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Research Article

Texture analysis of the developing human brain using customization of a knowledge-based system

[version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]
PUBLISHED 12 Jan 2017
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Background: Pattern recognition software originally designed for geospatial and other technical applications could be trained by physicians and used as texture-analysis tools for evidence-based practice, in order to improve diagnostic imaging examination during pregnancy.
Methods: Various machine-learning techniques and customized datasets were assessed for training of an integrable knowledge-based system (KBS), to determine a hypothetical methodology for texture classification of closely-related anatomical structures in fetal brain magnetic resonance (MR) images. Samples were manually categorized according to the magnetic field of the MRI scanner (i.e. 1.5-tesla (1.5T), 3-tesla (3T)), rotational planes (i.e. coronal, sagittal and axial), and signal weighting (i.e. spin-lattice, spin-spin, relaxation, proton density). In the machine-learning sessions, the operator manually selected relevant regions of interest (ROI) in 1.5/3T MR images. Semi-automatic procedures in MaZda/B11 were performed to determine optimal parameter sets for ROI classification. Four classes were defined: ventricles, thalamus, grey matter, and white matter. Various textures analysis methods were tested. The KBS performed automatic data pre-processing and semi-automatic classification of ROIs.
Results: After testing 3456 ROIs, statistical binary classification revealed that combination of reduction techniques with linear discriminant algorithms (LDA) or nonlinear discriminant algorithms (NDA) yielded the best scoring in terms of sensitivity (both 100%, 95% CI: 99.79-100), specificity (both 100%, 95% CI: 99.79-100) and Fisher coefficient (≈E+4, ≈E+5, respectively).
 Conclusions: LDA and NDA in MaZda can be useful data mining tools for screening a population of interest subjected to a clinical test.


prenatal, fetal brain, computer-assisted radiology, Mazda, b11, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, computational visual cognition


Medicine is not an exact science but an applied, interdisciplinary field1. Therefore, the time to produce physicians specialized in radiology is very long2,3. Moreover medicine is still and will still be evolving in years to come46. As cures are being discovered or invented, new diseases become known and mutations surface along with new variants710. Trainable knowledge-based systems (KBS) could be an answer to the global shortage of radiologists1,1114. Besides, there are other major obstacles, which also prevent KBS from being fully functional out of the factory. The body of medical knowledge, known to this date, is gathered and transferred through theoretical and clinical intuition as well as experience1,2,12. Then physicians continue to expand their acquired knowledge with years of evidence-based practice15,16. On top of the challenge is the fact that some conditions may not be symptomatic during medical examination17,18. Hence, medicine is indeed a continuing learning process15,16. That was why we proposed the approach to have the observer (in this case the physicians working in the field) as the direct trainer (the programmer) of a KBS designed as a customizable, conceptual framework. In computer science, a framework is a system which implements the process of abstraction ― i.e. a technique where developers make computer modeling/programming simpler to understand, use and apply. Such a KBS should not be designed as “a hammer to drive a nail” but as an abstraction system with generic functionality ― which can be changed with user-written codes and customized for unlimited applications. The purpose is to enhance human-computer interaction (HCI) in medicine.

The aforementioned points are introduced especially to show the need for customization in computer-aided-diagnosis (CAD). Pre-programmed CAD systems surely help radiologists and obstetricians,1921 but they could be better and more useful with some room for customization ― and could even improve the sharing and preservation of diagnostic innovations.

Research background & goals

The aim of this research was to find a customizable software framework (KBS) to mathematically determine an optimal combination of texture analysis methods to differentiate anatomical structures in the developing fetal brain (i.e. regions of interest (ROI)). Why did this experiment focus on normal development of central nervous system (CNS) rather than common conditions affecting fetal organogenesis? When considering fetal intervention to correct an anomaly in utero, the first ethical priority is actually mother safety. Prenatal well-being is clinically second, after evaluation of benefit-risk ratio2226. In the 1960s, fetal surgery was conceived and introduced in clinical practice27. In spite of the improvement in surgical technology, the number of successfully-treated cases of congenital defects and life expectancy of survivors are still limited2831. The theoretical procedures are troublesome and have not been investigated enough32. Hence, they are considered as experimental treatments32. Whether invasive or minimally invasive, fetal intervention is not the ultimate solution of this societal conundrum. It is usually reserved for cases of severe fetal anomalies2832. In recent years, prenatal therapy is gaining popularity in religiously conservative territories particularly where abortion is prohibited33,34. Fetal intervention is recommended for fetuses with mild and non-lethal defects, in order to discourage abortion and continue childbearing. In the country where this research was carried out (i.e. Poland), abortion is, once again, nationally banned ― except in cases of rape, life-threatening pregnancy and childbirth, and grave malformations3336. Pressures are due to growing pro-life supporters demanding total anti-abortion, child-bearing at all costs, and capital punishment for illegal termination of pregnancy3336. Nevertheless, Poland neither sanctions nor executes the outlaws of illegal abortion. Despite the absence of penalty, abortion is respectfully performed as permitted by local authority. The aforementioned dilemma justified the usage of fetal MRI (fMRI) in this research. In theory, it was previously hypothesized and documented that the high electromagnetic fields (EMF) used for MR procedures can disrupt the early stage of organogenesis. To this date, the embryotoxic, fetoxic, and teratogenic effects of MRI are not well known. Normally, fMRI is not recommended during the first and second trimester, unless it is absolutely necessary to confirm and/or supplement the diagnosis of fetal anomalies. Legal decision to prescribe abortion to a patient sometimes requires advanced clinical investigation, accompanied by psychological counseling before and after the operations3741. To this date, ultrasound (US) devices are preferred for obstetrical examinations. With 2D, 3D, and 4D US scans, physicians can effectively and efficiently diagnose the majority of life-threatening conditions affecting mother and fetus4246. Therefore, ultrasonography (USG) is sufficient for diagnosis of severe malformations affecting abdominal organs. Why was magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prescribed? Fetal brain is where US devices struggle to produce desirable results. MRI was subsequently performed to rule out severe abnormalities in brain development, which are not visible on sonogram. Magnetic resonance (MR) samples came from fetuses with suspected heart and kidney defects. Disruption of organogenesis in the latter, depending on severity, might affect normal development of the brain. MR samples used in this experiment were visually investigated by specialists, structure-by-structure. No severe malformations were observed. In these cases, MRI studies did not add any further indication to legally fulfill the criteria to terminate pregnancy. The human visual apparatus has its limit. Unfortunately, missed diagnoses do occur. Malformations may not be apparent prior to birth. If fetal defects are suspected, bureaucracy may also restrict access to more advanced testing and healthcare. Consequently, pregnant women are deliberately forced to bear and deliver malformed babies. At the end of the day, physicians may still have to deal with the legal liability for failure to terminate pregnancy41. Unwanted fetuses may become neglected, and foundling is also a growing problem in society4749 . Congenital brain defects and its impacts on physical and cognitive development may not be detectable until after birth. Fetal outcome and mental retardation can be difficult for a physician to predict. The process requires access to better medical examination, development of more advanced tools and further investigation. That is why the ultimate goal of this feasibility study was to gather knowledge for the practicality of a proposed project seeking to improve diagnostic accuracy and precision, by extending HCI usage in medicine. There are many computer-aided diagnostic tools on the commercial shelves ( — e.g. Radiomics,5052. Definiens Tissue Phenomics®,53 CAD4TB Diagnostic Software54,55). Sadly, they are primarily designed for pre-loaded applications but not much else.


This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Medical University of Lodz (MUL). Written informed consents were obtained from all subjects, as well as perpetual licenses pertaining to copyright and ownership bundle-of-rights of the medical records ― for the purpose of education, research and publication. All experiments were performed in accordance with the relevant institutional and national guidelines, regulations, licenses and approvals ― from, but not limited to MUL, Lodz University of Technology (TUL), Barlicki University Hospital (BUH), Central University Hospital (CUH), Kopernik Hospital, Biegański Specialty Hospital, Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital & Research Institute of Lodz (ICZMP) and National Health Fund (NFZ). The collective approval-certificate (number RNN/213/13/KE) and the researchproposal were reviewed and endorsed by the senior officers of the Research Ethics Committee.

Ethics and informed consent

This feasibility study was approved by the Bioethics Research Board which regulates experiments carried out at the Medical University of Lodz and affiliated research hospitals in Poland (permit number: RNN/213/13/KE). Due to administrative and logistic delay as well as finding volunteers and expensive cost and availability of MRI56,57, it took us nearly five years to collect the magnetic resonance (MR) samples. The nature of the study was explained to patients in Polish by attending physicians, and individual written informed consent was obtained for this research and its publication. Agreement number: 3/2011 - concluded on December 6, 2011, between the experimenter (Hugues Gentillon), research supervisor (Ludomir Stefańczyk) and rector of Medical University of Lodz (Radzisław Kordek), Faculty of Biomedical Science - Post-graduate research in Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy. Consent for publication of these data was obtained. Furthermore all data from human participants were anonymized as per consent agreement. Informed Bioethics Committee Approval Number: RNN/213/13/KE, JULY 16, 2013. If you have any questions regarding the decision please include the above number and date in your letter. Send correspondence to: THE BIOETHICS COMMITTEE OF THE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF LODZ Al. Kościuszki 4, 90-419 Łódź, tel. 0 785 911 596, 42 272-59-05, fax 42 272-59-07.

Clinical trial registration

Though this research shares similarities with a clinical trial, it is “virtual” ― i.e. it is non-interventional. Such medical study does not meet criteria for clinical trial registration5862. Furthermore the investigational tools were merely used for technical exploration and to measure their feasibility in medical practice ― by using simulation settings. Lastly, the results were not used to alter patients’ therapeutic care and outcome5862.

Advance notice to readers. Readers should not expect us to teach the entire science of artificial neural network (ANN) (feedforward neural networks, recurrent neural network, etc.) in just a manuscript. It is not possible. A full introduction is not even possible. Unfamiliar readers are expected to make an effort on their own to read and learn the basic principles of artificial neural network and know the basic terminology. Like a human brain, an ANN can store memories. ANN can also judge based on stored memories and logical rules. To run a naïve trial run, it was ideal to have the ANN in a condition like ‘permanent global amnesia’ – i.e. a phenomenon where a brain is in a state of total blackout and thus cannot judge based on prior memories. The KBS used in this experiement was lacking an automatic memory cleaner and optimizer. Hence, stored memories were manually deleted in the ANN for every trial run.

Computer vision.Under a reciprocal cooperation-agreement between MUL and TUL, we obtained permissionto test a KBS consisting of a custom version of MaZda software package.63,64 It contains algorithms for data classification and visualization. How did it come to us? In 1998, a group of medical scientists, engineers, physicists, mathematicians and others initiated the B11 project at the Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). The purpose was to develop software frameworks for quantitative analysis of MR scans, to improve medical diagnosis. MaZda, a Delphi/C++ computer program, was originally built in 1996 for applications in mammography. It was later used by COST to complement its MRI software modules (e.g. B11, B21). MaZda 4.6 package was the last official release (B11 version 3.3 included). In this research, we collaborated with modular programmers to further upgrade, separate and amalgamate the functionality and compatibility of MaZda (version 5 RC HG) with other modules. In the MaZda 5 version used in this research, the new features names were introduced to maintain compatibility with WEKA software (, a popular package for data mining, classification and analysis). This way data generated by Mazda may be used as the input to the WEKA. Also, 3D deformable model that are used for 3D volume-of-interest (VOI) generating was introduced (— for details, see the publication by: Piotr M. Szczypiński, Ram D. Sriram, Parupudi V.J. Sriram, D. Nageshwar Reddy, A model of deformable rings for interpretation of wireless capsule endoscopic videos, Medical Image Analysis, Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2009, Pages 312–324). Moreover, to speed up and automate, some commands regarding 3D analysis were introduced. This way one can build a script (that contains e.g. commands for image loading, analysis option loading, performing analyses and storing results) for automatic analysis of a number of 3D data. Finally, this MaZda 5 version was compiled with Embarcadero software environment, which was not an ideal framework. Thus, the inventors decided to return to Builder C++. Currently, the latest version of Mazda being built is qMaZda (described and available at

Figure 1 shows the main steps of texture analysis with MaZda and B11. A key change in this custom version is the integration of MaZda with a variety of computational geometric algorithms from Qhull (e.g. VSCH_1, VSCH_2, VSCH_3, VSCH_4, VSCH_5). For details about 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D features, see Dataset 7. VSCH network algorithms are located in the ‘Convex Border’ menu.VSCH_1, for example, can be used to identify the strongest discriminant parameter in a large dataset.


Figure 1. Main steps of texture analysis with MaZda and B11.

Dataset 7.Parameter list.

Our trial-and-error experiments and texture-analysis software development spanned over five years of research. All the findings shared common denominators. Quantitative brain-tissue segmentation was affected by several factors, such as characteristics of fetuses (e.g. gestational age, shape, normal/abnormal development) and the quality of fMR images (e.g. 1.5/3T, resolution, slice thickness, rotational planes, artifacts, etc). Automatic segmentation of newborn brain MRI has been documented in the literature65. The algorithmic contributions reported so far have achieved limited success, unfortunately. Automatic segmentation of prenatal brain is even more challenging and time-consuming.

Unsupervised segmentation.Once an image is acquired in a readable format (bitmap format (BMP)), the first step is texture segmentation – i.e. partitioning an image into ROIs. B11 can perform unsupervised segmentation and cluster analysis. In some instances, B11 achieved accuracy closed to that of clinicians. However, unsupervised segmentation was not reliable enough for therapeutic use. Fetal brain segmentation with B11 still required extensive expert interaction. In our observations, the key problems were maternal factors, environmental effects, growth variability, randomness of fetal movements and its detrimental effects on image quality. Therefore, automatic segmentation was used for new insight into the possibility of improving supervised segmentation. The steps of unsupervised segmentation are relatively simple: image acquisition and run analysis. ROIs and segment numbers can be manually adjusted. The drawback with B11 segmentation is limitation to 8-bit grayscale BMP. 16-bit DICOM was converted to visually lossless BMP, by dropping least significant bits. Note that B11 identified textures not anatomical structures. The information collected from the unsupervised trials was later used as guidance to manually estimate boundaries of anatomical structures (ROIs) for the supervised trials. The preliminary trials were single-blinded ― i.e. the user knew the characteristics of the ROIs, and the KBS received no hints (no ROI selection). Further information was gathered with a semi-automatic (unblended) segmentation by defining 4 classes (ROIs): thalamus, ventricles, grey matter and white matter. In unsupervised mode, the KBS performs quite well when brain images are from MR examination of the same subjects and same sequences ― but performs poorly when they came from different subjects. The findings were likewise for same sequences of the same patient taken at a different time and MR scanner settings. The challenge was: how do we match macroscopic characteristics with electronic recognition, regardless of MR image shadings? MaZda and B11 are not yet designed to allow user to well define semantic rules and/or import plugins for fully electronic recognition of anatomical structures. Object-based image analysis tools such as eCognition work consistently well for geo-spatial applications (e.g. identification of a river in an image)66,67. In fetal radiology, it is still a challenge to achieve consistent results with automated-pattern recognition of prenatal anatomy. Programming a reliably effective system for such highly sensitive application is feasible but also time-consuming. Such a task would require taking into account all known variations due to pregnancy chronology and fetal developmental, to minimize segmentation errors. MaZda and B11 were originally built for HCI rather than fully-automated applications. Therefore, the best practical methodology, in this research, was for the operator to at least have prior knowledge of human embryogenesis, in order to manually and correctly identify and select fetal ROIs. Often, macroscopic appearance of many brain structures are not well differentiated in the first trimester. Hence, the selected samples were at least 20 weeks of maternal age.

Supervised segmentation. 3-tesla (3T) and 1.5-tesla (1.5T) magnetic resonance (MR) sequences of fetal brain were manually segmented into 3456 ROI. The categories were predefined as followed: ventricles (class 1), thalamus (class 2), white matter (class 3) and grey matter (class 4). The selected samples did not have any brain malformations. As previously mentioned, the anomalies were in the cardiovascular and/or renal systems. The focus of this research was on normal anatomy of fetal brain. Forward processing method ― also known as “supervised segmentation”68 ― was performed as delineated: (1) image acquisition from MR scanner, (2) selection of ROIs with MaZda, (3) image normalization with MaZda (4) feature extraction with MaZda (5) data preprocessing with B11 (6) texture classification with B1163,64,68. The first four steps were done with MaZda and last two steps with B11 (Figure 1). After the preliminary trials, we became interested to learn what needs to be adjusted in order to reduce misclassification of MR images. The unsupervised segmentation revealed that the KBS was very sensitive to greyscale shading, artifacts, and image thickness as well as resolution quality. Thus, we trained the KBS accordingly. 1.5T images were originally encoded as 12-bit lossless JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format and wrapped in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). 1.5T images were transcoded from lossless JPEG to uncompressed DICOM. 3T images were natively uncompressed. 360 parameters were extracted with MaZda (histogram: 9; co-occurrence matrix: 220; run-length matrix: 20; gradient matrix: 5; auto-regression: 5; Haar wavelet: 28; geometry: 73). Parameters’ names are provided in the appendix at the end of this manuscript. We assessed three automated techniques of parameter selection ― i.e. Fisher selection, POE + ACC (classification error probability and average correlation coefficients), MI+PA+F (combination of mutual information, pair analysis and fisher selection). Further details about the mechanics and functionality of these techniques are provided in the manufacturer’s user manual and tutorial guides69. For each technique, we also used the VSCH (vector supported convex hull) module in MaZda to enhance computation and visualization of geometric structures: 1) pre-reduction (before selection) to rule out insignificant parameters, 2) post-reduction (after selection) to identify strongest relevant parameters. All aforementioned parts of the process were computed automatically by the KBS without any manual interference. Data imported [SEL (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories) to CSV (comma-separated values)] in B11 were preprocessed with PCA, LDA and NDA and classified by means of 1-nearest neighbor (1-NN) and ANN. In machine learning and cognitive science, 1-NN is also known as k-NN, where n=1. It is a “lazy-learning” algorithm, in which new ROIs are locally classified by getting interweaved into the closest cluster in the training set. The rest of the computation is delayed until the end of the classification process. K-NN is implemented in B11 classifiers, as well as in the preprocessing procedures in MaZda69.On the other hand, ANN is a self-organizing algorithm with hidden layers and adjustable number of neurons6972. It can be used for both supervised and unsupervised classification. Neural classification algorithms are implemented in MaZda/B11. ANN training, for example, is standardized for NDA analysis69,70.― i.e. a type of feedforward-artificial neural network, based on multilayer Perceptron (MLP)69. Nonlinear procedures and classifiers in B11 are MPL algorithms69,70. For optimal performance, two sets of samples are needed: one for training and another one for validation70. The pitfall with this algorithm is its sensitivity to overtraining (too strong memorization)69,70. ANN training time is shorter with standardization. For continuation, training without standardization was carried out, in spite of long processing time. ANN (one-class/n-class) and 1-NN training runs were conducted with different sequences of MR images: T2-weighted (T1), T1 weighted, and proton-density (PD) sequences. N-class training was discontinued due to repeated problems with overtraining and lack of reproducibility in F values and miss-classification errors.


Despite the usage of multi-level, automated selection/reduction techniques, some extracted values still did not match the controlled ROI values. Differentiating thalamus from other thalamic nuclei and grey matter was the key problem. That was when we manually intervened to customize and improve the extracted data. First ROI surface areas were manually increased, in order to limit the number of parameters reporting zero and infinity values. Parameters which couldn’t be correctly computed were manually omitted in the report file. Some pre-processing procedures in both MaZda and B11 couldn’t be performed when the report file contained erroneous values. We accessed MaZda generated report files by changing the extension format from SEL to CSV and then imported them into Excel 2013 for adjustment. Parameters measured with other CAD tools can also be entered in the report files by simply using Microsoft Excel. The edited file can then be imported in B11 to perform texture classification.

Regions of interest.

Additional tests were carried out with same ROIs (i.e. thalamus, ventricle, grey matter and white matter) to dramatically improve accuracy and precision of the KBS: it was done with a customized dataset derived from MaZda algorithms, using semi-manual reduction and nearest-neighbor feature selection (see Data availability: Dataset 1Dataset 2). The training data were used to orient the KBS to recognize what ROIs had the same tissue characteristics, in spite of being originated from different patients or different sequences of the same patients. The training was conducted with combination of two built-in classification tools (i.e. nearest neighbor (NN) and artificial neural network) and four data processing techniques (i.e. RAW: read as written; PCA: principal component analysis, LDA: linear discriminant analysis; NDA: nonlinear discriminant analysis). To measure the KBS sensitivity and specificity, we defined “normal” as "ROIs with identical tissue" characteristics and “abnormal” those with different tissue characteristics (Figure 2Figure 5). Apart from noise and artifacts, we found out that the preliminary results were also affected by the planes (axial, coronal, sagittal) ― which refer to the rotational planes of the spinning MR scanner in relation to the mother, not the fetus. There flows the reason for the classification by rotational planes. In learning mode, we observed a consistent scoring for all the ROIs. Thus the logical and semantic information provided to the KBS was effective. Statistical binary tests (also known as classification function tests) were computed in STATISTICA version 10 to assess the performance of each procedure (combination of preprocessing techniques and classifiers). In medicine, binary scores (TP, FP, TN, FN etc.) are used to determine not just normal and abnormal characteristics but also classification property of an examination.


Figure 2. White matter ROI selection.

a) specificity scoring: ROI 1 = white matter control, ROI 2 = white matter | ― b) sensitivity scoring: ROI 1: white matter control, ROI 2: thalamic nucleus other than thalamus.


Figure 3. Thalamus ROI selection.

a) specificity scoring: ROI 1 = thalamus control, ROI 2 = thalamus | ― b) sensitivity scoring: ROI 1: thalamus control, ROI 2: thalamic nucleus other than thalamus.


Figure 4. Ventricle ROI selection.

a) specificity scoring: ROI 1 = ventricle control, ROI 2 = ventricle | ― b) sensitivity scoring: ROI 1: ventricle control, ROI 2: white matter.


Figure 5. Grey matter ROI selection.

a) specificity scoring: ROI 1 = grey matter control; ROI 2 = grey matter | ― b) sensitivity scoring: ROI 1: grey matter control, ROI 2: white matter.

Dataset 1.1.5T data.
10 parameters were retained out of 348. All parameters are listed in Dataset 7.
Dataset 2.3T data.
10 parameters were retained out of 348. All parameters are listed in Dataset 7.


With Fisher coefficient (F), we tested for difference between ROIs. It was nearly zero for ROIs which were alike. Therefore, the tissue anatomy was consistently the same among the normal ROI group. In testing mode, misclassification values, as low as 0%, were also recorded, in some trials (Table 1). RAW and PCA did not responded to the training, while LDA and NDA did. We obtained high F values, 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity for LDA and NDA (Table 1Table 2) ― which means that there was likely a real difference between the normal and the abnormal ROIs.

Table 1. Binary classification tests ― 1.5T.

TP 93895617281728
TN 1595162217281728
FP 13310600
FN 79077200
Total 3456345634563456
Sn (%) 54.2855.32100100
Sn 95%CI 51.9 - 56.6552.94-57.6999.79-10099.79-100
Sp (%) 92.393.87100100
Sp 95%CI 90.94-93.5292.63-94.9599.79-10099.79-100
PPV (%) 87.5890.02100100
PPV 95%CI 85.46-89.5088.06-91.7699.79-10099.79-100
NPV (%) 66.8867.75100100
NPV 95%CI 64.95-68.7665.84-69.6299.79-10099.79-100
PLR 7.059.02
PLR 95%CI 5.96-8.357.46-10.90
NLR 0.50.4800
NLR 95%CI 0.47-0.520.45-0.5000
P 50505050
P 95%CI 48.32-51.6848.32-51.6848.32-51.6848.32-51.68
F ≈150≈150≈5000≈E+4

Sn: Sensitivity, Sp: Specificity, CI: Confidence Interval, PPV: Positive Predictive Value, NPV: Negative Predictive Value, PLR: Positive Likelihood Ratio, NLR: Negative Likelihood Ratio, P: Prevalence, F: Fisher Coefficient, RAW: read as written; PCA: principal component analysis, LDA: linear discriminant analysis; NDA: nonlinear discriminant analysis (see Data availability: Dataset 3Dataset 4).

Table 2. Binary classification tests ― 3T.

TP 1424144017281728
TN 1651163617281728
FP 7728800
FN 3049200
Total 3456345634563456
Sn (%) 82.4183.33100100
Sn 95%CI 80.53-84.1881.49-85.0699.79-10099.79-100
Sp (%) 95.5494.68100100
Sp 95%CI 94.46-96.4793.51-95.6999.79-10099.79-100
PPV (%) 94.8793.99100100
PPV 95%CI 93.63-95.9392.69-95.1399.79-10099.79-100
NPV (%) 84.4585.03100100
NPV 95%CI 82.77-86.0383.36-86.699.79-10099.79-100
PLR 18.4915.65
PLR 95%CI 14.85-23.0312.82-19.12
NLR 0.180.1800
NLR 95%CI 0.17-0.200.16-0.200
P 50505050
P 95%CI 48.32-51.6848.32-51.6848.32-51.6848.32-51.68
F ≈500≈500≈15000≈E+5

Sn: Sensitivity, Sp: Specificity, CI: Confidence Interval, PPV: Positive Predictive Value, NPV: Negative Predictive Value, PLR: Positive Likelihood Ratio, NLR: Negative Likelihood Ratio, P: Prevalence, F: Fisher Coefficient, RAW: read as written; PCA: principal component analysis, LDA: linear discriminant analysis; NDA: nonlinear discriminant analysis (see Data availability: Dataset 5Dataset 6).

Dataset 3.1.5T.
NORMAL was defined as ROIs with identical tissue - e.g. white matter in the occipital region vs white matter in the frontal region of the brain.
Dataset 4.3T.
NORMAL was defined as ROIs with identical tissue - e.g. white matter in the occipital region vs white matter in the frontal region of the brain.
Dataset 5.1.5T.
ABNORMAL was defined as ROIs with different tissue - e.g. white matter in the temporal region vs grey matter in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain.
Dataset 6.3T.
ABNORMAL was defined as ROIs with different tissue - e.g. white matter in the temporal region vs grey matter in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain.


To this date, no such research has been documented in the literature. The explanation could be derived from the difficulty of finding fetal MRI samples for medical research, as well as the common hindrance to their availability ― i.e. continuing systematic concerns over the theoretical risks of MRI usage during pregnancy, in parallel to the lack of clinical studies and trials assessing such theoretical risks7376, plus the expensive cost of MRI examination5657 and the scarcity of customizable CAD tools on the freeware shelves ― just to list a few.

Selecting KBS tools

The majority of the KBS we came across were designed for technical use and not easily customizable. Such programs required paying for marketing company maintenance and for in- house-developed customization service, on top of the annual license fee. Thus this option was not feasible for application in real-world settings, where resources are often sparse ( — e.g. eCognition,66,67 Media Cybernetics,7778 Radiomics,5052 Definiens Tissue Phenomics®,53 CAD4TB Diagnostic Software54,55, etc.).

Logic and reasoning behind the research design

Previous medical studies done with MaZda include inflammation, brain cancer detection, multiple sclerosis, electrophoresis, etc7982. Herein, we defined some test samples as “abnormal” ROIs. However, they were, in reality, normal tissue. Not testing directly for a common anomaly doesn’t necessarily mean that there is no real medical application. Though the tests were simulated, the research design was conceived for real-world medical applications8385. For example, this research design could be used to detect ectopic tissue migration, neurogenesis and neuronal migration (brain function migration as a result of natural process or after injury), metaplasia and interference with brain development. Last but not least, this simulation research followed standards used in clinical trials86.

Statistical test and interpretation

The choice of binary classification (sensitivity/specificity) was favored over frequentist inference (p-value) because it provides more information in terms of statistical relevance to medical diagnosis, prognosis and disease prevalence8789. One key difference between Fisher, POE+ACC, and MI+PA+F is the number of parameters. To perform MI+PA+F, the dataset must contain at least 30 parameters strongly matching its selection-reduction criteria69. Otherwise, the KBS reported an error. In our study, it was a common occurrence when the surface area of a ROI was insufficient to extract 30 parameters meeting the MI+PA+F semantics. RAW and PCA were not so affected by the training process and thus remained very sensitive to minute difference in greyscale shading.


A solution to high misclassification (M) was to exclude some parameters which were very sensitive to post-editing sharpness. In this research, the images were, however, processed without post-editing sharpness because high M was not regarded as a problem. Instead, we used RAW and PCA as reference tests (results before the training of the KBS). On the other hand, LDA and NDA responded well to the training, and M was consistently zero.

KBS memory clearing

During the study, we had to obviously clear the KBS memory several times for every trial run. We hope that the software developers will soon implement a more effective and efficient way (e.g. one-click) to clear specific random-access memory (RAM) without closing module(s) or without manually dumping the entire RAM or restarting the computer.

Constraints, limitations, and assumptions

Patients gave consent to perform MRI examination and use of images in research and for the manuscript publication. Nevertheless, this authorization was not enough, as ownership and copyright of medical records are not always exclusively attributed to patients ― and such rights may not be assignable9092. For the sake of prudence, we had to also seek institutional/research- hospitals’ clearance and approval ― which in turn were then subject to different administrative and logistic factors and regulations. Consequently, it took nearly five years to collect sufficient MRI samples to make this research possible.


In brief, the findings show that better results were obtained with LDA and NDA. The observed difference between the two imaging modalities was previously and repeatedly proven to be due to 3T MRI having higher resolution and able to capture more details9395. Lastly, LDA and NDA could be useful tests for pre-screening ― provided ruling-in/ruling-out semantics are well defined and the KBS is well trained.

Data and software availability

MaZda Package v5 RC HG available from:

F1000Research: Dataset 1. 1.5T data, 10.5256/f1000research.10401.d14678297.

F1000Research: Dataset 2. 3T data, 10.5256/f1000research.10401.d14678398.

F1000Research: Dataset 3. 1.5T, 10.5256/f1000research.10401.d14678499.

F1000Research: Dataset 4. 3T, 10.5256/f1000research.10401.d146785100.

F1000Research: Dataset 5. 1.5T, 10.5256/f1000research.10401.d146786101.

F1000Research: Dataset 6. 3T, 10.5256/f1000research.10401.d146787102.

F1000Research: Dataset 7. Parameter list, 10.5256/f1000research.10401.d146788103.

Comments on this article Comments (1)

Version 2
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  • Author Response 11 Sep 2017
    Hugues Gentillon, Institute of Electronics, The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
    11 Sep 2017
    Author Response
    In version 2, we did not change the scientific content of this paper for the following reasons:

    1. In this feasibility study, we proposed that "the observer (in this case the ... Continue reading
  • Discussion is closed on this version, please comment on the latest version above.
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Gentillon H, Stefańczyk L, Strzelecki M and Respondek-Liberska M. Texture analysis of the developing human brain using customization of a knowledge-based system [version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]. F1000Research 2017, 6:40 (
NOTE: If applicable, it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
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Open Peer Review

Current Reviewer Status: ?
Key to Reviewer Statuses VIEW
ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 1
PUBLISHED 12 Jan 2017
Reviewer Report 02 Aug 2017
Sanjay Kalra, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada 
Abdullah Ishaque, Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada 
Not Approved
The study aims to investigate whether texture analysis can be used as an ROI classification tool in fetal MRIs.

The authors used data collected from 1.5T and 3T MRI scanners. Commercially provided software Mazda was used to ... Continue reading
Kalra S and Ishaque A. Reviewer Report For: Texture analysis of the developing human brain using customization of a knowledge-based system [version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]. F1000Research 2017, 6:40 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 02 Aug 2017
    Hugues Gentillon, Institute of Electronics, The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
    02 Aug 2017
    Author Response
    Thank you for your comments and suggestions. 

    We do not agree with some of your comments and suggestions from a practical (clinical) point of view, for the following reasons ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 02 Aug 2017
    Hugues Gentillon, Institute of Electronics, The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
    02 Aug 2017
    Author Response
    Thank you for your comments and suggestions. 

    We do not agree with some of your comments and suggestions from a practical (clinical) point of view, for the following reasons ... Continue reading
Reviewer Report 13 Feb 2017
Michael Hanke, Psychoinformatics Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, 39106, Germany 
Not Approved
The article describes an predominantly explorative analysis of the capabilities of a machine-learning based texture analysis of fetal MR images for the purpose of extracting information of brain structure (ROI labeling/segmentation) with a (semi-)automatic procedure. 

My background is in neuroimaging ... Continue reading
Hanke M. Reviewer Report For: Texture analysis of the developing human brain using customization of a knowledge-based system [version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]. F1000Research 2017, 6:40 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 13 Feb 2017
    Hugues Gentillon, Institute of Electronics, The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
    13 Feb 2017
    Author Response
    Thank you for the report. We totally agree with your comments, but the purpose of our paper was to determine a hypothetical methodology for texture classification of closely-related anatomical structures ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 13 Feb 2017
    Hugues Gentillon, Institute of Electronics, The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
    13 Feb 2017
    Author Response
    Thank you for the report. We totally agree with your comments, but the purpose of our paper was to determine a hypothetical methodology for texture classification of closely-related anatomical structures ... Continue reading

Comments on this article Comments (1)

Version 2
Version 1
Discussion is closed on this version, please comment on the latest version above.
  • Author Response 11 Sep 2017
    Hugues Gentillon, Institute of Electronics, The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
    11 Sep 2017
    Author Response
    In version 2, we did not change the scientific content of this paper for the following reasons:

    1. In this feasibility study, we proposed that "the observer (in this case the ... Continue reading
  • Discussion is closed on this version, please comment on the latest version above.
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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