Information and Media Technologies
Online ISSN : 1881-0896
ISSN-L : 1881-0896
Computer Networks and Broadcasting
Detection of Bot Infected PC Using Destination-based IP Address and Domain Name Whitelists
Keisuke TakemoriTakahiro SakaiMasakatsu NishigakiYutaka Miyake
Author information

2011 Volume 6 Issue 2 Pages 649-659


As a bot communicates with a malicious controller over a normal communication or an encrypted channel and updates its code frequently, it becomes difficult to detect an infected personal computer (PC) using a signature-based intrusion detection system (IDS) and an antivirus system (AV). As sending control and attack packets from the bot process are independent of the user operation, a behavior monitor is effective in detecting an anomaly communication. In this paper, we propose a bot detection technique that checks outbound packets with destination-based whitelists. If any outbound packets during the non-operating duration do not match the whitelists, the PC is considered to be infected by the bot. The whitelists are a set of legitimate IP addresses (IPs) and/or domain names (DNs). We implement the proposal system as a host-based detector and evaluate false negative (FN) and false positive (FP) performance.

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© 2011 Information Processing Society of Japan
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