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Calibration method for hand-eye system with rotation and translation couplings

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This paper develops a novel hand-eye calibration method for hand-eye systems with rotation and translation coupling terms. First, a nonlinear camera model with distortion terms and a model of a hand-eye system with rotation and translation coupling terms are established. Based on a non-linear optimization method and a reverse projection method, a decoupling calibration method for a lower-degree-of-freedom hand-eye system is proposed. Then the path planning for the calibration process is carried out. Based on the analysis of coupling constraints and hand-eye system motion constraints, three types of hand-eye calibration paths with high efficiency and easy operation are developed. In addition, the influence of key parameters on hand-eye calibration accuracy is analyzed. Finally, calibration experiments and parametric influence experiments are carried out. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective and practical for calibrating the hand-eye system.

© 2019 Optical Society of America

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