A long-range surface plasmon resonance (LRSPR) sensor based on dielectric/silver-coated hollow fiber (HF) is proposed. It can detect the refractive index (RI) of sensed liquid filled in the hollow core of the sensor. A HF LRSPR sensor with 90-nm-thick silver layer and 260-nm-thick OC300 layer is fabricated. Experiments are taken to evaluate the performance of the sensor by measuring the transmission spectra. Theoretical analysis based on a ray model is also taken, and the results agree well with the experimental results. The proposed sensor has similar sensitivity but much smaller SPR dip width than the silver-coated HF SPR sensor. Thus figure of merit of the sensor is enhanced approximately five times. The stability of the sensor is also improved because the dielectric layer acts as a protection layer for the damageable silver layer.
© 2015 Optical Society of America
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