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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter December 3, 2020

The circulant hash revisited

  • Filipe Araujo and Samuel Neves EMAIL logo


At ProvSec 2013, Minematsu presented the circulant hash, an almost-xor universal hash using only the xor and rotation operations. The circulant hash is a variant of Carter and Wegman’s H3 hash as well as Krawczyk’s Toeplitz hash, both of which are hashes based on matrix-vector multiplication over 𝔽2. In this paper we revisit the circulant hash and reinterpret it as a multiplication in the polynomial ring 𝔽2[x]/(xn + 1). This leads to simpler proofs, faster implementations in modern computer chips, and newer variants with practical implementation advantages.

MSC 2010: 94A60; 94A62; 11T71

1 Introduction

Universal hashing was formally introduced by Carter and Wegman [1, 2, 3] and has numerous applications in data structures, authentication, and many other areas. In cryptography, universal hashes are often found in Wegman-Carter-Shoup [3, 4] authenticators and their variants. Lucks [5] and later Naor-Reingold [6] showed that the first and last rounds of the 4-round Luby-Rackoff construction can be universal. Universal hash functions are also very useful in randomness extraction, via the leftover-hash lemma [7].

The usage of universal hashing for authentication does, in fact, predate Carter and Wegman, and is often attributed to Gilbert, MacWilliams, and Sloane’s multilinear hash [8], as well as Zobrist [9]. Many practical universal hash functions have been since proposed, including integer multiply and shift [10], polynomial evaluation [11, 12, 13], polynomial or integer remainder [14, 15], or Toeplitz matrices [16]. Achieving the best possible speeds continues to be a popular research problem, with new proposals being regularly published.

One such almost-xor universal hash function, the circulant hash, was recently proposed by Mine-matsu [17]. It is described in Definition 1.1.

Definition 1.1

Let n be a positive integer. The circulant hash (CLH) is the keyed function {0, 1}n×{0, 1}n−1 ↦ {0, 1}n defined as

(1) C L H n ( k , a ) = i = 0 n 1 k i  if  a i = 1 .

In other words, the hash consists of the xor of the key k rotated by the amounts defined by the positions of the nonzero bits of the input a. Alternatively, CLH is a matrix-vector multiplication in which the matrix is a circulant matrix (hence the name). Minematsu proved this function is 2/2n-almost xor universal.

Theorem 1.2

([17, Lemma 1]). Let k be a key uniformly sampled from {0, 1}n. We have

P r k [ C L H n ( k , a ) C L H n ( k , b ) = c ] 2 / 2 n and P r k [ C L H n ( k , a ) = c ] 2 / 2 n ,

for n prime and 2 a primitive root modulo n.

Minematsu’s proof of Theorem 1.2 is fairly involved, and relies on nontrivial results in linear algebra, e.g., [18].

CLH is quite similar to the “shift register hash” first described by Vazirani in the context of entropy extraction [19]. Indeed, Vazirani’s proof sketch [19, Lemma 2] is similar to the one presented below in Section 3.

1.1 Contribution

Our contribution is threefold. First, we reinterpret the circulant hash in terms of polynomial arithmetic modulo xn + 1, which results in a much simpler proof (Section 3), and immediate implementation possibilities. Secondly, we present several variants of CLH that have speed or flexibility advantages (Sections 4 and 5). Lastly, we (re-)obtain the differential probability of data-dependent rotation and the stretch-then-shift hash using largely the same techniques (Section 6).

2 Notation and Definitions

Unless otherwise specified, a polynomial p(x) of degree d is written as xd + · · · + 1 and has coefficients in 𝔽2. wi denotes the ith bit of an n-bit word w. s $ S means that s is an element of S sampled uniformly at random. We denote concatenation of two bit strings a and b by ab.

We define a family of hash functions as a finite multiset H of 2k functions, for some k, with each hH having domain {0, 1}n and range {0, 1}m for some constant n and m.

The original definition of universal hashing is due to Carter and Wegman [1], and is presented below.

Definition 2.1

A hash function family H : {0, 1}n ↦ {0, 1}m of size 2k is ϵ-almost universal if for every distinct a, b ∈ {0, 1}n there are at most ϵ · 2k functions hH such that h(a) = h(b). In other words,

P r h H [ h ( a ) = h ( b ) ] ϵ .

If ϵ = 2n, H is simply called universal.

A stronger notion is presented next. It was stated independently by Krawczyk [16], Rogaway [20], and Lucks [5] for xor differences, and generalized to arbitrary additive groups by Stinson [21].

Definition 2.2

A hash function family H : {0, 1}n ↦ {0, 1}m of size 2k is ϵ-almost xor universal if for every distinct a, b ∈ {0, 1}n there are at most ϵ2k functions hH such that h(a) ⊕ h(b) = c, for any c ∈ {0, 1}m. In other words,

P r h H [ h ( a ) h ( b ) = c ] ϵ .

If ϵ = 2n, H is simply called xor universal.

A xor universal hash function is necessarily universal; this is the special case c = 0.

3 Simpler Proof of Theorem 1.2

Our proof approach follows the lead of Rivest [22] and observes the natural embedding of bit rotation by i as multiplication by xi in the ring 𝔽2[x]/(xn + 1). That is, a word w of n bits is interpreted as the polynomial

w 0 + w 1 x + + w n 1 x n 1 .

Additionally, word rotation by i bits can be interpreted as multiplication by xi modulo xn + 1 [1], and addition can be accomplished by element-wise addition modulo 2, i.e., xor. Coupled with the identities 0 and 1, this yields the ring 𝔽2[x]/(xn + 1). This interpretation of circulant matrices is often found in error correcting code literature [23], cellular automata [24, 25], as well as cipher design [26].

In light of this understanding, we can restate Definition 1.1 as follows.

Definition 3.1

Let n be a positive integer. The circulant hash (CLH) is the keyed function {0, 1}n×{0, 1}n−1 ↦ {0, 1}n defined as

(2) C L H n ( k , a ) = k a mod ( x n + 1 ) .

Not only does this definition have more explanatory power than Minematsu’s, it also makes it clear that it does not matter whether we are rotating the key depending on the data, or vice-versa. This allows variable-time implementations without the risk of timing side-channel attacks. It also makes it obvious how to implement this function in terms of carryless multiplication, in the common case where hardware supports it. Now we are ready to restate and prove Theorem 1.2.

Theorem 3.2

Let k $ { 0 , 1 } n . For any distinct a, b ∈ {0, 1}n−1 and c ∈ {0, 1}n, we have

P r k [ C L H n ( k , a ) C L H n ( k , b ) = c ] 2 / 2 n and P r k [ C L H n ( k , a ) = c ] 2 / 2 n ,

for n prime and 2 a primitive root modulo n.


Since CLHn(k, a) is clearly linear, i.e., k · a + k · b ≡ k · (a + b) (mod xn + 1), proving uniformity for nonzero input is sufficient [16, Theorem 6].

If n is an odd prime, xn + 1 factors as (x + 1)Φn(x), Φn(x) being the nth cyclotomic polynomial xn−1 + xn−2 + · · · + x + 1. Suppose that Φn(x) is irreducible modulo 2. Because the degree of a is at most n − 2, a mod Φn(x) = a. We can analyze the behavior of CLH modulo Φn(x) and x + 1 independently:

  1. Modulo Φn(x). This is a finite field multiplication. Therefore any equation k · a ≡ c (mod Φn(x)) has a unique solution k ≡ ca−1 (mod Φn(x)).

  2. Modulo x + 1. By a counting argument there can be at most 2 keys satisfying k · a ≡ c (mod (x + 1)) for any choice of parameters.

Combining the two cases with the Chinese remainder theorem, we obtain at most 2 distinct solutions.

It remains to be determined that Φn(x) is irreducible. This follows directly from the fact that n is prime, Φn(x) is the nth cyclotomic polynomial, and 2 is a primitive root modulo n [27, §1.6]. Thus, the differential probability is at most 2/2n. □

Remark 3.3

The conditions imposed by Minematsu on n are precisely the necessary conditions for there being a type-I optimal normal basis for the field 𝔽2n−1. Optimal normal bases are exceptionally fast representations for polynomials over binary fields, to the point that field sizes for binary elliptic curves are often chosen such that such bases are known to exist [28].

The circulant hash is, as a matter of fact, a multiplication in the “ghost bit” redundant representation of a type-I optimal normal basis [29, 30], with one exception—the end result remains in the ring 𝔽2[x]/(xn + 1) instead of being reduced modulo Φn(x). Reduction by “all-one” polynomials is exceptionally simple, and would enable a straightforward {0, 1}n−1 × {0, 1}n−1 ↦ {0, 1}n−1 finite-field multiplicative hash—simply add the coefficient of xn−1 to every coefficient in the polynomial, i.e.,

( w 0 + w n 1 ) + ( w 1 + w n 1 ) x + + ( w n 1 + w n 1 ) x n 1 ,

and output the first n − 1 coefficients. This can be achieved on a computer with a single xor and arithmetic shift.

4 Polynomial Evaluation

A very successful approach to designing universal hashes that accept an arbitrary-sized input is polynomial evaluation [31, 32]. Our interpretation of the circulant hash in the previous section lends itself to a straight-forward polynomial evaluation variant, which allows for arbitrary-sized inputs.

In this setting, we split an m(n−1)-bit input message a into m blocks (a0, a1, . . . , am−1) of n−1 bits each, padding as needed [2]. We interpret the message a as the degree m polynomial with coefficients in 𝔽2[x]/(xn+1):

(3) a ( X ) = X m a m 1 + X m 1 a m 2 + + X a 0 + 0 .

We can now define the hash function PCLH(k, a) as the evaluation of this polynomial at k.

Definition 4.1

Let n be a positive integer. The polynomial evaluation circulant hash (PCLH) is a keyed function {0, 1}n × {0, 1}(n−1)m ↦ {0, 1}n defined as

(4) P C L H n ( k , a ) = i = 1 m k i a i mod ( x n + 1 ) = a ( k ) .

Theorem 4.2

Let n be a prime such that 2 is a primitive root modulo n. For messages of at most m blocks, the polynomial hash PCLHn is 2m/2n-almost xor universal.


By linearity, PCLHn(k, a)+PCLHn(k, b) = PCLHn(k, a+b), where a+b indicates addition of polynomials of the form (3). Furthermore, PCLHn(k, a + b) = (a + b)(k). Thus we have (a + b)(k) = c, from which follows that (a + b + c)(k) = 0, which means the number of keys coincides with the number of roots of the polynomial a + b + c, which has degree at most m.

As in Theorem 1.2, given the constraints on n we can consider the behavior of the hash modulo x + 1 and Φn(x) independently:

– Modulo Φn(x). This is a finite field polynomial evaluation and the fundamental theorem of algebra applies—there are at most m roots of a degree m polynomial.

– Modulo x + 1. Here, by a simple counting argument, there cannot be more than 2 roots for any polynomial.

This leads to a probability of at most 2m/2n. The case m = 1 is exactly Theorem 1.2. □

5 A Variant for Powers of 2

Operating on block sizes of prime size, as required by the original CLH function, is not very convenient. Ideally, one would work instead on “natural” power of two blocks, such as n = 128. To this end, we define a new variant of the circulant hash that works in this setting.

Definition 5.1

Let n be a power of 2. The modified circulant hash (MCLH) is a keyed function {0, 1}n × {0, 1}n−1 ↦ {0, 1}n defined as

(5) M C L H n ( k , a ) = k a + x n 1 ( a + 1 mod ( x + 1 ) ) mod ( x n + 1 ) .

In this variant, instead of keeping the (n − 1)th coefficient empty we use it to ensure that the input is always invertible modulo xn + 1 with the injective transformation (a + xn−1(a + 1 mod (x + 1)). The input to MCLH can equivalently be defined as every element of {0, 1}n with an odd number of bits. Lemma 5.2 proves this is the case.

Lemma 5.2

For any a ∈ {0, 1}n−1, (a + xn−1(a + 1 mod (x + 1))) mod (x + 1) = 1.


xn−1 mod (x + 1) = (xn−1)(1) = 1 by the polynomial remainder theorem. Thus,

= a + x n 1 ( a + 1 mod ( x + 1 ) ) mod ( x + 1 ) = a mod ( x + 1 ) + ( a + 1 ) mod ( x + 1 ) = 1.

We now prove MCLH is an almost-xor universal hash.

Theorem 5.3

Let n be a power of 2. Let k $ { 0 , 1 } n . For any distinct a, b ∈ {0, 1}n−1 and c ∈ {0, 1}n, we have

P r k [ M C L H n ( k , a ) M C L H n ( k , b ) = c ] 1 / 2 n and P r k [ M C L H n ( k , a ) = c ] 1 / 2 n .


Again, by linearity it suffices to prove P r k [ M C L H n ( k , a ) = c ] 1 / 2 n . Since we are working in characteristic 2 and n is a power of 2, xn +1 = (x +1)n. As such, if gcd(a, x + 1) = 1, then gcd(a, (x +1)n) = 1 for any positive n.

Given an equation k ·a ≡ c (mod xn +1), there is a unique k such that k ≡ ca−1 (mod xn +1). a is always invertible modulo xn + 1 by construction, as shown in Lemma 5.2. □

Remark 5.4

The value a mod (x + 1) can be efficiently computed with, e.g., the Intel instruction popcnt. It can also be computed by keeping track of the parity of the input.

6 Related Functions

6.1 Data-dependent Rotation

The same mathematical framework used in the previous sections may also be used to show that data-dependent rotation has low differential probability when the difference is in the rotation amounts. In Theorem 6.1 we re-derive the differential probability result of [33] in terms of multiplication in 𝔽2[x]/(xn + 1).

Theorem 6.1

([33]). Let n be a power of 2, and k $ { 0 , 1 } n , and distinct r1, r2 ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n − 1} be inputs. Then

P r k [ k r 1 k r 2 = c ] 2 gcd ( r 2 r 1 , n ) n .


As above, kr1 ⊕ kr2 is equivalent to k · (xr1 + xr2 ) mod (xn + 1). Thus, we want to bound the probability that k · (xr1 + xr2 ) mod (xn + 1) = c. We begin by rewriting it as k · k x r 2 r 1 + 1 = c x r 1 .

We may factor any exponent r2r1 mod n as 2p · q, for odd q. Then xr2−r1 +1 = (xq +1)2p = (x+1)2p (xq−1 + xq−2 + · · · + 1)2p . We can now rewrite the above equality further as

(6) k ( x + 1 ) 2 p = c x r 1 ( x q 1 + x q 2 + + 1 ) 2 p ,

as the right hand side multipliers are all units in this ring. The remaining factor (x+1)2p remains to be handled. Since 2p divides n, multiplication by (x+1)2p is a surjective group homomorphism sending 𝔽2[x]/(xn+1) to the unique subgroup of 𝔽2[x]/(xn +1) of order 2n−2p . As such, each key is one of 22p equivalent representations in this subgroup, k+t·(x+1)n−2p for t of degree less than 2p. If the right hand side of (6) belongs to the subgroup, i.e., it is congruent to 0 modulo (x + 1)2p , there is a unique solution in the subgroup with corresponding 22p equivalents in the main group; otherwise there are no solutions.

Finally, since n is a power of 2, we have 2p = gcd(r2r1, n). Putting it all together, we have at most 2gcd(r2−r1,n) possible keys for any given r1, r2, c, leading to a maximum probability of 2gcd(r2−r1,n)−n. □

6.2 Stretch-then-shift

The OCB3 authenticated encryption mode [34] introduced a special-purpose almost xor universal function—stretch-then-shift—to hash the 6 least significant bits of a nonce. This function, Hc(k, a), takes a 128-bit key k, a 6-bit input a, and outputs the first 128 bits of the result:

H c ( k , a ) = ( stretch ( k ) a ) [ 0 127 ] ,

where stretch(k) is defined as kk ⊕ (k c), for some constant c < 128.

As with the case of the circulant hash, the authors of stretch-then-shift offer only a linear-algebraic rationale for the almost xor universal property of their function. Yet, we can also offer a polynomial interpretation that, once again, makes things simpler. We can understand this function as equivalent to a multiplication in the ring 𝔽2[x]/(x128 + xc + 1). Namely,

H c ( k , a ) = k x a mod ( x 128 + x c + 1 ) .

This comes directly from the fact that shift left by a is equivalent to polynomial multiplication by xa, and reduction of a polynomial f of degree < 256 − c modulo x128 + xc + 1 can be written as

f mod ( x 128 + x c + 1 ) = f mod x 128 + f / x 128 ( x c + 1 ) ,

since x128 mod x128+xc+1 = xc +1. Therefore, the stretch-then-shift hash is nothing more than an optimized polynomial multiplication modulo a trinomial. Since there are no irreducible trinomials of degree 128, the analysis proceeds similarly to the case of rotation.

We now prove in Theorem 6.2 that the concrete choice of shift used in OCB3, H8, makes for a xor universal hash.

Theorem 6.2

Let k $ { 0 , 1 } 128 , and distinct a, b ∈ {0, 1, . . . , 63} be inputs. Then, for any c ∈ {0, 1}128,

P r k H 8 ( k , a ) H 8 ( k , b ) = c 2 128 .


We use the equivalence of H8 to k·xa mod (x128+x8+1). We have, as before, k·xa+k·xb = k·(xa+xb) = c can be written as k · (xab + 1) = c · xb. As long as both xab and xb are unique (i.e., invertible modulo x128 + x8 + 1), there is a unique k satisfying the equation.

The modulus x128 + x8 + 1 factors as (x8 + x6 + x5 + x3 + 1)8(x8 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x + 1)8. As xb shares no factors with it, we need only concern with xab + 1. Without loss of generality, we consider positive differences a > b only. As long as xab + 1 shares no factor with the modulus, this multiplication is invertible. We rewrite xab + 1 as xab = 1 modulo any of the factors of the modulus, i.e., the order of x. The order of x modulo x8 + x6 + x5 + x3 + 1 is 255; the order of x modulo x8 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x + 1 is 85. Therefore, as long as ab ∈ [−84, . . . , 84], H8 is injective and thus for any c at most one choice of k exists. □

This interpretation also gives us efficient ways to find suitable constants c. Given the factorization of the trinomial x128 + xc + 1, the function is xor universal as long as x has sufficiently large order modulo every factor. Alternatively, gcd(xa + 1, x128 + xc + 1) = 1 for every admissible value of a.


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Received: 2018-12-02
Accepted: 2020-06-10
Published Online: 2020-12-03

© 2020 F. Araujo and S. Neves, published by De Gruyter

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