

CoreStack provides the ability to view all the resources associated with orders that are provisioned on cloud.

Navigation – My Workspace

Click on Self Service in the Left navigation menu and select My Workspace option to land in Self Service – Workspace screen.

This screen displays all the Resources ordered and provisioned, in a grid format. High-level details such as Order name, Unit Cost per hour, Cost till date, Estimated cost, status, and expiry details are provided.

  • Access Details – In this section the Resources IP and login credentials are provided.
  • Cost per hour – Indicates the unit cost of the Resource on a per hour basis.
  • Activation time – Indicates the date and time of the Resource being first activated after approval from approver.
  • Termination time – Indicates the expiration date and time of the Resource.
  • Total Duration – Shows the total number of hours and total cost of the Resource.
  • Usage till now – Shows the number of hours the Resource has been in use and the cost incurred so far.

Verifying the Order Placed/Provisioned

This section will display the provisioned resources and in-progress resources associated with orders.

Clicking on a Provisioned VM will display the Order details, Access details and Resource properties in detail.

Viewing Provisioned Order in Detail

On clicking the provisioned order, Access details and Resource properties will be displayed in different sections:

  • Order details – Access Name, Order Name, Created By, request Status, Activation time, Total Duration, Usage till now, Termination time.
  • Access Details – Username, Password, IP Address and Other properties like Subnet, Image, OS Disk, etc.
    1. Active – When the VM has been approved and provisioned by the approver, the status will appear as active.
    2. Completed – When the VM has been approved and provisioned by the approver, but due to some technical fault, such as connectivity, does not get processed, the Admin has to manually intervene and set the process right. In such cases of manual intervention, the Completed status is displayed.

Viewing Resource Details

This section shows the Cloud, Image and Instance Size selected by the developer while placing the request. Also, the current status of the resource, that is, pending, provisioned, approved, is displayed.

Modifying Resource Details

Details on the resources can be modified by click on the settings icon of the provisioned resource and selecting 'Modify' option.

Terminating Resource On-Demand

Resources can be terminated on demand by click on the settings icon of the provisioned resource and selecting 'Terminate' option.

Developer Dashboard

As a developer, you can quickly view the status of your orders and existing VMs using the Dashboard.

This is the first screen that appears after you log in. Also, you can click the dashboard icon available in the top right corner of the screen to visit.

The dashboard is split into five sections:

Section 1: Quick Numbers

This section shows at a glance the number of:

  • Failed orders
  • Pending orders
  • Active VMs
  • VMs expiring today
  • VMs expiring this week

You can dive deeper and view in-depth details by clicking on each number. It redirects you to the respective pages from where you can take the necessary actions with ease.

Section 2: Top Apps

This section shows a bar diagram that provides an overview about the Apps that has been ordered the most.

Section 3: Usage Cost

Every developer must contribute towards optimization of cloud costs, and hence this graph is an excellent tool that indicates the monthly usage cost of the cloud resources. The total usage cost for each month will be shown in this chart. This gives the trend of the usage cost month-on-month associated with the self-service orders.

Section 4: Total Orders

Total orders created and provisioned in a month-on-month basis will be shown in this chart. This gives the trend of increase or decrease in the usage of self-service.

Section 5: Order Status Distribution

This pie chart offers a quick view of the order count with different status: terminated, rejected, etc.