Assistant and Assistant Pro Cloud Introduction
Welcome to the Assistant Pro Cloud documentation. This is a comprehensive guide to the Assistant plugin and Assistant Pro Cloud. We’ll cover topics such as installation, how to manage your WordPress assets, and tutorials to speed up your workflow.
Quick Start
- What can I do with the Assistant plugin and Assistant Pro Cloud?
- Create an Assistant Pro user account.
- Install the Assistant Plugin on one or more WordPress sites.
- Connect your site(s) to the Assistant Pro Cloud.
Access the Assistant user interface from any frontend page to use the suite of apps:
- Get a glance of your recently edited posts from the Home App.
- Search WordPress directly from the frontend.
- Quickly find posts, pages, and custom post types with the Content App.
- Upload media to the WordPress media library by dropping files on the Media App.
- Approve, mark as spam, trash, or reply to comments with the Comments App.
- Keep an eye on plugin and theme updates with the Updates App.
- Add custom labels to posts or pages to help organize your site from Apps + Settings.
The following definitions are specific to the Assistant plugin and Assistant Pro Cloud.
Assistant Plugin
A Plugin for WordPress that provides a sidebar on frontend pages. The sidebar makes it easy to access the backend of your site from frontend pages. The Assistant Plugin also interfaces with the Assistant Pro Cloud to let you store and share your creative assets.
Assistant Pro Cloud
A cloud-based file sharing system for WordPress sites, organized into libraries that contain creative assets. Through the Assistant plugin, libraries can be shared between an individual website and the cloud, making them accessible to other websites, other Assistant Pro cloud users, and Assistant Pro cloud team members.
Apps are modular component of the plugin with specific functionality. There are currently six apps: Home, Content, Media, Comments, Updates and Libraries.
Creative Assets
Creative assets include the following:
Images in .png, .jpg, .svg, or .gif format.
- Posts and archives.
- Pages.
- Custom post types, including plugins such as WooCommerce.
- Beaver Builder saved content (rows, columns, modules, layout templates).
- Beaver Themer layouts.
- Gutenberg blocks.
- Templates from supported third-party page builders (Elementor, Divi, Visual Composer).
Colors can be selected from the color picker or entered as hexadecimal color values. For example, #ffffff
Code snippets
Save code snippets in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
- Customizer settings from a WordPress theme
A library is a collection of creative assets that provides the means of sharing through the Assistant Pro Cloud.
- You can create libraries in both the Assistant Pro Cloud and in the plugin.
- You can upload media and create color settings to any library in the Assistant Pro Cloud UI.
- Through the Assistant plugin, you can add any creative assets on your site to a library, which is then shared via your Assistant Pro cloud account.
Libraries fall into one of three categories, depending on your Assistant Pro Cloud account:
- Private Library - Only available for personal and team account holders. Not visible to the community
- Shared Library - The entire community can see your shared libraries if they click your user handle.
- Team Library - Instead of having an individual own the library, the library and its permissions are shared across a team of users.
Library Collections
A way to sort creative assets within libraries similar to WordPress tags.
Assistant Cloud Pro Account Types
- Free - Libraries are all shared with the Assistant community.
- Personal - Libraries can be made private.
- Team - Libraries and their permissions can be shared across a team of users.
The basic Team plan includes three personal user accounts. Additional users can be added for $5 per month each.
- Share - Updates as the designer updates the library.
- Duplicate - Creates a copy of the library.