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Configuring self-hosted runners for code scanning in your enterprise

Вы можете включить, настроить и отключить code scanning для вашего предприятия. Code scanning позволяет пользователям проверять код на наличие уязвимостей и ошибок.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Code scanning доступен для следующих типов репозитория:

Provisioning a self-hosted runner


GitHub can run code scanning using a GitHub Actions workflow. First, you need to provision one or more self-hosted GitHub Actions runners in your environment. You can provision self-hosted runners at the repository, organization, or enterprise account level. See About self-hosted runners and Adding self-hosted runners.

If you are provisioning a self-hosted runner for CodeQL analysis, your runner must use a CodeQL-supported operating system version and CPU architecture. See the CodeQL system requirements.

If you are using default setup for code scanning, you can assign self-hosted runners with the default code-scanning label, or you can optionally give them custom labels so that individual repositories can use different runners. See Configuring default setup for code scanning.

For information about using default setup for code scanning analysis of compiled languages, see CodeQL code scanning for compiled languages.

You must ensure that Git is in the PATH variable on any self-hosted runners you use to run CodeQL actions.


If you use CodeQL code scanning to analyze code written in Python in your enterprise, you must make sure that your self-hosted runner has Python 3 installed.