The department's 2025 Earth Day celebration event will be held Friday, April 25, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the south lawn of the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City.
Since 1994, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has hosted an annual Earth Day celebration, bringing together statewide agencies and organizations to offer hands-on educational activities and displays to students from across Missouri. Earth Day offers a variety of fun and educational opportunities for students interested in finding out more about how they can improve the world around them. This free, annual event usually includes activities such as live presentations by the World Bird Sanctuary, crafts made from recycled items, stage games with prizes and several hands-on and interactive activities. Activities are tailored for fifth graders, but all ages are welcome.
Check out our photos from the 2024 event.
Register to Participate

Teachers, register to participate! While open and free to the public, the Earth Day 2025 activities are geared to the educational needs of fifth-grade students. Teachers can register their classes for Earth Day 2025 online. Preregistration allows us to better prepare for the event, as well as make sure registered teachers receive all the necessary information to make sure their students get the greatest educational benefit possible from attending the event.
Schools may be eligible to apply for financial assistance through the department’s bus grant program to assist with transportation expenses!
Slogan Contest
2025 Earth Day Slogan Contest is Open
Each year, we invite fifth grade classrooms from across Missouri to participate in our Earth Day slogan contest. We encourage those students to put on their thinking caps and submit a slogan about any aspect of Earth Day. Interested fifth grade students should complete the Earth Day Slogan Contest Entry Form and mail the bottom of the form to our office. The winner will be our special guest during Earth Day 2025 and will receive a special gift. The teacher of the winning student will also win something special. Entries must be received by Friday, Feb. 2128, 2025 (extended due to inclement weather).
2024 Earth Day Slogan Contest Winner
Ella Garr, a fifth-grade student from Académie Lafayette in Kansas City, won the slogan contest with the entry: "Protect the Earth, for what it's worth." Ella was among more than 150 Missouri fifth graders from 13 schools who entered the annual slogan contest.
As the slogan contest winner, Ella will be our special guest, honored during a presentation on the Earth Day stage during the Earth Day opening ceremony. Ella will receive an Earth Day proclamation signed by Gov. Mike Parson, a $50 gift card donated by Central Bank in Jefferson City and a Missouri rock and mineral set donated by Missouri Geological Survey. Ella's teacher, Samia Alileche, will also receive a special award.
Congratulations to Ella and Ms. Alileche and thanks to everyone for entering!
Activities and Information
Held in the shadow of Missouri's historic Capitol, our Earth Day celebration offers a variety of fun and educational opportunities for students interested in finding out more about how they can improve the world around them.
- Teachers’ Resource Station – Teachers will be able to review the latest in educational offerings from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and many of our state, local and university exhibitors. This also will include a place to sit and relax!
- Live stage presentations – Educational stage games (with prizes), presentations by the World Bird Sanctuary and more.
- Exhibit Booths – Exhibits from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources as well as other state, federal and local agencies.
- Hands-on crafts from recycled materials – This popular Earth Day activity will return by popular demand.
Attention Teachers!
- Check out the Missouri State Parks Bus Grant Program page for information about available transportation assistance.
- Since your bus cannot stay on the Capitol grounds, we will have a secure place for you to check-in your coolers and food. If you are bringing lunches for your class, please plan to use our Cooler Corral.
- Earth Day volunteer staff will direct you to the Cooler Corral as you unload buses.
- Staff at the Cooler Corral will tag your items and give a matching stub to the teacher or responsible adult. Use your stub to reclaim your coolers or food later in the day.
- To prevent any tampering, items cannot be dropped off without completing a check-in tag and they cannot be picked up without presenting the matching stub.
- We cannot check or hold other articles or valuables. Please leave articles you don’t need for the day on the bus.
Additional Information
Check back for updates on the following topics for the 2025 event as information becomes available.
- Bus Directions and Map
- Event Map - Coming soon!
- State Parking Lots (refer to legend for restrictions)
- Downtown Parking Map (refer to legend for restrictions)
- Stage Schedule - Coming soon!
- Tips for Teachers
- Zero Waste Challenge
Other Events
2025 Events Across Missouri
Many communities in Missouri have Earth Day celebrations and environmental cleanup opportunities. If you would like to submit an event for consideration to be listed on this page, send the details (including a website link) to [email protected].
- Columbia Area Earth Day Festival (April 27)
- Kansas City Earth Day (April 20)
- Springfield Earth Day Festival (April 26)
- St. Louis Earth Day Festival (April 26-27)
Cleanup Activities:
- Bridgeton - Bridgeton Government Center Cleanup (April 12)
- Chesterfield - River's Edge Park Cleanup (April 12)
- Columbia - Cleanup Columbia (April 12)
- Creve Coeur - Mallard Lake Cleanup (April 12)
- Dardenne Prairie - Mission: Clean Stream (April 5)
- Florissant - O'Fallon Park Cleanup (April 9)
- Florissant - St. Ferdinand Park Cleanup (April 12)
- Hazelwood - Musick Park Cleanup (April 12)
- Lake of the Ozarks Shoreline Cleanup (April 16)
- Spanish Lake - Spanish Lake County Park Cleanup (April 12)
- Springfield - James River Basin Partnership Earth Day Cleanup (April 22)
- St. Ann - Coldwater Creek Cleanup (April 12)
- St. Charles - Mission: Clean Stream (April 12)
- St. Louis - Benham Road Cleanup (April 12)
- St. Louis - Redman Road Cleanup (April 12)
- St Louis - Confluence Trash Bash (April 12)
- St. Louis - Mississippi Riverfront Cleanup (April 12)
- St. Louis - North Riverfront Park (North Lot) Cleanup (April 12)
- St. Louis - North Riverfront Park (South Lot) Cleanup (April 12)
- St. Louis - UMSL Community Garden Cleanup (April 7)
- St. Louis - West End Neighborhood Cleanup (April 12)
- Sugar Creek Missouri River Cleanup (April 12)
- Wentzville - Mission: Clean Stream (April 5)
- West Alton - Ellis Bay Cleanup (April 12)
- West Alton - Ellis Island Cleanup (April 12)
- West Alton - Lincoln Shields Recreation Area Cleanup (April 12)
Environmental Activities:
- Ballwin - Honeysuckle Hack at Castlewood State Park (April 17)
- Crestwood - Honeysuckle Hack at Crestwood Park (April 5)
- Crestwood - Tree Planting at Crestwood Park (April 19)
- Eureka - Route 66 Honeysuckle Hack (April 9)
- Eureka - Route 66 Honeysuckle Hack (April 26)
- Eureka - Honeysuckle Hack at Greensfelder Park (April 12)
- Eureka - Honeysuckle Hack at Greensfelder Park (April 16)
- St. Louis - Honeysuckle Hack and Native Planting at St. Vincent Park (April 5)
- St. Louis - Honeysuckle Hack at Little Creve Coeur Ecological Area (April 19)
Events in Missouri State Parks
Visit the Missouri State Parks website often to search for Earth Day events being planned at various Missouri State Parks and Historic Sites.
Missouri Recycling Association
Other Links
- History of Earth Day – Earth Day, which occurs annually on April 22 in the U.S., involves tens of thousands of events, from rallies and teach-outs to concerts and Earth fairs. You'll find them everywhere, in the world's capitals and in its nooks and crannies – together sending a message loud and clear that this turf is precious, perishable and belongs to all of us.
- Learning and Teaching about the Environment – Discover environmental education resources for teachers and students.
- Reducing Food Waste Activity Book – Help Apple and her friends learn how to reduce food waste and help protect the environment.
- EPA Region 7 Trash-Free Waters Challenge – We challenge you to help EPA keep the waters of our creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans TRASH-FREE! Did you know the majority of the trash and plastic items found in the oceans actually came from land a long way upstream? Now that you do, you can help keep trash out of the oceans, even if you live far from the coast. EPA's Trash-Free Waters program is focused on keeping waters trash-free by working with communities to reduce the amount of trash entering U.S. waterways and the world’s oceans.
Earthday.org's mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 150,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet. Visit earthday.org's How to do Earth Day 2024 and find an event in your location!
Heartland All Species Project
The Heartland All Species Projects mission is to provide interdisciplinary eco-cultural environmental education and community building action projects for cities, neighborhoods and villages. Just as the Fourth of July reminds us to love our country, Earth Day reminds us to love and care for the earth and our fellow creatures. Visit the Heartland All Species Project's Earth Day in Your Neighborhood and find ways to put on your own local activities.
MoDNR Publications
- Household Hazardous Waste – Learn about common household hazardous waste items and the steps you should take to properly dispose of them.
- The Living Soil Activity Book - PUB0412 – Learn about soil erosion and conservation with the Wormsteads and Farmer Frank.
- Missouri Geological Survey Publications – Find information about Missouri's minerals, soil and water, and learn how MGS encourages their beneficial use.
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Contact Information
Department of Natural Resources
1101 Riverside Drive
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States