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High-order functional redundancy in ageing explained via alterations in the connectome in a whole-brain model

Fig 3

Connectome-based ageing model.

A: A polynomial fit of second degree was used to link the weights of the average connectome within I1, denoted by , and the corresponding ones in I4 (). B: (left) Twenty-eight empirical young connectomes are transformed by the second-order polynomial fit, obtaining the synthetic aged connectomes (right). C: We simulated the DMF model of the aged connectomes and the optimal value G4. The O-information was assessed and separated into the total redundancy (left) and synergy (center). The third panel at the right corresponds to the p-values of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test after comparing the redundancy and synergy of the synthetic I4 group with the ones in I1. When the value of redundancy or synergy survived multiple-comparison correction, both the diamonds and circles were filled.

Fig 3
