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CoreMP135 UiFlow2 Quick Start

1. Preparation

2. Download System Dependencies

  • Connect to the device via serial or SSH to access the terminal, then execute the following commands to download the system dependencies (this step requires network connectivity).
apt update
apt install -y python3-pip libportaudio2

3. Download Python whl Package

  • Download the UiFlow2 package and upload it to the device via SCP or another method.
CoreMP135-UiFlow2 Package
The CoreMP135-UiFlow2 package is a third-party Python 3.11 library prepared for CoreMP135 UiFlow2, used to run code generated by UiFlow2. This library includes an executable UiFlow2 command-line tool for starting/stopping a background service. The background service will connect to the UiFlow2 server to receive commands.
Software Version Download Link
uiflow2-0.0.1-cp311-cp311-linux_armv7l.whl Download
  • Replace the IP in the command below with the actual device IP
scp .\uiflow2-0.0.1-cp311-cp311-linux_armv7l.whl root@

4. Install UiFlow2 Python Library

Since pip in Debian 12 has system protection enabled, refer to the command below and add the --break-system-packages flag to install the package (this step requires network connectivity).
pip install ./uiflow2-0.0.1-cp311-cp311-linux_armv7l.whl --break-system-packages
  • Test whether the installation was successful by checking that uiflow2 appears in the pip package list.
pip list
Package            Version
------------------ ---------
certifi            2025.1.31
charset-normalizer 3.4.1
distro             1.8.0
evdev              1.9.1
idna               3.10
paho-mqtt          2.1.0
pip                23.0.1
PyAudio            0.2.14
pyserial           3.5
requests           2.32.3
setuptools         66.1.1
smbus2             0.5.0
uiflow2            0.0.1
urllib3            2.3.0
wheel              0.38.4

5. Bind Device Account

Refer to the command below, and enter your M5Stack account's email address and password to bind the device to your account. If you do not have an account, you can click here to register a new account .

uiflow2 register
Please input your email: XXXXXXXXX@XXXX.com
Please input your password: 

6. Start UiFlow2 Service

# Start the UiFlow2 service
  • Other common commands
# Run the default UiFlow menu program and start the UiFlow2 service
uiflow2 ui

# Stop the UiFlow2 service
uiflow2 stop
  • Linux system service commands
# Enable uiflow2 systemd service; uiflow2 will start automatically when the system starts
uiflow2 enable

# Restart uiflow2 systemd service
systemctl restart uiflow2.service

# Check uiflow2 systemd service status
systemctl status uiflow2.service

# Stop uiflow2 systemd service
systemctl stop uiflow2.service

# Remove uiflow2 systemd service
uiflow2 disable

7. Program Push

  • Visit the UiFlow2 Web IDE and log in with your M5Stack account. In the device list, you can see the currently online devices. Select a device to start programming.

8. Version


  • feature: support widgest(title, label, rect, circle, line, triangle, image) display.
  • feature: support file operation write/read/HTTP download/delete.
  • feature: support download program and run it when uiflow2 start.
  • feature: support touch, power, button, sperker, i2c, uart api.
  • feature: support unit envpro, tmos, gpsv1.1, imu.
  • feature: support uiflow2 systemd service for auto start.
  • feature: support bind accounts by email and password.
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