's going to add the sales data into his website but his website is not going to track it and that goes to show you he is operating a price guide to suffice his needs not what the game they're actually worth. Furthermore how many of you people who use this website or pricecharting.com have ever been asked before let me see your receipt to verify how much you paid for an item or how much you sold an item for cuz I have been asked that before bye JJ Hendricks. Furthermore how many people are aware that the owner of pricecharting.com has the power to log into your account to issue a refund to a buyer for any reason they deem Worthy. I know this to be true too because the owner did that to me JJ from pricecharting website issue the refund by logging into my account without my permission without knowing my password so I can guarantee you he knows all of your guys' passwords too. That being said I had my bank run at full oversight of every cell I've ever had on his website just to make sure he wasn't giving me money off the top and guess what he was you know how he says he doesn't charge anybody for listening video games on his website well you know how whenever say you get sell video game and you sell it for five bucks well when you sell that video game for $5 PayPal will take out a 75 value so you're going to get 425 in your account. So out of the $4.25 you think you're getting you're not even getting into that because he's mirroring the same exact value that PayPal is charging you he is simply duplicating it so that he makes 75 cents as well. So technically you're losing a $1.50 for a $5 sale on pricecharting.com so I took it to my bank told them what happened when he issued a refund without my knowledge my permission to do so by logging into my account I told my bank to go through every cell that I ever had and see if you took money when he wasn't supposed to they told me that's what he did do you realize I contacted the better Business bureau as well as my bank contacted the Federal trade and the ACLU in regards to everything this low life did basically and I got an email today from the FTC that stated and I quote thank you for bringing this to our attention we are so sorry that this business does not practice business tactics we are going to find this individuals business as well as we are going to force this business to refund you immediately or they will face High penalties and fines. Not only just that sir but they will be fined already for doing this tactic when they said they are not authorized to or they're not going to charge you a fee this is called trickery people and they can't do that so if you ever showed any video games on pricecharting.com I suggest you do the same thing because I'm told he owes me $592.31. that being said he has 3 days to pay me if he doesn't then I guess the FTC and better Business bureau will take him to litigation and it'll go to court and then help you fined even more. Plus for everybody's who doesn't know this he says his websites out of Wisconsin for more lenient internet laws that Wisconsin imposes just so you know JJ Hendricks from pricecharting.com is out of Boulder Creek Colorado. A felony
APOCALYPSEGAMER posted 2 years ago

Love Your Podcast, Waiting for the new episodes. Loved the Halloween episode you guys did. Especially John's revenge story. Made me laugh my ass off in class. Thanks for getting me in trouble :D Keep up the good work
WOGSTA100 posted 13 years ago

I live in Louisiana and I'm going to say this, there is no, nada,zip,zero places to find retro videogames except maybe Play N Trade which has OK prices but a very very small selection of retro games and the staff IS a bunch a A-holes. Plus Flea markets and Goodwills in Louisiana have NOTHING,I'D make a comment on my YouTube Channel to your guys channels but YouTube hates my password and I can't change it or contact the morons at YouTube to fix it so I can log in to it.You can find me on Xbox LIVE under t
nintendobard posted 13 years ago

I just finished listening to episode 9 and loved it! Again I urge you to have avgn on the podcast
Spenser123 posted 13 years ago

Wooo hoo! This podcast is sweet, it's as if you took the game Grey Lancer and coated it with sugar then rolled it in a pizza then dunked it in a milkshake. Needless to say, I enjoy it very strongly and thank you for making it possible for my ears to experience this ecstasy you call a podcast once a month (with the exception of the most recent two-parter which was two doses of extreme twitterpation). -Dr.Sanders of Slime Tv
slimetv posted 14 years ago

Oh later that day all the games and hardware were on criagslist including the game I was going to purchase for twice the cost I was going to buy it for... Has this happened to you guys before?
Prowings posted 14 years ago

Great podcast! I loved hearing Vintage's story about the ps2 at goodwill and Dinky's stops at flea markets. I know your guys were looking for more questions from the listeners so hear it goes. Flea markets, and Goodwills are great places to find "rare" games for your collection. Have any of you ever found yourself competing with other collectors or resellers at these places? I experienced this last weekend, when a reseller interfered in me buying a game so he could buy the entire table of games...
Prowings posted 14 years ago

Yeah Dinky, make that happen.
vintagevideogamegeek posted 14 years ago

Have avgn on after happy console gamer
Spenser123 posted 14 years ago

great job guys I love every episode and i follow all of you on youtube. If you could to make the next podcast pretty soon that would be awsome.
Spenser123 posted 14 years ago

I love this podcast. I've listened to every episode. You dudes are doing a great job. Never stop.
robandedsfunnyshorts posted 14 years ago

Another excellent episode with Chipsturs as a guest. Really enjoyed the tabletop game discussion, as I knew little to nothing about them prior to this episode. Great stuff you guys!!!
relewis2011 posted 14 years ago

Really nice podcast I'm a big fan of all of you on YouTube especially you dinky. I wish I had a n.e.s because broke and I have a billion games for it.
Spenser123 posted 14 years ago

just listened to the two podcasts, really enjoyed them. the banter is great and i love listening to you guys, cant wait for the next podcast. congrats john on number 2 :)
evo4123 posted 14 years ago

Do it dude!
vintagevideogamegeek posted 14 years ago

Love the podcast, I collect video games and play them when i get a chance, im in the same boat as john and vintage with the kids department. My other friends dont collect so its nice to hear you guys talk, im actually thinking about starting up a you tube page because of you guys so... perhaps :D
dergian posted 14 years ago

Loved the second episode just as much as the first, keep it up guys!
TheGamerz01 posted 14 years ago

This podcast kicks ass! B-) It's definitely right up there with the best! Cheers
pestro87 posted 14 years ago

Post your Gameboy game collection!
vintagevideogamegeek posted 14 years ago

Where's that iTunes link?
vintagevideogamegeek posted 14 years ago

Great podcast guys, really enjoyed it. Got here thru PetreDorr's AGG recommendation
Grandeboracho posted 14 years ago

No problem Vintage!
DinkyDana posted 14 years ago

Win! Thanks for fixing that Dinkster!
vintagevideogamegeek posted 14 years ago

Fail! It won't let me register "vintagevideogamegeek" because it is over 16 characters!
Vintage posted 14 years ago

diiiinky dana
imidom posted 14 years ago

I am commenting. Ooooo look, it leaves the letters I typed on the screen. Niffty.
mamecade posted 14 years ago

My first comment for the website!
DinkyDana posted 14 years ago

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Hit Reset Radio

Dinky Dana


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