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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) November 9, 2021

An approach to adhesive bond characterisation using guided acoustic waves in multi-layered plates

Ein Ansatz zur Charakterisierung von Klebeverbindungen durch geführte akustische Wellen in mehrlagigen Plattenstrukturen
  • Henning Zeipert

    Henning Zeipert, M. Sc. graduated from Paderborn University with a degree in electrical engineering in 2019. Since 2020 he has been a research associate at the Measurement Engineering Group at Paderborn University, Germany where his research focuses on methods for the characterisation of coupled multilayered systems and the determination of acoustic material parameters.

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    , Leander Claes

    Dr.-Ing. Leander Claes completed his studies in electrical engineering in 2014. Since 2015, he has been a research associate and, starting mid-2016, deputy head of the Measurement Engineering Group at Paderborn University, Germany. His research includes the development of acoustic measurement procedures, with a focus on material and fluid characterisation applications.

    , Sarah Johannesmann

    Sarah Johannesmann, M. Sc. is a research associate at the Measurement Engineering Group at Paderborn University, Germany. After graduating in 2016, she now works on methods for the simulation of guided acoustic fields and the determination of acoustic material parameters.

    , Yevgeniya Lugovtsova

    Yevgeniya Lugovtsova, M. Sc. graduated in 2016 from Dresden International University, Germany and Tomsk Polytechnik University with a double degree in Non-Destructive Testing. Since 2016 she has been a research associate at Div. Acoustic and Electromagnetic Methods at BAM, Germany. Her main research interests include the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves in multi-layered plates.

    , Marcel Nicolai

    Marcel Nicolai, M. Sc. graduated from Berlin Institute of Technology in 2020. Since 2017, he has been a research associate at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and now, starting end-2020, at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. His research focuses on the simulation and characterisation of coupled multilayered systems using guided acoustic waves.

    , Jens Prager

    Dr. Jens Prager is head of the SHM and Guided Waves Group, Department of Non-Destructive at the Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research (BAM) in Berlin, Germany. His main scientific interest are in ultrasonic guided wave propagation and non-destructive material testing using ultrasonic.

    and Bernd Henning

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Henning is head of the Measurement Engineering Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics at Paderborn University, Germany. His main areas of research are acoustic measurement procedures, ultrasonic and optical measurement engineering as well as biomedical measurement techniques.


An approach for the non-destructive characterisation of adhesive bonds using guided ultrasonic waves is presented. Pulsed laser radiation is used to thermoacoustically excite broadband ultrasonic waves in a multi-layered sample, consisting of a metal plate adhesively joined to a polymeric layer using synthetic resin. The resulting signals are received by a purpose-built piezoelectric transducer. Varying the distance between excitation and detection yields spatio-temporal measurement data, from which the dispersive properties of the propagating waves can be inferred using a two-dimensional Fourier transform, assuming the plates to act as coupled waveguides. Coupled multi-layered waveguides show an effect referred to as mode repulsion, where the distance between certain modes in the frequency-wavenumber domain is assumed to be a measure of coupling strength. Measurements at different stages of curing of the adhesive layer are performed and evaluated. A comparison of the results shows changes in the dispersive properties, namely an increased modal bandwidth for the fully cured sample as well as an increased modal distance.


Ein Ansatz zur zerstörungsfreien Charakterisierung von Klebverbindungen mit geführten Ultraschallwellen wird vorgestellt. Breitbandige Ultraschallwellen werden in einer mehrschichtigen Probe, bestehend aus einer Metallplatte, die mit Kunstharz mit einer Polymerplatte verklebt wird, mittels gepulster Laserstrahlung thermoelastisch angeregt. Diese resultierenden Signale werden von einem piezoelektrischen Wandler empfangen. Eine Variation des Abstands zwischen Anregung und Detektion liefert Messdaten mit örtlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung, aus denen, unter der Annahme, dass die Platten als gekoppelte Wellenleiter wirken, mit Hilfe einer zweidimensionalen Fourier-Transformation auf die dispersiven Eigenschaften der sich ausbreitenden Wellen geschlossen werden kann. Gekoppelte mehrschichtige Wellenleiter zeigen einen Effekt, der als vermiedene Kreuzung bezeichnet wird, wobei angenommen wird, dass der Abstand zwischen besimmten Moden im Frequenz-Wellenzahl-Bereich ein Maß der Kopplungsstärke ist. Es werden Messungen in verschiedenen Härtungsstadien der Klebstoffschicht durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse zeigt Veränderungen der dispersiven Eigenschaften, eine erhöhte modale Bandbreite für die vollständig ausgehärtete Probe sowie einen erhöhten modalen Abstand.

Dedicated to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Neumann on his 80th birthday.

Award Identifier / Grant number: 449607253

Funding statement: The authors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG, 10.13039/501100001659) for financial support of the research project 449607253.

About the authors

Henning Zeipert

Henning Zeipert, M. Sc. graduated from Paderborn University with a degree in electrical engineering in 2019. Since 2020 he has been a research associate at the Measurement Engineering Group at Paderborn University, Germany where his research focuses on methods for the characterisation of coupled multilayered systems and the determination of acoustic material parameters.

Dr.-Ing. Leander Claes

Dr.-Ing. Leander Claes completed his studies in electrical engineering in 2014. Since 2015, he has been a research associate and, starting mid-2016, deputy head of the Measurement Engineering Group at Paderborn University, Germany. His research includes the development of acoustic measurement procedures, with a focus on material and fluid characterisation applications.

Sarah Johannesmann

Sarah Johannesmann, M. Sc. is a research associate at the Measurement Engineering Group at Paderborn University, Germany. After graduating in 2016, she now works on methods for the simulation of guided acoustic fields and the determination of acoustic material parameters.

Yevgeniya Lugovtsova

Yevgeniya Lugovtsova, M. Sc. graduated in 2016 from Dresden International University, Germany and Tomsk Polytechnik University with a double degree in Non-Destructive Testing. Since 2016 she has been a research associate at Div. Acoustic and Electromagnetic Methods at BAM, Germany. Her main research interests include the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves in multi-layered plates.

Marcel Nicolai

Marcel Nicolai, M. Sc. graduated from Berlin Institute of Technology in 2020. Since 2017, he has been a research associate at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and now, starting end-2020, at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. His research focuses on the simulation and characterisation of coupled multilayered systems using guided acoustic waves.

Dr.-Ing. Jens Prager

Dr. Jens Prager is head of the SHM and Guided Waves Group, Department of Non-Destructive at the Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research (BAM) in Berlin, Germany. His main scientific interest are in ultrasonic guided wave propagation and non-destructive material testing using ultrasonic.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Henning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Henning is head of the Measurement Engineering Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics at Paderborn University, Germany. His main areas of research are acoustic measurement procedures, ultrasonic and optical measurement engineering as well as biomedical measurement techniques.


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Received: 2021-06-24
Accepted: 2021-07-21
Published Online: 2021-11-09
Published in Print: 2021-11-25

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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